' I THE ESTABLISHED NEV?A?ER'OF MA DISON COUNTY' "1 A, 1 . vol. xxaiy-::n-f x v ;:jM V MARSHALL, N.C., -FRIDAY,; AUGUST 29; 1930 rs: ; ZBOO 8 Pages This Issue t,rt t How; Are Holes Put In ' Macaroni T 'r'- ,. v' ' .The holes - in macaroni are produced by forcing the dough through metal dies containing numerous small holes. JEach hole in the die contains & central core so arranged as to form the passing dough into' a tube, Macaroni is made; chiefly from fine wheat flour, , - The Pathfinder, ROOSEVELT HART, IIGRO, ... ; J ; ; ; being tpied for ins life case Will REACH JURY v . :--. i.e.'. 1 . ,,..., - SATURDAY - The next witness on the stand was J.f D. Matthews, of Ashevllle. bus driver from Asheville to KnoxvtJle,. who first discovered the dead body ' 5 The case in which Roosevelt; oni the road. He told how he left his Hart, Negro, Is being tried on b"s ln ' "fther driver --, Iwn? was.wiin nun, wniie na ana a Not a fronttdrive Cord, But 'the best w can a-Ford. third driver returned to Maitehall to report their finding, and how he waited at the jail until Sheriff Ram Bey came and took them back to the cene of the homicide." He said ' 1 HOW ARE THESE? ' ? " . When a college boy's car get out , of style he just paints some new wisecracks on it, riai ' Sea-tea Ta. . In the Heap Bym and Bye ' J am Prt of AH I Have Mot Hnrr' BIf (est Mistake . ; Thm Racketeer REPORT OF .,, ; GRAND JURY CAFrK IIEDALS TODSTCANIJERS ! t ft .. r To Be Given' To ' Two" Dt ''VGirl Canners' ;In" Country ' ' Speciall awards by Senator C Arthur Capper, of silver, ana 1 11. . A A bronze meaais 10 me iw. - II club' girls who' enter Madi- 1 canned 'fruits, vegetables ,and Contest at Shenandoah, Iowa - igv announced, in a' message to i the Record from Shanandoah, 't-IOWav where the contest isbe &Xing'hfeld under the auspices of " the Household Scfence - listt- 'Ci: :i '';...,! ana VM. ':r;,,,o;ltn0Ut Wntmgthej- ! ."TZ I rT'"6 : DeU Treadway and Arthur Crow plaint from prisoners as to food and , u.v(.w,) . ;;.. .viw-.;! m rawuvusi: isosyu.- u. u wer eiven ,Z to 5 Vars each i . , " 1 o . t . . . . 1 v Mt tv nartr aiiH hrtnr Mv ., . a . , NOETH CAROLINA, , MADISON COUNTY. ' REPORT OF GRAND JURY , ' AUGUST TERM 1930 TO 'HIS HONOR JOHN M. OGLES- . BY,' JUDGE PRESIDING: ' We the Grand Jurors for the Au gust ,Term of Superior Court o , The Pathfinder.! ' j Madison County, Norft Qarfiaa, b ; 7 rr ' """"Pit the following report: " . for the death of B, IE. Bryant, lAf rllaAm Ainllia Tamm . v Tiim m rff the judging may be thorough-. m ly'lmDartfarand thedisp ,; - We have carefully investigated L-Sf " .' ' 'fore Saturday,' We regret 'that rfer 6 Pas8el,4ers on the, 4 months on roads. all presentments coming before us of jars . absolutely Uniform, . - - " . , ' - - jbu besides the threa drivers. u, B.- Wyattj P. W. Haynes and land" We returned all indictment fof Contestants - are - .teauired to 1 - - - , k,ciiu , iwim wuiuu( s, M.'JoJly .were given suspended .violations, where the evidence was send, their' entries in' standard jUUura? u . . - ;i 'attracted - giasa jars ox.. vu quart. tx me of this case which haslwinesa who refeted j Whatbe did ' sentences :ior-larceny of a quantity cted' so'' much ' attpntlont1 J .rom thfl. tto te was no"f awlia and ordered to pay costs, ctea so mucn attention tifted of the murder until bod , . ' ., sample Ball mason' jar,' had court robm pack-jwas taken back to Greeneviile Ten-(tjr to Illcgal posse98ion of , Vi--Si.S.l.''ri; for 4ee days. -We have JTfK. rr'. - .