X X4 ill 1 A SJ . ,i i i ',! i .M- T-j y - ' i a, t'ie t .null c' . ,. of ,HrJ aod. Mrs. Vrillard Retl-r, SPECIALS fcrAUaUJT- :ALrfor AUGUST CI ZCIAL3 lor AUGUST. ' H 1 1 UilDAY. 'quite ill. .,'A speciall'it from Ai" ville the first of the week, -advi .! thatrthe- child's tonsils may ttr caus- ri o O - -. -in : ingher trouble.' However,, hqr con dition at the present time is too 'Seri ous, for her to undergo an operation. .Vc tc, j v Q1.C3 cf rv , .C C3.S1S Ccco Chicory, IK-I7c; 3 lbs. fcr 13c Fat Dac!:s, per, Lj. -,-,j.'---.-r - 12c ' -Ccrn FlaJrcs, 2 packages :.ai..2. 12c IMcichcs,- 3 larc boxes 10c FRESH FRUITS end VEGETACLES ; VATERMELOI IS & CANTALOUPES A . - ; - t'Oh the Square" Phone 8 - :1 5 tt - T J XT nr' " t '11 S nappenuis m aim iNeiyiarsnaii 9 " J. JL . ; ' ' ' ' ' j ...... v . Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Beaver, and , liia sister, iMiss.WUlie, Reaver,, all.of - 'Cabarrus, N. C, are guests of Mrs. Reaver's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. p. Tweed. ' " if-.'- t'v .--i'lf vj i ?'-.?! b . I1 NOTICE On art f tor ' Friday ' ' Aasrasf 15th." admission nrices Tfa the" Princess Theatre will be JQ cents .for tall ader 12 year of - age, ..aod- Sfl . fall under 12 Years of age and vac. "- Mim Louisa Pritcharrf Vntertaine4 : fhejf ; class mat SMiss MiiaWth '"Cot' Hn's,'f flillsloi-oi N. ,C Wednesday 'with, a . luncheon and hridge jbarty : iV. waM"''';' lVfctBAa ; JnnA Tweed, Evelyn JHnkle," Virginia Hen dricks, Merle 'Sams, and 'Mrs. Mary ' Story. '"V 1W S?,i'r' Yakima Canult in "A TEXAN'S " HONOR' aJao a two-jreel comedy and Craay Cat Cartoon at Princess 1 Friday and Saturday-i-and the price is only 10c and 20e. ' - v s "i. .. : ! , Aa mav be seen from an article elsewhere in , this paper, Rev., J. J. Gray, a former; pastor, wil preach nf Rpv. S. ti. Weatherly. - 0 V V t If V .at a i, A. merica Xo v Charlea (Buddy) Roor in 'Half Way te rrlaavenJ. J ThdilU, throfca! Tha atar 'of . "Cloa Harmony." A aw hit. With a . saw firl-friand, Jaan ArUr. A Paramount Picture. Mr n. M. Riwver. Mr. anoijMks. , Brownie Trent, Mrs. Charlie Jack- k ..... M 'irai ..1 son and Mr. trea uiass, oi rswuie S. C, are here for a few days visit ing Mr. Sawyer's son, Mr. Claude Sawver. and family s 1 ' ...."Half Way to Hearon," Charlea .(.Buddy; Koger- new. irrin pc ture, which will show at the Princess f theatre next week,' wa adapted from ,,'. .V.' Y ' V. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Johnny L. Davis, .August 6th, a daughter, ut- tl Betsy. Miss T 1 ;'Uan Whitehurst ' left Thursday to spund the week-end with Miiss Cumi Ramsey of Leicester, N. C. ' ' ' . , r The woman's missionary " society of the Marshall Baptist church met with Mrs. J. N. , White Thursday af Mrs. - J. " J. Bailey and daughter, Miss Nellie," of Asheville, were jn town Thursday .afternoon. ; Mrs. J. N. West left Sunday to visit her daughter, "Mrs. DeWitt Austin at Charlotte before going on to .visit , another aaugnter, mrs. n. p.. Curry-in" Pennsylvania. ' LRdgerV I tHalf Way, HJeaveo,' with ' Jean Arthui f, J- ' Vo..'ll .1-,'- t,r'mm StKva fBuJJvl Rogers, Jean Arthur and Paul Lukas In "Half Way to HeaVen," at Prin cess Monday and Tuesday..; Pricest 10 and 20 cents. - the best-seller