n o a n n i w $ n - 9 1 1 T .. ... ..... vYt . THE NEWS-RECORD TV jrr tlat tell wiat t pfle la the. 'Country well t thoe in town 'aire doing. W..VA Published TWICE A WEEIC4-Tuesday$ and Fridays. THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY VOL. XXIX MARSHALL, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1930 ZBOO MADISON COUNTY RECORD 1 Established June 28, 1901. - FRENCH BROAD NEWS Established May 16, 1907. ' Consolidated Not. 2, 1911 8 Pages This Issue 4 BARNARDSVILLE PEOPLE KILLED ;4-H CLUB GIRLS IN WRECK NEA R WEAVERVILLE : ENJOY DELIGHT- Reported A Fifth Die d On Way To Hos pital Thursday Morning FUL FIVE DAYS SHORTER CLOSED ! BAPTIST SUNDAY SUNDAY INJURED TAKEN TO HOSPITAL IN ASHEVILLE I. THE CENSUS REPORT OF 1930 "Four persons iwree killed and five othres injured, according to an extra of the Asheville Times, but a Iater report was that a fifth man died on the way to a hospital, when a large SPEND FIVE DAYS IN CAMP NEAR SWANNANOA: ENJOV SPORTS: CLASSES DURING OUTING Many of our North Carolina counties show large gains in population by the recent census report while in a few others ,i i i : i sedan sight-seeing car collided head- Z T d tXt o with a Ford truck two miles population. The fifth district north of Weaverville about 10 o' clock Thursday morning. The truck was en route to Asheville from Bar- nardsville, and had a load of five per- j sons. The sight-seeing car, owned : by the Red Top Cab company of i Asheville and driven by Dave Brown was travelling in. the opposite direc- tion. j The dead, taken to the Clayton-: Hyer funeral home in West Ashe- f ville are : Tarse Tessner, 28, of Bar-, nardsville; Cecil Anderson, 14, oj Barnardsville; Mrs. Cindy White, ( 70, of Barnardsville; John White, ; 20, of Barnardsvlile. j The injured taken to the Aston j Park hospital in Ashveille are: Dave Brown, Asheville, driver of the sight-seeing car; A. A. Ballard, of j Barnardsville; Mrs. Tessner, of Barnardsville. j Miss Alice Good and Miss Josephine i Wolfe, both of Cincinnati, passen-, eers in the Packard, were slightly, injured. The Packard was en route to Linville Falls. Missse Good and Wolfe were not hurt seriously e nough to be taken to the hospital. J. F. Holcombe of Mars Hill, one ottM fyrst persons tk wrjve, at the j -Vi ornpsnme spec- scenv, u!.iww vc . - . ... i st i - tM...4iu.aya, Five persons, hejHd, lay on , - jren. .v near the pavement; tne pnvem i ...;t-i tltftiv tSlnoti: the was coveicu . Ureat is ixortn Carolina which is well named the Imper- ial District still stands at .the head of the congressional dis- tricts showing a gain in popula- tion of 149,136 within the last ten years. This district contains Winston-Salem, Greensboro, and High Point, three fine cities of the Piedmont region. The ninth district comes next in point of increase in population in the last decade, shewing a gain of 117,776 of people living vrith- in its bounds. The total fo-: the state is 3,165,146, a gain of 606,623, within the last ten years. North Carolina continues to hold its place Recording to the internal revenue report of the second largest federal rev- enue producer in the United States being exceeded only by New York, but stands first in miscellaneous taxes collected. The miscellaneous taxes include the tobacco tax. While North Carolina with several other states dropped off some in the amount of revenue produced still ijf stands 'well up toward the head and furnishes its full share toward the support of the ;.: SEASON ' . shorter closed season which will . rpernit fishermen to indulge in their fatjorrte sport on Easr Monday and; uniform closed seasons on fishing to ' make possible a mice effective pro- ! Ction of fish during the spawning peirfod are important features of Following is an aCCOUTit Of i: changes recently mad n bv. the Board the recent camping rtip Of the jConservation and JJevelopmcnt at 4-H Club girls, as written by Its semi-annual at Morehead City, i two of the party : tnder the ievv regulations, the Everyone was excited and thrilled clo ed season in fishing will rot be- when she first viewed tho Camp. gin until May Is'., instead of April There were one hundred 4rH Club 20 as has been the law previously. girls from three