" i THE NEWS-RECORD .0 MADISON COUNTY RECORD, f Established June 28, 1901. FRENCH BROAD NEWS Established May 16, 1907. Consolidated November 2, 1911 PRICE A YEAR The PROGRESSIVE FARMER THE NEWS-RECORD BOTH A YEAR FOR THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY ran , l -l r.rw . ' MARSHALL, N. C, FRIDAY AUGUST 30, 1929 8 Pages This Week 1300 REGULAR TERM OF CRIMINAL COURT CONVENED MONDAY The regular term of Criminal Court of Madison County conevened Mon day August 26th, with Judge T. B. Pinley presiding, and Hon. Robert wens or Asheville presenting for the State. The docket contains 148 cases of which a large number was disposed in the case of State vs. Geo. Massey, Jess Buchanan, Wm. Buchanan, for (house breaking and larceny, were . Jonvicted and given five years each in bate Prison at Raleigh. Steve Tweed, convicted of larceny of auto mobile, was given five years in State Prison at Raleigh, at hard labor. Welman Peek and Beard Peek were given 60 days each for playing pranks on relatives by carrying a way meat unlawfully. The case of State vs. John Gentrv. which has been pending for two years was dismissed upon motion of John A. Hendricks and Marvin Glance, attorneys for the defendant. Mr. Gentry was charged with embezzle ment of funds belonging to the Ser vice Motor Co. of Marshall. F. H. Hughes, Roy Stame, B. W. Buchan appeared and showed good behavior, having been convicted at a former term of court for violation of the prohibition laws, ana were discharged. State vs. Hiram McDevitt, G. P. McDevitt, who were convicted at a former term of court for violation of prohibition laws and carrying con cealed weapons, were given until November, 1929 term this court to pay fine and cost, FLOSSIE SHELTON CASE NOW ON Glorifying The Girls Of utner Lands schools. Instead of forever preach ing to the students not to do certain things, the idea fs to prevent crime by keeping the people occupied at some legitimate business or occupa iton. Judge Finley called the at tention of the jury and incidentally the entire assembly to the importance of growing more beef cattle. He read a clipping from a paper which gives statistics that are not only in- r terespng but valuable as well, which go to show that the demand for beef cattle will continue to grow and that it would pay our people to look more into this matter as a livelihood. We are publishing below the clipping. This is in line with another article appearing in this issue from an ex pert on hog raising. Certainly Mad ison County would do well to con sider thoroughly these matters, ae our mountains here are most for tunately adapted to these industries. Mr. Brintnall has been hammering at you about cows and hens and all, these are in keeping with the general idea. Rai.e more livestock, and stop violating the prohibition law. The case of Flossie Shelton, charg ed by the state with the murder of her hnflhfin Fro1 fihnli ..ra. en up by the court Thursday about ,pa mke jt 80- ExPrts and tot fe world is growing beautiful, and the United States is doinor its one o'clock. The jury had been drawn and one witness, the doctor at the Greeneville, Tenn., hospital, where the man died, had testified, when the court adjourned for dinner, after I which we had to go to press. She is being tried for murder in the sec ond degree. "WHOOZIT IN MADISON" NEED MORE BEEF CATTLE Farmers of Northwestern North Carolina, where catle would thrive on a thousand hills if given a fair chance, will take a tip from latest official figures showing beef cattle the world over are shrinking in number. The wise farmer knows the power of ZEB MERRILL The above-styled Cow Trader is our personal friend. Moreover, he is a paid-up subscriber to this paper. For these reasons we have concluded to withhold further disclosures of his private life and affairs until the Grand Jury has adjourned, and until after Judge Finley and Bob Wells have left the county. ' To Hon. Ceo. M. Pritchard Dear George: Sorry we are to keep you waiting ouisiae ior anotner week or so to get lefe preparations and perfumes from this country increased 1000 per cent over lftlO and have now reached $8,850,000 in a single year. Europe is the best customer, and Asia comes next,. , Soap, dentifrices, face powder, tal cum powder, and rouge bulk high a mong the exports. Beautiful women of other countries have long had their own Cosmetics, but not in such con venient or well standardized forms as these.. Ideas of make-up, of what costitutes feminine beauty, differ in all these countries, to be sure. Even in the United States there are types and Styles, from the pink-cheeked 'baby aba to the dark, exotic lady COUNTY ADAPTED TO LIVESTOCK LETTER FROM EXPERT GIVES ADVANTAGES OF OUR SEC. TION JlN HOC RAISING. ;V' Mr. John W. Telling, president of Duroc Breeders Farm Corporation. Montgomery, Ala,, made a