" . .'AW 1,4 tmm nr tliat fell Mask ! tka eauBlr . aa uoe ra tew r i riirM fi iHiiHii iwi wm at n uia - k;v::, ;:v-v v Published TWICE 'A,' WEEK TuesJayg' and .Fridays: the Established newspaper of ma dison county yoL.xx"ix MARSHALL, N.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1930 4 Pages This Issue 1 t r SPRING CREEK HIGH SCHOOL The total enrollment this week goes '.beyond 875 with 60 for the high school ' department New , pu pils in high school ' this week are . Misses Elia Suttles of Meadow Fork and Gladys Wilds of Pine Creek, Miss Wilds is boarding with her ' aunt, Mrs. Ethel Askew. School is going good as to attend ance and work. , Some few are out on account of illness. Chickenpox was about to break in last week. On account of the drought, the water supply is exhausted,- which makes a rather unsatisfactory con dition. , Chapel programs are better since thi new piano came in. ' Our last program waa given to singing, which was much better than usual. We expect new song books for chapel The hirii school baseball team de feated "Fines Creek team on the Id- cat grounds last ' week, getting ' re venge f or -the- defeat- they- gave us ob their 1 grounds. We are , t play Hot SDrinscs here . this week and Walnut there Friday The, Roaring, vFtlu,4..'Jy9 came over last "week and defeated upgrade boyiin. ft batting game with Tvscore ,oj( wr. Wash Eowler". was their vbich and hal he-kiddies' in good tracing. W hope they can com?i back; Mrp. Hattie,, Henderson d -.MisRuby Reese are teachers of theaa fine boys The Spring Creek. "Baseball jteam lost-to Leicester last Saturday by a score of 13 7. Leicester is; to play here Saturday Afternoon. We hope bjr'somd" better work to win over them. Under the new manag er, Mr. Henry" Duckett, ' there may be some changes in playing positions and a better team developed, The community singing conven tion , meets , at the Liberty church Sunday afternoon. The .convention has inade the , round ,, of all ,the churches and this will ; be. the .last of the season except and' " all-day singing, at the sehoolhouse on the fourth .Sunday . when several .quar tets and choirs from the outside will e asked to come.' ; Bartlett from Asheville a ri d ' Tomberlins from Weavfrviiie'lwMf 6e asked 'to come., j . Messrs. Hardy and Roscoe Blank- enship, i with Misses Texie Blanken ship and Motelle Woody, let a Ford leave ithe; "road last eet 'causing a cut on Motelle'jl jfarm. J" Motelle was knocked- unconscious and . car ried to t)r.; Kimberly,at Hot Springs who took a few stitches on her arm, Motelle. and. fioscpe. tare iniigh School and Texie. is in the grades, Motelle was .out three pr" four days ,- but back now and seems to be op " the road to speedy, recovery.: HOT SPRINGS P.TJL On Sept. 9,; 1930; the P T. A. held their first meeting in the Hot Springs High School auditorium with targe crowd attending. The following of ficers were elected: ; Mrs. B.'' H.' Welch President; Mrs. Ed Church, Vice-President; Mrs. ; Claude Runnion, Secretary. & Treas urer." - t- - ' s, Social and Entertainment Commit tee: Mis Elizabeth Lawson, Chair mon, Miss Boone, Miss Louise Wil liams, Mrs.-Leflerr' Mrs.' Shell, Mrs. Flamming: ! J ' Ways ' and .Means Coinmittet : . Mf. T. Davis, Chairman: Mrs. Joe Lawson, Mr. Chockley Mrs. Jrubbs :Mra. Floyd Harrison. Mra,. Corbett. Program Committee! Mb tO'.Dell, Miss Brooka, - Mra. Bryant, Mrs. Plemmon. ' S" , y. Publicity -Committee: Mra, CU' C Brown, Mra. ,.Maiaret , Bryan, Miss Chandler.- Mis Lawson. r r. v' r Membership Committee: Mrs."-.ToiJ Russell, Mrs. Farmer, Mrs. . Greene Waddell, Mrs. Lefler, ' , Mrs.i Ben Hark'eroad, Miss-Williams... A gt-tog9ther meeting of the i i i5 flarned to be given I GENERAL NEWS ! ! IN PARAGRAPHS ! . .BYRNES DEFEATS' BLEASE tIN. SENATORIAL 5 HGHT-dthua runs a streamer headline in a large' daily paper of Wednesday, September 10. On the face of un official returns, South Carolina Democrats Tuesday night appear ed to have "relegated Senotor Cole S. Blease, veteran political lead er, to private life as a result of Tuesday's run-off primary for the party's senatorial nomination. Re ports from all but 55 out of 1,422 precincts, ; showed that former Cpngressman James F. Byrnes of Spartanburg had a lead of nearly 6,000 votes over the incumbent The vote stood: Byrnes, 112,157; Blease 106,35$. ... .'