1.11 - i or madlco:: county ZCv:fei;'8 Pages This Issue vol. ::::l: - I. . .w l.i LL li TDAY, JULY 4, .lf T i . Consolidated Id ov. !-!t.- , ' ' i1'" t Is . J 1 v" ' lei la'- t- etc 4 a good. t 'reduce taxea would be to redo 'crime. ' , '' , , am -. The best way to keep people from ' doing evil to to give them sometbrg , good to do. It is estimated that foo nprcent. of the Amen- vj ; i sd.y school. A religious census of Crape Vine ' community reveals u -T 7 facts: Number in Sunday School, 123: Number who never go to Sun day School, 289. That is more than aixtv percent f the community never go to Sunday Jphool. The average attendance for st year , Was only 9. Nearly ' c-half of the onea who ire registered as Sun , 2ay' School attendants only go to ; Sunday School occasionally. About : frteen percent f the community re re, ? attendants.' I j'je tUt -a eensus wouU reveai v pi .-.fc. in Ce tUr cormui. i -'the County. : ; ; ' t at if V t. e o."- 0,1 11 ' . r ' ' ( ... . : " 1 :..S--fr.S' f t ' '. . . ... ' ' ' -c- and see ivho t-vqvercw m- - cm&-- f- school -r-P -f-cT e . ir are. i. ' d with the Wora -of 6od.t-.er. U vil in ir Jivc" -and we will-stay out.cf Court As ,rule we have ove lio l,. -houses andpty, t' urA jewa, ' -when we, should have fall c ur,i pews and emrty - . . Teturn unto, 1516 ""M ' 1 7e" ;,Vn unto vou. sivh t' If" cI lios." .,"al. .3 :7. I I t-.'s'Ce Iovo. and, he f' -1 Tt t of your c0"," ' ; r vine C8t her f 'in t f"". s ' , ..11 - "iv;.. e f 'a 1' 1 1 t nd i i to r I J. i . : ivavy i i ti.e hUm in i 1 v jrld's altitude r cv. !. ' 1 en .k li -"wted with ait DJjgi;.i tank. . CRIME IN. - -LAND , The ' oppor, ' ' ' t of ) prohjbi " tion tell us tl tliibitfon is . responsible'' for ' ..J'.oiir . crime. They tell us there is no crime tn England.-" And yet on June ' 6, just , fW di?s ; ego, the Pritish government ' sued an oCcial document e. t"icning tT,e enormous Jflcease In crime in tL Ci jme jias i ' La the rux'l . Uni an! L. j V l3lsa.. ' ' cf , ... j Ca V 7 ; . 7i " ' up-; 1 1 f over ' ave. itat-i -' tth 1su i:. f - ""of t: ' t i -'-r'r . . Wf'Vft f dinner on V'atU cton, ' Bf'.ernoo.4 . ' ' d?y 'ad .v. J. tl. 'ce. I a . vley of ? iiiie, N.'.C.,-, vun;rful talk, -and the pe 1 1 all enjoyed the nice si. ing y.l Vh was f-ni:Aei by lit. KirrisoA Jle. on's '.artet of French Eroad, and the I .Jies Chap el cldisS. i ,'"'. ."-f ' SJ'" ''''' ' ,the-ch" f were as, fo1?! I III ayne I Tpyne, Robert I r i of :: ' "1, r i ' v -re xsent J' Ttyne, ;a, Cld ( . ' Joe C, - a. II. 5. veie in. i- ... e I 1 II '3 V 1 a t'.e ' vers HT".ndch"':"r, nd ?re.t fnl!y a 1 I r- n '- "" " crowd a" i I t ' Fr :'t CcI-.L 3 I "reside: t -;cf- ;t' r , Lrl. ,3 to a cl; ;3 for ' . i , . -. ' .... nr"-n cf Dr. Gaines i of an illustrious family. . Forest, and it is to be the' college to eminence, -bi u -ter; eVen . than his most ,ar dent admirers even dare to hope for. Dr, Kitchin'siask and resp'onsibility is no