V K0T1CEI NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE, SALE . . By virtue M tM -'"r ed by certain ideed t&ffc, 4 on the 39th day of August, 1925, . Ttrv ptMt Comnany, fne. 'm wi.;tiiTt ' trustee. Dartrl of the sceond pan, recorwu "jj'yrr 27 Mge 82 of th Records of eejbjj tie No. t' at the. head el the Spur srfeicV'bears; S 93 J6 with 11" pm biased ' and scribed B 9; thence S Sa.SS W 139.6 fL S 28.06 E 101.6 ft, S 84.28 E 830.0 ft, S 24.37 E 409.1 ft, S 72.28 E 81.2 ft; 3 69.24 E 694.3 feet, S 31,11 ' W 233.0 ft, S 2.10-W 857.1 It, 5 8B.4X js iws.a ft- S 42.4ft -E .139.8 ft. S 7.1 W 842.9 ft, S 28.02 E 185.5 ft. to the containing ' fifteen -nun bcfrmnuur, dred And seventy-five acres, more, or . ein A ikA WAiiAnu ai lmiw . .... - - . - -yi..- zt page o "vr-r.''iete.- v- -r-.. . ...;. of Madison vouni, w ri-jj, This JuJv . 14. J980. V ' therein descrmea jo flrrT- A. i W. WHIHEHURST,, Trustee, fDefult having been Wade bge. avment of said debt and toMtert, and having been requesiea to vv Ssaid'deed of trust under tte SUr. therein n$8 J file 16th Of August, 1980 " o'clock M. t e coun house door d debt lowing TT-'-j 1 Mtate. to-wit: yaw casn, w.wj . v Wd debt .twI ost or as much of saw described rai " " ' r 2nd being to Madison Counts', N. q.. onthe waters of Bi Laurel and its SbuUries, adjoining the lamtoof Se United Statea Forestry Deprt .nt and others and partUularly d. bribed as follows: Beginning Juk, on the South bank of N. C. SM Highway Wo known as. Route A of the v Kway which stake in Statten.No to the descripton of tract jot land conveyed by Rumbough to the United States Forest Department lo ..f in what is known as the -Tan, Yard Gap and runs down said H.gn- July lvAug. . Siiliii " CASE NO 7S'"-. ff'Mf Towaiki :K. 1, Wawl.,4 Crtifeatoe No. 4rtlj NORTH CAROLINA. '' -'Ilk MADISON COUNTY. t- la tko Snoriwr CmUi'W MADISON COUNTY, Plaintiff, J ) ? " " ''VS. , HENRY R. (H.K.) ARRINGTON and wife, MRS. HENRY R. (H.K.) aiuujnuxuk, LWienaHKa. The defendants r above named. having been duly served with process as required by law, and 1NTKB LOCUTORY JUDGMENT OF FORE CLOSURE having been duly entered in the- Superior Court of Madison County against the said defendants. therefore, all other persons owning or claiming an interest in the land described in-said Judgment will take notice that on the 19th day of Octo ber 1929, an action entitled as a bove was commenced in the Superior Court of Madison County or the purpose of foreclosing Tax Liens for the taxes due for the years 1918 and 1922, and on the following real es- E 55 and 610, N 37.15 E 441 feet, N. degrees 31' E 110 and 310 feet N 42.38 E 246 feet, S 64.54 E 145 feet, N 89.48 E .151 feet, , N : -.5 w om fpt S 67.11 E 187.4 feet N 82.50 K 248.d ieeu, ' iT ono o faot N R.B6 E 101.4 feet,' Described in a N 80 14 W 228.5 feet N 17.44 W .Massey and wife, Mary Ann Mas 116 4 feet N 48.44 E 426.1 feet, -sey, to H. R. Arringrton and wife, M sn W 234 1 feet, N 66.46 E R. J. Arrington, dated August .16, 9d7 Q feet. N 02.30 vv aau icev, -o w uiisn ov, t ,ofi r N 71.20 E 222: ft. Page 71, in the office of the Reg- S 86.41 E 302.7 feet, N 36.41 W -NT ntinT TO 1R3.4 ft. S 78.40 -. Cl O ? U H V 'i i I Mh 1.- I t 1I1H anu UCUIK 111 iV I, Ill.Z It. n ""I""" .7r!'.!.'.J: "... :4...i. j 2Sf3,i . axiip, tfiauiavu VjUUI1L. BituaLc, imx; I ,v . DyMIUI TIaa morning - MW a tnns);who had hitched hla fye-glasses to his vest by nteana of d broad tape, But what truck me wm .that hfarpaa eomnaaded nttentlon by the phoelace hanging down from his eye, sot . from thrlr bo had in hta shoea.