...V csdann-suztt .tut THr NWSCO!U-r 'I The Mpw tlimt telle what the, I' people la' the eoaatry a well : ' ; as those la town 'ere doing. ' . MADISON COUNTY HECCZID -Established Jail 28, 1901. FRENCH BROAD NEWS : iEsUblished May, 16, 107. ? ; ; Consolidated Nov. 2, 1911 4 aaaaaBaMsansaissejeaeBsawawskwaoBans " THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY ? I. -1-- '" ''i, ' " , : , .' .V.1'"..' ' ...im.. , ' 'hi" lydllix S . ; ; MARSHALL,NJ)FRIDAYi MAY 16, 1930 ZBOO 12 Pages This Week ZADE SPRINKLE IS CAUGHT DEMAND PRCClOR'REmACIlON ;,ljr,J;. -V; n I L L COLLEGE NEXT SUNDAY BY SHERIFFS DEPARTSIENT 'a x1 '5 jpldtiag xre!M Of CalUg To B Dr. B. A. Bowers of the First Bap tist, church f Gastonia, N. Cv will preach . the anauat sermon at Mars Bill Sunda morning,-Majr-18, Ha .will also preach i isslonary sermon t.tho evening hour Dr. Boiwers was for many years, prior to his eomg to Gastonia, pastor in Knozville, Tenn. i The dosing exercises o the pres ent session (will be Friday, May 28, when the alumni address will be giv en by Mr. Allison W. Honeycntt, su perintendent of schools,! Henderson yille, N. C. Mr. Honeycutt's father was for many years chairman of the board of trustees of the college and was greatly loved by the people of all. this mountain section. . The complimentary alumni dinner twill be at 5:80 Thursday evening; May 2. ' 7 . V, ? h, ' ' ' On next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock the readers' contest will be held. -Those who will compete are ' Sharon Buckner, of Madison County Martha Parker of Hertford County, Nellie Butler, of Catawba County, Neva McCoy of Gaston County, Bes ! eie S. Lelby of Pennsylvania, and Annebelle Howell, of Yancey Coun- ty; ' Wano solos for the program" will .... . ... . i ;. m Tnl. I ' oe pisyea oy -jjtrace trsmin ciKinq ' and Frances Snyder, and Mamie Ber ry will sing a solo. i -Oratio-Eay Cmtt Thursday morning at 10 :80 o'clock - the annual . 'oration-essay eontest 0l be held, u Competitors will be Jessie Lee Brendei! of Butherford countyf Bessie' Stephenson of Maryland, Jes . ' ' $l'Owen of South Carolina, Julia . MmAAr at Durham. eountyM. Fxaft- . tea Barnes, of Kockmtebunty, -t 'and W. Ruth Cooper Of Soutt yaro 'linn." Piano solos for this program will be played by Ruth Gribble and Grace Truman Elkins and Sharon Buckner will render a vocal solo. Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock - the annual debate is scheduled. The query is: "Resolved, that North Carolina should adopt the proposed constitutional amendment authoris ing the classification Of property for taxation." - Graduation oa May 23 The complimentary alumni dinner an, annual commencement event, will be held at 5:30 o'clock Thursday af ternoon. May 22, and the annual en tertainment by the music and' ex prewioa departments, will come at 8 - o'clock Thursday night w . v. The graduation exercises will be held at. 10 o'clock Friday morning, Vav 2S. i The nrosram will open with musical selection by the orchestra, followed by the presentation of dl- . planus. " Just prior to Mr. Honey cntt! alumnia address, Ernest Moore will render a violin solo. , After: it, si girls' chorus will sing "Song of " Farewem' This, in turn, wfll be fol lowed by .the awarding of me'dals and , prises. - ' ... MOTHER'S DAY PROGRAM GIVEN AT MADISON ' ; . SEMINARY , 'Song by. congregation "All Hail '.-. v The Power of Jesus' Name." -J-' ; Prayer by T. J. Anders. ' "How Mother's Day Came About" - Oi of the best singing classes of East . Tennessee will be -at; the Presbyterian Church at three ocIock P. M., Sunday, May 25th, 1930. The programme will . consist of "double male quartettes, male quartettes,; mixed quartettes, duets, etc.". r This class has been heard over the radio by ' many people and will be.a real treat Don't fail to hear thi3 class sing. There may be other classes present at the same time, if it can be arranged. Let's all be there. - 'it 4y ' MrsJoe' Ramsey. . MWhy We Are Wearing The Red i :. by L. Li Roberts;' Song-f Mother" and Home." aPlaylette--."Our Mother's Way" )by ' Intermediates. .'. Duet "My Mother's Bible." by ' Misses Frances Tweed and Wan da Roberts!, Reading "My Mother" by Miss Zora Roberts. . , An Acrostic "My-.Mother"- by Junior boys and girls. Solor-"Tell Mother I'll Be There" by Mrs. Frank Runnion. i "The Essentials of a Christian , Mother" by Robert Tweed,: Sr. Song "Shake Hands With Moth er Again." At the close of the program, a Special collection was taken for the Bantist Hospital at Winston-Salem. Following the program was an un usually interesting sermon by the pas tor, Rev.,lHoyt Blackwell of Mars Hill. His subject was A Worthy Woman." Special, music was fur nished by the choir, led by Mr. Char lie McLean of Marshall,, , ELOYD SMITH j - 1 to flURT JN WRECK Taken To Heepitat in AfUville . ; Tlianday. . ' r Floyd Smithy of Spring Creek, sufr fered painful U injuries Thnrsday morning when the'truck bn which he and his father, Mrs Jeptha Smith, were riding, turned $ve the. Laurel bridge;; Km Jolbi Henderson the ewnef trf