counties Madison, Tirs closed se vw applies to all spe-, Buncombe and Rutherford that en- J ei- of frame fn'i except the trouts , joyed the five days spent in swim- of( Western North Carolina whose nung, hiking, and other supervised spawning season comes during a activities. The girls occupied the different period of the year. The three small cabins, while the coun- period of the year in which these dors slept in the ma:n assembly types of fi::h are protects:! extends hfill. Evervonp was busv at first frow September 1 to Arri! 15 of CONVENTION WELL ATTENDED AMERICAN SUPPORT OF THE LEAGUE thi following year. j trhe general closed season will ex tend from May 1 to June 10, giving a 40-day protected period in the future in the place of 50 days here- getting her straw mattresses and leaking her beds. Some slept on cots, others on bunks, whiln others put their straw mattresses down on the floor. The girls rose at six-thiity and tofore. the first thing on the program was Another new regulation also pro- i s.tting-up ex -v.-es or swimming hibits the taking of fresh water fish I either you preferred. A nort time in commercial waters during the ' after breakfast was devoted to clean- time that the season is closed in in- : ing up the camp and preparing veg- lard waters. etables for dinner, etc. Classes in Seining will continue under the ' swimming, basketry, and singing oc- ban in inland waters following ac- cupied the r?t of th time until din- tion of the board in denying re- It is reported that since the organization of the League of Nations nearly $8,000,000, have been contributed from private American banks for the work of the League Organizations to the number of 172 and private cit izens numbering 341 have made contributions to this :work. Four million dollars were given by 27 men to prosecute the Lea gue work, the largest amount being by Mr. John D. Rocke feller, Jr., who gave two million dollars for the support of the League. This indicates the large interest taken in the work of the League by American busi ness men. When the violence of the period has passed it may be assumed that larger interest still will be taken in the League of Nations and the dream of Woodrow Wilson will be fulfill ed. The work the League ha.J done has already accomplished much and when it has been generally endorsed by Ameri can citizens and the League is allowed to do its full part in Due to the absence of some who were on the program of the French Broad Baptist Associational Sunday , School Convention, which met at the j Seminary last Saturday and Sunday j it was necessary to make some j changes in the program. However, the meeting was well attended and proved to be interesting and help- f ul. Hon. George M. Pritchard, who ( was to have spoken on prohibition I Sunday afternoon was not present, ! and in his absence Mr. C. B. Mash- j burn, of Marshall, delivered a very fine talk. Mr. T. E. Hunter substi- i tuted for Mr. Vaughn Fisher, who ( was to have led the devotional, but was absent. Mr. Robert Tweed wel- corned the people on Saturday, after which a delightful dinner was serv- ed on the grounds. Dr. R. L. Moore of Mars Hill College was present and made a fine speech on the sub- , ject assigned him on the program, 1 and church libraries was the topic I ably discussed by Mr. Ezra Burnett. ' Sunday Mr. C. M. Burnett led the devotional, following which the Sun- ' day School lesson 'was taught by Mr. ! William Worley, of Marshall, who is one of the best informed Bible students in the state. In the after- i noon, Mr. A. W. Whitehurst led the ' devotional, after which Dr. Hutching I made a fine talk on the subject as- the promotion of peace and ' signed him and was followed by Mr. ner. quests that special permits be grant- g00d will among men, its agency TWO ENJOYABLE TRIPS ed for this privilege in certain coun- On Wednesday afternoon the girls ties of the State. The board took from Rutherford County, with come the viewpoint that as a wholesale of the c iselors, and any of the method of taking fish, seining is un- other girls who wished to go, visit-' fair to the great masses of fisher ed the Biltmore Estate. The trip rripn whose opporunity for sport, through the beautiful grounds ,. and