K-l 3 fell lO-II S ili iTIsBEHBUS no ia CE MI It CIVIL COURT ill fit M to ; r . ' a . 'J 'i&t tor ores last wek the case ot '9imMfai&M! al, was oeing.irieu. "- - . we Kive the remainder of the court ; proceedings. ... Th of. John White , against 'Tnnt Mnnr was compromised. It ia Agreed that the land in controversy consisting of about- SO-acres,; be sold and after all costs were paidjtoe oai ianct to be divided betweep 7 John J WlittA and Tom Moore. The plain- .iiin for. the possession of i the land having deeded same to Tom iMnnn t take CATS of he and his -Iwife during their life. The" plaintiff stating that Tom Moore had'failed to npport him. ' . .. In the case of Hattie E. Anders a sMlniit her husband. H. J, Anders, Judgment was granted, the - plaintiff for the sum oi.S3,duo.uu. ine court hid raised her family and paid the "Waxes on nronerty in the name of her .'husband without any help from her husband, B. J Anders,- that he had .Abandoned her and that she. had more .than earned the titH to the preperty. satisfy the judgment and pajr.ffpe The land in question wui pe soia ie set. etev '! t ;;'"vwVv-- ;V: .'i In the case of Hattie E: Anders a f Mlnjtt Marshall " ShnMonlrTJudment wa ined for the Plaintiff giving net by 5IARS;BnX WINS OVERWESLEYAN i "The I intercollegiate "debate last Saturday I nighf at r Mars Hill between debating teams from Tennessee Wesleyan Col- Iige7 at Athens, ' r TerinT and Mars Hill.resulted in a victory. for Mars Hill. The office of the idebate were Val'Edwardsi president, and G. R. Mumford, secretary. The debate was opened with a , solo by Miss Mamie Perry, Miss Biggers at the piano. The query was for and against disarmament of all nations except for police pro action. Wesleyan, represent ed by J. Keai Enswineger and Enos Wagner, defended the af- Ive5 side, Awhile j WUllam Beale and W. Scott Beech rep resenting Ukh'W.eteaied the negative side- The judges were Judge Hyatt and Mr. Gil- pen juomn ot Aiuievuie jCl tStbfy of Marshall, NO 'mm ?SDBSRIPnON " PRICE 5 J vt ; TThe riuBIishei! .biihe News-Rfecord is glad : to -arlnbun6 tiiat beginning this week its read- ' had Ibeen . fraud'ulengaltied f R. H. Clark agatnet Saphronia Henderson' was completed after the jury answered the issue In . 4.vm t -tli defendant. Saphronia Henderson:. Mr.' John. McElroy was attorney for Mr.; Clark and gave no nniAl to Sunreme Court. tu- a HnHrlp1c and Gur V. Rob- ejvuu rnresented Mrs. -Henderson, Five motions were heard in which Mr. James E. Rector, attorney oi Asheville, had filed demurrers in sev eral cases in which the county is plaintiff.." The presiding Judge 'ruled that the demurrers were disallowed; Cora Anderson Iwas given her free dom during good behavior. She was tried and convicted at January 1980 nf'ffniirt for violation of prohi- kifjon. laws-and -sentenced to Firm Colony fo women, but on account of the institution being full sne was re turned to jail here: led&n on Jordan. As usual, the de bate was interesting; The de cision was two to one in favor of Mars Hill. - f' fi-, . TO TAKE CENSUS Enumerator j. I County for Madison f 1 POULTRY PEOPLE KIET On Mqnday, the County A gent, calle.d the poultry people of the county J;o meet Mr. Par- ta WirmialnTi Poultrvmian. in th .local office. ' Mr. Parrish was greeted-by 14 of thoMe ' mftat" inter estedr-1 His talk con sisted of .a discussion of ye di seases and .parasites that trou ble the flocks..; .He showed on charts. theage of .- the - birds when the : different ' diseases VAt -bv 1 Judge" - 0 u y were most in eyldence and aW wavrl i general county the different-) season auiinsT -which the flock-is most Hkely to be' bothexed by certain dirJ sease or an.Jndivjdual parasite. : Mr. Parrishrwent inor n de tail telativ.t the .Bacillary White Dimhta 'and Fowl Tyi phoid. HeCswedltheTsymp toms of tnese diseases, and told how each was carried, to th? birds. It was a talk-ivorth Tyv -drn,rir to p"one inter- Census enumerators for Mad ison County will, according to n" Asheville Citizen, be as fol lows: nr irn RnHmon. Frank E. Run- ;nn MabI a. Codv. Eugene R. All man, and Jack Jarrett in Marshall; Mi.d Vii.tnrin .Tervis Aind John V Riio-lish in Mart Hill! Jeter W. Har vi. .nvt Ansel A. Freeman" in Bar- t..rl. Jnaenh G. Briggs in Flag Pond, (tenn.) ? WiUiam I Dayis jn Big iPinei Chapel Tweed in wmte kock; Joseph R. Leake in Revere ' rwnhv in Paint Rock ; Airs.: enie t Pmn in Faust: Tilden Metcan in P.int Fork: and Joby R. Hender son in Spring Creek. , . .' TEACHER FOUND GUILTY ASSAULT Because he severely whipped one -df ' his" pupils Ke alleged had been misbehaving M'. M. Ha"nnah,"teacher of the sixtfc and seventh T grades" at ' Sandy Mush school" was found guilty 11 receive two bpies a week instead of -bneas heretofore. 