yoh. xxix C" .J 1. .:. ' V. .. , er' oola rr. 1 1' a i eis: , ,' 'V . . cf i j f t'e te&( -"SIIYLAKD-- -. . Hiss Jessie Rectory. ff Karsuall,". Route 1. MT. NHTA ; Miss Lucy Wilson,- ' Marshall, Route' 4. ' BEAR CREEK . . Mr. S. C. Burnett, C". Marshall, Route 5.. ALLENSTAND - Miss Verna Ramsey, ,, Belva, yN. C. - -. ' M ALLEGIIANEY I , "V, ' Kiss Nell Cantrell, . " White1 Rock, K. C;. i . ti i. BULL. i&ca. , - M. u. tucitm. Mars Kill, Koto J f. ?r,n. I-Iamieilscn,- '. t , ; . .'.I., rrrs. I'amie1. 3, Ruth uumer, r. r( f - 't'.-a -A. T s. Eeii.e I ,v L:L, Clara VaiJ, ' , Iran. Jul. - -" . ";' ' i ' 7 s" Louise ra,(j lt , . - -"boro,-' N. .C. f ' ' c" DCn BRANCH " - " " n t "J'r. Alvin Boclvner, " . 1 .Vt . 1V Ho 3., l" " 'TAc:a:oucs ' 1 ' 1 . I" . Grace Cines, Walnut. ' " BIG LAUREL . - . , 7s. V. IT. V.V.'.in, , : L'r Laurel, N. C. : . ! . . . , ' rice's cove ' " I'rs. rew..m ircDevitt, Revere ti::zy cnovi: (i-irei) IT" a Tha"a C. .-tor, y i i.oi - i -" rs xr.i: r Kern : : :e ni:.i, C e Tivcr, n c; I "3 Nc'l Shook,- L.ars UU - rrr-5 c:ui cl ! i" rio- 1 I-'-Jrrsy, - . ..' v 7T. C. ' j 1. rvr 11 -1 J. f! H 't " ' t ' it , -1 j. J T It d i r:Tei -re a, ntn with isqre than atwo--eyes to . see ' and J -ic"1-,- t :r",are many prcUsmi coMrontm? the 'rel cl c' ;cc : -y4' ' :ch ceei to be solved.? -When 'pwy ' rr-'y p--r' oux- -hwaand streets pretend-' i?z to be lc z f ; r't a?rrr?"'y-n9t 'abletQ tii -4 ry, and fii : 'y. ,V?"r'- pr-cilcally feiirvation, WhW tnff errth is reiJy to yii'J an abundance cf food and raiment t when given proper rtt-t!ca, there"" is something econom--ically wrong. It is net I! 3 quantity of supplies that is need le J7"tut an eccnc.v.lJ" rr.J scr.JHd 'distribution ;of supples, How to rtece c r t- " ir.s ia poslililU where they can earn . a livellhoc J ar. J il pc. Ible, own a little home, should be the - concern cf our tl it thinkers. "'7e wonder if those who soe'e 1 cf;;3 1 i so because they feel an ability, "and ' t"r Kv ' - ; c--thcV own L ra I "V2 tea ; j ... i y - v " - r I, ... J. r any t f.rr -, 1 tho cf f.IIirj thcr3 1 ' '?. A c i t1 r t;;e cstalili-ziizd . . MARSHALL, N. C, TpESDAY, JULY 11, 1CCD J A v.. y;l S; it V , e- -l f ' yo 1 Lt yti accuto.ued to, 1 . name.. was. 3befor- her m iriss Zu5a Wild, diuf.' r and Mrs. Geqrga V.'ild- of I ' VL. F. D. No. 2. The groom i son of Mr. J. T. Dill, of Mars I R. F. D. No. 1. and has been in 1. tucky about five years locate ! jit Bell Farm, being a locomotive grineer. :' s iuuwjiiiautiiuiij' iim that Kentucky is noted for its beau- tiful women, Mr. Dill did not f -id any out there who could compare tq the North Carolina gnrfs hence ha came back to his native county in June and took i Miss Wild to I drum,. S. Ck, June 15, where t -j were ' married ; by Justice - of ' Peace, A. P. ColwelL- H then t back t Kentucky for two weel , . tomlng; tot take hla bride-witli and the jnarriaj ha? Just tei nounced. ,.They have the t t es of thei'rany friends Li I County.' .L.' '." rrtT!T7T?J : V- v." '"is: . , M..j;,' j j , . ::ys and means of brinin about bet-' , r do they seek these pc Itions for . I r.t? Cr humbb opl 'on is that . .J cviuo.i, wc i ere try o c.r tu-.try A.Lct understanding r I -ec 1 V,Te a : -.11 V -t it is a hard r- n, however great, to Liirj about re1 c uV'i l.