! A , t"e iwi ' 'S.r'-CORD r.t l-f . I is f ' ... f 9 - r 'I L. I U v.. i.-.j L. -V i : 1 to- Cy JCKM G. LONCDALE President American Banker! Association Tra ALL remember the story of Icha ; bod Crane end the headless horse 'v&ian. There was the dark form by the j . side of the road j .. ' , thundering-' hoots yr:J- on the Sleepy Hole; r. .'t ,' low highway (. and . Ichabod flee ) ing ; in confused : terror, before this i ' terrible ; monster If Ichabod f had only known 'that his hobgoblin was an InTentlve rival disguised with a pumpkin head, he would - hare bad a good laut,h ohn C Lonsdale , ' &id g one on with the business of ran- ' 5&u!sUag his competitor. What Ichabod really needed was modern flashlight. . Then he would kava discovered the trickery at once. . '" Xaay business men need the flashlight t analyst to uncover the hobgoblins In their business and then they might ait back and Ian rrh at their rivals who leslt&ie to Investigate and learn the , truth. - ''w&l;JMti ,V-At this time,-when, business and 5 tanking are making strenuous efforts Vlo have clear vision ahead, it Is espe ; tially important that the power of re , search and analysis be employed to . their fullest extent. When these twin '' brothers of good management have "been Dressed into service In all fields, 3 am confident we shall see a further , lessening of periods of stress. How- ever, I believe business In general has ' learned the valuable lesson that any prosperity that is not leavened with a f little adversity would not Deem, bast - cally safe or sound. TiESETiVE SYSTELi'S i. r cr;;:i::3S aiiiyzeo Bankers Find Increased Pay ; ,. merits f o Member Canks Would ', 1 Be Small Inducement" Various proposals that member tanks In the Federal Reserve System should participate more largely in Its set earnings through an Increase In the dividend rate above the present Hzed 6 per cent "would be a. very email financial Inducement" to them, It Is declared In a recent study of this subject by the Economic Policy Com mission of the American Bankers As- y sedation. This Is shown, the commie i eion says, by a theoretical forecast, on . the basis of the past six years, of. ad ditional earnings that would be oi 'trarsed to member banks during the . next six years under two plans Intro- : duced in bills before the United States .- 'Senate. -. "The Fletcher -bill ' provides " that v Federal Reserve Bank earnings, after -present 6 per cent dividends to mem bers and completion of a 100 per cent .surplus, should all be distributed as -extra dividends to the stockholder 'banks," the report says. "If the earn intra of each Federal Reserve bank ' "were distributed among7 its own mem . tiers there would be no extra divi dends in the Boston, New York, Phila delphia, Cleveland, Chicago and San .jranclsco, districts during the next alx Tears, but the other "elr Federal iCReserve Banks would pay annual ex- . -tree at the following rates: Richmond, 4.03 per cent; Atlanta, 4.09 per cent; ' XL Louis, 3.50 per cent; Minneapolis, rS.Bl per cent; Kansas City, 6.18 per -cent; Dallas, 4.83 per cent. i. "If the earnings were pooled and paid out to all members in all districts each member would receive an aver- vage annual extra dividend of .73 per .ent. Under this plan no franchise tax as now would do pan by tno t ec- era! Reserve Banks to the Federal Covernment. Another TUn Analyzed "71 s Ca&a bill would rrovide that, i&f"T r "ant 6 rnr c?nt dividends, oudL.f l".-a rr "l"!:.,Iv-r eLouId bo T'd i.r i j"5 fin extra iivi- ' i 1 Fcl-ral C M :.,.. iit as fi an- a Ui, 1uO averce riidu..1 en'Tus Ho mpmbpra would be as follows: Toa "ton Elistrlct, 2.C1 per cent; New York, ..43 Tor cent; Philadelphia, S.C3 per .-,'; C''ve! "d, 8.C9 per cent; Rich- :,:'5r ro. nt; Atlanta, e.C7 per . f; C-:.- 3 "3 r r cent; St. Lcufo, :Ztl rr c.-t; T ' t-C.'s, 4.75 per -r-.Lt: I . it j, 2-74 r r cent; Dal T ", "1 tt cf at; f.a 1 rar.cl:co, 1.S7 af ' : i" 3 ! Tooled the i an- tf r Cr i r I Declares That C Chanscs Creating Larss Car.k Systems Will Call for. Broader Social Viewpoints. - . . Larger scale group or branch bank ing will Inevitably bring a new era of banking organization and operations to the United States and bankers will have to develop "new conceptions, new administrative methods and new eco nomic views," Rudolf S. Hecht, Chair man of the Economic Policy Commis sion of the American Bankers Associa tion, recently told the members ot the American Institute of Banking. , , The institute is the educational seo tlon ot the association and