,1 i J . IT. r-. ,.i . .j-; -x rit .' z." ' 1.1 iv jV . .. .S rhv 'Jyyt- ,v, staff .- , v", i fc, i - V CASE NO. 429 " ' Certificate; Ne. "Hl NORTH CAROLINA, . 1 l MADISON COUNTY "fin 'The Superior Court v MADISON COUNTY, Plaintiff, ALPMED GOSNELL and wife,, MRS. ALFRED GOSNELL, Defendants. " :' The defendants above named, hav ing neen auiy servea wim pruueos required by Jaw, ana uht.baijUI'U TORY JUDGMENT OF FORECLO SURE having: been duly enter-; ed .in the Superior Court of Madison County against the said defendants, therefore, all other persone owning or claiming an interest in the . land described in said. Judgment will take notice that on the 14th day of October, 1929, an action; entitled as above was commenced in the Superi or Court of Madison County for the purpose of foreclosing Tax Lien for the taxes due for tne year vz, ana on thifolloiwinff real estate : ' r Described in a- Deed from Scott Chandler and wife, 'Polly Chandler, to Alfred Gosnell and wile, Susie GosnelV dated November 10, 1923, recorded in Book No. 43, rage t, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Madison County, North Caro lina. , - BEGINNING on B. M. Fame worth's east corner, running South 86-W., 138 poles to said Farnsworth corner; thence South 80 poles to. a stake; thence East, 64 poles to John Landers" corner near a tobacco barn; thence with Landers' line to a stake eighteen poles South to the BEGINNING, containing 20 acres more or less. Being the same land conveyed by Alfred Gosnell and wife, Susie Gos nell, to Luther B. Chandler, by deed dated June 19, 1924, recorded in Deed Book No. 45, Page 189, in the office of the Register of Deeds for .Madison County, North Carolina. -It is also ordered that all other persons claiming an interest in the subject matter of said action, ishall appear and present, set up and defend- their respective claims in six months from the date of this notice, otherwise they shall be forever bar red and forclosed of any and all in terests or claims lir or to the proper ty, or the proceeds from the sale thereof. - . This the 7th day of JULY. 1930, J. HUBERT DAVIS, Clerk Superior Court. Madison County, North. ..Carolina JUiy ll-18-ZD-AUg. 1 : l ' ' ' , , '.v. ir- ''""-- 2S 4 tiil'j T ... . T I ('I!'. . " J ' . . Quaker Soup.l. , iVVv-Vv.Vv CM Piatt 1 Potato CW . . . A : . . . -15 Cabbagt. and Carrot Saiad. 6if , ;..lf ;;...i5 PmUutor Ryi Brtad and Butter - Custard with Raspberry Sauce Iced Tea ISN'T that a pretty good dinner far $00 or thereabouts? The above figures total $1.99, but food prices vary slightly in different localities. To make the Quaker Soup, add one cup of water to a can of Pepper. Pot Soup and heat to boiling. Heat a can of tomato soup to boiling, and scald two cups of milk. Add hot tomato soup very slowly tp.tlie hot milk, not toiling after mixing. Add the hot Pepper ,Pot( xeason and serve. For the Cold Plate you will need one 12-ounce can corned beef, six mm, one 34-ounee package potato chipa, two and ope-half cups cab bage, one 8-ounce can diced carrots. Of , . $ one-fourth cup French dressing, and one . 