M. V. (V'Fek nir-J. t "1 was In a very , weak condition from serious sickness," writes 671 Joseph St. Wew Orleans, La. JJ.was so weak.t 1 wanted to sleep" aU;;thr. timsli-Ii AtA Matt ' K SWA &treng&$W'iaV xanythtogf. A-M y,, i V ffZI back ached nearly all the 1 CmaP twnajust bi toieerW a" It ,iy mother told roe Imuet arouse myself from the sleep inesa,and take something- to help get my Strength back, sCha had Jtakenr jCardm and had been helped, so decided to take" CJardui,Lto6. ' After f W fi bottle', I-eoold see' cthai It wis" Helping tea. "I took fonrbottles at this time.' ;My strength came back and I gained weight. Pretty soon. tl was my old self again.' i tvmt, i...'. SM.' ....alii V -my docs quit nuruug, uu haven't had any mora trow sbW sin ,toph Cardui,'' 3 i HELPS WOMEN TO. HEALTH Cor Conatipation, indlgeatiori t ariff PrfgreMes The: Senate has been making good headway on some of the Jess, contro versial feature: the tariff billand it hat .agreed upon free leather, and an increase in the import duties on all vegetables, animal, and fish oils and fats. The greasy stuff goes through a sliding. Sugar must have had sand fa it judging from the way in which it got stuck in the legisla tive tariff mill. The Farmers' Exchange in Curri tuck: County is saving buyers over 8 a ton on their purchases of fertiliser ths spring. " ; " for It kae T2 upeeta a tens An famr ease eansot uwnt them. Swaywa pss Is pwpaied. hen yoa can do what ley expsrMaeed nam would de whet Most phyaklniis would tell yon to do- pm tk i dyers of plain Caatorta. IJ isaMr daca th&i TrS j Is southed nUef jlamaiterof mntueata. Yotyoaba ateei your dtOd withooi nse of a aliigte -1 drvrt C&storia ia .wjetaWe. I L t t cm aa oliea aa an laiaat 1 'a a-y 2 f sin yon cannot pa away i."a aWys ready for the croak . r f e'A or eonstlpatlwir ot-la" hi "xSivw, too, for older chlldr, two , r . on. lottU were owfft r 'i V r-rl vJxi "SET the7 : w-hl ',1V i .,' - : .-r : I --?. N-'. ' Ffdm rCLUFP Mr. and Mrs. " Bryan 1 Plemmons gave a ' party for Miss Shirley tusk who recently returned from Washing ton. 'She "has been" visiting at their home for (ha past two weeks.. Mis! On Bright was one of the honored guests among many friends who "attended the party. .Miss Ger tha Henderson was also there. ) She enjoyed her first parly Very muchf After music; and many Interesting games, refreshments were serve a which everyone teemed io enjoy. .... "All that was! lacking in the party was that fae violinist failed, to' come. ; We art having a good y Sunday school" and it 'would ba better , if mora would1 attend. ' pi v were sorry 10 near ox .tne ueavu of -Aunt?' Sellie Wdrley.;She will be greatly missed; in, thU community, Next Saturday atid Sunday are' our regular1 meeting- days.' , ; " People arpun here are very busy burning robacco' beds' and preparing for their cfoptf. I1 J Thechildren of Mr. Wiley Davis are very" 111' Vith whooping cough. , r We are glad to report that "Uncle" Jesse Plemmons nd.,wife are mov ing into out settlement. . )' Miss LillielDavis is planning on a tvisitto Bazelwood.", , ' Mr.' Silas; Fdrtner called at Wiley Davis' Saturday night and Sunday. Come "'onShakfar Sam with your column," never. ?mind your mouth, 1 enjoy' your1 column. ; -, , ' i " TAXI-' SERVICE N iv--Open and eloaed can. Better serv ice. Prices are right i Fhoae, '. write or, telegraph ' S. B.' FERGUSON tf. '-' Phone 68. From Roaring Fork - We didn't have any Sunday school Sunday on account of rain. Hope we will have a large crowd next Sun day.. . . .... .. ' 1 Our singing school closed Saturday hisrht. - .We'- were aorrv to' ouit our singing, .r.' r ,'-r' Mr. Chapel Wallin, a singing teach er of near Mars Hill and a friends of his called on Mrv and Mrs, Berry Brown Saturday nightO' Mrs. Bryan Holland called. on Mrs. Brown Sunday; jj 1 1, W 3 : " Misses Carolina Parker, Or Blank. enship, Messrs Elmer Kent and B. V. Ebbs spent dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wyatt Sue WpQdy, spent Monday night wtth her 'eonslni Vfol 'BlafikenshftC . Mr.11 Berlin Butties' returned home Sunday after, visiting in AshevilJe a few daya. .... -t ' Miss Gertie'' Woody - and brother Fete '"spent ' Sunday night with their uncle, Mr. J.: N. Parker. ' Mr. and Mrs, Bryan Holland called at lit, Willie , WilUams : ' Saturday night to see Mr, Carl Stanley who is 111 with' pneumonia. . Mrs. .Spencer Holland, Miss Gertie Woody spent dinner Sunday with' Mr. and . Mrs. Sanford Blankenship. Mr. J. N. Parker helped Nathan Payne kill a fat pig Monday, ; ij? A School closes at Roaring Fork on March. 