i 1 1 ft Marshall, N. C., Apr. 18, 1930 THE NEWS-RECORD FIFTH PAGE jljOCA. Ii r AND PERSONAL ... . . . -,,..-,.,, Happenings In and Near Marshall Mr.' C. M. Blankenship and Ml. Jasper Ebbs left Wednesday for Ra leigh. Mrs. F. A. Dodson and Mrs. C. E. Cline went to Asheville Wednesday morning to see Mr. Dodson, who is recuperating from an operation. Don't forget to list your property this month. : Mrs, Grace Ramsey Redmon was taken to a hospital in Asheville Wed' nesday morning. Miss Othalia Silver of Asheville is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Silver, taking her vacation. Miss Mabel Jones of Carmen, N. C, was in town Wednesday. Among those who went to Char lotte Tuesday to attend the Republi can Convention were Messrs. S. B. Roberts, 0. L. McKinney, E. R. Tweed, J. A. Hendricks, Sheriff R. R. Ramsey, Dr. J. H. Hutchins, Dr. Frank Roberts, J. Herschel Sprinkle, Robert Tweed, Lee Tweed, J. Hubert Davis and C. B. Mashburn. Don't forget to list your property this month. Marshall Pharmacy is going to give away absolutely free & five-dollar fishing rod or reel to the man or wo man, boy or girl who catches the largest baas this season. This offer is also good for the largest trout. FOR MEN ONLY SPECIALS for EASTER Broadcloth Shirts H(C White'A cotor. IV New Spring HOSE ...Ts & 25c FOR LADIES ONLY FEATURING NEW SPRING HATS For Saturday PRICED t 98c $1.49 $1.98 Mr. Ed Blackstock and Mr. W, C. Pope of Weaverville were in town Thursday. The new Model store, opened last Saturday by Mr. Howard Rector, is carrying a very attractive line of new, fresh groceries. . The refrigera tion system in the back enables them to carry meats, etc. This store is re ceiving a liberal patronage. Mr, F. A. Dodson, who underwent an operation last Week at an Ashe ville hospital, is expectde to return home the latter part of this week. His many friends will be delighted to see him back in hie store, where he has been doing a thriving grocery busi ness for quite a while. 'The A&P store is undergoing changes , for expansion in business. Mr. McLeroy of Charlotte is here do ing the necessary carpentry work. The partition has been moved back, making the front room larger. Don't forget to list your property this month. Mr. Ollie. Ramsey returned Thurs day morning from Charlotte, where he went to stand a verteran's exam ination. McEWEN 6, 10 & 25c STORE Marshall, N. C Mrs. Claude Allison entertained at dinner Wednesday Mrs. Annie May White, Mrs. W. H. Morrow, and Mrs. H. L. Story. Miss Clota Sprinkle and the Misses Ward spent Wednesday afternoon in Asheville. Mr. R .A . Kohloss left Thursday for the eastern part of the State, and has not yet returned. Miss Viva Hayton is straightening 'up the books, taking inventory, etc. for the Monarch Manufacturing Com pany. A meeting of the stockholders of the Monarch Mfg. Co., wilhbe held at the plant April 23rd, at 8:00 M. Everyone should be present at this meeting. Mr. Bernard Reid Is quite hoarse following what is called a case of LIBUMLflWLWIiaaiaULa iUmjmjmjWJMUUl Ml ma l Bill mil HIM MM Hill mil mil nm Mill nm nm mil inn mil I I HrrimnmTimiirrTiin - ''ivfiiium-"-""" REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF CITIZENS BANK MARSHALL, NORTH CAROLINA to THE CORPORATION COMMISSION At the Close of Business on the 27 day of March, 1930 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts , . 8453.789.43 50.03 . 54,195.29 - 2,000.00 13,470.70 151,249.01 1,428.67 292.05 4,478.70 Overdrafts United States Bonds County and . Municipal Bonds iirniture and Fixtures Cash in Vault and Amounts Due from Ap proved Depository Jsanks Checks for Clearing and Transit Items Cash Items (Items Held Over 24 Hours) .. Other Real Estate ; . TOTAL LIABILITIES . Capital Stock Paid In Surplus Fund .