EIONARCH CO.; REORGANIZED 1 Ko-lot Resigns.- ," . Copsmltu. Of Tare T Oparmta Or Disss ' !'A meeting of the stockholders of the Monarch Manufacturing Compa ny of Marshall was held at its plant . Wednesday evening at eight o'clock, 4k R. A, Kohloss, the former 'man eger, and Miss Viva Haytoa, secre tary, were present and in all a hun dred and seventy-five, shares of. the two hundred and twenty were repre sented. .The president, Guy Y. Rob erts, stated that the plant had. been closed - down ' in 'order to have the stockholders from further loss in op erating, and that it was necessary to snake some changes. He called upon the various stockholders to offer sug gestions. Mr. R. A. Kohloss,- after some remarks, resigned as manager and one of the directors, and a spe- "clal committee consisting of Messrs. iE. R. Tweed, G. L. McKinney, of : Marshall, and Mr IL Ai Osborne of Canton, was elected to devise ways and means of either resuming oper ations or disposing of the property. The rent on the building was reduced front $75 a month to $50, by the consent of 'its owner, Mr Roy L. Gudger, who stated that he we anx ious to do everything possible tO make the plant go. Mr. R A. Kohloss. left Thursday morning for Durham, tit be rone about a week. - . ."3 " " - It Is hoped that some way will bey contlnu, u itter. found whereby the plant can op erated as such an industry ' swans something for our town.'' . . Speakers For Jurfe And "-;" ' ' y'"'.-. 'Cullowhee, April 19-peal:eW "V soento at Wearnrjuronnsorsacers va vouege nave'.iwnn mw. President. Hunter,.. Al jour ox wie commencement . speakers., ate miHii ten. For: the June; Commencement, ntnn -will htt inrefchedf b Dr. H. B. Trimble, pastor bf the Central Methodist s Churchy Ashevaie ?;fhs: evening oui wxv:m -v . jjnu W hr. Jnh'n E. Among those vuitinrMtn Mrs. wi,. ..t Virkk Bantist Church Savannah, Ga. j . For the August com. mmeemenV" the sermon will, be by Dr. WilMi"J"O.Ptr ,'sptit Church, ;Asheville; the address, by d stnkrt McClellan. rec- Calvrv Eoisconsl Church, of, Fletcher - , -f ,: .'. Miss Bernlce Payne has been' work l the Penlaad hbtel for the past m two' weeks.-;- She f ls;greaUv-toised 'MWMi Beatrice. MeDevH spent few.dars Isst week with her cousfai feSMft.Tom McDevitt'hf Lnret':f SW-eaIler of Miss Viola Ensley Sunday - .ajnsrnooBv H'-n-'..;-!;-' t- w-:--it't-i. Miss Manaret Leake and Mrs.' Jake V-:t Stines were visiting - on "Anderson JBrsnch - Tuesday.; :' rl& - Misces Agnes and Pearle Brigman attended the commencement exercis- s at FrehcnBfoad HfghSehoot WeeV- 84ay-:.algl-S. Mrs. IBShelton of Big LaureJ was visiting friends and relatives W Walnut Sunday. . -. f uX; 'i:, " Everyone was glad'to see Miss An na Hyde out Wednesday night, after oeingJll for-some tip. r V; C'trv. .Miss Marguerite - WaHin was seen planting beans 1 Thnrsdsy morning. We all hope she ' will have enough to last through the winter season. - , ; We are sorry to hear that Mrs. H. K. Davis is improving only slowly.',, Everyone around Walnut seems to be enjoying tennis these days, -f Misses poise Cody .: and Jennie Treadway ': : milling for Mr. Stokely Ensley Wednesday afternoon. They have planned to mill all summer if Mr. Ensley will let them ride Hole '' Bev. ' Mr. Hyde preached a very interesting sermon Sunday night v - Miss Gypste MeDeVitt made a fly ing trip to Harshall Wednesday. ' Misses Cats and Iva Payne were visiiinr their sister, Krs. H. A. Lans- Chandler called on Mis Marie Davis Wednesday afternoon.' , .' ' ' Mr," and "Mrs.1 Carrol Tweed of Asheville were visiting Rev. and Mrs, Mrs. B, E. Guthrie Sunday, ;.-' . Miss Ada Thomas, daughter of Mrs. T. C Thomas, and Mr.' Coahell, son of Mr, Tilman Gosnell, were quietly married Monday. .They are spending their honeymoon t Sandy, Bottoms. ' Miss Mamie Waddell of Tennessee spent s few day with Miss Gypsie McPevltt last weekv -tvv,f. v Miss Hazel Henderson, spent 5un- day: with her grandparents M and Mrs. - Joby Lunsford ; of Anderson Branch. "'" s - M Everyone enjoyed Tom Mix shown at Walnut Monday night.'