. A . Edwin L. Sains, Asheville auto- wobfle driver, who was charged ' with reckless driving following a collision between his car and a motorcycle , ridden . by. Lieutenant E. S. Guthrie, of the State highway patrol,, was found not guilty, Tues day morning by Judge Zeb V. Net tles ' irk police Court. ' '"'!').' '')-:''' , : '; .,;' ; frii, . '.'-llr. For. 26 hours. Captain N., A., pan ose, 62-year-old marine diver,' 'struggled on the floor of the drain-. age canal in 22 feet of water at New Orleans, l., neipiess:y en- ; tangled in piling, and: lived to tell of the experience He: was final ly fegcued by Fritz John, 66, an other , tough old 'diver, after the f nra " nt r Vfindrd 'Jothefc -men haf failed to extricate Danese.-,. t Former Governor Alfred E. Smith', Tuesday gave ' a tabloid history of New York in just , 49 words, which were as follows: "Eighty years ago, a very short time when one stops to . think, this land was part of a farm. More recently it was the site of one of the great hotels of the world, and soon it will be the location of the tallest structure ! ever built ' by man,"' ! , Two alleged ringleaders of the I disorder in the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires were publicly exe-, Rented Tuesday nyht by the pro visional -government Strict ' mar tial tlatfas ' put ; into effect, ' with aoldiers. in war; jequipment everywhere and particularly a round government buildings, as a result of , the riots and shootings which Monday night terrerized .the heart of, the capital. - ,it- Montreat Tuesday and ' carried her ing clematis. daughter, Wilma, who will be in the After a short program of music Montreat Normal School this year, the bridal party, in the glow of the I Mrs. Riddle expects to leave next, setting sun, passed from the house week for a trip up north with her to their positions beneath the Dines husband and daughter, Grace M..' where a hos of fnVrwli Wl ineir son, Kobert, is a traveling ed. salesman in the west and the young er son, S. B., is working with an un cle, who is traveling also. Miss Kathleen Elmore has return ed to Wilmington, . where she , is head of the Spanish department m the school there. Miss Hattie Whorton and nephew, Elmere Ramsey,' have returned to ;cAmAciiAr ,The By GUY SWARINGEN MRY DOHERTVS LAST DANCE i?ocky Mount Marv Dohertv. 8. prenuptial musical program ' who dreamed tht her fwinVlin tno was comprised mainly of selections I mi8h her t0 " Broadway iqotugnts, nas aanced ner last dance. used at the wedding of the bride's mother. Miss Martha Biggers, head of the music department of Mars Hill College, presided at the piano. Miss Evelyn Coon, of the voice de partment of Mars Hill College, was Viro-inia. MV. Ramspv tn hi hnm. vMloist. Mrs. . Douglas Robinson, of n,W h nfr9 unhnrf iw5a. .'he volil department of Mars HiU Wharton to her work as County SuriC6llef"e' A quartet V68 pervisor of Schools in a county near A ' Richmond tWoodrow, of Rock Hill, S. C., Mrs. ' . V- A. McLeod, of Mars Hill, Mr. W. Mrs. Furman Brown of Knoxville wnir. . , nf .wvj. Tonn was the guest last week of her aunt, and Mr , A McLe0(, of Mart Hill, sang a group of old love Hongs. Saturday night she pjd other chil dren were giving a "show," when Mary's long dress caught fire from a candle used as a footlight, and Mary was burned beyond recovery. H"e,r mother, Mrs. Sadie Newby Dherty. has studied dancing for and appeared in Greenville and other places. Raleigh, jFirst Grade- Mrs. Ashbel Carter. Rev. and Mr.s G. C. Cox, who for the last two years, have been at tending the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas, have been spending their vacation