-$680,953.88 -? , Undivided Profits (Net Amount) Demand Deposits Due Banks Other Deposits Subject to Check 50,000.00 52,500.00 2,545,49 ' 338.21 232,695.7a Deposits Due State of North Carolina and . Any Official Thereof: Secured, $50,000.00, 50,000.00 , Demand Certificates of Deposit fDua in ' - -" f - lia Than JM Tlava ;- - -.' 'V O107'' t Cashiers , Checks Outstanding ' . . ; - 11,636.61' tflme Certificates of Deposit (Due on or " -i Alter su Days; , , ' t---t: 220,409.12 Savings Deposit (pue on or After 30 ; h 1 Rediscounts .., , ; . , 56,376.45 1,284.64 STATE OF NOSTII CAROLINA Countyof UadLioa -i A. W. WhitehurBCCashier,fi. R. Tweed, Director 7 and C. B.; Mashburn, Director of the Citizens Bank, each personally appeared before me this day; and, be-" ing duly sworn, each for himself, says that the forego- -ing report is true to the best of his knowledge and be- iier. " - . - - - -r : ' Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 10th .day of April, 1930.,. . . ; . - " . J. J. RAMSEY, Notary Public - My commission expires July 19, 1930. A. W. WHITEHURST, Cashier. ,- " E. R. TWEED, Director. . . C. B. MASHBURN, Director. flu. Friends of Mr. Oliver Shelton will be' interested to know that he is at home again after being in Asheville for several weeks for treatment. Young Miss Frances Ramsey of Marshall spent last week-end with lit tle Miss Leta Jo Allman near Mar shall. The store of Mr. Z. V. Fisher, which was damaged recently by fire, has been repaired and appears about as attractive as usual. Mr. Fisher is one of Marshall's most popular and accomodating citizens, and deserves a liberal patronage of those who like good things to eat. One of the most attractive flour displays in Marshall can be seen in the show windows of Mr. A. L. Plem mons' grocery store. Mr. Plemmons is always on the job and carries a good line of groceries. Mr. Jack Thompson, who runs a lunch counter and grocery business just across from the Southern Rail' way station, seems to be making good in Marshall, despite close competition. IMiss Alene Burgin of Hot Springs was the guest Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sanders. , . The Woman's Club 0f Marshall met Tuesday evening with Mrs. R. S. Ramsey. One of the items of busi ness was the choosing of officers for the next term. The election result ed in the reelection of every officer. Mrs. J. N. West, president of the club, was present and presided. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist church met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Jonah Lee Tweed. The members of the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. C. E. Sanders. Bragga I told my contrary wife where to get off last night. Dozia What happened? Bragga She rode three blocks farther.just to spite me. The Pathfinder. "BEADS ON A STRING" This PUy Will Be Given by Teacher Training Clate April 18, at ?t45. P. M., in Marshall : High School Auditorium CAST OF CHARACTERS Beanie Davis Zezzalee Davis Nell Cantrell J. H. Davis ; : Josie Bryant Benjamin Davis, Esq.- Fowler Wallin Harold Beem Violet Wright Ab Dinkier Rubye Payne Mrs. J. H. Davis ; Winnie Bryan Molly Mallerton Mary Morrow Jeanette Blue Anna Worley White Cleopatra Oleomargarine Johnson , , ' Vivian Sams Rector i II II Ull 4-H Club (work is getting under way in Craven County with about 150 members enrolled in the differ ent projects. - Some boys and girls are unable to - join Because of n nanclal. conditions but provision is being made to aid each worthy mem' ber. THE PIONEER ENGLISH CLUB English I Accident Tourney Opens Odds Up on Sliver-proof Glass Chariots Milk Fed Pedestrians Bring Good Price By E. W. Melson rtOUBLB BREASTED suits of MJ cast Iron, lined with chrome sole leather, will be worn by the well dressed motorist this