,.,4). --pmmmvi . . .. . . i. Consolidated Nov. i , 1 I - 1 A 1 va i 1 1: VS. j. THE ESTABLISHED NE.. 'APER OF MADISON COUNTY .1' lt MM i MARSHALL, N. C; FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1CD ZBOQ ; , 8 Pages Thw Issue . LVOL.XXIX is) I I '1 r- i:TiS mi ' I'Ls 'Elbyldone Wilson, Mrs. Wil ' son and Mrs. Davis of New Ln; lire eoests of Mrs. J. H. Owen , t "'if V" ' . " ' ' I " 3 I Uia TTh"H i cf rejrosJ., Va., tuJ I J. I" "ri,nJ ' 1 , r' ' -or1., v ., t i 1 u' . rv barton,, f y i....r - ' ' - ,. ; p.0 .r nd tl8. r. L. Elicit - 1 I to' --or ad I'rs. V,r. r i r ' 1 over t E'-de- Rh' -e " rd'y. hJ 13 fcth? y, i:, C. A. thre this eunmier. i j Mr. John Amnions and family are apendinj tbia we?k with friends and relativea in Virginia' ' " . ' Master Joe Freeman of Hender onvnie Is visiting his aunt, Mrs. R " C. Coate, this week. , -' ' Mrs. J. W. Huff's week-e-nd visit ors were Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Nicoll "and children, Elisfaheth,. Frances and Eugene, of Greenville, S. C. .Mr Albert Feltz of Florida is a uest at the Gibbs House. - ; , Judge John KcCall of Memphis, who is spending the summer at YMMnt. was on "The HillV .last s J week- visiting his . sister, "Mother w ; Kllistead" t the Boys Home. , : ' -'Kiss Cladye Johnson, , who has lleen atudying in Ne ?0rk,''T! for a visit wion bur ' :Trtr.tsDr.. and Mrs. w. vnu- ' JIlai Eabeth And"-son, wno 'i lfc.n teachL-g a E'-Uni, is : Tr?-h hef nreril3. LA-tena I!rs. Ju! a Andern. , . . '. " ; ' pre -sot and T'vs. u i-uox 9 f ? 'on'City has been spending a few -weeks with her ftunt, Mrs. Pat Col- s "villa. - ' ' " ' " " ', . Quite a number of Mara Hill folks ;u Asbeville last week for the Rhododendron Festival, and. re ' ported a fine time, , . - - ' Roscoe Phillips, -ho has been at tending Furman University i Greenvme, S. C, is home for the -summer. ' ' Little Miss Louise Gibbs spent last -week with her uncle in AshevUle. The most interesting place on . r,- a U the 4uD-to-dnte" ing nation which has been re- . .i.i-J in a hi!. ..rT niuwu It is located y a fT-.pt a the Edwards r' T on the ?T2 , Z t acres froml Edward's bon and j a-t acres , ti e cafe.' j ' Another cr "s 1 1 3 J-'1 " on the corner next to i :f i T i: ..vll'.e la"t ' wt(k ar . 1 r -with l.'n his attrat'.'ve Wle -J diusht-r, r- TS. - ' : Vil- ' 1 and c' .'3--f-r r' i t t l. t' . : -y i;, -were: 1 Iur"; ' , i a J - i - r'.l -.j; ntci-.y. f iriieJ a t: r - r .3 i.i t.; UyZvr fcaU f .1 v.i L.t on April li at Los ArilvV every day scenes. v . The - boys are camping in the gymnasium " for the occasion, and. thev-.town . folks are doing their share Howard entertain ment. ' r " -l J FRENCH DROAD W. M. U. ASSOC1ATIONAL . rrrr.TiNn TO BE AT CALIFORNIA CREEK CHURCH, JUN2 2S, 1930, BE GINNING AT 10, A.' M. ' Song .Failh of Oct' Fatbew. Devotional Miss Ilay Penly.- Welcome Mrs jr 4win Jarvia. i Eespore -Xrs, -1 "rinie : Ramsey. Report, Tersonal' Service Ira, A. L. riemmona, r ,'' , Report,' Mixsjon Cludy-r Mrs. J. E. Owen i ; - , .. ' - ' ; JUpoit, Trea8urer4-rs. . JL EK mom - . , -H-T- '"Roll Call of, SojcieUs.'- Recogni'vion of ; ilton and JPas tors. " - t Special L'aJe-"rs.'C E.. Cline and Mrs. W. II. Morrov. - . , Talk, Individual. SpirituJality Mrs. Elizaheth Wharton.1 - . ) PeriodicaWMars HU1 Y Sv". A. - . LUNCS'l'J . -Song. . V.'- Devotional-Mr3. Anie' White Report from' Divisional Meeting Mrs .E. C. ,Coates, ' ; - ,'.,' m TT CI 'r f Y. m. Ui- ojiecmio- ouio. v., Teague.' ; , " V ) Our Contributions--r-How To. Re port Them Mrs. 