V4 i ! THE NEWS-RECORD MADISON COUNTY RECORD Established June 28, 1901. FR"' BROAD NEWS , t V. 4 A .AAA ;: 1 The paper that tells what ne 5 people in the country at wall , , as thoa ia town are doing. .. tt -waroUdated NaT. 2, 1911 f v THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY I i LyoL. xxix MARSHALL, N. C. TUESDAY, AJUL 15, 1930 ZBOO Four Pages This Issue n ARS!!ALL SATURDAY, APRIL 13 iu vim M-m m TRIAL DRAWS SATURDAY CROWD hearing fdf the case , oi the ELLIS C. JONES , IN RACE Mr. Ellis C. Jones of Asheville, one of several candidates for the of fice of Solicitor from the 19th Ju Wclf . Under .$2,500 Bond, SeWS v'The this Mica Tatem's Musie Racital ' To Be Given At 8l06 P'. : ? -'! Clack P. M. wr s The music recital by the class of Miss Annie 'Pearl 'Tatem will be givi interesting program has been arrang ed and will appear in our Friday edi tion of The News-Record this week. mars imx dT LIMELIGHT College Dramatic Clab Winning ' Owar rQthmt Schools r State against Charlie Metcalf, charg- r rilj , i, -ea witn tne Kiaaaping 01 uessie raaie erft,. "ere&ted cflasldetable! interest, in Marshall Saturday afternoon. The lieafing was before Justice of the Vfit G$t$t Mr. Join Seilroy represented t Mr. Metcalf while Mr. J. Coleman Ramsey and Mr.; Guf .-V.f Roberts Tepresented the girl's side." Usually a "imBglstmte's Court draws only a few people into a small room, but the hearing Satur day was held in the maia auditorium Of the court house, where even stand ing room was ata pyenilum,' both the lower floor and galjery being filled to capacity. Quite a number of witness es Hvere examined, including Qtho Merrell and Miss Evelyn Forrester, -who wwe' beciipantt 0"f "the tar "With Charlie Tietcalf and Bessie Male Kent the day of Mjss "Kent's disap pearance. 'JSSr. Jra plemmoiw testi fied that between twelve and three o'clock "of tlie lifght of March ?lst, hat "Crarlie ' Me'ttTfilf : fltene fto 'his hdtel incf ;sked ' if of ' InatChes,' which vtm tffa)llrri,"'$M&it leaving the Hotel glmost InmieBiriteJIy, apparently jhot Tunde the lnflttence of witfor. 'cMUih$ ' JtiiiiM' examined as to Hetciilf's'charatter were vt. J. u Tilson. Messrs 'll.' r' 'Whitt, Lee iim WhityiLothe Howell anH othotBrHsho v Metcalf a - M Coflflldimible- argument, arose . be tween the" -Tawyers nif 'the two .sides Over the DofnVas to "whether Tvhat Metcalf claimed 'the : girl' said should be admitted I as evidence. After "hearing the Arguments of the lawyers, Judge Gudger ruled that such evi dence would' not - be " competent; therefore Mr. John "MeElroy made a motion that the bond be reduced from $5,009.00, and the same was reduced by fine court to 82,500:00.'' The crowd hen..4jspersed,, after -which two riiiBor cases were heard, in which Jonah jMassey was charged with assault" On Ed Goforth, and arrvine concealed weapons, and was hound over 't$ the Superior Court. - iU-- (UST BE REDUCED I .JSWIPE S5M " our ann-asiD TO THE FARMERS AND LAND OWNERS TOW CAROLINA If you have not organized for taxelief, do it now. Our committee wants every farm and home owner, to gtf to his County Court House at one o'clock P. M,, on Saturday, ApriJ 19, hold a mass . meeting organize a County Tax Relief Association and send as many delegates ' as possible to the -State Tax Relief meeting in Raleig at the Sir Walter Hotel at 11 o' clock Monday, April 21. ' The sale value of all lands has been seriously impaired by the system of-taxation in this state and the unjust burden placed thereon your homes and farms are now at stake. The present high tax rate is likely to be still further advanced in 1931 t0 raise an Additional four million dollars re quired by the State Government to meet1, the demands for that year, unless our entire system of levying and collecting taxes and valuations on nroD- en