( 7 ' 7 f r t f - . . I" Tilt fcfeWS-fcECtO-, i ' 7 . . . 1 1 h 'luVI A - v C- i .1 UAnimti.-fti,OT .rrmn -ffc.r TV-a-r tUt WlUV.t , 1 , 1 ' "J V r2?-; ' V' HRENCHBROATNEWSV - orU In t. ouatry aa w- -I " A- i v . V ' 7 V 7 I , 1 h f '4 'EteHehed May X, 1907.V ;v , - (j';!,,, I " , f FKbluhcJ TIC Ai, -Tcnday and Fridays v-i ';ff&h Vr , ' Writ 1ft' V- ' : ' " the established: nevcpjof -'.'J? Vl I ' I 'i " i k " k ' - - - l yt food be wrth thtt . ; ' i T -i 11 Thla ito,-- anestloM that" liMrlUtinsr ri;l'TMMhn Jv9mMnlcr lnt word I'lil'ot'ronnd tht dx hundred dollari "V irv ln-cash "would ba paid for the ben ' ' Jar of fruit, vegeUblee or meat en; v t ; ' l tered In the second ;National Can f ilffe in Contest Which Is' beingr held at Shanandoah,i tora, under the-nspic-.T&8 ei of the Household' Science; Ine ,tute. ' ,J . . , , .y. P. . Tne contest reess iu iunuw iStvrk of the U. S. Departirent of Ag- Ticulture : and:' the:ome demonstra tion' agents throughout i the country by focusing' the attention of Ameri can housewives on; tBeecononiiy and Tjealthfumess of home canned ioods. First prize winner In the National '- Canntnc Contest lalrt year weal Mrs. Mary : .HTass, Vehnn; farm woman, Whose entry ;o j quart Jar of green peas wm chown as the beat entered by: the, gWf and Women from all lections ; f ; the ' United ' States. UikhlMi ; The holding of the contest. v ... owa tms yew m uh v ty,-: of Henry Fieid, Bhanandoan xarjner, merchant and K FjN F5annouer Wa oiireer. la one of the on1ance of America Qfe.; Imbued Wth th aerye "Mresnti iand to& Jhw f0l '.. J.r-'pf Commerce-' - 'WJ iUANiut mcaEAfiEB tttvir. Tim PIECE GOOPS REqUKSTEK The AStniDBtno- tttil ltirfttinn': eort- tlnues unsatisfactory ecoWrntf'! to Manila. " hi: reoort to the'. betMurt- ntent ' of .Commerce and , loqal s dis tributors of American piece goods have requested the. tariff committee of the Philippine legislature to in icrease tbe tariff rates on cotton and rayon piece goods. , " WNIB HAMBURG SCHOOL IN GERi MANY TO TRAIN CITY BOYS FOR FARM WORK. Training city boys for farm work is the methljd now being tried out by the German Government to compensate for. the larsre number of farm hands which ! .have-been, attracted to the cities; ac cordimr to a report from Consul E. Smith at Hamiburg, made: public: by the Departmet of Commerce, 'ii WNIB : .;; HH' PRAGUE EVERY CITY ' , AND TOWN ;? IN . CCHOSLOVAKtA MUST HAVtE A PUBLIC LIBRAi RY. : - The education and entertain- i... - . . -,: .-. - t y. ?f ment : of 1 the Cechoslovakiah pobKe . TT i ?milrwi.k tia sold mnd denvered . v"vvv-' i-- - i - . . Ami ..letWPro eU TituXCT' rip . 3-i J ai J.' inniinlnl nrll.1 . ..-! ? ac a u ..v ia4nyroiet Cupi and rlM wm-MxdlilribBtt Jfl". major' divisions; eomnrisea three - best entry w "acn oi vision wui warded 100. One of theaeiwia also ' receive .'the ftve-hundred" dollar aweeprtakes prize. Second riie In eachdiviaien willhe: $50the a ' loving cupand ibbwi Tnere iara ea, 78 lrief';4 a.5ach and Ofl prises of . one dollar each. : In addition, .live 'hnndred ' j4ollava,ln - asn will be ; awarded, to . the -home K ; demomtrationogenlv whose icounty ' l "'"S uti4 in fth. larrest number Of en- trlear$25fr toe;;ient Whoji.foun-J ftS ty aerida ii-JAelnext largeut num ia: Ti nofl. to the arent of the , unHino, -in thn--third janEest AMERICAN tfrr.iTr!TS The Effective campaign fe'Wf the Chile government for bet- mrm :.mAn a nuA : ar tef roads naa creaiea 1 orhtelbV. according to a report reciyJui the Derartment 'It rm. Mint at ConcepclohChile American j,!ae ttiichinery, while