v- . . J, - S - I . ' r j" j i C -IHTf - J FRENCH BROAD NEWS ' I, ' UJL 1ptW t. tow. .r. doing., J UI'U U U- vonMlidatad Nov. 2, 1911 ., ,s,..t y i ' t fi Published TWICE A WEi:iC Tuesdays and Fridays. THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY voLrxxix MARSHALL, N.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1930 4 Pages This Issue MADISON COUNTY TEACHERS 1930-31 MARSHALL:;,v5i, P, ai;; D. Ji. Robinson, Pnn(l Dal . ..iT i m Marshall, N. C. Mrs. C. M. Blankenship-Marshall. Earl Wilkinson 'JlMaMhlfcj Vt.':fC Mrs. Earl Wilkinson tMarshall, N; Q Selwyn McDevitt Marshall, N. C. Madge Tweedi Marshall; N. C- C. P. Matthews Marshall, N. C. Kathleen .Whitted UHarshall, N. C. E. 0. Burnett ,-Marshall, N. C. Mary Burgin Marshall, N. C. Ad Silver ; Marshall, N. C. Mrs. Romeo Ferguson i- Marshall. Mrs. Audrey,. Redmon Marshall. Bessie Ramsey T -Marshall. Effie Buckner ...Marshall. Mary Lisenhee Marshall. Louise Webster ...Marshall. Margaret Ward ..... Marshall. Nina Hunter Marshall. Mrs! Edna Sprinkle, . ..Marshall. SEMINARY Zora. Roberts -Marshall, N. C, Rt. Eva Rice Marshall, N. C, Rt. 3 3 GRAND VIEW N. B. McDevitt, Jr. ..Marshall, N. C. Texie McGalliard ..'Alexander, Rt. 2. SKYLAND Jessie JReotor t Marshall, Rt. 1. LONGBRAN,CH t . M. tyaulkner'l-Marshall, Rt. 3. Ka0eirter .Marshall," Rt. 3. . WALNUT CREEK E. N. Ward -iiMarsnall, Rt. 4. Winnie Bryan Marshall, Rt. 4. Evelyn West Marshall, Rt. 4. Etta Altaian Marshall, Rt. 4. WALNUT O. F. Blankenship, Princi- ySM? pal 1 Walnut, N. C. Mrs! R. H. McCture Walnut Annie Mae Hyde Frances McDevitt iBraniDdaery- Walnut jl..Walnut rSWahiut Manie Whitesides ..Walnut Jennie Lee Chandler .Walnut Dorbthy -Roberts Walnut Mrs 0. P. Blankenship .... Walnut Martha, Katherine Ramsey Walnut Mrs. Salena Fisher -Walnut Mrs. Minnie, Davis Walnut Mrs. Gage Cline Walnut MT. NETA Lucy Wilson .Marshall, N. C., Rt. 4. .BEAR CREEK Mr'S. C. Burnett ...Marshall, Rt. 6. WHITE ROCK J. W. Cook White Rock,, N. C Pansy Chandlet White Rock. Jessie Franklin White Rock. Mrs. Belje J. Tweed . White Rock Mrs. Sarah F. Thomas -..White Rock Mrs, Mary R. Franklin -White Rock Mrs. Lela Wallin White Rdck .ALLANSTAND Verna Ramsey Belya, N. C. .ALLEGHANY , Nell CantreU ZlWhite Rock, N, C. pill corn" -.; J. C Wilsonj Jr; Big Laurel, N. C. carmen v . v j-..;;-;" , ,-r Mrs. Cora W.,5tines.VCarmen, 'N, C. SULL CREEK ' 1 , . Mr. M. C. Buckner -Mars Hill, Rt 2' MrsJ Mamie Wal- f .',". lin Mar- Hill, N. C. - .: OAK GROVE ' Vti',,;r '' Ruth Hunter -Alexander, N. C. BEECH GLENN -r; v , Ethel English V ' Iy. N ConsUnce Fitserald Eldridge Hill Julia Buckner -Edgar-H. JarvisV--' Mrs. .Clyde Brown R. I Sams ... ,T. -Ivy. -Ivy, .Ivy, -Jvy. N. C. Ivy, N C. Ivy, N. Mrs. Ralph Anderson' Palma ' Carter fyrf Bonnie Gillis . N. f!. Ivy, N. Ivy, N. Ivy, N. -Ivy.N. Gladys Tweed ti. Annie Pearl Tatum - TERRY'S FORK W. C. Radford JPint Rcrok, N. C CALIFORNIA - V Ti r.-vtmr ' V"r Hill, N. C Jamie Anderson Mrs. Hertert Hawkins; CROSS ROCK S . y- . ' . ' . : Will Mara HiU Csrria Davis i Leicester, N. C Rt. .8 - SANDY MUSH - BUnche- Wells Leicester, N. C, Rt, 8 PINEY GROVE, r . ."- Fowler WalUn -MarcMll, N. C. Rt 1 B, K, Ingle Marhallr N. C, Rt. 1 Cower little pine J. Winston Rice Marshatt, Rt' 6 Gertit Brown 'LZ-.MrashalL Rt Mrs. Zura Worley --Marshall, Rt UPPER LITTLE PINE,, ' Grant McDarria LMarshall, Rt.S, M, Mrs. Bernice Payne -Marshall, Rt. 5 .ANDERSON BRANCH Clara, Ward ..