PARTING SnOT" , I u ' (Political tfvertislng) 4 V Bine finding that my entrance Jn the t a e for HepresenUtiva , It unique, i i.ul?ajs: press my appreciation lo , Senator Plemmoni fof calling thla to the at tentlon of the public, fori thlnk It 4 iOtilt a distinction to be abfe to in ject something unparalleled into.' fhe ' Boniest" The adjective naea; hqm ever, entradlct th 4ne of Ms Ar ticle that follows, for be uses the v a - 1 . 1 aVSTVlai niji vav inn na nu Dmn UBUIV ince "Taxes Here and Thdre" made ' tta debut about threo or f oar years go THB EINMy 2reltf 6n ' for s. emphasizing the fact that I was no tmmVcandidate, other "than my own, was that I knew just what to expect from -the' chief : exponent of intelli- genefrrvthe Senator, - 'A- to whether I'm without a party, I leave to my friends.' a man with or am . willing to Juet by way'.of explanation howeverpJ wish to say here that should 11 0 to iflUMgh as a' Senator, awl to before one , of the Senate fcojnjnftteea tof iprasent my Irguffienl fori certain HV pro posed by myself, .that J woold not call : tm the ."Chairman of the Dem ocratic party? t present my eeuae. I would have It further understood that my political caucusing is et done with the chairman of the Democratic party and his lieutenants. ? i - -" As to Plemmons', correction - in my 1 who has ceme to my reside. I , I do -not agree with you in that an ' adjustment , of assessments , on land and personal properties' would pere, ly shift the burden from one shoulder' to another." Since 'when., it's", shifted from the farmer to th: business mdn, yellow "shfeets or broadcasting any funds, for V haye never nor will I ever; resort to such tactics to secure any office. ' , , ' 1 t; ' 1 ' Yes, before I forget: I've discover ed something strange' in your letter. Jnet why is It that Mr. StikelealUe? had forgotten to write yon the letter tot handle 7wjwf?ts.mirJt eeive some aegrca 01 justice, ;-,,(m 4 My argument is, and will t jntij Mm netbjbd of fir swse-" in worked 'out, ' that those 1 1.3 wa farms and farm as a vocation, at disr criminated , against. vtyppoatj,that your suggestions made some tinj age that farm are listeed -20 too low and town lots: 20 too bieh. (hould grammatical,' frror I ; would say become a reality and should be c'lang ThpksTflenfttOftBttt P'!S j2 pd accordingly, . Then what wald become of the home you jo eaniwsxiy or in other! words to those who have accumulated wealth at thefT' "JSlisf apprfclatlon for your activities to the farmcrr, thinUiey wno wa.a thai promoting the roads for No-i li and be too hard since yon must not over look the fact that I've not ad the experience in Stt affairs like your self. After 11,' does not the term, non-tangible imply or mean nontax ablet In other , words, .6t touched by taxes? At any rate I feel that my idea was understood by most of us, and thus fat you are the only .censor desire to protect! (Political Advertising) DRAWS $1800 PER YEAR Other Men Doing: Work "v j. 1 0 "i , i t 1 i . l Te Bd'Ul books of fte County up to two years ago, - Z?lti'l ?riS,nl,ey' of itl The Do'ioi -mm :M' H yj - . - ,. . ' ' S??.,0,,Bi,t,iat taeM orag in 1925 of 16,000? ,rV Wh. V9t so; 'f 2070.2t""instedT--Albert H. SSS'V0'?'' C: 'WbO' found a shortage of $88,000 in ' lVhAiC-y? ld: dflcit 1927. of 151.780.87 v - insteadt--Albert Blake, the certified auditor. .Voters, think f of U wonder our taxw are Ugh and getting hlgher-"By t their fruits ye shn 1 now t'-p". , V , v . ."-i , -rv:T' 7PSW'OEE YOU VOTE.. i. THINK OF HIS ROAD DEALS, TOO. "SAM -J. PEEK For Auditor. WHY MADISON COUNTY SHOULD V6TE FOR ROY HARMON FOR STATE SENATOR For many years it has bean customary for (ha counties of the 30th Senatorial District Madman, Avery, Mitchell and Yancey to allow the office of Senator to rotate, each county taking its turn In the nomination of the Republican candidate for Senator. At this time it was Avery County's turn..U.On April 4th! at Newland, N. C, group of delegates from Madison led by Judge Hendricks and a group" from Mitchell led by John McBee broke this agree ment by naming David Vance over the protest of 4he delegates from Yancey and Avery, these counties, holding that Avery should be allowed to nominate the candidate in accordance, with long established and fair customJf the conventon had followed the gentleman's agreement, Roy A. Harmon would have been Avery's choice by IS delegates to one. Judge Hendricks has admitted that the nomination was irregular and unfair although Judge Hen- dricks placed Mir. Vance la nomination. . I appaal t both the voter and the delegates of Madison County to correct this error and vote for me for State Senator from the 30th district- I ure you, if nomnated and elected, that all bill of inter.' est to Madison will have a fair and impartial hearing " -. ROY A. HARMON ' - ' rouucsu Aaverusmg) jr.' ' C" You term it remarkable thatch!, gentleman (referring to .myself V?10 others are now admitting that,' .taxes are too high. . Perhaps Hhe reason why my opinion as to excessive -taxes has not come before the pulblle in a . "Taxea-here-and-there" way iskthat 1 1 .did not decide a year ago. to snake this race and begin sending into some newspaper as NEWS ITEMS my I groaning and lamentations trying to I make myself appear 61 the eyea, of the people, a Daniel Come Taj Judg ment and thereby ride into ofT.ce on a gravy tram. No Sir, rathe than sneak "my way in in Such manner, IH Just stay out. 