here and in eastern Carolina. - Mr. Cox has practically completed his course at the . Seminary, lacking possibly a small amount which can be, finished by corresiDondence. Their mends and relatives will be glad to learn that they have. given up: their field of work in iexas and will make their home here with Mrs. COx's mother, Mrs. C. Y. Tilson, Mr. Cox having been called to the Weaveryillp Baj. tist church. The bridal party entered to the strains- of the wedding march from Lohengrin. The bridesmaids wore old-fashioned dresses of pink taffeta and .lace, quaintly designed with full .long skirts, basque waists, and short puffed sleeves, and carried arm bouquets of pink' and lavender as ters. The flower arirls, little .Misses Evelyn , McLeod and Gene Wilkins, daintily dressed. -in pink- organdie," preceded tha Ibride, . strewing rose' petal in ner patn PROMINENT DQCTOR DIES J Asheville Dr. John D. MacRae, Asleijle physician and X-ray ex pert was fatally injured Saturday afternoon, when his car overturned on the Black Mountain highway, Mrs. MacRae, who was with him, al so suffered a broken collar bone. Dr. MacRae was a nationally known au thority on Roentgen X-ray work. , begin serving his jail sentence of 80 The bride entered upon the armday imposed , last November -by . ivi.,'iw-. a .-. iJiiHao G. V. Cowper on a charge of f her mother,' -who" was gowned in lavender and lace. The bride wore PARENT-TEACHER COMMITTEES a quaint gown fashioned of white satin and mahne' and a lace and The following . committees were tulle veil, worn by former brides of appointed at a business meeting bf . fa .family. Her yail .was gathered tha P TrAheld Jast Tuesdayfl,P., Mj-; njanient woynj'hy - her FROM MARS IHLL REVIVAL A SUCCESS ' ' The' revival' 'of two weeks, eon- Prograntt-Jdha'tJIel J. B. Huff, Miss Haney. Ways & Means--Mrs. John Smith, Roy Wall, Mrs. JR. C. Coates, Miss Carroll Mc-Devitt. Hospitality Mrs. W. L. Robinson, Mrs. W. C. Anderson,' Mrs. Lee Carter. Grounds- Mrs. S. O. Trentham, Mr. Jason Briggs, Mrs. Wayne Peek. Publicity Miss McClure, Miss Kath- ' erine Roberts GRADE OR ROOM MOTHERS 1st Grade wMrs, Nathan, Rum on Miss Roberts' Room Mrs. Quincy , Ball Miss Edwards' Room -Mrs. I. N. : , , , Carr 3rd Grade UMrs. . Ned . naerson 4th Grade . Mrs. Ash, Carter Mrs. Jarvis Room . .Mrs,.t P, C. Stringreld Miss Carters' Room-'-to be supplied 6th "Grade 2u-.Mi-s. T.( E. Bird 7th , Grade,. Mr JCennethjIurray 8th Grade A Li Mrs.' John Smith 8th Grade B .MrsJ)WMv Edwards 9th Grade Mrs,, Fred .Hplcombe 10th Grade -, , Mrs. Roy Wall 11th Grade ,L,-Mra Frank Gibbs Home Ecj Room .to b, supplied. TVu. asked to . be '.he The. matron of honor was Mrs.,W. E. Wilkins, Jr., of Nashville, Tenn. The groomsman was Mr. W. E. Wii- j kins, Jr., of Nashville. The brides maids were Miss Alice K;erulff Bai ley, of Greenwood, S. C, who was flower girl at the wedding of the bride's mother; Miss Grace Beach am, of Spartanburg, S. C; Miss Ev elyn Fuller, Greenwood, S. C; Miss Frances Biggers, Mars Hill; Miss Bessie Leifiy, Reading, Pa., and Miss Sallie Wills Holland, Coker College, S.C. The ushers were Messrs. Franklin Wilkins, of Mars Hill, and Guy Leiby.' of Reading, Pa, The officiat ing minister was the Rev. J. A. Mc Leod, of the Mars Hill College fac ulty,' for many years p closa friend of the ' family. . The bride is the daugnisr of Mra. Sallie Ballet Wilkins, teacher of UNION ORGANIZER TO SERVE SENTENCE : Marion Alfred Hoffman, union ofgfurizer' for the Inited Textile Worker, .of America, has surrendered to 'Sheriff Oscar F. Adkihs and will G. V, Cowper on a charge" rioting in Marion last falp;j - . HILD IS KILLED BY CAR , Elkiin Little Claude Elmer Coofe, 3-year-old eon i of 7 Virona Cook, of ; Jonesville, was fatally, injured tigtaiwofe";ef , I ...,. . j: Km . ram rialfnn. tie. mODUc unvvu uj "m era. who surrendered to officers and was heldi under $1,000 bond. RESERVE McLEAN PRAISES CHIEF Lumberton Former Governor An gus' .W. McLean has issued a state ment endorsing the appointment by President Hoover of Eugene Meyer td the governorship of the Federal Reserve boord. Mr. McLean served with Mr. Meyer on the War Finance corporation, FIVE LIBRARIES AT DUKE ' Durham Duke University will have five libraries this fall, four in addition to the central library, to serve special departments, the law ut.Mil at reliarion, school of medicine and wonian's college 11 hrjirjf..'