thVekvlo -was driving, fooked'b& ing the truck" to" run1 off. ' Mr. Floyd Smith suffered a broken foot, his heel string being almost severed, a severe cut on the calf of his other leg. He was also bruised in other parts of the body. " His father was also cut about the. back. The injur ies iwere too serious to be treated ex cept, at a hospital, and after receiv ing first aid from Drift Roberts, Floyd was taken to the Aston; Park hospit al The father was? jbje; to return home. It seems that the men were on their way from Spring Creek to Marshall when the accident occurred. JOINT SESSION OF TWO BOARDS ConmiMloMrs Aad Board Of Eda , eatioa Hold Joint Sowioa Te ' Disc a '.'Badge!'' As provided by law, a Joint ses sion of the board of education and the countv. commissioners was held at the court house .Thursday, May 15th, for the purpose of going over and .discussing the budget of the ed ucation board. As the budget had not been completed, the commission ers could not take any final action in the matter. ; . "L. . r This Joint meeting is provided so 'that the commissioners of any coun ty may discuss curtailing or chang ing any items which to the two boards may : seem necessary. , 1 nging t The publisher , of fThe NewsrRecorcl is insidiously by' mUiaU ticciised by' The Madison County Tinies, an organ recently started in Marthall, in its issue of May 7, : of bribing the cemmissioners of Madison ' County to continue placing the County's advertising in r lews-Record. The ac cusation is worded in such way as not to make; the assertion that bribing has been done, but attempts to make the impression that such is the case .thout actually say ing so. This charne of bribing is a serious charge and is a libel on the character of both the commissioners and the publisher of the News-Record, u In its issue of the 14th its inUniations have developed prac tically into assertions and jn more than one place an effort is made to create the impression that;Jbribing( or something of that kind, has beeti going on between the above named parties. Vfe, the under signed, therefore Remand that the publish er of The Madison! County Times prove his charges or retract and apologize for hav ing made suc charges or insinuations. SIGNEDi'ifl. H.L.STOiiV, Publisher G L. McKINNEV V V. , VV AMASf THOS. TRIPLET! TAKENBY DEATH FnneraJ For Leicester Citizen To Be Held This Morning Thomas S. Triplett, 82, one of the most prominent, of Leicester's older citizens, passed away at his home on South Turkey Creek at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday morning, after a serious ill ess of several days duration. Funeral services will be held at the residence at 11 o'clock Wednes day morning, and interment will be in the Brick church cemetery. The officiating pastors will be Rev. M. Lef twitch pastor of the Leicester M. E. church, South; the Rev.. W. H. j ICAROLIIIIllIlSllIlijlpfStW V ' ' COPYRICHT 1930 BY BOYCE frRANXtN ; CAMPUS OF HG UNIVERSTrY OF. NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL v' FHJNDED hjjJS?. thU ia the oldest State University in America, The original State Constitution provided for the maintenance of a State University. Jn J ?S9 bd was passed in the Legislature providing for it support, appointing forty true- r rest for ha management. The preeaat site of Chapel Hill was chosen fat 1792. Via.; February . 1 79$ th first building wae opened,- with- (acalty of three profesaora. Forty -ofi erodenU enrolled tfce fnt yeat. Today, the University has over 203 faculty ttembera and an enrollment of about 2, i00 studeate. " The News-Record. T k "i t . . : vols ,icnmis$ioniars.r Pless, pastor of the Bell M. E. church and the Rev. G. L. Lovett, also of the Leicester M. E. Church, South. Pallbearers have not been announc ed. The deceased was one of this com munity's most respected citizens. He was prominent in church work, and was for over 60 years a member of the M. E. church. South. He owned a large farm in the Turkey Creek section. He is survived by his widow, Sophia; two children, Mrs. B. L. Lunsf ord and Dr. Edgar Triplett, both of Leicester; 1 nine grandchil dren, and two great-grandchildren. The Asheville Citicen. t " y - - How About When It's Celaaeunf? Silk manufacturers', theme, song: "I Get the Blues When It Rayons." CHARLES MacRAE IN TOWN . f - , r,, .t'v Mr. Charles MacRae, prominent lawyer of Asheville,' wae in town re cently. He is announcing in this, issue for Solicitor. ., ;. ,. ' ELECTION BOARDS ARE INSTRUCTED Democratic And C O. P. Voters To Bo Givon Separate Boxes Instructions to county boards of elections to provide separate boxes j for Democratic and Republican vot ers in all contests in the June 7 pri mary, in accordance with the ruling last week by Attorney General D. G. Brummitt, are being sent out today by Judge J. Crawford Biggs, chair man of the State Board of Elections. The Senatorial contest is the only Statewide contest in which both Democratic and Republican boxes are required, since there is. only one Republican candidate for Corpora tion Commissioner in each