'Furthermore I have not realized nor do 1 want the kin of religion you mention lj your .-1.3.1- : T T imftaa'th nublic would like to know Just what is your definition for Religion." , . , fi c'J am convinced tnat tms isnn 01a wircn out method of maintaining roads and should be abolished but Plemmons has not suggested anything as to what he would propose regarding those who have passed the road-working ... . . j age and who nave aireaay compnea with the old law. Sure, I'm for abolish-J ing the old system, and at the same time working out a plan to avoid discrimination against the man who has 'served his term. Senator, I came into this race be cause' I had the same right as your self or any other man, and not at the instigation of any ring. In fact some of your closest neighbors in Hot Springs were among those from dif ferent sections of the County," who asked me to. make the race and I'm positively ; sure that it's not any of your business whatever to say who should and who should not run. Real ly, since ' when did you become ' su preme dictator as to who should make the race? Don't worry, my dear air, a- bout my-putting out any last minute eight, days before the prima 80th) f Talk about funny things! 7 m In conclusion I want toexprest to the citizens -of Madison County; my disgust at such tactics as I've, been forced, to in this article in xeply to Plemmons', "Parting Shot" before the Primary, -When I entered the race for representative I did it resolved that nothing personal would be used against niy opponents, but I've found that the only way to fight fire is with fire, and I believe and hope the day is almost here when our .elmbjp wjll treat with contempt fesi sick ening ini disguisting, unwarranted and untrue insinuations and criticisms as used by Ira Plemmons.. HERSCHEL SPRINKLE. ANSWER TO JETER P. RAMSEY IIENDRIOiS REPLIES TO DENIALS OF rPLEtEIONS ABOUT HIS RECORD ;' OFSEN- CITIZENS OF inGII :ttv. TAM) GIVES THE NM AToasM STANDING UO WILL COR ROBORATE WHAT HENDRICKS SAYS i!JMp,t- ft 3 Vote IP or- FOR SENATOR,; THIRTIETH iDJSTRIGT T . MR; VANCE WAS UNANIMOUSLY ENDORSED ; FOR STATE SENATOR BY MADISON COUNTY . REPUBLICAN CONVENTION, APRIL 2, 1930. J " He wai nominated by the Republican Senatorial Ccnvcation held at Newland, Avery County. ; State Doard tf Elections rule thai fae must b Voted for in tno Pri-' . mary, June 7lli., to make Ma nomination rcsular. " ' I.Ir. Vanco is a man'of hih standing, manufacturer, y and other interests; i3 a Republican; was a member of , : the Legislature, Avery County, 1929, . - . , , ' Vote for Vance V (Political Advertising) Issue of June 3rd News-Record You state you are a very poor man and I am rich. Sorry you are not rent as to the last part of this state ment You have been teaching school for the past several years at a good sa&ryi 'drawing big compensation from Uncle Sain for a weak back, and you own one of the best farms in No. 10 Township, and -J would oe giaa I (am t m-director in theVPAak and own no- property at Beaver Lake as you charge. ; Now, Jeter, one of the best citizens of No. 10 Township stated to me that you made the remark that your cam paign slogan was, I am poor and J. Will is rich, and people will be sorry for me. Everyone knows you are in about the best financial condition of any one in the County school teach er, pensioner, and farmer, and again I don't believe in going around tell ing our good lodge brothers about beine in distress just because I want, o hmIb office ; neither do I borrow money from one brother to pay another. I don't believe any one should so licit kelD from the lodge or church for his own personal political advan tages; neither sHould be used as political cat's-paw. t :. On June 7th the people will say, Who will be nominated for .Register of Deeds? For by ; this time they have Jbad ample opportunity to know the character and virtues ef, us both and. I am. willing to -abide by, their decision. 