7-ounce can of pimicntos. Chill the can of corned beef io the ice box, remove from can, and slice thin. Have the cabbage ' finely shredded and very crisp. "' Add well drained carrots and mix in llgmly the French dressing, using two forTcs. Arrange the ingredients attractively on individual service plates, 'and be sure to have them' all very cold. To make the Raspberry Sauce for the custard, mix one teaspoon corn starch with one tablespoon.. Sfgar, add to the raspberries, from ago 8 ourtce can and rool., filly sligljtly thickened. ' CooL Serve roH over the cold and unmolded cnstard. NOTICE OF SERVICE .--Mt.h AV CASE NO! S9i TOWNSHIP NO. 16, NORTH CAROLINA, 1 ' MADISON COUNTY. ' toe .Court TY.tPlaintiff, '"WThat an iiicerestrngman , your American iamuies aqn i own an eie-.grandfather Trv havf .-.ttnil. Anil phant is that they have never been offered an elephtent fot ' V m . Aollat down and eas"wk1y 'aenH-i Nashville' BtSrier. "J" '" t ctt.he attain a gircn l'hg?" ; '!W.elL I Vhnjlrt ajr he'tfid I Ho vMtbAd ttiir t5mei( ifei:fce g i "- - ' , -i; - CASE Na-50O . I. .,-TowaJUp No. IS . J Vl Cmrti&eato No, 111.(2) NORTH CAROJblNA, f V MS) MADISON COUNTY' f In too SpwiorCoart , MADISON COUNTY, Plaintiff,T- BURNETT JMETCALF, .mM;!9iiSi ; KELLY? METCASiF aildVifif& MBS KELLY METCAtEV-IH "Tiie defendants above nMu&j&ft ing been duly erved'Vfrith prOcasraa reoulred bv hvr. -and INTERLOCK' TORY JUDGMENT .OF, l-OEROm otntn 1 J , i ' ' J J ouxvci iiaviiuc uwn uuiy nunev la the Superior Court of Madison Coun ty against the Bald defendant ,tkerf .. 11 il . 14ltAVrii. elaimint m. interest in the.uandvd scribed in said 'J ndarmeni Wflt iitlca notice-that on the 16th day of .Octo ber;" 1929, an, action entitled as a j bove was commenced in yie Superior Court of Madison County for the Pur pose ef foreclosing Tax Liens for the taxes due for-the year 1923 and on tne louowmg' real estate: In Th Si MADISON CO vs. J. J. SLAGLE and" wife, MRS. J. J. SLALE; J. D. RICE and wife, MRS. J. Di RICE, Defendants. : i v The defendants above named, hav ing been duly served with process as required by law, and INTERLOCU TORY JUDGMENT OF FORECLO SURE having been duly entered in the Superior Court of Madison Coun ty against the said defendants there fore, all other persons owning or claiming an interest in the land de scribed - in said Judgment will take notice that on the 16th day of Octo ber, 1929, an action entitled as above was commenced in the v Superior Court of Madison f!nnntv for tha tini pose of foreclosing Tax Liens for the taxes due for the year 1921, and on the following real estate: Vijjmons and wife, M. E. Ammonsj'gust 12, 1922, recorded in Book No.' 42Page' 612, Jnthe" office ?o it the JJen Ammpns. and wifeSarab Am-143, Fan' 195 hi the -Aea iof 'th lUslier loli?. Dds',;tor Madison mots, to JTJ. SUgle, dated July 26, Register - or Deeds for v'ModisdnT. County, North !CaroUna.'s ' 1904,-reeorded in. Book No, 23, .County; ; JNorlfc Crolma,'said Jeed-' BEGINNING on. stake in-.WC. Page 267, in the officer of the Reg-f conveying all their; interest, ti" Fpwls 'N. , W.1 eorherv on the lot i interest - m a -on wnicn ne now uvea, running a NOTICE OF SERVICE Tnwutuia