1 X 1 ? 1 w 1 It 1 if EiGirniPAGE r FROM MILL IULfGE ; ' "Wt had a wonderful meeting Sun , day.,, We had seven ministers and a large congregation, i Services opened. with a short. talk from our pastor and prayer by. Brofber CutshalL Rev. 'Fuller King preached at 11 o'clock followed by Rev. Melvin Sheltoa and 'a' short talk by Be James Turner, " Dinner -was. on the grounds and after WHBM BW Wu l woui. mvwu Laurel River bridge and there Be, L. I.- Ray preached a good sermon "and then he did the baptizing, - Those visiting Mill Ridge church Sunday were Rev. and Mrs- Melvin 'Shelton and children, of GreeneviBe, 'JTenn i Rev : and Mrs. L. ' Ray and Rev. and Mrs, Fuller Xing and chUd- NOTICE OF . , Crt.ifieaU .JN. 3fi-(4) -Twaliv Not 2, Wrd ' la lb Superior Court . NORTH CAROLINA, . ; : MADISON COUNTY, , .;5 .Madison County,. , vs. ' i- ,. Thomas Cook. Jr. and wife, . "Mrs. Thomas Cook,, Jr., E. T. .Thomas and. wife, Mrs. E. T. s.t'homaa. " .,. t ; By virtue of the power contained tn a judgment of the Superior Court, in the above entitled cause, authorising ! ZTTZZ f., the purposes specified in said judgr- secure certain indebtedness, and de ment, and the said land having here- fault having been made in the pay tofore beeni sold by me, on the 16th ment of the indebtedness thereby day of April, 1930, at the price of secured, whereby the power of sale SIM 00, and a bid of $150 00 hav- became opeHltivei the undersigmed time. I will, therefore, on the 24th dav of May, 1930. at 1 o- clock P, of said M., at the Courthouse door fTmintv cflll fn thA hMrhPflt ' .bidder for cash, to satisfy the said judgment, all the right, title and in terest which the said Thomas Cook, Jr., and wife, Mrs. Thomas Cook, Jr., E. T. Thomas and wife, Mrs. E. T. Thomas, and all other persons claim ing an interest in said lands herein described, the amount of land which will be sold is one-fourth undivided interest in said tract; being the tract of land that the defendant, Thomas! Cook, purchased from Cansada . i TL... T..A ft 1 aOK ..J Deed) recorded in Book 50 Paee 199. in the office of the Register of Deeds for ( Madison County, to which reference : is hereby made. Said lands adjoin ing the lands of Jimeson Chandley, Tom Cook, Vick Roberts and Metas Franklin, Elijah Thomas and others, containing 33 V4 acres more or less. The bid will start at $251.00. This the 3rd day of May, 1930. JOHN A. HENDRICKS, 1 Commissioner. May 9, 16. I NOTICE! Before LEE BRYAN, J. NORTH CAROLINA, MADISON COUNTY, G. L. McKinney, Plaintiff, P. vs. Cecil Ramsey, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Court of the Justice 0f the Peace of i "Corporation," preliminary to the is Madison County, State of North Car- suing of this Certificate of Dissolu olina, to settle a contract for the sum tion: of $28.75, and the said defendant will NOW THEREFORE, I, J. A. Hart-1 furtner taxe notice wai no i re-, quired to appear at the office of Lee Bryan, J. r., in -uaaison uoumy on the 15th day of May, 1930, and ana-; wer or demur to the complaint in' aid action, or the plaintiff will apply o the conrt for tne renei aemanaea.or aaid eomnlaint. This the 11th day of April, 1930. LEE BRYAN, J. P. ipr. -25-May 2-9. - .NOTICE! . TRUSTEE'S SALE ' By virtue of the powe of aala contained in a certain deed of trust made by G. F. Rosa and wife. Mar gmret S. Roes, to the undersigned Trustee, dated March tl, 1924, and dory recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Madison Coun ty, N. j-C to Record nf mortgages and, ceeas ox inn n .ii to 474. to which reference is hereby . ? . j i i i v... mAA H tha -rxvment of the Jtedbtednesa V mane : mna buihu xwtuik wvh iow Mil,'- UIV f J aaCiV W -aay a,v j -w bv the newer of aala therein ewtain,idfsigBed Triistoa, dated Juna II, cd has , become operative, said under aigned Troetaa, will, on --'Monday, June U 19S0 at twelve o'clock, noon. sen. for cash, at nubile auction, ax the courthouse door, ta th Town, "'-"r"' "J of Marshall, County af Madison, ? telj",? tfi Etata of North Carolina, tha follow-. . "lnder,i:nr, hST inj described land aa TWemi.ee, t-ij "n,t b-m, lying, and. being ii the County . ?TJf K? hir I will ef liadSon, Stata of North Carolina; J"dl 'r !So o. a black walnut'! f-2 lEf Madi,n nrner ef the Freshour tract and runa ; m'. 