TUB nnt70QDCOQD FIFTH PAG2 -.m mar i . m. T5 ffl" - l'"?"TT i ' T, J V ITT:; S !'- TTM.l'ii:-iJ3tU'1.'j NTAri IVAoWiKttill S- Mr. Llston Carter ifno -stays- wwn Mr. John Houghland on route N. 8, ir in fnan Wednesday. ' - :- , ..... ." "" " " ".iL marwiaii, ...... .. - Mr. Talmadge Franklin, Pearl Payne and Dewey Massey, of Deteoit, after spending some time son County are expecting to return to ed Detroit Friday. Mrs. A. B. Silver entertained at dinner Sunday evening for her son, Kenneth, ami her daughter, Qthalia, who had as their guests Miss Clara Merrill, a student of Asheville Nor mal College, and Mr. Lee West of Asheville. Mrs. J. N. White and daughter, Willie May, were expected to return home Thursday from a visit pf sev eral days to her wn at Morristown,. Tenn., and to Rev. 'and Mrs. H. L. Smith at Clinton, Tenn. Attend tkm Men's Bible Claw bXptist church ; Marshall, N. C. '' SUNDAY MORNlrK When You Need "First Aids" In A Hurry-Call The MARSHALL PHARMACY 7h faoll Store Emergencies arise. Somebody hurt or suddenly taken ill. Doctor orders certain "First AJd." The phone will bring them. Just ring No. 6 We maintain an up-to-the-minute stock of Pure Drugs and Sickroom Needs. Pre scriptions accurately filled. Prompt delivery assured! We wish to express our appreci ation for the liberal patronage given us .since we 4 few months ago. Our business nas I been entirely, satisfactory, and we t have enjoyed serving y ou. 5 We hope to merit your continued g i -...V .-.'.' . J- Ml l- : I natronaeeuur siore vni oe cum- r pleiely remodeled at ai: early date and our stocks will be larger and s fmore!c6aes; f ' AGAIN--WE .THANILl.YOU.l A 5, in APll L M. McE WEN, Owner - M .. ... -. - Li th J IreneKeid, , - - fii mi'm a jscanea ror one ociocsioaay - . Miss Othalia Silver of Asheville, spent the week-end at the home of 1 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. - - . ver. Miss Silver came especially to be with her brother, Kenneth Silver, who ig home from the University of North Carolina. Miss Silver return to Asheville Monday afternoon and Mr. Silver left for the University Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lillard moved Thursday from McKinney place to the Rector settlement on the south side of the river. He tamed her. You will be awed, too, at the beeuty 0f "The Water Hole" In COLOR by Zetae Grey, Monday & Tueiday nitei 10c ft 30c. Mr. W. H. Morrow, after spending the Christmas holidays with his fam ily here, left Thursday for Louisville, 'Miss., where he holds a position. Quite a number of Marshall peo ple attended the midnight show at Asheville after watching the New Year arrive. The Marshall school will reopen next Monday after being closed two weeks. on ' account of the holidays. .Mars HiD publie school reopened last Monday, - and the college openea Thursday;. " r 'Miss" Juns . Tweed, after, spending the holidays wtt$ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. "weed, left "Thurs day to resume her studies at Queen's College, Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Blankenship have returned after spending the holidays with relatives near Ral eigh. Coach Rav Dixon, teacher in the Marshall School, is in Marshall again, after spending the holidays .ith his relatives at Gastonia. Mr. T. A. Allen and two sons, Thui.nan and John, of Buckner, N. C, stopped at the NeJ s-Record office Thursday, returning from Greene ville, Tenn. Mr. O. C. Crowder of Mars Hill was in town Thursday. Rev. Wesley M. Hyde and Rev. James L. Hyde of Walnut, N. C., were in Marshall Thursday. Dr. C. E. Cline has accepted the position at Moore's Pharmacy made vacant by the recent resignation of