' 'in.''. i , 1 -' ' . ' ; t a V. K if t II V V : -" - j -v-. ..... ,r. ;r.-rfr. -If TIIE NWS-RECORD CO HA MADISON COUNTY RECORD Established June 28, 1901. , FRENCH BROAD NEWS Established May 16, .1907. Consolidated November 2,' 1911 PRICE A YEAR- t74VV PROGRESSIVE FARMER THE NEWS-RECORD PO OC -II BOTH A TEAR FOR i i v: n n i i ' ' "i i n r l r i i . i i II ',1 I i i l , ' . - r " ". h- f ' ' ' , , i , , ,j j - I I "" 1111 1 yoiixxi ttOINGS 0?, SPRING CREEK HIGH SCHOOL By K. L. PONDER T. A. ORGANZEb JN SPRING CREEK HIGH SCHOOL , T"-" 's f " ! Superintendent C.;Mji Blankenahlp, Miss Casey, Statfr Supervisor, antt Mr. Jasper Ebbs of the County Board! niet Friday with a number of patrpna ojf the school to stucly plans for stan dardizing the elementary and high schools. Mr. Blankenship presented tie needed requirement in gupple nlientary books, maps, et?. and an ebymated cost of these. Mr. Ebbs addressed the gathering, explaining 1e needs, and donated a very liberal m to begin fundaoforfajidard1"-: Kbbs, tne inena x our I"Mt,' Blankenship; stated he would "Wave the new Del Ico plant mstauea' . v a i J very early date. Thank yUr MrJ Superintendent. This means a js'jif nceJ f or P T, A. to worn. f Officers of the F. Jtf A.were dleA efi atf follows: President,' - J. R7 oody; Secretary-Treasurer, mra. avid Ferguson, The next meeting of the r. 1. a. announced for Friday, Nov. 9, at 3:30 P. M. At this meeting pians for a box supper and other business will be attended to. . Township Sunday School Associa tion held at Lusk's Chapel, Spring Cr6ck - President J. Boy; Woody of the ---l-iin Association opened, the meeting by presenting: the plan for holding these, conferences in the. dit ferent churehea, and then ppresented Hm.tl: -- .- i n.vl.i n th best way. Iis"Jion was that Superin ien& melt ip counc l to study their Lna. an& another was that .of e.'n- t r f ' .. i J trtforaat. in ouragtng anu-- three ;.speci u" f-j--- Day. Christmas progii, ther 9 mf oe f his workw toese neeumsv srood results. Dr, Jafnt Hutcmns xouoweu - fafafrtanal address. It .J i.nM-. o the writer and the feAal expression., of another that Lscendanta of those who were eonv XT.-t.: A" narrv a" gospel Into Miiapiuttvu v - r iiisB cfcfspilrif m our ounurw- LttU.J spoke .f, d ff 7, 7F. . -t tl "treasure, irtctu- iWWin-fT! V n 1 I QJtAifl xnings "v . , - . -ii. . -.! .nihllll UrMRlld1 t g.vivwuy ine fi" . ike to our sunaay cnuwi i. ,"nlRfr.i and the pressing LT.r?Tr ' i;!t"alanreaclfer.f BBwef was TT n h i Biavvu w""- - i i .4tAit r.nnx wB BO VIUwv v " . Tf firitfaal teaching in Sunday School, U.tftis is not done .by, the 'LtJi.. .lui. Hi. was a very in spiring message , well , outlined and I Owing te weahercnditions, thej Leting wasot)owll attend .dj ine! should '(be.' President J Royj Wo!ody announced the next township, Meeting to' be held with the f oiks Bluff on the fourth Sunday in No vember. Let's maKe n t, ' i C u XT -t. PONDER. JURES SELF - IrJtlYSTERpaY Sunday, Vovember S, MA Claude i-Awood' Uving - on Marsnau-jaars Kghwa7iboui rtSta from jr-I- M!ii inflicted an injury upon uisui ------ ., - - himself tn i way thht baffles nu i ny liciah i liciah t ahl, inenos. . son "'rX .kAt. SR. has been In ill health rw mnnfha. On - last Sunday he slashed - his" thfbat,' almost from ear to ear, with a round point razor. M Jthe aceident ihas been rerprrted io bs. 4 wasittennd bjrfDr.,Rob fnson of Mars HU1; It was necessary to make fourteen stitches to dose th ound fVe 'learn that Mr. Arrow" bod told bis physician he cut himself rhile in dream. - Mr Arrowood is man of high character; his, friends will fiel urelief m Jiearitig ths, h Was reported1 eyqnd .danger .on Jfhursday n?;ht. - - r - j..,- THE ONLY ALESS0NJ CONTRASTS LETTER FROM