- i-. i;t)f 'icoure, ro aWt want to break hjWgusaes; but bo 1 might f hat, an them by -t chain :to' nla ar, 'bfyntn- .'tbor famlUar j horn-rimmed spectacles. ? I guess , h thought': the ahoeteco attachment ' was faorr; l- Deed from W. P. ster of Deeds for Madison County, ' North Carolina. 1 Town- v. or nr -C Oi ft M Rfi.10 RQ 99 K 340 S teet, i II.IO la , "c t.vi iicuuv . rm t 1. . I . I ft. S rnjnfpu; anyuow, o.. iui. umh " - core to bare certain ai of fllsunc tlonj' mbout him, as well as moro or M,'ot a wad, when ho takes her out Other people, especially women, aotlc rho kind of accompaotment a -girl has, so that Ki important for hint to have somo tort of stylo about hint r " B4 may have .' g; loving disposition and bo a faithful friend, bttt girl, wants the man to look Uko vomethlng AS a rale," man attend to that, for they aro naturally w-ntea Tney adopt aoms oocentrlclty of. 'dress or 'irear soma sort of emblem to tet the world know Juat who's who In their casat Irt Important for a man to look the part where womea -ar.4 onorned When a -congressman wants to make good with the voters of his district he's careful not to bo careless In his attlro until he gets to Washington. He knows that voters believe m the kind of democracy that shows ttsel t In baggy trousers and wrinkled edats. But that's only politics. It's foolish for a man to trust to his tailor to make him look proper., 3"lic man must be clothed, his clothes: ranst fit, and they ought to be pressed from time to time, while the man is Iff bed. But there's a certnin personal touch which only the form of thfr matt nn'l his way of carrying himself can give to hts gtnd rags. If he looks as though he had Just jumped from a bandbox. . .Woman'a loyCy. to ,t5i0r thin-sH which make her b i"ful fa Seen in the fact, that a'cert-. Wi-Ungton dowager has included in her will a provision that when she Ja -dead the proprietor of :a 'f MonaLle' hair dressing shofi'6n Connecticut-avenue shall perform, toe , last. ;rites tor her ""''.'t Thtf" Pathfinder. NOTICE! 9 :By.'vlrtu of -the power in me vested by a certain deed; ftfj trust executed aWJ C5ierra-ltaiii4 wife Hannah Ramsey, to the under signed . as Trustee . on' the 6th day ol May, 1987, and recorded in Book No. 32 t page No. 187 in the office of Register of ieeda - for Madison County, to secure certain indebted ness . .therein described, - default hay ing been X made x in the payment of same, now therefore I will . on llpn day. August 4th.' 1930. at IS K0 '. clock floon at the Court House Doer in the town, of ' Marshall.' offer: at publie san to the .highest bidden for cash, to satisfy said: indebtedness. In terest land, cost .the.. following ' de scribed real estate to-wUfeiJ" Second tract being- No. 20 if the Capitol Mfg.: Co. .. sub-division and lots Noa. 1, 2, 3, 4, , 6, 7,8, , 10, 15. i6. 17. 18i 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. nd 25 of the said Capitola Mfg. Co. -,Con?,!-x -is- -raaa-wo wife buy LU collars. . ',. mm mum : . CASS NO. 33 .4 -Certificate No. 319(2 59.'