1, . . ' j - 1 t ' '4 UttU Librarian Con- ADICC,: BOUNTY VOL. v-t" f r"-"T t i r tew a :day. ju:- 13,1 ' ' '' ' M'i fMl-f i'U.-'i'I1.!.- I'M 4e I, J)' 1 , J!r. !I. L. C:ory, -j cf 17--3 TjcorJ, C. . I :.'s interest an article ia the I' "Von County Times, carryi"? sM-cnt fro.n Dr. Sams, " i ' cd can,"! .te for Corrress for t'-.'s dUiiot, iJ - kh re fc- ''i t' at 1 is for 'Hamilton C. Jones, tha second man, and ' -"s k's f " t? toV-o support Josks. Ke Ufa aa 1 ) rea son that 1 J l- fu'-' ' 1 f'-J situation over the dl-""t and t&t he ia persuaded that ' Joi. .i' ii the man to defeat Jonas tha Republican nominee, in the Generar Election, By this statement, IV. that he Is la favor cf f s f ... ;- cident to a sec" 1' J hoplrj C : Joucs - - - "rrix'ry.' -y h'3 1 I!r, Jonei, he auves.i-r. w "! a'.i a eec 1 pr- ary. . ' -. Fersor , I tMi.k Dr. Sasas' ji iaer.t fa-'. 3 h rtates V"" , & ir-"-r r--' t "i '4onc9 t:;ior r : t il alwsys 1 rd ta Cor Cene'-l County 1 Llajor . "1 rec 1 t! rt la: I 3 1 "t- 1 -9 a 1 1 1 ti t . " "y feel t I ms were truly . trateful;!.: t . ..t which w r him Ift'th i a,7. e w0ld dv' Kr.oTaa t bupport Major Bui winkle-igainst and this fall in" iLa ' 5eneri.l LIv.tion, we uould present a t'"T and undivided front to the ass. t of our repub lican friends. So e people who do , not know Dr. Sauis for the Good - Sport that he ls,migU feel that it ''- .... f "Rnnr raoes." Come on, 1 nr.. Rama, loin your supprters and .fderd for BulwinVle. " " " - Yours truly, 1 " T'cEIOY, . lit ii.j. i--i ! u t 1 j is f -y , i.. .w, I than , , r;e its. A'.. x. If ' I 1 c Lir 1. 1 t . iJ 1. . U " y f t 4i: I.-. 1 ' c : 3. . 1 . iwro , jd ; i . cr may it be for the good ofmy coun try. W. A. P. KENT. , n 7 J 1. f .tor J R. Owen has beeiv way for the past week holding a' meeting with the Elack Mountain church. The pastor of that church filled "the pulr pit here for the service' Sunday mom; irj, and announced that Mr: 0cn is Lr! " a "foAV meeting at Eluck T .-'h'.i, tl.ere being eigirfprofes s' s C Mus one of-tfieT first servw- Er. O. E. Saras and" family moved" to t"s i ' 'ce during the past week fron I '1 T7. ,Va, ' We-are t.!J t. t I .' Cams' chuitbV.Rre. mont, at Ljt..burg, Va., .donated a car for 1 s we 'in hlf 3.ct f,-U "of work wi :i ir-.rE:;:iCo:: re.iie was called to .isoa "Cily, Tenn., for a surply sej. w.j, Sunday during '" s absence of tlie rastor i of Tthe rst taptist Church of that city. It ' Ves s r-leasssr .'to'? welcome this p--1 p i f T'lly ta our nv ' t.' Lid f.i "y are spending-' the summer in tieir hosi e here." 1' f , ilrs. Frank Clubs' and small son, Harold, have returned from ten days' trip to Hilboro". 1 - V A number of our boys recently eh joyed a hiking trip to Ogle Meadows. Those making the . trip and -camping overnight were VTlilson, Fleetwood, Evan r Evans, J ucfatt '".MooreV- JohB SmijLh,. rIoses McCA Carl Car ten George 1 Ah'derson " r and Clark Owen.. , . Dr., Will Hutchins and daughters, Misses Ruth and I'-'ihleort, of Kings port, Tenrt., w"! ? t' ''"f rirs Al Ke Uuv.u.s ovtr t..e v..a. Kiss"s Fay, Zane, ti Joan TH r i r! I' r' '1 1- e -en 1 t ;. and I A i , Ir l.i6 iao( ten u. , j. r-i. J. r.. oii -1 - 3 : If to ft) ' . ( ' ? ? k Ci i"t f- iTi t' t"af... I" Hi !."-n ELiivje, cf vi r 'i dor : "'i "c" 8ci , i.:. i Ver:: i J l cr sL ... 1 -r J i. Illas irars'.L,. lene T'izss vibited f.' country tl.e first of the we . " . Mrs. W. E. TVilkins, daughter Hiss Louise, a? ! TranLlIn," JtJt T-cs'y to s, summer, in a camp i.i Wh3 -there, the' eL- -l J Boston and other places. of I.' number of Ashiville -fu" i visiting relatives on "The LiU ' day.. Among' them were r i'r. an j Mrss. Horace Chandler, Mh and IJri. W. C. Robinson and family, anJ I'r. and Mrs. D.. E. Pool and son. , ':. Messrs. Bernard" and Lat'.:. cr of the Business Men's. Ey&nge!;'" Club of Asheville filled 'th(5 Tpulplt at the eving service Sunday. s , , , 'kiss' Ilaael" Biggerstaff ' of T erfordtbn is. staying iwRh -K r Mrs, J. jC: ' Stringfield, while i ' tends fuftimer echool? Lee James Copple .of Albemarle : jfepktwa if ' rs. .r"". ' ' spending spme time with her Mrs. Graham'' of, Dur.n' if. nd , t . 