-."r ' ,t.u a ' i.iii't.i: T- . . " ' "-vv"'?-vyMtence upon payment 0 7r,trv l.hWiu) S1 iflWisJ"1". cr ve" f1." of the dead man, and de- ' rnn Groows wa. Umi-m if -' iA- OT,tr.,-,ff h ,o Frrday afternoon h the hope bed how, the -.head appeared to ' t0 three years in Vi; tl0n f0f e?Hrmg n& be had; ... . M . bate been aubb-blorxorunf-.. tapper,, long without eosK by rftlng the gmnfir Jury s veroct, both ears, nose and mouth. He ' Dell Tre&dwav and intoxicat- suspended sen- sufficient to show there was prob able cause. " ? V All the county institutions have been visited and a thorough invest!- gation made as to the manner in r-mittee onf Boys' and Girls' Club . Work, .in-making the, awards s said thatj he hoped these , a : wards : tfottldf serve to encour- tvuivu envu nog wiiiQ vvuuuviVUt ' given from We visited the jail and find the State Prison general appearance to be satisfac' tory, well kept and clean. No com- jthat the News-Record forcft : caught the defendant at Lincolaton belonging to R. L. Crow. in with the car of the deceased. Mr. C. W. Black, of Greenviile. in treatment. W wrnmmend that, t.ho had State Prison for larceny of tobacco ' following repairs be made, kitchen porch . repaired, a new f lor in the G. H. Penley of Buncombe Coun-; kitchen, food elevator put in work- TL woo .i,' ty was given not, less than one nor.mg order, all window lights broken ,.JM"M 0 WIQ UVV YVlUlUDOi Will ., , , , . rr nro than 4-hA . troara it Krofo ,. J VU1U MVUVV stated that he was with the deceased Bryant near Greenevjlle when they.""B"" ""J" KAtU V,A o -coI -t. fV, M- ' "n;e riyim woo Riven usj;mw I Any- preferred method of. w8 .""e?ie canning may be ,used although j hearin ,the. case ' y it has been found that the hoti' .e defendant was put on Wk method towthpV" wirh'-.the tand Friday morning. and .uc.vwx.a !th- use of a rjreaaureV.ftokpr.ru,eaiur IUU1B rtlAttU 11U"V . mong farm girls and that they sterilizing fa bst; The story which- he -told -and - club ..-leaders -, and extension, . , r. lng was sufficiently straight toifus&d. ine that he was not iroinir fine of ?bo.oo and cost for c.c.w. it o iNewuori. anu m ji hck ana div- i .. ..Un returned to .Greenville about-9 on roads' for larceny of chickens. . be replaced, all locks on cells and doors either be repaired, or replac ed with new locks, also locks for KQ, a j a sentence upon payment of cost. He coal bin; lights repaired, wood work gro between 8 and 9 o clock tne . , ' - I . ... ,ni1 new evening before, and how the Negro ;was co-defendant with Arthur Crow " 'lie j' n:i, rj..j had asked Brvant to take him to,"" Newoort. and that Brvant had w- R- L- Hickson was ordered to pay workers In', furthering .this - rat least tiut a reasonable doubt Newport, and that Black and Biy- -..Cappep-mUre-m eWthod.of .can. tbat e -was guiof first-de- iW'lf - - '.'v , J . V' - - oHrlitinn to the list 01 4U nnz-V . ' - - j : aa TnnrHpr - f)f rniifsp it ifl ; . . ' i mAiir irv. lmnmi I ' - t iuiii5 is icuwiu?uueu ujr'.mc, ant aiive. . r t ' . 