1 i i pinc , Mm MADISON COUNTY "RECORD J " Established June 28, 1901. - FRENCH BROAD NEWS .Established Ma 16, 1907. . : -CoiolidaUl Nor 2, 1911 THE NEWS-RECORD' TV Pr that tall whatK - pcopU ia it country a we'J a those in town are 'doing, x It- Published TWICE A WEEIITuesdays and Fridays. ' n i THE WsTABLISHED' NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY . i MARSHALL, N. C, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1930 ZBOO 4 Pages This Issue VOL7XXlA, -A . ;.,-! ..... OXFORD" OliPilANAGE TO BE 7 ; - m mm, ro Thursday; teem, JULY24, 8:C0 O'CLCCIC :The ringing 'claas " of the Cxforl Orphanage will give, a concert White Rock next Thursday ever.: July 24th, 1ginnint at 8 o'clock - - The next tentag they will he', at Marshall, a announced in , last week! paper.- It is hoped the peopl ynn turn out in great numbers and ;njoy. fine program in addition to helping a, verv worthy eause. Z s-v .J.( FREE WILL JJAPr i TIST REVIVAL ,c The revival, hich was to. have be gun at the FreS'WMTBa'ptrsf Shurch the second Sunday in July, and post Tinned nn account of . the llness of the minister-,; is scheduled ttfvbegtaJ ; .' ..rj.' fii4.V' l"OAtr .,T'AV1 next Bunaay, wiv A. Lockle, aJVKsonaryBaptst.and a full-blooded Indian, ; wiU do -the preaching. All ''members" of all churches a, incited to attend, and urged to cooperate, , STRANGE FREAKS of: mature r: ALEXANDER PARMER HAS - AND EAR OFCORN ;0 1 V' V-f Mr. jr-'Maucta." AlexaHdet, E. P. D. No-r, has in nis pobbnuuu Do6ks , jla library is located In v.- am orViSeh he'.t ..i;v..iJ .. Ui. b on hk.KlanUtion .recently. riiM is clearly marked with whati appears almost perfectly Roman t - - ten, hence' the- freak ajmosi . w the form oreW" P f"! "7 (. nrintinff. TiBvea-.iJDafV':iFJ' I . now for printers and engravers . , comes taut competjtori If Nature comes in av what shall we do?,, LT.lr Mr. Baucas w ----- ... . . v-Vhlr1 W has nftgraineh. f corn ontttJatofeSOTreTM -' look, like WrfflJ cToeicThe' feot, while tt;SwMA mnMruc of Ajnan's hand having f few fingers' and "a thnmn, , -r. . -f .j ... ,' u. ..!1 mrmber of jeopie n-y ".T 'V. r Mr. MucVe te see freakish farm products. strangeiy : . . . MAff DIPT 7 'r llliif rr1?' B"6- VVi ;" "p L ak-. isUtu- WnwU frequently called,Jipoa to DlbLV0..v, VJI tWlW'W' ' rr maKh.:decision ! vTe-.-givft. .good n r;K'lST7j'rair?TliW?r. W Mm . V . ir n v' l,flervlc he fliuct, know ;all. about. ihe P. 0 A l"l I iV i li l) Firmer of Marshall and Mr. Gar- h'ktflWw, sf.U. gotxis., . ' PRESBYTERIAN SCHOOLVAT iii t rnsN CLOSES' n eiiNDAY "All '!: - "'. : s.VMjk whlchhas,rbeep conducted at Spill- com.hr the .Presbyterian. churcb,j . x ia. ' ..,.'- . - j teld'iU clesinf exercises on Sunday fternocs. The school , was --..iL .Theattendance was that "could, b., expected, ,and the h terest and behavior, was exceljent The school was taught, m Jour de partments, the Intermediates by Mlse AnneclL Hyaerthe Juniors by, Miss Eruabeth- Mortem," the t , Primaries and,Eejinnersby Misses Florence and Helen Hyde. Rev". James L. - Hyde -acted t as superintendent. . 1, J . . i LUHiiia .