-1 J J .1 Uai. Vii ant mmmm---mmat "Mrs. J. J. L-II; c:.J i tcr, ;.IiJ3 Nellie accor.. by Ilrs. John Jarrett an 1 i'n. Bailey's mother, , Mrs. MeK; a Ramsey, left Thursday morn ing for New York City, to. visit Mr. and Mrs.- Vernon.,, Ram sey. . Art Mix In "Below the Border.?' . Al.o Chapter of "Chinatown Mystery," and food comedy at The PRINCESS Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henderson and 7 two children, of Jacksonville, N- C, are visfng her sister, Mrs. Tom ' Morrow at Walnut Mrs. Morrow's mother, Mrs. Mary Henderson, Is al so with W. ' ; r ' vfv , , , - , . , Mr. Howard Chart "cy of TL:U RecTt was ta town Vtimzi:y . 1 "Year!! lavli at JacV C V.a at EK wer, is Rinf Larj-r'a finny tory ""Faat Company," at Trince, Mon- Uay and Tuetday-t-.ef '(.. Misses Violet Mid SopWe Navy M Mars' Hill were In MarshalV Tuesdayi .having deatal voA a- "Mr. and Mrs. Cartel'" nd 'two children, xl Democrat, jrere in - Marshall, Tuesday,' having dental work " dono wA attending b 'othef business. , - " l1"- V r ' MAKE ' a'te. or. If neceary. BREAK 1 He TH ' Vlfc- CINIAN.'". , , v. - m Rn tihiliih -it he '"EnfelisSi section Hi the 'county, -Was In "Mwv : shall Thursday. " ' ' ' " , Amtmgthe 'out-ofittown pple who were, in Marshall last Saturday ' evening to attend the Story -Mor-uir mnfUAltitr west "Mr. and "Mrs. '. Earl T. Brown, of " Bendersoaville, 1 N. CSUr.-and Mrs. J. M. uaiey ana Mr. and Mrs. tteorge Starnes, Mrs. - J. M. Gudger, Mr. and. Mrs. W. A. - Wort "Mr -and "Mrs. Charles Manell, . Mrs. Annie "Byminv her 'Buughter , and Trer husband, Mr. and Mrs. mc Crary 'Senior -and Junior "wnd Mrs - Rvi"t. iall -of Ashevillean'd "Mr. "J R. Owen tend "Mrs. Daisy Carter of Mars Hill.' ; ' Mr. John Ammons of "Ears waslnTIarshinrThusrdayv., - 'Hill Major -BulwlnSle of UaStonia, the Wgh 'man 7uhe 7 for TkmsvgSi was in toro'WeSwisday-iiignt. Mrs. WHIard Rector-ianH Mrs. ' W i H. Borrow, "Mr. and HSZtb. TJ. ' E, Cline -went 'to Asheville Thursday. Mr "Fred "Bowman, of "Morristown, Tenn 1s in rMsrshall to -spend about a iweeTc with "his" parents, Tun - and Mrs. 'Fred "Bowjrtan, sr. - Mrs. Tom Morrow and visitors spent he day With Mrs. Willard Ree -tor. Wednesday. 1r "I v i f , iv . n t all t-'.e ,":'"', 1 tSiJ not have e'. -- 'tx to do onvii.ii'w . .My 1 f '..! !. 1 r is 1 .' t i f U-9 ( 1 t r. .11 19 mam wsammmm -9 mm mm ITLE r T-,ii r t , , Little Dons June, daii! htor of Mr. ai is i . ' r , Idauarhter, Mrs. Ed uabey tms wee Alvin Dockery passed away Mondavi . ' ?..., - .. - . . afternoon at the home of her grand- nr.- tt .i. r.: - . . ' . I was three months and twenty eight.' I days old. Her father, two brothers, and one sister, Mrs. Hannah. Dockery, Mr. Richard Dockery, Mr. '.J. Cassade, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Roberts, and . 