next Saturday evening, April 19,' erty cnanKed and other sources of revenue provided. This is no idle talk, at 8:00 o'clock. Quite a long andl10!"1 else can be -done under the oxipting law. The strong arm of an unjust system of taxation has been raised and the necessities of increased revenue have already been declared anfl the blow which will further de preciate your lands and sacrifice your homes and farms will certainly be struck. Land values will be totally destroyed and land sold for taxes upon a market without purchasers will continue to increase unless you act im mediately to secure tax reform. Thousands of farms and homes in :North Carolina have already been sold for taxes at a small tpittanee of their true value and valid tax deeds have been given to purchasers; hundreds of actions to foreclose tax certifi cates are now pending in every county; and unless some relief is secured, these 'properties will have to be sacrificed. Opposition to fhis reform and relief from this condition is organised and it is necessary for your protection -that you shall -organize and demand the tax reform every one admits is ' ecesary to relieve our lands and homes from the unjust harden pbw resting upon them. If you have any care for the iwlaf 'of your property, this Committee urges upon you that you shall act at tttice. A remedy -for those troubles cam te secured but this remedy cannot' be secured as individuals and this Organization is for the purpose qf securing a concert of action y the hun dreds of thousands of people in NorthCarolina ho are present sufferers from the unjust condition, , . ?' " - ABOVE INDICATED ON THE lVt 6l APRIL AND SEND YOUR 4ELE A?E TQ THE' STATE MEETING TO BE HEtD IN RALEIGH ON 'APRIL SI. ' ,rt ,,."- . . - . .'.L.?. AJEISQ THE, MEETlNQjrp BE.HEIJX AT.ybUR OURT rlWSE ASJ -!. ' . 1 -. . RespccuUy Butmhtedl4"71 J'-v'1 -L. I. MOORE, Chirman. BY MULE KICK The Dramatic Club of " Hill College! uner the djrectioii of Miss Bonnie Vfengert, seems ib be winning wherever it goes, with Tits '. well pre sented playf "Marching Men , by James O'Brien. It' recentlywon over a well presented play bjT the' Ashe ville Junior TCdllege in 'Mars 'THillJ ind Sunday's 'Ashevjjle ;CJtizoh;'yMiedsan aclcouht of "the same plry's victory oyef 'Loiilsbiirg College. '' Th'iftaihe paper carried a cut of : MhisDOtis Cl&bsof Miff Hill. -who'is anlint Mars Hilf In 'the Rn'e anowlhg idf Its dramatic ::ii'-''''f '-:: ' " A LETTER OF APPRECIATION Lawyer: Really, madam, it's ab solutely essential that your correct age be entered upon the document." Spinster: "Well r ftfty-tjiree! Rut, nlpasA writp it s lllnoHhlv ip e 'POBHID W 4wlippeO. . i. t . . ft 5 1 got W. C. SPRINKLE An article; appearing in 'Sunday's .Asheville Citizen was misleading 'as to the real Value of the estate of the "late W. CrSprinkle of Weaverville. The article -stated that the value of -the estate was $7,500.00 We are re liably informed that the I7.600.fl0 represented:; cash on nana, siocks, bonds, etc;!, and that - real estate would bring the total valuation up to .-around $40,000.00. Mr. Sprinkle di rected that "the widow, Ama J. Sprin kle, be given the residence in Weav- erville, whiche had purchased some time ago fro C. C. Brown, together with all f oriiishings except . the ' pic tures donF fcy his , daughter, Mrs. .'Minnie JSprtnlle Ramsey. He direct ed 4hat the" residue of his estate be .-after firsts Jpaying Mrs. - Ramsey $1,000 and Di. C. N. Sprinkle a like amount. .S - GEORGIA TALC CO, TCRESlBffi ' el Operatioia pt Plant In Marshall To In Wedneaday - Mr. Gleaiv af-the -Georgia Talt Th following- Letter jProm Term" AfadMOtt Minater . Is Appreciated. 