J ji"' 1 . 1 -T X f .. ' - jLfcMMfcjMMMMMasawanaoaawaOBaaaas I P'1--- MwwMMtMWt, ;il$:.v.:-rl:!rjARS'nitC;Q.tXEGE 1-1- 1twt, hannnaft V, Mar Hill Thursday afteraooarwaV-ane ofjti.e, i taMt delightful jseeaaloins of all the ... r commencement exercises. . V'Grado 1 ----artes of the collage were there froni " ' sway section of the State and other i il!uti classes beta represented fotm 'Representatives of! the differ ent classes were- requested to atnd - v ' r; sma some iumww fpwun war 1 -made, Tht't deHghtful, t , ,boi eapectally.ewai the hour f , cuu .mingling !li - cinssmaies maa friends of the college.'. Jinny of the; speeches that -wore, !made swero lino, but perhaps tho speech, which meanf more for tho,' college than 007 other wm tkot by Mr Morris, oi official of tho Wachovia Bank 4 .Trust (tompony of- AshevHle.' who for theV first time -was attending tho conunencement ex; f owiaet of the"eollege..' Mrn Morrii : declared that in hi I brief acquaint ance with tho collego ho waa to much impressed with the .line work' done there that he proposed to start: a 1 movamont that would never stop antU tho eolleto had an ondowment of at .: least $500,000. Hi speech waa mosi " hily applauded, and Mr.- Black- stock, tho, master of 'ceremonies ;de clarod that Mr. Morris was a man who 'meant what ho said. ' '.s t ' Tho wvonty-fourth commencement . program came to a close" Friday a - bout noon, following tho alpini ad dress -by Mr. .A. W. Honeycutt,.. of Henderson ville.1 Serenty-eix gradu ated, in Junior college and fourteen After deliberatfing ' for several quiro. an organising f of, representa iwoeks I have decided at just about tives from the, smalle,r, and poorer tho ;"IHeventfi Hour' to enter tho counties, liko :Afc$tf&t'pfa ..eoa bo race as candidate for Representative put over becausa-the smaller counties for Madison County at tho next Gen- are in the majority, 9, the act should oral Assembly. . This decision has be made law befoM'4Jce are listed been made because of the many re- for next fWthWmMil '' ' ' quests that have eomo to me from : Another method lor-relieving our 4vinAm f Blmnnt. ovnrv opfinn nf thn tar burden WOUld'b tbroUltb the re- county, and I am NO MAN'S catMU, date excent mv own. for I have too much, self respect to allow any man 'ft AMf what I shonlrf do i f maka this announcement through a privi-;iieve lege, wmcn petongs w every man in iiiiuii w ' k.wv. - the county, alike. , ; , Jthe 'laxfty 'of the iawothei-case Friends, when I say f oj Madison of where State wide action only can County I do not mean for Marshall prodnea tl'J5-. or any other specific place or com- 'Wo hear thotax Wsrrof mfj inunity of the county singled out, but f eation groantag-under h Iod for the 22,000 people who comprise ;I am frank to say thatnvmany ta tho entire citisenahip of our county, atances those who howl :e" In other words th man wiio pays . ;. aw . mon. hn. maid himself as candidate W reprt w ther than this principle hini would not e a fit 1. shin with subject to be termed citisen of his 4hem eompUlning in many . eommun t county. t is my conviction that anyties tan vod wQl hear from thosof J 1 man in whom is friendt Had conaaeo, 1 to tho extent of electing him as their . tepresenUUvei who would: betray 4.Lt i. i .-L.4 v. Mb,.,.! - bo instrumental!! enacting sucht,leg- Jslatioa as would enhance the person-.that .1 4-Mf- in, inr . n tw.at nu in . tho vilest foravr If elected, it ismy not assessed in any .degree of -fair-; purpose to serve to the best of my" a yitm as compared with -personal proi lv. all. -of tV-Teerle,-. d. tp:Hveeimb. ''e4m.OTof?bwd,o , iu.Mi-1 aa ooRaiijie. earrv oat thai wLih- nerfected whereby the honeat tiller -oa of the eitiaens as n whole- a ,J . ' TV. kt-t.ai. .Hiinmmt t which amv el ns should asniro at the present time, and at all times ao for that mat - tar, should be- lower- taxes and thus .better living conditions. 