-Marshall, N. C, Rt. B . k SPRING CREEK J. 0. Wells .Spring Creek, N. C. N, L, ;Pohder;Spring Creek, N. C. Cecil Smith iSprlng Creek, N. C Ollie Morgan. L-Spring Creek, N. C. Ibbie Ball .Spring Creek, N. C. Nell English' ..Spring Creek, N. C. Edna Bryan, Spring Creek. Nancy Anderson May Cuthbertson :.Spring Creek. ...Spring Creek Lillian Reeves Spring Creek. Annie Mae Davis Spring Creek. HOT SPRINGS W. M. Farmer uHo'tSprings, N. C. Elizabeth Lawson Hot Springs. Romain Meadows Spring Creek. Louise Williams Hot Springs. Leta Brooks Hot Springs. Lula Chandler ... Hot Springs. Mrs. Harriett P. Runnion ..Hot Spgs- Marie O'Dell Hot Springs. Mae Boone . Hot Springs. Mrs. Dewey Plemmons ... Hot Spgs. Mrs. Josie T. Bryant Hot Spgs. DOE BRANCH Albun Buckner Barnard, N. C. PAINT ROCK Jessie Robinett Paint Rock, N. C. HIGHLAND Nola Roberts Barnard. N. C. STACKHOUSE Grace Stines : -Stackhouse, N. C. BONNIE HILL Louise Beam -Bonnie Hill, N. C. BIG LAUREL Mrs. W. H. Wallin Big Laurel, N. C. . -RICE Mrs. f exie H. Rice Big Laurel, N. O Mrs. Ollie Lee Wild Big Laurel. , RICE'S COVE Mrs. Newman McDev- ittJ Revere, N. C. REVERE ! r,' XT fl P. N. McDevitt nevere, . v. Mammie Rice Revere, N. C. Kate Landers -Revere, N. C. , PINEY GROVE ihaidarySjlS LAUREL VALLEY Louise Patrick Mars Hill N. C. Rt. 2 BRIGHT HOPE Maggie Hamlin English, N, Nell Shook English, N. C. C. EBBS CHAPEL Mary Carter : Faust, N. C. A. C. Hill - Faust, N. C. Victoria Jarvis Faust, N. C. Flossie Murray Faust, N. C. LITTLE CREEK W. C. Ingle -Flag Pond Tenn., Rt. 1 UPPER BIG PINE Tillery Buckner Big Pine N. C. Ruby Buckner Big Pine N. C. May Worley ----Big Pine, N. C. LOWER BIG PINE Herbert Hawkins w-Barnard, N. C. Minnie. Rice -Barnard N. C. Mrs. Annie W. White Barnard, N. C. ROARING,, FORK Mrs. Hattie Henderson -Bluff, N. C. r.,w Va0m Bluff, N. C. MEADOW FORK Ijoe, N. Joe, N. Jack V. Joyce dertie wann, , -J- C. C. M Beiwrie Meadows r.olPF. VINE Wayne Fisher Marshall, N. C.. R. 3 Mafra Boone liMarshall, X. 8 : CENTER: wfc. ?J Sam J. Peek iMarshaM.N CJRt.2 Katheriner Anderson -Jftarsnau Mrs. Wayne Fished Marshall, Rt. Evelyn Whitt - .reha"' Bessie Roberta Marshall, Rt. Mrai Baird Burnette JJarshall, Kt MARS HILL " ; :. -Mars nui, 1 w c o TwTitham Mars Hill --.mm. . Mr L. W Robl Margaret. H.ynie;Ma:H. ... ,!.: M.rinr - Mars Bui- V 1TK1U " " p-: V. Park - .JIars Hill .'.Man Hill. Mar Hill LMara HilL Mars HilL JIara HU1. Mars HilL Mara.HiU. Mar HilL Marimii. Mara.HilL Glenn Whitt EdnAcknr?.l Mm. Altb' iarda MU Peek Mrs.' Fred C Saraa RUby. Edwards Bex liamaey Katherine Roberta (EUen. Carter Mrm. J. R, Owen FOSTER CREEK J. C Greg- . AW Flag Fond, Tenn, Rt 1 Maka Buckner .rTag Po J rt -d. F1 Pond, Rt 1 Velma'Pondef iJiag rono, IVY RIDGE " ""-; j w.vi u.Hfnrd Fm Fona, kt- Dorothy H. Eng- . ' an - t l Joe, N. C. BONDED LIQUOR -FLOWING NEAyMARSHALL JAIL THREE MEN ARRESTED AND IN JAIL Quite a number of people witness ea tne DreaKing or Domes and pour - ing out a quantity of liquor at the riames as John Cram,' and John Marshall jail Thursday morning. I ?night,. of Cincinnati, and Oscar The ' liquor was said ' ta be ; high irady of Georgia. They were on a grade, "Bonded," , some bottles: beew Ford sedan, valued at some ing labeled "Old Crow' and ."Old Tiling like $600, bearing Georgia li- afcylor." The atmUaphere afoulid the jail soon after the breaking of the bottles reminded one of the odors of the old grog shop. Sheriff Ram- Uucceeded in making the cash bond sey told us that he did not count Required. Sheriff Ramsey had sug the bottles, but it was estimated at nested that the bond of the man who from 350 to 400 pints, which is said, said he owned the liquor be fixed at to sell for around $5.00 a pint The $1000 cash, and $500 each for the three men in the car carrying the;'5ther two men. liquor were captured Wednesday af- The men had with them a high ternoon near the County Horns by - powered rifle, a