v" ;. V v J 1 "f 'v.- rl1'-,: v v. .1 , I1 t.' . titzz -:t. c j. r ; i i The Passing of Pin. Cushions w T SAW j one of those old-fnRlitnnpd -contraptions u In the garret of a .farm House not long ago. , it was a r: meek-Iooklng and fnded-outvmesa and V . punched full of pin-holes. , These pin ' " cushions ; passed out " of existences 1 along with a host of other . thing found" peculiar, to the female1 of ;the species.' - ' - , ; . The old stjle woman was of the -, pln-cushlon variety, She Just stuck v around and . ftok : whatever happened to come her way. She was a hum ' 't ble, silent being who bad about as . much initiative as the average gov eminent employee. Her Idea was that ' of watchful-waiting, and she did a -lot of the latter, . She took what she could get and hong on to H until It got rusty, ., . ' Ton don't find ' many i of these fe !f male pin cushions nowadays. The flap ... Perish woman Is more of a norcnnlna fy r: who throws the pins, or quills. If you . . wait u iubv wuui.uiv men oner, yea u take a lot that yon don't - want, or f nothing at all. The modern girl never bad a chance , . to be receptive, for, she came into the ; . - world when life was flying. She knew i 'that she had to reach ont after what ' ; she wanted whether H was a dance i me y appetite was poor and I had V or a Job, a sptffy bat. or a man. - .suffered' with a reumatic condition When it cornea to getting a man, It .for years.' Saron Ailed me -with .doesn't pay to sit down and look in- new life and energy relieved all of , (.terested. A girl has to exert berselt my ailmenta and t e3A tf , m ,AB a matter of fact, the only wayl h ..h . ; x ,.to get the man,you want Is to takej . ny Dy;, ' ; - , K . the Ice-tongs and drag him Into the I Sargon Pills complexly cleared kitchen. Of course, that doesn't aeein, my system of poisons s withoufc .the "k dignified,' but dignity Is only another ..least, ' discomfort "Rev. ' "W. - 1. one of tue ' things that has been -J stuffed ji way In the attic of the apart t meqt "i- s-: i.But fm not -thinking of mereHtnen. I KoTm considering the change that has come over: us women since the revolving doors began to spin around. . We can't afford to sit still and accept the pins which Fate has In store for ''us. -s , ' - ' " We've, got to be. on the Job 'in all ' .mutters.' H". , . ' The moment "a girl makes a pin cushion of herself, and accepts the v " opinions of other people, she's on her , way to the attic, . ;vv Don't say to-wus, TJse no hooks,"! .. for that's. Just , the ' thins we have , ; to do, V ." f .t & tar iBll pynalcatv Jnc New Popular Price 'Dental Oiffices "' Now. Open EXAMINATIONS FREE Gold Crowns $5.00 Up Plate $10.00. Up :-' FUKnga $1.00 Up :- Fifteen jreara' experience WORK GUARANTEED Drs; Oweh'& Frink Corner Padc Squr & Patton At. ' jPhoae 7305 V ASHEVILLE, NC,. FROM BLUFF . . i -We had a good S. S. Sunday. "We were glad to have Mr. Roscoa Lank ; "ford from Fonde, Ky., with us. Ev eryone enjoyed the nice talk he gave , Miss Frances Sawyer from Tulsa, ..Oklahoma, is visiting- Miss Bonnie Thomas and family. , Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Lankford and " Mr. John Gentry frpm Fonde, Ky., v: 1 spent the week-end wilh relatives - Jiere. . Miss Flora Lankford accom panied them- home. --She will spend the winter with her. uncle and aunt, - .Mir. and Mrs. Lankford,. and attend school at Fonde, Ky. . . . " Miss Ruby Waldroup took dinner Sunday with Miss Mae Finley. - - Those who took dinner at Mr. Edd Weldroup's Sunday were Messrs. 0 . bie Waldroup, Ernest Thomas, Burter Castle eTid Phil Henderson. ' Thee wh visited at the home of Hr. Ed4. Waldroup Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Burn Cody and nephew Mrs. R. H.., Waldroup, Mrsi Howard Wsr3ham, Mr. Ernest. Thomas, Mr. Cbie Waldroup, Mr. ,Castle Hendcr- son, Hiss Ruby Waldroup. and broth- Z er, Flcyd. ".. T- '--- There was singing and prayer meeUr.2 at tlie home of Mr. Charlie ' Finley Saturday night A largr !crod W3 lt;::f't ana everyone ''sf creed to enjoy " t! e occasion. Hrs. Finley is ur.Elle to come to j ) wsrt to me"vi our V'ei- FES HEALTH -MOW ' I used toVavj co'tts'i'sn'' pains ir mv side-, head rt neck anl wa ffl slant well. I-waf rvoua constipated, "my kidneys distressed ,'i ? , T V