11 West 1 pole to a stake ea f Lank of the River; thence up and i said River, South 33 East 60 stos stake; thence NorthlS 30' tsb out 123 poles to a stake in J. l ector's line; thence North 62 SOA t about 15 poles to a small hick f ' ti t'-e Frehour line; thence j f)' Cant t3 yoV-s to a stake; 7 a '"e osk, Fmhoor'a n f f - "i I ?' J'ft 64 - ti ; I cor.tsin- S ( . ) I! ": for 9- cr ren and Mr.,fand Mrs. 'Cutahall and son. all of Carmen, N. C.;' Rev. Jeter Harris of Barnard, N. C" and Mr. and Mrs. Lawson of Morristown, Tenn. Rev. and Mrs. James Turner : and; some friends and Mrs. Cole and daughters, all of Slabtown, Tenn., Mrs. Charley Farmer and daughter and some friends and Kev. Mr. ucraii and children, Mary, and Frank,' and Mr. Hugh Lance, all of Hot Spring, and Mr, R. Hall of Greensboro, N. C -7-7 . ... . . . ' - - . . . pp . r rom XA V IO vnJT I ' pastor, Rev Henry Griffin AH- ed hte regular apiments last Sat - i?5b nd Sunday with two ;. messages,. A: large crowd was present, for Sunday School tuna church.' v- : M.rs, Polly Davis and -Mrs, Ellen SIi ;Sadie anl Gerthie GriiBn:0av), 0f Sweetwater, were visitiiifr were the iriiesta of their cousin. 'Miss u. n Rmwt last Wadnisadav L Lottie GrilQn, Saturday nigjht and Sunday. ' c,Grndma Woody is still quite sick. ' Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Rogers and RJ tl1!1 1 P V V " "V tJ"vU By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust exe cuted by Henry Cody to J. A. Ram sey. Trustee, dated, Dec. 15th, 1924. J duly recorded in deed of trust book No . 30 at No- 43 in tne Re8rig. t.rt office for Madison County to i trustee, will on Monday, May 12, 1930 at twelve o'clock M., at the Court , I House door offer for sale t the high-' est bidder for cash the following de scribed property, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of C. C. Bruce, John Sullivan, et al. Beginning on a double chestnut on top of a ridge N. E. of Mary's Gap and runs a West course with John Sullivan's line to the public road;1 thence with the road to Mary's Gap; thence with C. C. Bruce's line to the beginning. Containing 5 acres more Be,n th 1411(18 conveyed by James M. West to Henry Cody. O-May 9. J. A. RAMSEY, Trustee NOTICE! CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION Ta All to Whom The PrMnt May Coma Gr ting: WHEREAS, It appears to my aat- isfaction, by duly authenticated rec ord of the proceedings for the volun tary dissolution thereof by the unan imous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Bar nard Mercantile Company, Incorpor ated, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in the town of Barnard, Coanty of Mad ison, State of North Carolina (J. C. Chandler being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom pro cess may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statute s. entitled neat, secretary or State or the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify mat tne said corporation did, on the 17th day of March, 1930, file in my office a duly executed and attested I consent in writing to the dissolution said corporation, executed by all ! the stnoVhnlriemi thmrmnt wlilnlt ;! ' vv.wva, nM.VM W.U consent and the record of the pro ceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said gffice as provided by law. , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, thia 17th day of March, A. D., 1980. J. A. HARTNESS, . ' Saeratarv at State: May 2-9-ie-23. . NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE - , NORTH CAROLINA, UA BISON COUNTY. Under and