A, MADISON COUNTY RECC V Established June 28, 1901. ' FRLNCH BROAD NEWS -. ' Established May 16, 1907. Consolidated No, aU.i. ' "'"' "ft '. "' . -' , , 'l.- . m tliose in doing. H 'it Pulil.cd TVICE. A VJ.- Tuc-Jays and Fridays. ; i.," , THE JESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY MARSHALL, N.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1930 ZBOO . ; : 8 Pages This Issue VOL. XXIX ti:o:.ias Rcmrs" -""I"" CI PROMINENT LAWYER O F ASHEVILLE REPORTED CRITICALLY ILL , -i Mr; Thomas Rollins, prominent at torney of Asheville, and well known Wijr ..v, in Madison County, suffered a stroice.v of .naralvsis. or opoplexy Wednes- i BftArnnnn hout two o'clock and la said to be in a critical condition, i' His son was fortunately in the office H with, him In the' Jackson (Building, when he was stricken,' and After j medical attention, he 'was taken byj ambulance to his home, where later reports were that he was very ill. TJIr. Rollins is a native of Marshall and his wife is the sister of Con ' pressman George , M Pritchard iof ! OUIigilMi ".'Una '-often has cases in court in Mar- cases in court in Mar- 1 . . - .11 i ; hv: t shall ana is wen will be irreatly distressed - v -'to know of We illness. METHODISTS TO Rev. Mr. Gray To Preack Next . . , ' - Sunday Rev, S. C.'Weatherly left Wed tiA1ftv for ' Radford. , Va. tt aiend of the churches in a former pastorate. ' .nchj(k vreen 5 000 ard 6 00v gev 0f Ma'son Co"unty, Dep- sKobtirig took place, about U ' ROCK HILL, SC.A man known ' , The pulpit" of the' Methodist church-' fl s lanned by several of uty Sheriff Gebrge Rector, and- clck the morning and he ly 11 was 'struck and . ' will be filled Sunday by Rev. J, J, j ' ch4lns n C-.,at D y ty sher;ff Dewey Foster. Cf "V ; . V . kjtaj by southbound freight No. 63 Gray, a former pastor. ; ' - Britain 83Ba further etep Sn the ra- ,'T J 15 shot3 wer4 fired.- i wel) notified of the flairlput tW gouth railway ftear Red On Monday, ihe 25th, M?. Weath-.t.onali2aHon. . of distribfon. ac- YlOey-, .Tranth.nl following the'twd. 0'clock, and he 'andyMlURlver, Saturday-morning. He- is1 safd erly will begin a series of meetings . voli aPpcrt'roived in 'the. shooting. -V talc.-to the hospital ' t imrnediaT3l5'vef74r,hv ;H ve but-f - i:tin kraWU. He .11 -bM.I ol by tjent'of Commerce Jfora at Waynesvillc, where" he died at 5:45 Bectoivent paxneOiWW ,oy relatlvea or hl8 s,.; Rev. M. L. Kinchelo, a member of gisnt Trade Commissioner R. '..S. , O.c!ock, tWednesday. afternoon,, hoa.' there, reaching the Menft or, forme, home have met with failure. the Holston Conference, but who for"Charls8 flt London - ; 1 pital , attaches reported that night :shooting abdut 3' Of 3:30' V KZfFZl.n1l ,iES . . the Jast two years has been doing . . WN1B . was ahot through the head. ? e - - ,1 EXPECT' 2,500 ., LEGIONNAIRES -post graduate work at Duke Univer- r.TTAnAr JARAMAY USE A- ' . -' . - r o'clock.' Three 01 onenn r r ? - . 1 ... ...nnn.iTc txt xtittw 1 . Shoi la Hoad . , ,1 , 'inn.Air Pno.l ' WinstnTi-Salem. (Plans are com- - y-. . I C... Jn.. th. . f Antth . ... .Jntufmr i nxr if. -Quarter Meeting" for' t Charge T , wiU be held at Walnut, ur. wtaKer, TwciM.-nr FUor. will nreach at elev- 1 Presiding Elder, will preach at elev- en. O'clock. D nner will be served on the ground, -une ousiness ..inn will be held Soon after dinner . j t m T ViWhpU vi.l m-each -. kiiu a.v.t. .. - at.; two-thirty. The general public, .is invited all these meetings. . " - to AN APOLCSY V.