11 1 11(1 II IllilwX , es totalling $4,250 in ch, lo, g D m-( gjrjcui. impossible to say what the ju- .sheriff J. A, Noel, of Greene', "HiV- .kg cups and ribbons whldh Ls, 'am- Vy's Verdict will be. Following County Tenn., was the next witness m lih will be distributed to thein- tiuiLjcyiiwv , ; ,j . on tne suno, wno aescnoea nia Trip fuel and assures sterility, while t h e, defendants testimony, 1 10 WncointOIi with E?rSheriff r. s. '-.' i ' : if v i-lu.ii, ' -j j . Urn a rrtrta-n tinni Ramsev and others, and how thev ar- ' nam 4n" tb . rontpst. JT h e T, : 7 . - ; preserving the natural navor, - I. " - !"- w-.v-r---- .-- C0j0r and texture,, of -the "u Wu himjback the contestcameswith it" a' article." VV Jjury.l udge Byrd;Lovett, of Ashevjii lars. " i. - v '-r .. . ery, woman and girl. -There )- ' - -x'," - a; . .,,,r X- ed Solicitor Wells in the prose- the road the night of the homicide ( at, and others, and how thev ar-1 ' , fhA dpMiHant iMiH hrnurfit (.'STOCKHOLM -SWEDEN. PLlANS and had kept him in theru AtiUUSH stw&u jliuits uw HIGHWAYS. , . Sweden ia planBig to do away r with the law governing speed limits on the highways, which jail for safe keeping. . Dockery, teacher at'Wal. testified as to seeing. 2ars. on and roof painted, the jail needs new guttering, most all oT the old gut-, tering is entirely gone, a garbage can. for the woman's cell. . We visited the County Home and inmates appealed to be well cared. fop,"The f ood was1 ample, but poorly : cooked Beds'were clean .and i goo-, era! appearaace"ofhe premises ap peared ttr be clean. . We recommend that'" the followrng repairs be made;-" screens for doors ; and .windows, back 'porch floored, pump ,eeds to be repaired; water inbath room not' running at all, and,, we recommead : that' this be fixed immediately. Th ' buildings leak and the roof should be painted at once. Dishes are badly, broken and need to be replaced with new ones. ' Lights should be placed -; unstairs. the inmates are. using candles which are dangerous as the ' which was very fine. '. Follow- Hon ' John J. are no restrictions as to .the merrell's "on the top' of pg the. noon hour We of the foodW.;; Con- . THE wo-near al., i Hendrickg; present ia .45. km., or about 28 t t.h : Automotive Division. : Denart- building iaa frame one. Outside The keepers' of the- filling station, ment. t Commerce, frm ,TradevCom-, sUir steps unsafe, we fintL.r" - . , tj1 . ,risj u r c.. sfzw.vi.nim 1 children .at County Home. w s-fl 1 tc anmnn nun iviiiiki ncuniuu. iiiiMNiuxiisa . a.1 . vj kJinuu&ii uwwvnavuM H Redmon-and Robel Redmon ' missioner , P. Q. Somner, Stockholm. ' " I it ' 'told how they had serviced a "car f AU indiiatidns point toward the -made. afteiung . AaTnrim. nd that the . limirmtioo f sneed limits sometime itestanta may enter , tne iruil , , , . gpeech in defense Of the accus- Negro who was driving was so rest- after the .first;of next year.- vegetable or meat division,'anyPes, grapes,-grapes, scenery, - j. r- M- ,Hgndricks did less, and said he was driving from ; .. jjg - 2. Ar.. , ii scenery, scerory, and. many, othe--111 CKS Detroit to New York.' His story-and ., .wm.B tW0s Of, these divisions, or ; things" that 'appeal to, the appetite himself pr6ud,'and he was fol- appearance -caused Redmon to .take GRAND LAKE v STREAM, MAINE three Entries Should ber8e"nt and eye can be found at numbei; on his car,' ANGLERS REPORT BETTER ' ji..!-' 1mn finnlno-' the P8811 home place of Mr' anf , -. .t.Z which later was found to be" the FISHING IN' MAINE AS RESULT uu.c.w., Mrs.. E. V. Merrelj.near Alexander, speecn Dy.mr.y d. iviasiiourxi, bw 0n the-car of the deceased. l0 F " BUREAU" O P. FISHERIES lervl.v . '.,.;7 - .The list of contest judges In- that the place was named '.'Zillocoa," D. Bryant. 