I '.' a. . f v , i i - ? (. V ' . . r -fH , a iimihi in i MADisc-r cou:;ty' ftrccr. d j - - i;staDiianea June zb, xyui. FRENCH BROAD NEWS . - 'Established May 16, 1907. v ' Conolidtad Nov, 2, 1911 i f. -j eoau.. well. i 'jj " t t i . town C..".1K- , i I - .: fc. j. n " . Published TVICE A VII 4-Tucsdays and Fridays. '. 1 'iJ THE ESTABLISHED NEWS , VER OF MA DISON COUNTY fr. , i 5 , f -VOL. XXIX J 1 . MARSHALL, N.C., Tu 3DAY; AUGUST 26, 1030 ZBOO : 4 Pages Thi Issue Jt. Li -Ok. L , -'d'i, REVIVAL AT '. '.lETIIODIST ' CHURCH . The revival mentioned . last . week in the News-Record to begin at the Methodist church in Marshall, began Monday night The pastor, Rev.. S. n WWWlm ha to assist him in tl,A rvires Rev. M. L. Kinchelo, a member of. the Holston Conference, Tot the last two years ie naa oeen doing post graduate work at Duke University' and comes highly, recom- THnA Th- followinir anneared in a recent issue of Th Christian Advocate: ' 1 , -'1 ' . , . . . "Rev.? M.. S. Kincheloe of Liberty - .. . . - a,..-ii ' TTia 'meeting closing August 11. mflj ' preaching was superb and ther was ; : ...J, : '.f ! j :r . ' c ' rr z fluence of the meeting in that com- i4.ni hw5n. Kinoheloeisat ' " : r::7;. . VUKe Siuaeuu anu utuia iiuiu u uv ict Jtor ..'Jj ston conference. We predict him a grpat future. "Ten People mostly aauits, tooic a uem..ie for Christ.. Three have loinea our church'-r-M.' G.: Ervin, Pastor., CRIMINAL COURT" IN MARSHALL JUDGE OGLESBY DELIVERS FINE CHARGE TO JURY . ' Superior-- Court: convened in ing of-criminal cases. Court opened elation: Hi. text was.1 .Sam. 17. 46 ,.bout 10:30 with Judge John 'M.'and the subject om.ngjn Th Oglesby presiding. As soon as the ... ,T. . cignieen men, ffTSTfi Chapel Church, in Maon Counjr Piris, of Hot Springs) the Judge , beginning on Thurs day before the Sred his charge? which made a' fourth Sunday in August 1931. The fSHmpression. if was spoken in a . introductory ermon wflT be J reach 21 aid earnest manner and was.ed byjRev. Anson Brown, of, West a strong plea for a higher respect AsheviUe. 8 - , . ... for Uw, a revival of patriotism, A the f tern ..... .v ... u stressing of the duUes of the 1 of f icers Al)dergon ' wai found not of the court. Despite the omicuy , f,A.r-nr in th "court room, the Judged articulation was such as to en Mm Ttfrjillv every person in the able practically every person ftnrt room to understana. vWh lasted ; until noon. . ' was, not only a discussion 01 , w, but was highly moral and rpiritual in,' nt nl a discussion of I.m intent, a veritable sermon. - In the afternoon the court sfet .tled down to the hearing-of cases. called which contained. 121 cases, a number of, defendants were called out ana w-i fa ordered issued as follows: H. S White, worthless check; Tal madge Metcalf-for larceny and Re ceiving; . L. J. Foster, violation prohibition law; Clyde Xice, .trans porting liquor; G. W. Marshall, trans porting liquor. TV.A ms of State vs. Roosevelt Hart was set for.-Wednesday after- ! noon and venire of 75 men was drawn from which to select , jury. The Grand Jury returned a true bJl . a gainst Hart for the murder of a Bryant on the Asheville and Marsh all highway about two months ago. ( Hart has been.in Asheville jail since . he was captured.-; .; . i The cns ainst G. P. McDevitt for cost. Abe Oice. Charge reaver. J Field Davis. LTajor TavH, Sfbern ( r.,n were given until November in . vbich to pay same. The case against Os is nol rrosse 1, i.te ' - , vn r'ven about 3J Tett v r vi- :s 1 i .1 U 3 l CI '.bii.on ct IT.bert " ? v ; r 1 " . n ' i U 1 and 1 1 ci tl 7 to 1 t: ASSCOATION AT RED HILL French Broad Free Will Bap- tist Association . CIomcI ' . . Greatest Meeting In Its History ? - (By Rev. WiMet L. Mforetz, Publicity Director) . . The French Broad Association: of 1 Free Will Baptists met last Thurs- day, with the Red Hill Church ; in ., ,.uV-wvuu annual session.