i mam I - EIGHTH PAGE THE NEWS-RECORD Marshall, N. C, Nov. 22, 1929 (m THANKSGIVING The hundreds of Thanksdlvlnd. needs in our stores are of snch superb quality and priced so low that they offer very unusual values. BOKAR COFFEE or EST" MFFEEk 44C ,8 o'clock Coffee 3 lbs $1.00 IRed Circle Coffee, Lb. 37c NIC ACES Lb. Can 39c HEINZ fjOn MINCEMEAT ft; ZJC QUAKER MAID BEANS 3 Cans 25c WHITEIiOUSE SWEET CIDER ft' EAGLE BRAND MILK Larrf.e Can 18c FAN Y CREAMERY BUTTER Cut Fresh From The Tub lb. 45c Hl$ Kindan's Reliable Armour's Star Swift's Premium ib. 25 c I FINEST GRANULATEDP i 25 (hi Qf7 SUGAR Kih' OOCtpl.Oi r TBI ONE APPLICATION KILLS THE ITCH The new remedy in liquid form called PARA-ZIDE penetrate the (Ida oing into every crevice and wrinkle, thereby de troy the itch mite. II used as directed PARA-Z1DE kill the itch in 40 minutes and on. ap plication is usually Isafficient. Get a bottle today from your -druggist or sent prepaid to yoa for 50 cents per bottle. STANDARD DRUG CO. Asherille, N. C. NOTICE! NOTICE! STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF MADISON. , In the Superior Court - . Lizzie Davis et al. vs. Otto Frye and Owen Frye, et al., and all heira-at-law of Mary Ann NOTICE OF SALE $180,000 Notes of the COUNTY OF MADISON, NORTH CAROLINA Sealed bids, addressed to the un dersigned, will be received by the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of 'Commissioners of Madison County, at the Court House, in Marshall, North Carolina.jjntil the 10th day of December, 1929, at 11 o'clock, A. M., for the purchase of $180,000 Bond Anticipation Loan Notes of the County of Madison, North Carolina, dated December 1, 1929, maturing December 1, 1930, and consisting of thirty-six notes of the denomination of $5,000 each, and bearing interest at the rate of six per centum (6) per annum payable semi-annually. Purchasers will be furnished with the approving opinion of Messrs. Reed. Hovt A Washburn, of New NOTICE! NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Whereas the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Hot Springs has re ceived a petition signed by more than 25 of the registered and qualified voters of said Town, requesting the Board of Aldermen to levy a special tax upon the taxable property of said town for the purpose of acquir ing land and other property for a Civic Center, Public Park, and Play Grounds, etc., and for maintaining the same for the puDiic; ana Whereas, the Board of Aldermen of said Town of Hot Springs, has that a snecial election be held to ascertain the will of the voters of said Town with respect to said matter; Mnnr HifrAfnri Notice is herebv given that a special election win De held on Tuesday, uecemDer inn, 1Q9Q at tha usual nnllinir nlace. in Hnt Rnrinirs. fit which mic a. v. t o f said election all registered and qual ified voters may express their will in regard to acquiring and maintain inrr caiH Civic Center. Public Park, Playgrounds, etc. All voters favor ing the establishment ana mainten ance of the same will cast a ballot nn wVuVVi shall he written or mini 'd the words, "For Public Park", and all j.Aui-s nnnoscH thereto will cast a similar ballot on which shall be writ ten or printed the words, "Against Public Park". All registered and qualified voters of the Town of Hot Springs may vote in said special election without re registering. Charles Candler has been appoint ed Registrar for said election and the registration books are open for the registration of any qualified voter at any time and said Registrar will be at the usual polling place in the Town of Hot Springs, on Satur- Jm Vnvomhor 1fith. 23rd. 30th. and December 7th, 1929, for the pur pose of registering any qualified voter desiring to register. This November oth, ivzv. TOWN OF HOT SPRINGS, By D. G. CHURCH, Mayor. Attest: W. A. Lewis, Clerk. O-Dec. 13. NOTICE! "'ti.iv. '.r-; (.'-.i,.'.'rV'! i'-;.i'.vl);ii',Vj'i ,"".'r: Np'a Pavne. wife of Ernest Payne, of Madison County, North Carolina, fnnnH c-uiltv at the May, 1929, term of court, and sentenced for from 18 to 24 months on one count, and 8 months on anotlier count following this term, the crime being manufac turing liquor, is making application for pardon. This 22nd day of November, 1929. O-Nov. 29. ch. NOTICE! Ramsey, deceased. " The defendant above named vrfft. York City. take' notice that an action entitled M Each bidder must present with his above has been commenced in the sn-Hbid a certified check upon some in- nnrinr C.nnrl at Madison County, said 1 rnrnnrntod hank or trust comnanv action being for" division of real es-j unconditionally payable to 'the order MI be, and the said : defendant will . further take notice that he is requir ed to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, at his office in Marshall on Dec. 24th, 1929, at the courthouse of said county in Marshall, N. C., and answer or de mur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint ! : :. ? r; J. -HUBERT DAVIS, Clerk of the -' Superior Court. , . " This 12th day of Nov., 1929. . 