-' " ' 1 Some time ago I wrote an article to the News-Record under the head ing, "A tJanse," " and ' referred to some people -. handling fire and poison snakes, and made mention f the' Hebrew c' " ', Dai.lul, an.I Paul, and how God s.ved them, far, raui, ana now uuu ...v..., ' they had a cause, but for. people to do the 8""" t' rw w;,vout a .cause, it , be tempi' th-t srt: seiiou 'y, ter until I lc'tcr of any or s f . ' J 1 L k" -. for ' C . x. k b I ' ave 1' 1 rrtye ' , dv ' t it ov r t' e t I 1 ? t ' tf r' 1 MCil. lit r- 1 li I rone :ht- have a c toward (" I trnVe tins s b..v.. 1 I.-- fjter. I i' er, far hour, and sotne of a. o-: t:-e t foi1 1 t' t I t' til 1,- i "o ir. tc ' ; c . ' Cf f 3 1 ce .I tow lament . e nn; i li to Li! a 1 nc a . Ai'e doctrine. ( pcopl."! rre Wri Lave. -'- ' ( r (' ; t tr T. (. s i.i e . r t o r You Later,''1 staged at the School auditorium Tuesday night,- those who have expressed themselves, as far as !., we know, were much pleased with 1 1 e - The attendance r . , j a a was noi large nnu win piutceuo v , , , . i . v , . , I in 'a short time, we ao not nave i Space to single out Individuals and comment, but we believe we will be j ... .. . .. ,:. . -.i pardonea lor mentioning as eaiiecwt- , . . " J " t tyP'ca! jew ' ,i J8110?' 1 iwo i 1.1,1 raNGTOlMIS erS Joe 0sb0Tne and and has had many 'dangerous expert OTTAWA JL.YINU CUMJttlb- , -i.:- 4.v. .ff nf Tl- . v.. . SIONERS DISBURSE $25 009 TO lMUiAiNS'in iunincn :uiiin. - -, . , riymg .commissioner i w K!U. lymg. commissioners oi xn Canadian . Government . are deUvw.. Uig ' OUVUb AUfWV 1U va3 V aaw w than 4,000 Indians-in Northern on- tario either as t-ratuities or annui- tt unle . ' . wi,w n55 r.nn,int " i"olcu w" 'at Ottawa, according to a report re- ceived in the Department ofCom- merce.-from Commercial Attacks. Lynrf w, Meekins at Ottawa.; , WNIB ? " . nAiir rnim pi:im f.Aprra pomhtne. a comDine,wnicn wui iiuve.u kk nnn.noA . and tI tories of the modern penitentiary , Tiian Mvi- i probably , be purchased in f. United States, according to Mex- . tr, forwarded to 1 itAH vraron Hi'i'tirui iik t,u u vat . 1' . fh 7h. D'enartment of Commerce Jby 1 lAnnrrmHn I. ut : uvmuuvv i" . ' Cansul Raleigh A. Fibson at Guada- lajar'a, Mexico.' The plans call for, . i 1 a witnrnrvT Trrison nrismi. a military 'prison a. -"" i- ... - - . . ..Un - Tnp. irAneral ana a woman to..r . prison -wffl- consist of the following buildinks: General offices, dining Voii lihrarv. theatre, hospital, " show - p 6omii carpenter shop,' mechan- cial shops, shop factory, nd teV f factory. , . - -4M ; waeitikcton amer cn FASM rVCIIINERY POPULAi. IW tt--j 7"'.UNff. The incre J lU,ce of Kcw Zealand as a r-ar- 1 i)npoi'ta"ce 61 New .eai for American i. , 1 ,B 'I 1 i. ii. .me i Ui.. V' 1 - ion . , I f,.n n f r,,2 in IS- i M iii"'- , I 1o"i r.-cc p-r to a report ra- it . j i's I'l-iartmont of Com- , , of r ''"'f'V . 1 ' --tors, tl.rt: - i- - riacl.iiies, and t1 re ' rr-?, ?, 1. 1 mowci-s i co.t.'o J l.irvp-teis fan i"g 1. "'s, r.' 1 .v ti t'c' ' "1 incic 1 in AmP.VU-iin fan iipms-uts. . OTTAV.'A- nTTTL::';T r. tn OCEAN : .viens not cua 1 i- V cu--ions between Carnal 1 Cov- 1 ,.".:.i1a nnd the li 'J' n.-"- of tl'e Ca-i'.'ii Govu- ncnt i.....rvt'ranne concerning the fa- 1 1 ire of .t - - vice njt cur'. ' t3 ocii.n f.t" lt n e t cf il t ) ' 1 tj VIM TPiANTIIAL" WGIMDINQU. ' - . nvr iinnnp rAlKr v .v-"'. -" ' ' - - . MADISON ,,' ! r 1 lie IOllOWmsr: WniCn " ; " ir. 4V a j A k. n a u ucu. cu . .ill. uxc xxcuic- ..ill- 'l.