CISTII PAGE THE NEVS-RECORD Marshall, N. C, Jan. 8, 1930 nan nan SPELLS OF f .(8"BJrT onn 1 1 have lifted Ce.::- ("w7" W I suffered from VJ l weakness, ski it. always helped ros eoys Mrs. J. V. Jinrieht iiu I''. D, !. fi Trov A1k f "Mostly I to3 afflicted .With bKfl Bfl 6pcU.3 cf badrroL; . -ij AC IlJtifl i It'le as ii if my L'K.k voi:! r-rvn! Pwoull '."in. o- fix t other, in a I'.e.'pU'sa 1 1 way, and once I. I ,frfarthe 5 art of & ....... ..... l S n ii Mi) Miss Mae Fleming:, Hot Springs, and Mr. Tom 'Davis of Chapel Hill. " The place carda were hand made by the hostess. Mr. J. J. Seism spent a few days with Mrs. Seism and son, Jimmy, who arc guests of her father in In- mnn, S. C. Little Jimmy, who has had pneumonia, is gelling along1 nicely. Mr. and Kenneth Corhott nr. J chs'dmi of Asheville r.p.-nt Wednes day wiin ins mot'HT, 11 rs. (.. V . Corbet!. Mr. L, Jure-i ! nl. Frhtov in AsV ville. Phil Rruwn l-r; Tiie-d.iy for Km.--:-ville, Tetm., and Ton; Davis Ic't Wc.l- iay fer Ciiri'cl Hill, X. C. :;'! V.i Odtdl Friday for Maryvillc bdav dhuierjuil liitiiDiat tree last Sunday. There were about forty-seven present. V .5 ; - Mrs. Edcl Ward and daughter, Re va, were visiting their friends Thurs day afternoon. Mips Bottie Boyd visited her sister Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley King. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Duckett were the dinner guests of Mrs. Duckult's pnm.-- Hid ay, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Kim;1. 3 bed. Ii'.y "in ...b.ul urged me to take Ccr.'.-.J. end I soon found what a 2ae medicine it J really wan. 4 " Vv lieu my second child was littlo, I was i a very bad health. 1 cud not p:c:K up fift I should 3 have, i h weak find ricklv. I do not N'Uev that I would lvi"- cif;-3 '.inooii. but for 8" . i i. K A v J i i i A TYr.n., v with lie.i The I. T a'. fter spunling the holidays c folk. idies Aid ..'an. 'oc'i ty v.-ill mei't w i! h h M:.- d I.ef- .' ! 1 ' ir-ili 1 M". head ,-'!'.. The Julia Surrett went to the Thursday A. M. ltardie Ftiguson was at the i !an.!y Mu-di one dnv la t ner at 2:30 o'clock. The Wonu-n's Di-mnn-lral ion Cluh vi'! iii'rt I .ursdav, Jan. 0, al 2:. '10 1 11 r 4 iivlir.-j'Jonv 'v4tS a or- o:-k. n f1- TAXI f fl Oren rnd c t ! I I SFRVICE cars. Tpen r-nd icf. I'rieo! are rif.'lil. writci or U 1,'fii'ar.di He! tt r ptv. hoiie. !'e v .3 "o Snnih'.v Schord id Grove Sunday. I I -1 a Lcc called at t!.1 of Kuhy Ihiimai; Sunday. K. J. Boyd v:i. the guest of 1 . King S-nniay. Iu:.-coe Kinr was visitine- Mr. F. T. Duekett Surday. Mr. and Mr.-. K. K. D::ckttt had vit'!r- Sunday. Mr. Clyde Boyd and Mr. Fred Kintr hiking Si-mhiy. I 'ir. Kv re:i Ditckett has gone back p Ch. M honn M '' r. M 'i j ' . - i i had as their Quests jtorwdinner,Christ-1 mas Mrs. Ada Hunter and small son, Willard, Mr. and Mrs. George Bruce and son, G. W., Jr., Mrs. Vera Sprin kle, Messrs. Carson Gosnell, Murphy Fisher, Everett Gosnell, and Miss Pauline Gosnell. Mrs. Easter Gosnell has spent the past -three weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Victoria Pro Wit, at Woodfi n, N. C. Mrs. Nellie Wall in took Christmas 'rfh her . i.-ter at Woodfin. Mr. Billie Hiadley of Beech, N. C, yc-'l. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. 'I V.. Iludgins. Mi,. Ro.