' . iff . .' 1 . ' ''" if. THE pEWS-RECQDH- TVs pmr tlaat tells what the; paopla i the country as well , ma those in town are doing. . - r : EDISON COUNTY RECORD Established June 28, 1901. FRENCH BROAD NEWS I.' ... nkK . 1 W 1 .AAff 1 I Consolidated Nov. 2, 1911 Published TWICE A WEEK Tuesdays and Fridays. THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MA DISON COUNTY VOL. XXIX MARSHALL, N.C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1930 ZBOO 4 Pages This Issue TOE NEW OFFICERS ELECTED BY 4-H CLUB MEMBERS TWO BIG DAYS AT SWANNANOA Leading a field of nine candidates by a safe margin of 300 votes Boyce Brooks of Calypso in Duplin Coun ty was elected president of the State wide organization- 4-H clubs at the annual short course recently held at State College. Marjorie Guffey of Buncombe County was elected vice- FARMERS FIELD DAY AND JER SEY CATTLE CLUB PICNIC NEXT THURSDAY AND FRIDAY WORLD NEWS PAR AGRA PHED v Programs have been print- ed for Farmer's Field Day and j Basket Picnic next Thursdiay president; Louise Elliott of Stanly, and the North Carolina Jersey sitrssTis; as!- ofBcers were installed at the closing at the Mountain Test Farm at exercises and will lead, over 20,000 Swannanoa. Mr. Earl Brint boys and girls enrolled in club work j in their "efforts to "make the best nalI of Madison County, is on better": during the coming year, the entertainment program for Ti. :1i l i -1 x. I v v. u , Thursday. Quitp a number of short course to be held in 1931. e The usual custom of alternating prominent speakers are on the officers between the boys and girls program and there are many was followed this year, the president j for the past year being Miss Mary . attractions whJch will make rowen 01 sampson ivounry. eoyce me occasion not only helplul . according to a report from Consul Brooks was vice-president and was eagant ag j, and ;t . Wilbur Keblinger, Melbourne, made advanced to the presidency. Vernon ' I public by the Department of Com-. James ot Pasquotank was secretary iiopeu mat many Maaison PARIS BRITISH OFFER $5d06 PRIZE FOR CROSS-CHANNEL GLIDER FLIGHT. A prize of 1000 will be offered by the British Gliding Association to the first Brit ish pilot accomplishing an engineless flight across the English Channel. jn o nrl I l .i r tf all.RtMtial, vnailifYfhn I according to a report received in the Department of Commerce from As sistant Automotive Trade Commis sioner H. C. Schuette at Paris. The contest is to be open two years, from June 1, 1930 to May 31, 1932. WNIB MELBOURNE STAMP TAX O N WAGES HELPS UNEMPLOYED IN AUSTRALIA. Relief for the unemployed in the state of Victoria,' Australia, is being sought through) the levying of a stamp tax on wages j and an additional tax on incomes, and Lossie Hardison of Washington was historian. The short course also saw the cul mination of the annual health con test with health champions from each district entering the State con test. In the State contest L. L. Mc Lendon, Jr., of Duplin County made the highest score for the boys and was crowned King of Health. His score was 99.5 percent. Among the girls Miss Nancy Evelyn Neely of Mecklenburg County made the high-" est score and was crowned Queen of Health. Her score was 98 per cent. Only minor defects were found in each case and examining physicians state that they were both as near perfect as is found. Health champions are also found among the new officers as !Boyce Brooks the president was crowned King of. Health in the 1929 contest, i and Marforie Guffey was health ! champion for the girls in the moun tain district this year. people will attend. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1930 WINNERS IN TOURNAMENT LOCAL GOLF COURSE PRIZES GIVES Miss Frances McDevitt was the winner for the girls' in the tourna ment at the , local .golf course last Friday night, and Mr. C, Eugene" Rector was the winner among the men. Considerable interest was shown as the different foursomes contested. The two winners in -the tournament each received a golf club as. prizes. Following is the score of the players. Score: August 15, 1930. " Wendell McDevitt 57 James Redmon 58 John Worth McDevitt 61 Hubert Edwards - - 52 Mrs. Grace Redmon 61 Mrs. Audrey Redmon 69 Mrs. J. B. Tweed Miss Frances McDevitt, winner J. C. Sprinkle John Redmon N. B. McDevitt W. "A. Sams 68 55 53 52 54 49 Mack Ramsey 44 C. E. Rector ... . . . . .. 