'aoTrrer.pr&-4, im Mr. H. L. Story, Marshall, N. C. Dear Brother: , . ; . Allow me to congratulate you on your achievements, and the contribu tion you are making to the good peo pie of your County, in the way of a good clean and newsy paper, and es pecially making jt seriii-Areekiy. read Its eoluMtts With afreat deal of interest, because-of the' iWanyews Items it carries from 'Various sections of the county; ' t It was my privilege while pastor in your town some years ago, to hold meetings in quite a number of the churches of he county, , Bethel, Oali foWiia" Creek;- td.v.Ga;kabriefs Ciek. iiirel' i fSeiiAnaty,r 3' Laure) "Branch, PeeTts Chapet, WalKut XTreelf,! Grape Vine, Revere, Big Laurel, Little Pine or Oaney Fork, Hot Springs, Enon, Piney Mountain, Lo cust Grove, and perhaps others. . In these articles I read of some of the friends of former years, passing, which is very sad, and then there are other things I read which gladdens. ' It was great joy to me to come to yoiWthuKlfc-two-yearagoanoaj,. sist Rev. H. L. Smith in a revival, and last year to be back in the county at Enotv with those good people in an other heefng.- I shall never forget the ipeople f Marshall Baptftj chnYcH, and tne .'other Churches, , fof 'tnir JJMlyi'klftwe to nieJwhile thtjt as pastor, and "also during the re vivals. : ' There is a longing in my heart about this season of the year to get back and get out in the moun tains, and have with me Mr. Geo. McKinney. There would be no dan- arar of either of as riolatinir the gquir- Company.'rWe understiind, wiU re- rel baw. CThat ha been fully tested aume the operation of his plant in out wniie 1 was titer as paster, , Ask .'Marshall, Widnesday, Apr-J. JTiejGwV Wei! J wiU husk I know $00 entire pha?nfr miH and talc ftWit litjvill tire thia, but I jujrt'ffelHike the lower etd of town, wV t Jha to writ ye Wause I fetf that purchased f said company some yoB nvaking a great contribution time ago, wjl undergo a number ofjta the people f the County,, and I changes, a, trt U hoped that thta ia, congratulate yoi ia it -dnstry ti'J win- yraat 4 Ao.... v 'uliteare7 70u -. J. S. Mann C. W.' Morgan Mallett A. Ward Miss Sybil Hyatt S. J. Satterwhite B. S."Moss J, A. Turlington ' T. B. "Parker R. A. Saunders J. L. Burgess T. S. Neal J. Allen, Taylor W. W. McCaskiU Members of the Executive Committee of the N, Carolina Tax Relief Assn, J. E. Green Dr. Oscar Haywood R. L. Like J. V. Rogers John Edwards J. Frazier Glenn Waiter in cafe: "What will you have.-'please?""" - .-. - Customer: "I want some toast, ham, scrambled eggs, a smile and good advice." Waiter with the order: Any thing else, jftease'l" ti'y - Customer;: ?AU is hero but the ad vice." Waiter: "Don't eat the eggs." The Shuford National Bank of Newton is encouraging 441 Club work in 'Catawba 'COuntv fav a-ivlnir each membelr h handsome club ipin. Salesman : "How much is Bill Jones goad-o?V , Credit Man: "Does he own an auto mobile?" Salesman: "No!" Credit Man: "Let him have all he 'waripranlte' Service. "Hey, you brought me the wrong i aa n a . w pair 01 dooisi snoucea tne Major. Can't you see one's black and the other's brown?" "I know, sir." winffled Privntn Rntu "bul'lhe other pair's the -same way." urauiw service. 9-Year-Old Boy Taken To Hoipital ' Tuesday Bejamin, the nine-year-old son at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chandler of near Revere, was; taken to .hospital in Asheville Tuesday morning, suffering from a fractured skull caused by be ing kicked by a mule about five o' clock Monday afternoon. The father of the boy brought the child to Dr. Sams, who solicited some funds from Marshall citizens to help defray the expenses of taking the boy to the hos pital. EASTERN STAR MEETING IN MARSHALL A special meeting of the Marshall Chapter No. 35 Order of Eastern Stars was held in "the Masonic Temple Monday evening, in .honor of the Grand Matrons of North Carolina 0. E. S., and other Grand