-coe Surinkl-.' of M u -hall i'ei.l Christa: a v.i- k with her par ' Mr. an; .Mr... C. W. Bruce. M1 -srs Ralph and Carl Bryant are 1 l0!'O. Mi1, and Mrs. Janus Ramsey of !vt ! Fork to..!; Chris! mas with Mrs. DR. X II. IIUTCfflNS DENTIST Office Over Citizens Bank Building! Marshall, N. C. j In Office Every Day in Week parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. :t. s. B. F FRO US ON Phrme f3. From SPRING CREEK FROM HOT SPRINGS yii S. S. S. a good col- Miss Mary Roberson spent the week-end with relatives in Asheville, N. C. Little Dan Plemmons of Black Mountain spent the holidays here with his uncle. Mr. Meech left last Tuesday for Huntinville, Ala., to spend the week with home folks. Mrs. Bob Smith and little daugh ters and her sister and children of Anderson, S. C, are guests of rela tives and friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lefner and family and his sister, Miss Martha, motored to Charlotte, N. C, Satur day and spent Sunday with the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lefner. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Fuller and little daughters of Weaverville spent the week-end with Mrs. Oscar Brooks and Mrs. C. C. Brown. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Caroll McFall Wednesday the 25th, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Brooks and son, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbreath and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brooks spent Christ mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brown. Miss Delia Chestnut of Charlotte, N. C, and Miss Jarrett of Asheville are guests of Mrs. Chas. Burgin. Mr .and Mrs. Edd Hulsey left last week for Gainesville, Ga., to be guests Pf their parents. A six o'clock dinner was given by Mrs. Jared Wednesday, the 25th. The guests were Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Caudill, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Davis, We ail want to h : r this .'. eek. Hope lie h umn. 'J'he peonle in this section are busy working off tobacco. Mrs. Coward is very ill at this writing. Mrs. T. P. Kirkpatrick passed through here last week-end. Christmas Eve we all took a sled ride. There were Ralph Caldwell, Loyd Bradley and Willard Waldroup, J. C. Bradley. Jack Moore. Ernpst Silver, Ky Goforh, Edward Wal droup, Ira Brown, and Paul Brown all of us on the sled. We had a Christmas tree at the Spring Creek high school last Friday afternoon. Everybody is done working tobac co in our community. eh R!-, ': ,i 'r fit. Mi of if! ' ..-. ding Christmas and l.itives here. d . r-..'-k Sue", f h.rM -. M .. Lance o f Mil'.- i . i. . ;e, were in tli i!'e:;: :-... called at f '-. and Mr-. Richard Duck Dortha King Garrett Thurs- Cencva am called on Mrs. W, II day evening. Shakin' Sam column is fine, but the Office Kat Kolum was much bet ter. What's wrong with the Leicester writer? Good news, let's hear from you. Mi.; Pauline Gosnell was the Sat urday night guest of Mrs. Mada Ro- r : r.-W' r. Mi1. Norman Thavp i,- 0n the sick this writing. Gladys Rochester of Ivy, N. C, i 'pending a few days -.vith her : ! ' Mr. Thos. Rochester. i .: . and Mi Coy Ce-, el! ,u-c the " ey nigh' 1 of .Mr. and Mr. r. Go-ncll. md Mrs. Wc ley Hunt.' r jiii.l on. Wdlurd, vi-ited Mr-. M. E. llud- raday aflernoon. Sallie Joe Morgan is boarding with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sprinkle. What Will you do ?m ASHEVILLE BILTMORE BOTE at MARKET AND WOODFIN STS. 100 Rooms 100 Baths RATES: Room for One Person-$2.50; $3.00 & $3.50 per day For Two Persons $4.00; $5.00 and $5.50 per day Wilbur Devendorf, Manager. W. A. SAMS Physician and Surgeon Office Front Room Over Citizen Bank. From Thomas Branch IN LOVING MEMORY OF MRS. M. L. C. LINDSEY When your Children Cry for It There is hardly a household that baen't tesrd of Castor iat At least five million komet axe sever withont it. If there are hildren hr tout family, there's almost Uily seed of its comfort. And any night ay una you Tt.