'J. R. Morgan. , Standard : of. Excellence. - - Young People's Work Miss. Alva Uwrence j Talk, Stewaruhip--Mrs. W.' N. Johnson. Our Cert '-1 YearIU Celebra- . y r g , , . ( rftrt, -t ; C i ' r . r ' 1 I FJgc To maintain high milk, pr durin the summer, . it is i r that the dairy , cow have U'ci, plenty 'of s'lade 'a - 8rrly of fr-h water, ';(( ' j! j VAs fthe iup"r a Iv ' e w-rass gets dry mad short a K tent changes frotn hit," ' low fiber to low. proton J " ber' says JA..'Arey, e: ' n dairyman at State-JCollege ; : jiis. cTndliiiTiiices3ltates the feed' - ;of more grain with a. high protoni con tent together with silage or a ceiling crop. Grain "feeding"' during this period should be as heavy as during the winter months.'' , j T '. , ; Hot weather will generally de crease milk production and Mr. Af ey sllCtfests that til a Animsln Vinv an. pie shade during the hot part of ihe uajr.'; Aruunu cities, wnere me pas tures and lounging lots are small,' he f-T: Wiliard RecW and Bailey Rice have " masked for a second primary and same will v.; .: be held July 5th v(th Rector against Rani ..'.seyifor SherifT,'- end . bailey- Rice" "against : the;3 high mcri-f IcKinney,' Englich andj,; jpVilds, "for; Com: iaoner.'. A second prir i rCmary .is-r.not t . sarythe -'hinrh: man li .should be tho-.pl y ,men nave aem ' Jzens-that tfr. irf:.tne high man having At whether, you T fcd for vi in-first-pri-"'r ..: Saturday, - July oth;?and vote.ior us in' . ; ...; f-nUK i .lrtai1.rt 'rtiirrtViicwo': ,Vio-f ttatyAii.4 o wain .will the low man have the vnerve "to ask . v 1 that this" added expense andtrojcible be t :', put on the tax payers of Madison County.' r The-three high men for Commissioners . - are friends , and if etocted,.can and, will ' c gei along together-one from-"4he upper part one from the center and one from ; 'thVlower part -of the .countywell- and , , properly located to be able: to look after . the whole County and -we each r ask our 1 ' special friends to vote! for all threes The' . low man will be out of .harmony with ei: ' , (Political 7 n, advises that the milking herd be eta y vUed during the middle of the, day. ' Flies ar" also a sourec of great annoyance to co ws" In su mmer, tuid Mr;TArey -says unless some anclhod ia n'sed 'to combat them the te-t, re sults from the herd cannot be' ob tained, y' Flics are controlled caslv i far JtMdmvb"r h bree:Mni" -r'.flC?. h-laysv -"Stalls, and pits should bgj, .cleaned at least once eh week and the. manure hauled from , the ham direct to the field. Any accumula tion of litter or garbage ; furnishes ideal breeding --places- - for s flies , and should be cleaned up as often as pos sible. , , , j . Because it is impossible to destroy all flies in the larvae stage by clean- ine ud th breedinir places, it is furt . - . . i ther . necessary to use , poison, - fiy traps - and sprays to kill off vthe," younger brood after' hatching, rec ommends Mr. Arey, :' Z r 3 '' ' .A nominees but these V) one pe.nem, a.ua.; i Cwwng) s ,r- 'A'-- ' 11 . Heads Univer:'.: I: i: r vi,..arps, Drinters cevil in a coiii.n v iieWf paper ofiice,. founded .Ihe i first ocnooi ot Journalism and has been . . . i,t , v,n,nifol laade Prident of the University 0f;ic?ns,de-rilwSerl?u-?t-,,'ut bosPltfi' JUissomi " , r ,r- .- j authorities said Smith; likely would . -jiJ3ess.C.;..M I .recover unless complications set in. --" ' ' ' "" ' ' " 1 t ThA shootinsr occurred" shortly be- . - ? ; r "i 'mrAnt n TrilrfTfl s 1 . VmilLII IiilfO: ilJsmith'uas at work. there were no CiBRIEE ' ' I J ; ' ,r ' w Smith told Deputy Sheriff G. B. Contributed by the Carolina District Crook and Dave Sneison, who in ; Office, United States Department , - LeatJ8ated - rrested ! Duckett and ' . . . A rnMnrAisia 'l.r.i',- -v J ' . 'k m t a!.j. . i w. w.. . brought Smith to tne nospiw ' '' ,r 1 " m'L 'Duckett had come,to,him declare tvnphUt laparta CoatUa .la b. fce won,d km Ha Mid he ,utW QW.- American best . Duckett to prevent ellew" as well as,ther hooka and Qra drawin(f , pisW j,ut s (p.mphlett of various kinds ""tinued, fa feis f , to find a good market abroad during hide behind .Fi.. the first ,-threemonths "SO, J-WHJ Ducke'tt ahot L!..i tfjSta? TvlhJe Ws back was turned. He intl th. DfPUtaeM Commerce. , L, .that' Vett war-trying to 1"" . " " :;A'Vr',' " tun him away since her' had a crc- I ....r. - Ported nd going, " He 'declare ic R.d-oPV. I.rvi. I,r.u4, .Duckett (wa8 angered fc f -Raulotelephone service between Eng- (Suth lgl land, r-?and and Wale, and Ar2en-lH ut de rated Ma .mccDrdin ta the Comp men.anjto '4 hiunications Section, - Department' of been taken to jaiL He he went Commerce, TOe new circuit is to a spring near where Smth was combination of land telephone lines working to get a drink of the British General Post Office in declared he did not know Smith was the United Kingdom, the Department in the field, but seeing him, he went ft Telephone and Telegraphs up to where Smith was working a in France, and the Compani. Tel down in the shade and started I talk fonica National de Espana land lines teg to him He said Smith had con and radio etationa in Spain. . 1 s tracted with him some tune ago to , " fr ' (help him cut wheat at $1 and that - . -T r rrT " . "he told Smith he was ready to cut Lnirrd CompUUoa Of Larg.it m Mid Smitn refused Rayoa Factory In Euwrp Claimed By cmt jhe-puiported contract Soviets' A new rayon factory, , claimed '.that Duckett owed cUimed by the Soviets to b. the larg-J , r est in Europe, baa recently been com- m ' - , pleted near Leningrad, according to) Duckett' said he t remonstrated report appearing in Ixvestia, Soviet 'whereupon Smith; standing up with official newspaper, transmitted to the a hoe in his hand, cursed him and Denartment of Commerce, - f .truck at him with the here. Duck- I. . t' lit?. PhuippiM Lumber Trad E : Arience Activ Year. Taken as uuw, .ma juiuj.!.. rr.- rad a v"-y active year, in aow for hw gult and as Srti. n saw : , t r i' " ' 'rt buness, ac- tud" tx run. Duchctt sr'.J 1 " 'A f -a t ' review, receive! g, . He exhiL;i? iai" ; ' ; '.Tber 'on, D :artn t fcnd bruised place on Us : r;of -ce, f 1. Trade Conir. -. and ftn inixired finger on 1 , "s!" " - ' ""'A..J mmnort his claim that 1' u::day r -.eeting' 12 C HELD 'AT FIFTH . T O ::Z :::T ZlCri ( . The TL'th jnday Meeting of Free, V,';U . r - rtit A jsiociation; " of Madison Easf of. MarshalLT. I County -.wm ce. neia . oaiuraay r.a xhey said they xouna uutn v i- CaiJ. ;-, j,: . :3--29,' i9a0,':wittthe 0,lie about three miles distant. V - Uount i-ion ciiurcn aoout mree n'"e? :wnt with them to tne nem - Rev. llalley Rice-ef near VYaJnut ruCkett said Smith had oeen will "reach the introductory serm;n;' ant- on his farm since April. I bt.l" o'clock Saturday nWningr.Vfig-(j he did not know where S I s. ef'al jmuic'ja, Peed.'Jcame from and' added that Smith 1 renderedl'by . two-.'s .wiw!' 4 :alone.-( .Ducket is well known choir! -.Everjlody invited.; , i ir""1iTa section -of the' county and is " V V- 1" iv 1 - SANDY SIUSII . ..MAN SHOT ' While- R.' P. Smith? 60 year old tenant farmer of Sandy Mush town- shlp.-waa reported at Aston (Park "..hospital last night as- reocveimj ' "J from." a: pistol- bttllet" wound In his ' - back. A. P. "Dude1,pu;tt, 67, his 'neighbor, and landlord, 'was . In the ' f-v n,Jr,nn,har.c,rTt- fait charsred with the 'shooting,; at.sZ Tha ibullei enteJed;-right side of Smith's back, .a hor distance Ji.1. ..'a n-nA -iliaf KA.1rt W tTlA. below the ''shoulder blade, rahging. ,!to the left toward the heart. -'The-wound -was fore 10 o'clock 'in. a field near the hud'' nf Bur Sandv l Mush where Vnnim 'tv witnesses and' the prin jcipala told conflicting etories of the .trouble which precipitated it tt amid he warded off the blow with jeft &nn an as he rose to nis and retreated. Smith struck at him several time.. xio hand to- support his claim that 1 had been stUcke1- ' - . Officers said they learned that at- ter the shooting, Smith .MO wa-- - consider eijrhbor Aeighbor's considerable distance, snouieu and was taken to v. ,nm until they amvt i. UUV. H .. , "t EHrVexteosive; land holJer. He said he ' a ame war l-'n. Asheville Cit 've lovei f