wTuld be spoiled when waters are: conservatories was greatly , enjoyed. : depleted by those who would cxer-. . The girla the Entered the stately. jfce. the privilege if sefciirig were and historical mansion, where they permitted. viewed many bemitiful anti,uo and Collections from onglers' licenses foreign pieces, of furniture, lovely this season are said by officials to. i ue-s. tapestries, etc. No one can ' be well ahead of last year, having : will be one of the greatest m the world. Charity and Chil WHAT'S IN A 1 i Mashburn. Before the meeting ad ! journed, a resolution of thanks to j the Madison Seminary people for1 I their hospitality was adopted. The next Convention is to be at Gabri- ' el's Creek church. Rev. N. H. ' Griffin was made chairman and Mr. i Fred Jervis secretary. iDBBRUHL-REUN0IN v of the Ford truck a&s " .... ........... I ... n rpu . scattered over a distance oi six to jj0 statc in the Union has made imagine tike beauty oi tms piaco un- reached approximately ?du,uou. e ten feet. greater changies in its way of life, til he ha3 3e?n it. State law requires that every person One man, he said, lay on tha right thftn ha3 North Carolina in the last Thursday morning at 1 0 o'clock 1 wno fishes in any other except his side of the highway (looking south). decade. By a system of road-build-' all the girls and counselors loaded 10me COunty must take out a State I The DeBruhl Reunion will be There seems to be something my.i hed SundaV( Augu.st 10th, at the Mr. Holcombe felt his pulse ano concluded he was dead. Some eight feet away, and near the center of the highway, lay a little boy, breath ing slightly. The child died before the ambulance ari-Jved. On the same side of the road, but off the pavement, up on the bank, rVi-t ltvPrl a- lav an elderly woman, - fend the freedom of teaching. University is a power plant of en lightenment for the whole South, and thp p-allantrv of Wake Forest bout 15 minutes. On the opposite has begn fin eXample North Caro. side was a fourth person, a mn- iina is going through a profound He died while he was being placed adjutment in the f ace of the new ... . . . 1 . . . 1 1 i 1 .1 . A.A-al .. ,T . U 1 w i . . n L" .1 VP, ing, boldly conceivea ana emcientiy j into tne scnooi uusses anu muiuicu license, nowevei, mc - carried out, it has broken down the to the Recreation Park. Through quirement has been extended to in isolation of the rural communities. ' the kindness of the city park officials cjude an fishermen in 26 counties. The State has really cared for edu-' v.e were given free" access to all Fishermen, it is said, should ascer- cation enough to pay for it and de- amusements. The glr'.i greatly en- tain if their county is among these, Thr : wod riHim- t.hp f.ms wheel, r.ier- ..... jj.v. - - , ....!. IL. and the were served watermelon uy iamuies on tne diock maneo u terious about a proper name turned into an adjective or participle. Ac tually it may signify a product as .innocent of bewildering compli cations as pasteurized milk or mer cerized cotton, but the mere fact that the term has been deviously derived from a name originally i- dentifying one family from other home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. DeBruhl near Alexander, which is to be an all day affair.An address will be by Mayor Roberts of Asheville. All rrlatives and friends are urged to be present. REVIVAL AT WEAVERVILLE north, industrialism. New York World. : v.a ambulance, nrd car. headed was on the left side of the road, its 7"nt wheel being entirely off , pavement, Mr. Holcombe .aid. Hej .estimated that the wreck oceam-d bout three minutes beiore ne .