order for ced meft, turned ttwl barts hovl, DicUe fit. AtMA. taAVA .fVffllllA- tjt- tSnnL aaif ox tne bulk oi the 3,000 auto mobiles and trucks at least 95 per cent of which are of American or igin, was made as a result of the relatively great improvement in high way facilities, and it is confidently expected that the eventual construc tion of other highways, the modern paving - of streets in Concepcion, Te- ftuico, Valdivia, Curico, and Osorno, a hot inconsiderable market will be created for machinery. WNIB VIENNA YUGOSLAV TEX TILE INDUSTRY DEVELOPING RAPIDLY. The Yugoslav textile in dustry .is at present in a very healthy state 'with many new factories beine built and existing factories en- ... j larged, according to Assistant Trade Commissioner Henneth M. Hill, Vi enna, in a report to the Department d. Commerce. WNIB 'OSLO NORWEGIANS HAVE NEW BANANA RIPENING PLANT. Ainew modern plant for ripening banana was recently opened at FUiP stad, -5 Norway, t according to Trade issIinneY, tiundrun Carlson, .a- reasYt to the Department of Cfmimerca. Thi. ta ' aW , to " be the i i 1 3 f ill P Vf . I ' i. 'I i H 1 1. 7 rrn "'t 4" 1 , if;Tl,e Orfortf Orphanage Singing Class is scheduled to. irive, a concert at th- Marshall -JUJgh School aud!itorum to- imgni Tiaay), July 25, at 8 o'clock P. M. You. no doubt, know something of the good that has heretofore re sulted from the visits made by these children, and we are confident that tho effort to make the forthcoming visit success, as well as a blessing WN. our community, will enlist your hearty co-operation. sjrATE TUBERCU LOSIS CONFERENCE State Tuberculosis Cnnffrpnr at Salisbury, August 7th, morning, af ternoon and evening will have for its matin objective the working out and presentation of plans to prevent the probable increase invtuberculo sis in North Carolina during the next 5 years. .. During periods of stress, partic- TO RiEET SATlHQXlViJliemploymeht, pellagra ia the first oi ine aenciency aiseases to snow is ' v r - V " ' 1' j ' -" -Ralph D'AgoUinO, Brockton; fj-vlnir to beat Shtowrcck Kellv'i- ree for continuoua nagpoic tMtiiH, A .ord leat in.the air. SCHOOL - TEACHERS - anhmed Tettnlv'iw!th Vooinrf' with ening process, but also with offices and 'other necessary adjuncts :- "7? mi lrtrt ncrf Office that "now i e...timeac:be-f half of the tobacco growers and aH ' other farmerfc It has' i, fine iinele rednce thot tav onftt early ?aetionv of rCongresa; next : D-" LISHMENTf OF, BELGRADE " OF eenervi.H4aJte strnr ;ppeal; Tvnrl,a of Foreign "and fal behalf f4he;id tloW ftA P to open fergei e aavJtog tfTective te behalf 2f -iW!siiiBi the :;aiiect..iMd.dMnc.tohMe 1 0ureau man mentions air or tne aoimaramna . ; i. " i-.wm.i Ynrei(ri coun- a JheiWe detafli: of, industry, ltte CANADA BEQUJKS& invwivas skm rorplu Ji jpwney, Weec3??iVeivs Letter in thai two columns 4f this tnroice is accounted for by fluctwtfen In the f market valuet between "date of purchase and date of shipment." ra xAND VALUE j ON-THAT " DATE : WXm '"..C Miai-BeifrJel McbinietiaWhter 1 Canadian fcppraisin:offaser to.sat- j the Bureau's foreign nature ?aXfo work has been vv;- , jnay-enUr 'one, tvo. wHa;. f U-0 'iM.."'KHrUi: ahold'..JM SBC OS i '7 . -. T . -i j.iJ V': . ... hospital m KmixWlie(: Teni. 4 - Miss of purchase and ;the date -of , ship- 0f .the 'seventeen pecMUe4..eo- TOBACCO prvisioN CR-EATED IN COMMERCE BUREAU Crea. tion. of a tobacco division in the Bu reau of Foreign and Domestic Com merce which- has been i necessitated by thf Increased requests-' forjcom. mercial services pertaining to the