ir n 4rllfieajw No. Qfc) NORTH CAROLINA, MADISON COUNTY, NORTH -CAROLINA, , V.VVA it'J ?y iv-j.''v In' too Superior (tours''' MADISON COUNTY, .Plaintiff, . V--i-r.S i , - - ALF ROBERTS and wife, MRS. ALF ROB ERTS, Defendants The defendants above named, hav. ing been duly served with process as required by lawy nd 1NTERLOCU- TORY i JUDGMENT . OF FORECLO SURE having been duly entered in the Superior Court of Madison Coun ty against tha said defendants, there fore, all . other: ; persona owning; or claiming an interest in the land de scribed - In - said Judgment ViJl take notice that on the ,10th day of Oc tober, 19Z9, an action entitled as a- bove was commenced, in the Superior Court of MadioonjCounty for tha pur. pose f f orclosing Tajr Liens for the taxes due. for .the years. 1920, 1921, 1922 and 1923, and on the foUOwinf real swj.:V,s': t.;''4- Described .in a; Deed from 2. ,T. Roberts - ond wife. IL EL Roberta. to A. R. (AM) Roberts, dated May A 4 A A . 1 a' . .'I I. k .1 iwt- iui, irecoraea, m. ueea. hook No. 23, Page 143,: in the office of the Reefrter. of Deeds lor Madison County, North Carolina. 7 '.Vyvwi' '-"l 'i Situate, lyine and vemV'&-'the County, of1 Madison. n 'State of North Carolina,:; No.,;-. 9. Township, adjoining the lands yof Ondger Bolt and -others, V and 'morfrViarticuIarly described -as ioOotfH. BEGINNING' on : soorwood on the end of a ridge in-or near south east line of; the old tract, about 16 poles from the southeast corner, and runs a northeast course alonig the top of a ' ridge, "arid '(with-' a marked line, various courses1 to ii stake in the Uioreil line oi the oiq tract; then a southwest eourse' and wfth the line of the old' tract s to 5 thV southeast corner of the old tract ii the Ray line; then a south course, about 40 poles to' a stake in'thef Eliza Lawson Kne: then a northeast course, about 15 poles wftn that line to the 'Jones Branch; then," with 'the .Branch- southwest course about. 80, poles to a poplar; the southeast tqtner of the eld tract; then northWfcW -wit the old line abbot 15 poles tothe BE GINNUING, containing abikia ,85 sv V vVJ-, -r" ii f' 'i - " .VB."BARNES ESTATE- (Names' of H eirs U p too wn ) . "-Defendan U." , Thejderendntsfoove named, hav- ing oen auiy servea wjtn process as ftqnired f lw'-smd INTERLOCU TORY JUDGMENT OF FORIXLO- SUE having been- duly entered in the Superior Court of Madison Coun ty -against the said defendants there- iore aa outer persons owning- or Claiming an-interest in the land de scribed in,.aald Judgment, will take notice that on the 4th dav or Nov. ember, 1929, an action entitled, as - ali..4laA - A.I X f j 1 . ' bov was commenced in the Superior ijourt or uaaison County for the purpose oi loreciosine rax Laens for the taxes due for1 th :: vmm 102a. 11929, and 1926. and on th. hollow- described hi a Deed from vernott'n real .estate:;;''-';i:'':r.