(3)-3.t(4)8sMS NORTH CAROLINA,- 1 f - - MADISON COUNTY.' V . C. " ' . ! the Srior -Coort '1 : 4 MADISON COUNTY; Plaintiff," W' B. SWANEY ind wife, MRS. W. o, swAinsr, uerendants. . Ing been duly served with procesa -as reauired by low.' and INTERLOCU TORY JUDGMENT OF FORECLO SURE having been duly entered in the " Superior ' Court of Madison County against the said defendants. therefore, all other persons owning or elaiminr an interest fn the land described in said Judgment will take notice that on the 10th dav of Octo ber, 1930, an action entitled as' a bov was commenced w the. superi or Court of Madison County for the purpose of foreclosing Tax Liens for the taxes due for the years 19Z, 1928.: 1928 -and ' 1927.; and on the following . real., awator.' ss-sr.c ;Deocnbd in a Deed from N. J. Lance . to: Will Swaner.-dated Do- eember 22. 1917. recorded in Book No 43, at Pago 656, in the office of tihe Register of Deeds for, Madin County. North Cslmn.-' sub-division according, to plat of, J.1 .'.BE&NNNQ on a large white oak R. Reagan, Engineer?-for the Honeyin tte lme between N. J. Lance and uie r agg neirs, ana runs a soumenst course, 40 feet to 'a .small sour- 390 1 feet, S 66.42 E 403.2 feet, S , t-reek in the County and btate a-; yon feej n9 though you'd like, rovput 80 34 E 239.4 feet N 20.55 E 431.3 foresaid, adjoining the lands of the , him back ,nto jnst to see the jack otiiu . . . ri no no feet, N 37.28 W 401.0 ieet o E 199.2 feel,' N 87.3a-E 292.5 feet, . tt. on i M 97 5? W 2R6.6 S 74 46 E 363.8 feet N eo.ao " , S A?? AA IH 4U6.4 teet, IN "c, no.U.u w.o Widow Gentry, Maud Hunter others, ., . 1 BEGINNING on a small willow in ft, ISis H20 feeT S 68.02 K 181.8J"" M-d Jine 12 poles 9Nf? 8 6lS E 26003 ft.! 8 k Si! E -49?.56feet l K 404.7 , thence up and with tk top ofsaid f N 4.17 E 279.1 feet, S 75.62 t Hieh Rock Ridsre: then. South and E 176 ft, S 89.44 E 531.J it, o with the top gay rfog I8 poieg 85.18 E 551.3 feet, S 75.o.3 E 140 Z jto Wlurd Anderson's eorner; thence feet to a stake in the center of east and with said line. 191. poles ln-the-box Jump put again. It's up to the man to make bis clothes fit him. Tou can. tollman actor by his get-up and pose. A Jaw yer may be known by his brief cose. as a soldier by his spurs.. But the men who are not, quite so. professional have their chases to dress Tuid play the 'part."" , - v.. ThhVs what the girt ilket 8 wants her man to show the part he's playing In the world, ; tie neednt he said Wghws?, thanes continuing with I J"- "Sl--'i W :&?& W sh&way BM&"ATC xeet to a ppin in ui "l nion nnej tnenceo norm t and witn - t "h-,i prf eaid road and Laurel River, thence 'mM uM 24 ples to a takef thence .'. "' W are .lekrning that there can N with the center or thread of the.ew.t 27 polesto a- stake on i -east mofo.'tdthe suit than the flt and that said Laurel River and up the mean- bnk of M or8Jlch ..; thence up todtoBrO, ought o.be sonwtblrig moi m derings of the same as follows: A with the branch to the BEGINNIN(S?''thei'hRt thsn "the untotf label. 01.04 West 197.6 (VN 04.57 E containing 75 acres more or less Aj.y Tho more distinguished they1 Vu&, iWf ft., N 6.29 W: 198.7 ft. N j Cr 'S! 'L?. aD0,,, 85.59 W 444.5 feet, '.ao 1 Nellie Crow, by dee.d dated Novent-: ;v.'srVV M k fll I A T3 ff t, S 79.35 W,juie Crow, by deed dated Novem-'VtfVVMA fll I A 17 I 5 W 600.0 ft Nlber 23 1922, recorded in Book'.