the! established newspaper of ma dison county VOL. XXIX MARSHALL, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1930 4 Pages This Issue DR. W. N. JOHNSON WILL SPEAK IN ASHEVILLE SUNDAY MEETING WILL BE HELD AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. Wal N. Johnson, former sec retary of,, the North Carolina Baptist state convention, will deliver an ad. dress next Sunday afternoon, Sepr tember 21. at 3:00 o'clock at the First Baptist church in, Asheville. The Asheville meeting is one of a series of regional gatherings throughout the entire South which will be held next Sunday. The speaking will be held under the aus pices of the Steward League of Bap tist Ministers. Dr. Johnson is known' throughout the South as a dynamic speaker and is active in Baptist circles, v An all-day conference of Baptist ministers will be held at the First Baptist church Mdnday morning, September 22, at 10:00 o'clock. Ministers from all towns of Western North Carolina have been invited to attend. YACHT RACES AFFECT TRADE This September seems to b$ a nauticaJl month for Young America. Keen interest by boys and girls in the interna tional yacht races held off shown by the sudden popular ity of toy boat contests. The small lakes in city parks are dotted with miniature sail , boats. Toy stores report a sudden call for toy craft built on clipper lines for speed. One of the big confection ery manufacturers has" just in troduced 'Yankee Clipper" candy bar and is distributing thousands of toy yachts to re tailer to be given as prizes to the boyS and girls bringing in the largest number of wrap pers from the new. confection. Nautical are ap pearing in the" sh p windows. Wot muniifftcturt-l ' report' a big demand -f or i yachting caps. Sea foods are prominent 1 on restauranVmenus. The pub lishers' fall iistsiaUs-saidr will contain an -junustually Jarge number of sea tales. "One interest that unites the American people, regardless of residence and occupation, Is. Sport Sir. Thomas. Up ton's latest .effort to lift, the cup has given the country an interest in sailing lore" such as we have not seen since New England' chief Industry' was her JhlppttSytrWe and the YanSeV Cllp'uV rdled the ayes. ' UKrllli llililM I Wo are Informed that The Caro Ena Wood CProducta Co. of Asheville, N. C, are working some six hundred men, jart of them overt&ne,' making radio cabinets. A recent large v! er from . Atweter Kent of rPhila ielnhU for cabinets is keeping two factoiy " men " busy - taspeetinr passing their, cabinets. Another indication o Times", it would Beem.- " f "Good "WORLD NEWS" 1 IN BRIEF PRAGUE REPORT DISCOV ERY OF NEW RADIUM DEPOSITS IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA. New -de posits of radium ore have Been found near the section of northwest Bohemia where Madame Curie made her first discoveries, according to a Czechoslovak report forwarded to the Department of Commerce by A sistant Trade Commissioner Sam E, Woods at Prague. The discoveries claim that the quality of the new ores is unique and that water in which thev are placed becomes ra dioactive at once. BERN E "PAVE IT WITH FLOWERS" NI SWITZERLAND. The little village of l'Etivaz, in the Swiss Alps, has found a new and ingenious way 01 ODtaininy xunas for paving the main highway which runs through the village, the Auto motive Division, Department of Com merce, lears from Acting Attache Henry E. Stebbins, Berne, On pleasr ant Sunday mornings signs, decor ated with flowers, are put -: up at both ends of the village, greeting the' motorist and inviting him to notice the well built street, which is newly paved and kept clean.; At the vyillage; square, girls m national costumes approach passing automobiles with small boquets of rare, mountain flowers, asking the occupants to buy them. TORONTO DEVELOPMENT OF AUTOMATIC FAKAUtiuiE, REPORTED IN CANADA. An auto matic Parachute has been developed ii Canada And Rented there and fa nadian mrormauon iorwaraeu w m Department of Commerce by Trade Commissioner Harvey A. Sweetser at Toronto. It is claimea tnai mis parachute, weighing 1 1-4 pounds, strapped to the shoulder, may be au tomatically releafad, thus obiating the serious difficulties in cases where the jumper fails to release the para