44 J, J. Ramsey 64 Bruce. Redmon . 44 Jtalph Redmon - 54 rAVcan be seen the last foursome was changed to a fivesome, in which three tied. The final contest between winners resulted in the following cores: Hubert Edwards -- 00 W." A. Sams ... '-- Mack Ramsey - C. F. Rector, winner Bruce Redmon : 55 49 AA 51 Man: "I wouid lik to see some n:mt)l In .hat." 1 ' Clerk: ''There's a mirror just be- wish to spend the night of August! t ?- -'"' "' " 21st. ' -' MORNING PROGRAM 10:00 A. M. Music .... Swannanoa Band Invocation . Rev. J. E. Gruver, ' Mountain Orphanage Welcome and Introduction of the Chairman .. Dale Thrash, County Agent Chairman of the Day 0. J. Hollar President Rutherford County Club and Farmers Federation Importance of Small Fruits on North Carolina Farms Dr. J. H. Beaumont, Chief Horticulturist. State College, Raleigh, N. C. Music. 4-H CLUB PROGRAM Growing and Handling Burley Tobacco Froi. J. x. rioyeai Tobacco Extension Specialist, I Raleigh, N. C. Address Hon. Henry C. Stuart Ex-Governor, Elk Garden. Virginia Introduced by Hon. W. A. Graham, Commissioner of Agriculture Raleigh, N. C, Music. Announcements , S. C. Clapp Assistant Director in Charge 1 :00 P. M Basket Picnic Dinner AFTERNOON PROGRAM 2:30 Tours to the Experimental Fields 2:30 Bag Throwing Contest Prizes: "First $2.00 Second r 1.00 2:80 Horseshoe Pitching Prizes: First $2.00 Second 1.00 Bring your Pitching Sjioes. 3 :00 Auctioning of Calf won by Club Members and Vocational Students. 3:30 Pageant by Western North ' Carolina Home Agents and Others. FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1930 MORNING PROGRAM 10:30 A. M. Invocation Rev. Lucius B. Compton - Eliada Home Welcome ... ... . W. A. Graham Introduction of Chair man F. E. Miller Chairman of Dav . A. C. Wharton The Advanced Registry and Herd Development R. H. Ruffner Frofessor of A. H. and Dairying "Something Better" O. E. Van Cleave, American Jersey Cattle Club Remarks W. J. Kecgan American Jersey Cattle Club INSPECTION THE MOUNTAIN STATION DAIRY Breeding of the Herd Sires ... R- L. Advanced Registry, Rec ords ' .:.. Harry Pasture Experimental ." Work C D. Grinnells AFTERNOON PROGRAM Tour of Biltmore Dairy Farms Inspection of Biltmore Herd A. M. Towe Tour conducted "by . A. M. Towe Dale Thrash F. M. Farnha'm Dr. S. B. Till Make plan's to attend the SWAN NANOA FIELD DAY August 21st. Club Camp is available for any who inerce. WNIB KARACHI I R R I G A T I O N SCHEMES SEEN AS START OF NEW ERA IN INDIA'S AGRICUL TURE. Developments in irrigation and construction of new canals now under way in India are s :en as the chief factors in the revolutionary changes which are promised for that ducin zones' .The recent estab" ' lishment ol various otner experimen- feature is said to be achieved as a result of special wings having been so perfected that they resist air cur rents and maintain the craft in a position in which a dangerous spin would be impossible. It is claimed that the construction of the airplane enables it to retain horizontal posi tions transversely, incline right or left arbitrarily, without ever going over on the wing, thus rendering the craft non-skidding and immune not only from a spinning dive, but also from stalling in the air. WNIB LIMA PRIZES FOR TOBACCO GROWING IN PERU. In order to stimulate tobacco production and im prove the grades produced, the Pe ruvian Tobacco Monopoly (The Es tance del Tabaco) has been offering prizes, and placing the growers in touch with imnroved agricultural machinery, technical producing meth ods and free, selected seeds, accord ing to reports to the Tobacco Di vision, Department of Commerce, from the office of the American Com mercial Aattache in Lima. A spe cial personnel is being trained at La Malina Experimental Station, which will be employed in directing cultivation and in the application of technical methods in tobacco pro- MARSHALL SCHOOL OPENS DR. R. L. MOORE MAKES OPEN ING ADDRESS It was an interesting scene Mon day morning when the numerous Marshall school children assembled to begin the work of the next nine months school work. One hardMy' realizes how many children there are in this community until they are seen in a group. About nine o' clock Monday morning, they filed into the school auditorium and Supt. Robinson called them to order and made some preliminary remarks