-( d. and he said tne onv Packard was gone wnen ; Three young women were in Jnel Packard, but Mr. Holcombe did not know if they were injured. There were five persons on Tne truck, he said, and only one of these lived long enough to be placed on the ambularxe to be taken to a hos- nitn.1. Mr. Holcombe, a uvlori.;t yjo happened to be passing just after, the wreck, said the bodies lay so it was just possible for cars to get by, without passing over the bodies. He remained on the scene until tho am bulance arrived to direct the traffic and protect the dead and dying, he said. ,. j A.,..n'nf the wreckag-' ir.ui-, cated that the Packard sedan dnvon by Brawn was iravei.mS . Tate of speed and struck the Ford -truck almost directly head on. The . Ford was turned over into a ditch at the left of ih road and complete-, ly demolished,-while' .the front of ' he Packard ns battered Anto a mass of trlTifS the ditch witMaTWn eet'of.e Iford.. Most 61 i-Wgoothefj,. Packard w on; the rignf Me, Tnmr-- j .n thttartrrivrti might iatcft- - 1 been tryinlOLpasa.oacli other to thc left when he cash jccarredv. ' - MArnaT flATT- WBmV WQUUM Wl many other amusements afforded at Howard. When we returned we difference m the world apparently. t!;i park. Of course the s .t'.ler I were hungry and tired but happy, j Considerably less dumfounding is children were greatly intrigued by VESPER SERVICES the selection of a good collection ot : the zoo. ! Vesper services were held after and "TV and "XV and the The Pregbyterian church of Weav- When lunch time arrived we were supper, then athletic event lasted making of an absolutely unpronoun-( of whic Revererid H. B. called to the picnic ground and (Continued on Page S, Column 3) ci'ble name, bearing no relation how- Dend ' ig phstor,-will hold a revival ever to man ana nis nomenclature. . srvip. Rtftvtinp Aumist 3rd at the j This is perhaps a question which morning service and continuing for will never De answereu. wny snomu ten Reverend James F. Har- it be mysterious to everyone that j D. D., pastor of the Second I John Mercer or Louis Pasteur have p ... churth. Charlott. will. namesake adjectives and participles ( - Reyerend w K- Beaty floating around the world , of DininghaM( conduct the services. Mystery concerning John Mercer's ' Dr. HardieJ)ef ore coming to the : namesake adjective and participle Charlotte cnurcn wnicn is ihe "ra 'mercerized and mercerizing, has largest in the Southern Assembly, been so widespread and so confound- was pastor of the second Presbyteri ing to the proper promotion of mer- an church in Houston, Texas. Drl chandiae made of this strong and Hardie will bring his family with finolv lustered cotton product, that him and will occupy one of the cot- mother haifY'wnai ' Johnny I "Heart failure," ; i i : t Even , the Editor Can't Please Everybody By Albert T. Reid ll-' '" u llM'l'Jn' " "' 1 . 1 1 I. I 't lli " " .... 1 ; 'VVnwngTO WOT.. I II WM mm. Am mm .mm.aA.A " I 1 i, . tuffnt T I . 85 per cent of the industry concern. ed with its manufacture recently se lected an altogether new general name durene. Although a "made" name, having been coined from two inherently fine qualities of this yarn, durability and sheen, it is not the offspring of anybody's uncompli cated and very handy. tages belonging Weaver. to Mr. Robert County Government Lester A. Pratt, certified public accountant of Washington, D. C, here yesterday for a conference with Charles M. Johnson, sceretsry, and other officials of the County Govern- ' An always most conscientious in- forjiint tells us that he was living in ment Advisory Commission, was high a certain prosperous city when the in his praise of what has been ac dairymen of the community got to- complished by that organization. gether in behalf .of . r pasteurizing ; "I have been employed to put in their milk. They announced to the a new cystem for a Virginia county good Kousewjves of the 'community and I started an investigation f fhat !hay were going to do this for see what state had accomplished ;hem. What was their astonishment 'most olong that line and decided it toe .Wfd' quits flatly that "trick was North Carolina'', said Mr. Prattr ttfilk? .aBft't-at all necessary to the "Since - coming here ; L have, been VkU' 'Seine that fomraunity. The amazed by what has beenaccomp feiafaitai'i'tizens would,-thank you, fished. It has been done dually thW nrilic UttSt.-ai H came into the but effectively and I;hav tmnd just--wK-ld. There. beW a, psychologist, wlat I yantod-Newj an Obsrver - dairymertrtaa;iitiCn?waj- Mved. f. H Mugsested they call their.pasteur'. .SMpwreckea "vay,co ,wat ng iiA beverage "perfect .milk", and cannibal. look, at us so IntenUyT" -tUti chrlstcniwr brouffhi iinnWdUtef .Hfc-6mpanioaf (cbeerfully) f :"t sAllafatVJao ana increased sale. " ceci hev the food Inspector. -!-