. Rev. James L. Hyde and two daugh tera7 Florence and Helen, were away last .week on business. - v Mrs. Minnie Davis is having some repair work done on her home. Miss Marguerite Wallin's father has" been visiting her. for the past few days. Mrs. M. R. Baker of Asheville was iritittno- Mr. and'Mrs. F. D. Baker B Sunday afternoon, Miss Ruth Haynie spent the week end with Miss Jenne Lunaf ord - v The friends of Misses Sandy and Mary Ana greatly miss them since they hsve left Walnut ' ? Miss Phlenia Wallis of Cecil's Bus fnotia College, spent the .week-end with her parents. . " The Junior ' Endeavor enjoyed themselves nicaicking Monday after. noon. - j'ywan The Sunday, school of Walnut is greatly improving, and we nope they Messrs. Dewey Reed, Fred McDev- rtt and Clarence Sanders made music at the residence of Mr. Gy a Ensley ThuraVlay nfte De&cfcHus refresh, mrents were served. - - - Mr, vElij f ortner has been very busy .for the pas weelearing new : MisseV Violet and PaasyChandler spans the week-end .with their, par ents. Mr. slid- Mrs. J. V cnaaoier. One of their girl friends accompanied thenv v Misses Jennie Treadway, Eloisennd lauri Cody, and Misses Jed. Buckner and Mallie Roberts enjoyod Sunday ' C. J. Treadway Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Norton,- Mrs. P. V, Hen- derson and daughters, jtnex anu u dessa. Mr- and Mrs. Arthur. White- Burst and 'daughter, Ifllttaa, Mrs. Maynard Brantonand Miss Evelyn Cody. We "are . sorry, .to hear that .Mrs. Harrison Lunsf ord is on the sick list, but hope she will- soon .over ; Mr. Kl Watkinsr is. back ! at his danghWf si.; MrSi 'JSam ;, Qhandler. He is jh very HI health, hut we hope he .jriil.v soottfrecoyer. 'V.j;if -r,- ':' '' ' '. "' "ii ' ' " ' ' ' A LETTER JFROiM fa&f&rg M 4- C. II: l' M A , " Aprfl Mrt,UW0. The EdttorVf ihe", 7 . News-Record, Marshall, N, C, sff,iyj Would yotf ?Uaa spe in5 your paper for a' few; words t? Ai I ; understand hV rumored in tlie' Bit Tine section that I belong to Michigan; .. That - statement la aoso lutely false I never helped them in any way.J ' I would "never be guilty of "stoopinf that low,, ' I anv n hun, dred " percent' "American, ..i , have at vmys stood for protestantism, and al ways expect to do eo.":-;,V, 1 hope this wilL convince the people .who have heard these things, that it's only.the work .of some Crank,' who started ftyCib : . y Thanking you kindly, ' ; . ' i'SCONRAD tJ.BAKER,:- J;f Sl.Haltiner Street l Kiver ttpuge, micnigaii,.vvy - CapUin: "AH binds on deck. The ship is'leagf:'- Voice from" the "held: "Aw, put a pB:.undr it' and come to bed.'- Hamilton Royal" Gaboon.' ? -' -v; ';i' v 8omebody ; Loved ' HinuiosW Brown, MuV and tan shepherd dog, on glass eye, lame back foot. ! Wet-He "i r or crying; on ,4eud,'". renarked" th .talUe' atar-s he reeefveJ a. fat m puBLisnER'ScCOLur.iN;, ABOOT VARIO US OTTERS THE TAX PROBLEM TROUEtES MOST PEOPLE ' ; A stated in Tuesday's' .'paper, ' tee publisher of The News-Record was one of the delegates named by the knaaf meeting in Marshall Saturday tdajtend the State Associatioh . for Tax Belief, which convened In Raleigh Monday, April ! 21st.- Of all the number nameCle was the only one of the delegation who attended tbe'Smeetmg. pected of him to make a report " ' , , J""'; " The assembly hall of the'gir palter was practically fit ed with men and women from many parts of the State vitally interested in making some changes with reference to taxa tion. Three hundred and ninety-ieven delegates registered, representing forty-six counties? Chairman Moore discussed briefly the history and purposes of the organization, first Vice-President and Executive Secretary J. Frazier Glenn read the constitution and by-laws of the organization, which ; were adopted. Speeches were 'niade by Dr. Carl Taylor, Dean of the graduate school of State College, Honorable Josephus Daniels, Dr. Oscar Haywood, Honorable Hallett S. Ward, and others. ? f; ' . ' 1 The Association went on record -as advocating full State support of the constitutional six months school term and full State maintenance of all publfc.roadg. When the matter of a general sales tax, luxury te ?tc.was mentioned, it was , .decided that the associatioa-aot' put itself on record as favois4 ing this or that method of raising new revenue, but rather' stick to the first object of reducing taxes on land and leaving' to the legislature the duty iof "finding the needed money.' nqn. tiosepnus uanieis seemeffjto stake the sentiment of the assembly when he spoke favoring a sal tax and against the ."present tar.xepptiion ol'Uockjpd -oeigmljcorporatios," ATtn tho, VissbnsaAs4 TMsivslvwi lKnn.r4U.Mg. iL'-?