V . v V '? t, . ( . f f 'it 'rv- -ffty nth 1 5 L-r.J V EUaLHhhed 13, l; 7. ; t t t V cut l v ! .n ara t' , THE ESTABLISHED UZ. 'APER OF MADISON COUNTY MARSHALL, N.C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8,, 1030 ;-;?. , 8 Page8 This1 Issue VOL. XXIX . -, v. e : : : r. , : ; tiirrniniiiniTm r? t 1 ... . ! a fulfill 14 vr REVIVAL IS IN PROGRESS. AT FREE WILL QIURCH "v Quite an interesting meeting h3 ' Teen in p6gress at tha MarbhaH ,.. Tree Will Baptist church since July - 17 Kriifc "Rpv. A. A. Lockee, Missioh- ' ary Baptist minister, of Mt, Holly, j ' N. C, conducting! the sevvjcea, wim the present pastor, Bev. C, ,Y. El - kins, assisting. , - ' -' " About" 13 ot-14 conversions and Tenewals have- been made r. in ' this . meeting. It is probable that the meet--.Jng will close Friday ' Jent 'Mr, ' Locke has calls to hold revivals at four other churches, in tho State. . 'A record crowd has been in attend: i ance a teach evening' service, ; and , Rev. M. Lockee has been very ijener . ous in his praise to tho different churches f or their co-operation dur ing the. meeting, and especially Bev. "' G. C. Teaguet pastor of the Marshall . Baptist church, who has been a con- sistent worker, and who preached at '" ttve Wednesday morning ?ervicd. - t" ; 4 , - - ' Bev. Mr. Elkins, the pastor, who ? wfll preach his farewell sermon Jn '- Sunday, August 16, although he had bea nelected and called 3 VT bV r ' this church for .another year. ' 1:"U, lastundaythathecauldnot tecept i - ''-U'tiie t,n, giving reasons sufficient to warrant the election of another pas '' tor. This church and the entire com- " munity wUl mi Mr. Elkins, as he has been of great service dun-ng , , ' s, time as pwtor here. , ,t ' liiRS.T0;.l CALL . .;:pa?S-:Avay v- )-. ATION FOR BURLL; TOBACCO PROPOSED Eueene Grace, president of Beth lehem Steel Corporation, whose Compensation for his work runs round $1,000,000 a ye? - SEiGIuG NEXT ; - SUNDAY At Mara HU1 School Auditor -v Uim, at 2:00 O'clock ' , ThA M(Jion Countv sindntr con vention which was held last at Wal nut is to be held at Mars Hill high school auditorium ' next "Sunday af ternoon, beginning at 2 ;00. o'clock. All classes and quartette? are invit ed to participate; ' " RED ID1L REVIVAL CLOSED lSiVYecineda for frTk-ef .Walnut Creeks died & he - ve Tuesday night obut .ohe o- -15 S- She had cen 1 wffr lt Wd on for a penod tVf"mething lie two.yer The VlT brought through Marshall ' ' Wnrsday afternoon, ' interment y:. !- Hall eraveyard . j.oonii is survivca py Beece. ine uv J' Iher'pa Mr and M? Daller il."Z7 Tsrster,' Mrs.' en Tanknd Mfs. Creole Jame,' TBS E31AL LITxiib Resolutions . Ador ' housemen, Farr Men And Coir - ian Tobacco A ..Tennessee J- - " pose .Of Di: ' Burley -Tc u - , f i'" - - ' V At A Meeting Of Ware-1 -, Bankers And ; Business gents Of The Appalach-f : :, Held At Greeneville, : D; ICCa For The Pur- ; ; iaff - Tbe. Future Of i:cp; Growing F-q r ; 1 ' Returns 'Xriumhcmtl ti P A Hill revival. ' which he ffiii Jnlv 20. closed last Tuesday) nio-hfc. endine on..of the.jnoP suc- cf ssful campaignaevsr -twagd, Jn, that section. Quitea nvmber t peo ple from Walnut and other eclios not accustomed to' attending ser Ktirii t Red Hill., came ut and heln- fedMo make thejmeeting success. With the additions made at. injs time the membersnip 'will exceed 300,: we nnderstand om the pasior, i- i i - y Martin. ,who - has been pastor of this church ;r 15 years and is elected again ior . ti, mv4vd1 iust closed -result- ed in about 80 conversions, 86 be ing added to the churcn. vne oap lroAv been held and an- other will he held later. As stated in Tuesday's paper, the pasior i oooictMt hv . Rev. Erwin Sluder and Bev. G. W, Bnggs. . - LISinrtllORS t. wn'-iell you .Lopped ' red tiht flashed.