-jV-U I I L C ' N 21.69 E 702.2 , 43 Page 213( in .office " " v V W 212.1 feet, N 28.56 feet, N 02.56 W 107.8 feet to a. Register of Deeds for Mab'.NpTlCE OF FORECLOSURE SALE nnint at the intersection of Big Hur. ricane and Laurel Rivers, thence up and with the meanderings of Big Hurricane creek follows: N 37.56 W 186.4 feet, N 70.44 W 259.0 ft, N 14.25 W 118.t ft, N 32.22 E 23211 feet, N 9.10 W 1689 ft, N 60.42 W 202.7 ft, N 89.33 W 232.9, N 89.26 W 187.9 ft, N 2.12 E 228.9 ft, N 88 .24 Wert 183.i feet, N 66,84 W 282 7 ft, N 28.17 W 163.8 ft, N 4.06 E 151.8 feet, N 15.59 E 263.8 feet, N 88.08 W 129.0 feet, N 58.05 W 287.6 feet, N 24.05 W 855.6 ft, N 83.14 W 425 ft, ll 49.33 W 288.4 ft, N 32.10 W 2645 ft; N 89.10 W 271.8 fU N 1W0 W 298.2 ft, N 32.22 W 171.9 ft, N 65.42 W 219:3 ftr N 70.30 WeJJ ft.. S 28.14 W 144.5 fti S 83.29, W 452.8 ft. N 44.01 W 270.0 fW.S 60.18 W 199.5 ft, N 83.12 -W12LJ MU7 so W so 7 ft. S 89.40 W 80L7 ft. N 25.58 W 168.4 ftNi 11,43 W 82.0 f t : S .82)8 W 173 ftj N 38.55 W 841.2 !f W N 151.9 ft, N 48.17 - W 64.05 W 282.6 ft, N 82.45 W 220.9 . ft,' N,10.37tW, 227.1 ft. N ?4.?2 VW 818,0-ft,S 66.49 W S02.7.ft,S . -m e n O flft'EK THT 1 ft S ft.,- 8 6L26,W.167.2 fU N5.p3 W co ft K5-:-W 164.7 ft'N 63l23 W 128.9 ft; k 78.01 W 1425 ffc,-S 81.2.5 W 286.8 f N 76.15 W " 488.5- N: .3.06 W 456.2 tt. N W 1S1.8.ftr N 8T.53 WIM 1HT.11. I. U-:-i.poini;in -w nmw.w second, tine said T.-E. Muff 1 -to Di Htgnwayr-ta.'tne eginnmg. " ' Hnrrieawi Creek torthe, line 'Lot th - Grove Land and". Timber ..Company's hand commonly, known W., ' Grove's fitalf Mile StripT, thence with the said line of . Half Mile StHp , crowing hollows and ridges S.89.05 W 1752.8 feet' to stak,and "point-1 ers in -the east side of the ridge fnd . , near the top of , the same, thence S 11.49 E 2808.8. ft to a' stake and Mars Hill. County,. North Carolina. , .' -.v.1 virtue of the power in me vttsjt- v Being the same tract of land do- edTby a certain deed of trust execut scribed in a Deed of . Trust from ed on the 15th day; of March, 1926 Donnie Crow and wife, NelUe Crow, by Charles E. Rector and wife, T.'C. to John H. McElroy, Trustee, and Rector , of the first part to A. W. The Citisens Bank, party of ... the (Whfcehut trustee 'of the second1 third part, dated February 3, 1930r part mi Millie Gahagarf and Leslie recorded in Deed of Trust Rook No. Gahagan, parties of the third part 34, Page 169, th office of the to secure a debt therein descsibed. Register of Deeds for Madison SaW Deed of Trust duly recorded in County, North Carolina. .. .... Book No; 80 at page 265 of the re- , It is also ordered that all other per- orda t Madison County. . sons claiming an interest in the sub- , Default having been made in the jeet, matter of said action ;an ap-wp(iyiBeat 0f the debt therein describ pear and present set up and defend ed and having been requested to their respective claims, in sta montta forec,ose t vm 0 Saturday, August from the date of the 16th at 12 o'clock M., 1930, t wise they sh.ll be f""."1 the court house door in the town of ttS' "V "i??! Marshall sell at public auction to the I Hmm sSf nd being hi Madison County, N. C, ' nV?J' ?,Z: sdjoining the lands of United States First Tract:- Beginning on a stake on the South bank: of Dixie : Highway in tan arardr gap being cornerNine iu s of rth -Uated i States- Forest-JRum- 'Kv&!V bough , tract nnd runs thence ..with St ATE OF' NORTH CAROIIAr K fibs JCteh ell COUNTY OF MADISON, , ij Wallin hhethence jth jthat fcne Carolina. Julv 11-18-25-Aur.l. NOTICE! s'h V ?.: Bros. Land C0v, registered in deed book No. 87 on paisre COO in the of fice of Register of Deeda for Madi son Co. and fully described m deed front Capitola Mfg. Co. to the fol io ing parties, all dated Octobet 24 1924 and registered inbooks and pages as follows.'