Mr. John Wooten. Mr. W. C. Fowler and son, Bur der, of Hot Springs, were in Marsh all Thursday. Miss Vanda Davis, who has been . spending the holidays at home, is ex-. tion properly. r? TU, Co,- JWS-U lege, Tennessee, Sunday. , els and ki(jneys can't throw off that - ! waste material you're growing hid- Art Mix in "Lightning Range ; al- eQusly fat, so three reels or good comedy at the fry one half teaspooilful of K K U 0 Princes. Friday and Saturday. CHEN SALTS in a glass of hot wa- 'ter every morning m 3 weeks get ' Miss Violet Wright returned last on the scales and note , how many n..M. .WV, Tnn.. where she spent the holidays with her ter, Mrs. G. W. Hoelscher. opened here, a ?fic STrtRF Manager; - . !at their office. The purpose of the meeting, is to elee officers lor the .nH .n other business S" ensnuir vear and such other business 5 as j&ay come beforf them. Dr. Pn ley gas maue an auit pi ui. -"-any's books and the' "stockhkolders mill &rA nn flio financial stnndinC Of Sil-jthe Company,, which, we understand, is favorable. Mr. Harold West of Rochester, Pa. is spending some time with his parr ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. West. Miss Elizabeth Goforth, after a vis it to her sister, Mrs. A. L. Plem mons, left Wednesday for her home in Louisville, Ky. Mr. Fleet Revis, of Weaverville, N. C, was in Marshall Thursday to see his sisters, Mrs. Caney Ramsey and Miss Elberta Revis. Mr. Emmett Plemmons left Thurs day for Detroit, Mich., after spend ing some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Plemmons. Mr. Ira Plemmons of Hot Springs passed through Marshall Thursday. Mr. Kenneth Silver of Marshall and Mr. Clyde M. Roberts of near Marshall left Tuesday for ChapeT Hill to resume their studies at the U niversity. Miss Elberta Revis and France Ramsey returned from Asheville Thursday, where they haL been since Saturday. Dr." J. H. Hutchins went squirrel hunting Wednesday, but how many he bagged was not made known. "The Water Hole", a Zane Grey dory, with Jack Holt and Nancy Carroll, in COLORS, at Prince,, The atre Monday and tuesldjay (Silver nitet). No increase in price. Mr. William Roberts and Mr. Ev erett Frisby returned to the Univer sity at Chapel Hill Wednesday after spending the Holiday, wi'h their par ents in Marshall. Miss Lita Brooks of Hot Springs was in Marshall Thursday afternoon. How One Woman Lost 2 0 Pounds of Fat Lost Her Double Chin Lost Her Prominent Hips Lost Her Sluggishness Gained Physical Vigor Gained in Vivaciousneas Gained a Shapely Figure If you're fat first remove the cause! KRUSCHEN SALTS contains the 1 suits vour body organs, eiands and nerves must have to f unc- P"""418 of IOUUUS OI , . NnH, nisrt that vou have gained in energy your skm is cleareryour eyes sparkle with glorious health you feel younger in body keener in mind. KRUSCHEN will give any fat person a joyous surprise. M Get an 85c bottle of KRUSCHEN S-lts from the Marshall Pharmacy or rrv leading druggist anywhere in A mcrica. (lasts 4 weeks). If this first bottle doesn't convince yu this is tne easiest, safest and surest way to lose - t if lou don't feel a superb im- -."-vment in health so gloriously rv.,i-. vigorously alive y 0 u r rc'.tvncd. Adv. AMMONS TWEED A wedaing of considerable inter est ir MHison n;unv took place in Shelby, N. C, at nine o'clock P. M., DccrhT 20. 