REV. W. T. SHANNON Shannon, Blythetwood. S. C. i MOORE'S PHARMACY, Agents f From SANDY MUSH Xi Mrs.; Edd Ward called on Mrs, J. H.' King Tuesday. Rev. Frank Leatherwood and Rev. Mr, Ctark paid Mr. and Mrs. Wiley King and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Boyd a- visit last week. ' -; r . . Mr.. N. M tusk has returned home. i Mrs Millard " Sutties called ,on Mr. Oliver King ' Thursday evening. -. Rev. Mr. Clark called at Mr. T. T.I King's Frdjay A., M, . . - Mr." J. H. King motored to town - ff. ' Leatherwood 'and WcT, Clark are . holding a meeting at Chestnut Grove at ' this writing with a very large crowd in attendance, - " .Misses. Zora and Nettie Smith are staying with'Mri Fred L. Hannah. v ' Mrs. R..E. Duckett was visiting her parents Saturday, , , Mr. T.T, King, Mr. R. J. Boyd and Mr. Oliver ' King tndtorcd to Asheville Thursday. ' Rev. Frank Leatherwood and Mr. Clark were supper guests of Mr. and torn. T .T. Kintr Fridav evening. i Mr. Everett Duckett.ond tw 3 chil dren have goner back to Oh'o... , - - Mr. Will McElreath Is visiting rel atives on Sandy Muish af present. Mr. Everett Duckett is "with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Uuckott Miss Bettie Boyd Is teaching schooj a . Turkey Creek. : J Mr. and Mrs, J.- H. Kii. and ,to dausrhters, -Mrs.. Fanny f Boyd ana Mr. Floyd, Boyd wera the'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Boyd Sunday. Mrs. Nerva , Sprouse . waSj visiting her friends in Robers i . Cave Sun,- J. II.Hutchins DENTIST r OHice Over '. CITIZENS BANK Marshall, N. C. S In OSce Every Day In Week . X-RAY WORK A SPECIALTY ? If you Lave any defective " teeth, better have thera examined Ealcsraan Is Ihi bdy of ' tl- o!e ml . ,; . . .. Yes, but she's asleep ju beauty odgic Xhwarry Beauty Coruultdnt : . , .....vF we oa this bide of the ocean I could become more hand-eon- ..tdous some of our personal beauty problems would be solved. While in France, I was impressed ' with the knowledge and skill most women possess in the use of their ;. Hands. t- :r -lvf, ' We may as' well realise that . they are . Jointly responsible tor skin loveliness, along , with prepa rations ol unaueBUoned quauty. " Of : curse. i we . need iust ' the right things to work withl Tou Wbo are home-makers know that yon can't cook U you don't have - flour, and eggs, batter and baking ' ' powder. So, In caring for your skin, you cant expect to keep it healthy and well-nourished with out using Just the right appllca- -' tions. x ., -- . P However, In any ; really fine ' preparations there Is no secret It Is all there In the Jar ready for use. The secret if you still in sist on one is simply to use these sclentiflo aids as they were in- - tended to be used. ' Now I want i Wise Seasoning . By ETIENNE ALLIO, Chef, Hotel New Yorker, New York City OO Ijreqnently the Amer ican housewife depends almost entirely upon salt T ana: peppe? lor seasoning. .Tha third member of the trio of . fundamental " seasonings- salt, pepper and sugar she some times falls' to think of as a season ing at all, looking upon it Only as a sweetener. - In this respect the French cook Is wiser than she. By the French , '-' ' .... a dash of sugar is used to- bind ' and '.accentuate the 'flavors of the v various lngre dlents; not enoagh ; to ' sweeten, 'but sufficient 1 o make a deli cious differ ence in the final flavor of SHIP ALLIO : r ' . ' the dish. Pen- per corn, mace, allspice and a large group of other seasonings are also used by the French to achieve 'those delicate flavors that; have brought French cooking the crown Of acknowledged aupremacy. Cauliflower Bearnatse W ash thoroughly . one large . .head of : cauliflower '" and' separate '? jnto. dumps. Cook, until tender Drain and place in greased casserole. c T 4 Scups Tc:t ' , BY ETIENNE ALLIO, Chef, Hotel New Yorker, New York City IOTJP holds, and deserves, the honor of opening the evening meal in- thou sands of American homes. Than a perfect soup there is no more delicious dish. Than a poor soup watery andV tasteless- there Is no more ruinous prelude to what otherwise might have proved , a thoroughly soul and appetite-satisfying repast. : To avoid the disaster of a really poor soup Is not difficult. Fairly . ... V, good' results are easy to at tain. But to prepare ' the perfect soupf That Is Indeed an art which calls for all the bonis- wife's skill la the . choice A t,- and mixing of' liltid I- ecta, and the Use of season- OHtr AtLie ir-a. It la, hovever, an art which carers as its reward the heartfelt. 