R. L. IOCfRE , i Novemiber 2)'l929' Dear Mr. Story: Is it not possible -that this article pomts the way to success for our peow pie? Madison County i will probably never be a rich copnty, but it can be made to produce crops sufficient to feed all the people and feed many more pigs and chickens and cattle. What finer section for apples, grapes, hay, small fruits, certified potatoes cabbage, etc? "There's more in the man than there is in the land." Supr pose a thousand farmers from Madi son County should be swapped for a thousanjd' from (Pennsylvania (thjs Lancaster Co. kind), would there b a difference here and there? ( If ' 6urf people' for a generation foiJl)l ju'jfher County . Agent and Home Demonstrator ana me suggea- 'tions of the fine men.and women they 6rfn, county, there would be a .... ' new 1 qra o contented homes, un ploflgagjlBd1 ,far4 'and a prosperity which would lift the burden of tax ation. ' Help us toward the ideal as rapid ly as Jrou can. i Cordially, i R. L. MOORE.' A Lesson in Contrasts A tourist was traveling notth ward from the South. As he passed through one of the poverty-stricken sections of the Carolines and saw the poverty of the people, unpainted houses, dilapidated barns, no fencing, np meadows or orchards, and a discontented citizenship he ask ed one of the natives': "What i3 the cause o jour; Twntjf;, heret ' xlie answer ''was, Td 1 note. fbaeco.rbecauW, it'is oftf only ' fqrpj". This syne tourist -pass- i i I edjoh fchroughthe stute) and' in- ! ,to ncasier icuuHty,. , vfti(ii (the rifhest( agticultural j tpupty(in the" VutrtryY accord- , iiigl to the United State -census. ; As ! he j looked about, w plenty on every hand large painted barns.1 beautiful homds, good.rpadsfihfe crops, a happy and contentedf pople. Aft sr seeinV inesV thing 'in contrs rt with the other flection, li aske i : "What is the cause .-,of. yo r JpWsperlty Tiexe?" The anirw was, "Tobacco, Ibecause it is tjie golden crown of a diversified In both cases tne obaceo." A Hof - HaSidftwathe onlv or nrincipal crop , grown, While on the other it was aash I Th Chfrfotte 6bsrjreir, ii a ' Vecent editorial,'1 draws a furjth- er lesson from Lancaster coun- ty. It says: : "Lancaster 'county, ! IPennsirl- J vania, is recortizeij as thei ricjh- J est ' agricultural courity' In. the r United States and it is interest- j ing to analyze the farming pol- s i.y thai pounty. .The lead- , ing fieldjcrop ftheri is fobaco, ; and' the county is' also a large ; based not crops, as upon live stock, prin- t, cipally ftatry beards fnf fbef : ' eatte. fA(Very; large prtoportibn ; of th laid in IjAncaster join- : ty is not cultivated atlall, su is utilized in the form of pastures. ,The returns per acre on Lin-1 'caste cpiinly !arnSf fnisj. U, i ' probably. afe loi r ha Ijtfe per - sern I ri turns oi (and Ini many l other counties in America, and many in th. South. But th. per -orVer return is no doubt x-t .i, . . .... -t h i. ceedad, ii viry f ew. othe cc ties!S-ItiS Jestimated that codn ties: t- It is i estimated tnaf vie :. J - total income of the farmers lor -this - Pennsylvania county is "" more than $32,000,000.' f TnrTig a' lesson here f for: C X Soutoem.fariher Cwhs Jthiik - tley tare not fanning unless j . J taey! jieC cultivating fend, with , .AtnerresnU that ofhileitheif. jer. : w acre return may be very hih, , their per worker return is very , low. ,Mar,pJsirrM, fW !!' ! f am w- t- land 'will help" tit 1 head the (producer of fruits - and , tvpfr. i j Bl here . Is'jthe Vpoiht: 'The wealth ' of Lancaster county j is so much on field NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY "' ' ' 1 !, ! MARSHALL, N. C, FRIIAY JJOVEMBER 8, 1929 ' counties' of this - section towar4 . ' something approximating . the . : position' occupied today by 1 Lancaster county.' ' ; - News Letter. .... i . Diamond Anniversary Mari Hill College 1 Mr. C. Eugene Rector has received the following letter from President R. L. Moore, and we wish to thank Mr. Rector for giving us opportunity to print this, which we feel will be of general interest to our readers: 8 Mars Hill, N. C. Nov. 4, 1929. Mr. C. Eugene Rector Marshall, N. C. Dear Friend: A Committee of Fifteen to con sider the matter of a worthy celebra tion of the jDUimond Anniversary of thfe school id 1931ihas been med by 1 the Executive ComWiittee' of 'the Board of Trustees. You are a mem ber of this committee and are invited to its first meeting at Shelby, N. C, on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 1929. The hour is 5 o'clock and the place the Newton Class Room in the Sunday School department of the First Bap tist Church, Shelby, where the Con vention will meet. It is hoped that every member of the Committee will be present. Mat ters of vital importance to the future of the institution must come before committee at this and later meetings. If for any reason you cannot be at this meeting, please let me know. Sincerely yours, R. L. MOORE, President. Comment: Mr. Rector, member of the Class of 1917, consents that we announce he confidently expects to attend the proposed meeting. Mars Hill College is strong in the devotion of its alumni and student host. STR P.T.A. ORGANIZED AT HOT SPRINGS ine .parents ana . isaenera ox sn Springs High School met- September 19th and organized a r. I. A. mm. W. T. Davis was elected president; Mrs . HIvHa TTiu'.nlwnod. secretarv. and treasurer. Committees, on ways, ana Means, Program, Country and Pub licity were appointed by the president Meetings are tot be held the, first Tues day 'night if 4 Very' month, i - - ... c - , A Hallowe'en party was held at the high school building which netted tho Asnnmlrinn the -nice sum of $60.46. Thisi added to the amount left ovr from last year; and amounts from shows, etc.. brings the total o hand to '$145.41. All: who'.attended the' party report ed an enjoyable time. There were chicken salad, .pies, . cakes,' coffee, candies and sandwiches to refresh the hungry folks, mystery, booths;, to tempt the unwary,- and cake walking for those with nimble feet. - Avnice program : was rendered by the 7th grade that rwas enjoyed by the "audience - very much. "e On account' of rain, no meeting was held in October, so the program for that meeting, was carried, . 6verv in abbreviated form to- November 6, at which time the Association met in the auditorium and was called to order by the president. A talk was given by one of the members on the MAims and Ideals" of the P. T. A. The principal of the school, Mr Farmer, told of the need of stage furniture and equipment for the playground of the younger pupils. It was voted that : necessary furni ture And equipment be '. bought at Once. It was voted, alsov that the Association join 'the. State and Na tional P.T.A. Mrs. 6. W. Corbett was appointed corresponding secretary to assist Mrs. Hazelwood. V The" President and one v delegate iwere appointed to attend the District meptinir to be held at Henaerson- ville November 12,' 13 and 14. '. A talk was maae on cooperaiio" bV Mf. Caudill, pastor of the Meth odist church, which was enjoyed very much; . ' A program on adult illiteracy was given, and it was decided to inaugu rate night school to teach those whdfoay fcfeW dsntedjtae advantages of an' eclucifioif- in 'earlier7 life.4 The teachers and a -good many others of fered their services to help with the work. " Others offered tneir can ana services to help inaugurate wis wont in other communities. r? . . - One if the 1 members offered her