he empha sed tie point that the new era in banking demanded "that we must step up Our education so that banking shall be forted tor new responsiMUties, K-lhat the Future Calls For m we must broaden our social concept tlon of banking," Mr. Hecht said. "Not only for the technical operations of the hew banking must we fit ourselves, but both as Individuals and an organised profession we must charge ourselves with serious consideration of the so cial problems that are involved. . Air ready we hear murmurlngs and fears and doubts as to whether the changes that are coming about In banking In the extension of group and branch sys tems do not constitute the looming of a new financial menace, a monopolistic threat not only to the individual unit banker,, but to the financial liberty ot society in general, I am stating these things merely as facta that must be taken Into consideration In our studies; "Publlo opinion cannot be Ignored by any business, least of all by bank ing, which is admittedly semt-publle in character and is, therefore, subject to special supervision by the consti tuted authorities. If banking develops tendencies that give rise 'to public tears, we must so conduct ourselves as to reassure all doubts. . , ' ' ' "For this is true, that business suc ceeds only by serving society that no business can permanently prosper which does not both Tender service to the public and at the same time con vince the public that it is raring that service.: Banking, there. v. , luust take cognizance of what the public is saying of this new era in its develop ment " i ' ' v ' , " ; -' ' ' v , - "It must, be part ot the technique of ' modern banking administration; whatever form our enlarged institu tions take, to avoid the creation of monopolies, or even the appearance of such a " centralisation of financial power as to be able to exercise an un due influence over public or private finance or other lines of business. The public's right to the safeguards ot fair competition must be observed. Must Preserve Individual Initiative ' "It must also be an Item ot man agement that individual initiative and opportunity shall be maintained. It America has outstripped other nations In the distribution of the benefits of its progress, It Is due to the fact that there are no barriers of social casts or business tradition against advance ment for character, ability, and Initia tive. American business has learned that it serves itself best by encourag ing by every practical means individ ual ambition and initiative, and harts itself most by repressing or neglecting them. Competition for efficiency, both within an organisation and between organizations, will prevent any Inst' tution from long enduring in which maintenance of opportunity and recog nition of initiative are not controlling principles of management, As heads of the greatest of our financial and In dustrial 'Institutions stand, men who started from the humblest of begin nings. Throi?h all the grades of ex ecutive authority and reward stand men In positions in keeping, generally speaking, with their Individual merits. I, personally, see no reason for fearing that the enlarged banking organiza tions which the future may hold would necessarily supply future bank em ployees with any less opportunity for achievement than unit banking. "Again, a crjor cor.cilileratlon of ad- Kin': tratlon la any multiple form ot t, przan!.-' t:on must be its pub- i li c-"y community it to. '. i. It 1j. t coi....Jjra;on nrj-t te acl ."y ivi vi-IVy to serve the economic i -"-" "v cf that com- mur.:ty. Ko e; tteta i.l be long tol erated it Lose liter 1 me'nbers work, or are e:: T5"tsd ca working, to draw errio :,!o e',rprth from one place to i V a f . ilerj rower of another. TLe 1 1 ut.'t t':.k has always been rart r 1 r. 1 cf tv.e communities a It 1 .' 3 ml r a t- em can last ( ifti It a raajlr prln- c , 3 c' ( - t . ;a to serve, .1 t t i j c 9 Into .J'?. ; 1 'W , v tER3 Kd" dlnnr the I l"ea unts of which will oat tU If yon dd your mart fc t carefully, and which v. .a serve six persons. - r I , Ifeatloaii Beef Both . Boil one halt cup rice, drain and add one " and one-halt teaspoons salt, one naif teaspoon chlU powder, one teaspoon poultry seasoning, one - eighth, teaspoon pepper, one finely ; minced onion and one minced green pepper. Spread evenly oyer ' one and one-halt pounds round steak, cut very thin, and roll up like a thick Jelly roll. - Tie and skewer firmly in place, dust with flour and brown well .on both sides in some drippings In a skil let Remove to a baking' dish, ' pour over it the contents of a No. r 8 can tomatoes, and bake until tender in a slow oven, 850'; for nm Ana and ft liAlf to two hOUlS. s Remove strings, and serve cut in siloes with tne tomatoes. - Keep Tour, Neck Lovely ' With Exercise 'And v . ; Dotty Care 1 JTS'."