-, i;' M Rogers and wife. Estav Roarers, of v. Described in a Deed from Thomas the County of 'Madison, State ''6f;,Fr?8bee and wife,'-(Iaude Frisbee, to Register -of speeds- for ' Madison anaaDetn names, dated January 2, wrr.fcemiecft parcel, or lpj ".ef. "Jand,; Northerly, course, f 'situate; .'Im'gt and bejng in ihe Cou-, Spring Creek, 6( down - and with 60 feet to the iomer lying and being in the- V 0"MMifio1;' State-oCNorth Caro-Jof the Town of Hot Springs' prop tb; Carolina, ;ht "Madison 'Jina, BEGINNING sr stake Jn the erty; thence an easterly course-with Moitft .rounsW.!..,rt:3'?.-- saw- - A certain pieee, -parcel i-nr -lot. land, situate, Uttunty, and -bounded :as 'zevunm? wo5 mwir rae.ian;oi tne town 01 Hot springs .BEGINNING' enfe a dogwowd,c fit D:sMrK residencewhere' property, about 160 feet totfe. W. corwr.tff ft a CG Jeek, neie liye the ford of Laurel; thence njr a ridge- Je own of MarsjTiIiF,; and in the corner; thence, a tanthcrly vjcovrse swd-with said; Peek's line sv black outh margin of th:lley, Tnilninsr -mm'Trf.' F. Rogers Lumber'Dom pin1 Stephetr Codi Dc4 'tinf'e: nd;--jassipg!!around said i. H. ; paya lflie to W. C FdeieY'fTne; tH : south - eourae and with the "Baird s - stable, said stake being in thence with- Fowkar's line t o - the said Xlooyt Mn to' an'ash''-on ' n engle of' aid : street and -runs,, northeast,, corner of .the-iot Ti which rock; corner-- of' the mM 'flUphejiJ'' the-, west margin of ;thefiratrhe -now lives, .aaid li being' 1 feet from the Town, of Het'Sprfc prop erty;, to; the W, 3. : Fowler's 1 . "rty, 4VtaTi VA ea WAatAvlv aaAnwoA rli Paw. id Cody's; thence th; cro BE- M lno. Sb! Hi,T1tllllea wwfw Bein? the' same land conveyed by n Iti tc C T., Zi As5eI,111.eVthten 62-W.IEiirabth Barnei ,nd husband, H. ?TTNr 'SJfa. 7 PieS Md- S t0 ?kJT Vh!'B- Earne. to" J.- A. Brooks and I'5r N5tlfri lL( ! ?,Uth S1""111 f tht 8f Tdn t- ? ' ris Drnes, ; deed d-ted Nov, -t. ber seres, be the same more or less. (alley herein naroH, f 1 Dr. I. E, iqo-j rerA i RnnV - Bafal th- aame land onvvI 'h it-.. v. , !S.F 7 l"5'' ..W"f-J OOk f -, . ? . . .- .. . '.- r l"-""" "". 1 4 ' iIf a 42. in the oli.ee or tha i .3- . t cf Dee-t for' Kadison Couiity, . I.'oi 1 Carolina. ' " ' . f It 13 f 4 ordered that a'l c t r r 1 . . .1 . r . . -1 1.1 . . . . d. J. DiiiKie ana w ue, m. a. s. le, j poles and 13 li: to J. D. P.ice, by deed dated Octfiopr NING. that is, v 17, 1921. recorded m Book No. 42, Pagra 4""2, in the. office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Madison Coun ty, Isorih Carc.na. leads to Dr. J. 1! t-. the i;:.:. '.1 t a street t . I r.l's " B'al- containing of same more or ln It is also ov f -re bei;'. the It i' rso ord 6r?d tst Tl oth pt J persons clair t ti c. 1 t pprons climiir s - r-J T" - f n interest m tho hereinafter df of FniJ action f!'.l i ?u! iect ma'ter r-ror s-1 r , set uo a71 i ?"- claims, in r.f,Y.w.-.ns t'lv'tniRff an interest 1.1 .' "t r- nr of f id action fit, rt ! j ' '. i . t up and ' i"" "v c'..' in six 5 ; ' I f ti.is notice, 1 lie 1 orever .bar i of any and ail in ii cr ti f'.e rr-rer. . , f - '-I t" r " t' " t cres more:tJeiC:;5i It is alsd Ordered-that iltoUiei' per sons efaimmglterst in the sub ject matter of - said "actiott shall p peor and present,5 iteO'rtp end defnd their respeetVfreclaims, in six monttis frpm he.date of Wnoface otnfij wiseo they tfial ik IeWT.bkrre and forftclosed VI nfJtii W tntte. ests of claims Jn6r to the property; or the proceeds from the sale thereof, This the 7th day JULYMaO. J. HUBERT DAVIS, Clerk . j --' Superior CuWMadlson - IY ' Nort"fi;arolifaa. NOTKQE SERVICE y. w..