service free to make costumes out of material purchased by the P tV A. for the benefit of the school. This offer was" gladly accepted by thef As sociation. A finer spirit of coopera tion has never been witnessed in th fconimunityf - y The president 'has asked that the following firms -and all-others who contributed in any way o the' suc cess of the :f Hallowe'en" party,' be thanked: Church- Grocery Co.; Paris Grocery- Co; Plemmons, Merchants; W.1, ti WnfttenJ Uiife Caf, ,,. . There will be movies every Friday xiof tnr the benefit of the P. T. A, in the High School "auditoHumA Ev rvhnriv Invited. ' ' - ; -erybody invited, . . OUR BIRTHDAY .; CLUB jt Soon or iate, as sure atf Fate, every one of you readers will have Another Birthday we mean those of you who stick -It out for at least twelve months from this-date! This holds equally good as to one who may have been born on February 29th. Some people believe that these Leap Year Accidents can 6nly be celebrated ev ery four years. That's not right; if born on Feb. 29, your next Birthday will be March 1st of the year follow ing. We have positively settled that point, so far as we are concerned. The News-Record desires to make itself more popular with its public by the simple plan of publishing your name and your Birthday. Some of you may imagine that no one is inter ested in your BirthdjBjy.-.not eyen Youf 5 6 wiy Wiif e 1 ": You aVe wrong. There is still some' sentiment surviv ing, the Hard Times pf.the Wilson- AiVvefHim.l I ? ' f'Beldw we 'offer Vu Sample As sortment of Verbal Flowers, and we hope you like 'em. This feature will appear weekly in this paper. As our list grows it will embrace names of All Sorts and Conditions of Men, Women and Children, from all sec tions. : This week we are just getting of nrl-p!' If our subscribers desire inai we thU feature, write to us and we will follow the will of the ma jority. If you like this new depart ment of our paper, assure us that you do, in some way, either by card or comment. ... brinlr0uUnr BWhdays of all otier , SJI S the first of the . . f XT... IC.l. ..... tu month on. Because your name is not in today's paper does not signify you ; Tiavp been siigntea. imw v "-" to get you in today s issue. Aim wa week, Nov. 15th, we will announce yoa in advance of your Birthday, giv ing your family and friends an op portunity to make a Cake or some- thirig! . . . And And -And, in our issue of Friday, Nov. 22nd, two weeks from tody, w will Proclaim a Surprise! CtwalUhatdongt. W w'lV se BffiTHDAY rBElTTIlMlQ UilLL 1 lllUO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH Anniverstiry of the birth of Mrs. wrritt Tebell. wife of Mr. Gustave Tebell who is head coach of the foot ball crew- of State CpUege, Raleigh, the" heme of Mrs. and Mr. Tebell. This- lady iis the -only-; daughter : of n- r,A -Mr a Tilsrtn of No. 3 Town- shi'i). Madison County." Ever hear of unknown outside, that nounoaryi r PI iriL. nrf they ie- goodi And we do not de - spairlof eating at their table, lor w lute divorce irom nis wue. hear -their hospitality is of : a demo-1 . : , cratic character, , and this we know wp,e' ""NEW PASTOR CSWSi?.,1 wife of Dr; Jacob v. mson. th mother of one daughter and lotir sons. Some of these boys are due to have birthdays within, the next twelve months; when the time comes aroand we shall devote the . uta Tilann. homnsr space cmeiiy , w -. , j .. to win her friendship not by slight Alexander County was extended a call ing the boys but through saying then last Sunday evening and if he .ac what we do not have:time to write c6pts the service will suffer no in today of their mother! Congratu- terruption. ReV. Mr. Teague; and lat'ions' to Mrs. :Tilson and to her hift attractive and accomplished bride