-' PP?ed apemjajj4i ahe Assoaationafter some discussion.' -" voted ' tfiat a special session of the legislature be called 'between the?f all election, and Christmas to jtake up this matter of changes in taxation. It was brought out in the meeting that a legisla tor's term begins immediately after election and qualifica tion, hence the 1931 legislature would be meeting in special session the latter part of 1930. The idea seemed to be to create a sentiment along the lines, suggested that would in sure the incoming legislature favoring the policies of this association. In brief, the above are the salient points of the meeting of the association. Ralph -Is your naming sweetie the giri in Use DngM red dressT ' my n01 imamm Why? Ralph Well, I just saw her having fire drill in a coupe with some other ; Found a New Planet - w: - .N y llil Found a New Planet fT .j-..;-.-;. ... 'vii'W.- " v X .,:..-: : :s."- ' .,.;..;..: i . , : VSXSXSS&iii .v ; Clyiie 'i ti i, youi i Swcnufic student at Lw3 C'-ervstory, I" ;,v.Kaif,' Aruor with h.-erye which be itaCe l.'tnst ( snd whh wf . " ' St. diKwerti the- preriously mikiiowa plaixt iJ Proiennv Pertimi ; ' "we:l. btit hi deai IcxTtesa years arv r 1 w-!J te foond is I skwa -ll's is tfee. tfiri t'onet So be 4 a : yrr a-l ii v 1 It is therefore ex- I Ft Uve Mast Eat - " J Sign on a roadside stand near At- lanU: "Your Swetie Cant Give You . Anything But Love, But-, We Can Give Ton Baloney, Hot Dogs and Cheese Sand wialies." The Ith- finder. " :vA - :v: - ; - . -'THE straw VOTE ' n- vThe ' Literary Digest -has polled a straw vote of a small portion of our people and rais ed a great hue . and erg as though, it meant anything 'in the world. Of course, the T- suit was avictory for the wets. From the beginning it was wet propaganda. ; It is surprising that the Literary Digest, res pectable and dignified publi cation, would lend itself to . a cause so . unworthy.- To shbw the utter unreliability; of the count, North Carolina is put on thft .wt aide. If there lava state -in the Union that istiry it ia North Carolina. However there is a small element of our rjeoDle who were counted In that straw vote and the dry votes left out Of course, the United States by the 1 straw Vote is wet by a large majority',) Nobody ' expected anything else. Two million were count ed in this straw vote. .Many of them voted more as a joke than for any other reason; Onk man who i dry as a bone said he voted in the ticket of the Digest for more liquor, better liauor and cheaper liquor. Thousands of people, no. doubt, saw only the humorous side of the matter and cast their Dai lots' as a nure matter of fun. The vote had no meaning and itf the general election .will prove itself to be a Take ox me first order. Charily and Chil dren. . CARMEN and ALLEGHAN NEWS -' ' " . ; - rtZs' ; , Most . af the, Jsjfmers nayn1ieen by.';3irfth their . earrj planting, an already some Of .uieants ars;sas mg good progresst - Thf new horns-of Mr. snd Mri. 'Os car Shelton, which is under construe tion; is also making-progress. Mr. Barnett Shelton, 'who has been ill at his, home in Alleghany, in on the mend and we are hoping he will be up and around again in a week or so. Mr. and Mrs; Saul Shelton, who have been 111, are both improving. Ina Chandley, a recent patient at Laurel hospital, is regaining her strength. -An Baiter party and eSC hunt was held af tae'Community House ia Car men on last Friday afternoon. There were 48 children Jn attendance and all took delight la hunting the bright ly Colored eggs, most of which were brought by the children. Ola Mae Shelton found the.sost eggs." ' Both ' Sunday schools at Carmen and Alleghany are picking up in at tendance now that spring is here. The Alleghany Sunday school room was beautifully decorated with flow ers bn Easter Sunday, the flowers brought by differest members, of the Sunday school w V Miss Mabel Jones attended the Council Meeting of Horns Demonstra tion