smal matter. , Following suchmeryv as Gaines and Poteat, and with the handicap of such om- petition as Duke, Chapel Ilili, and the State College, aU so , near by it wili require a wisdom and foresight and.nian agement and popularity such as few men possess, to- aeV complish what the collet ia expected to do. , And no pres-. idem can succeed wnnoui me . cwpwauwu ua wc and patrons of the instit.lbn, Vv ; , ; . ; v - t. ; ASIIEVtLLE'S TAX tU , t . TiVe are gl id tb..t V and tha its taat turi: j . a decree of syn!: ".' ji unt''r wtiih itis -, .v l: Cii f reine Cc irt tu j 11. t: 3 c7 1 li4 in this tax problem. , AKD STiaTIlE HUNTchs nTJ3vIuil 3rV.T4AW,'l . Accor?:? to.iSe latest repcrta toefor we go td'press, the "City :f Chicago" Jsistill circling bovcf Chicago, ncl j th pilots have ofdered-fireworLa-.to b Sent Up so that they may use them on the FoTJjrth. IThey re trying 'to s thej wonderful record of.600.hurs i thtf fcir. V Wtf afe living la , an, a S3, of wonders, -t Think of yir.g U the ir fot mor than -a' month, r . ; ' k. 1 ".'(-' 'tJ.-'., xnt r :ocn.Tic; cobveltisn m raleigii fcrJAX, ' ,Ve have t speech which i3 to be delivered by Gover-r-r Gardner before the Democratic ConventiQH" in t3 Jay and resret we do not have time. to put it in type. Cr.i Jtvi:r,; t r:a-ja fcy hini lfX 1 v reduced ,tjax. -Tlis -1 . Arrembly . redu r' ' . i is'In' 1 Iji of iridustrirl and" L ';.:c , .:..;, i:;is year's .iis actually redche I rnd sightly surpassed the ori ' " 1 estimates made by tv--, Ead-xtEureau at th close of t. - Ut General AssemLly to the revenue collectible under t:.a tax schedules. THE rCU-.TII FI T "SHALL n f'.ir.H net c..a uappen c t n th3 Glorious Fourth, I " .9 It rcoves us to say ,4t W . ' '" i c ; I.-.iependence w; j ict signeu uu iatc 1. 5 J en the Eighth. Ve'll be out again cn t". cf f.rcvorks, 'wc - 1 !nlav . c J : y t r.t itKft truste es". 1 1 .i i3r,,Th'rpan .D' Ki".;J.j:,'. i-o sticceed Dr Gaines, 4 Th: i .aLt & "much debated and vex-- d the trustee since the r?r -' ntlia ago.l "Dr. ICitchin-;6me3 , .aa'always been loyal to Wake'; that .the' new president will lead; .vilfe is no in! Madison ;Courityk bur burdeni "but we do haye Ljx tdwn, because" of the C A recent decfiion ott recently ( &criirei ierritpr, (ci: '! 1" : li corporation M ' 4wnr V iix- t ".;cs''on ; 4 ; Az$ on 1 - -e Kt it" happens so this time. sc - .::i:.:3 about it. A recert f.r-der brought 1 i the information that ' .... j ' v T.-.- ' t it be a f.ne r1.. :e t " a Islind.- T: :v r ' ictmn ; Senator Simmon o i .itftSt I" it'iV W ' .'aft 'LARGEST ' CITIES -vi v 'i'. ; OF THE WUKl-U- --.-- j ' H.. ' . According to the best.-availJ "flhlri fiirnrpR. tVin nnrmlatirtris' rtf t .'tbe ','26 largest cities.'. f ))aV. -r'j 1 -Lomdon , ,.7,74212-" X, S-New lYork 6,148,78 " . y. 3 Berljn UJ0IS,88.v ' , 4-i-ChJcagb r-L,SS73,763 ,6 Paris' .238,416 ' fi Osaka l2.S33.C0O - Tokio ...,.'2,218,400 ."j ,8-rBuenos Aires .2,116,234 1 f 5 Moscow : 2,025 47' I 10 Rio- do- Jneira,2,0O4,C00 , . ll-lPhiladelpliia 1,94 " t 79- - M2-rViertn 1,8C ZZB rMJ Leningrad:' Jll,614,008 . ;14 Detroit ,v 164:-07 K ' it-K'h.ixrK.I i MS-4'. SS.