- -.r- - 1 i . . , - ..rfail t IM Am- it. M t j.u ..V kitmrnfC UlU W r,r, ""prTtCHARD. TO :y,rf baVemt exc.ved, erican- Chemical Society .the e'.: ven the earnest desire of that they one. wili ;- "ZXTTT 7 IJe V'yChOT. j nr. c ( f . J 5 i! Lawrence H Rupp, of Allentown, Pa., new Grand Exalted Kuler of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, 7 MARSHALLLI4 BRARY TO OPEN The Marshall library,- which has not iboqp b use;, for" two years, has been opened. wih Maa-' Jttkrgaret Ward as "Librarian. .It .will be ,o- ren. en Wednesdays and " Saturdays from until four o'clock. " The - :ai.. tt wtpome,lUe Ji,brary at the,Vewf Jiweybelieye ttai one pVpie, pfd htere is- no! : e-th-greats -raihr -on- Aueildai charge fthe use of the Ubrary jboslness 1 the bankruptcy situation. 'clBrcv ,,,,,, 4 . J . j V- ,. -vriTtT niiT! 'IRS - L0SBY; BALL - .DIES UNEXPECTED ': DEATH I SHOCKS , pjNE j',,, , IMrp -rTIAN r . " - -f r" 4 Mrs. Mosbr Ball. age 38,' ef lit. T?- l bout. bW ! - i .... Infant born, ihat . morn-' ,t,vi I' i,n,r.T,. .jiMr anaiAarasiM Ball's death came as a shock to the, twiMwyr w... y, T te the eommunityy where she is well its, rir-.-- ------ Monday afternoon at two o'cocsx lai mi jMsijr ctiuomj, tvuuuireu at the f afrfily cemetery." conducted : foaitlsteihf as follows: Mrs. Emma tJ.!i.'IPlne. Mrs. Dells Earl of Ed-. monton,. Alberta, Cnnat(a and .Mrftlthe 'yalVLa?Scliool and economic M&i-iirAVwl ;nf Waterloo, indl ana. . - , t,.t,,-- - , , t ,, I .. .... v .. 'f ... . ... . . .. - I 3:UPDAS;CT. - MilOUESi There :pkk-up in' building .... i ..,. 11 :3.1i:..k hark to onularity.v Eut.thenew busings are not much, Kke thoeeef garter of eentury ago.ras new bnu. ara eonformlnr . architecture, 1 ' w r modern, .methods more i"" --- - ,i nrt a not oh" on the part ox PerirtmBif 'cientG.uls accidentaUydlsioyered .fortheAmericsn Nation S.'tTh.' Seed TliTltT: wha. dyeing; their ,.SucK type, of mind, inth.. United HoW'to recognise THE PUBLISHER'S 'An ' 'The'i)uWisber.df The NewB-Hecdrd is leaVinS: Wdqesjr morning jf or .Blowinjc Rock, to attend ,the a4ijua vm? efensr pf newspaper men and women ef the jstate. Practically -all the business, 1 and" prof esionar peopfeiowaday ' haVe.1 flhieie (icon ventions; th'e purpose of which :iio exchange ideaafor, the improvement of their lines of jwor: to ming),e sociailly and for a time to get away, from the regUlMr grind of routine, feople who engage in the same line of Iwrfrlc have many experiences in' common, one with another, and -It is often beneficial to get one another's, viewpoints and solntfcns of certain problems. " The convention is composed jndt only of those engaged in the publishing of weekly and also of the large dailies of the dailies are as different from provinces of each. Hence the to have discussions which pertai fcarticularly to themselves. We trust that our attendance in even- better service to our JUDGE URGES NEW BANKRUPTCY LAWS Judge William 'Clark,; of .the U- nited States District Court,- New in. an. inieryiw.m io' . MamzinA. Juries Clark : Bointa OUt i that In 1929 there were 67,280 fafl- ures which cost $800,600,000. ThU total loss. He " adds that three fourths of f the failures could baVe Our bankruptcy laws,' continues ",'fl 1 A.the Judge,' permits ns to help those wh .havetsf ailed jfoy raon-'i not of their own. fault. -.But this class is comparatively . emalL nd he believes ,t"W ne- DM -M wfoae. J" f i. t.-.i- tt. willful dl- "ion ' of fundai for. .peculation oi or ' . VKMTa - ha Makfk be can- exxrawweo .wnnav,; eefled. "We must prevent Ineffi- Lcimit ajjdlimethical meaJrora get- . . . Lk. i tmg nacK mvo T!tllWtc4 kM ting Uck into Duamoaa, uuiui i 1..,.,. mho "in ,nguui 7 does not Keep propw hooka e re- . . rf , n ! principles 1 for ' bejiWuptc proefeed ,of - tags,' His1 mettiods I are ' heing stud- . J Is ;:t)MjartnWntf 'Cintmerce bodies.'4 He "hopes' 'for a' tnoreugn . f . i reytoira of the 'bankruptcy ( rr. ' ' INy0JTS;I 0?r .V ,., ... r.?..l;ir.'