-y tnanuni uiere. tottle in the Muse. Just a fer drops, md thai eolie or constipation is relieTedj v diarrhea, checked. A vegetable pro bet j. a baby reuedy meant for young Wkg. Oastoria ia about the only thing wu have erer heard doc rr advise gir tg to tntanta. Stronyer medicines are Istr.Tflroua- to i tiny baby, however !i.Ie thay miy be to grown-apa. 1 o. I Caatorial Remejiber the same, t rt..rober to birr it. It may epara i a alepflees, anxkma night.- It is -v4 rndy,i alvays aafe to nsej fa i i- or for everyday ailmvu i.. t of ihe day 6r tight that B - r-fretful, or restless. Caexorfa rw -rr us popular with mothers ttan U . -Kvery druggist haa it ; i s .3 The Death Angel called at the home of Mr. J. A. Lindsey and took from this world a precious loving wife and mother. She was 62 years of age. She had Been a member of the Wesleyan Methodist church of Spar tanburg, S. C, for 20 years. She is survived by her two daughters and three sons, their names being Mrs. Altha Cummings of South Carolina; Mrs. Sallie Russell; Mr. Furmon Lindsey of South Carolina; Mr. Stan berry and Garfield Lindsey of Bluff, N. C. She was laid to rest at Meadow Fork cemetery, Rev. Mr. Groge of Spartanburg, S. C, conducting the service. CARL R. STUART Attorney at Law Office Over Citizens Bank Marshall, N. C. From SANDY MUSH Miss Mamie Surrett and two little sisters,., Alice and Nella, called at the home of Mrs. Alma Whitted Thursday. Mr. George, Mack, John and Ray Hannah took dinner Monday with little Jesse Kingr. ' Miss Bettie Boyd, who. is teaching school at Turkey Creek, spent the past week ' with her parents at this place, Mr.'and Mnr. R. J. BQyd. ' Mrs.' N. A.- Surrett was the 'guest of Mrs. Oscar. Surrett Thursday. : Messrs. , Orviile and Charlie.- Sur rett called on" their 'grandparents Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. O. WV Sur rett . ' ' ! Edna Surrett and Ruby Hannah were visiting on day last week, i Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Duckett set a Mr. Hobart Thomas returned to Knoxville Monday after spending his vacation with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Chandler and son. Herbert Hoover, were visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Woodard Chandler Saturday night. Mr. J. O. Revis and two daue-hters. Olive and Vonalee, were in Marsh all Monday. Miss Lucille and Claudia Chandler were visiting on the Branch Monday morning. .Mr. C. F. Johnson returned to Rob insville Sunday after spending his vacation with home folks. Mr. Jesse Thomas was in Marshall Monday. Mr. Everett Thombas spent the past week-end with home folks. Mrs. J. O. Revis and two daughters, Olive and Vonalee, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Woodard Chandler and family Sunday. Mr. Palmer Ensley was visiting Mr. Woodard Chandler Sunday. Mr. Robert Ramsey motored to Barnard Monday afternoon. Miss Martha Catherine Ramsey is spending her vacation with her fath er, Sheriff R. R. Ramsey. Mrs. Garfield Davis was visiting Mrsg. Jesse Thomas Friday and Sat urday. Mr. J. O. Revis has returned to Freezeland after spending a week with home folks. Mrs. Luther Chandler was in Wal nut Monday andi Miss Virgie Dunbar accompanied her home. Miss Neta Thomas and Miss Olive and Vonalee Revis were in Walnut Monday afternoon. Mr. Robert Johnson was seen on Thomas Branch Saturday afternoon. Mr. Millard Payne was in Walnut Monday. Mr. Jack Chandler spent Friday night with his aunt, Mrs. J. 0. Revis. Mr. Lankford Thomas was seen in Walnut Sunday. GRAPE VINE Considering the condition of the weather, Sunday 3eho : is progress ing nicely. Prtt ii meeting has been changed from Sunri.iy night to Sun osy afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Morgan have moved from Grape Vine to Wood fin. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cargile and family moved from Woodfin into the house vacated by TMr. and Mrs. Mor gan. -..t : T ' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Edwards and family of Bull, -Creek spent Christ mas with Mrs. Edwards mother, Mrs. Margaret West - ; ; Mr.' Wesley Hunter toolc Christmas with his parents, Mrl and Mrs. WV K. Hunter of Bull Creek. "V' : T a Born to -Mr. and Mrs." Ellis Flynn on Christmas Dayp a fine baby -girl. Mother, and baby are getting along very nicely. " ;. , ' . ; Mr. M. E.. Hoggins was the guest of his children, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest DilL for dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. E Rochester G rover Cody and Frank Cutshall were callers at the home of Mr. Wm. C. Cook, Friday night. Mr. Herbert Davis of Walnut was here Friday with his bird doer and Mr?. Harriett Hollifield and child- spent the day with Will and Winston leu took Christmas with her parents, Cook hunting. : Mr. McKinley Shelton of South j Carolina is spending the holidays with 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shel i ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook have a very sick baby at present. Mrs. A. C. Gentry called on Mrs. Wm. C. Cook Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cook of Wal nut Gap visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook Sunday. Miss Lela Cook and Lillian Gunter were at Bobtown Sunday. Mr. Doyle Dixon of Paint Creek was in Belva Friday and Saturday, i Miss Florence Gosnell of Belva ' spent Saturday night with Miss Cath erine Ramsey. Mr. Shelt and Oliver Norton spent the holidays with homefolks. Mr. Arthur Cantrell was visiting Mr. Scott Cook Sunday. Miss Geneva Gunter visited Miss Lela Cook Sunday. Mrs. A. C. Gentry and Mrs. Wood ! ard Thomas mad ea flying trip to Hot Springs Friday. Mrs. Shelt Norton gave a party in ." r.MVWliey,llen;' paJleeMig, Boots Ann Ramsey Sunday., - ' ' Mihs " Florence Gosnell spenCfrjk day, night with Mrs. Seotf Cook, Miss Ethel Capps attended church at Laurel River Sunday. . . i There will be church services' at Brigman Chapel Saturday night. ' Miss Florence Gosnell spent Satur day night with Miss Catherine Ram sey. Mr. Doylo Dixon passed through thi, section Monday. Mr. June McDevitt was the guest Of ; Miss Banty Gosnell Sunday eveninir. Miss Lela Cook and Mir. Dewey Gentry and Lillian Gunter motored to Paint ('reek Sunday. Mr. Pelmos Cook spent Monday night with Ed Cook. Mr. Trip Allen was in Walnut last Saturday. Among those who visited the home of Mr. Woodard Thomas Monday nght were Mr. and Mrs. Seaf Gentry, Mrs. Will Cook, Bob Cook, Sankey Thom as, Ernest Shelton, Mabel Shelton I and Banty Gosnell. ,, , ! ... I Mr- Flom McDevitt called on Lela If you have any defective teeth j Cool. p, ;(jav ut i , ! The old man in place of the Office better have them examined T, . , , , , . . . . Kat sho no's his stuff how to talk lie must be BLACK from the nigger 'talk he puts out. Mr. Shelt Norton and son Oliver went back to their work Sunday. X-RAY WORK SPECIALTY $ j I i I 7Sfx I 1U Jyy. j Makes Life Electricity Has An Amazing Growth' The generating of electrical energy for public utility purposes of the li nked States has increased 126 per cent in the last ten years. It now amounts to 88,000,000,000 kilowat hours a year and if you know any thing about figures of that size per haps you can match them up with "kilowats," with the help of a good dictionary. Anyway, it is plain, to all of us that it represents a heck of a lot of electricity. The fur of the Australian woof us is the rarest fur in the world because there is no such animal. Sweeter Too much to eat too rich a diet or oo much smoking. Lota of things cause our stomach, but one thing can correct t auicklv. PhilliDS Milk of Macrnesia. rill alkalinize the acid. Take a spoon- , honor of her son Oliver, Saturday