? H3 beauty o! your neck d- panas largely . upon wu things: a tu shape, ana your In texture. And of course And of course your 4ck should -be well set, upon , 0uf shoulders, to lend grace, to your head. ',. Worsen often forget thai the neck needs exercise the game as the rest of the body. -Correct airclses not only will Improve e shape of your neck, but also ill help your skin texture some- the ir our skin. !oo a well-set neck on m, but not over-developed shoulders, the best exercise is one roica moves uie : cuius iu uu, 'rv this: Stand erect and extend your arms as far as possible to each side, slowly raise them at high as you can-reach, and then lower them to your sides. Re- tbsm to vour sld isat slowly a few times. This is slfslc stretching exercise, but wia Invigorate tired shoulders, "on can feel a gentle pull, too, - at the bate Cf your neck. " And ner u another g0o BTcS ., exercise: Clasp your hands be- - -tmd your neck snd cull them for- Jard gettly wVLe oo fofei your '-1-tack. ilowfy repeat lev - i: i tljes. ' , , -, -n yoa cteansl your face, ?3 y i sfyt five your peek i Sir-it' - 4 s VH1 Some Tire -w "TEJIY few motorists think Ot 1 puncture or blowout or until .what through Increasing - filiation of blood under 5 fro deve one or more wheels. I drive my car I know something about tires and somethin; wheels ot my car are lined en once every lusted at th'a same time. Tire are en expense and any expensa that can tho In be delayed is a dividend. ? ." i than I.jw irisny times have you weirfiod Ing jiintorist crm!nj toward you with an " t u fiL - t vl. '! tf f j c.ir eut of th: " 1 ? 1.ry f t i r t-il la too a r i " l rr i it''- ' way Fi' to c?--. r , i . r M the the t ' A'' i ' ' T ra 1 j ? r- ' i , : to re- air r i r. .: t i r. r , :.cu!r vrh 1 rfil- It i . i ure re .' n9 tie- th r ; i E t !y i : tv i r i t "' the wo tlr ! r-1 I t : I t - f tli-- A .' ' Drain the -contents of an 8- ' AllHM .Mil nt MimA haute ' chill ' .- thoroughly, and arrange In nests 'ij of lettuce, slice inree naru- lapping circle around the Sheets. Sprinkle three tablespoons chop ped sweet picxie over ine men and varnish with six tablespoons ', mayonnaise. ',!!' A Nevn Dessert Pineapple Caramel Taploea:- , Scald one and one-fourth cups milk in a double boiler. Cara- , mellze three tablespoons BUgar, ? and add to the milk.' Add tour tablespoons sugar, four and one ha f tablespoons- minute tapioca and a few grains salt Cook un- til tapioca is transparent Beat one egg pour : hot mixture over . slowly and return to double boiler, stirring constantly, till thick and . creamy. Add the contents of a No. 2 can of crushed pinennnle; and cool. Serve verv rov ' i. i ire loni eat an SJSIV" 1 WV; W 4am Mam At least Vi -daily, . ipf fleahslng cream up neck and face. Nex no Oyejr .yoii face. Next wrap son cleansing tissues around your hands, and gently wipe off the cream, w, hlch will carry with It all the dirt an 1 the dirt and excess oil front four skin. Follow this by paUln on a good skin tomo, And then. If your skin Is Inclined to be Mr, wash your face ana neck with a mild aoap and warm, water. For keeping your .fleck on" ; tours young, and coaxing the akin v Into a natural fresh appeftrahce, try the following treatment after j your daily cleansing! . . 1 If your skin Is oily or normal, use tissue cream; vyn your ipi s dry, give it the nch Udricatiaj looth a generous amount e. .her one of these creams o: .aer one ot tnese creams on :-r neck, working It op front i t chest to your chin. Qrfp yi t neck with your hands, tittii yc-r K.r I'l and smoothing nothing gently ufwarij throat column. When t t your ' t.e u.wi has beett forked in, oil oil cams ana nr .gf.'iritB i oil, and ret eftat th x Qe i smoothing. Jf jroo r this B-enlle. th ,4 La eailiy a )va yocr W li fen, to yotr ) you tdon e. J bate youf to normal. - PILOTS Motoring 3 1 dirty flick, And, of course. Wf jkla will not keep Its smooth ti t tare Ions II It U flpoicd to eW j&tI jplillcpburii Thoughts their tires until they nave had a exceu Blve wear begins to show on on a different basis, because j about car manufacture. . The month and my brakes are ad- es takes hold a little quicker .nt rest, it, meant greater slid- . t ,o?e Trhecii, and therefore is o tire wear. It also n-nni ? c -r is more likaly to i ra f.l or In an emer e yu lose tract '.