shotgun, one 32 Messrs. Dube Ramsey, son of ' tnettalibre automatic and one 38 Smith sheriff, and Cloyed Henderson and& ARRESTED THURSDAY; IN MADISON hi MAN AND WOMAN REFUSED TO,'Fhlch by this time is practical i PAY GAS BILL AT ALEXANDER ilf Driving a Ford roadster, aman and woman, who gave their names as 35 are m the senior class. The Mr, and Mrs. John Williams, 'rf-2t4'fonnaI opening was on Wednesday Bostwick Ave., Grand, Rapids, MichiijPOrnJng, and Dr. Owen of Asheville igan, were arrested rnursday alter- noon by Sheriff Ramsey and other Madison officers. and lodged in the': county jail. They were arrested in- response to a 'phone message from Alexander to the, effect that -they hadfday evening, under the" auspices of stopped.,at a fijlingtation.juat .west had driven off without paying for it, In driving off. they had more or( less injured the lady who was keeping the filling station. The Sheriff chased them nearly to Walnut, over taking them beyond Mrs. C. A. Clark's, where they had driven off into the hollow and had left the car and were around up in the woods. The car was searched by officers, but no liquor was found. However, a small tube, resembling nitro glycerin, was being carefully held by the officers as it was not know what it was. BEECH G L E N SCHOOLNEWS The baseball team .haa organized for fall season and practice is well under way, under the direction, of Mr. Hill. . We hope, to t have a good season. The line-up is as follows: Thomas ss. " '' '!'f Robinson lb. Franklin 2b. . . Radford' c. J. Ray 3bV ' -( V j ' Jarvis It. , M : r..,. , , Brigmon c.f. B. Jarvis r.f." r C. Robinson p.,; , , Angel p. . , The two literary societies,' Bainon ian and Excelsior, met on August 29 and reorganized for the year; The Bainonia'n; officers are: Ruth . Hens- aMAnt. Vwian Rice vice- president; and Kermit Buckner, sec retary t Madeline ounerltfiS i ; The Excelsior officer arest Arnold Angela president r ' Mack Robinson, vice-president;. Woodrow Chandler, secretary ; ' and ! Elixabetb Sawyer, critic.' 1 'J f t; ; i r,-l l- . Mr. Orval braka of ijmj$md Mr, Roecoi PbJJl .a.afinior aVFun man University 1 cam over 4 Friday and played several . popular "pieces. Mr.' Drake played the banjo and Mr. Phfflia played the guitar. Wa were glad to have them ' and hope they will come back agafai JCrtv'; K ; Revi ). S. Mitchell opened chapel Thursday morning with a very in- spiring tatt, i ' . , . ,ach Tuesday morning me graaes, ,have charge ol' chapel :.ana- .eacn tThursday. morning one of tha teach-, i i t i. M A.V .. . Jim Pyane law enforcement of- i 7 wl aiaaa v utcil ioro a VickO man ra Trrt t It aim fdense tag No. 108-475. The three ' mr' na " tt0la" lien were lodged in jail, and at nine.!.Gre1envi"e; S?' "Mta,t'w f clock Thursday morning had not 'T?k Mr Allens Slster' MrS- John Wesson pistol. (FROM MARS HILL i OLLEGE OPENS WITH ENROLL MENT OF 430 Mars Hill College opened its 75th vBessiqn last week with an enroliinent, j Complete and has reached 430. Al- tJfiost 400 of these -students are in ne junior college department, and ave tne aaaress ior tne occasion. phis; was on "Using June's Reserve" jbnd was most helpful and fitting. ! The annual get-acquainted receR- lion was held on the iamnn Snhir. i e ;B. S. . U. .. .. . . . . ArTywfflghf about' 0 0 "itii. dents were formed n two. concen tric circles marching- in opposite "di rections where all had an opportun ity to get acquainted. Those pres ent were then ' divided in eight groups for stunts, games, dates, and refreshments. Later in the evening all gathered in the auditorium for a short musical program and a brief address by President Mocre. Fol i lowing the