spring. We have bad our ear to the ground. Paris advices decreeing knickers will be entirely Ignored, if not openly snickered at, by the 26,634,210 car owners who will take the road this spring prepared to avenge dents in the radiator, abrasions of the fender and con tusions of the gas tank, suffered in last year's road tourney. The jousting this year will be very gay and jovial. Cars will be matched by weights, and aU col Uslons will be carefully retereed by cheering spectators, selected for their agility, who will report ronna oy rouna to the Workmen's Compensation Bureau. No head on gouging will be permitted ex cept by cars equipped with scat- ter-proof glass and caterpillar ures. Armored tanks are taboo, except Dy agreement between the contestants. Tanks are too safe lor the drivers and last year's accidents from this source were ao low as to be lauahable. The prises to be awarded by i tile casualty companies this year : are aoout the same as last: i Complete Dislocation Right '. Elbow 150.00 raruai Fracture Floating ' Rib .......J..;...: 25.00 , well Hashed Toea (Large or Small) 12.50 Shin Braises from, Crank ing 8.95 Kicked by Horse ... 4.75 Bookmakers are quoting heavy odds on cars equipped with shatter-proof glass. In last year's Jousting many contestants were unseated, by flying silvers. This year, those who are still driving old style cars may obtain asbestos umbrellas from the State Con servation Commission. This um brella, Invented by a Jugoslavian cab driver, will stand a heavy shower of glass and permit Its owner to compete with newer jousting cars fitted with splinter proof glass. The contest will run from April until October and will be under the auspices of the Ad- BURLEY TOBACCO BRINGS OVER 3SC PER POUND AmUmI CnrtUM fcr heslve Tape A Plaster Associa tion and the Auto Accessory and Oarage-Repairmen.'' ..v. Pedestrians are looking forward with eager anticipation to the yearly festival. Their suits will be made of special alloy. Casualty companies have announced that they will pay f 5,000 tor the hands and feet of choice, milk fed, pedestrians, or $2,600 for either leg. . There will be prises for all and the winner on points win be given a steel engraving of Musso lini on his horse. Chambers of Commerce are urged to get be hind this movement and have a Mardl-Gras in every community. "HIGH SOCIETY BLUES" The Pioneer English club was call ed to order Friday, April 11, 1930, The president appointed a new pro gram committee. They, are Troy Reece and James Runnion. As there was no other business to come before the club, the following program was carried out: " i. -,. Bible reading Wayne Green Declamation . Ottis Sprinkle Question Box Hall Davis Jokes '.:: John Gage Current Events Fields Holcombe J. P. PRITCHARD, Reporter. CHURCH "High Society Blues", co-starring the screen's most famous sweethearts, Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell. is an intimate, infectious musical ro mance reminiscent of their recent success, "Sunny Side Up", and will be presented at the Plaza Theatre, in Asheville, N. C, during the entire week of April 21st. In "High Society lues", Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell figur atively pick up where they left off in "Sunny Side Up". For in this latest Fox Moyietone musical ro manee,-, these two popular players ingr dance and make merry from the opening sequence to the last fade out. ' And, of course, they fall love, as recklessly and delightfully as it is possible to imagine. But theft romance is not all smooth sled ding. For the respective families of these impetuous lovers are not on speaking terms, not. by any matter of means. All of which doesn't seem to bother Janet and Charles very much. They're young and in love and, what's more, they are out to show