-c the leci caprlla he feels I III;: ? in goverr.n:c' t ari thought ;t V t:.3 L" t Lr: i can only T minds T heads i...d cir r a prob 'i fault t about -nthis i and ' f : -3 of V the ' : cr c n -i aper or madlcoij bos b::ivgrsvv tia :.::::) jOr- - T ' - ' '1 '1' Af (1 c ' T - - t , r-1 . . . r. -o J ' i c U fv I 'M - ' '.'. T r: L. l;. Tector; Roy 'Wild; ' - - ' '.r- mond JluCevitt. : WHITE ROCK ' ' , ! Enoch Gunter; Ottia Chandler. . YALNUT CREEK " fr:-'l' ;J0. L. Rice, . Lorada 'Ponder. Ras Merrell; 'Paul Roherts; ' Hubert Davis. CENTER ' Glenn Cargle. i-'' MARS HILL ' ' - Rex Merrellf W. T. Thomas;,1: m Steve Norton. BEECH -GLENN ' vIlva-Metcalfr v ; yC,tr Joe Ferguson. , p'"": ,the Tz".ri cf Education, M'reg. 'ar session Llonday, rt..aed tl),uji Ivers for the folio..- achools,- aa;. understand what brought about thechange in Ws attitude; lira setes.'the inore we kanftkS'lesi know; ; and the rnost: igfi" t man i& ut;ajly it all.v ?.Wei trewonderuKif v r it 14- wa Via1, n C" tation. Is not bur United...: ? large' ifc.it should be, itnd'tlr.runwleldyd'ineffecs- t;y.e? Would it not be better 1 jYtiaca the number3, :ultin$ -jtheVexpenseproportio'nately, trX tz'9, to xit thai ladders1 of thought-arei elected.'Vatlicr than iibse'whp can manipulate s elections ?v- 'Poes 'not money, rather tKan bfainst to'aiarge. extent determine who shall e3r:tutaur legislative bodies tt , Unselfish statesmen, rather iLL K-DJ111C Ul;.UUi LUU11UV B Ki MARSHALL WELCOMES TCIJ-"::3TS AND VISITORS ; : ' ' The town council passed an ordinance this 'week re-( : .' quiring, all business men who bring their cars to town'for! ' theilay 'to park them in some place other than Main Street.: This is done in order, that toorists and visitors' may-more easily find a'; place 'to park.'.- This 'may ca'use'some of the lirine"'. n en some inconvenience-but it certainly paysany town to l ok-well to the convenience and care of its visitors;" A town m judged by the attitude of its citizens toward 'its visitors. : 'A tourist passing ; through and only "stopping to inquire, Will form either a bad or good impression of' the town largely by the attitude of the person addressed.," Hence how important it is that every citizen should be courteous to the nth degree to those se'eking information. IT t only should 6ur strecta ba cleared of automobiles so as , L i.iake it ra6r'e CCver.L-t to park, but every courtesy M be shown, ari w? ii t3 of our cc:.r.vc: j : o i re glad to be a part cf hout the nat:':-i for i 1 o make our'r m r county ZBOO Bscrrirr-AT last.- . -.F0uiin;'m:DM0ir,;i::n. . Poured At l&zi -i MISS, BESSIE MAI KENT,",", who ..disappeared last JJarch, showa, '. - l up in Detroit', 'Mkkey,'! -tf4 lb Jeacher, -?wiU you come h'era tq tha wallmap and : point put" "America to; the classt'V.' ."Who Lliseofered America; -Tom-; ny?" iaked the teacher of another pupil.? ' ' '.' ' , -: s. flckey; Jrfurphy,s Ms.'CEx,. 