- - ' drove along, ' . officer "stood on the corner of the traffic 'Fo ierp, in charge lhic s" . , . T rd said to try daugh L l i is'vc waiteJcn tl.e spot, 1 si" s! be an officer-1( re or not" T':, tef-t in thoujht as we drove , . ah said: . ana 6uuu"' u ' t to b I" J.U for amber, me aior; i I V tfe-ti t' a i 1. , t - Jurors . Drawo for . Augurt Term Superior Court, Aug. 25, 1930 ,N6. 1 Township--Z, Ponder ,J. F. Brgiirs, J..E. Jarretx, L. W. Edwards. No. 2 Township James .w . V. Franklin. -" ' No. 8 Township WVB. Foster, Cecil Bucb"er, J. Wf Roberts. No. 4 Township A. W. Robinson, C. B. Rice, R. VL Chambers... No. 5 Townfhin 0. I 3ls. Her- schel Euckner. - . 1 ... No 6 Township J. T. Erown No 7 To n&hip-Y.'HIiam Boyd." No. 8 To ns! '? Jasper Ledford, Jones Plemmons, A. N. oody. No. 9 .Township C.' J. raril.E. H. Eicker, Ja-nes RaTcLV No. 10 Township J oh & I.ce, U. Wallin. . . . ' ' . xt. ii Twr ' i C. K. roftJer. v. -a- " '' 1 . A- Tneetino: of warehotisemenT farmers, bankers business men, and county agents cf the. Appalachian tobacco area was held at Greeneville, Tern., on'July-30 for ,the' purpose of'dis-. cussing the futiire.of growingBurley tobacco. ;. ;; ' The following pbinta wee' brought out by the different groups of men represented jH :'-" -'- v ' Z - '."'Ji; ' ' That, Burley Tobacco in tKe Appalachian Area, composea of East Tennessee, 'iouthwstirgjnia - .and; Western -North. Carolina, has taken in the jmsVfew years the leading place as a cash! crop, amounting in the ear 1929 to over ten million dol lars for this area This crop is produced on a very small pa,rp of each farm, representingot morefthari possibly three pcfe i l ( t '' - 1 - s 1 f. iU.' oroa nf rt f rm. ... It u further pointed youfc that the, possible land which u wrfl Adanfed for Burley growing will not represent mor? than 15 of the ared of the farms 6f this belt. 117' ' ilt was further pointed out that oar small farmers-are very largely dependent.; on , the Income of the Burley tobacco to meet the requirements of thefr' families. r . ' t - It was farther pointad but by the bankers at this meeting thatWe was no other source of income open for the farmers that would take the place kBdrley Tobacco. :vl . - ' i..-iv.A- --Ia rtnt hv-thevCounty agents, that SeJ had no source iWr3feiH intormktion ttstt ...... .... ..j-. ... . . , ...... ' v ... . ...v m . x .inoi Iran. carry to their farmer$mnd eral practices.' - "!- 'citi Wprp f ftcta were A-,?n rhi meetinir: the,resolutions were unan rina that an Expenment btation qi iodrc -vHo-ntion be estaWishei at , Greeneville, Tennessee, which would give us experimenta.1 data on. the following: ; Disease control ;'a special study of rootrrot resistant vari- eties -"t,v . .rut sj FertilizaSon; 'including rptaW the' use of legume Md animal manures, as well as the Commercial TCruu., 4 " Housing in caring Burley Tobacco for best marlcet quality, . Our soils vary so widely in type and at present Burley To bacco is grown on'all, the types represented . from ;the heavy clay'thfough the loams to the light, or white sandy lowgi L. eXt,erimental data on the fertilize! r quirments or the varietiesbest suited for these ?J of soils. -v ' " ' ',' 1 ! ' ' , .i. f..;?