- CASr:NO.-'T6l- i i"1- UHSfiiM rlo,174-C2) NODTH A3ROLINA, 5 " MADISON "COUNTY, v '"'"i-''u1ir tbe '9twir Court MADISON COUNTY, Plaintiff, A l- vs. ' u.;- MRS. D.- T.' FARMER ESTATE- (Names of Heirs Unknown), ' . , t . Defendants. The defendants above named, hav- fag been duly served with process as required by law and INTERLOCU TORY JUDGMENT OF FORECLO SURE havin been duly entered in the Superior . Court of Madison County against the said aeienaanis, therefore, all other persons owning or claiming an interest in ' the land described in said Judgment will take notice that on the 4th day of Novem her. 1929. an action entitled as a- beve was commenced in the Superior Court of Madison County 'lor tne purpose of foreclosinr. Tax, Liens for Q enatter how determined' their effort, k Is never possible for the children to eat all the good things with which they find them. .. selves surrounded at Uuistmas tune. So M is an excellent plan to get at . least half , of your cake' and candies fat tin containers which will keep them fresh for a long time. Handsome boxes, beautifully dec. orated, containing fruit cake, choc- - elates, fleet fruits, hard . candies, nuts, all ready to eat or keep In definitely, can now be obtained any where. - 4, ' -1 y(" 9, The Containers Count ''-L ' 'The contems of these tin boxes aren't the only things that SfVint, for very few of the containers them- - selves are ever thrown away. Long after the last piece, of carefully ' doled out rcake or candy has : di jpeared "down an -..eager young- tier's throat the big round fruit,1 cakeboxea, the rectanguUr' cookie : boxes, the tall containers for hard -candies are all m om brightening , the kitchen and pantry shelves, or -' serving as a sewing, a manicure, or ,. a handkerchief boay or tt keep -cigarettes dry out on the porch. These," boxes are so' finely made -and decorated that they keep U . fresh looking for years as their con tents keep fresh- until -they're con turned. Many grocery stores- and . chain -storet handle, these tin con- . tainerj'of Christmas . goodies, sndv one grocer taid of the fruit cake . boS. . ( T Combination 61 Ifllit cake and-that bright red box comes as close to. eating' ypur cake and keep- -ing it as anything I have ever seen,. No one . ever throws -the boxes - awy.Mf- " k - ifcvS v MrSS BESSIE MAIfi KENT, W. ' J"(doniSued from, First, PageY . oi JtlOO Jfor; information leading to heTv,whereeboujb Even- after friends and relatives of the girl had Ifiven ttp hope 'of' her "being fonnd, 'tne father continued to -make" "inquiries and TOlicitd the.ssistance. it police and social aid workers in many sec tions bf the iountyU- i ,.The gifj's mothe? is aarj'to have died Several ,'ydars asfo. She wins considered. an. nnnsqally rJgh,) and popular stgdemyishscheol, and it had been believed that she' was satisfied with her home environment. Ac cording :iperr1atheiy jshv had ,hfd tio'aifllttqJiKS any 'iembeM NOKCEQ? SERVICE '-"" v iCASE "NOr343 ''' J "i oB'f SfTewnshlw-Ne.