Ul of this pleasant preparation, and the night ystem U soon sweetened. j Little Juanita and Gwendolyn Cook JrelXm SZtX - J" icidlty; or neutralize nicotine. Re- oanta Clause brought them. Dember this for your own comfort; for i Miss Catherine Ramsey and Miss he sake of those around you. Endorsed Florence Gosnell motored to Walnut Jy physicians, but they always say 'hiltipt. Don't buy something else and apect the same results! Phillips , Milk . of Magnesia Saturday. From BELVA We are all enjoying the snow here. Mr. Edison Book's baby that has been sick so long is improving. Miss Bertha Shelton spent Monday night with Miss Wanie Cook. .. . ' Mr. Ernest Shelton was in Walnut From WHITE ROCK Monday. I Mr. McKinley Shelton will go to We are having some very bad South Carolina Saturday after spend- weather at the present time and the ing the holidays with homefolks. roads are sure getting muddy. i Miss Banty Gosnell and Mrs. Will We are glad to report that Mrs. Cook motored to Allenstand Monday Bonsell is improving. She has been morning. in the hospital for a long time. Mr. June McDevitt called on Miss There was a party held at White . Florence Gosnell Friday. KOCK oaiuraay nignv unu a nice tunc had by all in attendance. THERE la nothing that has ever" taken the place of Bayer Aspirin a an antidote for pain. Safe, or physi cians wouldn't use it, and endorse ita vat by others. Sure, or several mil lion users would have turned to some thing else. But get real Bayer Aspirin (at any drugstore) with Bayer on the box, ana the wore: gtmtmt printed a. rea: AMb Is 0 trait Bart of f MoaeaeaUMeldetUt at 8 all e lie Mr. M. H. Tweed has almost got his house finished. He has made many improvements on it. Mr. Thomas Tweed ha? almost got his painting job finished. Mr. Thomas Tweed is planning on making a long trip soon and If he does he will be badly missed- around ! here. Mr. Oliver Ray has arrived home for a few weeks visit We are glad to have him with us. ! Mr. Lewis Tweed took his brother i and sister back to school in Tennessee ' this week. The Time-Tested National New Digest ' rraen WaatOngtaea, D. C ' 4 : Is Now Offered to i Our Readers on Terms They Cannot Resist 666 is a PraseriptioB for . Colds, Grippe, Flit, Dengue, Biliout Fever and Malaria. It ie the aaoat spaed remedy kaowa. Ttebpittlls 781 fatUet: 1 107 - From BELVA We are having some very unpleas ant weather at present ? ' i Miss Lillian Gunter of Greeneville, Tenn., is visiting Miss Lela Cook. Mr. Winston Cook of Pensaeolal spent the week end with his brother, Wm Ci Cook.8 - ' . :-. Miss ' Vienna,: Gentry, was ; visiting Juanita and Gwendolyn-Cook Sunday Mrs. Wm. C. Cook and Mr. Ed Cook were shopping In Marshall Mon day. " - - i -Mr. Flem McDevitt, Archie Rice, As the result of a very favorable concession we are able to Rive you that old reliable family 'weekly, the Pathfinder, in combination with your Favorite Home Paper. at a greatly reduced price. Ihe Patnnnder is bright, inter esting, dependable, different nothing else like it Orig inal matter not just a rehash or echo. The Pathfinder Is the only paper that tells you just what you want to know about everything that goes on at Wash ington ana everywhere. Chuck full of crisp, timely .things lOOpercent readable. The Most CT12ely Qcoted r Paper la the World Mi Governmental Gossip, Politics (free of ' bias), Science, Travel, Fun, Lots of Pictures, instruction and Entertainment for all. -You most not miss this Rare Chance to secure mese rwo spienaia papers at tne Bargain trice, a ,i A swi see . f -V; walks A ft t Is. Call at our office, see anmnlea nf the Pathfinder and 1 hand in -your subscription or . send it by maiL THEPATIIFniDEH BOTH A FULL YEAR FOR AND '1- - rHE NEWS-RECORD