1029, at the home of Dr. 2 c 0 Y :'!!, c . .mony being performed by Dr. Wall. The con tracting pr.i-f s a e vc Miss Pearl Tweed, of Wfsverville, N. C, and Mr. Mjv Airmen?, of Mars Hill, N. C. Witnessing the ceremony were Mrs. Wal' little Miss Ada Ramsey Wal!, r d Mhs Ruby MacDonald of Anderson, S. C. Th -bride is the popular and tal ented oaughter of Mr. T. C. Tweed 0 f Weaverville. After attending Msryville College, Tennessee, she has taught for several years in Msdison Conntv. ind for tha last, two years In Sblbyeingi.toniajBf Dr. and 1 Mrs. WaH,, the latte a stster, or tne bride's istet.inaw..i-Ths : -brW.. is well known to Marshall, having spent some time With, relatives here. The groom is the on of Mr. and Mrs. E. AmironJ W Mrs Hill and is at the pr.-nt time connected with the Standard On Cimonv in Asnevuie. There young people are at home at The many friends- f MfssOrla Ponder 'Will be mirnvlired tn hear of her marrtoge to Mr.cElynlaS Ponder of Marshall. The . marriage took fcplaee in Marshall Sundav. Dec. 29. 1929, at five o'clock at the home of I If.. T n 1 wr. ijce Bryan. Miss Ponder is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ponder of Mars Hill. She in a frtrmor nfiiHenf nf Mars Hill College and is now teaching school at Revere, N. C. Mr. Ponder is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Zadie Ponder of Marshall, N. C. He is a graduate of Marshall Hieh OCI1UUJ c 1 1 The vounsr counle will make their home in Marshall, N. C. HOLT AND CARROLL PLAY NEW ZANE GREY SPECIAL Jack Holt Dlavs the featured role and Nancy Carroll, Rosemary of the film version of Anne Nichols "Abie's Irish Rose," is cast opposite him in "The Water Hole," a Zane Grey spe cial, which will show at the Princess Theatre Monday and Tuesday nites 10c and 30c. NURSES ENROLLED WITH RED CROSS FOR SERVICE Enrolled with ths Nursing Servics f the American Red Crpss at Wash ington are 49,000 nurses, qualified under ths society's regulations, who may be summoned to service In time of disaster or ottaef emergency Prom the Red Cross enrollment were assigned 20,000 nurses hi the World War. These Red Cross nurses are ihe standing reserve of the Army and Navy Nurse Corps' of ' the United States, and are also called upon foi service in other governmental health jsrvices. Little St. Eustatlus Islnnd In th. Dutch West Indies gave retuge t; merican ships during the Revolution The hurricane of last Septembe. struck the Island, causing heavy loss The American tied Cross was glad l end a small cash relict fund in r ;nembrance of the lilstorie friendslr if the Island folk Tor this ropubl';c CURED Tennesseean Uses a Brick on Road Hog's Windshield WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. (UP) Ralph Meade, of Collegedale, Tenn., was driving along the road with nothing in the world a gainst anybody in the true spirit of the season. He caught up with the car a head and tooted his horn pleasantly.He tooted again. Then a third time. Still the road hog refused to pull over. Meade reached down in the tonneau of his car and picked up a brick. He threw it into the road hog's windshield. Results: One night in jail; $10 to the clerk of the court; and one road hog cured . Hendersonville Times-News. - i...; nwi f a Speed the jjjj jj 1 ft Departure n I ft of Coughs ft I jjjand Colds! ; 8R111II White Pine, Q IS Tar end Wild Cherry 2 1 r uoul V Q 25c and 50c Q i I VOiis pleasant tasting effec-Jc. ; R u ive cough syrup soothes and O I U hiflamMl nerta and n I1 . i avmuB uv m , m S .i. In re!tn the Bhlera.n 13 ' Ji has giving the quickest and X- I T W greatest relief. Sold only atU I Q Rexall Stores. - Q I ft Marshall Pharmacy ft 1 . MvdMll, N. - ft 1 1 I . - w mm i m OTHER-CHANGES "J' Asheville, N. C. Dec. 80th, 1929. In addition to. the news storv re cently published in regard t6 chiflge of schedule on Train 27. effective January 3rd, on and after which date this train will leave Asheville for Cincinnati, New Orleans, LouisxilH St. Louis, Chicago