1 Indoing this we are in curring considerable .additional' expense, but we are anxious to serve our patrons to the best ot buFabIlity7" Forte' past twpfeeks our it;hasJ6een hujniliating to us not to be able to erive our 'readers aTnaner bfiarine tbft npat.-an- pearance we so earnestly: desire. -In order to ao uns, 11 is necessary aio go mio more pages, nd instead of 12 pagres xn Fridays, it is our purpose to give our .readers four pages on Tuedays and the regular sight pages Fridays. This will enable ustoet the news to you earli er and of tener and thereby serve you more ac ceptably. The subscription price will remain the same as heretofore; I . TO OUR CQEREsiEKiENTS : Please send in yBur.rhews items as you have been1 doing heretofore onc week unless something, imporbnt. happens in your community. : If somperson; dies' suddenly, or has a nrer wreckailyt "aEPeasen possible. -, '. ' ' vV''''"" -'v-" Responses .Will Be Much Appreciated If our readers appreciateithis extra ser vice w6 are endeavoring to give them, we shall appreciate any letters or words of apprecia tion or approval. If any words of criticism come, if the criticism is constructive in nature, we shall welcome such as much as approval. If your subscription has expired, we shall deeply appreciate your sending in your renew al as soon as possible. Subscription renewals help not only as so much cash needed to run the business, but such renewals give us en couragement, making us feel that our efforts are appreciated. Now all together for a bet ter and more progressive county represented by what has never been attempted in this coun tv before so far as we know a oaoer publish ed more than once a week. ; . CITY BULL SHUT DOWN INSTALLING NEW MACHINERY The machinery of the City, Mill Company of Marshall is closed down this week - while a new corn mill Jg being installed. The new equipment increases the' capacity of the mill more than double. Heretofore they have been able t0 grind from 100 to 2 CO ushels a day. The new equip ment will enable them to turn out about 500 bushels a day, or 1,000 bushels in a 24-hour run. , In. other words, they inform us that they will be able to grind a car of corn in 24 hours. 18 men are at work install ing: the machinery and keeping up the usual sales department. Madison County ;5 Elec tion Board Named The Board -of Election of all the counties of North Carolina will con sist of two Democrats and 1 Republi can. In Madison County "named on the Board are W. J. "Teag ue, Mar shall; Till.Stamey, Joe, N. C; and A. W. Whitehurst, Mjarshalt. In Buncombe County those named are J. E. Swain. Asheville; A. B. Bau- m in, of ' Momtreat; and 'T Euirene wara, Asnevuie. . i . at mm vow TOif i hflRE SUNDAY FIFTH.SUNDAY MEETING HELD i IN MARSHALL NOT MANY VISITORS, BUT J GOOD SPEECH E.S, f :MARI;THE:jbiAVti The group meeting! . of the,4 Fifth Sunday, held thruout the; French road Association weref held as scheduled so far as we have been able to learn. Ia Marshall the number of visitors ' was not large, but the program very interesting. Mr. A. Wr Whitehurst, chairman of this group, presided, calling out the hymns and calling out those. who were to lead in prayer and speak. Mrs. N. McDevitt was the first speaker on the program, having as her sub-i ject, "Requirements of a good Sunday school teacher." . She , (Carried to last page) REVERE court held m Asheville recent- the stick was much larger and ly, according to reports. Judge Weaver at first assess ed a $25 fine and costs, but la ter ordered the fine stricken out and continued prayer for judgment for. two years. The pupil who -was whipped was William (Buster) Brown. The defense claimed that the whipping ii' was administered with a switch about the size of eacittit;thfjwii- tion produced witnessed that that painful injuries were in flicted about the boy's ,b(ack and shoulders. Sheriff Bailey of Bun combe to Have Dem- ocratic Opponent w from . the Asheville papers that Sheriff Bafley ia to have Luther Sevia nmii him r in J. Buncombe Rflnuhr i JJhiriff Bailer's -race ' with any, oppwant- will be fwatched with'the interest by, the ; people oi naoison, where Mr Bailey is so well known. ! poultry. ttninded . peop.re wuld. j have taken advantage .oi.vthe oppprtunity. .0 nn. cntleman. on leaving.