Marshall, N. C, Apr. 25, 1930 From DAVIS CHAPEL - Our pastor, Rev. Henry Rice, will preach for ; us the first Sunday in May; also on Saturday night before the. first Sunday.' : 1 ' ! ' . , We (were glad to see the improve ment in Sunday school last Sunday and hope it will continue to improve. We ar sorry to hear of the illness of "Grandpa" Tweed. Cwfoh for him a speedy -recovery'li,""' Amon those who enjoyed music tot Mr.. Texannai 'Banks' Tuesday night were Mrs.R.; U 3 Crowe and family Miss Lottie Griffin and Mr. JeBSe and Vk Griffin. '.' ai Uj Richard Roberts, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Polk Roberts, was taken to-the hospital Saturday to have an operation for appendicitis. We hope it will not be serious. , Mrs. W. E. Allen, who has been sick with a cold, ts impioving. I Miss X Fornada Norton of Dry; Branch " Waa visiting Miss Lottie Griffin last week. : ,;. , Several of the little folks in the community have been sick with colds but are better at this writing. - ', Mrs.. Polly Davis arid Mrsi Ellen Davis of Sweetwater Were visiting Mrs. Ri L Crowe last week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Payne of the Riddle Farm were visiting Mrs. Josie Davis Sunday. - , 1Attk Master Lee Crowe celebrated his' third birthday with a party Tues day,'; April 22nd. - The ; little c folks had merry time hunting the candy eggs ' which -were hidden about; the livtngwroom. Afterwards they were n.vAfl Willi mVa ttTlfl TU.p)lPR PV. WVA n (iu vwww ,We were sorry to hear about the little child of Mr. Jeter Griffin getting its' arm hurt. Glad to know that Mr tenr; Treadway waa the miest of Miss Lottie Griffin Sunday ! Miss'Lurie Shirlen and Miss Lottie Grifflnu were visiting Miss Nellie Crowe Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Marvin Silvers and Mrs. So phrbnia Henderson gave their Sun day school class an egg hunt Satur day .afternoon.. Several of the chil dren were present and had a nice time. From FAUST Sunday was our regular preaching day at the Methodist church, and Mr. Mitchell sure preached a nice ser mon, (which all seemed to enjoy. Mr. Earlie Hensley, who has been very ill. is improving.. Misses Chloia; Hensley and Hulda . Shook enjoyed their egg hunt Sun day ' evening; " " J , .-- i The people on Laurel are glad be cause of their roads beinir worked. Everybody on Laurel is getting . long fine with his farm work. ' ,aMbses Eliza (and Mae Shook were dinner guests of Miss Chloia 'Hens- lev Snndav.'"" - , Miss Derotha Carver Was 'the gtiest of. Misseep Chloia Hensley and Hulda " Shbbtt Sunday.- 'uMiss 'Sue Barrett motored np Can rel Monday morning on business. Mr,"John Hensley and family mo iweb! W MiftKall M6naay;jA "rj f Wf-.Mauie -RamseTr'hd Mrs. Re- toVBBIs.'wM'sur"ttrf'; riding Sunday evemagi'f r.i?", mi- , '' MrsTAndersbnHensley is stilTim- - proving from her long spell of sick ness. REUNION AT UPPER LAUREL There will be a church reunion at Upper Laurel Baptist church on Sunday, April 27th, at 10:00 A. M, We would be glad to have every member present. Also those who were once members and have moved away.. Everybody welcome, J. W, WILLIS, Church Clerk. BURLEY TOBACCO BRINGS OVER 35C PER POUND Burley tobacco bringing the high- est price in this section was grown with Zell's Fertiliser ("AA QUALI TY"). Reid what Dr. Moore says: - Marshall, N. C Jan. 10, 1930. - This past season I used 600 lbs. of Zell's Royal Tobaeco Fertiliser 8-8-6 ("AA QUALITY"), and my crop av- AWa Mil "avM, fcMwi.jt! V fit tea f ViBgou v v v vw yvBHW'i aiua mm , the highest price paid for Burley to , bacco on any of our markets for. the ' season. One 2000-pound lot brought $718.75. It is with pleasure .that ! recommend Zell's Fertiliser to all .. Dr. J. N. MOORE. : ' We keep a stock of "AA QUALL TY" Fertilizers on hand, and recom mend, them for crops grown In this section. ' Come in and let s talk vet your requirements. - ?; "r C ROBERTS & DAVIS " ' MARSHALL, N. C . -. BRIGMAN BROS. 7 ' ! .' WALNUT, N. C J SSSS? 