- - ' t j.. -T i ... , . a ' s' ' ' J - T. ..... ,. i y-:-f. : nv V.'-. .Mri Hln Willtt VfinHv - omrM'i champion. tennis,, player, photo.; '.European. rictoricq.. , '-'.. were iorpeq to iieuwiu;uugi"."'i,)f brought out by tne amereni kuuo , CELEBRATES 32N1) BIRTHDAY: "WORLD MVS" IN BRIEF i COPENHAGEN GERMANS DE LIVER FRESH , STRAWBERRIES BY PLANE IN FAST TIME. Shipped from Berlin by plane in the morning, 880 f pounds r of German strawberries arrived in "Copenhagen, Denmark,' in time for the afternoon trade the flight taking ' only three hours, according to. a report in the DeDartment of Commerce from As sistant 'Trade Commissioner Paul H. Pearson,, at Copenhagen.. Approxima tely twenty hours after picking, the berries were' in the ; hands of the consumer. If . sent' bv rail the time required for this, procedure would be thirty-sii hours. BUDAPEST LARGER 'HUNGA RIAN TOBACCO CROP. Hungary's 1930 tobace cron will be almost 10 J ' . ..." ... ... v ...... ..v , .. j per cent larger than the 192 crop of ,VW". r ; i -- - - -r 'A stae party" was .riven aV the preliminary estimates of r the Hun- home" of Mrf and Mhrs. Oliver;, M. ' garian Tobacco "Monopoly forward-Sh'eiton,-Wednesday eVening; 'cele- d to' the Department of Commerce br'attng'the 82nd. birthday.,' o?.Mr. by. Assistant Trade Commissioner, Shelton. Tho color scheme1 was" "pink Walter N.' Slavik.. at Budapest To and white 'tM 'flowers; being -pink tal area licensed for tobacco in 1930 and white and the cake decoated in h placed at 69, 846 acres,' compared pink and white. A chicken dinne. was 'with 66, ,696 planted in 1929. served in cafeteria style'.. Mr.' Shelton , WASHINGTON EXPORTS OF wag recipient of quitea taumber of U. S. "FARM MACHINERY SET nice and useful gifts, Besides nr. NEW RECORD IN FIRST HALF and Mrs.. Shelton, the following at- OP YEAR. Exports of agricultural tended t Messrs. John:. McElroy, R. 'machinery from the United States C Nanny, CJeophug Rector, C. Eu- reached a new high level during the Frahk Roberts, O. C. Rector, H.' E. cording . to the Agricultural . Mach Roberts, J Herschel Spriufcle, Mayor 'iery Division, Department of Com farl Stuart, Aw W. WhitehuMffl,and Shipments' during this period Geo i m ".- ,t : a . ww.w. -t- loiaieu $ o,aiii,oo cunipoicv, kiwi lighiful and Me- Shelton was -b.ed 7jjngt58l for' the corresponding many rmrp.v ir . t. . period ox lasi year- t ou1 i "I r, t te if 'a darker TO I t'rl No. 12 Tc K0...13.T ii " .'1. way from .BeWa on Xaurel .Riyef.ERqE insist thaj the hereinhefo, . ...... t i 4.1, ctot. lino - nvpritioned oroieets be finished at ti -eonheeting'with-.tho TetWsaee fligh-' hit trtW practwble, and out c , . ji ir-nMrtlln. Te- the first money available that may 'rieteeei but this highwayjsrtot finish- bo allocated to Madison County for ed'it has only a shale surface, which Stat Highway purposes and that it does nt stand ap in the, winter. seaTte 'iam oefore any, other project son and is so dusty ut pie u' ,?',.,;;,i,;,v7""' , or dtf'season, that it if very disa- be $ ixC1J,URTHER RESOLVED greeable for travel, andj , t , , . tWfcChiBmi,sr ia gvised that tho WHEREAS, the "CHAMBER OF State- Highway , Coinussion. has ain imn I. iv. TA nf Marslv-y' deF .consideration, a ilan to projec alh id advised, and knows from per- another-State Hjghway.out of Ma. . . . " . - liii t!Am4 . In . iaAn:nniifHr.nTintinar. with, "tl: sonal ..knowieage " ---r--. - 20 aicd tne saia nignwajr . "v ...