. .1 4 Li V Y STORY, EJtr. iilra M mob4 lue Bail 'jr act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Z YEAR -. ' i 1 n-, - : iionths -- ties -"3 MONTHS ;EE YEARS (in advanee) 15.09 .;cle COPIES 'any (ordered before press day) .4 SIGN YOUR NAME Don't blame the pMUhef of tho Nowt-Roeord for not pt liihiag what yoa writ, if yo . do aofc iign yoer un ad ad- . dreu. Wo cannot pnblwh ar. ticlM nlw wo know who land them. . Wo will not publish tho him If yon, object. IIOSIE DEMONSTRA TOR'S COLIEIN SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKi Tuesday, 10:80 o'clockv-S p ring Creek girls. v s Wednesday, Scour kitchens. Thursday, 10:30 Beech Glen girls. 2:30 Pioneer Women, i Friday, 2:30 Enon women. COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING ' The County Council met Tuesday, June 24th at the Court House. A Very interesting paint demonstration Was given by Mr. White, represent ative of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company of High Point, N, C. There - were - about ; 60 - particles painted. ' These included vases, baskets and ' chairs. The-5 paint " is WatersparJ " quick-drying enamel, which is dry e- Bough to use in about 4 hours, easy to apply. - The county made plans to work ; on their ahop Monday, June 30, and get it open next week. i CANNING SCHOOL The canning school held by Mrs. Morris, which is open to anyone will be July 9th, at the Court House in SAsheville, N. C. This will be in the demonstration room on the 3rd floor with the following program: 6:00-10:45 Standards for Canned Marketing Products. . , Goods. T , Exhibit of Standard ,"'. ContainerB -, ' 1 - . Cornelia C. Morris J.0 :45-ill i30 Demonatretion in the ' '!- Use of the Pressure Cooker and , Sealer. ' Daisy P. Stancill J 1 :3'0-12 :30 Canning MeaU in , Glass. i, Pressure Cooker. 12:30-2:00 Lunch, - ' - :00-3 :00 Canning .. Beets in Lac querel Tin Can. - j, ' ? ' ; ' . - Hot watet canner.1' 1:00-4:00 Practice for1 leaders in sealing tin cans and "- tistng '. , I pressure cooker, " ' Directed by Daisy P. StancilL From BLUFF Rev. C. F. Sprinkles has an ap pointment to ' preach" at Bluff , "next Sunday night. -, ' The Bluff singing- choir and' sev eral otthers attended the Decoration At Liberty, Sunday and reported a nice time, , '"',' Mrs. Ed Lankf ord e and children t pent Saturday night ' and S'inday ti'ith her mother, Mrs. Ed Waldrop. Mrs. Ed Waldrop is , improving me. Sh -was taken' to Marshall ' t Friday and had some teeth pull- lit. Craig Russell spent the weekr J with home folks. Misses Ona Bright and Down Gen y spent Monday night with Miss ' y Waldrop. '"A3 Ruby Waldrop took dinner .lay with Miss Ro3a Waldrop. : ' 3. N. C. Waldrop and son, Floyd k dinner Sunliay with Mrs. Gar , V,'aldrop. ' - - r. N. C. Waldrop, Mrs. Ilattie , snd children were the dinner of I.Ir. and Utrs. Jeter Con lihert an 3 CI 1 J a iooJ no- y r 't K r JUL. m. Jjl v a L. stcy, K tUr at the po.toDc at Manl:!, I J. C - UNDER YOUR NAME . ON THE LABEL i th lino tella yea who yoar ubtcriptioa. expires. If tho papor dooa not atop whoa yoar time i out, la postal card or Utter addressed to MR. H. L. STORY ' , Marshall, N.C.'." will stop It. If ho does not hear from you,' he will think yon ' wish the papor continued and that yoa aro willing to pay. for It at the rata of BOo oTery three -months. 1 Frcni SANDY MUSH . -The weather is very - pleasant at this -writing.., We hatfrhad some nice showers in the last few days. .The Methodist minister, Rev. Lov- ett will begin a revival meeting at the Sandy Mush brick church on Sun day, July 6th. We hope much good win oe aune. , - Mrs, Mae Hannah was out on ' I visit -Thursday. - " Mr. J. T. King and two sons, Ol iver and Jess motored to Canton Thursday. ' Mr, and . Mrs. M. M. Hannah and Mrs. F. L." Hannah attended singing at jhe Sandy; Mush brick church on Sunday afternoon. i MiU L. H." Clark" and daughter, Miss, Edith and Hubert Lusk were out on a strawberry hunt Thursday mornmg. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Duckett and family of Ohio, are coming, to Sandy Mush to make their home aoon. "- -. Mr. M. M. Hannah has gone to Tennessee to spend a few days visit ing his brother who is seriously ilL Mr.' Oliver Xing was doing farm work for Mr. R. E. . Duckett last week. ' Little Pheba, Ruth and Lottie Sarat were in Roberson Cove one day last week. Mr. George Davis was the guest of Miss Florence Surrett last Sunday Mr. W. A. Hawkins- is working away 'from home at present. -Mr. W.