1 Any. man of ordinary mtenigeneo is convinced jtbat - Goverrement cannot- function . without some form of taxation and too, any right thinking citisen would sot,!! be could. -advoeate a policy that would tend, to -obstruct progreas. 'There has ba a tendency to overdo vOUT Dunn CI fir IU IIUJ .mm , v during tha lst few jt irs, but by be . t''- tna-. conservative in revery- trench iof Our County, Government, I'acison County is in good no-. .100 to cpcome In a reach. better financial cond:tiqn. r I 'am convinced that the greater trcM-t for relief for our tax raye'S ti ' r.i rn fact alost the only rrosrct i u is t'-.ror-H i.e S-'e k'sttnT,. V e : , . . 1. n. r.. . at a- vt r rei rnr ui la t o v. OT.l . ' r 10?a wii Tou;h;Tics tp rare. ,z : i x rrnimuer e- . . . ,v. ivir mr CrmntT its rro- ta rro- icr..ct ! If t e : Just this on s rt ;e 1-eve. y-tax 'layer w H f, f.11,1 i.'-i' . ' mi,,', , : ! si r ;i . 1 si; . .. f . n-- . . iv I il I' Ji MISS BESSIE MAtEJKENT . Mr. W.' -A. F.i Kent, father of Miss Bessie Male Kit,rho bail boon miss, inir for several we.idiwai:ijtf Marsh all MondayHo was accompanied by Mother dangborr- Mts.;! a 'Ed; wards ofMan ;HillTho -inisoing girl's peopli feati she hs 'met irith fool play, no menage having been' re ceived from.her in .all. this, time. -.-. werw given eettiflcafes of graduation fronthe academy departinent; Thus came to a close one: 01 the greatest years (n the. history of; the collego. FOR REPRESENTATIVE peal of certam jan l?n w non taxable- securitieavhehind which so much of the weaWhyhl. our State is Mdina- to aveJdVWiattWl. :T I be-1 that the greatest injustice lm- are no wosojwno rrr '": Minii ,t tn irfia J -almost crushed. 'It's irrevocably the land ownerto hb crops for bia.''elihood.r xet 7" Vwffl - hear a far siemntagorof outer Dusinessw.r . Prrrrz act a good portion of e eriticistagW done by those who wear out te Court tr.n sfc-ma and wno nave neon aw- ,ting on hhft Cjourt Hoasjweo iwjtong their natural physiqao la xe I av-rm landii fai Madison County-re m luuinifr ,t-CLUuvci4T uvwuvm - i Jof the soil eould get st least halfway twin are deal - If s true and might oa wen do aamiwa vqs vnr vmvm where.ventJittle.afJort.il put forth to make farm land yield a -creditable rneowe. bnt it is aa up dinpu table fact that the farmer as a Whole is not get tine a square deal, and I do not knew f: any ambition that I would hold greater than, to be able to give him relief. -'- 'J-'A ' v-ivV -'Ci T i 1 ' In eonelueion"! ouIf H out as I see H. as means' of;;TectJvo tax-ro-ducHeni-'- ''"'-' - - '" ' ' , 1st- No'' more Bonded Vlndebted- V nees without consent of every, vot ' " erof the coufiryi v. ' 2nd. - TTecfive Stetewide legirfs, - lation (which eoul-1 include lUX f .ury taxation very rective!y.) ' -Jrii.-' Fair assessment of, all real - fBd .personal profrty.. .. ! r ."' "Laaies and Gentlemen, I've- tried to outline and trvTt to vou ,my sennsi ior tae r " 1 1 IV --making body y pledgre my ' -i secure for n County every itV . 1 ' ...every I. 1 1- the tj- r . sVou'.J ' rf Elati Urn 4 Twa Weeae VV J .MyEaavtafa Maraba84ao4e 'Tfio Presbrterian church .was' fZIa. 1 to'-eapacity Sunday aiteraeota to'l - thosingtng by tho choir fromT',flIor OriOpposed t. patting TensW, of which. Mr, t B. W. ;Calni formerly of Marshall, Is asontlhiivslrs; tie member. Mr. . Coltmaa Rams-: j was master of ceremonies ' and "c&!Ie4 upon Rev. 0. Ct:Te'agnel-who led to andience. a praorer.. The . aingers con stituted a double ntule .flanrtot-Ar M octet and a female duet. .One of tho men. waa IanjW;.Tho, andleneo was delightfully entertained for about an an hour.