Club, representatives from Mad ison county in Marshall on last Sat urday- ' ' Mr. Ebb Shelton of Carmen,' whs has been rick.' gttlTWleft:' V Mr. jand Mrs.' : Banner! Chandley were visiting' Mr. ' Bariett Shelton on Easter Sunday. V - ' Special - preaching services were held at tis home It Mr. Barnett Shel ton on Easter Sunday afternoon Mr. Steph Ray preaching. -j - 'Jf. fs Miss Annie Shelton of Erwin Tenn. s visiting at the- home of her fatb er, Mr. Barnett Shton sf Alleghany. Mr. Ernest 'Chandley and- Yance Chandley are1 working at the Logging Camp in Spill Corn,',-' Miss Ethel Norton and friend; Mrs. Chandler of Flag Pond called' at the homo of , Miss Mabel Jones on last Friday.' ' , " . -';"'"' The Carmen snd Alleghany girls who are students at Dorland Bel! school are' eeunting the days new until their, summer vacation begins. bat they say that they rattier hate- to leave Dorland, even for such a short Prayer meeting at Carmen ea Pri- or nights keeps np, regular!? jtni with good interest and attendance. Hr. Ear Cenziey cf Cvracs'tfii bssft busy lj taxs la rvt tn weeks. " " f Mra. Andrew Shelton of near' Esv : witti sister of Mr. Steph Ray of Ces nen, died at the hospital at Erwin) last, freek as a result of bums saav tained in her home due to burniss; paper in the fireplace. She left husband and several small children. : - Mrs. Willard Shelton has been sv jp-yidg visit from her daughtsn Mary, from Winston-Salem. From STOCKSVILLE kfe.' and Mrs. Charlie Allmaa aaf two boys from Haslewood, were vis -. iting his father, Mr. Noah AUmasV' Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. 'Tommy Buckner and Hiss Ma- . naia Buckner spent Wednesday at U : borne of Mr. D. E, Carter. r,' Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Carter (M Mrs. Fanny Buckner called on Mr.'- and' Mrs. Jim Wesley Roberts Thais' day evening. " - - vH Arthur All man and children called on Mr. Horace Allman Bunv day- . vMrs. H. G. McLean and children v MnrifL Nat. Rath. Buddie. Louise, and "', Milly McLean, called on Ella Allmaa and Fanny Buckner Sunday. -; '-' "4. Mrs. Veld Allmaa and daughter cailoi Mrs, Mary Shepherd Sat-, -y rday. ' , 11 Mr Ralph Carter was plowing for Mr.Jpe ArrowQod Thursday, v , ' . t ,. wr. oe vaster bbs uis njuoyw. i ,- Mhs Mary McElroy spent the last ': week to Washington. . jgX Here's An Idsn ,-f. Patient '(about to be oparatsd on) , for the seventh time): "Say, Dot; v ' wouldn't it be handler if yon put fa " a4ZipperT'-Jrhe Fstfeftnder. 'Sn'all Boy "Thanks for the pros' ent, auntie." . . . j,His AuntTnat's.f nothing ; r thank! ns fo,"- ' rf b ' ? r S.'B-Thnt'a whaT I though but' mothee said r should -hank yon for ft anyway." Our youth. & ' , - OF ALL SORTS By XOLY" X" The local high school baseball nina . took another trimming Wednesday, this time at the hands of Red Oak, .. the score being 18 6. ,'The garna was played on the Red Oak grounds. ' W. Ramsey featured at he bat for " Marshall, getting 4 safeties out of 4 times '.np. . j -SOAS- Mara Hill College played heads-ngp i : baseball Tuesday (.nd defeated Care- S. C, 6-41 .Coach Roberts' sqnasl " has been playing real baseball this spring. ' " dSOAS. ' ' Having been requested by os of , , our regular writers to give the rw- " suits and standings sf tas. three leagues our local fans are interested v in, najmely American, National and South Atlantic Leagues, we wiH try to give7 the standing of each lesgnw v each ' Thursday, but to give tho re- salts of each game each day. it wonU ; : tajkanoro space than sra ran sec b rev- v Wa 11 - V. .4 JJ I.-1. . includes Wednesday games, eaekr ' week, as follows: , . - ' T SOUTH ATLANTIC. LEAGUE . ' - Team - - W L 1 Pet. . ASHEVILLE 'O1.00 Macon ' 1 .S67 Colgtnbia " ' I .687 Charlotte - - - " ' I 1 .833 Greenville , .. 1 lI .333 Augusta ," U' S,..00t AMERICAN LEAGUE " Tesm W h Pet. ,.71 c 1 Philadelphia ,x Chicago t V . ' Washington V.J; StLouia 1 Cleveland ' "" - r; , , Boston Detroit New-York NATIONAL LEACUE Team New Yoi ,J vr 4 6 - S - 2 - a ' s 9 Pittbr-k 1 ' Chics go . - ,.- i : Boston . f . I-hiiadelphla ft.' Louis ' C. I .-: t ' Ilia C r-.' Kr. anw. ins ; sas.taS'jTttms tauaa u t..w i cut a)

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