-l' mi J VlllC VlUZ.t;il illUIbUct mnminfT: la tn Sftmfl AX- tent incorrect, wuiu: lriK Oiler 111 XVttlllsey, a reporter ior tms pa- I : ref . TllllveVl o XT 1Y rtrnittO1 1, c , " . -J i (irtp man. wiiev irancnam. about S5, is dead and two oth- . are we,mde4 ag a re8Uit . . . ....... j u -iii- i..!!. oi a piicnea irun uatbie wim M ,.- r ffi t Woi1,"ii fnnntv officers at ... n ' A -L. "... a 1- ...A, A r mMa. i fHAVM DOPT flTl HIMH1L Oil IllllCft liUlU ;"r.rv-; - th(t serine Marshall and near tne OPnng way, , vv euHeHu.oiu.UUu rt.it s n'iA-u- ntfirp- reDort-i"""! ---- - "17. Wp(rne8davi , V - " r niSnT' ' 'J . . , Shot-guns, 30.30 1 calibre rifles, and revolvers' were used) : . . ' 7 , l .1. fVio nne cirlo onil t.rirpe oracers' )D t" uiuei, -c vx Va!nv RViarifF R Tl. Rani. , Shoi la Hoad . , ,1 t n,hre. a voung mari, was muon is he has a good chance to recover, ac - cording : U lJZl.'- . n,-n 1 irom .wie u01. - "'" - he was taken following the shooting. Austin, shot m tne arm. was Austin, shot in the arm, was the least . seriously hurt oi tne ino. i the officers was wounded. 4 ; t : . . iL.. . with .l. .1..-.- with uiuceiB 'u , . .. . . ; . ..J umoci ... ,. . - jjjj tney. jougni werw voluntarny- started v quarrel iwith , , . , . c..ef T,aaav ,,a Denutv Rector -. littje after 2 Vclock'j , Wednesdayfternoon to go m search 'of an automobile in the Mack's IPatch ob Sprfnfi Creek. fThe e owner Q, . the . antomobile i .. . wT Affieera. - had Uerf trans 1:1. Thov ti..l been told 1 wnld annrcbcTsd ,.hm on ; the , J Til Wi; MACVi 1HVJ v'-'vjrer near Mack's iatcn m me afternoon. Slkrt QarrI :- JVniving,. Deputy Sheriff- Dewey Fosier met the two officers and, went with them to apprehend the , car. Vhile waiting, an automobile car rying Trantham, Osborne, and Au stin, came along and the men are re ported to have tried to ouai-rel with the officers. Not wanting trouble, the De-utv Sheriff Foster was drmng, and," hen he was warned by one of How o-eer. that the three men in ihfi Ot ,ther car were louowing "," wM1t ..v, i.test devel- , . il.- TAI-Ai nRfK. Ill uuius . In doing so IT.'-"ft road ahead, - .1. his Car i.iiai Bt tve sMe of th- ro?i. on, I "orrs said t'..e r-.cn ca cH t' ir ca-, P01 o One h one c 3 C day (VI r.ot. rt-Hn r.;ijrr? f - vent to o'-.e : .. t . A r '.:.. r 1" ..;! fplUvA ! 1 I -. o '. of I'.iO t ". . , -. nJ 1 "' nrcled, e of- .5.r.a '-, ii f f a $.:e. s Vad r - J r i. a n d n rr ? fcr- I -'.I fy 1 tl !- I .' j 1EL WEDNESDAY -tjr their quarrel. . , ' ...v: - nirau win cor. .., : .-... v. . . . . m . " m.i tt nave warnea me oincers a a ueouajr Illinois cops and had better be good. 'i n v ' 7t , "TV w The 'officers, unmindful of the warn- , , . ' A ; - 111, wmcw CWIHJ w . reoort. went to the section armed i with .-a . search ..warrant for : the 1 ikey-laden automobile . 13eriff d ln Wftlnut, seveh miles west of Marsnaii. louow- of! the fi?ht telephone, wim t t i iirit . twin? doVD. ?' " j v. .i . ; ' Deputy Foster is the youngest dep- shoff RBmaev's force... ,n He, haa en in he service several years, . d to h-m 0ne of hia best of- . ,...,: .i..fiv.i,'.,...--w::.-'.H,.v..f. fibers. -- . V . . ( ifhe Asheville Citizen. It seems' that, the -statement . . . , Wiley Trantham is-dead - n.hm;if afirf Auat m in.lur ' . " i . 3AD AND TWO Pf,is re8Ult of a un battle tal'r an.a . f-or , "'"r"' I y - - ' true But Jiherilt Kamsey ana Deputy Geourge Rector . . ; .... th were not there' until alter ine VnAtino - haH. taken T)lace.; Ac- , "t ,. 