novel, "Here' Comes dwagon.rt r H.ary L Catej. .Rev. Waria WW nil hmflv" hivebeen. Spcndihg thtfl summer near 1 .It . ... ' 4 i . . . otiarsnau, are leaving tn latter paijt th'fe weet for Mt-Alry, Pa,, where Mr.';hiteteaches. ' Mr. WfeiU wijl be in a revival for two weeks before nis scnooi oegins -aeptemoer 1. i f .New ThriUs-i New Throbs. Wherje jhery's Irl the're's a way. - See Xounf imirica'i Boy-jfriead in this Ihrill-'hrob'hit. Charles Saddyt) Mrs. J. B. Martin of 'Raleigh, who has been visiting Mrs.' bowler Shelt- on, Mrs. O. ,C. Rector,' Mrs. J. Her echel Sprinkle, Mrs. Hubert ftoherts; and others in Marshall Is expecting to leave Friday " for Asheville. to spend a few days, before returning to her home. - -'" ' - rimtia TTnndariion of Knox- ville is the guest ot her sister; Mrs. Un'miri Mrs.' S.'"'B;! Rbbertsjsnd children 'spent last .'weeif-end wiljh relatives at English,' N. G. Miiut DorthvSnrinkle- has resum ed her position"' as' bpolSkeeper ,. for the power company Wfc uarsnau. " "': v- ' - " 1 :AT.THE GOtf COURSE .1 Hi1 tHtt i'ri f, i TOURNAMENT, AT r MARSHALL MIDGET COUNTRY CLUB TO START TONIGHT AT S ! P.-M.r AUGUST IS xr' " ""DR. RICECVe EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST ; ' " Citizens Bank In OiTice Saturdays And Mondays , ALL WORK . GUARANTEED ; I ' , ' i. .hiiIIT MMMaaaaaaMaajaasaasansaaassnaau i , , . . - " : - ., ...-Tt mn. .ii i mini iwieiaiaii"!"" - N!. " i" ,' ; . '-i . , ' 114 ( ; .-: j, uw . j''. itsi i1 a J '. . ' K . - 'ft r . v t , u x t)ue. to the number of low scores turned in, the men's tournament will nf . thrca. foursomes, the wiif- ners of which .will compete for the championship. - , ' Tha ladies' tournament will con sist of one foursome, the winner be rnminar ladies' chamnion ' f or first ft0iinl- --i " f im' ; i - " i . . , :. . ' . .. . I jThe following by: merit oi tneir lowscores, wiU.maKe up me repect- At .8 o'clock, Wendell McDey itt, JamiBa1Keamon, jonn w wm niv,.t- siidHiibert Kdwards - win start the lilay.s; ' :''-""' " At fiil5. Mrs. Grace Redmon, Mrs I AndreV Redmon. Mrts.J o.. iweu and Miss" Frances -McDevitt will play: ''." ' ,' ' " ' . At 8 :30, J.fc C. 'Sprinkle, John Red- mon, N. Bf MeLevjtt wa w w. a. V At. '8:45, Mack fe 'Samsey, C. E. Rector,' J. J. - Ramsey . and Bruce Redmon will defend their laurels. - Those listed above," who are not readv to ulay, at the appointed time TwHlr. automatically default. - v - C ilttis expected that much interest i,m-.hp' shown -in this tournament, j pdiHl many spectators are anticipat- ifiTAe announcement that Mr. Wil liam' G. Roberts, one of the "socially prominent members of the younger set and son of. Mr. ana mrs. uy . Roberts, is now managing the course for the owners, MrLocKwooa ana Mr. Powell; will be Interesting. , C a a to s PI f in PI o e c H km .5 f i I PI o o G O ;1 I.,. MpiiV f?2.50 rrade 16 oz. Blue Sercre Suits '1' S15.95 Men's S1G.50 grade 13 oz. Blue Serge Suits $12.95 V Men'i SCHLOSS BROS. $25 & $30 Suits Ljl.L $12.95 Men $2.00 grade Moleskin Pants , $li9 Men's $200 Grade Scout Work Shoes $1.65 Men's $1.25 grade 220 wt. Overalls per pair lLL 89c Boy's 90c grade 220 wt. Overalls per pair 59c Men's $1.00 grade SEAL-PAX Union Suite, pair 75c 1 r Men's, Women's, Boy's or Girl's Tennis Shoes 75c' j Women's or Girl's $1.00 Silk Bloomers -C; 69c ; Women's or Girls' 50c Silk Bloomers T-r 39c . ; Best 4-yard weight, 12c grade sheeting, yard 8 l-3c Manchester Chambray, 122C grade, yard 1 r8J-3c .,-,SV. wrw.