-n, t -.S i mntu-v. i ! . tt may f iiwe va'tj : the- j your tirs f""fl , ....i fv . l 'hit ',. ' '. t I. ! 4 ( S rift eut i . r ,j ' - ! t'-'u 1 I ' ' t, . r i . . r r I , u kGoldRbbonVK 7 ucrFEE eu::ccsY Fao:.i rjiLLiapGE ' Mr, and Mrs.' Fred Clark ' and children, of Newport, Tenn., and Mrs, EHWbitson, of Tennelina, all 8 pent Thursday and .Frdiday ;. with Mr. and Mrs, 1. B. Anders.. Those ' who ' took dinner -. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, K. S. Davis were Mr; and ftHrs. Sawyers and two chil dren, "Mr. and Mrs. G. Sawyer, all of Asheville, Mr. and Mrs. ' Roy Saw yers, and little daughter," of Hot Springs, and Mr. and " Mrs. James Crisp Salads to Serve. When Days Gro w Warm Bv JOSEPHINE B. GIBBON : Director, Home Economic Depf, , . a. . Beiiui company. A CRISP vegetable salad or a j XI. dainty ' concoction or trait will make even the simplest meal - attractive. And on these glorious f spring days, when we . wish to get away entirety: irom uwubui . . nintaroon In thn foods we serve-4alads are more than ever . welcome. MM tha nnmeronfl fresh vegetables available during the : spring and summer monins. ; in stead of continually serving hot dishes for dinner, they frequently - substitute a : thoroughly chilled i vegetable salad, prepared with a snappy weiHeasonea .sreacu Dressing, or with Mayonnaise. Many a woman, too, finds that a dainty fruit salad often will take the 'place of a dessert, and thus " save her long hours in a hot : kitchen making puddings, pies or cakes. ' FtjUowtng are " recipes for a number ot vegetable salads' which rare suitable for serving either as the main dica tor luncheon or supper, or in place of cooked vegetables for dinner: JeZled Vegetabb Salad tablespoons gelatin, M cup cold water, VI up boiUng water, I tablespoons vinegar, S table spoons lemon Juice, 11 : cup S'.'-r, 1 teaspoon salt, cup dVi c'ry, 1 c" shredded eaV bage, 1 cup cooa-cd peas, and a tew drops of onion Juice. Soak gelatin. In the cold water five minutes and dissolve in the bolV ' tag Water. Add vinegar, lemon - Juice, sugar, salt, onion Juice and vegetables and mix thoroughly, furn into a Hog mold which has been dipped in cold water, and I- .- rnC2 i w.1 r"1 V"1 r"i r . i X f A. . V. . ill Vuv4kJ ii.iva .-WW..-. :,-Ti Th itUe . I School Teadaway and four children. :-. Miss -Bessie Helton retiirsed home Saturday night . from Ashevillev wher she has been visiting her broth- W. A. SAMS Physician and Surgeon Ot&em Front Room Over - Citizen Bank chill. Remove ! from ' mold to salad plate. Fill center with crisp lettuce, and serve with Mayon. naise Salad Dressing. - Lettuce Roll SaladirSSi toft cream cheese. Add H eup eoM cooked barn, finely ground, and S table spoon India : Relish. . Spread thlB layer of this mixture on. crisp lettnot leave. Roll as yoa do Jelly roll and put In a eool place to chill. Cut Into In en slices and plae several sUoe on a exisp lettuse leal Serve with French Dresslns, er with Mayonnaise Salad Dresstos. Tjftnato Sandwich Salad : DlpTi small ''! red ' tomatoes Into scalding water tor a moment so the skin will come off easily-, then chill and cut In half cross wise through the center, pit o: half place a generous layer Sandwich Belish or , Cream Cheese mixed with Stuffed Spany Inh Olives. Cover with the other' half of the tomato. In the top ot the tomato- make a little incision with a sharp knife and Insert m sprig ot crisp parsley, - A ' Chicken and VegetabU Salad I cans cold diced chicken. M ' etra cooked carrots, dioed, H cop nested peas, H cup oooked strirte; beans, cut Id sleeea. la cud cooked beeto. dleed. 1 tea spoon salt, 1 teaspoon p&rjrika, t tabttH spoon chopped parsley, ktiz tne ehiesesj and vegetable and add salt, paprika and) parsley, frill ltcll.-ith. French Dressing and Ie tnd in. Ice box Until thorotiKn.y eoilled. Arrange In sesia ot Ipuaea teams and top vith Mayonnais fesuad tiresslns. Oarntoh sriin beet cut tn fancy shapes and aparaso tips. Slacedoine Salad l - small cooked cauliflower, 1 cap cooked peas, 1 cup cooked carrots, cut tn cubes, 1 chopped green pepper. Separate cauiiaower - in nieces.- Marinate each ?is-4 separately In French Dressing and let stand In ice box nnU thoroughly chilled. Arrange vege tables on crisp lettuce leaves in separate nests, and sprinkle with chopped green pepper. Serve with French Dressing. -. AZIIZYILLZ'S LTADIX3 STCr.i: 4313 IIAYV.'OCD T. - T--t - T-n..v. f " . .....it v & -