--r7 - r-;. Little Laurel" by the way of Greena- is known as te , Sams Gap. Tl vine, Tennessee, and up Big Laurel CHAMBER OF, COMMERCE has a and Shelton Laurel from the bridge voeated and worked for the peoi on Laurel River, to the Devil'' Fork of Hhe Upper Laurel section of t' at the State Line' between Tennessee County to have, a dependable St; i.'irw'",i.AAn'tini? "with Hisrhwav to accommodate the peoj tKi Tennessee Highway, by tl)J way at all seasons of thenar, but t of Erwin and Johnson City, are the Chamber is opposed to the S leading and most practicable routes maKirg a mpw.j v. ,OUt 01 worm v"""-. - ... . - j . the West, the North &na 'k.n.gnwr S" I V..-. i. . . . "... . f :.;;...ik..uA '.n.'iV....iu.hAeAil Coma t - N - - - j-' - tne TWl.. iv- - ai t ..r 1 . , . ' l , - . i tt-.-4.4 sttutss. .(nimini ikv thA nrnnnen Sams COMtU11HLl0. Y. Overman, Key Banker, BrsitV. portion 01 JTZm To5 P-es though one co TEarl Bnntnant oumy a- """tHtT NOW THEREi-'U of County, and this Chamber - - Co"ny,T,.;iV. T..Wr Bard SOLVED that the CHAMBER ft t main 4-, 1F- a r ' w i-ajjju. iji " T,-'rtT,. 01 ine county, anu turn vwiiu r EmeCn President, Tobacco Board SOLVED that the CHAMBER . C Emerson, rnswm, -.-..-,, . fMwrpri- hf the Town of Ilcrsli- A i, all. in behalf 01 tne dbsi . t- Batormii0cation and pa rTnPtAlT- 'riIAi T?F llV I II "I I t', n the people 01 "-v; throogh the center or the Co ItlAIIiALL UlAiJJliU; Ii1, , LUx.il.-- ojU. aT,dln-behalf of the best interests' of chainbel.. theref0re sno t tt , r. rf I TT TT A If- nCnTflT7mT',, th.' peopla -of the State of North tfuliy urge8- the State K ' -P. A SSf IIIGL W A Y'. UULUilo.Carolina.-.ndof the through travel. Comml8sion ttf finish No. 20, a , 1 ii O V) 11 1 A 1 -J 'coming .into North Carolina from the Roadg before un(, , , , , --. . trrtTivPTTAS. Rtste HIshway No--sections above -mentioned, and go-, 1.-1..- t,rojects.w Aii-g That Hi,hw.yr Througn ,the .CHAMBER Or f) - Mar.h.11 B. Fii.h.l -for. orth ras. COMMERCE of the Town of Marsh- pjs IT IUihm Maah.; fKSSUte.fr . -rr f,M f A Nnrth Carolina, to the Tennessee quest and nrge upon th " Iii.- wi , At. & mtLlIlX 01 iutuiwu v. - . . .. . . - t flnisB' stale state .ninwny vuiiuiii.i the Chamber of Commerce ap , . ,.v - . "V WHEREAS, the. said State K!xh-. Iranian TTdncsday J Wlt 20 not1)eea finJ hei md When speeches wertr-matfa ty.the link of "the safd. ffigfiway from eMtS AtzHber OW-tE'e 'Bisect' Lartf, verte Hot.ffpfrng is in V V itf. --'great fleed of certain anndme . rr.Xfef.:"wYj' .ratf erf . . Tci f br: .A.-. c ' :'am: t f ' I..' t i." if now :-atiBds is daX-ri""'7 it .rains it washes, a.-.l -d r ir 3 weV-'Wr ft iW s0'da':,tVttT..'; il i. -rpp- 1 ;'j fv tlfl'vCl i ... . , t'.M : 1;: c ' ia 1 '- ' , v-,. -1 y IT:?hwap No. 20,:frort Laurel Kiver copy db fumis-ueu t Hot Springs, and finish th State Stikeieather, Highway Cor.-Ilhway'-from' the -'I Laurel . River for this District. ,- FrT.re ' No. 20. up Laurel River . EOrr;TS, end Shelton' Laurel," hy ;j?Hrfv. Camber ef 'Conlmerec. ' Y.-h;t Kick, to the Devir. Fork, at . CiiroIIna t'-e ' Vte line, artd' fiish and sur-j. s .". . e late' K!. ',' from Belva-Ai' T.T. .WUXTpiUr.ST, T Ifarel, tp'L.ttleiLaurty-ta i..e : . ir wHH- the! 1. a r t i 1 f '. ' f. r: t t "i7 ' f rrn- C ' to

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