6th ,and7tlu Everybody in vited to attend..' . . - Mr. Nathan Payne will be Jvery busy next week covering hie tobacco bed which he burned all over the side of Bluff mountain Saturday. - Mrs. Mary , Parkereturned home Saturday .after spending a few day with her granddaughter, Mrs. Jack Joyce at Joar . ' - - Miss Dewie Baldwin of Joe visited singing at Bethel church Friday night Mr. Hubert Pangle called on Mr. Nathan Payne Sunday morning. j Mr., Ernest Holt called on Mr. Mel vin Wyatt Sunday. - -v , Mr Grady. Baldwin called on Miss Anna Greene Sunday. m'n 1 ' Miss Georgia Suttles returned to Mr. Williams home Sunday where she is boarding and attending school at Spring Creekv ' "; : h , . Paulino Kent spent Saturday flight with Miss Louetta Payne." " Wahwah That fellow; strikes,-a' discordant note 'at our party. ToottootHe can't help 3 it He plays in a jazs bnd. The Pathfinder TllCiff EVS ,7 SPECIAL EXCURSION! ' a-. . , to 1 miV' v' MIAMI and HAVANA February 20 to March 7 .. : . yjlct ' SOUTHERN 'RAILWAY The sellinsr dates will and 25. Final limit on Miami tickets,' March T, prior to which1 date at midnight return trip mtist be conlpleted " The Havan tickets "will b linii i j a : - J axil.: ff'j-il' Jt ltea xo iwenxy-one aays, saie. nquija-XTipiarewuiv oe one are twenty-five centa; , For further information,' see or write j; H. WOOD, pf P. A., r Asheville, -Jie C, D.O.PURICEY, Marshall,' N C. or SPRING CREEK HIGH SCHOOL The P. T. A. had a meeting on Fri day 0f lat week. The business ses sion was used in planning to secure curtains for the stage of the audi torium. A committee was appointed to look into prices and material and report at a called meeting to be held Friday afternoon of this week. The-, school received a gift from our friend, the Hon. Ira Plemmons of Hot Springs, who places in our library a set of Congressional Becords. These records are complete and contain the very latest published facts. Some reference books along a scientific line were also in his contribution. This is Senator Plemmons' native community and he always has an in quiry aato the progress of the school. We thank Mr. Plemmons and hope he can farther be of service to our school. Principal, J. 0. Wells made a busi ness trip last week end to Winston Salem. J N. L. Ponder, teacher in the high school, made a business trip with his family to Asheville and Brevard last week end. 5 Ishmael Brooks of the eighth grade has been absent from school on ac count of illness. We hope heveaa 'bnN rybaek. -ft.-- How One W4man Loit r 20 Pounds of Fat Lost Her Double Chin Lost" Her Prominent ;Hip Lost Her Sluggishness Gained Physical Vigor-' Gained pa ViTaclonsneea Gained Shapely Figatw If you're ; fat first remove the cause! ';.-.. ' KBUSCHEN , SALTS contains the 6 .mineral- salts your body organs, glands and nerves must have to func tion properly. , . . . When your vital organs fail, to per form their work eorrectly-i-your bow eld and kidneys can't throw off that waste i material you're growing hid eously fatl '-.T'. ' '' Try one half teaspoonful of KBUS CHEN SALTS in a glass of hot wa ter every morning in" 8 weeks get on the scales and; note ; how- many pounds of it have vanished ! . ! Notice also that yon have gained. in energy your skin1 is dearer your eyes r sparkle with- glorious- health yon feel younger in body keener in mind.: KBUSCHEN . will give any fat person a Joyous surprise. Get an 85c bottle of KBUSCHEN Salts from the Marshall Pharmacy o? any leading druggist anywhere' in A merica. (lasts 4, weeks). If this first bottle doesn't convince, yea this is the easiest, safest and surest way to lose fat if 4 yon dont feel a superb im provement in health so gloriously energetic vigorously . alive y our money srlady returned, i . ; aov. - TtSCORDiT a be February 20. 