'Mrs. Bettie Graham accompanied the body to Nebo, N. C, where it was laid to rest near its mother, who died over three months ago. ' A DIG TREAT : .III ST0I1E ralront c The Prin Treatro!, .. .t . w..l ha, the c:?ertunity next r;' r"J-y to Tl"k -r. ' i 7 ' x ...Th Owen-Vteer classic of Jl- rmpM davn' nti t.fce western cattle t l oneer days" on the Western cattle ail the ear-marKs oi an i - -.v u' - epic nim xne manner in iwiacn nt cates that it Will i.o higlt a the list of reafij greats. ( . mv. . .....j v. - i v-I" the same name brought Owen Wister quick fame in the 80 and has smco been termed the gmtest American ' roiHRh'ce. , 1 ' . o,m iv n-t3roft ' honors lies in iU general perfection, Term. spent Sunday with Mr.Thos. In every department. ' There Is" jFrisbee. ' t ' great 'cast-liary jooper, wmier tTn.tm ftirlMa'S Arlen.. Marv Brfen, ti.llu. m.nfsv TnnVlfn IS. H. 'Uaiverv ieienf vy uu group of artists wno nave rrwni tJioir nrorth on the stage and ' the TVipr is mterful iw virtftr Flpmiiii?. & sre- Mil WllUU) . J mrw . nius in ais an: "inere a" Kulwuo,Mrs.; ueorge vjoroett eettangs-i-the real out-oi-oows pi, uie pine-doCted came rangeu n m west. , inere i tciure romancei rollicking humor and the theme Ts one which deals with an ex act chapter in American pioneer days, ' . . r " n , T, t-j-, t V" P II I lliiU lU - ! 1 U. VVil 1 W1 IT. MARSHALL: PEOFtE " ATTENB TtARS HILL tCCTYENTION - 1 ' Lm "'4-- Ttev. and Mrs. G. t Tj rah .Thompson, pan Anna ft Tiwaltney. have beviaLtendmg the .ui. r i v t tt T!nieiTitiOn at Mars oit . ;i nm this week. , Rev. Mr. Teagu was greatly impreSBefl with the ser- Tices. peciaUy -813 -he enjoy the Sunrise service Thursday morning,) v.bi DLSf: iS53 - an oeimumjr. .- audience of some SW or more, no over ntty were lexx A L i .v' -Ho. f ..nnration. SIHUU III llio .v. . Rev. Mr, Teague said It "was tne mow heart thrilling message and service v vj ot Bttnndpd. Around a thousand voung people from -an 11C I ( C.V I " ' parts of the State are attending. ? su.ni::E birthday : IS CZLLZXATZ.D A lame liost of friends and rela tives gathered at the home at Dr. and Mrs. M.. C. Roberts, of Leices ter, Route Three," fend celebrated her 6 llh birthday as a surprise on Ju'nt A very delicious and . appetizing d.'aner was served on the lawn. M.iny .eauttful and useful gifts were pre sented to her during the day. Those 'who enjoyed the day were: Dr. and Mrs. 1,1. C. Roberts, Mr. and J!r. George Eeck, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davis, Mr. find "Irs. WiJ Davis, Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Roberts, It. and ' i. C ITrs. Daw . .,n T,-j. !.erts, Lr. r. and V i.i, I, -3 ', c: 1 olerti, Mr. Mrs. Yekh and boya have return ed from a viait m Tenn., with reU- tives and f riends. Mr. Rhodes left Friday 'for Rich mond, Va.: to attend the funeral of his son-in-law. lie returned horn Tuesday. - ;r',-; vv:;; ," Mrs. T. B. Kuity is visiun ner !. .: . I. ... 1,,' enn-; . . ' - . Mrs. Dockery and sons, Bobby and Thomas, were guests of her parents , v., Hf null Mm T W IJorpTifln. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Garenflo, Mrs. jClaude Thornburg spent the week-end In JVIorristown, Tenn. " Mrs. Lippard spent v Friday in NeWport' ' ?e I Mr. and Mrs. Otterburgh and lit tle son, . of Knoxville, Tenn., are spending this week at the Lance..; ' Miss Dorothy Jones' of Newport, Tenn., spent the week-end with her cousin, Miss Elizabeth Hilemaa and returned to her home Tuesday, al so, Miss "Alice Larue of Greenville, Tenn., "who had spent several weeks here with Miss Kileman also return ed to her .home, Tuf-'-y r "... . . fwt. wees m Asi viwo ., . ' - - Mr. andMra. Wamper.of Chat. tanooa, Tenn., was the guest Sunday hepWnts, Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. . r . . ? ! . . . - . mm : ...L J . . . , : trr . nome. &unaay. wnui ur. iui4 ; , . -- . - ;"- ;t . ; ' ' . , Mrs. Fred Lefler and children and 'Miss Lefler of: . Shelby. returned ("o uluuo' J" spent the week with relatives in narioue. , . .- w .',. Itfrs. .Georm Warren of Newport, i mr. iona uuilb m y after visitinir relatives in Newport ' ' - , , mra. vaa mwi spent aronaay who o. v.. y, Prowii.. ' - ! .f iw- Mm IT. TT. fffnfrett mivl onrr AaKnip.. iiTifl Mr. and ABUIUJ . V .j 7, . . -. . -- spending a? while with their motner. Mrs G w,Uorlett. " Miss Farmer of near Marshall, lias been, the guest of tar "brother, Prof. and Mrs. Farmer. Mrs. Brady of - Uorfolk, "Vs., is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. rWill Whitten. - - . ' 7 Miss Cecil returned 'homo Tues- J. , .tt-t,.J.?n w -onsin. Miss v Margaret Ljjpptara.. JMlas 12ppr4 ev . - n-rjr - v .Mr. Lbn Brooks has 1en n the f-sdeft list for the past weefcs t News was received ' here-Monday of the death.of Mr. Jlmlinrford of N Tcmu l;, . formerly n Dc' HokTeim. L'e .. . , i 4 . - leaves avwue, ana ijur aaugi-vers, , . ; ; y pw.U-, r-i; ,, tTOin ValSlUt WCCK,r, '."fii iia7 aU, morning were our .regular meeting . . . . . , oays. , . . ; . ' mart of Mzss Mary Faulkner Su Auv mr..ijiana nu uavia mm were . . , ,r , visiting their sister, Mrs Valentine. r . 1 . , ., ij TIT.-1J 1 VII! fcefor sad . t' e Jubictibtrt of s c ortunity of t I f vt these offers (a ' riiL.iti , on enough rea for a v !u!e rvar. Tbii i y your p! i r TODAY. . Twmtr, ...... 1 jut j -1 1 j. '17 JmhuU, 1 ?r ........ . -n Kag-uiMh 1 year 1 1, 1 yr j j . NEWSPAPZX k r In- ar i.- . unday. . Winslow Reece was visiting . cy Ball Sunday afternoon. . and Mrs. Robert Crow were 3 Mr, and Mrs. Burgin Ball y afternoon. - - ntv five bovs of Walnut X went to Belva Sunday to take a in-the Little Laurel river. ?es-Ruby Runniort and Agnes Reece were visiting Miss Adell and Flos le Wallin Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rigsby spent Sunday , night in Laurel with Mr, Rirv's' sister.1 -, ' . m : P-ranV Walliw took-.' dinner wUk Mr. Frank Buckner, Sunday, , Mrs. Bessie Reece spent Sunday fpmoon with , Mrs. Carrie Wallin Miss Belle Bucftner took dinner with Miss Annie 'and Ola . Wallin Sunday, fcV . . Little Betty Lee JS-eiiy is on w sick list but is improving.-1 - - Miss Annie Wallin spent- bunaay night with Mrs. Bessie Reece. Miss Dollie Ball land iner iiuie brot'aer, Earnest were visiting their coi. 