(.,0 . ' . ifrr-Hangkow -i 1 r A r ' r I r 17 Calcutta t-a . ajSiffekKit' tPeip- ,C'"'t fr--:'t A .. ing) -.-l 719, ig-f,- p'.tlea-''-l ' " "3 --'it rv-?-' tit ,J i ...w-rg 51,073,092, r5 PauloF.fiJ.jl,04J,t jo ;:3-"C,sgw :,r.'.trr.i,034.c?? Mr 'fialeiirhN C July iS-JThe Re- nnioV CommRteaef -the; :113th 'F. A.,; SOtb, Division, A. E. J'.,48w ifr Ueted.Ausrust 15 and 16,. 1830, AS the- times, and Fort Bragg, N. Q., as: the place tor the' .Second Triennial Region f the H3tn r.A. famous, reghnent was T-. "j in'Jthe regiment during w, more than 99 Tar Heel ft tna, Conmlittee Itth F. A., personnel.' It had units m r'b ''f 5 haNES Charman, LvaTn,-ashirigt,NeW;Eern,to;K. Het5 Secret ' " V::iv W Wadesboro, v Monroe. .A L- :VbSsZM; : PJiotc:iraphic Cqiite .- n 07 rr 9 ' ; 1 u 3 B f)'S?TTTJ.TVAM - r'"That i dog's life is sVet tojthe bitter end se&mVto'hav been f rov ed by i shepherd dog called "Stub," whosa, inkier V j name '.is John T.t Kan "farmeri.iresidinpfiiiear Council Eluffs, . lowa:,;,i' -Jp,1,: !- ' ; 1 ' Two' years ago Stub r was the Ilia of the. Rgtiganfarnii He' liked to follow the'merfolksjabout the place ad . try ' iiub i Kin ' legs occasionly on rabbits, or jus tear around to show his joy at being alive. ' t ' t ' v While' on one of these larks Stub ' ran into a steel' wolf -trap and was mincing 4nr't.m Awn.' He had been counted lost when he painfully hob-; bled to the' Ratigan home on the 'coldest day of the winter. Stub was half dead and .both .front feet .were gone. Mr. Katigan , siowiy brought Stub back to normal neaim. The dog's front legs were entirely useless, but little by.little he walk a a i.ia YmA Xcm until, ho finally ttA..'. VM " i"on .-T- j .. .. reached a nearby shed. Each- day he went little farmer. jmow- u nlaoA and seems, proud rt ha 'bte to nse the ' same method Of foot travel ma jnasier. J- Rfnk fiiu attracted- wide afrtetotjon. TT: Vam mram iinrpH a member of a" canine association Vho Investigat- d and . reported it aimosx nuru Jous. ' ' r , . . .A Wpeciai mcuw Stub; iand" -f eatures. -hia determin r,tl torlive.a!nh S(ee.-Lee humane worker. delivered th jnefcl her- 'f and. ' faatwed itto . .fivub s fJJOvr- "thimb. Ani. , Tl.e rt em was - . - 1 - - A' I V oolonel. wueri w - jT!,e reunion his ye "l be l"8 rc;i.nenVs second- reUogethe. The firf was held aVFbrt Bragg in lL27 fwith" "over 800 far" attendance. The IJ3tli T. A. N. C. N. U., successor arid' same-eakeof the old Yeghnent, will Te ln"mp 'attoVt Bragg at this time aiid the youffff soldiers iwid be hosts" to the Veterans.;- ' "1phere Vill" be1 no' cost to the vet .1... a- registration fee' of J&.00 which pays 'for meals and lodging for 10. whole ays. Ar- raremehts have been mao to -v ifi wVm iome and Very man