- This" session lasted through Sunday. There was large - . delegation from 19 -f the 22 ' churches, belonging" to this body, j Rev. R. : V. Self, Pastor of Horney " . . . . 1 Heights Church, was re-eiectea moa 1 , K . w t.- shall, -Route 4K N. C, was elected clerk ' i , " . ' 1 ' - - " . ?The mtroductory sermon .was de- - by Rev. r. v. - from ""'u T" "Carrying ,Th, Gospel , to., AllThe world." - . The address by Mr. C.,K.ipunn,niljg onjy gix months may com of Ayden, N. C. manager of the - , Fre Will Baptist Press, was a verylPlete the term before th - BaItis a very Mt f, .--tt,,. - ... - t lUbcicDwuj v. -vi - Press is trying to renaer ine denom ination and i asked , the qo-operation of all the churches. He said that , the members of the churches could help the caus greatly' by subscribing to Jthe Free Will Baptist. This public tion is the organ 01 me ueuoimu- tion. ' -V-- . The sermon Sunday at il:00 A. ML., which was the closing service of the A&ociation, was delivered .by ux-m.c 0W uu.-,--- -Mat. Rv, T-EHQto...WindomN. c'dent further indicate '.that Apmejit, hear- and moderator of Jack's Creek Asso-1 f- - - " 1 r. .'.. .'-. AK ame x . , , " The next. session of the associa , . ... ..h thlt urelton mom of prohibitioir UMl' u , . , plcaded KUnty to , Kentucky, and also -reckless driving, , t.v'fuMti rt'niBailed not guilty. He was given a JSairi re-, aA intpr in the term. . ..'BOiTW , .- wM allowed to return gmr JJJ and is to appear at November,' 1930 : f cfiCci!::ii:;:s rinov: Year stater) . V COPYRlCHr 1933 BY BQYCE & RANKIN - 1 "?a : ' v fi' tf -CS.c. . J 1 t t T, . t u the or.! t : U ;t ! covarf J t' Cat f-;n i-- v hen Cc' c' i : Tie r-11' v ' c t'-: 1 c-- ! f.:-rre:u t 1' Large Enroll In -Carolina public Schools Raleigh, Aug 27; Approx imately 613,000 white and 26G 000 Negro children,' a total of 880,000 children ' are expected tp be enrolled in the " public schools of North Carolina when the' registration for the. session of 1930-1931 Is competed" this fall, 'according to estimaes made in the office of A; T. Al- len State . Superintendent of Public. Instruction, based : on the enrollment and rate of in crease' for, preivous years. Pubjlic schools have already in many ot the western ctun ; - - , . s ties in oraer tnat those run- plete the ; term before . the ui tlrtu4 j vtuMuuaa uvuuajro cuu . mvAUjlc the winter weather" ' prevails. Most schools in the State, how ever, open their doors during the month of September, oper- atJng haj'f of the geion before -. Chnstmas.; , . ; The estimates made in ,the r ft -Hermon Rector pleaded guilty -to illegal 'possession;, of . v intoxicating liquor. Judgment reserved until later in the term. . . - ; v Arthur Crow,- ClanCe Flynii and Dillard . Treadway : pleaded guilty to larceny of a' quantity of tobacco from Bob Crow during the season of htstyear. The evidence '-was that defendants had taken about: I7B.00 worth of tobacco.' . : ' Clayton Payton, colored,' charged with -assault with deadly weapon, an Mr. Belk of Jury trial, which wUl be given i. our ,nxt issue. , , j , h . mrvi ptv PTGS . -The Pathfinder. '.J I""' 1 1 1 - I . 'i ' ' S v '!l 1. 1 . '1 Carolina i 3 ia tL two tLer'e. j 13 r '. toweri -t c.' i -: 1 (cn-l cf 137pe' : to t; jr:,',; i. fc-rrt of t! -Tva fttJ $-6 f . t la d' isry.for- l:r.i r -. .1 crV-1 tf. . pit Expected rroximately'J 400,000. of the 80,000 will be beginners mak ' i their' appearance for the first time, and that 125,000 of th number will be enrolled Li jthie high school grade. Dur-1928-29 there Were 96, 731 "white boys and girls" and. 13J236T Negro children; a total of 109975 enrolleo: in; the pub lic high schoolsr The estimate for1930-Sl is that there should, be Vn increase of about 15,000 in the high schools within tw6 pearly MsOOOO ,'boys and girls will enter .Jwgk school' for th&v'first time during the next yeafrrsince approximately 15, 000. students graduated. 