-After tho first two or'threo f0MWe.nB,Ia4 a,0,nnt.. "4 tne inv selections, MrCatea Introduced tho rJ P0" of ocoh vMtors as follows: Mri. Charlie Da- f7' U oxpenao shonld b oided. via. Mrs, Ed Kevs. tHuamrs F edith, . . O. Franklin; O. - W. Thh bermaa, R. E. Akers, J. O. ' Mil- rr T," R. Keys, R, N. Caton, UG. Shelton. AS 4 these people inrpressed the audience with their " ability to smg rrom tno eoni, Tbo electi(mi were of a high order and untumally well rendered; 4 Usually, men's voices are more onjoyablo thsn those of W tnen,; but while the male voices la this group were very, fine, .they: wesa-ind more so man those of. .tie women, the t w o female- voiees- blend ing, unusually sweet harmony. Words of appreciation were spoken by :Mr. Ramsey and a,t his request PfKnox, pastor . of the- chnrcV..mado most gracious speech f appreciation and then called upon one 'of the visiting siagersV who was himself paster of tho .ju. -v . 1- v i w ww'' ceptably. Some four or five carloads of Erwbi people eamo over for the' oc casion and" Marshall enjoyed having these good people and would like to have them return. TO VOTE IN PRIMARY f--.'j... P . inaepenaentS a n t Dm..v Of -,I?5r .JmFY Vr ? Either Party In a statement on questions of law rotating to the June primary elections Attorney General. Dennis - C. Brum mitt pointed out1 recently that under the ; State election biw, independents eans not enter either tho RepdbHcan or Democratic: primaries.'i r'i : At ft-ho! request of Chairman J. Crawford Biggs, of -the State Board of Elections,-Attorney-General Brum ' i11 .leolo AnatraUan hallot miiaiiiMM. nanuid bv l the?-l029;GenmU"Asgembly4;"will be used itt. tho Juno Primary for the first tins m' si-tete'electioiwv v.--:ri)''lVaWow,ais .-.--As . only two parties, r the- Demo cratic nd Republican,voro electing candidates' by primary, Mr.' Brum faitt I pointed tout that i independent voters were Inetegible to enter either primary, but that .provision, br made for their 'voting in the general elec tion. - ' '.'One cannot -vote bf the primary part of the . Republican ticket and part of the Democratic ticket,, the Stete official said. , ; . f A voter may change hia party affiliation- prior to the primary elec tion, Mr. Brummitt continued, "Al though regritared as a Democrat, a Republican : 'or an hidependent the voter may, - during thia registration period or when' be goeS'vtd vote 'in the .primary, declare a, change, w hb party aESation ; 'and' ask. - that, the change" be entered 09 the regiatra tion book." 5:4-, ?iirlt, 'A' voter may be challenged '"upon YE j! Vill VRonir -1 -a-ilii'j J..i'.- iafiwb'elnecewry1 in order io .r" majorityjto ttt winner, j-X, y itr4o the ozoenso of boldin WL secon primary! favor letting the Qiree 'conunliaioilers who roceivo thtf itA .:j.v.- a '1. primary bo declared the nominee, efj tho party.-, I -sboulialo be glad if OH 'the candidates ' for " tho vari- aua o f fie k a, would .agroo to let be declared tho nomiaoa, f of ;howin, 8jr;oloetto to a I i 1 ver' ww yours, ,-r, CLAUDE .a?., WILD; r tMIINAL COLiRT: flN MARSHALL ." The regular criminal .term .SuperL.4 u. w ... L'lfi.:-,. w yuurv cviitbucu nvnuay, mwy J5j, 13Q. with r7udge Cameron F. MacRae presiding-Bon,.R.,M. Well prose cuting for the' State. s ' ' 1 ' The calendar was ealled, which eon (taiaed 1J5 eases, i A number of cas- Were, disposed of as followst t 1. eases- against- Eu- H. TroadgQl