as to the work. After the singing of LAST SHOOTING IN MADISON Dispute A To Whether Shooting Last Wednesday Was In Madison Or Haywood Counties The quarrel and gun battle which took place last Wednesday at Mack's Patch, resulting in the death of Wi ley Trantham and injuries to Joe Os borne and a man named Austin from Illinois, is still in question as to whether it took place in Madison or Haywood counties. The car is said' to have been parked directly on the county line and in the middle of the road. The deputies claim that the shooting was done on the Madison country's agriculture, according to i. rpnnrt ro.pivH in tVio Dnnrf mfiwf ' tal Stations of Commerce from Consul P. S. Mc. Niece at Karachi. WNIB MONTREAL NEW "NON-SPIN NING ' AIRPLANE TO BE DEM ONSTRATED IN MONTREAL. A new type of airplane, claimed by its German manufacturers to be "non spinning" will be demonstrated in Montreal, Canada, in the near fu ture, according to a report received in the Department of Commerce from Vice Consul Alan N. Steyne and the introduction of modern methods of cultivation have 'improved crop conditions and the quality of tobaeco obtained. WNIB PARIS PARIS MAY HAVE NEW $18,000,000 AIRIPORT. Construc tion of a new airport in Paris, to cost approximately $18,000,000, Is contemplated in a bill presented for consideration of the French Chamber fof Deputies, according to a report received from H.- C. Schuette, As sistant Automotive Trade Commis- the "Alma Mater"., "America", and . de of the line and the other parties "Ho, For Carolina", Dr. R. L. Moore, claim that it was on the Haywood president of Mars Hill College, was . s'de. Sheriff R. R. Ramsey and 'Ebo presented. He needed no introduc- ( Sheriff R. S. Ramsey and Deputy tion in Madison County, as he has Dewey Foster went up Sunday and been 'head of the Mars Hill institu- , investigated the situation, tion for about 33 years. The parties in the quarrel were Dr. Moore always brings a mes- j nearly all Madison County men. The sage that is worth while. He spoke Osborne, Austin party are indicted of the mistakes of life made because for conspiracy to murder the three of a lack of wisdom and how the deputies, Dewey Foster, Lester Fos older people, who had profited by ex- ter, and Wesley Fowler, and a hear ing will be in Marshall baturaay on this charge. the younger set the result of experi- ( ence, and how the wise will accept the warnings of the older ones. He spoke of the three realms of training the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. He had a word f o r j thoughtless spendthrifts, saying that j it is estimated that one-tenth save i financially with the result that the j one-tenth own nine-tenths of the. property. . Dr... Moore used as a conclusion TEACHERS OF MADISON IN MARSHALL at Montreal. The "non-spinning" sioner to Europe. SUGGESTED PROGRAM OF FRENCH BROAD ASSOCIATION FORKS OF IVY August 21 22, 1930 Marshall was alive last Saturday with teachers. Notices had been the lust two verses of Ecclesiastes , sent out to all -the public schools "T,Pt us hear the conclusion of the . teachers in Madison County to meet ,V,nlo matter: Fear God. and keep i in Marshall His commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. at ten o'clock in the morning. And tney appearea an 10 be here. The purpose of the meet ing was to outline the yearns work and to start the teachers with the proper supplies and so . forth. Dr. W. A. Sams addrsesed them on Health work, speaking particularly i on the suDjects oi contagious uia- 9:30 A. M.- FIRST DY Congregational Singing Of Jesus' Name." - : Devotional G 'All Hail The Power C. Teague 10:00 A. M. Sermon - Perry Sprinkle 10:40A. M. Roll Call of Churches. Organization. Welcoming visitors. M. Biblical Recorder, - James Morgan . M. Appointment of Committees Announcements M. Dinner on the Grounds. M. Song and Devotional Vann Wallin B. Met- 11:20 A. 11:40 A 12:00 1:00 P. 1:15 P. M. Cooperative Program W. calf, Perry Morgan 1 :45 P. M. Foreign Missions . L. C. Roberts, C. S. Shugart 2:15 P. M. Home Missions .... R. M. Lee, N. H. Griffin. 