visit of several days to Marshall and vicinity a short . time back. He made a thorough investigation of hog raising possibilities in Madison County while Here I saw corn over one year old and just as good as when first gathered so you can store your feed safely which can not be done in. some of the coun tries. Now, doctor, these are a few nf the real advantages and they are natural don't have to be made, don't cost a cent and are very valuable, so why not take advantage of them? You know the man that was riven the ten talents and only made use of one.' When he was checked up they took all but the one he was using a way because he was not using them. This is probably jokine, but it fits this case, as you have so manv ad vantages that are not being used, and M ... . .. , . ! c c al yur command tor ..... .uis uu ut ue oi me use. Think what the West could do loremo3t hog- producers in America, with vnnr -of-ii. H, , . ,i. .1 uiiu Liiij.aii. till 11 K. e and associates specialize on the what the Rnnth oinn n, u uroc Jersey breed in which it is dn with vn,. .j o J r t " said they havp'had notable success, Dated August 25th, Mr. Telling addressed the-, -letter below to Dr. Frank . Roberts. We are glad to print thfg communication, believing t win be read with interest, especial- Who trails long black robes. But i?m?ng "ff wno met r-Telling wi5j,' uuu wjiab mey want in me varied jars and tubes and packages Montgomery, Ala.. Ausrust 25. 1929 that are; sold to enhance beauty. .Doctor Frank Roberts, ...v.. 11. . f.V.VUO Villi . . w. ments, the princesses of ancient Dear Doctor China wth their charred willow twig for, blackening the eyebrows, and the dusky maidens of the South Sea Is lands all have one thing in common as they set out on the journey to I have just returned from another 800 mile ti'ip since returning from your place" ' lat rTuesday and I am more impressed' with your section of the country for live stock than ever. The two trips took us through seven of the Southern States where the fu irnn. .int-.. fir:.,v. ...u f I . i"""'1' "la" uu woul" "SureMheautV. .fhev start with the Hn want AhoanwheXnravoC7 1' " ht is clean and healthy they ;te looks , bright from an emigration warn, also, wnen you S2l back to-.- t J ' stanrinnitit hprmisc nf tflo mnmr the ancient law of supply and de- 'Wash, kindly send us cony of roster"'; Ye. ,"8 foundation for the re- Ivantaies over other state ww mand, and will profit adcordindv. It f House of Reps., as we will want rnainder pf their rites. They can give is a fact that cattle in the United to mail marked conies to om nf ! permanent waves to straight hair, or E. T. Worley, who was indicted for placing gate across, cart-way leading 'Mates have decreased 13,000,000 vur Rep. associates and particular-" up to home of Curt Payne, was neaa, or nine per cent, in the last nine 'y to the Illinois delegation. found guilty and ordered to pay cost and remove gate. Chancy Metcalf, charged with lar ceny of some gasoline, was allowed to plead guilty to trespass and pay cost. "Merritt Whitt pleaded gu'ltv to C. C. W., and was fined $50.00 and A,QSt. iJShaflie" 'DeaVer, ' charcftf ' wttK' '"vio- '""On his visit to South America, be- is . i. i . e i. , i . , lwiuii oi proniDition taw, was allow ed plead guilty to possession of whis key for beverge purposes and was hned 525.00 and cost, and was given population and food pressure in the years, or from 68,000,000 to 55,000,- ouo. iwenty-hve years ago this country exported vast quantities of peer to Europe. Today it uses all it can produce and has supplanted Great Britain as the chief market for Canadian beef, even bringing in New Zealand beef over the ton of the tariff wan.. NR. IS INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT fore his inauguration, Mr. Hoover was reported as saying that within three years, at the most, increasing until November term court in which to pay same. A true bill was returned in tha case of State vs. John Davis, for marder. Mr. Davis is out on bond ano will be given -trial at November term court. A true bill was returned against Sampson Landers and Arnold Landers for murder of Albert King and' Ar- United States would compel the ad- mi S3i on of Argentine beef. There must, of course, be a tariff against ACCIDENT OCCURRED NEAR HOME OF MR. T. A. SILVER Miss Effa Keith1 was taken to a hos pital in Asheville Tuesday for injuries sustained in an automobile accident which occurred that afternoon near her home and near the home of her thur Stanton. The defendants are in there having decreased 32 per cent. jail ana were given a hearing Wed- since 19U4. Besides, Great Britain nesday to determine whether or noc takes albout 99 per cent, of Argen they will be allowed bail until Novem- tine's surplus, as well as most of Au ber tenn of court. stralia's exports. In Australia the