'n, Ruby Ball; Sunday. riand Ramsey spent Sunday aftcnooniwith Mr. James Runnion. rrc a ; white noc:c i; e. farmers aro very .busy with their crops. at this writing. Mr., and Mrs. E. u. utsnau, yi ted lir..and,Mrs.'Skylar Franklin Sunday. ' , . . - Mr.. Macon Cutshall spent batur- dayr night with Miss Mettio Johnh son. - t , ' : - 'Mr.. Baite Henslev was the guest of Misp Fletnmie Hensley Saturday nigh , - , T" . - i'i' Those who visited Mr. no , mrs. E. L. Cutshall Sunday, .were m. Biftnmia ' Cntshall. Emerson Frank lin, Baxter Hensley, Roscoe Frank i!n ' wart JAhnAon. MacOn Cut- .liAll. Tommle and Lucky Banks. lift- ftlnnmie CutShail. Mf. LUCKy Banks, and ; Mr.McClellan , CutshaU vimt : feVerrv nuntuur Sunday. , ,1, i, and Mrs. E. L. Cutshall visit ed Mr. and Mrs.' Tweed, who is sick Monday afternoon. " ; f . :'Oqiar.' sairl the bank manager "therll be a vacancy here soon and I'm thinking , of r givingi jyour twiO iiNtfhw $hA fab." ' 1 t . ' ' "My twin brother?" exclaimed ys- car.' ' . - v "Tes, the one I saw watching the wtmo witraav while Tou'were i trar aunt'B funeral," explained -. r-J-nhiuvbs:" : alaid Oscar HI I i-emesnoerf I-TH o 1m4 huhf fun upT- r fisodr said $Mi . manager. .?And a. ;ome Tjada tm you ve jounu himf---The Tjttbnade . .v ; I A rl.fKamatlcal Vu'V ,u j a pqrfle "t ' theVaflJtion f . "owine -verse: ' & w " ... ..... , , , lf;rom iix you take nine, . 4 .;t,'v -vnM ftake ten AWJ - r,- t. ....... .f; ..... Te irili now the ynlA expfain-- w t v fHr.' and thin. Suriteuough, thereH ihalf A dozen re- i. . - -main. - - j - ' ' Th sferet't Ithe . soIulaonV of courseT'is that you' have"' to' make use of the Roman numerals Ja order to maker ,th e puzzle come out right. , It is easily done this way. - , Taking IX from SIX leaves b- . Taking X from ' IX leave I . - Takinpr L from XL leaves X ... MT iA,t Sq thct five us ;ust SIX left . , T. p The Pathfinder, u!y hever again Will 4 psptt be given tb unUeard of bargain. : a variety of high class I for the entire family j limited offer 10 send BABCAIT Ko. 1 I ymt ALL SEVEN PCS ONLY -!.. 1 rar . mUt). 1 7 1 . 1 rear r Joaraal. ! 1 y.r all rzvrN h i). j' l'rosperity brings happiness prosperity. ,,,., The one way to prosper is yourlincome REGULARLY.' J 'lf Do without luxuries tmtif ;hout luxuries tntil you can' AFFORD them; this is Oway,yoii can get ahead financially and make a life "success. , r . ,'TX4 t J. We invite TOUR Banking1 Business.; , : Start Saving Regularly NOW - NORTH CAROLINA ",..' (. A. , tHINT! i'" " t , THE BANK OF FRETCII "HOME OF THE THRIFTir HAVE MONEY! MARSHALL, NORTH CAROUNA From BIG LAUREL Then ' wan rtiiif-.A n Inrnriiu lmii the people of Big Laurel and other communities when 'Mr.; Roy Wallin of Bjg Laurel and Miss Helen Faine of Walniit were united in marriage Saturday June 21.. Rev. 