1 O-Dec 6. of Madison County, for two per cent um of the face value of the notes, to-secure the county against any loss reuniting from a failure of the bid der to comply with the terms of his bid. i By order of the Board of Commis sioners. ' Dated November 4. 1929, J. WILL ROBERTS, Clerk, Board of Commissioners, Madison County, " .. , North Carolina.' John A. Hendricks, . ., Attorney for Madison County, N. C O-Dec 6. " - - ' Pursuant to Section 18, Chapter 239, Public Laws, North Carolina, 1927, C. S. (Ill), 6464, the Board of Commissioners of Madison County, North Carolina, will sell at their of fice in the Court House in Marshall, North Carolina, on the 27th day of November, 1929, notes of the Coun ty of Madison, aggregating TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND ($25,000.00) DOLLARS, to be dated November 27, 1929. and to mature May 27, 1930. These notes are against the amount annroved in the school budget for the year 1929, and for the purpose of raising funds with which to pay the salaries of teachers and other neces sary operating expenses of the pub lic schools, now due and to become due. J. WILL ROBERTS, Clerk, Board of Commissioners, Madison County, North Carolina. It. Greene Surely you remember me. I hold your I. O. U. for $10. My name's Greene. Deadbroke Pardon me for not recognizing you, Mr. Grene, but Vm color-blind. The Pathfinder. 0 0 0 0 0 000000 0 IIODAn.EIPJISMNG Csnd your Kodak" Films ' to ds lor Quality Plos Service. Also Enlargements f rom your , t o Jill negatives at low cost. ; e0e0e040ee04 For the next few days we will sell Greene County's Daily Paper FOUR MONTHS for $1.00 This special and unusual offer it made so that you can keep up with the Greeneville tobac co jmarket during the entire 'season. Prices a n d market news are published daily. As sociated Press, world news, lo cal news, continued story, two comic strips, four pages color ed comics on Friday. Keep up with the tobacco mar- fket erery, day for four months for only ONE DOLLAR. ' This offer closes on Saturday, December 21 sL Bring or send your dollar TODAY GREENEVILLE DEMOCRAT- 'H-rAT SUN ' Greenerille, Tennessee 'Cox 223-J "' SCOEEN'GXUD now only $112.00 i less tubes TODAY in your own home, hear the world's finest entertainers as though they were in your home. Screen-Grid as Atwater Kent uses it, at last makes possible reality in radio re production. Screen-Grid is a tremendous step forward in radio. A great majority of radio makers have followed Atwater Kent in adopting it. But Atwater Kent's experience and workman ship are something no one else can copy. So great is the demand for Atwater Kent Screen -Grid that new economies in produc tion are possible and you get the saving a $27 price reduction! Come today! Delivered to your home for only A Small Deposit R. S. GIBBS Madison County Dealer Mars Hill, N. C. r i i ! . NOTICE! SERVICE OF PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF MADISON. In The Superior Court. Annie Landers vs. Hoie Landers The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Madison County, N. C, to dissolve the bonds of matri mony between plaintiff and defend ant, and the said defendant will far ther take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county within SO days after the service hereof, at the courthouse of said county in Mar shall, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the nlaintiff will anolv to the court tor the relief demanded in said complaint. This 13th day of November, 1929. J. HUBERT DAVIS. Clerk of the Superior Court O-Dec-6. Mrs. Crumbley (who keeps board ers) I think you had better board elsewhere. Goozlum Yes, I often ad. Mrs. Crumbley Often had what? Goozlum Had better board else where. The Pathfinder. SALE OF SCHOOL BUILDING On Monday, Dec. 4., at one o'clock, the Board of Education will sell to the highest bidder the One Room Frame Building, located in Marshall, on the old school (rounds. Right of rejection reserved. C. M. BLANEENSHIP, Secretary. NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA,, MADISON COUNTY. Ia The Superior Court Hattie