0, .. Y r are i visiting her5 father, Mr. Thor ray.. Her two Ktthj dauchtera, riet Holcomba" and , Avanelle, here with her. ' ' . - ." . I 'Yites 1 Ar"on9 leaves I ... , a t :r r--, ,i 1. -nee, SVC .''.. vr " Jliss Aua Edwards, has been teadhing at R,oanoke R,apids ;'ia here With her parents, Mr. -and Mrs. 'A. E. Edwards, for awhile; -t From Sunday's CitiaeiS: ( ,: MARS HILL YOUNG LADY TO WED ATLANTA MAN ' Dr, and Mrs. 'Wait N, . Johnson, of Mars Hill, have, announced '. the engagement and approaching mar riage of their daughter, Miss Laura Bruce Johnson, to Mr. Paul, Sharp Et! eri 1 e, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga. ' , SUU...ER SCHOOL OPENS AT - MARS HILL i : The first term of the Mars Hill College Summer School .opened on Ve -!.icHay of last week with en ' t cf 115. .Classes have beer ' 1 i i t' . t c ' ' x auhjecttj ; ' '-ry Erlloh, L; ematiij Iat , " " " , rpaui.h, I ;o!igy,l.tdn--..,: ", and Art!' froC . ft ' - ' -.-r r of t"ie !uiRmf ' ' -,t 'e-Ltte-.lli , . '..-.: 'oJ, Mr ..... ', f. 'jrWHuf . y article but f '1 that "t yow t race r L'r r -- : t s Sarnie. r "f,,P.C id,' an J '1 f.Iead. ui in- the ! ,' and"' wis 1 1 feelings : me, r.y good 1 u 1 ' ' z ovtr a cry i's l.'UZ'.oa CpiFity I, tf .is to ,me ti- t t'i I.i t!.Lt "rrrer he ' 1, c J.!i3" is a .) and an train!:..;. ' . ... . to convey Jirytl.l. t: r. ? 1 ano'. . it i name. J to me ta : of puii; ' paper? anon; i I presui..e Times sU. lie article referre i t o . "A rei-Gtr ? i the f rs:n mho wi 'y afraid to sen V.s i 1 not this person come " a this complaint, instead ; it anonymously irt a , because he allows these rrticles to be published. f .t the publisher-of the , ready to back np these articles, end approves of them. r s T am t'.ad that our friend, '"A Pedestrian," thinks that the traffic laws here for vehicle travel and parking regulations are wise and ef ficient, and I would be gladder-still to have I ' :n , suggest some Way of remedying the "pedestria,n ' 'eom plaint't , other , tham hb foolish : Sug gestion, .'of moving'back onr : fttores and other business houses, in order to make mora room for the loafers to carry on. s Trfiir . 'It the person who wrote thft, ar ticle above mentioned wishes to take exception to . anything I,ahay;ilulve said, r Lhea to-Jet me learn his identity; 1 would like to ee him. as soon as possible. " ' Chief of Police.;! r.:.13. LE2 VYATT. CALLED -Q Y DEATH bot.t seven o'clock .thje 1 i visited t!ie homp of Leo, Wyatt n Petersburg? and took hia, dear ;wife, Krs.' Bessie -.Davis .Wyatt. , ' She was thirty-one years IoT .ager and is sur vived by six children and her hus band. The children are, , Robby, Evelyn Grace, Hazel,' Louella and Fred; also two brothers, Hubert and Vernie Davis, and one sister, Mr. Aud Cody, of ; Laurel. -- ' , , , Ths deceased had heeW ill only a short "time and death ;was a severe shock to her 'neighbors. She was a member o f Bull Creek6-Baptist church. Funeral services were con ducted on Monday afternoon -at 2 o'clock' 'at the Bull Creek church by Lev. Perry Sprinkle and Rev. L ,C. rob'erts." ' Rev; Wade White eondnct 1 a short service at the grave, hy 'sorrowing friends and neih s follorwed the remains to i.J 1 ' place" to pay a tr.bb j Ij ,'r? a- lov t I"' i.