the whole world that true love knows' no obstacles. And 80 every time things go wrong and the families become a bit more violent than usu al Farrell armH himself with! his trusty ukulele and goes serenading. And, if you know your Charles Far rell, you also know that he makes good job of it. Especially when Janet herself, to put it mildly, is more than willing to listen. David Butler, who directed Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell in "Sun ny Side Up", also directed "High Society "Blues". HEARD ON BELLE ISLE DO SNAKES HAVE VOICES? There will be appropriate Easter service . at - the .Methodist - church. Preaching fey the pastor. The mu sic will ne under the direction of Mrs. Carl Stuart and Miss Wright ' ' 8. C WJAT11J!UUjY, rastor, Laat warning! If yew kav not auJU mp rwr mind to m ."BEADS ON A STRING,, at Marshall High School Friday, , April 1 at 7i4S, yeej will hw the opportnnity of rasing ton year .from year proton t ago. ; I Haul Hail! tha gang' aU koro, ov- MAb" Diaklor i. a artist la trao do-forybody happy- Wo'vo toand a now toe tiro stylo If yon are in financial way to enjoy oao ovoaing. LQto tha tronblo, "Boanio" will giro yon an I-'man fat tha eireaa, Miaa Caaoy soya No snake has a voice in the generally accepted sense of that term as applied to animals and human beings. Naturalists do not credit the reports of snakes that bleat .like a deer, purr like a cat, cough like a monkey, or make other vocal sounds. Some species of snakes, such as the boa constrictors, r pythons and the little American . puffing adders, are able to make a hissing noise, which, is produced hy . tha " air rushing from the throat when - the lungs are deflated. . This, ae- u - cording to the Smithsonian Instt- w tution, i the, only "volce! pot- ' tested by snakes. Rattlesnakes ' make the ; rattling noise by vi brating the tips of their (ails. tThe Pathfinder. , 1 ' "i 11 , . daa of how to make half a null ion i yonr fiance is mUsing, "Molly" will show yon kow t locate him. Wkatever yonr worries this play will kolp yon ovorcoma thorn. , Attention, sportsmen 1 A five-dol-f rod or reel will be erven free to the person catching the largest trout 'Awright avaryhody, eton this way only 15 and 25c Came saa Ak tka groat "dof actor Uaela Ban tka millionaire; Mr. Davis a financial win- ard; Mrs. Davis, who tarns a son in to a daaghtor) Jeaaatta and Harold, tka original troable oakartt Molly and Bonnie, the caase af it alL Come The pale moon rose high in the east ern sky, And the walkers faltered along; They went at calm gait at an hour quite late, And enlivened the air with song. For their feet bound low as they on ward go, While their souls mount to the skies Their steps keep pace as they turn their face, And look into each other's eyes. What matters it then, if women or men k Hear their wild enchanting yell? Yet onward they go over ice or snow, Until spent their raptured spell. Sweetheart or brother, sister or other, The world is joy when they smile. If you want to hear more, then just go o'er, And view this wonderful isle. W. O. RAY, J 658 Abbott St. Detroit, Mich. Burley tobacco bringing the high est price in this section was grown with Zeli's Fertilizer ("AA QUALI TY"). Read what Dr. Moore says: 'i Marshall, N. C. Jan. 10, 1030. This past season I. used 600 lb, of Zeli's Royal Tobacco Fertilizer 8-3-5 ("AA QUALITY"), and my crop av eraged over 86c per pound. This is the highest price paid for Burley to bacco on any of our markets for the season. One 2000-pound lot brought $718.75. It is with pleasure that I ' recommend Zeli's Fertilizer to all farmers. Dr. J. N. MOORE. We keep a stock of "AA QUALI TY" Fertilizers on hand, and recom mend them for crops grown In this section. Come in and let's talk over your requirements. ROBERTS & DAVIS MARSHALL, N. C. BRIGMAN BROS. WALNUT, N. C. Favorite Recipes of a Famous Chef ae Told to Anne Baker By LOUIS DIAT, Chef, I The Rita Carlton, New York ' Sweet potatoes on the menu often present a problem, as so few variations in their prepara tion are offered in the recipes at the command of the house wife. Here are two ways of cooking them that Mr. Dlat is particularly proud of. Sweet Po tatoes Louisi ana or South ern Style 4 portions Boll six medium sized sweet po tatoes until tender in a generous quantity of salted water. Cool, peel and cut In round slices one-quarter inch thick. Arrange them in a shallow round earthenware or glass bak ing dish, overlapping each other in circles. Brush with butter and pour over them one-halt cupful of hot maple syrup and brown for fifteen minutes. Just before serr-' Ing, sprinkle with two tablespoon of sugar. Glaze for one or two minutes under a hot broiler. 8weet Potatoes and Ananas Louisiana Prepare sweet po tatoes tn the same manner as Sweet Potatoes Louisiana. Ar range them in the baking dish with half slices of pineapple. Add' maple syrup, beat and glaze with, agar as above. ' 1 1 Louis Dlat COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM BEECH GLEffHIGH SCHOOL High School Auditorium April 27. 28, and 29, 1930 SUNDAY. APRIL 27 AT 8:00 P. M. Baccalaureate Sermon Processional Invocation "Onward Christian Soldiers" Scripture Heavenly Concord feermon By Congregation "Come Thou Almighty Kinar" Kecessional Choir Rev. Hoyt Blackwell Choir MONDAY. APRIL 28. 8:00 P. M. SENIOR PLAY "WHAT HAPPENED TO JONES" Jones, who travels for a hymn-book house bbenezer Goodly, a professor of anatomy Antony Goodly, D. D., Bishop of Ballarat . Richard Heatherly, Engaged to Marjorie xnomas Holder, a policeman William Bigbee, an inmate of the sanatorium Henry Fuller. Sunt, of sanatorium Mrs. Goodly, Ebenezer's wife , Cissy, Ebenezers ward Ilva Metcalf Wayne Metcalf : Orville Radford Hal Maney Ralph Buckner i T&lmadge Metcalf. Ralph Buckner Willie Sawyer Alma Roberts Marjorie and Minerva. Ebenezer's daufirhters-Fav Brurman. Gertha Chandler Alvina Starlight, Mrs. Goodly's sister - Atlas English Helms, Swedish servant girl Pansy Chandler v fUAUlfi New York City. TIME The Present. -T, ' -. r t , P The action of the olav is 'continuous, 'commencing at 7:15 And continu ing to end of play. Special music between acts. - i-- ---.- (Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French of New York) - : i, TUESDAY, APRIL X9, 2:00 P.M.. - "-' V READERS' AND DECLAIMERS CONTEST 'I Laddie -. ..r-, .s- i..t,., .vmm'i,m,vmmmi t , t , ,. EthI Robinson H At the Open Window 1 . , ; ;- ' " , ' - Vivian Rice Uick , - ; .Ollia Ene-lish White Hands of Telham Love Affairs of a Canteen Girl Boys' Chorus t - The Farmera House Ju m, r- vui auaaia 1101 i-Ida Chandler T im l uiucr OUUIV. i i - iii , ,i , , i j r i - i i : -i The Masterful Man of tha Area (Abraham TineolnV The Unknown Soldier : The Rider of the Black Jlorae The Constitution i Sallie Shepherd L Wayne Metcalf r Orville Fdford . im.i i i i m uariana irant Ilva 'etc&H (Five dollar gold 'pieces riven each winner by The Bank of French Broad) .'v' , . - TUESDAY, APRIL , 8:00 P. M.. fr'," - '.- " SENIOR CLASS EXERCISE ' J " - Invocation- r - ' - . - -' -. Pregident's Address ' ; ' - ' ' Hal Eaney Class Song...... -., , Words by Atlas English and Alma Roberts History. foem Oratorical Essay Giftorian - -, Prophecy Last Will and Testament Fay rrmani Jessie Eansey . Lola Ih'ck Ida Chandler . Orville Radford i Ralph Backner Address '- ' " v -" '' "' ' ' : Awarding Diplomas and Medals " ; :. . ; - ushers: - Ilal Maney, Clkf Rnth ncisTey Rev. P. L. Ellio; this season. the Marshall Pharmacy. CF A UrZTIMS!

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