2:45 P. M. State Missions E. J. Roberts, J. R. Owen C:15 P. M. Digest ot letters "For God shall bring every work into judgment, wiUh every secret thing, whether it be good, or wheth er it be evil." At the suggestion of Supt. Robin son. Dr. Moore led in prayer. Be fore the school went to their several eases, sanitation, and ventilation, rooms, Mr. R. W. Sams, chairman j The task of educating the youth of the local school committee, was f of Madison County is impressed up-, called on for a speech. Mr. Sams 0n one, when the teachers assemble, spoke at some length on the advan- It takes about 175 teaehersrto do the, tages the pupils now have that were work in Madison County. And this not possible when he was growing includes only four colored teachers, up, how they should take advantage All the sahools except Hot Springs of their opportunities and not only are now running, nine having open make a resolution the, first day of ed Monday, the 18th. school but should make it every day MISS ENGLISH NOT HERE to do better than the day before. Miss Ethel English, principal of One of the best, thoughts Mr. Sams . the Beech Glenn High School, waa brought out was that the pupil should ( not in Marshall Saturday due to tho f mnVo merelv oassing the purpose , fact that she was at Chapel Hill tak- of study, but the pupil should de- ing an examination which will give sire to KNOW. GO TO MARS HILL her the M. A. degree. We deem tms worthy of special notice. This speaks well format least one of Mad ison's native teachers to be pursuing her studies to such an extent as to . be climbing in degrees wfhile she Editor. of News-Record: teaches. Due to her personality, ex- Mars Hill College is a great and perience, jand literary attainments, valuable .asset to Madison County. (Miss English is one of our most ca- With the good roads we now have pable teachers, over the county, it enables almost all the people of Madison County to have access to the school, and if it is not convenient to board them in the college, they can send them each day and have their children in their own homes at night and week-ends. The dormitories of the college have already been filled for this and many students are being HENDERSON CASE IN ASHEVILLE Cloyed Henderson Suing Insurance Company Fcr Injuries Shuford Coulter R. L. Moore Adjournment at will SECOND DAY 9:00 A. M. Devotional S. 9:15 A. M. Reading of Minutes. 10:00 A. M. Christian Education Fred Anderson, J. W. O'Hara. 10:30 A. M. Orphanage . - William Wofley 11:00 A. M. Hospitals EJzra Burnette, T. J. Eatmon 11:20 A. M. Ministerial Relief . Jerome Chambers, L. J. Ammons 11:40 A. M. W. M. U. r Mrs. Elmore 12:00 M. Dinner on Grounds. ',. 1 :00 P. M. Congregational singing and prayer 1:15 P. M. Temperance Robert Tillery, A. W. Whitehurst 1 :45 P. M.B. Y. P. U Clara Merrell, Jeter Reese 2:15 P. M. State of churches G. G. Hopson, R. C. Eller 2:45 P. M. Report of Executive Committee Report of other committees t Rejsort of Committee on Corns Qhapel Little .Creek - Historian's RerJort Plans for next year. i. . , Adjourn at will ',; . m ' ' ' . - year, and many siuuems a. uC1I,K number of Marshan peo. placed m private homes in tne town. be(n summoned as witness People living at Marshall and Wal- es jn Ashcvie Monday and Tuesday nut ard other nearby places can send pase of CJ d C. BriggS, their children to Mars Hi . witn a Hendersffn vcrsus the insurance half hour drive each morn,nK ..u rtvinlnv wWh Henderson is su-. V ' .... , . . ing the insurance company for in- in an automobile wreck about a vear ago. It win be evening, without much expense, and give mem tne BavnBc JU...- . jeg received m i i i- 1 lion wA r hn rv ' te iPtra pnnpation. ami uuaiu witm in their own homes. I understand there are several students in Marshall and nearby who will attend Mars Hill College this year. Respectfully. C. B. MASHBURN. pud recalled that Henderson and Emmett Ramsey w1" returning from Ashe ville and ran into a truck parked on a blind curve, and that Henderson was seriously injured. Henderson is suing for $10,000 for personal in juries and ,$1000 for car damage. The case is being tried in Federal Court in Asheville. , ; Isaac Und vot brice shall I on dese white duck trousers? Jacob Four und a half a pair. After plowing n 'Ur a field of Isaac But dey only cost 45 cents -sweet clover and olantingr the land a pair. . . ito wheat, X S. Martin of Iredell Jacob I don'd care vot dey cost county arrested an average of 22 Dis iss a closing-oud sale, regardless bushels an acre before usinj the of cost. The Pathfinder. sweet clover. -

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