. ,' -' Tract No. 26 to, W. B. ;': Ramsey and - Frank Roberts, registered m deed book No. 46 on page 229; Lots 1, to 10 inclusive and lot NO. 16 to W." B. Ramsey by deed registered in book No.-46 on page 234.y Lots No. " 16 ta 25 inclusive by deed to Caney Ramsey regjstered In deed book No. 49 on "page- 86', X Reference is hereby made to the books and pages " above mentioned for a complete description 'of the calls and boundary Vesta of the said tracts of land. - ;' '-,'.. ' v: G. L. MlcKINNEY. Trustee. July 11, 18, 25; LHgi I-1 A-Walla. - " i--. V ?Ite ;,thenc Tip Big Laurel to a "First ? ThetWWersWpr of Huff4 oit 1 of l?1 sella is kerebr 'annulled K''Wi: , Highwsy-Bridge thenco. Majiflrrrthe -have nil furniture and fixtures- now contemlmr 300" acre's imoce' o Iks belonging to the firm of Huff A 'and "being the same' 1ands 'conveyed Wellai (such ' as countersT ' scales. re to the i ttarties hf r the :u first "art frlgeratof, taf5veaite.)' Td have all :heeto: k;vMilK' Gahaftnnv-- widow uncollected accounts aue ens saia , by. .-deed .date- March- io .ivxoa Huff-AiWorisi'rThe said T. E. Huff i'Sfeendv Tract .Beginnint on.,t'-e is to pay all bills except the hill t Mitchell Wallin line peat the top of $179.16 due Shelton-Tweed Co.,-te- M ill Ridge and ..runs . thenee L r st gether witit tne note due the Bang or with , said line to the utvia Kobf -i pointers, thence S 43.43 W crossirqr had of..lJue: Humcane.wecit 10J3.5 feet to a stales and pointers, thence S 60.43 W 308.9 - ft ' to l a stake on top of the dividing' riJ e letween the waters of French Erol and Laurel Fivers tlie ewmon.er !. ef the Crovo 'ira' I..;?e . f -1 the lani cf the t "ed I s 1 ; thence v "l t' ( i ne ct t,.e I" '"i f tat as Jet- cor.f - j v th r'"'J cf t;,e too cf t' e t - S 70.14 l; 1.4 ft, N It . 1 , . 0 ft. S 11.17 E 83.4 f . -S 1meC;thonce" with, the Davle'Robr Third. H.-A. Well is to hw i3 I!n to a sUke! in the branch" h groceries, nut is to pay the follow ".j t Cooks House.54 thence - d faijT bi'lsr 1a- f :?y?:. v.t said btanch to SUekhouses t Kent to 4 ane 1, iau, - v y... t iu r-etta Jtne, tnenc G. II. Edwards for beefH : - . - tv ?.t .ie o j:ig Laurel, thfne aTid !1 outstanding checks on IIuT -t : -tjrel;.to the pmt of E anl . ..s. x -'.y - ' I ' -ned and sealed at Kars - T "" !, K C, this lf 'h sy of June, 1". -.. t. .E.:ni'rF , "''l-V: - ' II. A. Vi-LLS () Trttnes: L. Z. L.ler. ..- ,J-':i. Jaae 3, 27 A Ju'y 4, 11.- ir-f i ace knwa a Old- Kill j i i !..;! nf.Wde Gah tv-nr- op the ri-W known r 1 ri ' -e to the bvinnin " Wis more or Jess. - omfl land convev ' .., cf t'- f'-t rrt fcv ? - - i f-1 v . Ttinnif . L ' J c 1 '' !. ."vli NOTICE OFiSERVICE .T . ' CASE NO,' 696 TowMhip N.,r Waril 2 r Certifieai rW. 64K2 N6RTH CAROLINA, ; MADISON COUNTT.- la Uui Superior Coart MADISON-COUNTY jl PlalntiT.i;?' - i:W. HAWKINS h'd wife; MRS. J. W.- HAWKIKR3, Defendants. The defendants' above named, hav ing been duly served with process as required by law, and 'INTERLOCU TORY JUDGMENT OF" FORECLO SURE having been . -duly 2 entered in the Superior Court of Madison Coun ts against the said defendants, there fore, all other person owning or claiming an interest irt the? land do scribed in said Judgment , will take notice that on the' 19th day of Octo ber, 19Z9, an action entitled as above was ' commenced m .the '-Superior Court of Madison County forthe pur pose of foreclosing. Tax Liens for the taxes due for the vear 1924 and on te following real 'estate rS;'5.