Tinr.D PAC2 JPECIAL. ii JUNE ICA, 1C33 J avannaii, brunswick, -ll important florida points, and havana; - Cuba' : :. ' , ?: I Tickets on tale ' at all 'stations in ,Vestern North Carolina at less than ne-way fare lor round-trip. r , - -ASK TICKET AGENTS ' J. H. WOOD : , Division PmmsP' Aent r 4 p - A.hevillo, N. C. . , '. SPLENDID VACATION i . , OPFC?tTUTiTiES i lally deduced Round-Trip f Excursion Fare 7j 1 i- rV SOUTHERN RAILWAY, - ? ; JULY 3rd, 1930 RATES from ASHEVILLE to Washington, D. C -. . .H3.80 Mriimond.-Va.'.,,. , I1-80 Norfolk. V U-l "-80 KOld Point Comfort, Va. .80 Virginia Beach Va f MMIT of tickets? 5 1 days. ? , J v ASK TICKET AGENTS ' . v J, H. WOOD . , ; Divfrion Paseewfer Agent ' .'7 Ashcville, N. C. " NOTIQE! ... mm MM A NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS - By virtue oi tne power In me yest ed by a certain order made and entered at the March term, 1930. Superior Court ' of Madisoa County in the following entitled I ac-ttoTto-wit: -John F. White vs. Tom Moore and Jeter Edwards", and by virtue of an order of wH.madaS5 v KV. day'ot-MaS, WSflU,l will , c 4onday the 7th. day of July, 1930 ri2 o'clock M. at the court house door in Madison County, re-sell the following described real estate for cash to the highest bidder, at publie auction, to-wjt: " ' f - Situated in No. 5 township, Madi S0n County, N, C. and on California Creek of Little Ivy. Beginning on ' a stake at the creek and running east i to a Spanish oak on. top of the grave '.'yard ridge, it being 190 poles from a large black oak on top of said ridge in the Silas Jarvis line, thence North 20 west to a maple on the ridge lead ing down to the forks of the Middle Fork and California: Creek Road, thence down and with the.ridge to a chestnut about 19 poles, thence N. W. course to a large rock on the east Side of the creek, thence down and with the creek to the" beginning, containing 80 acres, more r less. V 1 . ' , Said lands are known as a part or the John and Martha White tract of land and the SO acres which was con veyed to Tom Moore by deed dated the 8rL day of September, 1925, and recorded in Book No. 47 page 104 of the records of Madison County, to which reference is made for full. de scription. i- . . This the 8rd. day of June, 1930. . C, B. MASHBURN, Commissioner. . June 6-18-20-27. NOTICE! : if By virtue of the power in me vest- by- a certain Deed of Trust exe cuted by N. B. McDevitt and wife, Alice II. McDevitt to the undersign ed as, Trustee on the 25th. day of September, 1928, and recorded in book 33 at page 173 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Madison County, to secure certain indebted ness therein described, default having been made in the payment of.snme, now therefore I will ofier at rubiic gale for cash at the Court 1 route door in the town of Marh;,: on Mond.iv the S0!.h. day of Juno, ft 12. 3 o'clo. k "on, to tat, .'y f 1 j. ' - i : r'.i c t, t 4 . - e . I T I '' t ' t n t v. arias' " r ; i ' & P S A j 1 .u ' ' r-) ; ' n v ? t -,'i r i : i i 3 1 SiC? TO 'nluul? ' Br ' - ' - EJ.oit R. Vaite, S1wbm, CLl.hom I have long entertained the op inion that picture and crossword puzzle contests had immense value in developing the brain. After study ing the results of the picture puzzle contest just completed by the Bond Electric Corporation of Jersey City, N. J., I am convinced more than ever of these "brai teasers." -. . This contest dealt entirely with the flashlights, batteries and tubes, and other electrical products of the corporation. V Each contestant had to study the pictures and determine just what business was concealed therein. "'"! More than 850,000 people, .