4 from high school last spring, , The enrpllment in-the elementary echobls wiUi-be "approximately 500i000 or identical," that of the! past few years,"" since the increaee in high "school enroll ment practically" absorbs the the- totaL enroll- Ist-jii RICE.REUNION The. will- be a Rice -reunion at Grape Vine the first Sunday in. ePj tewber, beginning. about nine qlclock in the morning. -l Air the Rice, rela tives will-be expected and will serve dinner. ! Rev. ? Sprinkle mu j b, r .omething " like the now nreachi ataiHK) o'clock and in.theit M1-fc T,,V.nlv fterton theY will .be speaking and airrrtndLi The nublic generally is in-. vited."-' ... (f v J..T. RICE. 3t. "Mother," - remarked. ; seven-year. old- Janet as -she watched - several mosquitoes gliding silently back and forth over her head, ."there's skeet ers in. this room' but their :motors aren't runniing." . - . . j t . The Pathfinder. I J ! x PARK, . ::.i'r pro! 5 J Z filove 6.CC 3 feet, . cf trees that crce- ? treet vc prow- r t ! 153 U tl I a 1, ,. : r- T. 6 MY TRIP TO CALIFORNIA ; , 5932 Malabar St. ;, . Huntington Park, California I August 2, 1930 Dear Editor of Marshall Record: " When I . left - dear old North Carolina -Jo come to California, ; ! promised my many friends I would write them all about my trip, and the land of sunshine and flowers, but ,1 .'have . been so busy,' going places nd feeing thing I don't seem tot iind time to write so I am taking the liberty , of asking . you to print this letter in your wonderful paper if space will .permit -i : I had. a--very pleasant" trip, Me.t some nice' people on the train. It took. four days to, make. the trip and after "the first ; day, everybody got acquainted and were all one. big family., .-,..' :, , . J arrived in New Orleans the sec ond 'day. a- Only there a short time and v did' not see very much of the town,' but saw plenty ' of .water. The train crossed the river on ft ferry boat. , A passenger told me the, river was- eight miles wide, but. it seemed four times that to "me. ' I slept scarcely any the first night, U and when J was sure 1 was on land again I retired and had a good night's sleep, and the next morning I was informed we were in Texas, and 1 admit I was a wee bit blue. Just. as. far as I could see there was nothing but stubby bushes which are called h sage brush, t . . , - , " By noon we "had reached a more prosperous looking.part of the coun try, could see at a .distance herds of cattle" and sheep'ancT iff the'ltS tions there were cowboys, all dress ed upV with their big' hats' and high heeled boots and six shooters. ". , The next day we were. traveling m New1 Mexico : and , Arisona, Thift is , de8ert CQUntry-nothing to see but sand; There are great mounds of sand-drifts that is the after effects -a . .V v (4A(nn - ri T1, . ttfltifl' Rtnrm tt I can 'say I liked about the , ' .T4. ii,j ":... . Z'ZSll TTl- Ja in First Chronicle. 29- u .uk - " . . 5 awho then is willing, to conse- ever seen t. -r , -'I . . , .... . .. I slept very little this las night. - thu ' t was getting anxious to. ft to my,-" J hrga umb of destination and see what- California congregation . responded, coming for- was like, and I had already made upward and giving the preacher their my mind if -California was anything. l" support . like the country 1 had, been travel. back I'wouldtsooq be on , my way to the nld North. State, and I sure meant . - ' I was awakened after a short cat," nap. and was delighted to look out An tT, a a.' . : . - h . ; And, here I am in California,: and jl sure have enjoyed "every moment ysince a iuiv0 uvcii . a Southern, picnic not very long -ago, and met a lot of North Carolina people, . ana ' had' a? very enjoyable j dav. I am in a beautifui little town j just five miles from Los Angeles, and only iweive nuies xiuiu wis utcou. i omce L nave . uten time 1 .na5 been a very busy-girl, seeing 'South ern iJaluornlas woBderiui moun (tain divie aid beautiful 'beaches, land swimminir imAhe oceam I The greatest thrill was going ipt in an airplane. I cari"t .'explain'-, just how . . 