.' ' . ' ' The Parent-Teacher Association of. Mars Hill held the regular monthly: meeting on Tuesday, September 9th. Many important plans fbi the year ' for obtaining new members was launched. The room which has the -most new members will receive a prize. f The Grade Mothers for this year ' -were chosen. They are as follows: ' Mrs. Bascom Huff Second Grade . Mrs. I. N. Carr 1 High First & 2nd..Mrs. Quincy Ball ' Third Grade Mrs. Ned Anderson ' Fourth Grade Mrs. Ashe Carter . Fifth Grade ....Mrs. IP. C. Stringfield Fifth & 7th Mrs. John Anderson ' Sixth Grade Mrs. Byrd ; Seventh Grade-Mrs. Kenneth Murray Eighth. A Mrs. John Smith Eighth B Mrs. Cling Andersof Ninth Grade Mrs. Fred Holcomb" Tenth Grade Mrs. Roy Wall ., Eleventh Grade .Mrs. Frank Gibbs On .September 18th, there will be . t a book shower at tne uign bcnooi building. ' By this novel , plan, the V Association,- hopes- to increase the standard of the library. . -j .this is a; very active organization;', the members are ever reaching to a . mighty goal with the interest of, the school as an incentive. ' '" v 'V i . Hi.il. i Latin fa :Mars Hill College, and the rSALVATlON ARMY FAREWELL vV'V SERVICE 'A-U . - ,. --'. , ' ' I' Charlotte The Charlotte post of the Salvation! Arm held a farewell service SrJtday night, for L. :.A. Plu- mer andvCW F,?erUHi, Janidates ducted by D'r; t). B. Sams; came to j. committee : on. membership, working close last Sunday evening. -ax u" ; witn xne . ervice. 81 converts 'were baptized. and durinar the aerie of meeting 40 others were received into the church bv letter. There were others, too, who reported that a change hdd been brought about in their lives as a re sult of these services, and the com munity in general experienced a re newed interest in religion. Besides the pastor, Rev. J. v Owen 'and Dr. Sams, the Rev. lat Colville, as an earnest personal work er and Mr, Silas Johnson, as bouk leader, rendered a great service dur ing the series of meeting. NEW FAMILIES IN TOWN , A number of families have moved into our community lately. Among Lyday lamuy.irom n.M.,,n members, as DOBsiblo, before the regular meeting the first Tues day in October, when a prize '. of $1.00 will be given to the grade or room which has secured largest num ber of paid-up members. f ct.k tiAr is it need for more late Rev.: Walter E Wilkins, of South GiroMi; "Sh is a sung'woman of unusual' accmplishment and -: charm. She W a graduate of Win HiU ColT lege and of Coker" College, S. Cv, and studied for a period in Europe.'' For the past' few summers sh has been religiua' director iri the 'Dr.- Petpt The 'groom is a promising young jKoveiBW TOti. r Physician of Niashville. Tenn. Dr. a son of the local relief officer, and Mrs. Leiby, after a motor trip j wouNDED FOREST CITY BOY oi a lew weeKs, wui ue Hume IMPROVING Nashville. w By "COLy HOT SPRINGS TO PLAY " . , NEWPORT CUBS TWICE.,, The scrapping Hot Spring baseV ball team will play the fast Newport . ; All-Stars at Newport Sunday, Sep tember 14th, and Newport will rel"' turn the game at . Hot Springs on , Saturday, September 20th. , ; Two great games are expected " v between these teams, 'as Newport i has a strong, fast club; but on the other hand, Hot Springs has one of the hardest-hittingclubs in Western A North! Carolina. :SOASj '1J" H O ff SPRINGS , EASILY . DEFEATS SPRING CREEK r k nr'ir-'iA w: C A 1 ' ''::'. The Hot Springs High School nine ' easily defeated .Spring Creek .'