'r-J .J. A J . : " into these fllf Vi-r:5SV''0 vy-v. I' ,fXv. -3 lji S Vvw . llllfJ From CREWE. VA. Our Sunday School is progressing extremely welL ? About sixftr were nresent last Sunday including several visitors, whom we were glaa to nave with us. ryjv' -..C,: : Mrs. Dolph Anders aid two, chu- dren of Charlotte C. H., Va., spent finfnnlBV nlo-tit wif Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lewis anji.fssnfly. jr! . j f - Mrs. Metta Smith of Kicnmoncu va. i visiting her parents, fcr. and Vn. . E. Tweed, - k- .,.,:-,v , Those who visited the hdine of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sams and children, Messrs. Oscar and Walter, Missea An- ' Mae and Cora . Sams,' - Marvin LnPsfirdA.MrfcJ5oljhlAndeTeand :i Those : who fvisitedT Mr2AaafMrs. Doyle Lewis Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rice and daugh ter, Glen, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lew- and children, Loyd and Spurgeon, Miss ' Sadie Anders and Mr. Hardy Lewis.' r -ij-:.' Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Loasford and children , took dinner -with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Lunsford Sunday. Misses Fern-Love and Vady Lewis called on Miss Pansy Lunsford Fri day afternoon. T II E II E V S Ul Hill INI) J pours fragrance LONG BEFORE the choice leaves of golden Turkish and velvety brown Domestic tobacco are seletted for Camel Cigarettes, nature's own alchemy has worked a miracle in them that no effort of man can. hbpe to duplicate. Every tiny leafcelll iSMc full of goodness by the dean, pure vigor of the sun! 1 Our share in the making of Camels is to see that all of the fragrance, mildness, mellowness, aroma in a word all of the natural goodness of .. these sun-ripened tobaccos is preserved and developed then ; them mto Sj- anQ mynnrannre UIClu 1X11U , uUcivc WJ "ivuwu uvuw ... IrMnrM in H mnrlneHnr t-TSo. it' You can" taste the natural V'hiJ ., ,rM JjC.'i Camel Cigarette. i . f -:. AME vr real smokepleasure J "I'm going to give you this violin." "An out-and-out giftT" "Absolutely! No strings to it!" Thinc People 6et Fat,With-New r Life. New" Vifiror DECENT, medical discoveries dem- II, onstrat that adrwiht peo. . . pie lack food Iron with vital min erals, and nutritive salts. The- Jack is aggravated by soft, modern xooae. The chief result is the blood, gtsnds and nerves are reduced to state of semi-starvatM)n.v..x : The recommended specific for tws condition is the guaranteed IROGEN prescriptioa. Its guarantee is this: IT ttnst - nuflbHirh-awabsat red blood .jsellv increase rur fweight and aive yoa sv new; sens of vigorous healh. - - r IROGEN will make your digestion f)nvtmrh anl vonr DTwatita keen. Tour food will taste delghtful and ... . win agree witn you; you wm sieep mnA '. , inVii -rut rmhud CAIN WEIGHT and feel younger, strong er, wore vigorous. All drngirists. ' In liquid or tablets at all druggists including Marshall Pharmacy, and Moore's Fhsraacy, Marshall; College Pharmacy, Mars Hill; Brace's Drug Store, Hot Springs. Adv. RECORD -luluo.: famous Camel blend, goodness in every delicious . , I 7T BIG LAUREL ? We are glad to. report that we are having a good S." S. at Big Laurel There were 49 present Sunday, and we trust more will attend next Sun day. ; ;' ; ' 'ffi?'?;"" Mrt and Mrs. Jess Davis , visited Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Griffin Sunday, ; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rice of Marshall spent Saturday night -with Mr. and Mrs:- L--BVRlot!k.vfejui; , r Miss Addie Rice of Asheyille is visiting her relatives of Big Laurel. - Mr. Taft Griffin of Wamut Creek Ivisitied our S, & Sunday. ; a t rr -f Mrs. Ernest Rice and son, Leo, took dinner with Mrs. Mary Buckner unday"" Misses Carrie Nona wade .i and Katie Lewis and Delia Buckner wefe visitors on Grapo'VineSaturdayl ; .Mr."and Mite Dolson Crow speit Sunday night with Mr. 'and Mrs. An dy; Lewis.' , . , . k " I Mrs. L. B. Rice visited' Mrs, N. H. Griffin Sunday afternoon. . ; s j , Mr. and Mrs. Bula Rice and Miss Leado Holland went to Chapel , Hill Saturday." i:-Lt'i Mrs. Fred Rice visited Mrs. Pete szyr yyyr. to combine puff of a '" 0 1930, K. . RaoMi ToJxkxo rt. Rice Sunday, afternoon. Mrs. Luke Griffin and Miss Atlas Buckner visited Mrs. ' G. A. Griffin of Walnut Creek Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.. Andy Lewis took dinner ' with Mr. and Mrs. Dolson Crow Sunday? - V. ' ' ' j ' Mr. Noah Buckner took dinner with Mr, and Mrs. N. H. Griffin Sun day. . Mr. Osten Griffin spent Saturday night ijnth Mr. Foch Buckner.;; Mr. Reo Bishop went to Marshall Satuy'on;bu"sk Mrs Floyd JBuckner and daughter, Olga, and aonsT Hoy and Vernon went to Tennessee Saturday. 