1 w'ORK." "Excellent land-locked sal- brothers of mon fishlnsr In" eastern Maine has re told" of conver- 8Qte6 .f.rom 'the Bureau ef Fisheries These1 will be kept on exhibi-We are told that this place ,, was who assisted Mr. Hendricks in p. Q. Bryaat and P, tion at 'Shenandoah-, till 'the formerly the , property oJ n old - ' ; ' doting Spartanburg. S..C. . "i , , i r,i., wi, . . .. tne muraerea nmu, w sultea irom ioe dmbhi - ,ja:i v As '-v vtuome, v - . . . -"r - . tnai we piaoe wm mm sDeecn , Deiore ine jury; : was qntiona thev : had nao wren me .. vv. nratm. nf stockinff lakes ana streams . v'"" "" . , . , . S made by Solicitor Wells 'in his Af-WUet Mar ia fingerling fish, according to STE cava- " - 'I - , Bruce Holt, trusty . at the , Mar- thusiastic reports from . sportsmea ary. . . vof rViv hA placed in CU1111I1CISU vav vrf . - homes as soon as practicable.: We inspected the Court - iiouse , and OXlice imiu mh v..-. w tion.' We 1 recommend that4he, nrb on court house be paint- f.VV " t, . A Blaster in Auditor office and Grand Jury TOom. We fmd, the touei iac- llities are entirely inadequate and M.rnmmend that r. immediate, .ac- . . . ........ a - AS which in ..Indian ; language , means jeauuj.ui ocBMcijr. , wo . . ,- , ., ., ; . Vl - -i-,...-- ktoca Holt, crusty at vn , - ndarf o rennrta irom soonsnien - . . - . . - iv ... , fur. W ni- frnm iimiotlir ofPtiwo matinoi- fnl J . .. . . , , . . ; ,-.n- mtK' , . . . ., .;.!. t. tSnn he made unler the Wesi enu . eludes five . of America's out- this point the distant scenes we -lowfnff- whfeh'-theontoftfcA ' the: defeadant, prisoner., about, iiooit -hraiidLake- Stream,' Maiae, Depoty . othe .Cewt -7T- nt v ' ntnnrlitio- home economics ex- describawe. Tom mis poinw . , - , i Thursday of this week, in wmcn con- CommiS8i0ner' Uwis - Radcliffe stat- rovm ---- , Stanaing nome etuovuuts .,--- nl,r.i. . nd recess until 9 :30 . Saturdav .. , ...j.. " . v. i t Att mt to hire prison- bbiu mo w"."'-v" . v. -. . ; .-, - i ; , , . , -- - - ----- j versation ine ' uwbuii u,-w. -att taUTO tin lUimutc iu uu : ji"-e - . .. . : be seen. The Am It, ir - . .mMita. x . v.. nnnsnallv larir. this-'ers to adjoining counties , , perts; and nutrition"' authori-(four high schools can ties, headed by 1 Dr.. Louise building is some fifty en. iuo mnrninc. , . - years old and . . . 7 'U' : . n-: - '-..M twn feet -i " required, aii -oi weonesaay ai- ill Q wauto ew i , w - - G. S. Summyr of the Police De- th oniera state. . . '1 ... LI1 WKltB w , fcv - ... : , .... 1 ' ol-.mpflT. M JlBCUlUbUU. . wow.v a , ...... ; . i. Stanley, Uniei ox xne -cureau n hM wmoon to se.ect xna jury wmcn was " ' . ,hA aest of the . T . WNIB , of Home Economics, U. S. De- Bome additions to the building, but - "-""rr''""V,. .u u tni ' DrMnKirwlSTnriC COMPA. County. That the prisoners he Kepi - v, t., J"'rr'.L'-,r- -J- r.f, i.n and hauled m . ; ;x-snenii .so.,jwhij, KY FORMED TO rui5L.isnv . ; as to his going with Sheriff Noel to ipEjjjjxTlONAL T E L'E PH O N E county trucks to the various roads, Lineolnton and bringing the defend- - JJJ . VaWertto. of the interna- We suggest that ammedi.te action ant back to Asheville.. . , . teiephQn directory "ATrtbe taken along this t . Sheriff R, R- Ramsey was aoes. n the future in the hond. of j ?