.High, School last, Tuesday af tern oonin. a fast seven inning , practice game, the ' score being 6 E. - " 1 " ' " i With ' the .heavy hitting of Run:j' '. riioa, Buifgin and fiuff. Het Springs , ' w aoie vo secure o runs- in xne fifth liaam-jt r ' iiw etmniup m MHBuuu nni. tea; ine exceuent piicning ana ;xriiiing. t- .v cuicning; oi ouina ana nunnion, o. -i ., eiiehee' Jndiaffl wsts formerlar 1n Creek aa able, to'iret onlv 2'hiU. ' ; i SHOWER FOR THE BRIDE On Friday afternoon, the day be- during the game.- Next .Tuesday JsC' "C. and H, C meet on the Hot Srpings grounds - in what promises to be.afas andv . exciting game.1 s " ' ; ' :SOAS: 'v' LeRoy Mills, Westchester, N.v Y., sf attorney, is credited with having . Forest City Worth Laton, 12, who was accidentally shot by his friend. Horace Butler last Friday, ' alifrhtlv imnroVed hAAku in the Hteh School library, fore the wedding, a shower was- RutherfQrdt0. hosPitol. It.was Dame, into the country's best punt-. . kv wma decided upon for ' gfve,rfor.-tlie-H''bride-te-Ae -vat the ' . , . t-, . tvna(, earnrft,ar er. m.Av afternoon of next week, home' of Mrs. John McLeod, by Mrs. . , , . Butier Hp. v..h t.Ton or friend who can give McLeod; assisted by Mr?. W. E. W.. Butler wa3 M. hnnk or more for the library kins, Jr.? and Mrs. J. W..H M A 'HUCiatiVll vasw ii i rr jao.y - ... . Vn t-fia:., nmrv kiiih. jt. mm iuio. r vi jui. , . . , t . ri.. m.(h i nne" dook or inuie . v- - nlacea m ine rorest v-ivj ju . i 1 1 iL S J 1 1 Ait araita aoina1 I is asked to go to the nig" ,cnou .ku . out-bond. at two o'clock Thursday, Sepember punch and cakes on the porch. ( . ,., . .- ; 1 lg t , Afterward they assembled in the 'v THERE'S SOME. GOOD IN 'EM ' ' ' - ' .ftt;room, Where smn The flaprs witb the abbreviate LEIBY WILKINS 1 fifW rendered ,loyey gron? :,Vrtbekta can't expect much tor 7. songs m her usual cnarnui.g manner. riftiM Pathfinder. , , ; T ' - ouniiun ei uie vrreenviue ciuo. neiu developed Fi-anfc Caride0 of Notre ; :SOAS: In the play -off series of the South' y Atlantic League, between Green ville, S. C, winners of the first half ' of the split season, and Macon, Ga., winners of the second half, ... was A' marriage of unusual beauty was ( nt1je Mlgs; Clyde , McLeod and J SSorrwh. have come to th. Mag- solemnized Saturday .vening t f. tha Georgia boys to two hits while his team mates -were- touching 1 Mat- former Asheville Tourist, for Greenville won by o acore of second gsmej Wednesday, beat the'' S Dinners to even - ..-, ... . . .. -. -.1 i dk weuuiiiK wvwm www w flu, Kinni. t v " .j ..i ' ... ' ' m m 11 vmvim KnnniM am - to the Hamhy nouse. , - j . .r nln. m , V-ui - w-.. iM itlie - count. "tlM-cor-' tia -4.: w p p RidHU went over to.",uuac" "c"c"" v"" ' ' um the same as laax. year., . , ... . r. , Mrs. R. R. RqUe went over xo , of uW-town friends, wers encer,?. part due, and! it U a-' J Peare.'a wildnesa end Pattison's re pUy groftnd equipment - eene was one' of natural, grandeur tamed dinner Friday by Mrs. Na:1 ' wf.th causes V ' hlif Wldav.wat riven to the and , simpUcity, the, home command- than' Runnioiu -Vfe h i'ea -witlJout -license. Please and victory,- mpec-.v, . 9Ln IUC 1UI 1 V ti lr . - 4 it -J gie Haml toimi .Mar. n:1, when Mis8 KatmJl Louise L kt the vdoorwav nulUn av-- I . I ' I A ttatW fly xvomd o ox-. 17 bride of sDrJ ed wHhifU. xhe : openW:- "T" , lege cottages, of mter-Vr . 3-0. two DOT, to Bfl. W nanon nuuo , i - - j . . , ;.ine; ywuuvj '-" , I ' - . i ....- m n iTenaeaaee.! t.s. ' .- i-.v W .v 'eafcaa thev were many and of fut.' i... .. .. thm t.Irnse I -n,jne. and Rev., wesiey epnnaie. iiuuu,, . - . - ' v. ' ,j .... .. I T ""vr" . SMacon ehts' present Our next meet: r ' f i The bride, as teacher of " public ' ' mn j nH eet vour license at . .tit bii KifipiL me nniv necora- uiiam mneiA in tn. ipham nr laftc, . .... ,t.,' student . . eeting will be the 7th tions were the tall white pines and year,' was quite popular with si 4 ,,rpv)i. 0 rntural shrubbery,, the spaca.for the. tf-s.-'-rr?, and rfents; ' ad our moved to Macon for ,--. p-.-fnllv. : . land Saturday. - . B. E. GUTuKlE, Tax collector . . c !