trilbe! ' ' of two weeks were in Marshall last : .....' "Sunday, 1 They both have splendid ' Mr1 Robert S Ramsey of Marshan voices and both sing well together. sS3SSS5 N?rS?555 Se world 1 for we" have W to to- &r:&, -t becsuse he is fonaoiwy P-J writer, and . other. rnTspac7totriteWhr;Vp-P hut wait until his next anniversary I FRIDAYS HUV6-w r.HilKar. c!,Recljor, popular.and ef- rfl ord remembers that today is his birth - day! BingPos Master, ne - Bup - La k . Rennblican-rwe have never heard him termed wm . !v - . , ., Xf.Vo. -tin difference to K U n nis PniiH-r: for m are Neutral L HilHsrd is one of five brothers, t Pick a better quintette in Madison, or in any other Cwinty, and we J will: take.the whole lot off your hands at the top Of the market! We know of one other County, at least, that badly needa five such men, to add to the respectabil ity of that particular community! SUNDAY, n6vM1R lOTH r - Today is the 78th; anniversary ot the birth'of Mr. Jasper Ebbs,' whose 16 Page. Thi Week address is Trust, Madison County, N. C. His home, as known to almost every one, is in the Spring Creek-section, No, SownBhip., For 88 years Mr. Ebbs has served upon the Coun ty Board of Education, during which time he has always shown a lively and constructive interest not only in ed ucatiorf but in all phases of public welfare. We congratulate him, . and Mrs. Ehbs, and tjieir six living chil dren;, as well as his countless friends that he is still active in mind and body,' and that his heart remains de voted to the best of all good public movements education, Greetings to James J. Redmon, Marshall, son of Mr.' and Mrs. Neill Redmon. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH The birthday of Mrs. Mary Ro benia Pritchard, of Marshall, Ashe ville and Wahslngton, D. C, wife of Hon. George. M.. Pritchard, Congress man from Tenth District of North Carolina. Mrs. Pritchard was born in Madison County, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Redmon. Space is too limited to list her relatives, friends and admirers! We will, men tion one of the latter-thii writer.- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH Birthday of Mary E.' Chandler of Marshall, baby daughter of James M. and Mrs. Sarah F. Chandler one year old this day! Many of us have a very faint recollection of our first anniversary! Some of us hope to live until Mary is as old as we are today! See you later, Mary! Thursday! November uth Mr. William McKiniey tiamsej w .' ..... - i-i, nl1hlirt .lnimn Mavctio RprVHIlL Oi. tllC uuwi, hltThis is his birthday and we do not doubt it! "Mack", as he is known ,very widely, operates a Marshall. Taxi Service in STR CASES CONCLUDED LAST COURT 4ak nrt rftvVN &E6RCIA' TALC- CO. AND THREE P1Y ORgE frASES t 'The case-df Mtfdisoni County vs. Georgia Talc Co., which was in pro- a a n. xit-tn toress last week IK I COO H " " , - ..io in a verdict or Judgment ot $3375.00 in favor of the Talc Co This was 4he case in which property near the Marshall railroad station be longing "to the Georgia laic o., ) been condemned and removed for a State highway. ThIS case hw been : tried f.n tVinn nnce and a larger amount awarded every time. Both sides will appeal to the Supreme Court. DIVORCES divorce from' the bonds of matrimony was granted Mrs. Pres- utarence n. .Kif a 'AWnrem from Helen Rector. ' V Shelton was granted an abso- FOR MARSHALL , . Marshall" Baptists have lost no time in calling a pastor to succeed Rev. H. L. Smith, whose resignation was tearfully accepted as stated m ..... loaf ioono Rpv. Mr. Teague OI the suggestion of the retiring pastor v. Mr; Teague is a gr aduateof tart the Uuisvflle Seminary. Mrs. ruSZ Thp Marshall church f S SSSA .nga pastor before the retiring pas- gone; ' - jv M.