chute. ' T.TMA EXPORTS , OF COTTON FROM PERU INCREASE DURING JULY. The exports of cotton from Ppt-uu durinc July amounted to 85,000 bales, according to prelim inary figures cabled to the Depart- ment oi uomratsreo. uj - Attache Charles li. urmnigiuun, TimA, The exports In June amount ed io 82,000 bales end the total ex ports irom August to July amount- ed to 218,000 oaies. n ,."" that from 60 to 70 per cent of the present cotton crdp wsb sold. Johannesburg 'world's longest" motor service is STARTED IN AFRICA What is de se.fted as the world's longest mo jot taxi route,haS recently been in augurated in Africa, states a report to the Automov D: ion, Depart ment of Commerce, from Assistant ThiWavne G." Johannesburg, South i ro i a a iiiiiiiiiosiav- - Africa. '--v0 which is known as Trans-African .Motor,.'. Safaris, bas been stated to carry turists from the yuoa terminus of the Nile steamers to Cape Town, covering many of the mOBt interesting Parts of, African to take approximately eight weeks, Ae- a n a iium miiw stops at the principal including cities.'. MONTEZUMA TO . r CHANGE HANDS ; ?n the, course of a few wwks the liontesuina hotel will pa 1to neW t. Mrs. O. S.. Bradford,! lo has been proprietress for me time, is giving it W w f vate housekeeping. H VL. . Mrts -.AfnrA kave tented Uie Mrs. John R. Avera house on the hilL and are expecting- to "move in . eiuier the first ' ol .-October or November. Mr W. E. Kin?, owner of the Mnnte luma, has about' complete arrange mets with Ms.aad JlnuLonPpwers to take over the hoteL Mr. Powers was formerly chief of police of Mar shall. -1-; - fir m THE PUBLISHER'S COLUMN I ABOUT VARIOUS MATTERS ROAD ATTRACTIONS IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA j According to a feature fetory by Glenn W. Naves ap pearing in last Sunday's Ashiville Ciitzen-Times, the roads of Western North Carolina ire attracting the attention of foreign experts in road conaifuction. The article goes on to say that fifty countries wj send representatives here to study North Carolina's method of road building, and that the chief attractions of the Relegation to come in October, will be the Marsliall-Ashewle highway and Beaucatcher tunnel. According to the. stqry the International Road Con gress, meeting in Washington a feature of its sixth annual tours, one of which has been mapped out to cover North Carolina in general and majfr completed highway projects in Western North Carolina i :'particular. Equipped with a i staff of camera men and trailed map makers, the delegation of more than 100 engineers ajid administrators of highways, will L carefully inspect and study these two projects the . river road and Asheville tunnel in order t0 elaborate upon their own technical knowledge and skill. It seems that the .a i high cost of certain sections of the Marshall road from $75,000 to $100,000 a mile even with convict labor, was one of the features of the road 'ich attracted attention- A cut accompanies the article showing a section of the Marshall Asheviiie highway; Whicti wW built by Masting from rocky crags along the French BroajJ river bluffs. A cut in Sun .day's paper .also shows one end of the tunnel and some or the principal organizers of e'tour. Some of the countries represented at he ' Wasninj$)n Road Congress are: Bel--gitim ' Can'adai ' Chile, 'Ghii&t Colombia, Czecho-Slovakia, - - , - Indo-China, Morocco, Netherlands, f East Indies, Norway, Sweden, Venezuela, and others. " We should be gtlad to be a part of a State which is attracting such world-wide atten tion, and especially of Western North Carolina, already widely Renown. DR. W. A. SAMS BREAKS RECORD 1911 SHOTS OF VACCINE ONE DAY v IN So far as we know, . Dr. . W. A. Sams has broken all records in the number of patients vaccftnated J. one day. Dr. Sams tells as that on Wednesday of last week.' he gave as many sa 1911 shots in one day, he reloading the syringe himself in every, case. His assistant sponged off the arm preparatory t3 giving the vaccine. Last week 4,190 took the initial dose. His record da?'s shots were given as follows : Sky lnad, 28; Marshall, 752; Walnut, 361; Mars HHU 15;, Beech Glen, 410; and Terry's " Pork," 45 total, 1911. - , " w 'V"-' ' Calcium "cyanide used in a foot dust pump - and