E. Anders vs. - Marshall Simpson and wife, Bessie Simpson. --' The defendants, Marshall Simpson and Bessie Simpson, above named, will take notice that an action en titled ar above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Madison County, North Carolina, to set aside a certain paper writing purporting to be a deed executed by the plaintiff to the defendants for a certain tract of land in Madison County, which was procured 'by fraud .and mis-representation.' - The said defendants will take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, in the courthouse in Marshall, North Carolina, on the 14th day of Decem ber, 1929, and answer or demur to the eomplaint in said action within 80 days thereafter or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the 8th day of November, 1929. J. HUBERT DAVIS, Clerk super ior Court, Madison County, North Choline. . . 0-Dee Hal Itosis Of course you'll be my wife, won't you, Salt ,' . Sal Hepatica No, indeed. 1 won't play second f.dJle for anyone. NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA, MADISON COUUNTY. In The Superior Court : Hattie E. Anders vs. . ' ; H. J. Anders. The defendant, H. J. Anders, above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Madison County, North Carolina, to recover tnr alimnnv for non-SUD- port of the support of the plaintiff and the cniiaren oi xne ptaintin ana defendant,:, and , to fasten a- specific lien on the real estate , of the said de fendant situated in the said County of Madison. The defendant, H. J. Anders, will take1 notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, in the Courthouse in Mar shall, North Carolina, on the 14th day of December, , 1929, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action within 80 days thereafter or ; the Slaintiff will apply to the eourt for e relief demanded in said complaint This the 8th day of November, 1929. , HUBERT DAVIS, Clerk Su perior Court, Madison County, North Carolina. , , 0-pec.- EXECUTORS' NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of the late Dr. John W. Baird, deceased, late of Madison County, N. C, this ia to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 15th day of November, 1930,, or this notice will be pleaded 'in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment d This the 18th day of November, 1929. W. L. GEORGE and N. S. WHIT AKER, Executors of the estate of the late Dr. John W. Baird, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having quaiinea.as administrator of the estate of Hester Stanton, de ceased, late of Madison County, N. C, this is to notify, all persons having claims against .the said estate to pre sent : the same '. to the undersigned within one year from this date, or t)i!i. haMm will ha nlnadad tn har of recovery. All persons owing aid es- , , tate will please make immediate pay- ment of same to the undersigned at JFv White Rock, N. C. . - This November 18th, 1929. - , E. D. STANTON, Administrator of , Hester Stanton,' deceased. ; O-Dec 87. pd. f -; i .ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ; Having qualified as administrator of the estate of T. S. Rice, deceased, late of Madison County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of aaid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of November, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. - All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This ttie fi day of November, 1929. J. T. IlCn, Alexander, N. C, ad- - r.f t 'M, of -T. S. 'Having .qualified as administrator; of the estate of Mrs. Julia Metcalf, . deceased, late of Madison County, N. , C, this is to notify all persons hay- -ing claims against the estate of said J.a.mil fn avtiihit. t.hnm to the nn- dersigned on or before the 16th day of November," 1930, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re-1 covery. All persons indebted to laid r estate,. will please make immediate payment- -,'-"-:--z ' "A.'-O" :'ri This the 11th day of November, 1929. s ". J. WOODSON ANDERSON, Mars . Hill, N. C, Route 2., Administra tor of Mrs. Julia Metcalf, deceased. O-Dec 20 , ' - 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of L. D. Edwards, de ceased, late of Madison County. N. C, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to' the un dersigned on or before the 11th day of October, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 8th day or October, R. L. MOORE, Administrator the estate of L. D, Edwards, de- !9. ' r r--fT Yea won't rave t ! ers'1. (0 " T"1.

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