--1JJJV3 c-r Jjvi the first it time- sine, the Is Ahe. invention, of Ralf, 5" ? f0 . J of the Mellon Institute, os - : . . r .. T .- .yntaeue.,jeoem -- . .. ' 1 TIai4 avt heltA ta' mine. Taut ,tne worm v . .u avnthetii" nw kind or soaD.nas ari":'e- ! Statea.. Great Britain . and Jmran ares falfa seeas. ,wa - ,.i(f"i - " MUIIN OUT VARIOUS -rJATJERS' semkweekly newspapers, but Stlite. The problems of the those jpi the weeklies as are the program provides for each group :atj this convention may result pafrojis. iW:BEC0M- !ING?FUEL" 5 JJ5' w1, DEALERS 'Jtfor scientific methods of heating American homes have" forced the coal de Ter- fo "adopt, someN)f. the hew VvAoiis now-, hiiiguseaijjatptild Man ""Winter,, The old-Ume o nan, who 'of teij " handled vlgot ( wood, ce menC lumber and what-not, is learn ing to be a fuelpecjalist," t He isf called, upon, to wpplaLthe grade of coai jOtoi pesi; aqaptea io specwu types f heating, plailts. ,If '.his pus;, tomer burns ,qoal ., he must know whether ,"gg, r'Vunan?e." "mt,f "pe'a f,,wbuckwheat',; wil ,give 'the best jresufts inAhat particular house.. If jthfr customer operates an' eutT mnf.io nil bnrripr he musf know some? thing Bjbout'jheVl crartertics 1 of Oie'jUujee.grjades. ef fueloitvuedr1n mis type oneamg,jappw?uB1 A recent survey, indicates that the rivaUr. etweeVe oaJdcalet apl theotJ,huner,dear ist' disap pearing. Fuel, oil ,(tanks. are s rising oesiae coal piles ana in .many places furnace and domestic .-oil-, burners jy, aarefui t tnatructlons 0Out the T.IIEE'N,A.TE- rXESSION- v k j.jih ,;' , ! v., Mrt . .. . ni.i . M . . ,ine wnitea ae. ' . , . ... Showin- but U1 have te defer this, to sub speeial sessioiv and it expected to . 6.- Exploje : JDust Showmg Four . generations of ratify the London -Naval Treaty, the menace of dustnd explaining were .nTnted. and a which fr generally regarded,.. , an,' the cause, and prevention of lJ J important steph hi .diearnwm.ent - and trial explosions. . 'otm tak h Mr. E. M. BaU worm peace. -1 ne appoww. comes, from groups .who 'still helieve, in un- restricted mUitary .strength -as. an. oyerwhelmed In mnhers .;by;,.those .sion ne rresiaent saw inat me prea- a . an. . a . m . ' nt treaty -is. ene which Holds, tne j. . -.,- military military M A D I S O N fC 0 U N T YVT,0 i ! Z i HA VEiPAHT IN' PAGEANT, t:tS. -::v.. j m? --is Dr. Lee De Forest, inventor of the radio "tube," whose patent on sound film recording has been upheld by the courts. AIDING ALL VETERANS In issuing th order for the con solidation and reorganisation of all veteran agencies of the. Federal Gov ernment in accordance with the act of Congress) July . 3, , the President stated that the change would result m effecting considerable economics in -ryeterans', .relief ' activities and bring about a consolidated budget of-800,Ofl,000k ; -"I regard5 the orrjauiMHro.uuu.. regard tnel tkm ,Bame into f existence." OWYEXIOBITS ATiJOUNSON .CITY -FAIR r Nine , .large' . xhibits . requiring" Mi, 9. nnn foot ftn fmn the United States' Pepartment , of 'en4 of the business meeting -Mrs. Agricuiture f Washington, ' D CC, : Moore reet a delicious Ice -cburse. will hentto,' the JLppalachiari W.' Present were esdames - Crawford trict'Fair ,t Johson'Oi.this ye.'jBryan, Pipes, N, B. McDevitt," Cora' Thase'.exfclbits' will.he