8?5rec!atIon of $tH the Ciners at tv..r toiti. - F:' i a U Creroe iTf!nard C T C- ' 1 1 r 1 intyour!irids to talk to you a little about cleans ing the skin. - e For simple cleansing I'd suggest three things: a cleansing cream a lotion that tones and freshens and. of course, cleansing tissues. Also, and this la most Important; you will want the free and full use of both your hands I It's my theory that only by using both hand can you -give every single part of your face and neck the v kind of treatment tt needs. Now, with your finger tips spread with the fragrant cleans ing cream, smooth it , up up up from the base of the neck, all oyer your face. I like a cream, niwt of all, that liquefles quickly under contact It should not re quire hard rubbing and kneading. Just smooth it on, - A good cream penetrates and lifts the dust and grime right cut. Now again using both hands . take two pieces of cotton and dip each i into a freshening lotion, using4 the middle fingers of each hand. Begin again at the base of the' neck and smooth UP and up gently. With the excess cream dissolved, and every pore en couraged to breathe again, your skin . will feel dellciously clean and cool. , '-'i&-.: Gives Added Zest Mix .together- two cups peas, one ' large slice onion, two peppercorns, .two doves, one-half teaspoon salt, one tablespoon sugar. . Simmer in onecjup of water until peas are ,verysott Melt three tablespoons1 butter in a saucepan. Add .three tablespoons' flour . and stir, ntU , , smooth. Strain pea nilsture and press through - colander, blending it with one-half cup milk. Season with one-half, teaspoon, salt ' and add to butter and flour Stir 'until completely blended. Pour ever cauliflower and sprinkle ! with bread crumbs. Brown In a quick oven not more than eight minutes. Cucumber a la Qlverny Pare and cut Into small pieces one large cucumber. Cook until tender In boiling, salted water. Drain. Beat one egg lightly and add two table spoons vinegar, one-half teaspoon salt one-eighth , teaspoon pepper, and one-eighth teaspoon sugar. Boll until the mixture thickens and pour over the hot encumbers. Serve immediately. ; f ' : j Tomatoes Bemadotte Cut Into eighths, two pounds of fresh toma toes. Place In saucepan." Add one and a ' half teaspoons salt one-' eighth teaspoon pepper, one table spoon sugar, two tablespoons but ter, sis: cloves, one-fourth teaspoon paprika,' and a one-Inch piece of cinnamon. - Cook slowly, without water, until tomatoes are tender. An equivalent amount, of., canned tomatoes can be, used In place of the fresh, If desired. Ciilinpry S!dll through a colander Into a sauce pan. Add two cups good stock. Season, .with salt, pepper, one tea- spoon .sugar, a - pinch of ' mace. ' Bring quickly to the boiling point ' Stir In one tablespoon gutter rolled In one; teaspoon flour. Cook one j minute and remove from Are. - J C Potsge Longchamps Drain one can of Teas into a saucepan. Add ' two slices t of onion, three ; cups chicken stock, and ont and a. half , teaspoons sugar. Bring to a. boll ; and simmer : for one-half hour. Blend in a saucepan, one table spoon Hour with ona tablespoon melted hotter. Pour In slowly, stir ring all the while, the pea mixture. Bring to boiling point; then re-' move and put through strainer, r Add one cup milk and a few sprigs of fresh mint Reheat, removing mint in about five minutes, after it has had an opportunity to impart its delicate flavor. Add one-half cup cooked vermicelli and season with salt and pepper. Potto de Carettea Wash,. scrape -and slice, thin, twelve ma dlum-slse carrots. Flace In sauc '. pan" with two tablespoons batter, . Season vtth salt and on teaspoon sugar. Cook slowly, turning con stantly ftct'J tbe carrots begin to color. A'l tro crs pood fcrot'i and let c -re's t ! t j g'.aia. T - 9 c - S VS-tSTABUSHCD " WHERE EC0N0M7iutr-1 . (PERSONAL) -,'A great Btory was written on . the motto, "All for one and . one .for aW.'