23. 24, in auuiuuii w ? uaw yi us From FOSTER The farmers of this section are all very' busy plowing and burning to bacco heds. Mr. and Mrs. Cas Fender and baby spent 'Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. C M. Farmer. , Mrand Mrs. Clyde Johnson and children moved to Marion Thursday where they will spend the summer. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Banner Fender is on the sick list at this waiting. Mr, Chester Johnson killed his dog Monday. It is supposed that it had hydrophobia. Mr. and Mrs. Bratchett Pack and baby spent Thursday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Audie Cody. Misses Migget Shelton and Floy Lewis' spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Peek, r . -.- Mrs. Lura Capps and 'children took dinner with Mrs. Agnes Capps Sun-' day..- ! Miss Mary Ann Brackens of Mar shall 'spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Brack ens. Mr. Bexter Edwards and Miss Bes sie Hilton were married Feb.. 16th. They left'this place Friday for Swan- nanoa where they will make y their home, .'if- - s 'J THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL fs by train. The safest.'. Most com fortable. ;Uost reliableir - Costs less. poqnire of Ticket. Agents regarding greatly reduced fares for short trips. SOUTHERN RAILWAY 8TSTEM From BIG LAUREL We had no; Sunday school on ac count of the rain last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hall of Spill Corn visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moore Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. N, H.. Grifiln visited Mrs. W. H. Holland Sunday, Mrs. Ralph Griffin visited Mrs. N. H. Griffin Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ostea .Griffin . spent Friday night with Mr, Foch Buckner. Mr. Wayn. and N. H. Griffin took a trip to Marshall Saturday on busi ness. .". .' ; Mr. Carlie. Bice and daughters Grace and Edna Visited Mr. and Mrs, Cullis Rice Sunday. . Mr .Foch . Buckner spent Sunday night with MrT Frank Buckner on Walnut Creek. ; Mrs. Luke ; Griffin- and , Misses Bo bena and Atlas Buckner and Leado Holland and. Portia Griffin also Aus tin; Griffin and Frank, Buckner visited Mrs. Carle Bice Sunday afternoon and enjoyed hearing the Victrola. Mrs. Dolson Crow, and son Noah Visited Mrs.; Mary Buckner Sunday. Mr. Luke Griffin and Dolson Crow visited Mrv Steve Lewis Sunday, and enjoyed some music. " Mrs. B. C Buckner spent Saturday night with her' daughter, Mrs. Star ling Gentry at Chapel HilL , Mr. W. H.' Holland and MK Bulo Bice went to Chapel HUl Sunday. Buckner visited Mr. Jim Chandler Mr. Noah Buckner and Verna Mae Sunday afternoon. Mr. Frank Buckner of Walnut Creek spent Saturday night with Mr. Wayne Grifiin. ' Mrs.1 Henry Norton visited her parents, Mrs, T. E. Lewis last week; Mrs. Dolson Crow visited Mrs. N. Grifiln Monday V ' 'r' I Mr. Zad Bice visited Mr. Dewey Bice Sunday1. n - - jf s- : Miss Portia Griffin spent Sunday nigmXwith MWLeadd Holland:,? ;; , Mr and il rs. Boy Bice of Marshall spent the wwek end with Mr, and Mrs. Li.; B? BiCei": uf";s$V;" -;f : Mise Pprtil Griffln and;M Macole Holland and Miss Lado Holland and Mr. . Austin Grifiln ; visited Mr. and Mrs. Bulo Rice Sunday night, : Mist'! Leddtf Holland ' spent Satur day nlght.