- V " Described in a Deed. from Corde lia Hagan and S, M. Hagan, of Mad ison County, to J. W, Hawkins, of Charlotte, North . Carolina, : dated January 11, 1915, recorded in Book No. 42, Page 876, in th office of the Register of- Deeds -: for Madison County, .. North Carllnafc;i:?'i Adjoinrn the lands of G W, . Ga hagan and Amos Stackhouse. -; BEGINNING on a white oak on top of a ridge, above where H M. Hagan now lives, H bem the ridge that divides the waters of the Billy King Branch and the - Barney Branch.'- and runs South 35-W., 92 poles more o ' less to tht Bill .King Branch; -thence 1 down and .with said Branch, 78 pole more or less . to the Amos Stackhense . line then North 10-E. with said Sfackhouse line, 125 poles more or Jes to the Barney Branch! thende. North 80-Ei, 86 poles to a stake ; thev ce South, 92. pole more or, 1. i to the l. ..tilNNlNO '. pontiinii. ? I'-rue- hun dred acres, more or. lfiss. hown'. stsl toe- ctome. riace the .first nart i Being the same a Deed of Trust f rbm J;' W,; Hawkins Meclenburg :Cburity,; and S, M." JIa gari and. wife,' .Cordelia I n, .par ties of the third part, . Jan'uary li 1915,' recorded m Dee4 cf .Trust Book No 17, Page 107, In 'the t e of the Register of 1 ' 'i ot I" i son ' County, ' North I - i.-' Lid lands conveyed by I lict'-C'lar' son, Trustee,' to Cordelia Hi" n of combo County, by detd dated Oc tober" 81,' 1924, recor. d . in Book No." 46,-Page 192, in t .e fr,c of the Regier of D""!3 Jfor Hanson County, North Csri. . It is !al o ordered t t person ek'tnic an f - .iject matter cf ir ;J :-rear and prer'?, ict i I i . ,1 their r"" . t rmr. ths from t " i e' v f : -ieiie they i f 'n '. and fare i i " : ' I ' i tots or c!il.r-. i i " t j t i i -, r? tte- pr?-" - ' f i t ' wood, marked as a. corner; thenc a northeast course with marked lines, 416 feet , "to .., a 1 small persimmon; thence , a ': .(northwest " course with marked line, 540 feet'1 to ; a'" small bltvck . oak in. line . hetween : N;V-J. Lsnce ,and tjie Fagg'Heirsr thence wltfi N. J.r Lance afld the Fagg Heirs line, .4 1 6 feet to, Wife BEGINNING, containing" five : a'c i 6 b, eStceflting twenty ; feet, , adjoining ;tlie Fagg Heirs' line for a road to' . take the placp of .the' road that ruins i thrbughi the nyioaie crf tne mnq. ; ; : :- If. JsTaTsbT ordered that all 'other" persons t claiming en rawresi m: subject . master . of said action shall appear .and present, Set" uo "and de fend .their .respective, claims, 'in six months from .the date of this notice, otherwise they shall be forever barr ed, and foreclosed,. 'pf any ' and all interests of. claims .,. in '; or t" ;the property, or the. .proceeds, from the This the 36th d of JuneV i930, , , J. HUBERT DAVIS,, Clerk Sjipe. conttj-jtadison ..-v'.-i " c Countat .North' Carolina. '"V- . t.ilrf ritiRtn fly. ,wa--m . -.",T- 1 . . c , - - . iam'Sanii hide'Ecribef 'mletag" thCmejtraet "of mnd'Con-1 s3 oi-r - t H f .-..-it . a 1 il ! i r -' ' . , NOTICE 01 ...... M. .'.., - .- - . .. lowntBip "no.. . --CrttcaU No. 239-320-(l NORTH CAROLINA, ' MADISON tOUNTY. , la tne anpenor voar MADISON COUNTY,' PlamtiC s. C. C. REDMOtf and wftf, MRS.'