- at tracted by the $10,000.00 in prises offered by the electrical corpora tion tried their Ingenuity at solving the six pussies. And the Judges were hard pressed to determine the winners, so great was the analytical ability Mid deductive. -powers- dis played by the thousands who , sent in ', their answers. Comparing 'these answers with the 250,000 sent fa last year to the slogan contest conducted ) Band Corporation', the' ans wers this; year displayed "greater de- ductive aouity. ,j ,k - - - , And this contest (attracted people from all walks, of life, doctors, lawyers, .. dentists, housewives, . rail workers, even high school denttriPrbving' that pussle contests are not limited in their attraction to any particular age or. walk in life.", C i'x.i Jt I I am sure there Js"not mor pleas ant or educational way In which to spend BPe time than in endeavor ing to solve" pozileB. of the type'.of k fh. Ronii Electrical. Corpo ration, with" which everybody i fa miliar, such as flashlights, Danenes, J: i-Va. mrtA fhft like. ThOSft WHO XikUtV , . .. tried solvrng them were eompelled to use portions of their bravn that otner wise would; ave' clearer outlook on life .i general. , w - v ' - r - -, This corporation, is to be congra tulated -on its enterprise;, in offering the people of this , country an op nniunitv to refresh their brains .to uch pleasant exercises, at the same time offering them a chance- to- do well rewarded for the few short hour? tney spent n t : time! Let's hope tills firm wili cn,- tjnoe tnejr puzzzie t tnore husiness firms in .this' country WW follow4 their example. ; J" . It is interesting to note that news paper advertising played, an , impor tent part m attracting, the .350,000 contestants, "'Newspaper' a-advertis-ing is the backbone of i American in dustry,". Bertram C 'Plante. Presi dent of the- Bond Electric Corpora tion' told ine. ' Without newspaper ad-v vM-Hiiin it would be impossible-t! attract in so direct a manner th v fnnHon of the consumer " ' Louis Wiley, business manager of i 0. ,-, ' .- "' ' "I ' t -.X-J fZ-L r' the New York Times, says: , - ; 1 4 1 - .- , '-'vj'! ,7 . .1 vm,,',iV il " ' W. ; A . ' , - i ' i ' . . , t 1 l" 4 -'.-- V'. . i . - h ' ; I ' f " ' If M 1 ' , ' . .'i.i i., v "'v-' - ; -f-' "-yfj- . a x . iw v &yiffilM -EiC-e-made to siribke 4" - . ALL TMB PLEASURE that tobacco can give is found in Camels! Mild! .w - Fragrant!, Soothing! Refreshing as the -dawn of a holiday! Camels" are made for' this one 4 reason To give you the utmost smoking" pleasure. Arid this can. be 'assured onlyby the use of the - " choicest cigarette tobaccos blended to an inimitable smoothness, and ; prepared by. the most. modern and scientific methods of manufacture., V When youhght a Camel ybu have the happy knowledge that money ' , 1 - -- iv ,i . . . . . .v..., r,.. . - ,4i : ,Mon't deny yourself the luxury of Camels !.V-H 'J ' 'i'' , ONtHB RADIO ' " :fJ.-.;:':',v'. l? Cued Pleuan Hoar WedncsdverciiiiiasoaN.B.CiMCwork, ; .. WJZ sod Mwcuucd wwtotti. Coawtt row tow! tsdio riwe nWe, Caaaqr, Winwin Ultm, N. C.-' ',....1. U w . ! W M J-A-M, " a" newspaper's ' greatesf ; asset is j possess.- It'b ra. high ndeaveor.for a tstories a e confidence ot its readers. . If it newspaper; to seek to- - serve ;, such value to cm! "... , t r ' j the is not able to obtain that confidence, ,is of little value as a public force, and not of much' value either to the advertiser in its columns."- . " "The newspaper, .which acquires and retains the srood will of thous and of intelligent, readers may be j intelligent reader however, does not (jatd Ao be "representative of th high-1 lack .opportunity to read' good, hon est typ of journalism.-"- Intelligent 'est newspapers for worthwhile hews readers are able to distinguish: be-j and informationi of educational value tween fair, accurate news and inac-j "Newspapers are not-in pric eom curate reports, and the confidence of j petition. The best ; cost ho, more such readers is the greatest mean- than the . less desirable newspapers ure of good will a newspaper can ' which flaunt lurid crime and sex stories and exclude news" of genuine readars interested in the readers and oonstantty to merit their progress of civilization. , approval.' , ' 1 "THE . KISAJJJSK b a u u iu v "Many speak of the sms of the BLAME NO - ONE BUT WMSjiaw? press.. I do not defend all 'fteWspa-IF HE DOESL NOT REAP A GOOD pers,'nor do I sympathlie with Bome i NEWSPAPER." : ' , . , of the trends in journalism today. 1 he 66S! Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia la , 30 minute, check a Cold, the' first ixf , and checks Malaria la three days. , 666 also in Tablet. . . it t fi . mr-- a tr" - lor It Tb"re is hardly a household that hasn't hoor.i of Castoria! At least five million lini.. t e never without it. If there are : ! '-ea ia your family, there's almost j t" of it- comf ort. And any nijt i .1 v-a vi y t - Vful t .tre'e a H i hoi. a t a I ('-o's ' lt'itf" 3Prc" fciion is r'" r i" - s c'.fit i. A yp f o- L t r--- " T ! o 1 r J- ? i U r 1 - i t 3 ( ! Summer Vegetable Dishes; v Rv JOSEPH EOSCIAjCho' I . ' jue pua iictu, Hew Vurls Cty ' . . 1 NOW, 1ft the - 'glorious season t use ;of these easouers possesses A When fresh vegetables are I the.-most laipm-tant socrct of kVbi. . . abundant er.d lrexpcr-ivp ti, JteiU) ci.oic.-y. - - oloarly behooves he foii-ientloMs rvar).ilE S;,j vwltl ' MlnV.5'. housen-lfe to make tn most of. her j BoU-'togatUcr for tivs rumutes two , .opportunities. .: Not ' only .hweiisfj UpS coo.d, CiccJ tairroiv, cf-3 c.y vss - .: they are i ccjJ -peas, mid ono siasU tweh.; .. the n-Hf ' jm ! 0 miut. P'&.-i ami hilt. pir .., eiona ct n!trr,4..l)ni iit-(pGf.n bnttenv f meny.Kiftn.' hatj fl,;nk'.e hsht! with tacar &a.) est ... . y because '-tt? j iia.ti.e.ov9 . vittl the: gngnr csniu. : . I-' - y , coatain bo n.ay j jus V-o-e serving garnish wlta '. ' vital to lie;i. ( ' " fresh" vegetables should form au lu.portact part of every family's RMTnn;er mona. - Sfrve thorn ia i. i t!e stantlarii Chff I . .'a vsvs, of c -v.irpc. in t f r a ' f evrl fat . tli'Ft V 1i 1 p!v te ! some of i s s; . .1 u Y 1 U i " ' i ( 'O ' ' . i t ; ' ion. a.. .1 f,r J -.Y I .' !, fi'l.l h ' Y. '. f :!. i a . ; r-e c l ie ( : It . , i ; ,k f - 1 ' ', - --- i i 1 t i . . ! Corn Loulser.ne Slulrjer for Ave minrttss it and a half rrp whole k. tvo cups if corn, fresh ly cut fnro tbe cob. Add salt to., taste, ofie-fovirtfi It-aspoon psprika, one toaspoou ever, and two table spoons butter. Line a shallow dt with thin 1 s of hot. buttered toastT Po"ir i;i tV.e mixture. lUiy strips of eri y oorStod bacon over the top and , t :t h with sprips of pareley.. ' - Peas and ately, until t tups shelled little onions. : :. k cream !ons Cook aei-ar- one and a half i uni one-ha'.f cup c : nr tablespocn a eanrer-jjQ. Add 3. ! :uks i ' ? ! v. i i r: i Ir:..; ) 1 v v'.t ill 3 i r a mi ir,.n nr. WW For Economy V Cff N these days ot Eumnw wari 'Jj robes and down payment on Cthe new car, any economies we can effect In our eating ex penses are apt to be welcome as long as we eat healthful foods. Consider . the possibilities - of canned beans. They're botn econ omical and nourishing, and they can be used la any cut l,er of ways. Here are-two r-c ' r Instance, that cost re tt.,.y twelve and twenty! e t a. Btitcrei Beani: Heat tbe con tents of a 10V4-cunce an of string" boar in V r on Linor for atort five mia'- Adl salt, perrr acd one ri o e-1 f tablesnoors butter. Itfa S'T s four. . , r'.Vri Einr l?aeo: I ry r: .. ' ! j - 1 1 ""I. J J of a No. 2 can of bean hole beans, ; . season, - - and ' beat .. - thoroughly. .- Serve with the rashers ot baoon . on top 4 SeT'a tour. , v . Salads and Sandwiches -, v - ... . w . ... . OrcnffS cad . Oreca i Salad'. ; Marinate thorou-' !y in French dressing th contuuts of a I.o. S . , can of tiny strl"'-"58 bp--s, t o tabVrpoona car'""s and on' .-..t cup f ; refilled P . J ! r serv ; i!d o" ( j ct i J cabi..-i::9 whlii l..is tr a c. .1 in it e watr. Arr - 3 on I e It H, i re a ri c"-t OV' t t f- i i j ,m . : i on. : f c ? cf c 1 ' i tv -,! 1 0 t 1 . CT S '11 - . I t ) 1 I LLe peas anl uuUl well r f id very 1 .'TO,

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