-.' p. " 1 mm mm 0,eipriew vvart MADISON BOUNTY, Plaintiff, CEDiMQN and-wfe, MRS. v.. g., v. .tfliUMUW jueiendants. The defendants above named, hav ing been duly served with -process a a required by law, and INTERLOCU TORY JUDGMENT OF FORECLO SURE having been duly entered ia the Superior Court of Madison Coun ty against the said defendants, there fore,; all other persona owning or claiming an interest in the land de scribed in - said Judgment will take notice that on the luth day of Octo ber, 1929, an action entitled as above was commenced in the Superior Court of Madison County for the purpose of foreclosing Tax Liens for the tax. es due for the years 1920 and 1921, and on the following real estate: ' ' Described m a Deed from. Elmer thn family: or the? School faculty which made ,her .disappearance the more difficult-to understand. . NOTICE OF SERVICE 1 .. trt . " v case No rr- " ' TeWV Ne. l yTsid ft " itfnPTW "in a Dm .m Y "'xi irADlSDN C0IJNXY. PWBtiffr:. ilEN)EY Jt, : (Hjt) - AjUUNQTON . . and wiXe M83. HENRY R. H.K.) . X?lr HARRINGTON.' DefendhKts. '-!P "defendants shove : named, having been duly served with process "qa rjy .law, nd.. INTEB. t LOCUTORY JUDGMENT OF-J'OIIEM CLOSURE haeen, duly entered 9y tneSupertor, Court-aof ;Madison " Countr against the said defendants, : therefore, all, othes peraoasf1! owning or clalMng Jtf interert ,fa ,tte landv ' described in said Judgment win take btice tiit on tHe.ttli day ef Octo- -' ber-1929, an cUon entitled as, a bove wna commenced fn, the, Superior Com of Madisoa Cbunify fo the -purpose"6f forecloiin Tax tiena for the taxes duerfor the-yeans 1918 and 1922, and on -the following real es tate ifviii ipescribjed- msrf Deed frtmr-W; F, Maasey-.and iwfe." 'Marvi 5Ann iMafc- - sey, to H. R. Arrington"and wife, , R., J. Arrington; dated August 16, -l 1912, recorded. In Book No.- 30, Page 71, in t)ie office of the Reg- H " ister or Deeds, for Madison Countv. North Carolina."' , (w ' iti. "Lying 'and "being in No. 1 Town ship, Madison County, situate, rying and . being on the waters of Walnut Creek in the Countv and State a foresaid, adjoining the lands of the Widow Gentry,, Maud Hunter j; and others,'' -'- i,-; 4' ' c BEGINNING on a small willow in Randall, to C : Cvff Redmon, dated 'the, branch, Maud i Hunter's begin- th' taxes due for the year 19i54ana jniv r.,ii5. recorded in Deed Book ' ninir comw. thmcwntA witn i on the following real estate :L No. 82, Page, 827,011. office -of said. Maud Hunter'a iline 12epoles -n.oinhH in a (Iffd from ---vOra !v-: D.nlit.. a niAa.:fjK. M.nn u . kl,..il.n. ..Ok u. Mae Plemmons and hubandr A - J. County, North Carolina. ' ArfJ-, Ja.1.- .1 j . - ,ilu J i i Plemmons, io--Mrs,u. 1. r armrr t Lyingtiamd' bewgtm; theTewni: 01 theftce-np andwith1 the ; top f- said , Madisda-vConprA:Norli,r-CiUna,fHok Sprmgej'MadisoTi Coun"NcqhMrire, Wpofe ten of .'. ' dated May 27, 4916, tecorded r jn JcaroBrm, ioeki E"s of Motmtain 'Hif h-SoCk -Ridge j-theifi i-South" and - -- Book No.. S5; Page nvv.iesouieiHelKn;ii.snbdlvisieV'0M we :lw,fci.th top ef'safy 'tidejf-18 poles ' , of the Register of . -Deeds- fo Mao Ecity of ngt: Springs North Carelinay- to Ban"AnderS(m's eorlrerf'thence n son County-'North Carolina. 