-'' f . ( . ,.C. p. RPEDMON, Defendants. The ilefendants. above named, .hav ing been duly served with procesjw reauired bv Imw. and INTERLOCU TORY JUDGMENT OF FORECLO SURE having been , duly entered la the Superior Court of Madison Coun ty against the said defendants, there fore, alL. other persons " owning or claiming an interest in the land de scribed in said Judgment will take notice that on the 10th day of Octo ber, 1929, an action entitled as above was commenced in the Superior Court of Madison 'County for thepurpose of foreclosing Tax Liens for the tax es due for the years 1920 and 1921, and on the following real estate: Described in a 'Deed from Elmer Randall to. C iCj ' Redmon, f dated July 5, 1915, recorded in Deed Book No, - a, ' rage ; 387, ; in . ine. omce oi the Register or ieeas ion waaison Counts North Carolina-' 'G i-v . Lvinar and beins: in the "Town of Hot Springs,' Madison County, North Carolina. Block " E" of Mountain Heights, a subdivision of lots of the City of Hot Springs, North Carolina, am rmjirk nf nuhiph v subdivision is re corded in th piubiie' records -of llad. TiMtt RooVNo. ' 23.-' Paafe 234 and 225, reference to" which mprris hree-j bounded b7'Glenn and - Curtisa, Streets and the French' Broad drive,. . CA21 l.D. 8S1 ' 7- ( , .V,' -TowmLlii No. - f',. " .Cert;Seat No. ' 19T-31S-(2) . - - - C33-(3M82-(4) .. NO Til CAROLINA, ,'- '' malicon' county; "- ?-; c,.'r' - . In The Saoerior Coart - . , MADISON COUNTYr, .V5 j. -i 'vs. - ' " , 1 WILLIAM M. TTDWAKDS' and " ' ' " Wife, , MRS. WILLIAM : M. , ED- : . ; WAT.DS. . ; " "i Byf virtue of, the .power contained 'j-vs in a Judgment of ui superior, t ourt . s ,, .k-. of Madison County in the above on- 1 titled cause, on the. 14th day of 1 June, 1930, I exposed to public sale r. ' S at the Court House door in the Town--1 of Marshall, for the purpose of sat- , .. isfying said Judgment, the hereinaf-- -. ter described tract of land, at which l time McKinley, Edwards tocame the,', last and s highest bidder for said " - land, t the price of $365.56. ' In apt 'i time, an ri additional bid of - . 10 was filed -with the Clerk of the,; . -Superior Court, 836.65, making the " bid stand at 8402.11. I will, there-.., ' - fore,' on Monday, ' the 4th day of J Avgiut,-19S0, at l.e'elock P. Mh , , sell at public auction at the Court House door, of said , county, to the, ,," highest, bidder for cash, tosatlfyt ' T sai4 . Judgment all the right, . title .".''' and interest, which the said, defend- - u anta above named, hare in the fok. lowinr described tract of land.-and .' also, alt right, title and interest that i " ' . . . . '" " il. . . . . . ..,H!u,U an , ouer persons nave in mssaia 1. uua suit me said - una descnoea . SS 'follOW8s'si?4.J .'"'1 ry , n',. f Described in a Deed from J, 1L White, and wife, Annie May White, , to -Wiilam M. Edwards, of - tha County of Madison, State of North Carolina, bearing date of April 7, . 1914, -recorded Jn Deed Book No.' 32, at Paige,-425, in the office of the " Register of ; Deeds for Madison County, North Carolina. . s Adjoining . the - Jlands et. John Whiter Anaie Edwards John Ram sex wid, others; BEGINNINO t the water, gap at: the north corner of . Lot.iNoi 8,'. bounded..oh th north . fcrihoflajnd ,ijIW' Wh4te-l(d-'.oldr . Silas Jervis place; oq the wuth' by the lands of JohiK Ramsey, deceased, -and running with, the said Ramsey s, line lo -the CKekjDi4xat4hi loVeiT. end of tlieS.E.:, Edwards farm; thenee with, the meanders : of the' ' said,creek,to the BEGINNING, B.e-; ing and including all jfhe . lands on thofoast side of . th creek, . which .' were, -j conveyed- tor jnnie . Edwards . by S.J5. Edwards" -and wife," contain ing 66 acres more oi lesai . Tha bid will start at $402.!