- told-the coafltyjage.nt-ti4;! .have fasse4T..witbic1iickens jut.;e-f fiough to knqw inai vhhv knows what. Re is talking a I jut Ile'U godvr-r read er, -just remembeiC tl.ii ne.-t ITr. 0 : s" a meeting at whicn- TAX LISTING! 5 - Krl. .ninipA for the various town- I WrVand war'd wil! bamong for" the purpose of .7Vto.-rfiirlnaT the Month of April and not the . " tt f Mrv aV heretofore. ,It is urged by the Com- pSatSfSS be sure and .y ? . . , . is.a a f niiiirft tft list la a cause charged all persons who fail .to hat in Apn , , So , - nlpae attend to this important mawr ro aiii, u--i IjommioneaJe yourfrienda and jdon want to put . you to any extra cost. 4 ; ..Ilence this notice..-? V. V " i " Respectfully, - o i - .; ... Rev Charlie Y. Elkins, pastor oi the Marshall Free Wfll Baptist rvinrrh. reached at the fifth Sunday service at this church, Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock, a good sized con gregation being in attendance, using as his text part of the 7th chapter of the Gospel by St Matthew. AT THE METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY The congregation at the Methodist Church enioved a real sermon bun- dav A.- M. by their pastor, Rev, S. r Weatherlv. from Swannanoa. Rv. Mr. Weatherlv is much liked In Marshall and his sermons show depth of thought and consecration. PRESBYTERIAN SERVICESSUNDAY Ths annual congregational meeting of the Presbyterian church was held at the Presby terian e h u're h -Wednesdaay evening, i;- Reports of the va rious departments were satis- factoryespecially .the reports of the Ladies Missionary Soci ety and Church treasurer The church," is now, preparing for entertainment Q f the FrehlsW I, i o a d Presbytery, which will meet in the church April s t- e. oic.uui ,9mw will be at T :80 P. M.'; The pub- to at tend. itt nn n i i.jl T sAemooiw:,'V-Tha''iBri'..itatad about 2 o'clock whUe Mr. McDevitt waa Marshall and his wife had just gone to the postoffice. Five v email chtt ArBn er- at out the home but could not prevent a complete eonflagrationi l. u.niii mnivmI no insurance' OM. fcf ..... . " from his loss, which he estimates at. about $4,000. It is thought , that sparks from the flue started the fire . on the shingle roof. Mr. McDevitt . . r 1 J 1.1m is a teacner in maaison vuuui,, iu school having recently closed. He and His son, tax. newmnii were in Marshall Monday morning, and reported the loss. - . ' ( " MEETING IN MAR- SHALL WEDNESDAY MINISTERS OF MADISON TO BE ADDRESSED . lie is cordially, invited The- subject -of" the sermon ay.morning at the Presby teriaii church by Dr.: Knox was rintside:the' Bible." based on Luke 11:13. 'i'J ' 'The morning; theme, was, a- long the line of what great difference would be seen in the wcrli if it were net for t' ; in- cI.Tcrer.ce. . . Letters are being sent out by the department of Agriculture and Home Economics to the ministers of Mad' ison County, calling .them to a meet far at the court house in Marshall at 2:00 P. M.; Wednesday, April 2nd, Mr. W.P. Jackson, a former country minister aqd .now in charge of the extensiona department of young folks, will address the ministers. His nAlact will be pertaining to the rec reational work of the young people in the county, in which the local ex tension agent ' and ministers ean co hmhU.;' The letter toes en to say meeting, ai Mr. Jackson comes high ly recommended from the depart menL It is lioped that every min ister will attend this meeting. The letters are signed y these: lass Frances Crafton, Home Agent, eni Mr. Earle Brintnall, Farm Agent. KOTANAPuILFC It ktfppens thst the f.r sue of the semi-weekly N. Re'cbr'4 .appears cn-. 'Arri! This;,:mayi foci; sc3 I but it is not intended fcr t . pril Fool. .r v r . 1 Shymah Te'.l r e, time Tr.rr ci .,'.1 .i ...prcrct ? 3 f " "" i

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