Officers, and tempers from the different chapters in the Twelfth District. After a most interesting and delightful meet, ing, delicious refreshments were serv ed during the social ifaour. AND SKIP. ASHEVDXEWRITES THREE SWINDLERS PASS " 'THROUGH MARSHALL-'" -, h-.....it, t,y .' Mr. Will Fisher of Walnut Creek was the victim f a swindling bunch who passed through Marshall Sunday. PretendiT!? to b$ taking subscrtptjpna . for paper and giving seed as an, in ducement for taking the sttbscrip tion, three strangers: passed through Marshall Sunday, afternoon, .calling '. out a number of people and doubtleae swindling wherever they ould.- - The only specific case .brought to our at tention which was practically Mgh--way robbery, was that of Mr. Will Fisher, who was swindled ot of $5.00. He subscribed to their paper and crave them a $5.00 bill, from which they were to take 49c. With out returning the change, they d'ova off hurriedly. An effort was made the officers to apprehend -them, but they were successful in making their getaway. CHINA CHILD WELFARE THE PUBLISHER'S COLUMN , ABOUT VARIOUS IIATTERS ;!tr! IfATURbAY MEETING BE REPRESENTAtVE ' J. .We "are Wvlng-'constdeTabie einasisfn this fesu to a mass medting to be held at the court house next Saturday afternoon. The article which appears above is authorized by the names appearing thereon, but the feel ing of dissatisfaction as to tax on real, estate seems to be pretty general, not confined to any party, faction, race or creed. ft is therefore up to th peopleof the County as a wliole to attend "'tnis metfni an'd aaa that delegatea re appointed p the Raleigh meetta nxt alinday,. who Tare not m.ut iu vncnr moiivea, on wao are competent and ca pable WWtinf Ibtooiecutkmlta liH TTfe'subjeft'ef taxation laltM always lias ioeen a'lvin aaaaih. ih.ye,cjten. beljeyejn. progress tempered with common sense, 4J)4.:whai - uf jvtsa ui.s mone : w . pw m execution, ana we know of no other way to raise money for public purposes except through some 1 form of taxation. ; And people of reasonable minds are willing to,,, bear toir just portittn of such taxation But how to ptoe jtho burden so u not W.eoppres3iyo tf worthy worth-while peoplrho are drying to make Vi hones living and at the wime time not burden ot heavily those" i' whoaVr'btti!a'nd energy -auiMilated sOmtetKlnVisjl vlxmg proK : lenu Moreover," we are living In an age when the great massesof people live from day to day and pay by installments rather than in lump sums at stated periods.. The average young person thinks very little of throwing away on needlesa luxuries few cento every day wOiich if totaled at the end of the yeai would amount toa eoiaiderable snwu Many of the boys of the prerart-ynei atlUB-inrd ereira number of the t Mr would be sur prised if what they spend from day to day oa eigarettes, soft drinks, We trust Miss Hodges will pardon us lor publishine the following: ' 1 44 Clyde St. Asheville, N. C. April 6, 1930 My Dear Mr. Story, This is not written with any thought of seeing my name in print merely a friendly word of greeting and an expression of grati tude because you have done so much to make it possible for me to keep in touch with my old home and the few people remaining there who are my friends arid were once my associates, to say Nothing "of the pleasure I de rive jfroin "keepiiig up with" my tiew frlerids in Mkrjahall of Which ydn and the members of your dear family are shining examples I feel about any contact I may be able to maintain with Marshall much as the old woman, an inveterate tobacco user. f elt"-a bout tor Weed. Pur rim t da'init recall -at the 'moment fehe was to be granted three of the tnfhgs she fnost desired. Her first expressed desire was, "Give me some 'baccy." Her second' "Give me some more 'bac cyl" Her third "More 'baccy 1' Your decision t o make the .