4 r - , I note your weak explanation re garding your demand on the Board of Education, for money for making the race for .Representative- The? etata- ttient they give out and yout explanar tkm is widely different..,, If what you say is correct, why didn't :. you; get them to verify it? ' L-" - J. WILL ROBERTS. VOTE FOR- CHAS. B. MACRAE FOR SOLICITOR s ', , Tomorrow i Ira Plemmons say in his article in The Times, that l am undertaking "to tell the folk" how corrujpt Je is. I have hot undertaken to dohat; I have only been telling about his pub lic record, and if his public record makes him corrupt, he will have to make the most of it. Plemmons' neighbors and close ac quaintances know about his private character, whether it is jrood, corrupt, bad or indifferent, end I have in no wise undertaken to go into that. As to whether the people of Madison County believe me or Ira Plemmons is up to the people. He says' what I say about Judge Johnson and Sena-1 tor Person in connection with him- The Post Office ad L. Johnson is Lum- than I quoted. dress of Judge T. berton, North Carolina, and the Post j Office address of Senator W. SI. Per- ! son is Lewisburg, North Carolina, and if these gentlemen ere disposed to say . anything about this matter, they will j corroborate every word I have stated. ! Senator Robert G. Johnson of Bur gaw, North Carolina, knows about i these facts, or the most of them, and while I have not seen him, spoken to j him, or heard from him since the ad- , journment of the Legislature, I know that he will corroborate what I say, for I believe him to he a high class, honorable gentleman. Senator John F. Reynolds, a Republican, of , Wentworth, North Carolina, a man of the highest integrity and honor. self is untrue. I re-iterate that every .knows what I have stated te be , word I stated is true, and Plemmons. true. ..y ' i knows it is true. Snatef iofeftson and Albert Teague, who resides on J Senator Person' did use stronger, terms (Carried to Foarth Page) ; ,v ' ' i f onticai Aavernsmg' - Yes. Ira, we know you had the idea of re ducing taxes in your mind when y o u worked so hard to get two extra Commis sioners for Madison County when y ou were in Raleigh. ATTENTION,- VOTERS ' (Political Advertising) , , A vote for- Vance is a vote for Judge . " Hendricks. tThe - Judge, ." is sponsoring hinu 5 . : .;. '..r-'!f.. A vote for Vance is an insult to Avery County, Uking the right , to nominate tht Senator from that coun- tj?. - 'n-,, . '. !' 1 A vote for Vance is a step In form ing a 3 Oth Senatorial district Ring destroying the. plan.-of rotating een atort making ring politics easier for the professional politicians. . Think, . consider these Sects and vote for v 1 - - -'- - - T 'j (Political Advertising) J. WILL GRABS AT A STRAW AS HE GOES DOWN LN DEFEAT i he tells lies on his opponent to try to influence the public The people" of Madison County are Being told many false- ' . . hoods by Jn?- opponent aaid his sponsors. 'People, I am sorry that there is a public official in our county who is so corrupt in soul and body that he will not tell the truth and try to besmirch the char-.- acter of his opponent in order to win a few votes. , I know; that I ; have not lived perfect life. Neither has toy opponent. But : 1; for the last 18 years I have tried to live a clean Christian life. I am willing to lay my characteron the tahle beside that of J. Will " Roberts and let the public be' the judge of which is best I have ? always met my obligations; I have always tried to treat everybody right in all renects; I have not cheated, wronged, or defrauded anybody out of anything. Ask those people who live around me "Uthat have known me from a boy. Please do not believe these ,t ; political lies that are being told about me and I will assure you . " ttat I will make you a clean Christian officer that will treat you fair and right. - " . , t -. 4 v . I am not going to tell the people anything bad about J. Will, Ci for I had rather lose .votes than to take any hand, in this kind of , controversy It is not gentlemanly, s I prefer not to do it. In : all statements I make I am only defending myself. . " ' c. v-. - I do not know what else he is going to tell in tSiis issue but r whatever it might be I ask the people hot to believe it. He per haps will have many more falsehoods to tell in this issue because '. he may think I wflj not have time to answer it before the Primary, -v Let your better Judgment be your guide. - - '' . i, Here is what Jame Wallin has to say about the warrants that ; ,J. Will is trying to deceive you with; , .-.TO THE VOTERS?- - '; I, James Wallin, do hereby certify; that I took out the ' papers that J. WILL Roberts Is showing around and that I i had bo intention of convicting Jeter P. Ramsey on the v -: i ; rants for there was absolutely no evidence against him. Hi ; is not guilty of the charge These papers have been 1. " " -, : 'in Roy Gu.dger's 0f3ce for "over TWO YEARS. Jeter 1. ,- .. Ramsey is a man cf good character and I have known hi. 1 1 -: - any life as a law abiding citizen. He is well qualified to 1 the office of register of deeds and will make a safe T.: Any member of the Board of Education will t. the transactions I have had with tv.e roar I cf r lie and rfht See l-it P'-'ry's V. " - J. Mr-