- I Lecal Wfcat Do "imtyof M- l v-. .---' . v ' -jj,;, means' simply that the idea is i U e as .,well. as. inclusive. ,nswi-uii- , w ,'. MTni,- Hrow n anaor , mm wv- r-?-- . T , p - -nd .-means wie iu- - - Paul- Jones ;or. ekhet t of them.?- It ! .na that these two men are re- sponsfble individually as wen as col lectively. The two conjunction are so written to. avoid psing .them side i, idel-"and or." The Pathfinder. ' ' .a All " a TiftHi I ... .... - . . ' . 1 What flowers dida the , Egyptians "poppies,: of ows. The Pathfinder, 1500 PEDESTRIANS MUST WALK ON LEFT SIDE NEW HIGHWAY ORDINANCES IN EFFECT JANUARY lSTj FINE FOR VIOLATION The ordinances adopted by the state highway commission last week do not require pedestrians to walk 30 feet from the center of the road, but d'o require them to kefep to the left hand side, H. K. Witherspoon, assistant to the chairman, announced. The error in the text of the ord' nance, which was first given out as-a clerical one, caused by the fact that ordinance 22, the one relating t6 pe destrians, comes in the midst of oth er ordinances, relating, to the placing of telegraph, and telephone poles, rural mail iboxes, signs and' other ob jects. All of these must be placed 30 feet from the center of the high way. The rule that pedestrians muat keep to the left hand side of the road was enacted, Mr. Witherspoo explain ed, so that the pedestrians could al ways see cars approaching them. If the pedestrians walk on the right hand' side of the road they run the risk of being run down by cars ap proaching from behind. Although it is not included in the ordinance, pedestrians are advised, as . . ..4.:AM n wnllr nrt tne a saieiy precnuuuu, -- -shoulders of the road, and not on the paved portion. Persons who get out of cars to fix tires, make repairs, or for any other purpose, are requireu to be on the shoulders, ana nui w. paved : portion of the road, nrwj new . vdinances which go into effect Tfc.rdinances,-arry -st W $10 and1 costs for each violafion, and the state highway patrol is directed to enforce them. Most of the 42 ordinances are designed to protect the highways, and related to the ,mo v- of heavy trucks, iarm u" the state's roads. Morganton News-Herald. WANTED ----- ? KfMioa County Chapter Of The Cross Lay Plans For Member- ship Campaign ' " Plans' for the Coming roll call of the American -Red Cross were an nounced today hy the local chapter, which is working toward a goal -of 300 members, assigned by the nation al headquarters of the Jroa. The campaign starts on ; Armistice Day and closes on Thanksgiving Day. As explained by J. ' A. Dennis, chaiman of roll call, the Red Cross locally and nationally hves by, mepy berships: The dues so received b sup port the-local program and. the na, tional services. From the nat onal headquarters, the chapter obtains guidance and advice and the visits gt SdB workers. FurthfcrmOre, the national organization stands behind the chapter in event of disaster. ShouldaPthis section be ovehelmed by a disaster, the national Red Cross ou!d send its trained relief work ers and support the work with its re sources. The chapter re presents the national organization locally, being an integral part of it. This work is headed by Mr. Dennis for. the County, and Miss McGregor as chairman at Hot Springs, and Mr. L. Z. Eller at Mars niu. : - j, MRS. P. INGLE GEKDIVORCE i-i. PQir Knvpmber L 1929, ii.. frfArf Mrs. Preston Ingle , pee' Miss- Eloise Ramsty, an bsolirU. divorce worn we , --t- mony.. W ing j s "t ' dy of the cnuo, jfiwe -----19 months old. -" 5 - T " PAPER LATE :. . . ONCE r.IC?iE Fr qJt awhd., hl. pair has bMavomiaf ntwi im. bat due to as Bsaal amol of reading gutter Mif thU week, V compai4 to b late mvr. - j-THE PU-LISH-". T