-.-f IS. - tioned again a BM W 1s :.' : atock company; recently formed which the SUte rested.: f -i'-C-. t. t Dnn)o.- with th. head bt- ..The defense -"W Copenhagen,' According tb sentenced to the chain gang we res pectfully recommend that, a. chain. h established in . Madison parimeni OI Agncuituxc. xixa. , DUY TICKETS IN EIARSIIALL- r::iPAc::o;iFLAY Tl. fnlMri, lenoani. busy the'se days' picking grapes" to . Pe 'venire nd 1 - ...... sAti otiriiTnil tn a lnnv 4-Sjfe aaka do anything .else. Their grapes delicious, and are in large perfect bunches, which appeal to the pur chaser. Of course, the grapes and ;. other fruits and vegetables grown-by j Mr, and Mrs.,Merrell are for sale, ' , but-opo finds the couple very agree-. . bla and hospitable, -, - j , nrLP FRrrsYTtr.iA: cnurcii j'. -J" -Te Ws of the PreyteTian PAMS-AIR cl ' "rh have an arrarrement w : A '-' l i j l A l c l f WNIB TAXIS AT 25 CENTS in? ATRRATINa IN E-.j- it of the City AuIi- I. v r i, j i 1 1 - ' rs to the Ta-cion 11 ow c ,i - ft ies, 6' c'.urLh in Kar-1 all. ,i I ' is to be given the T for' "ber 8 i.h , t ' "-y i-1 f '.urday. to see C.lt g . t .play ( l I ',) t' ! 1 ! t1 .r h ji tV i.i ' ' e for a s e pa rat'n? fl seven rrs.-aciv- - to a rcpoit reccivea tomotive Trade CommL-iioner donei at Taxis. ' ' - JURY1 J. L. Gosnell, JL C Edwards , L. J. Balding, ?. Wr.- McDaris, :. R- A. Phoenix, " Jr. L. lTetcalf,;(. Willie Williams,.. Fred Jervis, - ; ' A.1 J.'-Chandler,;, ; : J. .H. For, ' -!' Boyd' Reed, prger- are ?- J. w. campoeu. - The-hearing of witnesses began Thursday morning, and the .entire day was taken" up with evidence pro' gta duced by the State. I Mrs. Grace Bryant, widow of the deceased Baxter K. Eryant, was the PARIS, ' Foreman." Hen p. Washburn ana -on Veeeived la ; the Department i t changei and degre imuroer. im i"""'" ' dricks, made a montio t a L ZSTi M???:?, V M eaawea.-"-rr--. e-fn vrITT . ,i '-. VI IMS , ... . . , v 1,1 fait. -and tna wti-,.. . H -JWa6rf Cpp. fi.ftm first derreft to secona aerc 4. ; t . - , . i . ,t . flnliajTCXlt- a-CHlIlrn ' 1B aaww v.waaa- :ovciruia riwtiiw-at 1? I. 'COT'JC- . . ; T fHMI miQi 1M 1 ' ft I i I i" U..J.JU. .. - -. -i r a i .nun ill t m.vm . . , . . .. i . , i J.rr -rcourt adjourned until frU r. J Joey r- 'Timg. - LAND." Fmldins of new t .: ;a K fori ' 25.C0O:-- The- 1930 on.- ttj- underl00.000 pofi' .-.vr-. r -ej-ATnra. Vueo -uV. -;ti, December ,31, 1933, v:.v :-:.':r:vv'-; - tain, it is said the names of nearly, We!vd to the I : C'icr Court Proceedm. 50,000 .obsenbers, ja i 33 ;af "V of rjommerce.Jrom Acta j countriea- The majority oi we -t--.v ... H- r ye, ho's fo r"Br-E ;-Hed how ho r - r" 1 :"'".,, - - - - T . 1' Aaron iraiuj scnoera --r ,--' v.ted?" first witness on the" stand." After dom after raying costs for violaUon in ay;tJon Korth and South Amen-. . J that's elating hen and where she last ' of r rotation law. ; ' ca, Austra'.'a,' Netherland .Eaef. In-., i t- ' l',r!;.iH fn-.lSd fi'U'ntV OI c onrfuTltpd in the DOOK" - t . , ; " Ji ' '--i. f - W I rve- made ,a3 very v rv. I'r. r '.k of Hen- ce t,e F.-.g fr- -i ripre t'.aa F0,- j in 1 1 1 6.1 H un- . .? to ; .rirtment at r- saw her t'J?band, about :0!' o clock the evening before l-'s dc-ath, rec' ' - ' "V dawn i . 1 cr;-l k-ft"mo? ' r' ' ' ' - Ts.tu s cri rf f GMf;r Doctor--the first so? -l

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