foreign marketing . of American to baccos find iobadco products, v -was announced June 57 by William L. Cooper Director, Since' J-uly, 1922 this phase . of trade p no- carried on in the Ford Hia : after danninat. mese win Ae placed arid kept on :Xv&MMti 3; 4ar the closing of tho contest, which :- i-;wtll be on:0ctober "i;:4--;-"ii-pv'X . CONTEST CXOSES ' OCTOBER f'A liVriit and rVeetable entries la the contest Vm "Wiudgefl.forjclearaess, ftolorpackj, neatness, flavor and texture, i The meat rentneswuiu- fudged en neataesa; teitara 'and airecof- cnooia--BiTti ujy ze, wiu meet at the 'court' ho ' in Marshall -tl o clock Saturday morning with Coun ty Superintendent C M. Bknken- ship. AH these teachers are urged to be on time for this meeting!,' as some matters of much ' importance will be diseussedi at "this time. M3ss Juanita McDougald front1 the-State Department of Education will be present to outline a. health program to be carried out this year in the county. A REUNION There will be a reunion held at the home of "Uncle" G. W. Bryan. AWuSt T, 1830. All relatives of tW.1imily.!,are invited to attend, andurged to-'bring dinner.' ,', - SERGT. O. R. REESE AND BROTHER IN COUNTY an increase. Deficiency-diseases, are thcfie wholly or nartlv itae manf - v Ificient "arid'faHnwiweilfattrf-.y'Wa. -Kava.i-:. " had this -increase n pellagra :orva 1 year ana, a nan, and . continues,:: : mcre.asing more and more as the ' days jind months go by. , .' fr C ' Tuberculosis develops more slow"""1 ly, but just as surely and the Ji1 ; crease in tuberculosis should aseAri next year and continue f oT sereral v years even if the present 'financial stress is relieved . by thl baginnbtg . of 1931. - The Cnoferenbe at Salisbury, August "-7th, "hopes" Id set-in motion" e it . a method for the Control of Tuber culosis, with the County. s the n nit. not heretofore 'Used and -th ir:. iff hole afteraoon will be devoted to lx this, and it is honed that we will be . able to redouble our efforts all ' a- , long-the line. Invitations are extended to phy '. sicians, health officers, nurses,, home demonstration amnts. horn m. ' - nomics' teachers, seal sale chairmen, state ' board of health, welfare ofn- -. cere, :members and chairman boards of county commissioners, educators ''. and any one' "interested in the con- trol of tuberculosis, for . each: of o5.' 'wi cable from Commercial Attacho Lynn has increased so.rldJy howW REVa.C:ECa :CpN that it has now been &mi--& - nmtter of Wrativ. A Rev. G. C.' Teaeme oaator.? at 'th ' m i.lnsx.! t. .rtv- pffieiencv to give to this Work;a TOora Missionary Baptist church, t, Mar.-g where there are fluctuationa in individual status. I Bnau??f Vm nW the markeTaJtti between fthe;date Benjamin"1 D. Hill, who-ikasnjbeAn j whee.$h wllL e j chMf, 0f the tobacco lectjoa of .meetu-ij ,,nene'tt,; toggoetedv-thatAmeri- th Buian -aWca Febroary,, m. . : ; v ' " . . iTnhrter to Canada incoinorate .... .. .A!i.tiir ( the- new nixed Vi ood authority wine 3 Dr. ife Z Louise Stanley director wureau - oi c homo economics. '"-V--v ;j Of . Agriculture '- C la. president "j omfca rA8aeciaiion ' V- north 'central f Utes i or the Depart-. texture, which, of - course, are lnv :tion ?:c 'I menl of Agrlcu!' re; lira. Joserlne portant eonsideraiions , s-pohtest ; m determfajjng wbeUieror: not dump Arnquist ;L -kker director ' of home judging;, : Cvi - 'I ving du ' appIicibleUndet: the ecwowifi for Iowa State Agrtcai-, That . the judging vmay be-jthor- dumpinar clause f .tho .Caaadiai! oughly impartial jtnd;the" dJ.