of the two places to be filled. George P. Pell is opposed in the Democratic Primary by James H. Holloway. Stanley Win borne's name does not appear, since he had no democratic opposition. Ballots Being Sent Oat Ballots for the U. S. Senate con test are now being sent out to the 30 counties in which there are no judifciaL .eo1teitorial pr.Obngression- at contests- by R. Maxwell, secre tarybf the State? ?oaj4 of Elections. Ballots is i Judges, toJicUoia, - and ''peiStimtMMi not been delivered by the printers yet. When they are ready they and the. State-wide con test ballots will be sent out together, within the next few days. Official ballots cannot be distributed except to electors when they start to vote, but sample ballots are provided for convenience of pollholders. Democratic ballots are white; Re publican ballots are light blue; while the sample ballots, so marked in big black letters, are yellow, Democratic, and "pink for the Republicans. The Democratic United States Senator ballots have the names of Furnifold M. Simmons, .Thomas L Estep, and Josiah W. Bailey, while on the same ballot are the names of George P. Pell and James H. Hollo way, candidates for the Corporation Commission nomination. On the. Re publican Senatorial Tickets are. the names of Irvin B. Tucker, George M. Pritchard, H. Grady, Dorsett and George E. Butler. . The Asheville Citizen 1 "7," The search by Buncombe county authorities - for Zade Sprinkle, 45, charged with shooting Ted Davis, .80, to death in a house on Deaverview road six months ago, ended abruptly early Wednesday with capture of Sprinkle at a road house font tU? ? from Clayton, -Ga. YT'i$&?&''$ . The capture; was made by Sherltf J. 3. .Bailey hd several of his depu ties, assisted by Georgia authorities, at about tenTVclock Wednesday morning and shortly" after 'soon Sprinkle was hi the Buncombe county jail charged with murder. He Is scheduled to go on trial for his life in Buncombe county superior court Wednesday, V f Sheriff Bailey received information : Tuesday that Sprinkle had arrived Sunday night from Atlanta at Jabe's Place, a huge rambling road house at Tigers, Ga., four miles out of Clayton, county seat of Rabura county. Taking with him Deputy Sheriffs Willis Mitchell, S. T. Cog gins, and O. B. Sumner, Sheriff Bailey left Asheville early Tuesday night. They enlisted the ; aid of Sheriff Ingram, of Macon county, at Franklin and then went to Sheriff Luther Rickman, of Raburn county, who gave his assistance. The officer inspected the road house from a dis tance Tuesday night but their trap was not ready to spring untO morn -r'. , ' v Sarroanded Place Surrounding the place, ' Sheriff Rickman demanded of Jabe Cannon, operator of the road house, whether Sprinkle was still there. A few min utes later they were informed that Sprinkle was there. The V officers went to Sprinkle's room' and found him Jn .fied. Resubmitted without resistance,, ewn. rising Jtromi his bed and 'shaking hands Svith his captors. Sheriff Bailey said Sprinkle told him he was glad he ,Jad: been captured, adding that he had . thought many times of abandoning his hiding place and surrendering in Buncombe conn ty. ' The sheriff said Sprinkle evidently had expected capture eventually and appeared so lacking in disappoint ment over his arrest that he volun teered to leave Georgia without ex tradition and gave his pledge not to attempt escape if not ' handcuffed. This pledge he kept. He talked but little of the crime with which he is charged either on the return trip or from his jail cell. Sprinkle's appearance has changed startlingly in the time "since he is alleged jto have killed Davis. From a man once strong and robust he ap pears almost emaciated and-extremely nervous, according to those wha have known him for years and wL) saw 'him yesterday. Sheriff Bailer said Sprinkle told him he had wor ried much since becoming a fugitivs and had given himself to hard dissi pation. , " i .' i The shooting with which' Sprink! is charged occurred on November ," at the home of Mrs. Lois O'Kelly c Deaver View road. Sprinkle and T vis are alleged to have engaged in a quarrel Involving the letter's m Davis was said by witnesses to ha been sitting on a side of a I " After .. some f words; Sprinkle is leged to have fired four .45 ca'.. bullets into Davis' body. Mrs. O'K and Plummer Lowe claimed to 1 been eye witnesses and will be r cipal witnesses for the State. ' Sheriff Bailey and is men v particularly elated over Sprii " ' capture since the sheriff had re ed the case as the "missing link" his administration. Sprinkle was only man among the score cl with murder during ffiesneriTs ! in office who had succeeded i caping. "'. ; , The sheriff has known Sn l ' ' years.- He said Sprinkle at or was one of the wealthiest s prominent men politically son connty.. His wife, se dren and '.. many kinsmen Madison jconnty and East " "".if .The As!ie." "; : Credit Hi . If alphabet soup were f payments there'd be alt taken out of pec;'. i FattJinder. '

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