-H. Garrett i taking-down his old barn. - - . - , - ' Mr. Eermitt Duckett ., was , In Roberson Cove Friday. , - - t IN ' MEMORY OF OUR DEAR GRANDMOTHER, MRS. JO . " SIAH PRICE, OF TRUST, . NORTH C.AROUNA " 3 The 'Angels wanted a pure rose,.- . And they plucked our grandmother from her pose;- .---" She was aged, old and grey, ' The sunshine of her home. each and every day. 4. - .'. .' ,"'' ' ' '-t God wanted, one day, an Angel, ." , And" He chose'.our. grandmother, "sweet's . I. For it took her smiles in Heaven, , To make the realm complete. Yet a husband grieves for his loved one who is gone . - r And his agd face grows pale .and wan; While he seeks for God's protection As he travels the stormy main. We miss our grandmother dear, Whom we've, grown used . to having - near; The children weep in fear as the sad thoughts of her,. Bring agony and bitter tears.' - We grandchildren mourn for our grandmother, ,:r 1 And wish for her presence more; But grandmother is far from our . dwellings, And is treading a beautiful shore. Her caresses made her home happy, And of happiness, and a home in an other world, she dreamed of, . too; And God wished for our darling f-r, 3 came true. A.- ihri .e -was ti ?s i " a T ' I ne.it i i 1 If" ".r 1 ' T I s Ur. and 1,'rs. I..' ' : on Earn' Ilu-h 1.. t f Well as we close Villi s. y hope "Sliakin Earn" lives hi his wife never dies. With Record. best n Woes to the ITs. nun lec: A wedding of one of Leicester's most popular young ladies, Kiss Dorsie Martin, and Mr. Grover C. Rhymer, occurred at the home of Rev. A. P. Sprinkle in West Ashe ville, Saturday morning, June 14. Miss "Martin has been o member of the Woodfin school faculty the past two" years. , Mr. Rhymer ia an em ployee of the ' Carnegie Steel Plant, of Youngstown, Ohio. They are spending their honeymoon at Little Switzerland Hotel, at Walnut They will - reside at .186 . Clifton Drive, Youngstown, after July the first. A j beautiful and bountiful house- hold shower was given Mrs. To ; Davis Monday evening at the ho of her aunt, Mrs. Ott Wells. large number of friends were ps - ent Mrs." Davis was, before her m r- riage, June the seventh," Miss -'., 1 Cassada., They will reside at' the!? home on Herron avenue, West. AsT.e-'ain , - t, ville, after June 27. L, ' ,1 vrP n(i v-. urarinn nnvn Mr. and Mrs. Hugh .Waldrop of Washington, D. C are visiting Mr. Waldrop-8 parents" here, :;M and Mra Noah Waldrop. Another son, Mr. Lee Waldrop with his family, from Charlotte visited the Waldrop home last week. ! A aeries of meetings will be neld at-Bell Methodist church, beginning 'Monday. Sunday July 6th. Rev. W. H.Tless,l - Mr and Mrl Ervin" Parria and pastor, Will do the preaching. L. E. Allman will lead singing. Miss Billy Blackwood of Iiocknart, bout, Car-jo olina, wiH be the soloist J. Miss Blackwood has a soprano voice of beauty and she is much sought after when good music is in demand. L. E. Allman and family attend ed the Decoration services held at Grand . View Baptist - church near Marshall . last Sunday. From ALEXANDER We are having some real summer weather in Alexander at this -writ- Saturday and Sunday were our regular ; preaching days. Our pastor FOR AN - EASY tip. 0W . M-Wf UL are not only L...y planning .. ..... 1 1L. V ... Spring; melius, nut m iuo of your nS;iJ also lurlis the pro blem ot B.ot:aog ...tuat summer bunpalow up in the mountains or providing proper provender for your family at t'lat shack down by the shore. "Wherever you are going. If you're going to keep house, the food supply Is subcon sciously on your mind, and a fev good nev recipes will not come amiss. We're not going to sucssst to Vovi what to ta!:e alons, cr have sent, because you probably have a pretty good idea of that al ready. It's a neeful hint, how ever, to rrmpPi'jcT t-i I"ive your corrci't & . ro tlmt you dopendiible si: v.-u.it your grocer -i In sure of a :'y ot canned and driod foods if the local dea'ers . t 1 i 1- ;. 1 -. 