bv virtue' of the sower at aale in na iaAmA Kv mmwtmtm AmA - : . - -r - - . wtedl)y R. ProfHt 4 ... - w " : J " 1927. and recorded. in office of the Eegister of Deada for Madison Cona- ty, N. O, in Book 32, page 206, giv n to secure certain indebtednesa .Sooilnary, W. H. Redmoa and others. iyin ana oetnf in fia, 1 Township. BEGINNING at a stake in tha Cayses Run creek and runs with the Una of the Seminary tract and with tha old road that leads to C. W, Tweed fsm, Sonth 19 80' E. 14 poles to W. C Sprinkle line and cor ner f the Seminary tract; thence with said Sprinkle's line N. 83 W. 4 poles end 15 links to a stake in U'.e center cf Raytes Run erek; thence oo and wi;h said creek a I,' or4" e -' on 14 r?s to the r CI;- I' vJ. " Co.-Uini-g oae-ha!f Sere' ; cr ! ". rut "family were ' visiting M. and Mr William Crow Sunday afternoon. ' ', The Dry Branch singing class wefc r to Walnut Sunday afternoon. ' . " Mrs. ' Texanna Banks and Mrs. E. Allen paid Grandma ' Woody 1 short visit Sunday afternoon. Mr. Taft" Fisher,. who. has been ih the Army for quite a wnue, is now at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. William Fisher. " i ll Mrs. Amanda Grimn and two ch.il- I. r- , ,. , . . ... ffe ;P"t Tuesday of last woekwtth miss ,owie unm .y , I Everyone is invited to attend the B.YJP.U., at Dry Branch Sunday ' night Mr. Cecil Banks and Miss Zora Taylor were out riding Sunday after- BOon. ; ii ' We are orry to know that the in- f Jury which the small child of 1ft. ' Jeter Griffin. received from fall, has proven more serious than was thought J Mr. Johnnie Davis i interested in fstock raising at present We wish' him success. We regret that Mr, has lost a fine cow. . t Robert Crowe Mrs. Ella Redmon was in this vicin ity taking census Tuesday. Mr. Jim Deaver has improved the apparance 0f his home by a new coat 0f paint. We are all thankful for the. rain after the long, dry spell. 5 ' Miss Mildred Crowe and Miss Wil lie Mae Deal spent last Wednesday night with Miss Ada Silver, one of the teachers in the Marshall school. FROM BLUFF I We had a good Sunday School last Sunday. Rev. Dick Plemmons preached an interesting sermon at j 11:00 o'clock Sunday morning. . Rev. i Mr. Robeson preached Sunday .after-1 noon. Both sermons were enjoyed, j Mrs. Jack Brooks and two small I daughters, Lillian and Eunice, and son, Glenn, from Black Mountain, ! spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edd Waldroup. They spent Saturday . night with Mrs. Jim Brooks of this ' section. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fowler and fam- . ily attended church at Bluff Sunday (afternoon, , j j Miss Ruby Waldroup spent Friday with Miss Rosa Waldroup. . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, and cniiaren. irom op ring ureeK' vuajeq ' Mrs. Edd Waldroup Saturday afjery noon. J Mr. Edd Lankford, who had pneu monia, is improving. Mr. Crawford Waldroup called at Mr. Edd Waldroup's Saturday. Mrs. Clyde Knipps and little son, spent Sunday with Mrs. Floyd Con nor. , Mrs. W. M. Bright and daughter, Ona, and Miss Mae Finley spent Mon day with Mrs. Edd Waldroup and daughter, Rosa. Mrs. Fannie Henderson and chil dren spent the week-end with Mrs. Charlie Finley and daughter, Mae. Dr. Roberta of Marshall was at the home of Mr. Edd Waldroup Monday, see Mrs. Waldroup, who is ill. Best wishes to alL Memorial Words He knew he had married a sculp tor's daughter because every night he came in lata she always said: "Sta tue, dear statue?"-Pathfinder. To Meaaaro Hi Flak, ProbaUy A little miss, watching her father dig fish worms, ran into the houeo saying excitedly: "Oh, Mother, Daddy is in tha yard digging laatka.' Pathfinder.' . Wife (reading newspaper) It says hare that a parson speaks on an average of about 12,000 words a day. Husband WelL Tve always said . . w n"! Tha Pathfinder. VOTE FOR E. Nat Holcombe CLERK OF THE COURT. I am a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Madi son County, North Carolina, subject ta tha will of tha Re-, publican voters as expressed in tha June 7th, 1930, primary. If nominated and elected I wfll give tha work of the office my audi rided personal attention and promise . square deal to all I solicit tha votes and in fill enee of tWe eitisent of Mad iaon County. '-- J ANNOUNCERffiNTS : Ft)R; OFFICE .Fbr.-;;-,:;;;; JRegister of Deeds of ; Madison County JeterPrifctiard Republican Primary ' nfuM 751936: mi Your votewill be 1 appreciated. Common people! ' Let "divide up the- pie. . Why hold 'one man in office for life? Let's put' in a man who needs the office by a majority vote in every precinct in Madison . County. Don't, be deceived by flattering remarks of politicians but go to the polls and vote for a change in this office which will mean a change t0 lower taxes. $30,000.00 or more ought to be enough fof one man to draw off of the taxpayers. Let me have the votes I know you are going to give me and I will try my very best to make you proud that you voted for me. For Commissioner TO THE VOTERS OF .MADISON. COUNTY: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Re publican Primary to ' be held June 7, 1930. Your vote will be appreciated. Respectfully . yours, - CLAUDE J. WILD. ' FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination of Commissioner of Madison County, subject to the Repub lican Primary June 7th, 1930. W. E. FINLEY. ROBT. TWEED FOR SHERIFF ' ' After giving tha subject ma-, jure thought Ihave decided to ' make the race for Sheriff , ot t Madison county, subject to. the will 'Of the Republican party ' as expressed in the primary of - une 7th, 1980 I solicit the fotaa and influence if all voters , find promise, if nominated and . elected, to make yon a faithful, V. courteous, law-enforcing sher iff. i- . . y;i q-:-jsH,A ' ROBERT TWEED. ! B. i' E'GuUirielrJ Tax Collector v to the irv!Z''6tV?, MADISON COUNTY V'l am a candidaU for Ttt'. ' Collector af; Madison Connty -subject to the Republican Prk mary to beheld Jnna 7th..". . I thank yon all for your co operation during tha past term, and. hope that I will have your support in the Primary. : V : -Your friend, . i ' ' B. E. GUTHRIE FOn SHERIFF TO TKS VOTr.-S CF UADISCN COUNTYi ' I hereby announce myself as a -candidate for re-election to tha office of Sheriff of Madison of Madison County, subject to the action f the Republican Primary to ' be held Jane 7. Your vote be r---":-L -v-y t : -. : r3 tfr4K .lfil,UfClf .MgrVJSSO J . M i n, i,i 11111,1 in h assgggadmii , 't; "r-H-'ry FOR SHERIFF TO THE VOTERS: OF. V s. MADISON COUNTY.! Yielding , to the request ; t . many pf my friends ttroughout . th county, .! hereby, announce .myself, a' Dm6crat,ndidat tot Sheriff of Madison , County. If elected, will enforce the Jlaw and mOl '. immediately in vestigate all worthy reports. . If you think I am the man for' the' pla'ce.'will greatTjr ap preciate yor. vote and influ ence with your friends. - - Reepectfully; " J. D.IIENSLEY forrepre: I SENTATIVE TO THE VOTERS OF MADISON COUNTY: I hereby announce myself a candidate to represent Madison Cour.cy in the Legislature, sub ject to the action of the Repub lican primary to be held June 7, 1930. SOME OF THE THINGS I STAND FOR. If elected I will introduce a bill to abolish free labor on public roads in Madison Coun ty. I will favor and work for two cents on our present five cent tax on gasoline to be used on bur county roads (the pres ent rate of gas sales would give Madison County $60,000.00 or 960,000.00 annually). -I favor placing tha burden , of schooling our children on tha State of North : Carolina. By doing so we would give every child an equal chance to get 'an education, and place the burden where it belongs without a levy of ta x on real estate. (Signed) DR. J. H. HUTCHINS. TO MY FRIENDS IN MADISON COUNTY t (AND THAT MEANS YOU ALL) I will be la the race tho