sprayed along the banks into burrows will ' kill or drive out' rats that cause much trou ble in drainage ditches. - No Changes This Year : m - m h In I extbOOk In btate 'Raleigh,. Sept. 9. No changes wil be made this year, 1930-31, in either elementary or high school textbooks in North Carolina, it was announced today at the office of the. State su perintendent, of publio instruction. Under the law, th State Textbook Commission may recommend that changes be made ifi otte' major and ' two minor elementary subjects dur ing the year. The Commission, how ever, has decided, it was announced, that no changes will be made this year, r This action was upheld . by the State, board of education. -. yfAf&t-- Cititeft Ajofou 'say- Scumgullio' is alwheels. -jC .. jw'j'fr I strict vegeUriant ,r 1 That the family tree of a scnib- 7 , J v il i .'.woman is a scrub oak. i Leche Yeah, he won't evea let THt . nriMn, i. a tmU W his kids eat animal crackers.' October 6th, has arranged as session three post-convention Siirduras, Hungary, Indian REVIVAL CLOSED AT HOT SPRINGS The revival at Hot SDrinsrs. has come to a close with 10 or 12 addi- tiqns made to the church, and oth- ers wishing to join later, and 6 be- ing baptized. The statement made last week that Rev. J. C. Wallace, of West Ashe ville r-who has been conducting the meeting had left he Free Will Baptists and had gone to the Wes leyan Methodists was partly incorrect. Instead -of the Wesleyan Methodists, Mr. Wallace had (joined f the Mis-: sionary Baptists, being a member of per cent in the hands of a co-opera-the'; French BroatfvMissionairy Bap-j tjye market, and , to close all ware tist" church of Asheville. j houses of that sc-ion for a period - . of 30 days. .. A PROFESSOR'S DIARY Monday Arrived at the farm "to-1 day. Found a. funny little kitten in; the woods. Spent the rest of the day ! in the creek. I Tuesday Took a bath in the stove and built a fire in the bath-1 tnh Por,o!i vf Wednesday Tried to milk cow . but couldn't find her faucet. 4 Thursday Nearly drowned in the creek. Got in 10 feet of water and forot to swim. .Friday Gave the pet dog a bath and forgot to torn off the water. : Saturday Forgot to write in my diary today. : - ' - Sunday Went to church, put my spectacles . in the collection plate, shook hands with the preacher's baby and kissed Ms wife., ' P. S. Be out of jailnext week; ' - ' ThePathfinder; v HE IS SO DUMB. , He thinks that whea Ton dron' a 4.. -W s . A-.l-nL. it U, iJ.ll r "-"."' ' " n. n.MfAMm. im m UniT " f That a Chicago .racketeer I tennis, player. That newspaper , scoop. Has That Joan of Arc was NoalTs wlfe.J That a football- coach -6as four band.-The Pathfinder: CAROLINA CHAT : By GUY SWARINGEN t ? JUDGE JOHNSON TO PRACTICE LAW ASHEVILLE Judge Thomas L. Johnson of Lumber-ton, well known Democratic leader in the state, an nounced Saturday night that he will resign from the superior court bench and withdraw from the 1932 race for governor, to enter hte practice of law in Asheville. ' He will take the place of Thomas S. Rollins, Sr., prominent attorney who died sev eral weeks ago, and will be associa- ted with J. Bat Smathers and Thom as S. Rollins, Jr. M. W. GANT NOT TO RUN GREENSBORO M. W. Gant, the present Democratic clerk of super ior court, against whom R. L. Dixon, Republican candidate for register of deeds, has made insinuations of ir regularity in regard to certain Con federate pension checks, has with drawn as a candidate for re-election. He has requested that a special au dit by state and county authorities, and states that he will "co-aperate fully with the solicitor in sifting these charges, and insist that he proceed at the earliest opportunity ! with , appropriate action.!', STONE .AND GARDNER CONFER ' RALEIGH . Governor O. Max Gardner and James C. Stone, tobac co member of the federal farm board, confer Tuesday night of tins week with regard to the proposed organization 0t a tobacco co-operative association by farmers of North Carolina. WOMAN DAY IN ROWAN COURT SALiSBURYSatpdayrt id. J&o- wan s superior court wo niun.u j the repeated denials of Miss Mary Frick that she had anything to do with the robbery of the Bank of RncVwell some time ago. Her friend, Mabel Yarborough of Charlotte, ( TilenH iruiltv durine the afternoon .coinr, aa had the two young men oeaotviii -r. involved, Ted Honeycutt and Ellis. She was convicted.. John GREAT SMOKY PARK GROWS ASHEVILLE The North Carolina park commission has optioned or ac- 1 ,iH 105.000 acres and it has.un-. 