1 ! ( " 1 1 1 t ry your ra. certain vou havp ' '. it : ' t 3 ftii?: ov, Everett '-s t i ' ' j ternoon and prtaihi-J for us lu ff night and Saturday night and nday. He preached us some won rful sermons. Mr. and Mrs. John Ilipps, Mrs. jrtie Hipps and children, Bill end "yrtle, of Spring- Creek visited iss Ethel Johnson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Coon, Mrs. Corn, and children of Woodfin and ("lk MW visited Mrs. Nancy John son Sunday. Mrs. Mary Jane Amnions visited Mrs. Nathan Buckner, Sunday. ' Miss Lillian Parris spent Sunday night With Miss Willie Mae Keys. - Mr. and Mrs. E. V.. Merrell. Mrs. I Delia Parris and children took dini- ner, Sunday.; Miss Florence Embler, who has been ill for some time was out to singing Sunday night. We are 'riid she is bo much better. 5 W had aome splendid simriwr '$t the church Sunday night Mr. Curtis Rice- 4ruart.t sang several lection, also Mr. Charlie Eanev's A'tlj jfr Redmon'e classes . saawr. - hen a duet was rendered by Misses Lhel Johnson and Lillian Parris. We . re always glad to ' have visiting classes and hope you. will ome a- to o,e Blnina Sundav nie-ht j -Mls8 Kltfy parK;er ani Misa wmje m-- Kevs1 visited Mis Lillian Parrt. ' gundav afternoon. , - - Messrs.- Robert and fVlmntan Johnson came home Saturdav miriit from Old Fort where fchev-are worV- in:; Thev returned to their work on Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carter motored to A Asheville Monday, afternoon to some shppping. Messrs. Dennis; Glenn and "Clay. itort prrU worn bpati Win tfthi-- co Monday. - - ' " Mrs. Mary Jane Ammons, I Lillian Parris and Misses Ethel and ; Lela Johnson v were ' seen sickine rfKorric. . Mrmrloir., , Miss Annie Mae Johnson spent last week with Mrs. : Hester Foster. i. Mr. Claud Parris was seen mo toring -Monday. ' - - . ' Mrs. Pearl Haney visited Mrs. E. V. Merrell one day Jast week. Mrs. Lee Carter found a large snake in her house last week. ...M'rs. , Zelma Parris- visited her rl Cueun ' a n cm X tttfl? h'rt r for t.; , t, tJ,j 1 t water, one en .,'icr, o. e t noon 6i" r , . or. .i, i i ' . rt. Serve l e col l i ( ' 1 cups. Sorvcs e-."' t. Eo!l c e V ' 1 mid two cups water live minutoa. Cool. -4 rf ei'ht 1!-1""'. O' 1 i .o syrup, one cup pn : ml throo cups cold wat. nry co d in puncn gm: 1 niako 12 Uo 15 ;.; i ' ';n, f '! or I' t f : i!y ' r it ..ivy 11!'' ill! . vi a r ' i a i i ' I . . iiuihcr, one ti... i f -( . ; .inon 6i" r fi 1 f i IH'i.iior. L 1, ( -.1.1 i- 5 C- t . Serve le coll I ( ' a n ,. ( 1 cups. Sorvcs t ' t. ' ' ' ' , ' VEnjoy.Stnnnier Time T TOW, when f"' desires to ocean waves- or' enjoy the cool of some mountain, many aro forced to Ur horn, because of . expense. ' It would pay to This h tha Bank .v V 'l; TRY IT. 'it grandmother,': .Mrs, -' Mitch . Sluder, Sunday nlgtit .. .. , ; fi - Mr. and Mrs. ; Oscar Haney went to Mountain View church Sunday afternoon. - r ",vV' . -..; i - . j v Messrs. . Claud,-'' Ervin and Paul Parris sang one night list week at the home of Mr. Harrison Redmon. , Messrs. Carl Burnett, Ervin and Paul Parris and Harrison Redmon went to Big Pine Sunday to sing. ... ; . Mrs, Goforth has been, ill, but id better at thia writingv" ' ' " ' - Mr. McClure White was very ill SUMMER r Ciiri u: ov-r i ? pi i. i - ' - r . i' s i i -. i i ! oa. i. i- ' . y rti" ni ...,; J v ; : : 1)1 ' , u . : l t 1 q f., r i 1 ri - I; I ;-rr f :-: . if "laay weather" creates ' romp wilh playful save each Week for it 4 i 5 ( - itrz:iALL AND '? ' Hot ZprmgB, N. C that SERVICE Built Saturday; night, but W hope better now. . ." he is . Misses Vergie White and Eva PaN ris motored to Marshall Sunday aft-J erhoon.' , - - Southern Railway , . System , SPECIAL EXCURSION ( WASHINGTON, D. a - - on r JUNE 2Clh, iczoi'6 '.Fow Full Days In . ' WASHINGTON' Roand-trip fares from Asheville . . ,. , Brevard, - ....a' t -13.S0. . 15,00 , M.M . 14x0 7 14.&0 . 1S.C3 Cantoh ,j . ' ucuuoriuuvun tTarshall WaynesyfllOv -; - BIG' LEAGUE BASE3ALL. Chicago (Cubs) vs. ; Washington (Senators), June 21st and 22nd. : Cleveland (Indians) vs. Washington (Senators) June 23rd and 24th. v ' Tickets good returning to reach original starting point prior to . mid night, June 25th. JFor reservations or further infor mation call on local ticket agent write J. II. VCCD ' , Division - f -nt. 1 r . :.ev;:ia, N. C. Wester.) eal' ioun. ur e . .r.TUv iff- - r. f fir'-, fr it

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