Repablicaa Primary Jaae 7th, m a caatdidato for Register of Deeds. If yoo appreciate kind, coarteoaa jaad offioiosit treat SBoat, which I am aaro yow do, yost will snake this appreciation known by giving sm a vote that wQI be a rogvlar laadalide in MadUoa Coanty. ;-CoBe oa, boys, mmi . lot's, go. 1 am yoar , friend and 1 knew yew are saiaa as yew have prevea this fact bo . fore. I aever ia say Ufa aS appoiatod a friend nor defamed too. . . t ' , . Thank ye, -."' j. will'roserts. Fon TCOMMISSIONEHy TO THE VOTERS OF v ' l -; MADISON COUNTY: ". . .. I announce myself a) enndi data for tha Republican Pri-: ; mary to. be held tha 7th day of. June. If nominated and elect ad, I will look after tha tax payers interest to tha hast of - my ability, with fairness to alL - Respectfully yours, C. GID PAYNE KLl iXLLLUTAtlVE . I have a desire to represent the people of Madison county in tha leg islative. Therefore, I herewith an nounce myself a candidate for the nomination subject to the will of the Democratic voters as expressed in the primary, June 7th, 1930. If nominst- mA. T tte'iava I can- ha ') f1 I esrapsi'y so!!c;t CM scrrort s- ! i-1-! f FOR CLERK -SUPERIOR COURT Helio Everybody! : This . U J. Habert Davit annoan'cing ; as ' andidate for Clerk . Saperior Court of Madtsoia Coanty, sab ' jea to the RapnUieaa Prtmary o bo held. June 7th. Jf om tnated and elected, I will aerva yow with the same seal and earaostneM that I have k the ' past. . . . . , 1 ;weaJd lke t aee jo all, before the Primary,, bat jf not, will appreciate yan' jsoi;! nndLyote, bo 7K' anal I thank yew for all past and ? fatnra fi4f$Sty$jMf ; ,-t-J , TO THE. "VOTERS'. Of. . A , .MADISONC OU.NT.Y , LADIES.-ANft:, GENTLEMEN: ,; I hereby announce myself a candidate for-, theffice of Au ditor of Mdison .County, sub ject to the Republican Pri mary t0 be held June 7th, 1980. If nominated and elected I will serve you as I have done for the past five years, I have on ly been elected by the good people o f Madison County twice, -but served one year as Auditor filling out ihe unex pired term of Dr. W. E. Finley, who resigned, but have served as Clerk to the Road- Board some several years.' Think tha people of the county know the kind of service I have render ed them. As this Js the time I am re quired to make out the county budget it will be impossible for me to make am extensive cam paign over the county. I may not get to sea yon all before the primary, but 1 win certain ly appreciate your vote and in fluence. There 'j ia nothing I wonld like better than to spend from now until the primary . among ? my friends in the. county, bat I -am naid bv: the tnxnavera of tne county to make thIudget and aa tha law says it must be dona before July 1st, and it will take me from now until then to make the budget, I will not have much time for any thing else. I am depending on my friends who. I am sura will stand by me. Thanking you for all past fa vors, and for anything you may do for me in the future, I am always Your frTend, J.N.WHITE TFOJun.6 I Ira Plemmong Announces For i Representative Snbject to the will of the votere at the Repnbikala Prk aaary Jaao 7th a . - ' V PLATFORM -Free labor oa public roads' discontinued. Stata anpported schools under local eontroL Change back tax laws, so that unreasonable eosta cannot ha piled op against the tax payara. '. .-. , ' i, Lower taxation is asy thought and watch word. Tha acta I stood, for have lowered taxes . this gear,iuttf jr- f further . lowered? ' Yourf noma and mine ia at stake. Let ns all . work together for the good of Ira' Plerarncni. ' In Scotland County 8300 bushels of pedigree eotton seed : has -,bee bought cooperatively ' thia . .season. Also enough commercial material to treat eotton seed for 6000 acres baa been purchased. - . ' in ir.3 i.cu: ..cia PrL-r-rryCnJ r.a7 v Olii-it..-'-' ' or L : i'or :s t; (.J v.

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