1 1 Mr. and '"Dennis iChmrck no . s : . v-t,. ..." tv-w f. .i a.-'i tored to Asnevme last xnursoay. -rvmyr"t. r Iav&rwas" business visitor to Shelby, N. Saturday. : Mrs. W." T. Davis and Miss ' Mary Roberson were shopping in Asheville Thursday.-- 1 v . , VI;,T'"! 'VJudge Zeb 'Nettle Mr. Sid Joyce and Mr. Arthur Brown of Ashevjlle were in .town Saturday afternoon. v Mr- LeerStranle and little dauglv ter of Newport, Tenn., were in tow a THIRD PAGU a while Sunday. Miss Nola Jane Gentry of Canton spent awhile with friends ' here Sun- Mrs I. H. Garenflo is spending a . while at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dockery, in Asfieville. Her . daughter and little son are getting a- long nicely. They have named him Thomas Harvey. Mesdames 0. S. Brooks, L. A. Ger nell, J. M. Rhodes and Miss Maude Corbett attended the County Council meeting held in Marshall Saturday afternoon. - ' Mrs. Claud Thornburgh has been i very sick for the. past few days. . ' Mrs. Jno. S. B.rown of Knoxville, t Tenn., is the guest of her sisters, Mrs.. Baker and Mrs. Hill. , , ' " "? Mr, and Mrs. Grover Long and lit tle daughter and several friends of Greeneville, Tenn., spent . several hours' here Sunday with Miss Mary Roberson and friends. Mr. Ellerson of Hazesville and Mr. C. Boyce of Hartfort were business visitors here the last of the week.! ; Mrs. Matilda Frisbee and Mrs. W. T. Davis motored" to Newport, (Tenn. ; Saturday, the former going "to the dentist. . , ..,. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Duckett and Miss Beulah Duckett spent Sunday . :: iwith Mr. and Mrs. Lon Ferguson, on -. Turkey Creek. .s Air. ana Mrs. w. u. r owier peui . Sunday in Asheville, N. C. The Senior Class gave their play Tuesday night, "The Ducks". It waa i very much enjoyed by a large crowd, r, HOW THE"4-W CLUB HAS " a BENEFITTED ME jf J The "4-H" Club has helped me so very much' I can hardly think where to start., ! r" .jl'.;3 ' Before our County Demonstrator, Miss Crafton, came here, I was care ; less and thoughtless. But after she .. came l began to see things as they really were. I. felt aahamed of my self for having been so careless be- 4 fore. -v'-t She told us how to care for bur room, how to make it beautifuL; Before she came I did not care a bout sewing. I didn't take an inter est in it. But now I had rather eew than almost anything. In the achieve ' ment contest in November, I won sec- :; ond prize. ! a During the summer of '29, the Ju- nior girls of the club had a better oiscuit contest, in wai 1 won aw prize. M'T's'i During the two years that Miss Crafton has been here, I have learn ed not to. ibe. so careless and J can cook and sew much better thaW be fore. ' f - ; I hope every member of the. crab " likes it as well as I do. ;". J ELLEN BROOKS, Hot Springs. That Remains to be Seai' j j Rose's are red And way above par, ' 1 ( But' I think yoa are going? A littletoo far. , ' 3rhe Pathfinder. "What's the matter, little boyT" said the kindhearted man. 1 "Are yon lost?" 4j . "No," -waa the manful answer, 1 ain't lost I'm here. But I'd like to know where father and mother have wandered to." Ex. -. 1 ; ; "I'm going to have a divorce-my 1 husband hurled thousands of insult ing words at me." - "You exaggerate thousands in two weeks." . '. "Yes; it was a dictionary." 'J How One Woman Lost : 20 Pounds of Fat Lost Her Double Chin Lost Her Prominent Hipa Lost Her Sluggishness Gained Physical Vigor Gained Vivacioancss Gained ' Shapely Fignre If you're fat first remove the cause! ' -. ' f - KRUSCHEN SALTS conUins the '8- mineral salts your, body organs, glands and nerves must have to func tion properly. : ; ? ; ; ,f 5 s When your, vital organs fail to per form their work eorrct'y- yo- els and kidneysn't throw J t.... waste material-you're growing hid eously fat I i -Try one half teaspoonfol of CHEN "SALTS Mit ghweof hot wa ter every morih4n $ we ks rt on the scales iota how m&.-.y potrnds of fst hve vanished. inouce moo la uu k .i energy. yourr . .. 1 'n is clean - eyes' spaiif you feel y0H" mind. Kf. a. glor.jus ? a -.fn body k ntr Will fcive any 'rprise. ? cf :r.v c:: -.shall l har -iry I.person a jc- Salts from ti e Jt anywhe; i 1 merica.- (lasts 4 weeks). If 1 bottle; doesn't ci nvince yeu t' s i easiest, safest s i surest vr - ' fat if you dfl't f"el a e provement in - a!..h f" ; efierp-otie vi,- '? t"..v.: moTscy f'"1 y 1