1 a condemnation an additional I 122,000 ocres of land for the Great Smoky mountains national park. j put HALF OF TOBACCO IN CO- nfKKAMTE I NASHVTLLE E i g h t hundred fiirmers of . Nash ana Jiiagecomoe counties, meeting in wasnvuie ov urdav. adopted proposals to place tit 'mmt of their tobacco crop mariiAt. the -other 50 i iih UK.. suha hvws ROWAN BOY KILLED IN 1 WRECK SAUSBURY -Carlton W. Lyler- i 17 Bnn of C J. Lylerly m east-, t,. ... inatntlv killed Sat-. i . , v a was driving; uraay wn turned over on mm vy . e.lS.hnmr'.A comoanion, lBinuiii. Goodman, escaped with slight in-, Juries.- ' S. C. SPINNERS TO MEET SPARTANBURG T h e - souxn .. of che M it. (Carolina Spinners division. meet at Spartanburg on November 18 annouaces Walter C. Taylor, sec retarytrerjirer of the organisation. MAfiltEft TO FAti :i loTrt-rrifi i. 1 : W. i'f -Smith, Chirlotte manager Wr V S w j f t re fceiny HMd as teportaht witness-14- cv-las been, charged.ln . recbrd-'iiae bfteerssek;-two egro Lw. .nrt with giving: short -weighU; meiLrohe ioiwhom wia- seen with -t -iti nsiiir uon t i Wrf.i th' ba held soturoay . Hreek. kkOCtZED OFF LAbDER AND .T -.t::. INJURED f - , vt nRRORO-iChaTlet i Themp- . . . , j Mtt ofr Raleigh . sunew w.m- ind p0sibly broke,-n we ;wn hi a a ider knocked front under . . - . -n-- automobile driven bim by a parking w" . .by M. L. Brock, as inomv MARSHALL CHAMBER TOBANQUET BUSINESS MEN TO DISCUSS ' ROAD SITUATION The business men of Marshall are planning a get-together meeting at the Montezuma hotel Thursday eve ning, September 18th. A banque will be served by the ladies of the. Presbyterian church. Several speak ers have been invited to address the meeting, including Mr. Fred W. Weede, manager of th 3 Asheville Chamber of Commerce, Mr. J. G. Stikeleather, North Carolina High way Commissioner of this district; Mr. Warren T. Davis, of Hot Sfprings; Mr. J. Coleman Ramsey, Mr Guy V. Roberts, of Marshall, and others, probably some from Tennessee. The purpose . of the meeting is to discuss the highway situation, the completion of . bur present system of roads, and con nections with other effates. It is! hoped that quite a number of the business men will attend the. meeting as plates at the banquet will be only 76c' each. '' ;- " ;!' FRANCE FIRES W. R. William Randolph - Hearst was ordered out of France and he went. The objection a gainst Hearst was based upon" ftvifi'niama rf TiV Qno in Y - " newspapers, ...i.JZj, If the same method of treat- ment was applied to Hearst I by the Government at Wash ington he would likely find ; himself excommunicated from his native land. But only France is capable of using its Government in such a petty and ridiculous manner. Hearst treated the performance as though .it were a joke, and if the French' officials had any sense of hu mor at all they would have re alized that they hurt them- 8eive8 a great deal more than they did the proprietor of A merica's largest string of vol canic newspapers. It was a very Frenchy sort of show. - decorating the front of a local the STOLEN. ONE BATHTUB,; ETC. CHARLOTTE arlotte folks may find difficulty in taking the Sat urday evening bath 11 this keeps upi A' bathtub, vitchen sink and other i--,Mti fivt.nrR wer recently stol- "1" k . ,' .en irom U'w to Dick Hoblitzell, at 19 East Hill Street. : LAURINBURG MAN SLAIN -BENNETTSVILLE, S. C John L. James, about 40 member of a prominent ' Laurinbunj family, was found Sunday 4n hip auomobileon a rpad near .BennettsvilleJ with - his throat cut I James left pome Saturw day afternoon with about $40 in his pockets. nFoul tVUy '"is feared,' and two negro womeri and a negro girl man James. CIRCUS MANAGER , DIE J O N ,!5..; TRAIN -,:- ,. ' WINSTONs-SALEMt Fred . War rtlL 60, assistant .manager of the Sells Hot circus, -died suddenly in his car while coming to Winston-Sa-letn from, Charlotte, at abou 3 0' eiqck' Saturday morning. Apoplexy was thought to have been the cau. e.

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