(i; , , This jthe 16th day of July, 1980. . .- JOHN A. HENDRICKS, , ,: - " Commissioner. v Q-Julyf5 ,. .-. 2t - veyed 'by C;"C'Redmon aiid. wife,, Lockie Redmon:1 'to AI -L. Johnson, "dated ' Jun'd' 14, ;" 1920r- recorded" in Deed, feooif" No.:S9, Page- 675,' in the o.r.ee cf the X.c r-iKter-of -Deeds for XJadiSon'Cotui'ty, North Carolina, f i la a., was conveyed ' by A,- lI Johnson, "to E." II. I.olIins,'"'Janiiary 18, 1S21, -deed' recorded "irt Leed Look I. J. '42, jfYe 154, and conveyed by E.1I. Eol'.ins md v,L'e, Visties Mw Lollin i, to I 'ary -C. Lor.r, JanusT 19, 1821, (" r i record 1 in Leel Look Ko; 4,1 j lio, in tr.e cr of Deeds for o ..?e l ' cf tv.e r -fi Coin" i3' aL c. '- ' clX-'-1 t r ' r " . T :' i ' ) i i ! irt r i all of a .if t in tv t-.'.ion t- 1 1 r 5 v end o a t ' , in s'x - t f t..:s r-'" fi, . f ;revtr I pn. cT i-y ar.d wU t" I r : - : from t:.e e:..: NOTICE OF SERVICE r Township No. IS, CerUficatos No,' '72-219-2SS-(2)i f 2l0-(4)-666-(8) NQHTHf .CAROLINA, MApISOV . COUNTY?. j :p 5' MADISON COUNTY PlaintifT. ' J.VL. OR aad wife,- MRS.'i. L ORRj- Defendants;. . .- j '. . The defendants above named, hav ing been, duly served with process as required by law, and INTERLOC UTORY JUDGMENT OF FORE-', CLOSURE having been dul entered" fav the- Superior j Court of Madison " County against the said defendants therefore,: all other -persons 'owning or cUlmmgan, interest in the land described in said Judgment will take '. . notice that on tho 16th -day of Octo- - ber, 1929. an action entitled as a- boye was commenced in .the Superi or Court of Madison County for tha ' purpose of Voreclosfeur Tax uems ' for the taxes duo for the years 1922, - 1923, 1924, 1926 and 192.7, and on the following real estate: . , - Described in a Deed from L. J.. " Carter and wife, .Daisy E. Carter, to '. ' J X -Orr, dated February 2, 1918, - -recorded in Book No. 36, Page 442, ' , in the office of the Register of Deeds for Madison County, North Caro- -lina,V-y-.'.v .i-- - , f M5 - " m A certain tract or parcel of land ' in Mars Hill Township, Madison t,' County, North lOarolina,- adjbining the -lands of James L. Phillips, the . . I -' .. heirs of J. W. and Sarah and Loret- -' U Brirss, and the lands of the late? - x Edward Carter, and more-, psrticu- .. "t larly described in a. Deed recorded -in Took No. 8, Pp" 555, in, the of- Mad?eon C-nty,, North,' Carohn. . E-GlNM-SGa on .sarvis, the ? southeast- corner.' on a - ridg..in the " paid Edward Carter old line, and , , runs No' i h 4-Ta 18 poles with' said ' -Edward; Carter old line to stake j ten '.Not--h -82-.W., 24 poles'.and. 18 -l.;.!rs wi. t ss.1.1 old 1'- to a stJce ' " anl pointTs; then North. 65-Wl poles .to c.steie rear a bunch, of .?.: chestnuts;-, "then ,.f or'.h 80-WM 15,r.. poles and lO.l.' liS to a 1?- e cluster " " - ' of -rcHstT!"tgj , th"' f Lo l 64-W., 6 p ? f )J 18 IS iitu''t ok; ti h 8i-V., 17 pole a! 9" 1 s n.wi "i l -J L. Ph.! ' tf a 'ft . 9 . 7' arf 3 ', It ! i ,' 3 f -e L to t. ',1 e- 1 I ) i 4 . i r : t. ; ... j t! s.11 . f vo " i Ca i i , 1.1 I I cf t j rr ' ee, ' 1 a f ..ve r tf -y anJ 1 li ex to t - 'j f -n t e . cr t t: j j 1 77.5 4 E ' ft, s 2 f , ;' . : : 1.1t ," 1 t beys anJ ' r .. ! 1; ' , ? .f ' I four gf '.1 ' n r . i -; r "3. . ( ,k "a 4 1 : J. li-