'Mr. Bal lard of; Walnut "performed .the cer emony. ,1 , . . , The, friends of the youngt couple entertained them the following nisrht with music and games. The Roberts Band made the music. . - The srroom'is the son of Mr., and Mrs. Ranee Wallin and is loved by ail who - knows bim. - The bride is Ike beautiful and attractive daugh ter of Mrs. .Will Faine . of Ejnwin, Tenn., formerly of Wabauk i . , :, Their many friends of Madison Canntv and Tennessee wish for fhem m Jhappy and prosperous 'hfe." ; ' Frcna ) Thomas ;. Branch Mr r. aid Mrs. Rankin ' Blackburn and family from ; Asheville .'were vis - iting Mr and Mrs. , Jesse Thomas Sunday afternoon. . Sheriff -R. R. Ramsey and Mr. and Mrs. Millard Payne frnd famSly motored, to Little pjne Sunday to a, French Broad Baptist Associational FIFTH SUNDAY f MEETING V';.? ';;;;; to be V , ; . JUNE 29, 1930 .. J -j. --! I ' !., -. - -J ..'-.-4.' Group 1 at Little Ivy Group 2 at Piney Mount Grouo 3 at I lrcl!p 4 at Davis Cl.apel Group 5 at Laurel Seminary : : : . ' PROGRAM- 1 . - , 'S ,r.- v ,. .... . . ., , -j Q -Qrt A M 4? in r1M V a -. 1 -. rttTAf in nnt d lnait ma ' 10:00 -Outline of plans for Sunday school Convention to be held with Ataaison seminary juiy zo ano z-, - , - W; M. - Worley. Outline c plans for W; M. U. Convention to be held with Celifor- nia church in July. v- . v - l ... wtiVa,.--. . -f Outline of plans for B. Y. P. U. Convention to be held with Locust . ,' Grove church the second Sunday in August. NOTE : The leaders of the conventions will furnish speakers for " f)ta onAva f ' t - 10:30 -Digest of Madison County population and its relation to Sunday RpTinnl arid rlinrpli oni-r'm onf - . - Rev. G. C. Teague' . . - II. Hutc'.ins NOTE: The speakers for above topic can secure information on this subject fram the census returns. Compare f e returoi v- '"1 stati t'cs fjund in r::nu!v3 of French Droad D Fivnch ; 1 1 Five V,i:i, Nc-.r Four.J T.-.tl.t. TU mV- of . h t: ' ; - ccn I e secured from our county rt ... '..--I. ii::; and- happiness brings greater . ,., ,J $0 BANK and SAVE, ft part of. ' "l -Vi , ' ' 1.: yda canFFORD ,them; this ii STATE DEPOSITORY i I'"' 1 .c. .. .': . " BROAD HAVE I40NEYI reunion. ' ' , ' Misses t Olive . and Vonalee Revis and Evelyn Revis were guests of and" Miss Ensley accompanied them to Walnut. - ' ' , ; Mn.Pabner Ensley and. Mr. Hob son Thomas were hoeing corn for Mr. Sam Chandler Friday.' - ' i" - our. nuwaru Diazcr was a pleas ant caller of Mips Viola Ensley Sun day afternoon. " Mr. Emory Chandlerwas visiting his daughter, Mrs. J, 0. Revis, Mon day morning. ' " ; a - Mrs. J. 0. Revis and two daugh-s ters Olive and Vonalee and. Evelyn Revis were visiting Mr. (and Mrs,. Emory Chandler Friday. - Mr. Lankford and Cleatun Thnmiui were in 1 Walnut .' SatnrWav . ftA.. SOOn,' "f'y" 1 Mr. Frank " Clyde, and. George Snelson were seen on Thomas Branch Saturday night. ' " "1 Mr. Palmer Ensley was . seen- fat Walnut' Sunday afternoon.,, rMlss -Olive and Vonale Revis and Miss Evelyn Revis motored to Wal !. Wt Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Jesse Thomas waS ' visitinir Miss ' Rose Frazier ' Sunday after noon:' ' , '', Come on "Shakin Sam" with your column. We enjoy reading it held - -Lee Sams, Leader , Jerome Chambers. Leader y t. '.1 Mack Curnett, Leader A. W. Whitehurst, Leader m. 5. luce, Leader - Mrs. M. B. AIcDevitt

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