such beef, thus raising the price of sister, Mrs. T. A. Silver. Miss Keith food to the consumer. But in the was walking down the road near the event of its admission to feed hun- .curve of the road above the hn r gry Americans, beef breeders here Mr. and Mrs. Silver when suddenly a need not fear. Argentine beef also Ford tourinsr is shrinking, the number of cattle curve and struck her. knocking her A true bill was returned against Flossie Shelton for murder, having shot her husband of jabout three weeks. Flossie is in jail and will be given a trial at this term court. G. W. Rathbone, was find $50.00 fine and cost foT C. C. W. Dewey Gregory was fined $25.00 and cost for violation of the prohi bition laws. Vance Blankenship pleadld guilty to violation of prohibition laws, after having been given a chase through the briar patch, W. M. Lawson, D. S., bearing evidence of having come in contact, with the briars. After the judge was ready to pass sentence, the defendant decided that he would not plead guilty and demanded that he be tried by a jury. FyrH. Salts pleaded guilty to hav ing! whiskey in automobile he was drmng, and was given a iwo-year suspended sentence, and pay cost and forfeit his Chrysler automobile to be sold, valued at about $3,000.00, of which the proceeds "will go to the school fund of Madison County. R. A. McKinney, who was in the supply has decreased 20 per cent, since 1922, and here the quality is lower, even than -that of Argentine beef. American beef cattle production is at its lowest ebb in history in all the region east of the Mississippi river. There are thousands of acres of fair to good pasture land sellintr at a verv low price in this territory and this is especially true of North Carolina. In New England thousands of tons of uncut hay, native and sown, are aid to be going to waste. All this pasture could support cattle. KENT FAMILY REUNION oown ana passing over one of her lower limbs. She was badly skinned and bruised. She was rushed to the office of Dr. Roberts in Marshall, where she received first Ditmore. who haDDened to he in town attending court, Dr. Roberts happen ed to be out of town. Dr. Ditmore recommeded that she be taken to a nospiuu. I he r'ord which struck Miss Keith belonged to Mr. Anderson Rice of the same neighborhood anA he was driving the car accompanied uy mr. amen, snook on the front and Mr. S. C. Mace and Mr. N. Hollifield on ine Dack seat. The driver of the car has been driving a school bus. 11 a c . r. . 1. . .1- j. ojro Hut muse un ine car saw how the accident occurred ,but none of them seemed inclined to tell all they knew about it. vantages over other States where they lack rainfall and fertility as well as many other natural advantages. Doctor, I dpn't think you realize the many advantages your country possesses over other sections and they are natural for the production of live stock. This has been proven to me more in these two last trips over about 2000"miles, and all in the South, than ever before and I have transacted business in every, State in the Union At oirfof bvr mfbHif sales, hogs were shipped to nineteen different States, besides shipping? ihogs the year around, so I am going to try and show you a few of the natural advantages you have which do not exist in other places generally. You have no stagnant water stand ing around. In all my experience Weaverville, Aug. 27. In a home traveling through all the States, and drainage, high altitude; thev are in some cases oeiow sea level. Now, doctor, I have written you quite a lengthy letter and want to ask your pardon for taking your time but felt I should write you and give you my opinion of your country after making another cross country triD since leaving your place. You have a wonderful countrv and I want to see it used for what is is adapted for and would like to be lo cated in such a country, as it seems to me the advantages are so great. Please let me hear from you and kindly give my regards to all the gentlemen I met while there. Very truly yours, J. W. TELLING. use pomade to straighten kinky hair; they cah whiten their teeth or black en theiii;f they can paint their cheeks pink or (lue or green, according to the ideastof beautv that. li in mna- cujine eyls ; but there is no choice a- i.b0ut soa and water. It is getting o be the Universal solvent. So spTnenTlirter shipment of A- merican soap goes abroad each year, girdling the globe, and glorifying the girls in . distant lands. HENSLEY CHANDLER I and quiet dignity Miss Ethel Chand ler became the bride of Mr. Clyde W. Hensley on Saturday evening, Au gust 24 at 8:00 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. I have been in them all only recently, have I seen any country as free from bad water and with as good water. This means that any live stock that likes to get in water always has good