1 , i U map" of which 'subdivision is fe- astf an"5 wfth? ald lttTe'i'-'Tm 'poleaiS' ' -.Situate,' ly.ing.aod behig Jn- No-3 Ecorded iif thiptutlicr reco1'ds"6f Mad; 'ngfJWX m njr'fTf the; field' said Townshrp, Madison. .County BEGlNxtigon T5oUnty.'-'N6rth 'Caro3ma,;?,?iiiI Bn'srhefi'' ahdilliaTrfHRun- T NINO;on- a'-che8tnut...on .topper. , tne tDeed -.BoTc 3XofS?T&g$':23 nidifl rheU'eWc'Vrtk'iK BotnnTiv witn tna meanows vj. rh mart-. , s&m LilocK. "ii. "De.cz z" n rt'tfii 'v.,. o Uiw .4kA.lonH mine: rid 0. -SO poles to a chestnut-oak; thenjSotitn; '25-E. 11D poles- io , : iu . y- t ."" -.". Ham Anderson's lino, or s Jar- s Da vis bonded .tract-.then'-.Soutn-rwith said Anderson's line, 66 pole to nis white pine- corner; then we poles to a chestnut nd 'ic line; then with noron s 1 e place of the EIXJI.mNINC. int? by estimation, sixty-; Bond registered in , Book . TV 154, and being the f eon -pi by II. A. Ou-:... r, tor . J. J. Cu.'Ter. decc c', A. Farmer, by deed dated Ju 1892, recorded in Book No. 6, Page 273, in t'ie .ofTice of tv 'ter of Deeds for ilau.son North Carolina. - It is 'o ordered that a.I c oprsons ciairr.ir.j-an interest in t r-""er of sa;d action s r - 1 J -"t, sot rp end ,- ve ' .ia . f . ' C f ' ? 80 n's 1 .e . i res. 3, 3 J. lit c:i with ence bounded "-by - Glenn -nd . Curtiss K k of a branch: thence m. and Streets and tne fTencn eroaa'anve, fitii the. hranch to the BEGINNING. as snown upon iubji. u. ' Being the same tracrpf "d r"1.- veyed by C. C. Redmon e i wu e, Lockie RedmOn, t ' A L. Johnson, dated"' -- J"1, - Jl 9 ? 0 , recorded-in Deed c . 3!,- Fsge 675, in the ofT.ce of .ie .Register of Deeds for I.Ia;on County, North Carolina, Said lad -was conveyed by ;A. L. Johnson, to E. II. Eollins, Jart"-v 18, 1921, deed recorded , in De. ; Book No. 42, T-Te 154, an! conveyed by E. II. -Hol'.i.is an,! wife, Visties M Roll;. -is, to I'ary C. Lor-, January 19, 1321, r1 J r-i-''rd-.i ii Deed 1 ok No. 4J, 1 i ,e 13, in the o.T.re of the Kr; Ler cf -Deeds -for Mat'ison County. It is nUn ordered t...t all olfcei ne.rsons c!irairg an i..ret in th ,ub."ect ' mn'.f et cf said ac'ion ?'.s'i rrr;:r and irtrt, get vt a- ! fond Vr T re ': .- .e C. ' il f TO; " t ' ' i t" C C'f 1 .! f "f " . j Contain?" 75 acres mor or less. t i'.e.same land conveyed by II. I;. . ir- ton- and wife, R. J. Ar-c r'-toi, to Pnrmle Crow and wife, Ke.iie Crow, ty d. i c' -f "?Tovem ber 23, -19?!, recoi 5 '. wk No. -43, Page 13, it ti e., ce of the Kc..:.ter of Dec's ,fr Madison County, North Carolina. V .' -Being the same tract of land de- , f-ribed in jl Deed of 'Trust from ' Donnie Crow evA vife, Nellie Crow, 1 J-'" 1 II. Kclroy, Trustee, and Tie c;t;r"na 1."'".-,- party of the V i r-'-t. ' i i 'uary 3, 1930,' reeor 1 1 in I ' f Tru t rok No. "1,1; el J, ! , ; ' a c; '.ce of the 'r ' f ' I ' for IJadieon C. , l' ... . tii; " -a. It i ' ;-..;rd t t ell otier per . , i ' r.n i '.Tf-t in the sub- '. - 1 f rs'.l t.;a ' ! '1 ap- - i : t, tin u r--"J - t- f -i