- -., ... - - The best $1.00 gradeWork SUrHmr ; v C ''JGnod grade,, two-pocket, trip'e stitdhed work shirts 39c nAi SSl .inn rrVi Afx90 eamless sheets 75c - 'Ml Pepperell or Druicj Reg. $T.25'r5p grade sjieete 98c P-4 Pepperell or Druid wide sheeting, - i s t v.. 5Uc grade, yard x 35a 2 21 PI 22 l-2c 25c 42 Pepper'ell Druid PilioW Tubink ' ,. r , , I ' V, ; 30c crrade yard, , j I r : ". f '.. i -.&'' 'TV ' 1 k. ' . .a a :. . "I . 'W ' 'W. . W V "T-r' P"" a7 60-inch wide Feather Ticking, ,$1.00 grade, yard ac All 25c grade.Prjnts, Vat Fast Colors, yard -Women's PatLea, Straps and Ties, pair r $1.69 $1000.00 worth new, clean samples-4-in all kinds , notions-offered for and less than - -WHOLE-SALE COST . COME SEE-4-AND SAVE MONEY M o t C 24 (A H a PI r PI o 3 ft 2 0 PI o 6 SPECIALS" AUCUSTPECIAI fffl. AUGUST-SPECIALS for S 2 2 9 WA Motor-GliderlFlies from Cincinnati to New York ,.ilv.;- Lst This .Your ! V it' ""Sl . , Mi T'epri'tVp ca-es cf th!3'book well filled and the ,i-jTr be worth readme. It will tell If 1 3 "j and Baccc bom of thrift and perserver 1 fa cf accomplishment in active years, - and VVtW diar'y with" a dollar or more in a savin-s cccour.t Tc-'cyt , -J Ii. C 1 1. 'IVICE Cuilt. ;OF ALLiO:iT3 jjy "COLY" Asheville seems to have a mania for sellittir dood baseball playteiii. Marty Baylin, who was sold by Ashe ville to Greenville, of the same loop, a few days ago, is proving that he is some pitcher, having won 5 games P--; it-t -f-.r rw""v:'Jti. Earl Mattingly was sold to Itiacon," and he's going good; Buck Greene was also sold to Macon, and Wednesday r.rppne nitched aeainst the trreat Jim Moonev of Charlotte, and he .held (lie Hornets hitless for nine innings, T.'nphhfl cettinir a hit in the, tenth inning . Oh, well, such is life. OASV .' ' Wih "onlv about a point in per co- betwepn them, the -Chicago 1 r-or.lvlvh' Kotins of the , Lc- ;e. fciC f.;,hting both . and tr-:i f t te league u: r .'..fr tc;nz able n tLl nv ' J region. to In tve Ar'Pi ' i I' rh;: New YfV it oi t f T s" ) 1 l' I 7 C I 1 f 1 j q have front, with 'on fating i p. And we Y. ' o's lead as with C 3, running - " &f-' k fit I tjSrc? , 1J - ;... , t- '..Afc!Bi.......... .a ?. ... V . .LjaWa . Stanley Huffman of Qncinnati flew this tiny machihe with a 30-horsepower motor all the Way on 23 S'uons or pasqime. . . , w,:a.:sams. Physician and Surgeofc Office Front Room Over, t Citizens Bank , ; ( - By intsalling a hydraulic rani, at , 1 his spring 81 feet "awey .from' the house, J ,L. Long of i'adkin, county now has a plentiful supply. of ruu ninj water for his honw aad barns. TV secure a -vaxicty of anned friit and vegetables this, winter, each t housewiie neeus w cans ov a vaevjr of fruif nd 57 piuts -of a variety of vegetables for er-ct praon in the family, estimates iSxK Jane S. Mc--Kimmon. ",.,"'.. ' ' " CARL R. STUART ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 1 Office Over Citizens Bank ' '' . -, -, ne,".-'1 - s ' v. MARSHALL, N.'C 1.' Largest Airship Crosses Atlanta