program was a period der voted to college songs and yells. Val Edwards, of Asheville, is pres ident of the B. S. U. at Mars Hill this year. Asheville Citizen. ! BRIGGS REUNION WELL -AT- TENDED The reunion of the Briggs family, of Buncombe, Madison and Yancey counties held last Sunday at the Beech Glenn school ' house, had a good representation from Mars Hill. The honor guest of the occasion was Mr.' Shepherd Briggs, who is 81 years old, the) oldest Briggs present, and also the only living member of his father's reunion. Others from Mars Hill who attended and enjoyed the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Jaeon Briggs, their two . sons, t Glenn and - - . - - ; - '.ween ana to give s return gome w M. and Mrs. Verd Tilson and little WaJnut at Spring Creek Wednesday, son. Owen; Mr. T, J. Tilson; Eliza-1 Mss GeHhi Henderson of Bluff beth Fleetwood; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. ! . Mi Riadvs piemWoni of Trust ueorge; Mr. jonn ueorge; miss itta Georget Mrs, Childs; Mr. W. C. An- derson; Mr. and Mrs N. S. Wl.it- aker and two sons, Neal land Law- rence; Mrand Mrs, Wes Briggs; Mr and Mra. Gaither Briggs and son and n . . . i n . 1 . .. daughter, Clarence and MattieVMr. Ronald Higgins; and Dr. and Mrs. W Locke .Robinson. Speakers - of the occasion were Sinclair B. Copley, dean tf Biltmore junior college, and, M.-E. Jones, of Ashevlile, -The fol lowing ofneera were .elected; J. C. SorrelW-: of '. Asheville, : president.; Sheridan Briggs, : Mars HilL president; Miss Nina Briggs, Of. Er win1,' Tenn:,' 'liistbriany and- Wlllard Brum, of Buckner, -treasurer. ' The 1931 'reunion "will be held at tha same place ;th aecond Sunr;i- September.' 'v f' T ' ' 2j Mra. -Mrth lEd wards, of Ashe - ville, is spending this week with her j , w, , v , . T ... Wk-.!ssed plans'; whereby we might do sister, Mrs. T. J. Tilson, and other . . . ' ... - l1?:' Mrs. ; L. A. Bryan, ef Asheville, , spent a few days recently with. her f mother, Mrs. Ashbel Carter Quite' a number of Mrs;. Carter's Tennessee, relatives came up and spent Sunday j 'with her, too. Miss Verdie Marshbanks soent a week recently with her sister here, Mrs. Jason Briggs, but has returned to High Point where she will con tinue her college work. Mrs. D .C. Marshbanks, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ja son Briggs, has returned to her home. Professor and Mrs. P. C. String field; and children, Calvin and Mary, spent the week-end with relatives in Rutherfordton. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Allen, of McLeod. Miss Sara Elmore has returned to Morganton to take up her work as dietician in a school there. Miss Myrtle Elmore has gone to Greensboro to enter the N. C C. W. Quite a nmnber from our little town went over to Asheville to see the Passion Play. Among those who went were Rev. J, R. Owen, Mrs. ! Owen, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Trentham and daughter, Helen, Miss Virgniia Isenhour, Misses Elizabeth Roberts and Mary Huff, and Vista Stines, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wall and family, , and Mrs. John Smith and son and daughter, Edward and Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Garner Hutchins, who have been, living at Walnut for several nonths, have returned to their home town. Miss Emily Patrick is leaving this week fr Alabama, where she will teach this year. Mr. Clarence Patrick has return ed to Wake Forest to continue his college work. Mrs. Elipa L. Burnett, who has been in Spartanburg, S. C, with rel atives for some time, has come to make her home here with her" son, Mr S. -L. Ponder. She has two oth er "sonshere in town, too, Messrs. L