and Indianapolis at 7:00 PM instead of at 8:15 PM as at present, we will, beginning ang ary 2nd, operate the Asheville-tieuis-ville-St. Louis sleeping car on Train 27 instead of No. 11 which departs.at. 1:45 FM, the arrival time at Louis ville bein the same as at present : that is, arriving Louisville 8:10 AM and St. Louis at 5:45 PM. On the same date the present Jack sonville-Cincinnati sleeping car that has heretofore been handled on Train 11 will on and after January 2nd be handled on Train 27. Both of these changes offer a later departure from Ashevlle and a convenient arrival at Cincinnati and the name arrival at Louisville and St Louis as heretofore. Beeinninar on the 3rd. No. 27 which how leaves Asheville at 8:15 PM will depart at 7:00 PM. A dining-ear will be added to this train to serve the evening dinner to our patrons. . The passenger consist of tram 27 will be: : ;. . 2 coaches, Asheville to Cincinnati.; 1 sleeninar car. Asheville to 'Chicago f 3 sleeping: cars, Asheville to Clhtfin- nati; 1 sleeping oar, Ashevil. to nan; 1 sleeping oar, 7 ones. Birmingham-New Orleans; 1 sleepjnr.t nions recently perfected de car, Asheville to Louisville-St. Louis; 1 dining car. J. H. wood,; ' "r Division Passenger Agent. - . 11 11 The November freeze practically destroyed the young cabbage apid,inT ion plants being grown or the early crop in Carteret County. .':';!. Waitress Did you order this sun dae, sir? ' Customer What, have I been here that long? The Pathfinder. p Full Pound Wrapped Loaf Black- PEAS eye RED KIDNEY BE ANS, SPAGIIETTJ, Ready - FANCY CREAMERY QUAKtR GRITS, Karo Syrup BLUE LABEL No. 5 Can No. 10 Can 35c 63c W ALDORF TISSUE, HQuaker tV!aid SCOTT tissue; P&GS0.1P RaAP PIaI n or Bflour 18 O'Clock 01 n 1 COFFEE lb M j agBMBBMBaHBCagnill1 T r un neaiMnniminiMUMMi I i 1 BEANS F. 0. Watts of Ash in Brunswick 'ountv aava "that. ' a imatl Amok ' a l.omts him if iu in ci t cash each WeeTci RUPTURE D Expert Coming To ASHEVILLE " on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 14-15 at VANDERBILT HOTEL from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by telephone appointment only TWO DAYS ONLY No Charge for Consultation Mr. C. F. Redlich, the successful ex pert says: Thje "Perfect Retention Shields" hold the rupture perfectly, no matter what position the body assumes or lino hoamr n wpicrht von lift. TheV five instant relief .contract the openr lily in EIIlIfcu,jr buuo strengthen the weak tissues (the real mo.aa n,nf,iiai nA that tiiAv fre quently recover their previous natural retaining power, needing no further outside suooort.: Stomach, trouble. hackache and constipation often caused by Rupture promptly disap pear. -Truly remarkable and prompt re- .iHB k.va Kpan. nhtained not Only mhvo ; - wth recent and! not fully developed ruptures hut also witn 01a, long ne- vices- are now holding ruptures firmly which heretofore never nati Deen re tained. io elastic belts nor filthy legstraps are ued, I guarantee the durability of my absolutely, sweat and moisture proof, sanitary appliances. 75 of ruptured children recover completely through expert mechan ical treatment according to statistics. Do not waste your money on widely advertised mail order contraptions. You cannot fit yourself. C. F. REDLICH, Rapture Appliance Expert, Home office, 535 Bo.ton Block, Minneappoiis, minneiira. 7 Pan Rolls 8 Round or Square 10c No. 2 Can No. 2 Can to - serve, 2 cans 13c Cut fresh " from Ihe Tub lb. 3 Ptrfs 25c Curapbell's Tomafo SOUP I Cans Oven ft baked Ca 3 rolls 25 7 2ff aell-rlslna iv.;- " SHIEl l0.l 25c 4 rolls 22 1: Broad St., Asheville. 'C.ft :

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