pn" J display jAHiBOan.d H. L. Story oftte'Mar diu'ring'th.e entireFair week.' Septem, shaO church, and; MesdameS Walt -bePa to IS. Inclusive. ' ' ? " ' "'N Johnson", Elmore. J. R.;ftwen; E. ner B'gpis,, inclusive. ,. iJt . . . , j ccrfingtocommunica -2- Vaiue vof f Pasteurisation, -demonstrating how the pasteurisa tion ' of milk prevents disease. - S.'" "Corn V!" Demonstrating tho value of corn in livestock- produc- 4 ' "Home Furnishing Clubs" anWed anlma carieons contrast- f " 1 r" .' ... j ' ' I'ci w?wil0'oS;big PINE jZ mZT u hntari from Detroit; Mich. And- other -dis-How to select clothes and furniture. -f. .. - 5. ""Farm Forestry." uemonsira- thrgl ' the revenue possvie - irom eourca o ' t . . .... A r ' . 1 . .. - v mnAVMd ATTOn flVITa1 i 1 --orcnara rroiecuon. i. - ---Trr- lng - todenf damage- to now to control them. - - - fitaininv, Law.v: red elover .and :k . : 9.'' "Information.1 U. ' 8. i Depart- These nine exh;bits require e .pec p4j or tailroaa tre4portanon,f l1 . .i.wit.i and are themselves- ana rw u,-.. FIFTY .CHARACTERS, . NEEDED TO REPRESENT MADISON v ' "COUNTY1 'AUGUST' tl ' r. - Madison , and BuncombeCounties are planning this year to have, part in the program to, be. given at the Test Farm f . . Western North Car-, olina at Swannanoa, N. C, August 21. The home demonstration agent of! Buncombe County, together with Miss Crafton, home demonstration agent of Miadison County, and . Mr. S. E. Clapp, who has charge of . the Test Farm at Swananoa, are work ing together with a view to staging a pageant, depicting the Wistory of tho rural life of the two counties, the pageant to be called "History of Rural Life in Western North Caro lina." Those in charge are anxious to get the names of those who are Willing to be used in this pageant. It is desired to have characters from various sactions of the County. Those who would consider taking a part will please communicate with Mass Frances Crafton at Marshall N. C. The pageant will be staged by Miss Edith . Russell, who has charge of the Rhododendron Festi vals in Asheville. , Those, who have attended these festivals t may have some idea of iher ability by, what they have seen. As the. time, is short, please do .not, delay., in com municatihg.with Miss.Crafton. , WOMEN MEET . . -fj.-rnii f T'4 nCs 'TTTT I' LADIES OF M. S; MEET AND r DISCUSS PLANS ' Officers, of the Woman's Mission- ary (societies oi tne, j?7enc ; joroaa Association were called by the Sup erintendent, Mrs. . R.- L. Moore to meet at her home at Mars Hill last Sunday afternoon, to exchange -and ' I get new ideas for -the -coming year. " Provd. to, be an Interesttng ana i most successful meetmg. - At ' tne if 'J'r" "tyt . y "".'"" Coated WeLeodi df Mars HilL . HAD FAMILY rJtEUNION - . -LAST SUNDAY v , The-, family.! of Mr. ' and Mrs. George W. Wild held reunion last Sunday at their home on Big .Pine.. Their" -Children Ian4 grandchildren. - -- " ewaMBi nwAMVif fnv tki'a a4e1itvlkf f ill Mi full account of . this for this issue, - - - - ... pwu RtudiA. f , Asheville.- 7' ,. lt .v. MArf premment men or tne county, ana hi.. homo i equipped -with .modern conveniences. . The surrounding mountain, are an ever-present feast , Jt win be. rec d tnat one' of the ."Carolina oun..n j Mxii'wni.i,ea vyy.. aa,...avi.tF a lilinilli inA road oxpnuVelV , ---- - . - v..k.,f ;. thr 5?ta.teii. Ihori- f r

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