W. Ponder and G. K. Ponder, and: Buckner. - SPRING CREEK H I GH SCHOOL Dr. Sams and Miss Allman were present Friday doing the t..hoid inoculation. He doctored a large number of children as well as par ents. Mr. Warren Davis, of the Citizens Bank of Hot Springs, was visiting and making acquaintance with the teachers last week. Mr. Gordon Woody helped with the chapel music two days last week, j Mr. J. W. Bennett of ' Asheville . ... I : n.lUra I was a visitor on uubjhbdo Thursday. .. . The rain has brought our , water supply to a normal condition;' .The high school basebalT team played Hot Springs High at Spring Creek Tuesday, and ; lost in More of 6-i4. A game al Walriuf Friday was called on account of rain,-with I the score of 8-4 in five innings. We expect to play at 'Hot : Springs this ' hotilot the eighth grade, are absent because 6f mness. Harry Fleming, been threatened with pneu, fa out of tJe tenth gradeV !Alyer piemmons and Craig Gardner , Am laat WP(lk nn a,,0unt of illness. WOMEN DOING r FINE WORK i; 1 NOW AT ENON Urged To' Attend Neat Mtm( Aad .K HJ:!. Goo.rWork'-;y '- ! The! last" Thursday in" August toe ".W. M. S. of Enon church met with Mra.: Robrt Snrinkle. We atadied" thr program for the, month,.which jwe found Arery interesting,, and one that made us feel the need af doing , ,.. xai t. J milt that bur women have, promised to fill 10 or 15 dozen cans for them, We want tot urje everyone that can to come" to' our meeting the last Thursday in September:- ; ' j SECRETAIST . OF SOCIETTT MADISON COUNTY : SUPERIOR COURT ' September Term CIVIL CALENDAR Monday, Sept. 22, 1930 MONDAY Carolina Rubber Co. vs. N. B. McDevitt 'Co. American Snuff Co. vs. N. B. McDevitt Co.' R. J. Reynolds Tob. Co. vs. N. B. McDevitt Co. J. N. Parker Ona Parker N B. McDevitt Co. vs. B. T. Hensley Cora McFall vs. Ira Plemmons Thomas Rathbone vs, Phillip J. Price TUESDAY, SEPT. 23 P. V. Goforth vs. Carolina Light Power Co. Roy L. Gudger vs. N. B. McDevitt Co, W. T. Cloer vs. y, C. R. McNealy k Mrs. W. B. Ramsey, Admrx. . -VS. ,. A': J. C. Redmon, Executor ' Carter Angel ; . ,j vs. Hubert Wallin et al ' WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24 J. C. Cox vs. . r C. L. Henderson ' Bruce King ; ' vs. : Fred R. Wild - Fred Rice VS. . V: ,; Fred R. Wild j .T Ttiinninn lTd T? WiM tit r - 'v. VS. - " C. E. Rector, Admr. THURSDAY, SEPT. 25 " - Jeter L Franklin VS. ,-r,, Tullis Franklin ' ' Roy L. Gudger, Admr. vs. ' Hubert Wallin . W. G. English et al vs. i . Emmit Thomas et al i Service Motor Co; ' v , L VS. ' J. R. Woody i Bank French Broad vs. , W. F. Case et al . -m SINGING. CONVENTION All day singing will be held in the Spring Creek high school auditorium on Sunday, ' Sept 28. Any ?tlaase3 land quartets in convenient; rjeaich are asked to some and. get on the program.' ; 1 " ' The community singing at Liberty Sunday I afternoon was a. success. All the four or five choirs and; two quartets made - excellent J , showing Aurinv tho two hours'prograBii. The last convention of the season will be : held in the high school on the fourth Sunday. Bring your lunch and, stay all day. ' - ' , t ."'1"' - '' ? , Cominfir ' Hot Springs ?5?r "KING of KINGS". "Cecilys. 3eMille rProdnction ; hii;hrt iav ieyomd question, he greatest religioua picturf on tha f acreen- .Hot. FjTingi ia. Indeed t. lueky-. to have a- treat -off thia f kind and hundreds of people ; ; are looking forward to .' V SEPTEMBER 26tk aad 27tk-; when , this great picture will be t put tm, beginning at 7:30. . ADMISSION: All Children 10c Adults 85c 1 . It will be your loss if you miss thin Dicture. ' " .

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