1 . .-" i t j 1 Ten, DUf; qiuw muwem;iu i riding horseback-in the-North Car- ' .1:.. Hi-o ' -; .1 ' -.-Ht ' : , ,1 have met some very'nice people "vited back for a day of fellowship, since I iiave. been - here. -. However, Dinner will be served on the ground I haven't .Vcaptured: a Solfywood , y the eight, churches of the Hot sheik. However,; I, have .been, look- Springs charge. AH of these church ing" them oyerV, . - " V? : . es ar requested to be present on I am planning a top dowa in 'Old-ntat day to see their former rsto-s. ' -, ' . a--, ' : ( People teO n.k that is .where they. all go whm they decide to "go wild, but I'am'n, t going: for that, per- r, s.- Nev.-V'heless, I expect a lig kick, lvMl".r.g c& tf ' " .T?" ..Now, 'a.'tcr saying' all -.the- nice thi"g3 for ;C: ::Tiat: there is sua so!cth'.'." And, :' , .' a i'.a sunshine ers felays in 'bloom, can .2 the V?e" in my heart cf r -"i . C ' i r-e- t FAWNS pass; V THROUGH MARSHALL HELPING TO STOCK MADISON -,,' COUNTY WITH GAME , - '.Several people at the filling Bta-'i'1; tion of Mr. Robert Tweed last Sun-.;; day' afternoon enjoyed - for a few ' minutes petting and admiring seven ' ,:. -fawns which - were being taken f through' on a truck from the Pisgah " National Forest Game .Preserve to- ' the Bixteen thousand acre mountain w ' range in 'Madison County. ' The 'vi. vv. fawns -were in chargw of Mr. C. Ni "c? Miease, of Black Mo.untain," Assistant State Game Warden of the Pisgah , National Forest. Their new refuge . in Madison County is known as , the r' Andrew Johnson . State " Game " Pr-- ; " serve, ; established in - July. Mr. tl - I. Payne, the pew warden, will have charge of theiif awns." These alert little .pets were, taken in infancy and ' have 'been nourished from 'a bottle. They are- now about-three months y1. old, and after about two months ',' more, they will .be turned loose in the forest. - . ' - i,. .vt .. REVIVAL AT : HOT SPRINGS Rev, . J. C. Wallace . of Ashevlile, N.' C, and C. L. Miller of Bluff, N. C, wh have, conducted some very successful revivals, on Spring Creek,? began a jrevrr&i -at floj Springs last", Thursday night in the Baptist church, r Mc. Miller was not able to continue, in the meeting, on account. of a se vere cold. He returned home ' un- til he could get better. Mr. Wallace is doing the preaching. .Interest is growing fast. Saturday night "Mr. . Wallace spoke on the great need of ' a revival at Hot Springs as well as ' over the land. Mr. the 85th Psalm, 6th Wallace used verse "Wilt' 4? thou not revive us again." After (il.A ( haihUam 1.. nobaJ ( rillAflff ATI ."V . 'and "cooperation in the meeting, af- ome'' forward ' and ask for prayer. Many responded promptly ana ner- Vtily, almost every noe came forward, ' ; some asking' for special prr.yer. The J .sWn- fr n.i1 n.-r.ver. The 7 ' n V . encouraged and look for a great re- iv1 ' REV. S. M..SEXTON. . AT ANTI0OI The Antioch. Methodist church near : Hot Springs will .hold a cele bration of progress on.next Sunday. The program begins at.10:00 o'clock and continues till lat. afternoon. Dr. J, M.'Rowlond of Richmond, Va. will be the main speaker of the day. ill tliA. miniafM wliA Via VP iprv. ed the Spring Creek Circuit for the nast thirtv-five years bave been in- armers 1.1 Bot cpja,-: j,ave tve r.ichmond C g- this Vr" ?st S'-'-.'.l on record for the cou with rood ct . a of pc 'tmxtoes, and other rr, ; ers f , cctn;;r;? fr0m c for their rro.' :-is. r or vhrr" I be, -n t'.e I ' vooi -: