5 COUNTY HOSPITALS , Countjr ' hospital . , facilities Are needed to fill the gap be- .tween the county nome , ami iv.' 'Aiti linanSt.nl. The mon- . ev now being spent on the BPlendid ef flm T,he Bttend ,ey now ucm jance go far jn(i,categ an increase o- wasteful county home system ver that of past years. The ele- ; could well be diverted into' - 9 made standard .couiu wen o .last vear. and this Vear the Hiuh county he:: Ita'l facilities Which ; ltr nnn- . . - ''l" j , pers who must e supported - by the public, but the very , poor man who can pay noth- ing for hospital treatment. . ,-- By the' method of , the pres- enironly a few receive medi car treatment in proportion .to those , who need it . Yet he -'U taxpayers . are, paying suinc ,; iently large amounts for poor ' . relief to' buy "medical treat .iV- ment for a' large; number VI l the "funds were wisely expend- , V tjji Virginia, 22 counties; two cities and one. town have con solidated their aflmshouses-in- ' ancl equipped' at an average k cost of $j;00'-aib4d or $50,C00 rjfor.an institution of ICO-Led J J- capacity., The ) average., per. Capita COSfc IS less. iuau pv , month for four 'homeswhere as the' average per capita $ost ' cost for the ' almshouses sup 1 - planted was ?30. ; , ' i' f.z f?tnto Board v of Chari- HFnr ; ties ana f uuut v ' some time has advocated in' - Dlace of county homes tne 1 u' i.:i...4-:v. nf nnn - graauai buusuwu. v v- ty hospitals, or,, in certain a reas where the' population is sparse, the"; district ' hospital riome. II the county nom system is to-be retained, man - rv county to attempt to, pro - -ii ft seDerate home, smce one- " , - . hailf of the county homes have 20 or fewer inmates. . When we come to consider hospital facilities in , North Carolina,' we find that here as in the other social institutions 111 U.C " , , ence between what their status tc nH what it should be con - eiders our material prosper!- ty. Thirty-eight states have better hospital facilities than 'Torth Carolina. Forty-one of the 100 counties of the state are without hospitals. The rat; 3 cf general nosiu u to CtT pep.' -t'-c-i 13 cn3 tea 10 C10 pcrsor.3, 3 c a mlton::' av:.v 'I- 3 .n:v . . - cf cr .J p: at t: 1' : HOT SPRINGS SCHOOL OPENS ATTENDANCE , CREASE, SHOWS IN- P.. T. A. TO MEET SOON RnrJ ;mg.h .aahao implied Mondav. SeDteltiber 1.' -With gchooi win be standardized.'. The Hot'Sorinirs Parent-Teacher -Associ- fttion will meet as soon as possible and make plM for the COTning year. ' ' - - x C . TO MARRY 1 piSS TERLE SAS, . , who ifl to be married Saturday to Mi. Rmpst Kdirar lUcmsev. . ' : : V CARD OF' THANKS 'Wp take this method of thanking our neighbors and many friends for their many kindnesses shown us dur ing the sickness and eath of our dear wife and mother. We also wish . beautiful flowers and other expres- 'sions of sympathy. . R.a ELLER CLARENCE ELLER ; RAYMOND ELLER CLEO ELLER . ' MAE ELLER- v . with no6 modern conveniences ' 20 inmates, cost $7,000 a year. outside Dauner relief increas- - ,19 oamaen ed ;the Cost to 88,800. Today 10 Washington a 22-bed county hospital, serv-v 10 Granvnif ing annuaiiy more than 200 in-v13 Vju?ce : jividuals, a tuberculosis hos-; 14 Chowan vm with a capacity of 14,' JJ the care of in(jigent Negro pa- vu.-u wAw w ... - . the local Nesrro hos- and the poor rleief .list, tva countv a sum which i3 no larger. . Bertie county has devised a way to take care of its indi- gent sick. A " transformation iiaa taken place at the old a- bandoned county jail. It has been maae over into a iiuouai for the indigent siCK unaer me . X local cnapter . , . , (jrc -, 01 wmca : :n cL-irr.an f 0 r tl- . c.i ' 1 for . clui: provi very ' :ly ia- J facilities fcr tl.9 he. ty V r. vv 11 pv-.i MARS HILL . COLLI "... TO OPuI fNEXT MONDAY : " I ' C w n . . f -' f . , J T h e' following is Copied from the August number of Mars Hill College Quarterly: : ' ABOUT THE OPENING ' ;.J. o..u. 'o n. I . u.y. oCVm . v",the evening period of study should tire, day will be given to the registra- find'etery student iri attendance. .IUU V. UtOV jr VAX 'WlUUD AI) who live near should be on hand not later than 8:30 A. M., the oth ers following as rapidly as possible and in alphabetic order as nearly as may be. ; ' ' " , ' . 1 Tuesday. September 9. . Th . reg lsirauon 01 au oiners win proceed while first, year college men and wo- mei meet in the chapel for a .eries 1 . .. . .... . istration of all others will proceed . . . . i ' - Mir''i 1 Atudv of thd anaiihcauons 01 taiKs ana a nenoa lor firettinir ac- quainted and a brief trip to Little s. ... " is hoped that every student will have completed registration before .sup per and that all may join in a twi light service either on the; campus or at Locust Grove, conducted by Dr. 0. E. Sams. U JnWL 1 Wednesday, September . 10, AU 1 classes will meet according to sched-1 ' and a preview of the courses offered. At eleven -O'clock; all will, gather in il 1 A. JKohA- KiinMwliTtf nn gram "of the year. The pastor of the First Baptist Church of Asheville, Church Membership In ; 'Percent Total Population Belonging 1 to'; Churched s ! - ,Tn Vio fnnnwiTiiy tnhlo bnR?c! cm the 1926 Census of Re ligious Bodies, the" counties 'cent of -popuIationTBelonging f . Hertford county ranks highest with 74.9 percent of her population church-members. 'Stokes comes lastwith only 28.5 percent',-' 'v ' C ' """" -r State total of religious denominations 67 ; total charch members 1,407,005. Percent church members 49.; Fifteen counties average above CO percent 22 "counties average be- low 40 percent' ,.J C'' , . - , " v - , i , i" f ' , ' J.. LEON CLARK : Department of Rural Social-Economics, 'University of N.C. iy Cburch Prcnt Chwrch Percent Rank County r member mmbr Rank County ?i , ;; member-- member ship. 1926 - I Hertford 12,814--'74.9 .2 Lee ,11,042 71.0 3 'Bertie. 17,620 70.5 7,637rrr89.7 . . 1.029 66.7 4 Perquimans-:. 5 Chatham 6 Gates - 7 Rowan ' .". 7,005--66,4 83,638 .65.4 v J; 8,435. 63.8 ' 7,1711-62.2 -17,403 62.2 4,243 61.8 . 15,690 61.1 6,723 61,0 " 7,642 60.8 " J25,770-.'59.7 ' 3,055 -69.7 23520 -589 ; 1B.B53 58.8 8 Randolph.-.' 9 Oamden- 16 Uare- v 1ft Catawba j yrrtii. or Moore 13,174 -14,165- .68.1 era A u TyTren u 2,835 -56.3 25 New .Hanover22,985-.54.9 lZlL-i--0 28 MecUenburg-58,632.. 53.8 29 Anson:l5.598---63.7 , , 11.433 63. 32. Lincoln .11,169--3.4 T.897J- -52.6 . T07 62.4 ..7,662"-62.2 8,002152.2 2W31x51.8 j ll,027.-51.7 8.E52 -51.0 AO TVianA - 34 Macon 35 Watauga- 5 Tender 87 Cumberland. S3 ITenderso-w S 3 Yadkin' 33 Davidson22.081 51.0 41 r.a'd.erford 18,657- E0. 40 - .nn., 19.447 50.5 43; 'fori; H6.850 B0.4 41 y -omery 7,841 60.3 45 Trpi'vlvania 4,754 50.2 . C vt''lnd122;622 50.2 47 r -e 9.9C3 43.9 .. 9,064 49.4 n cn,S72 43,3 7 tDr. William Russell Owen, attractive and forceful .speaker, a lover of ,n,m,r ViBfinl. and lnvnd tv them will rr-K . bring the message. Parents and friendd are invited to be present. The prayer meeting groups before PU3LIC SCHOOL TEACHERS MADE, SUBJECT OF STUDY ' 1 , w TiTashington, D. The t Depart- . , . . .. . ?ent Pff through its Of- Education .proceeding : "to ' ' tnrfif nt tha onahfications r t r . w . . . tChew n the public achoois, m 1v . Af .Available : teachers. . the i 'lities available' and needed for. t her training,', including courses c " study and methods of teaching," ps authorised - by 2 the recent Coin- Secretary . Wilbur- recently :, an nced the appointment of Dr. Ed- id .S, Evenden, of Columbia . Un sitv. as Associate Director of the Teacher' Training Survey, working u Jerf Dr. William , John . uooper, Commissioner 11 of Education,- who iuicwwui . -. Scottish Rite News Uorfh Carolina. 1926 are ranlced according to'the.per- to6hurches.VThe, parallel hiP. 1Z 61 Pamlico.. 5 2 Caswell 4,425 48.K) 1 8,205.. 47.6 18,86647.1 39,65IO-147.0 5,774--,-46. 23,175 46.1 -UU.104 48.4 13,282" 45.1 - 4,429-45.' 44,537 w45.5 J.15,813 45.'4 -80.466' .45.3 " 63 Cabarrus, 54 Buncombe. 55 Mitchell ,;,. 55 Halifax.., . 67 Caldwell 68 Stanly 69 Jolk....J 60 , Forsyth 61 Columbus. 62 Gaston 62 Durhar .27,27l.-45.3 15.715 45.2 64Wilkea 65 ; Alamane 68. Guilford 67, Union- )- 68. AveryV 69 Cherokee-,. 70 H;irnett- :17,212 -44.9 . -44.6 ..44.4 .44.2 43.8 -49,712. L17.300, 4,960--1 6,920 14,752v43.2 6,939 42.6 3,024'J -41.6 . 13,721 41.3 - 2,085, ..40.7 9,565 40.6 . .13,361 1.40.5 .-19,880 L40.3 5,890 40.1 t J. 6,100139.5 5,156 89.0 -20,735-.38.7 6,089-38,4 . 8,016 -38.1 -18.150 87.7 10,S31-37.7. .13,525 36.7 7,419136.7 ? 3,181-,38.4 -18.291 36.0 7,841.. .35.1 6,65435.0 , .4,236 34.6 a s : 1 vi .uarterew " 2 ; j 72 AlleLany. 73 Lenoir. 74 Clay 75 Person 76 Craven 77 Waynel. 78 Yancey- 79 Brunswick- 80 noke4 81 Johnston. 82 Jackson 83 Ashe . .. ':. 84 Nash .i...'.. 1 64 rurke4- 86 f 'jrry J. 86 I ..'.Isoiu 88 r?de4 1 89 a ; t 90 ! itm. 91 !Db welL . 92 "aia 93 K 'ywood . 94 C 1. am 95 CrcenelJ 96 C- dow 9,016- 1,839- 8,890- 4,814- .34.0 ..33.7 -33.3 -31.9 1,7 P. T. A. SOCIAL NEXT FRIDAY An informal socisl hour.'will be at the ' school building nex 'Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock,1 so 'as to enable the parents and teachers ho become better acquainted.';. Al) 'parents are urged to attend. ; The 'program and social committees, are "busy making preparations for an en joyable evening. , ; , , j At the jneeting last luesaay Professor RobinVon stated . that ; he was having a phone Put into his of fice, and was making .preparations Ifor better ' playground equipment. The Ways and Means Committee aia planning : to have a county-wide Field Day in the near future? r Kxthvi O. WiUiams. of Providance, v if t : CAROI-NA'M , By GUY SWARINGEN t - . ' BIG MERCANTILE DEAL " rv--in--T h Belk Brothers frith headquarters in Char lotte baa purchased the J. L. Mim- 1 L r,mmli ilf COlUmDltt, O. 'W., fn -300.000." The Mimnaugh store- was established ?4 -ears ago by J. L. Mimnaugh, the "merchant P"" of South Carolina, it wwi i.w be" opened as 0e sixty-ninth mem bet of the Belk chain, . , ; . CAM MORRISON FIRES OPENING Bo 0 e"-Ex-tgovernor Cameron .AO-.- the we-iuuw" at Boone Saturaay ww . ; ,.nnrt the WJui9-"r- . -T -.j-- -Mdline upon the peo- p,e of the mountain. - fall to the support o w' ocratic ticket. ' , FREE-FOR-ALL FIGHT IN , . runWAN . . - t - - Hollowell of Kdenton . u . . , , . ... Chowan ' county sufferea - concussion Saturday a free for- all fistic battle in - . au nsuw . took Dart officials ana BC"l"V .ttuck Hollowell is said to have been attacK Holloweu ia xon ft. TwhomwVd iust testified on gainst whom charge 01 " Jo1T1 F. laws, coumy Charle8 White, couiujr . W5nim rrifln and county 'aww . men, wh.cn w - fi. u of the fighters, ana - resulted. , ' 9 , crunnt. TO OPEN on. -It was aim.""- . . u ti mircnaseu. til new pistoia cou.u CA:;"Tfcnmas Guest, Kinss I.unri-7 ured kboul ou, , , . Saturday car, goinst.a i - ... it vas LvH be bad crr-Ved -white .it in gear. . -4; -rtTvMNG WOMAN . Fvlva ' raa nrr f;ted baturaaj I 1 .; ? I, winnef Of the aniwaLiour-jrcsr iwnia.-n- i 17. and t4 CLARENCE TWEED ;i DIES son ' of major tweed ' of White rock succumbs , ViV s nrrt nil a siw ; 1 J iTixir- ; Clarence, the 16-year old son of Major Tweed of White Rock, died at the White Rock hospital Wednes day, September 3, at 6:30 P. M. ' A rather strange mal caused- hJ death. Something Similar to rheu- matism 'began in his shoulder and moved up. toward the head. He was sick only ' about a week. Clarence -was a student at Washington Col- - lege, Tenn., laet session and was nlanning- t.n return to his Collcfire in - a feW days. The deceased is sur- vived oy nis lamer' ana step-m-vn- : -pr. Mr. -and Mrs. Major Tweed, and i .'..,- m ... 1 j a. v. ' :(;. I the following brothers and sisters i J Major , Junior, Togo, Rosie, Louis, the' last child being by the last union, f Funeral services will be from the , ? FrMnvv -ftemoon at. two oV! j!tZnr nwihhlv i-nnHiiAted bv Dr. W.. ,E;,:Finley, interment following at the Tweea cemeter nearoy.f- - . . .4 TYPHOID SERUM : TO. BE GIVEN County . CammiMionart . Tmtdtf Autboris InocuUtion Contract Be Given By Dr. Sam . n W A - Hama will of-or uHn 1 of typhoid . inoculations to be given ; al) school children and citizens in the' n.'.-v- ..... 11.-4. .11 ti- those desirina- this 'serum must be present at your school at tbevhdurn? designated. I. " All schools conld not be reached for . the - first series which takes s weeks. - On Sept. 29, the others not on this list will be served. Each one who can pay will be ex pected to pay 80 cents at the sec ond dose. None, will be refused. Every' Saturday in my office in Marshall." I will give the treatment'. to all who come. W. At OABIB, XU. U. ON SEPTEMBER 8.15 AND 22 j California 8:80 to 9:16 A. M.. Laurel Valley 9 :45 to 10 :iq A. M. . Ebbs Chapel 10:25 to 11:30 A. M. Bright Hope rll:50 A. M. to 12:20 Little Creek 1:00 to 1:30 P. M.. Ivy Ridge 2:00 P. M. to 2:20 P. M. Foster Creek 2:35 P. M. U 3:00 Grapevine 3 :30 tP. to 4 :00 P. M. ON SEPTEMBER AND 23s Walnut Creek 8:45 to 9:30 AM. Rice School 10:00 to 10:30 AM. -. Big Laurel 11:00 to 11:30 AM., Spillcorn 12:00 to 12:30 rm.' -:30 to 2:00 PM."- Piney Grove 2:15 to 2:35 PM. , Stackhouse 3:00 to 3:30 rffl. ON SEPTEMBER 10-17 24i Skyland 9 :00 to 9:30 AM. , Marshall 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Walnut 11:10 AM to 12:10 fia. ; Mars Hill 1:00 to 2:00 PM'. Beech Glen 2:16 to 3:15 PM. Terry's Fork 3:30 Co 4:00 PM. . ON SEPTEMBER 11-18 4 25: 9:00 to 9:30 AM. . Sandy Mush 9:45 to 10:30 AM Pihey Grove 10:50 to u:;-., o.-. 1 :45 to 12:00 Noon. Upper Little Pine-1:00 to 1:30 PM. Little IPine 1:50 to Mt. Neta 3:00 to 3:30 PM. on szrrz-zz iM9 a zs: Keener9:C0 to 9:20 AM.. Meadow Fc ' 9:30 to 10:C0 AT . Poplar Gap 10:30 to 11:00 A-. Spring Creek 11:45 ::.-l.r3 -- Hot Springs 1:30 to 2:3 3 I. Taint Rock 2 :45 to 8 :C ) I . Bonnie Kill 3:09 to 4:D I Six. It is said t'.at t' e c the two were riJLns the frown fani'y e'- reduce ,"t T.'.re ...VS. 97 9? 1 -H.?3&.. .-12.373 12 S t r.i: it t cn a crarge - lit v , 1 C I fix. b. , ..j.KMer,

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