. A & P cus tomers have built up a g r-e.a-t association! of housewives , on -, that motto. . - . ' Massing their money through A & ,P stores to get the best food :v to all, j each shares , the benefits all" make possible. , a & p Pure - GRAPE JUICE Pint 21' Bottle' PURE CIDER 39c VINEGAR MASON JARSpl" Doz JAR RINGS doz. 5c CAPS OLD DUTCH CLEANSER IVORY SOAP 2 6 cX f HITCH Q 12 ounce UilTOV O Packages TTMB From -Thomas Branch Miss Grace and Beth Baker from Asheville are visiting their grand iParents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thomas. ' Messrs. Robert Ramey and Hamp ton Thomas have been cutting and sawing wood for the past few days. Those who attended church at Red Hill Tuesday , nieht were Mr. and Mrs. Millard Payne and four small daughters, Mrs. J. O. Revis, Mrs. Co ra Lee Freeman, Miss Neta Thomas, Misses Olive and Vonalee Revis, Messrs, Lankford, Hampton, Hobert, and Junior Thomas, Carl Cantrell, and Misses Marion and Mary Emma Ramsey. Mrs. Bill Payne and daughter, Fay, from Dry' Branch, spent Thurs day with Mr. and Mrs. Millard Payne and family. - Mr.- and Mtrs. Emory Chandler were visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. 0.- Revis . Wednesday. . . - Miss Olive Revis has been ill for the past few days with a very bad cold. 1 ', .' ' Little Misses Geneva and Hazel , IrM Payne spent the week-end with their j The Buncomhe County . Singlnj? grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Convention will be held at -Leicester, : Payne of Dry Branch. - ' M.'E. Church South the fifth Sun " 'jday, Aug. 8. 'Fred Hall, Chairman. j hi, vaieman vtuotr irom Asneviue was seen on l nomas israncn sunaayi afternoon. . - " , Misses Olive and -Vonalee Revis were in Walnut Wedntvlay after noon. - . , vear.- ueacus x nomas ana air. iua; thevr Thomas -went .fox hunting Fri-.' day night. - - . " A Mrs. Cora ' Lee Freeman was the t gacst of Mrs. J. u. Kevis Sunday afternoon. " - - , : Mr. Palmer Ensley was seen in Walnut Wednesday afternoon, r ; Mr. Lankford and Cleatua Thom as motored to .Walnut Saturday, af ternoon. . . t , ; SPRING CREEK The local basebtH team played a doublo hecder on the home; ground Saturday. In the fir&t," Spring Creek won ever Meadow Fork Vith a score of 6-8. In ,ahT second, they set 3osart-d6wn with' a larger number cf scores, 24-10.- Batting over the fence and making home runs account fcr the large score. ... We play Bogart ' there ' Saturday end here Saturday week. On me 10th we try Laurel again-with a r .i game. ' ' - . ' ,' - v t?a ' " r a- r ' -r - f - v. i.. r. ' ; corn' FLAKES" 1 f U5T TpASTIES OR I KELLOG'S , 2 ' -tff I Packages ' J) , EAGLE BRAND Hff Can gC DELMONTE or UBBY'S PEACHES La" OOC Can - ej SHREDDED WHEAT - f) package 25' RAJAH BRAND SANDWICH SPREAD 9 Ounce 19 80' OAC Doz $1 .25 dor. 25c CERTO bottle 29c 2 Cans 15' 15' 25! From ALEXANDER We had a splendid sermon Sun day evening by the Rev. Mr. Gugsby. Miss Bonnie EmMe spent Sunday at Lake Lure. . ,v - ' Mr. Joe Hill was seen on the new mountain road Sunday, driving his new car. Miss Bonnie Embler has taken trainrrg end has become an eye specialist. Mr. Paul Paris had a slight stroke of paralysis just above Mr. J. B. MaUck's department store Sunday night. Mr. Alvin Mauck is taking me chanical training from Mr. Joe John- ' son. FROM LEICESTER An ice cream supper will be held at Leicester M. E. Church South Fri- day evening, Aug. 16th. ' . Rev. M. E. Leftwich, pastor and". Rev; Joe Meson of - B)ack Mountain : have just closed a revival meeting at Grace Chapel neap Leicester. Fif- ty-seven new converts was the har- vest. ' , ISOUTHERN; RAIL WAY SYSTEM- . Southern Passenger , v,i - v v, , Train Schedules ' for Marshal, N. C ? Changes Schedule ' April 27th, 1930 . EFFECTIVE J2:01'AM' r Vs. (CENTRAL TIMS) . .i J 'aft as following: I N. lt)I Wtt Boaaa t 6:24 AM - 11 W?k Boand t , 1:50 P" No. 27-"; Wt Bound, at S-.AZ :' N2&' Et Bound at 6:22 AK. Ho.'- 12 ' Eut Bound at 12:46 PM No. 102 East Bound at 1: 6:41 FM NOTSi MarshaU time makes theV figures c"e hoar later. , . ThU achcdalo published m inti mation and hot guarantaed. Cool" tha-Tklat Agents for further inter . nation.4 j"-' , ,. t iOTlCE: Ticket o.Tice clocs at 4. J P. M. (Central Time). Pas cr- rs t'f evening W'-s v.-HI r''"-' ' T'"v 1 . OUgh : -. ... , "I I"

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