Were sol prosaed with leave. ..Tho, de-' fendant was ' charged with , reckless torivmg .ann pmuiw eaz. mvoxicaieo an auomobile. The iase . Seborn' .D - -A charged with manufacturing whiskey was dismissed, the defendant having not been taken. The esse has been on docket tor more tnan a year. S cases against Steve Ltmsford were dismissed or nbl prossea witn leave, the defendant having not been arrested. The, defendant is charged , whh 'CCW in 8 cases, one case of drunkenness, and 0ne case for viola tion" of nrohibition larw. "Roy Howell was allowed to pay $25.00 on bill of cost and given un til August .term to pay balance. , The 2 cases against Hubert Stan ton for assault with intent to kill were continued, the defendant noiw bemg confined in Greeneyille, Tenn. jaiL;- . :'- -" ; ;- ' Tha ease against Covart Fortner and Jeter Smith, charged with purg oiy, was nol proased with leavo.A?v ti i Arthurj Crow,j charged, with '.larceny- and under bond to - appear at May term' of court, 'was -called and defendant failed to :!answef .Judg- ifn was entered arainst him- and y MerritBucknor was allowed mm August term eourt.tn-.whieb to pay balance of coat upon payment. of 215.00 at this term.. A.. ': .KSl' V-Rafus Clerk -pleaded guUtr to fip-. orating car Intoxicated and -was nnea $50.00 and Nate SheltonV riiaxged with, sotting payment 01 sucn core aa coovj wv be. liable " , V: $ AaWua'Claritf-'diargod. Titb oosauli pleaded gutfty and was discharged upon payment vt eost,",j;iil. V F. R. Gilbert war given months on tho roads for transporting liquor, . '. M X 1 4l Fred- FOrO' WS",'(Hins.!,.aiw . tha aronnd that he" does not affllUte with such party, or does nqt in good faith intend . to support mo :onii(jBr,sr -ptig,;-. Moasra. ' Bettys j ad dates ndihinated in the primary, ox such party. In such ciwo - it b th duty of the' election .officials to ide termina the challenge as a" pure at- ter of fscC:. Mr. Brummitt stated.; : U i 4.1 to r:oT.Ruri 23aE(SVEDI?lC!ASA,P ) i V V t 4 t f rf , 1 , T I . Jf on wad.. - : Tho.bdl of. indictment affantnT-An 4-K;.ri. -TeyloitrWas given ? months: w r, . .., - - 1 1. V ' L , J," i -' - " - T" vVurbt having arrived. The data .77! ,77 vT TTT :lTr:, Ti TST V ".Vr ' ' . : 4w.ws.ooto: tb. ftmmiw wuu JlTC". SL!2 fronf. thoirstero of ? Goaett . Lumber Company "'on ! Spill Gorav is Bow' on trkl.- ' - .' tl4t 41 lv LEICESTER FAIR 4jl j. r,ii IV! Ti IkNll A Y " VrZ ; 7S7?.r,7t 4 11 11, - I J :u!""";,,r'ir definitely decided to hold a fair this . m - u IfifBi. finanC,;C,m 7 i-hojicquitted himself quite favorably.. Msrvin Glance a. chairman and L O., Bost poUtlciaM( hte ,Robein as secretary, wasmelected, void o ind de. ,but the election of other officer was on . high bardl npstponed,unta s .later date, (Owmgttttermnce beinff that ' to the absence of O. S.TDfllard, secre- prfOToVe . from .nace, ' nHis interpretation of tho worda -The Uicestor fair, undefrito a:Graduation and Commencement was rrl0 R W?"8' Jrsidef. qite striking, and his word picturo - ua 0. 4VUW1U, wotiwi, jmlendidjrogress; ":,M .. .... t leaf -yaatta .aoiia; the. best eommunitv fairs m .the r state. finance c4femittee has already started rotk and. has re- . ported progress, and in view of this fact Leicester community is looking forward" t another good fair some time in late Saptember. , MADISON COUNTY POPULATION 20307 1930 CENSUS SHOWS INCREASE . OF 224 IN TEN YEARS i ' The population of Madison County has increased from 20,083 m 1920 to 20,80T "in 1980, according to infor-j jnation given out from ther census, bureau .in Asheville. - Some of the divisions of the county i'Aowod,; de- crease