1?Ma : Kamsey s aepuu - . Fowler, were the, omcers wnu . . . '-nrn-' "Fowlet, weire the; Officers who 1. 111 uu jTranmwiu ia ",;. .r - - ' ; ; .0' 'nldpr and .... - ,huuui..-v cording to snenn iiamsey, tuc i . , , ,r , .t tw0 ; oi nis nuu, Vt.vMw... MOTORCYCLE IN FATAi. ckasm gr0WXlf were with him at theN . ' ' , i . . , l J ? "ttt 4- i . v 'iwTttt - - a rim a n whh uwi ;" nine o, ti0 -,t--1,, . .7 Mr. and Mrs. Urant &mun 01 uim be sure' as to the. details, butvNewto.n, was instantly killed Friday ,r' J : j QVior- ,a vuuvuua "V" - iff Ramispy has .ih pw. PO88 iird .triftt -were used, Neither I, t is .it. ".certain. ;a$ to vahether ;th6 snooung j wneuier iiij r t- . . , ,(,(, .,1!, . iann i-orgamaauoii uo , Haywood , County,.- 3 was North Carolina anfis making a bid v.rv nc r thft line."" 'It, will towards solving some of ths farmers very at i s -uy. problems.- Tie new Grange organi- probab'.y T require ,a trial to UvMchlii in the state in 1929 brin'jr out all the facts. , I wits Dr. Clarence Poe as tat inast-' , . ...j- rriji,, 1 CHI- School Llrxlics Exten sive Improvcmcrxts , Manufacturers of textile machin . i.., -nAnprnted with the .Tex- ! B College Dy '"' " torcycle dealer," s instantly killed , .iJTSTi Saturday af'crnoon when his moto .vaifcMe. JZi e'cycle collided withcar driven by - Deen n.-u , -"A W' in long arai. .. These t,o spinning iram ithete'--s room oi tne 'School r - i It is now tare Me w make c ; -.rauve land t ' e -rartment cf , School t'iu-'rred with the latest facto have 5 bobb'i ' -,0!i Company l.ave. re--"j'd Eeverr.l of their lut- 1 f 1 .;r.;f lIHcr hMi 1 th- j 1 t.-tcfhJr with tcif j .,-"t in aetov-'- ec-n- .".The cently est.t weav? st trol. T! and horizontal stript.ig attachment, The Gaston, "!"iunty Dyeing' Ma- cr.jus uompany nvi, xurnisnea .me dyeing: department 'with a ; sample dyeing machine complete with pump and motor.. ' , Various other addiibns hove been made to the equipment of the School durirg the summer. , X 1 'Carolina Chat CHILD KILLED BY LIGHTNING ELKIN. Grace JPardue, 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Web ster Pardue, was instantly " killed day in the yard of her home four miles south of Elkfn. - GUEST INJURED IN r,,..v ACCIDENT FILES SUIT . WINSTONvSAtEM. Erick Cope land, ' on Jntfe 6, loaned hia car to his f ianceei (THias Marearet Easrles. She took five other girls with her on snoppmg mp inm oalisoury, lo 'Winston - Salem.' The car overturned, and now-.one if the injured Miss Carraloieh Jones is suinir Miss , . z , , . iciaimmg mat miss jwigies arove ai j reckless, speed and in violation of jtraffic laws., 1 , : I - , - CC - ' tiNAR;Tn mPNTimr - ' - , - . ; 1 : )0f the American legion, department 01 oi OI wortn varonna, wno uits ohjcwku to attend .the lZth annual conven- Winston-Salem.' Au ,w iwv"w . -.,--- .. .gust 25. rK' ; I , : -CC-- Newton Fred Smith, !U, son or u 4Bwiuir-r iu , w""" ""i t---- . - - aftemoon when h is' motorcycle .truck an automobile, near - Shelby and he was thrown through the ind- shield of the car. .' , ' .' . lISTate'ciiamcb to meet ; 1 , - . . - errhj8 80me 100 locals subormrate :al suDormraie mPPtfntf state, meeting uranges. 11s " ... . -... i Ri;snrv. October 1 ; wui w ... to 8, and at least 1000 delegates are expected. " ' ' . 1 TATFSVILLE MINISTER vf GIVES, BON Moore, 40; mo- Rev. C. -L. Weston,' visitmg n.u. Umm 5!tate6ville."The minister, tatea ,-- - der chg is . - - - - " CC ' V , CINO EACK BANK R0SBERS . - ,bury Sheriff .Lyerly- and two ;3 eve tlas wei'c bringing back Fl;)i Ua Ted ' :.-meycutt and! il.i::.3, "young ..'Charlotte .men 1 :.S robbh t "t:.- ".aik cf oput: from r.uckwell cn Wedr.e--' y of l.ust wet!., CO IN scj::d ' f.:h r, f-ii- BUILDING SCHOOL ; AT WHITE ROCK Through the kindness of Mr. Story I a rtasing this opportunity to con ; ve'y to the citizens of the White Rock school district a brief message of ' louva, mean - nnu opinions, : wnicn k am hoping will be of real benefit to : all concerned. Of course you know with what difficulties your Board of v. J .a' ' t. - : M - J1 . W 1 A A . huumuuu ourrowea ine fio,vuu to . build you a school house. Also, that ; we your Board, were not able to net a house' built for the 1 6.1)00. 'r ' and . also that we are undertaking , to buy, the ground, build the house, "i and hope to be able to furnish it with, the ' 1S,000. So far as I know, none of your Board of Edu- . cation are builders. In undertaking w. ; ... . -r --r hi1. this job we do not think for a mo ment that we can accomplish or do more ... than 'experienced . builders. But the urgency of the case, your need 'and our desire to do all we can vjo educate the youth of our county , have combined to cause us ? to undertake . this project I con- ! f ess -1 have doubts and misgivings about this nrofirram we have laid out : tor ourselves, n as i view iw m ., largest success -can come to this un-- UrtaW in only one way. And - - - . ... B this is the purport of this message ? to you. If you, eacn one, win ap proach this proposition, with the pur- ' pose and dispisition to put forth your f best efforts to the work' or labor -1 that comes to your hands, -and if ' those of a willing mind will fall into , line with our foreman, Mr. Kobin- , ' - ..... . , 1 . .1 .. son, . and renaer nim your ioyi u , unstinted aupport, and all strive to uphold , the 'hands of your Superin- tenoenc, hit. . xjia.e"'i' "- 5 takings nponlhimaclf Ihft, burden of , your? Board -of Education and. that of youV own as well, the supervision mA thfe 'oversiirht of the erection of this house. . ' . , i . T Tt ft be the purpose of each one 1 X. VAm miinK llA iHTT nilt intO... this building and not how much can get out of it. ; , .U V.A .Stivana at in. coun ty are helping you to build and es pecially those school districts . like those of my own township, who can , never even hope to have such a house ? for hemselves or the opportunities that it brings to you, It behooves eacn-, of you to add, not only your strength aid,' loyalty and enthusiasm tout with kindliness toward those of "your f el- low - citizens who . are sacrificing tp help ' you -let your hearts turn in gratitude to God for .the promise and blessing wichsafed to your cnn- dren.;- For you wui. ouua in vaiu i you shall make na place or give no thoueht'tor the spiritual .life f your. du 1 is... ami viiui. ......... ..... . ..... .-d.-.i - Several . "of your representative citizens .have ; appeared before . the Board -quite"" often. " Speaking from my own experience, I am, free to aayj. that'it hasbeen'a. pleasure to serve imik B-nrl have encountered no tit- - , , -,. : .. . isene who- ave. manifested a finer t xvftn the from . ' If in any way I can serve you, I, shall be delighted to do so. : '" CALVIN H. REBViES. . HOT SPRINGS SaiCOL OPENING -'.POSTPONED - OPENING D ATE SEPTEM-ER SET 1 FOR The opening date for the opening of the Hot ;rir3 K:h fJ.ool tai ben c'.ar Kvnttay, d from next, l.wscy ta ...iembfr L " rr.trc.ns mi'l' 8 nets the char. re. y '1 , cen.' mei

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