7-" t.et bnV wh3"thlirsletlnWs v 'puresiwtlvevial noff? 1 -cap-ble crhcV -ge;:r( 1 fc;" cua''7rd represen vl'ess at least twice4 as .than, self -honoring . politicians, " CdtCQi. UCCUO. ... . i ' . ,.r . .,- v . -f the beauties and adr 1 La called to attention.. ": " :r. ITcrth Carolina, noted " ' ' ' ".uty. Let us help Na- ' r. 8 Pages This Issue LONG LOST M A P I 3 O It WW'. fiewa.was dispatched' Tues day night' to -the' daily parcis that 'IJlss ;Beesie' rrSay Kci.it, daughter of W:aVK Kent, of the Bull Creek section of Mad. ison County, had at jfeast been found. She was spotted by a patrolman in Detroit who has relatives in Madison County. According to the papers her soft Southern . accent aroused suspicion, which led to her i dentification. Following is the account given by the Ashe- vjlle Citizen Wednesday morn- trir) who disappeared . last March from her home near Man Hill, was found yesterday j y' police in De-" troit, Michigan, j t k " - News of the discovery mean joy to 4he Kent home,, when an aged fUWr and mother and: other rela tives had long feared the girl was dead. It also "meanr relief to Charlie Metcalf, '. young Madison county man who had been! charged with kidnaping te girL and who wt-s to f have been-" tried, "'nert month on tho' char"". fJr So far MV'tlw", last ifehti JiulLier we 4,. i's fciLer, nor Metcir leawe. t'; t 3 girj-had eent)?teA?.V:V;'. !':.'. Miss Kent, had told Detroit police that" :hpk had .travelled to' ithat city with a talesaian;jshev .knows only as fMr. StovalLITolice werej reported looking for the salesman' to question him , ' . ' 4 ' A search in which oljcej esgirl aid societies an other jf?enpie in many piaeeTJolned, ended JftH dlacOYcry by Patrolman - Lloya Pry-" an; wb9 heard -ot .the girj's 'disap- .A A. AM A A iV MM tt Milt A AAllfltw. H.V A rv(- merly lived at Mars Hilt He gained his first clue jto the identity Of l8 irl when1 he heard her. soft' South ern speech. When questioned by the officer, she is said to haveadmitted - her identity. a , Detroit police said that , the '"KirV who set more than fifty iearchers to combing mountainsides and drag ging the French Broa river before her sweetheart was aent to- jail, will be returned home after Federal of ficers complete" their investigation t determine whether "Stovall"is to Le prosecuted. Both will be questioned closely by police and Federal of ficers. " "'; ''' Miss Kent according to her father W, A. F. Kent, a prosperous Madison county fanner, was last seen t Hill on the morning of her disap- home before attendin;j school at I'm pearance. When she failed to re turn home that night, Mr.. Kent and Bessie's sister, said to be an.inv"', became alarmed, an J l.al a sea;. . instituted. As days grew into we- a . . , . ..... i 1 j ' ; r " . without ner oemg ' exresf i belief t1 at fc' a 1 " 1 muraerea or orowiu-u m i c (Eroad river, .below Xai -. ' -ill. j The river was drs;--l t. 1 ' mountains about tv;e t'-vYs near where se n l.i.'t . ' 1 ' not r, ) " v f

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