-;.j. -i' c - 1 A. . i tZr "C. , ... ff-u, -it; " t ?;... ... It t ' OU t. J ne' L:. J, a' ') i. 1 (i t ft r'-Jure. h&s many freji t..J.rLe.e l.. ... j. : mon thr Ir flocks, . " 4 .'r i1 Th funeral nrnreAKion. t. linm i)a . fbojy of the late JoaTLippi of Ashe- - j Ville to Wa'nut for M .'Tir-t ir.rou' a jarsnau aoout two o'ciocx (Turs , y. . Thurs .yf . C:ti2e" ,had the foiloiWiny regardlnj .this Funeral 'services .for Joe Ihipps, 65,-formerly -a prominent' 'c"izcn ot Madisba County, who "ded Thursday r. . ; , ' V " J;'"" fV;T 'Officiating ministers will be the Rev B, E. Guthre and the! Rev. J4'L Hyde, ' interment iwill be in the ;W1 W cemetery. 4'"" ".",' , - Active pallbearers' will be:':- John Stack,. Joe Reed, A.- R.'v -vrtl,. a. uainsey, ana o. w, icLturev Hon orary pallbearers are:. Dr.' Frank Roberts, Dr.' i J. N. Moor A.W. Whitehurst, L. J. ' Lunsford; 3'. -M. BaleyJS.' R, Freeborn,7 Sid 'Chand ler and v"M; Ramsey. '"" ;,J ' ' .Mr. Phipps is survived hfr hts wid ow and the followmg children! Mrs. M. V. Boydston, Mrs'. Dan T, Haynitf, tMrs: ,C. ; D. ,Stackhpnse,' Mrs. Clydo Hensley. and Frank Thipps all.fcjf Asheville: Mrs ' Blake - Silver,' .of Butmavillet MrS. C. Si Moore, of Ca nal Point, i Fla,j Robert .Phipjjw, of West iVirginia ; talso ' Is grandclul- dren. . JAMES RICE DEAD h i home in J.fc. O June T." The cause ohis death was a weak Mart with Other 'cbmpHcatioris.'-' i Vi.--1! . Mr. Rice Joined Ithe- Free Will Baptist church 'at the - age of 45 years, and he' has' been one of. the most active church workers in his denomination. 7 ' , ' - " " . - - -1 r. ' The death of !Mr. ' Rice brought to a close the last member of .a. large and highly respected family,"- The final servieeV' was held Sun day at 2 o'clook, conducted by Rev. John H. Ballard and Rev." James, L; Hvde. One of the largest -"crowds v. t. v. hveV mthered at'. Walnut. lor sucn an 'v. lunerau jcev. kionn . n.,Mira, who' is near 80 years 'old, "spoke of the faithful work of.. the deceased, and in hi remarks, "saldThe .only time I "ever knew Mr. Rice to be sat-J .lei was jwher he v' was" worki"3 - cr in-a good meeting."". The ' f ITr." Je was beautiful, i" ,ry'fv "Ir''off tl.e the deces..;. ! T.i'.h C ei 'is. 'survived by his jle ( lttr cf the beeves, . m for fcjm ' 5 'v. L-l'ifi;.-, -a ::. c aO f ivi.-i jnotf3r:Vi : lie too t . t 1 -. , we (5 C ) t" I f - I 'wish toko this ( met!. r c thanking ht voters and" "tax p , s ofr Madison CJourity for the voii t ! confidence they gave me in the r - mary Just past. 1 want those ti nt did not support me, as well as tlo3 that did support me, to feel th?t 1 am their friend, and as the re;' r nominee -of the Republican party, I shall go into the-November election, and carry it out on the same L''i plane as the pri.nary election wss carried out, and if. I should be the choice of the people, I want all to feel that. I am thsir representative. I again thank 70a.' - , Sincerely,' ; , ' J.,H, HUTCHINS. , (-' " , ... c AUSTIN ROBINSON" k On June 7th at 12:30 Pt M., Miss Bertha ! Robl.ison, of Flag Pond, Tenn.,' - daughter of' Mr, , and Mrs. John Robinson, ot.Flag Pond, be came the bride of Mr. "Pascal, Jeff Austin,- of Asheville, N; C son of Mr.' and.MSra,..BeardanlrAustin, of Asheville. The -ceremony was per formed at Marshall, N. C by Rev. B; E. Guthrie.. - f ,:-f.. 1 1 ,11 " ' Mistress Why "did yon place the a- larm clock beside the pan of douch, JlalindaT , Malinda -So it would know what time to rlse, 'am. ' - - k - lAmrr-SAtis K4 -"1 Folks;'"1 Tse jglad de Mec-f Ition is oytfr-yasuhv l ho' j i's.vTAia't; frd flcthin ; bufortics" tw6irlfse -sick 0' it wHoldat'g a lie I does likevto htar fclks r-'! gue on !is" question" e: ":e ! times.- Et anyway, yc-- all knows who ial3ct:1 I ' ' d;3 time, don't ycu? . I . K:pc3 eve'yLody'- t;r 'tout itr -'-- - ' k ''II, i.f U3 Vv 3 C..JCC j 1..: ,1 1 I i - x """T i t -JL- V" - ' i r yz) It

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