-r!sy .of 'tariflf.' the" amount of v any -advance tural Cu'.'(ge, and 'Miss. Eaine.las. ey, leaders of '.jirls duh -work for ,lIissis?:rrL-'- . v V ' ContesUnts are free to nse any method.of .calling they prefer, at ' eordmg to Crace YUU Craynation , ally known canning, expert, and see-; reta.ry - of the. Contest, . However, ' the ie of a iteam rrewuro cooker fa recommended ty te' U.' S. De- Jars absolutely uniiorm, . co -t are required to aubmit .the:? .tiiiil fn : the market Value-between .-.the time': of purchaso and- the dat- of a standard g'ass Jars, of the ujuart shipment' li' iio subject to dumping f - k 1 v ' . i . 1 1 . . - - t . J aT. size.' A aarrple T-H rul jar And carton togeer with prLre ettry la bels fox use in sending7 entries may be. had, without cost by wriJng' .the Natlon&l 'tTaBr.ing "'Contest, henaji dsju Iowa. duty-.- 'Whero' tEera ls reduction in- the' fair -;market vaiuo .between the date of 'purchase; and the .' date of shipment,; a' elkuM to the follow ing effect ofien appears -on invoices: "The difference between the' values Sgti O; R. JReese, of - the United! States Park Police f orce,: and . his brother, H. S. Reese,-airiyed in Marshall Tuesday roornmiV They are sons of ."the late Lowery A. lWBO ..w.vh - I County and themselves . are former (these groups has a part fat the"con- cStiaenr, of -Madison JCounty., jaar..re program. - - Lowers A. Reese and ,his , family Dr. H. E. Kleinschmidt, Medical , moved t Washington in 190S. v Officer on the staff of the NaUonal ; For a few days they will he. stop- xuoereuiosis Association in ew orx fti piritf withvMr Lawrence, Allen of City, will apeak during the fter Gables -Ceek"' during, which ,v time noon. His subject will be "Chang- ... they will be glad to see all of their tag - tactics 8n the Tuberculosis , , old Iriendh of Madison County. - Fight." - , . H.. 5. Reese is a well Known radio -entertainer and has no doubt been heard a number tf times ;; by Ifeoplo Of tJ8 vicinity."' . He ts man ager of two orchestras. Ope ut tne .Fiddlers,' popular5 radio and vaude-1 BROTHER OF . MRS. CRAIG RUD- h.i-. 4..1..... . Tli. 'AtltAi la . f ha i' .... . -i. TUlg lVwrHMu t R laiii, STKUCK o WH1LC t RIna Jav SvncoDaters." popular up- - -. , , ABru i . : P i to-date musicians. The old ime fid- ' " 1 ' 4 - dlers are from the mountains? of J Mr. CfeorgeWilfong. age S4,vof North Carolirwa . Urv;Reese tst is . near . Newton, - N. C ' waa Instantly UGHTNING 1 IflLLS NEWTON MAN fcatJJJTj.W.- a mnaical saw artist.. He has hw . " ' -ui. Mm anl will be rlad 7 V - 1 r ..II.IU Til btitfr.H.' . v :cwmmif A . attaiiUon the Opportunity ..., fvj, friendahin. for interested partiea to" receive di- . i ; . t'" gesti oljiewsaper arises appearing : gtern' Father to ; son departing . .i A Tlnrnt. Colombia. .T.il.V ""Mnw. don't m tne pj vi-j.ra? 7 ...v , for. wouau ,vy;. . .. 1 Tnesa? arucies ' ,r .t..: you lexeme eyw.jW;:" t.1 hfwtj in. aacerinar them, o . nll "tr Hard.' Dad.. Hut S w will fce 'glad. to fN :all paitieur. w how those ; thipgs . ;loak lars. ' v-r. . sa:; .-00. s. , P -'"-' - . T when struck by lightning. The young ? man .was. sfttinj; on the porch of nis . nom at the-time of the 4ragie oci h CQTTenc va 1 - --iv.'V s. - Mrf Wafong "was i brother of Mrs; V f Craig-vRudlailJ -of Marshalt Sever- ' v '.A. Marshall, people attended the fu - - " -raL - s -Th body, of tJie deceased was . laid to. rest at .Grace church ceme ' itery near Newton; "" ' - :' " f r M. - jr . - v" i & .j J .jLna.. qeceaseo leeres wiuew wu two' children, his father and severs! " brothers and sisters. , " -