clean water to be in, where no infec The room was decorated with tion can exist if it did it would run ferns, August lilies and dahlias. The ff and your streams have a rock or shades were drawn, and candles shed j gravel bottom which will keep the a soft glow throughout the room, making a pleasing setting for the nappy event. stock clean. Stock can not thrive so well where they have access to pollu ted streams, no matter how good care Farm Loan To Citrus Growers The Farm Loan Board has made an emergency loan to the Florida citrus grower. We wish the Board could have an independent investigation made why there was such a crash in Florida because of the Mediterranean fly situation. One wonders how it is that an infestation so great could have occurred in one year, and why SncK panicky action should have teen pursued by the Government. Restoring Idle Acres Remarkable results in the restoration of waste lands are being accomplish ed by the intelligent use of explo sives. Farmers of the country are accustomed to dig their new ditches, and clear out rocks and stumps at only a fraction of the cost involved when they were compelled to depend on human muscle power. Employer But I want a sinele man. Applicant Yesterday they told me O . . J A . . cunuaj, August zzna, at me heu D0.t.j . . home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kent of jtney .wanted a married man so I got Little Pine, occurred a reunion of the entire family, the first time since childhood days when all had been to gether The roll call found these present: Wade, now of Bear Creek. Chester. of Knoxville, Harrison and Mrs. Le thia . of Washington. D. C. married. The Pathfinder. As the first notes of the Bridal !you take of them, as these streams Chorus from "Lohengrin" sounded, I are full of infection which breeds Rev. A. J. Sprinkle, the officiating ! disease. Your streams are clean, minister and pastor of the bride, en- 'they have a solid bottom and you tered. it flushes all germs down the stream The bride and irroom entered from the same as the sewer in the city, this the dining room. The bride wore a !IS essential just as much so as in the dark blue georarette dress with hat icity. You have very few flies, which LAW AND COW TRADING and shoes to match. The only orna ment was a chain necklace set with sardonyx, a gift of the groom. Only relatives and a few close friends witnessed the ceremony. Mrs. tienslev is the attract ve you may not realize, but it was very noticeable to 'us. Driving through the country,-As we were getting near your locality we "noticed the stock in (the pastures were not fighting flies. tzus there are very few which car with Mr. Salts, was discharged. Roy Rickmon and Mrs Florence' EI the court finding that he was only a passenger with Mr. Salts, James Jones, charged with trans porting whiskey, was called to the bar and failed to appear and answer the charge, and judgment entered a ainst his bondsman. A number of cases have been con tinued to the November term due to Ihe fact that all cases can not be tried n one week. . We will be able to give details of he proceedings in our next Issue, ! kaving had to go to press before :Psriy gchooi days kins of Asheville. and Mae. Ida and Paul, who still make their home with their parents. These together with the "in-laws" and with the grandchildren made a total of 31, to gather about the won derfully bountiful dinner spread un der the large cherry tree in front of the parental home. Afterwards, the whole eroun went down to Kalamazoo, where they at tended Sunday School and church in ;the builing where all had spent their Waffles I hear you rode on the cowcatcher of a locomotive once. I bet you were scared. Sorgum You bet. I didn't know what minute I was going to be hit by an auto. The Pathfinder. and talented daughter of Mr. and is a remarkable asset from a live stock Mrs. George N. Chandler of Weavfr- i standpoint and 'I dare say very few ville. She has been a teacher in the I localities in the world can boast of public schools of Buncombe County ithis. for several years. When pigs are first born in the Mr. Hensley is connected with the : summer, botbi In' the North and South. Blue Ridge Tile Company. He is Jin fact through. the entire hoe belt. now located in Asheville, Where he jthe flies bother them for the first and his bride will make their home. few uays and that is the most critical ; ' time in a pisr's life. We feel when Mother (on street car) If you are ,you have gotten'ihim by the first few not a good boy I shall smack you WUltam You slap me, and I'll tell the conductor my real age. The Pathfinder. ourt adjourns. JUDGE FINLEFS r CHARGE In hit charge to the grand jury ere Monday Judge Finley dared. to o the unusoal. and in bo doing he hat erhape taken an advanced tep la the dministration of justice. After giv- t the grand Jury an idea of their ecific duties and hurrying over jw points of law, Instead of taking n th entire time reeitinor and ax jjf'r 'rig points In law, he adopted the f i-tstead of "dont" method, ai teachers have found beet in the . Special mention should be made of Mi Mae Kent, through whose inde-' ratigable efforts the affair was so successfully carried through. MARSHALL P. T. A. SEPTEMBER 3 The President of the Parent-Teach. er Association at Marshall, Mrs. S. B. Roberts, wishes us to announce that there will fee a meeting of this asso elation the first Tuesday in Septem ber, wmca will be September Srd. This a to be aa Important aeeting. says Mrs. Roberts, and all are to attend..