-JUilrCip:' Misses'Bobena. and .Atlas Buckner visited Miss Portia Griffin Monday. Come on with Beverly ' Hill hews. We like to heaif from' you.", YOUREYES-AND Our eyea do moit of our work aad usually they receive the least euro. People who take car of their eye sight in Youth' will enjoy comfort able vision In later) years.; Make it a rule to have your eyes examined regularly.. Whan you do need the aid of glasses, for special work or for constant wear, you will find our charges most moderate for dependabble service. SAVE YOUR EYES. HAVE THEM EXAMINED Dr. Charles H. Honess Optometrist Since 1900 No. 3 FU m Buildia Grcvad Floor -ASHEVILLE, N. C From Middle Laurel We are having fine weather and the farmers arr getting their work done very rapidly. A big fire tn the Tanton Hollow caused considerable damage but the forest service man togethe with hands to 'help put it out very soon. Those helping fight the fire were ' A mos Cantrelh: iSkiler Cantrell,; Nelson Tweed, Joor' Cantrell, Joo Griffin, Dewey ChSndley, Johnny Presley and Hesst.5 CanWelW ; They 'stayed ' jfP Mr. Garse 'Sim's the 'forest Servlef man, nntil tiie fire yns out. . v Mr, Armas Cantrell was presented with a fine birthday dinner Saturday the 22. ' Mr. Arthur Cantrell, John Cant rell, Mr. Arthur Dunbar, Mr Samp son Cantrell motored to Lake Toxa way Sunday. " Mr. Lather Dunbar is bringing his mother, who is blind, back to her old home on: Middle Laurel. MrV Bill " Sams was the guest of Miss Ursley Tweed Saturday eyen- lllg.' ; ' I -I' . , Mr. Armas Cantrell, Mr. Buck Tweed, Miss Rosa Franklin, Mr. Ern est Franklin and Mr. Luther Dunbar were guests of Mrs.' H. A. Wallin on Saturday night, Feb. 22. Miss June Wallin is very much pleased with her new piano recently purchased;' " . ,'f ',' Iron Beda . Bed Springs New Mattresses DreasejrV'tl-ti--Rangea .You can save half hy trading hem We have; full line, of new and used furniture to select from. ACME FURNITURE CO. 42 Biltmore Are. T - Ashevflley N. C I H SfOU Utt4 o 1 , VTVmth m fcfi XI. n SEVENTH PAG Mr, Audley Gilbert is preparing to farm very heavily thilir year. v ' Our Sunday school is coming on nicely. The attendance is good and we hope it continues. tin c mam you ; iron bbsinsss , BMratariM, AceonntanU, BookkPr. vtannsraBiuri and Btmotrtibti find fa- ivorabia , mtreauotioa w wi . dujuiu world through 6r naiorBter buNaul 1 iUj aoerwHted br th National AamaVl From, PAINT ROCK Mrs. J. D.jSpratt.had as her guests , ' SundayMr 'and Mm E. -.-T Williams -, d ...... ... ana.zamuy jo - .a, PaulWjlHam and Clarence Cut shall hiked to1 Hot Springs Sunday in the in"'"lw .-',..',.,1.: ,.-,, P Floyd Ward was visiting Jack and! Edward Spratt Sunday 'evening.1 Buford Martiii, .Pul Williams and Clarence Cutf haU are planning on a month's training at a C.M.T.C., this summer.' ' ' ' Some of the teachers and students of Dorland-Bell School motored thru Paint Bock Saturday. Mrs. E. T. Williams and Mrs. J. D. Spratt were visiting on Wolf Creek Monday. CARL R. STUART Attorney at Law Office Over Citizens Bank Marshall, N. C From WHITE ROCK Our Sunday school is getting along fine now. The Laurel Club will meet Monday night, March 8; also the Boberts brothers will make music. Mrs. Ella Banks has been on the sick list for a few weeks but is bet ter at present. Mr; Oliver Bay and Lewis Tweed motored to Cedar Creek Sunday. Mrs. Eva Barnett was visiting Mrsi: Weynonah BoswelL. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barnett are mak ing their home with Mri and Mrs. Ed Stanton. Mr, Thomas Tweed is making some improvements- on his home. i. ' ' Mr.' Oliver Bay and some of his friends werr vjsiting Thonw Tweed Saturday night" Wtii?T"JESl Mnu Sam Shelton is in the Laurel hospital very ill at the present time. Mr. 'Mason Banks was out horse back riding Sunday. JT. Tk.m.. Tnuul la n1annno An UVHW. w y - going to Ohio to visit his sister for a few months. Mr. Edison Bay is working for the Laurel Hospital Mr. Wayne Tweed has returned to White Bock after a visit with Mr. Jeter H. Tweed of Tennessee. Mrs. J. S. Tweed is visiting her son, Mr. Boney Tweed in Greene ville, Tenn. .-, . . u ijj STRANGE! A modern miracle: Two men, nam ed Wood and Stone, walked down the street. A beautiful woman passed. Wood turned to Stone and Stone turned to Wpod, then , they both turned to rubber Exchange; t .$2.00 end up $10and up -$6.75 and up .$6.00 and P .$15.00 and up