population and it was feari ed iby -some tbat tho. total for the .County : would show?? falling off benca it is 'uite ' irratifying"' WiJea has mcreased itheVhan to' baWdecreaieC M ison is one'of :'-thsj most fcrosperoas UI WO- jfWJJV4w counties in tho SUtej and many of Jts diita Wha moved teother olaeaa aad tried it for ji wnlle iUunt aaA&d'ilsiy o'ejockyp. d tried it for while hav moved Saturday; May s lav 9 o'ewcay p. ck to good oliMadbv'n; teHyjs 4,in."Watc;Fri backl SIEZBftlAIISiKEra Ajfi.X- , H-A .fWf Clea W Cah Medstw.CevaUaos'r - Indications; am that Miuihali k to jt unwatmi mm. nmrn, Muan . j through' the summer months. Thm , G. Fortner homo nlaeo is ttfideK 'rofaig iminrovements o fit It for ounv G,'.FFortaar;:aro spending great deal- is building and equipping : this place for the convenience and pleas ure' of ttiose who wish to spend a summer amid soma of the most beau tiful mountain .scenery, of Western North . Caxol A for - natural beauty, Kiurshaa csJinot bo excelled. Located on the banks of the' be: U- ful French-Broad River.t and sur- mnnAaA k tawarinr Beaks that kiss tha' sky,' no snore lovely place can.be. This -site has been tw i fourd hi which to revel in the.ke..a-. girls from, vsrio-j T tls of nature. ;"r; iV"iT''b. toT .'?!'$"-' r i ',' IKlt WBAIIXT fPEAUi ; ' 4..4 4MIU . .m..: v. ViUVS)VV V sa-iaMO Ma. . m issa day toorcisoa won given in tho form of P Thnrsday ovoning, directed by Professor; D. vM., Robinson, principal. , Master Rochelle Blankonship was tho . mascot of the class. ' , The graduating -exercises Friday morning began by ; tho,, seniors, : capped , vand . . gowned r marching, in from the roar and, tak ing their places on the rostrum, tho s -president, Joe ads, being aceompa- - vntedv py tne mascot. .rouowing uie : l.acbooi song as a chorus," the speaker ' v of, the occasion wis introduced Ty., .xiinnntAnrint i;. M. KianitiMiRMn to V audience not as large as had been expected, tho auditorium being of-Raleigh, wh'iaop6posing Senator his subject matter was not what soma j n .T,iTiH,honJh Jot W. master- -r" , -- - - pCoeo: His address wi was doubtless an h,rf h'kiJi The attendance was not as great as - t . " ? ' n a tyi OTfeTiTiTTyY n AllllV r II 111 It I ,V. ' , :- (Jf YEARS PLEADS GUILTY TO MURDER IN SECOND DEGREE . Zade Sprinkle; formerly Register of Deeds and well to do business man of Madison County, who was on trial !in Buncombe County last week, for shooting to death last November Ted ; Davis, in a house on Deaverview Road, which was accepted ' by rth0 State, and after hearing an array of witnesses, of some of the most pitom-, inerit people in - Madison and Bun- combe Counties, as to his character JUp to a few years ago, was given a 1 gentence of from four to six years in gtato prison.;i Mr. Johif, McEhroy; of fMarahall .was ono of -the defense at - 'tornevs'Ny 1$ IDDLR'$; CONTION . V A ; Fiddler'a Ccmvention will be held -at Mars Hill High, School Auditorium, BUILT FOR LIARSnALL 'grounds and tho old :homo place can should meet requirements xor soma ; family. CMy water i being piped across the river, so that ahdwer baths,' runnlnj 'wttir. i. ... bo i avaaabie. xne a enner a1" MT H4MLU to "10 from1 the' road on the oppc side ef the river.' Qaite a flouri.,!J I garden, ia in enltiyatioi this sumr A beautiful Tock precipice oxten. upward many feet, fronts the r' near the bath house, and lis te la hardly visible from the r -1 1 Messrs., Fortner plan. to tar r ment: for boat riding, '..: mint, and the roads out of : lead through some of the it.: J tiful scenery in Western Ko: C -lina. jW.-.tur.! v -. ) t'. . .r tfr 1 :.-rs. Fortner f sve sTy.ir.t'e-it s