- .-.i ., . -; HAVE YOU A RELATIVE OR FRIEND WHO HAS LEFT NORTH CAROLINA? f f' L" ,,',P htin him r kr " rreet gathering tLiVX r T",H,1U "mPt-J i North Caroline. Th. State! through Govenor O. Mas Gardner and the HOME-COMING COMMIT- S 1 M ? fr ?V Cou-" October 1Z.19, 1929. Era it re.ioent ai Narih r.,,.1; ... . ... name, of former Tar HeeU to whom thee invitation, mar be Jnt. u -E"fy SJ'U u rfJ fiU " t,"k "th the nam. and .ddre.. of a f n.nd o, relative who ha. former!, made hi. or her home in North Carolina and rerw.nl It to th. r , ... r nation an Development, Raleigh, N. C. weeKS ne is reaay to De counted on the asset side of the ledger; the profit is assured. This is not pos sible wfterer. yra?M"ck drainage and MERRILL V.. ROBERTS This case has not yet attained to the dignity of a law suit but it ap pears to be one of those interesting neighborhood argumens, like the cel ebrated cartway-gate case a contro versy which can not be settled out nf Icourt. We believe our readers will be entertained in having some ad vance information in regard to law. custom and facts involved ..... The said Merrill offered to the said Roberts one certain calf, at that time and still feeding in said Merrill's pas tures. Said Roberts formally ac cepted the offer. According to cus tom in Cow Trading, this was a clos ed bargain, without condition, war ranty or reservation. Said Merrill was thereupon entitled to receint of the purchase price, in real money. It seems, however, that the said Roberts bethought himself belatedly of the expense of transferring said calf rrom Merrill's ranch to his own and good clean water, as stagnant water the said Roberts attempted to retro breeds disease and- the mosquito from the deal, unless Merrill would thrives, the greatest of germ car- i deliver the animAl which Afeill a. riers both on people and stock and Iclined to do It so han. I understand the mosquito is ufl- ! nened that (Person suggesting name) (Cifcy or town) (Name of former Tar Heel) (Full Address) aSSlJ ' mttV e0OB'7).": ' '" (Occupation) a . - known there. If j he is there he can't do much damage,' hewing no place to tnnve. , . . ' Your climate is of the best and your livestockXean graze almost any time of the (day because of its cool ness and noty having to fight flies. It doesn't get-too cold or too hot and you can hare litters come -any time of the year which also gives you an advantage over the man in the hog belt You can control the time when you want to market and get in when the market ia right This is some thing you have not been able to do before but it can. be worked out, as you have access to all the good mark ets V !'-:v Your feed proposition is about as good aa anything I have seen. . I saw the best grasses t have seen in any country; whew thrty had planted clover it surely is fine and all the oth er grasses, including all the legume crops, which are the most valuable from a standpoint of feed and restore fertility to the soiL Your, grain crops were good, both corn and the mall grains, and must be marketed Record was listening in when this transaction transpired and as Merrill is a paid-up subscriber, while Roberts has sent us no money for some time, we believe , our duty is to support Merrill. He should have his monev irom tne said Roberts and the letter should possess the cal and remove it from Merrill's premises, aecoukj to both law and custom. If and when this , controversy gets on the docket," some interesting points in Cow Trading will be involv ed, no donjit Roberts has a supposi titious advantage in the fact that he ' can represent himself fairly well at court.'- On the other hand, Merrill enjoys a good reputation and we be- r lieve he knows more of Cow Trading law than his adversary.. Certainly he " is better: acquainted - with Custom, i having had much longer experience.' Stf far aa we can -ascertain. Merrill has never welshed In a Cow Trade which should give him some' points la the score before the jury but that would depend somewhat upon the pol- " ities, affiliations and pre f;'?-'.ior,s cf through 1 f'-V fr the real p-of.t. the jury.

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