- News- Record a bi-weekly causes me to re joice personally, because on Tues days it means news from Marshall and on Friday more news from Mar shall. rtenttv!n into more commodious, more up-to- date quarters, coupled with the twice- Jn-fk appearance of your-pSper in th-1 utureindicatesnrosDeritvrt I . !fole-for.5yaur'owJ sake and hat on cmW 'p z-60 Pro Everyone should Tead and heed the ifollowmg letter from Albert L. Gox, State Chairman of China Child' Welfare, Inc North Carolina Division. Thin letter was- received ; by Mom. We A.JEUiidriclc of Marshall, My dear Mr. Hendricks: " ' 1 Along a bleak wind-swept Chinese road a mother with "dull aching heart struggles on with the' thin, shrivelled up body of her child, for days even the pitiful substitutes for real food such as pigweed soup, clay mixed with chaff and grass-hoppers fried ; with tree bark have all been gone-' The mother goes on always hoping for food. Just a little bread would mean life "to Kfeir cliild. There is no bread. There are thousands of moth ers like her in China Hda with sob bing, starving children. The only answer to .their cries' for food is the cold biting winds of winter. While we have plenty to eat and r warm clothing to wear, thousands of children, wan and emaciated, are dy .' inf "alotig 'the road sides "AND THE PRIEST AND THE LEVITE PASS BY ON THE OTHER SIDE". Dr. John R. Mott, Who has just re turned from China, says, "The if f ering of the children '! particnUrly pitiable and presents' n irrasUtibla y appeal. Literally millions ef than, obviously caaght ia k ituatioa they could not poaaibly haVa bad anything to do ia creating, are 'suffering and dying of hanger and the diseases that always fellow ia the train of famine.''. THE CHILD WELFARE, INC., is trying to meet the crying demand for ; immediate relief among; the children ' in China. The North Carolina com mitteemen .. have investigated this work and give it theijtj most hearty endorsement Campaigns are being conduc-4n .avery istita We -.. ia.. North Carolina must I do our "part. WHAT IS ; YOUR -ANSWER? The little Chinese children can be fed. $30.00 .will ' provide , food for etc, were totaled at the end of the year. That being true, much of the tax necessary to run our j government, our schools, road building, etc could be raised in a way that would hat seem so burdensome if jtrol- lected day by day, a tew feints at a time.' If odr people can go to Rkle'th and devise waya ami meant sV that the necessary funds eat tb Aised-. to carry on our public affairs and pay off Die bonded indebtedness ilreaayi oa aa and at the name time relieve the farmer who ir honestly trying to retain and tin hUhsoil and bring ap ft worthy family of children, sack, a . aaeremeat aill have accomplished mock tOTtrd tta eace.rcstea.sj '. money goes a long wi In China. We call on you for help i confidence that . you will do something Quickly. Sincerely yours, ,j Albert L. Cox, State Chairman. of your family as felt as for Madison Couity aala vwn"olef fo?whatone thing shows the prosperous condi tion of the -inhabitants of any. town city or other locality, more than the steady growth of that newspaper pub lished withm their midst which is al most entirely dependent upon their patronage for is ' prosperity? So. selfishly, for my own sake, for the sake of yo and yours, and. for Mar-. shall and Madison Countv is a wholfe. I . . ' ' 1 reioie "widi fre'u4at Von liiv brrt ' able JtrtakeihU forward step, r ,y "tie Woman's Club Marshall will continued prosperity lure you a with meet at the home of I'ra. R. S, 'Sam premise always fulfilled to other and' sey at 7:30 o'clock t ''sday ever.' -greater achievements. . ' . . ' , I April 15th. All im em are t C rr"y yours. - lto be "-. an r rt of t 'Ha f TOUIEET - I: