. 4 Published TWICE A 7Elt' Tuesday and Fridays. H 4 1" A! V t , ir!E ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF, MADISON; COUNTY v ; 1 - ybix xxix; : 1 v..i , MARSHALL, N.C;; TUESDAY OCTOBER 21, 1930 4 Pages This Issue r"" : I: 1 if i I t - f I I raWCH.WOADNEWf. I , t, ,-? .:..- Via t 1 ' u ft- tf ,N I " I ft I k u IDGHWAYISPERTS VISIT OUR ROADS . Impressed W 1 1 ,1 Marshall ' Aftheville Highway HAVE RECEPTION MARS HILL . AT. Winston-Salem, via Morgant oft land Marion, was viewed again just, be fore noon at the motorcade left the city en route to Biltmore House and the', Vanderbilt estate. The Bilt more viaduct was also Inspected and was the' subject of comment by del-I iA. 'ii'v t:i . iTauka iiAl visitors through c0urtesyo Mr. and Mrs. ' John V '.The gtoii ote highway 6& s pertp, about whom Vo ?much i has been said in. thi and oth ; er, papers, visited and inspect f ed Marghall-AsheVille - high-. way last -Thursday as stated " and are said to have gained in f formation about highway .con s struction bjr their visit; While , they( did not "actually visit Marshall, - they were in the corporate ! limits When they 'turned from the Marshall ;Aih;eville jghwjiy toward ,: Mars' Hill. Really they were ' ' not specially . Bight seeing,. Towns' and) cities were,' 'not what ; they were looting at. They, had riads in their mind ana win wsw.hwuuw v , hwstaess 4enressfons nee- usual interest in MarshaUjjwr;tJIrJ,T Can Aejt T?e prevented? :. ' . JTi-ili. 1.JZ1"!!?!a Rorep Babson' commands the re- f less wey. 'wsu. uuyevse. with rlDB()reV;Avnuie." But if they, ha undertaken to drlv those long gray busses over that mountain atret,hey ling in the five huge buses which which the motorcade passed in com wrought them , here from- Washing ton, the delegates, accompanied by State highway' officials, v' including Engineer John " D. Waldrop, 'Mr. Stikeleather 'and others; drove twen ty miles westJ''over , StttW jSignway No. , 20 for snr inspection ox the Ashevilje-Marshall section' ' of ' he route, which State and national ex perts say is, -one of the" outstanding pieces of road "in North" America" in the manner of its construction. Blast ed from almost continuous soid rock along the Jrencn Broad River, the section which is now a part of a transcontinental route, cost from ?76,000 to 1100,000 a mile, to com plete, and its alignment, curvature and general structure was the cy nosure of great' interest rtkoigi the entire party.' " v Turning towards Mars Bill at the Southern -railway underpass ar short distance abdve Marshall, he motor cade followed a dirt inter-rural road intersecting the Weaverville-Ashe- yille highway. At Mars Hill, Prof. K. L. Moore, of Mars Hill College, with a nunber of students and the college, band, greeted the visitors with gifts of flowers, music and col lege yells. , .. , Beaucatcher 1 Tunnel, through hroilffh the-famous chateau and a-I road, wax insDeoterf and last. nio-Vit ing . to Asheville Wednesday fromJ bout the grounds. Many delegates the delegates were dinner guests of V . V took pictures! of the mansion and grounds. , Continue Southward Leaving Biltmore, the motorcade kreht to Lake Lure; where members faf ' the party -were guests of the Chimney Hock -Company and were uncheon guests at the North Caro- in. highway 'commission. Yesterday afternoon the Gastonia-Charlotte : WHY BUSINESS! DEPRESSION? : v -l Boger Babson' commands the re- f i$peet,of' the btisiness' worldind .' with 'good restsoa; few1 men in A pur day havs studied, ,analyd an f interpreted business; facts and Conditions bj he.haejSesk? ? jng recently at a meetin'g'M'tha ed, they ,wouMv have Jcnown air AasociaUoas to Newtwk,' less ; aljbut highway - construc tion when 'tixey retuied than when they started. Howeyerr ,we are glad they came 'and still gladder they left with a good impression of our West ern North, Carolina 'highways and hospitality ' Last,! Friday's Asheville Citizen gave thk tol lowing acOuntof their jsitt : -' Declaring that their knowledge of ' highway's , had been materially in- creased by . practical inspections , of major projects in the mountain country, more thai 100 .highway of ' ficials and engineers of .the -.United .. States and 35. foreign entries re-, aumed their Journey : southward nf- . ter a brief sojourn -in . Western Mr." Babson i made - this ;signifl. cant jrtatementv "Bvisiness yds'., , preSsions, are csused by dissipa-- tion, dishonesty, disotediencft. , God's" wjU-- . gene,raVv collapse , of moral . characters . statistics show this plainly. With aqual precision they show, how pusi ness depressions are, cured. They 'are1 curd by,, moral a-' wakening, spiritual revival,- and the rehabilitation of righteous ness." Not e, very - ,one would have had the courage to' say. this. But God's Word, said it lontr ae-o. and , Mr. Babson has more than once shown his. keen', realisation of the vftsl',i4,prc-..f tiial ' value 1 of righteoiusness' Paul gave the; cure, fo ibun, depressio ' w b, eft. lio wt?- not' aiuwiiuif u visp,.y-t North Carolina. ' ",The visitors . declared .that they took with them pleasant recollections s of Asheville's hospitality ' and, a Hew I 'conception of , the country's; scenic beauty and natural resources. Tney expressed appreciation for. the op portunity given them for study 'of , lanes' of' travel through the ,moun- tains and many declared they hoped . fv whm U um latjir dt- A - i , ' They were generous in their praise t it North Carolina's highway system w .Waa- thf,''aaW:'lt during the -more than ' V wo days they were i the State. To KtL A. Doughtont chairman of the , i ' state highway ' commission, , J, G. Stikeleather, ninth; district highway v..-- commissioner, arid"-others, theyex- pressed appreciation' for "their,,, re-' eeptiofl,here:-'?'tr,"f ('. i 1 Iaepact MarshaU Road vent to spiritp serving tba tord." (Ront -12illyNJIorethaiCone 'hutatandiratteharact'er in. Bible 2 ' - Leavinsr rove Park Inn. at 90 1 Times historr? was a - successful "busi-' ness man, Joseph,-, Neiena(fah, T)nil. the "seven men. of "htupr f t renort"' by whom' Stephen. iwas one, and many others .whose,. records show, that rtgfrteouness, and business efficiency gV, hand in hand. -"Tc bring back .pros-' perlty people must.bs. condition- , ed in the right ways of working' .and living,"; says Mr. Babson- There 'ls-oflly ona thlng-thaeWiOT do thl--4he Gospel of our, Lord J Jesus r Christ. If ,lhe' ' nation' .would turn t God repent- " anee.. confession, and faith,' here would bv not; jonly A"r vivat of religion!', of thHpnlyj true sort, bat a revival of pros-' perity- as4" well.---Sunday, School Timea. 'P. A Cecil, were shown I TIIE.PIMISHER'S COLUMN - 1 m - ' UiirV XI Fill II II 'WI A 1 I HK JH 1 HOW ARE ypgIGY,????-4.? This headw Jtiajr eate be ex- if it pected that this paper coufld hafepmethinfir. to say should choose to o into personalities. -In other "words, we are cocked and primed f4f'M should choose to shoot, we have plenty of :ammuniti d some, shooting. But shoot ing is not the purpose ofnbe at his time (he will save that for a iiiiiiUtim. this article is to say that whfn;thf people go to Jhipolls tw0 weeks from now , thiey wfli nd sprhe baittots twJws;a1)out which not many: of them are fyil will now very ;llttiela1i apdy.' : 'will know much. We. believe ;; 6tievby tie. People, but we believe the'people ijpuid and in telligent Bp tafl,w to instruct them as W how it comes to such jnfters. as Je. hamendments to the con stitution of North Carolina 'And In wder to be enlightened,' inf ormed, and totejli the Charlotte Chamber of Com merce. , , ' The mptorcade will enter South Carolina today " enroute to Florida via Georirt'i' Key cities to be visit 6d. before the termination of the tour in Miami, include Columbia, Charles ton, Savannah, Waycross, Bruns- wictf and" Tallahassee. Saturday, October "25, the delegates will leave for Detroit, Mich., where they will converge with members of two other delegations on tour of the Middle- West and, other sections of the coun try. Trip? Ho points of interest in Detroit; and Niagara Falls will con clude the trip. The majority of the delegates from foreign countries will sail from New York City. Charmed By Country 'Norman Damon, leader of the tour to the mountains, and other, members of the , party. stated the visitors were well pleased with their trip to Asheville and this section, of the state. All declared the Land of the Sky to be one of the most inter esting and most beautiful (places they have seen in America and in foreign countries. STEEL TRAP, ' SEASON CLOSED Preparatory to the coming hatch ing season, the poultry flocks of Burke County are being rigidly cull ed and blood-tested. AnrainoniA tvn rrrn mnoi nr rna mairdir m. m nfciueii 1111. iuiuji thV facta a that one may be adVttlng foiselflsli jrepns,. This publisfier does 'xilalMSanU pro "and cx i2i.rta. ;ffia',tenwndmennd. is willing to add other facts noV yetcined to those; ihe already has. In other words; he is sturoptio conviction, but unfless we are led to'WiheWWllerfferenm-.he way we see them nowIt is ;ourpurrbsiefo 'vote against all three amend-( :THE In spite of the fact that thff metropolitan press now reaches' Infit' nArlv ' ' vnrv Am ,! JMld - 4 villag inthe' country theaj ,nwpper' isdi;ylttBg eointaf-asaraa: ments. ,(And We dd not'think it necessary to advise the e lectorate as to i these? amendments Our- prediction is that tney'wilV be overwhelmingly defeated whether anything is said by thfe'papers or ot. As to the first two, it is not, to ber expected that the people are in any frame of mind at this time of business-depression and unemployment to vote to in crease the numbef 'of SupremeLCo!urt-justices or Superior Court judges. . : - ' . , . ! The third "as to the ;elassificitioa of property for taxa tion is one'laibioitit :viV$S iiot-manjricdt.iusare quaflified to ex-. press ourselvelir! TTi speech delivered July 24, 19?9, by IfAyyi MaxVelli;Com of tKf 1T4xComnilSsfn Is a fine .discussion of this. great problem .-and convinces ;iis that Mf Maxwell has yenf this ., ' matter greastttdy; buji; he does apt corwinceM tt 6. 8;, IiutioWjbfrl'eil be found in; placing, it in the Jegisj. vlatue tp, bet'ome a matters of rdtten?pUticsJ.;iand, f selfish. 'manipulation -As -wr sie it now,the ,follQwirig;; editorial ,from the Roanoke-Chowan Times, ireprinted in.The ews & ;. ;Qbsem tP!Bome extent expresses our opmion in this mac . vter: .... . , f.-v ..;r,.. . ' ;V '-;. KlllTTHE' amendments . Boanoke-CTiowan Times, v ,- p-fH-i-v'------. " Atthe 'November election1 three amendments to, the State Constitu tioiiwifr'be submitted for-adoption or -re jeolon, , two of them o .Teate.r more offices and add td the tax' burden, arid thi othar . of donlluV hoasnt. . f "' Aff thre should be" rejected. At this-time of ;rrea' financial de- KpressiOd nothing 'should bHone to add.to.-thaalready. he,vyvoad tax- . payers are carrying; J, ., ... i.-.j . 4 Onif of the-aniendmentr'is to increasa-the. number of justices of v ths Supreme" t3btu1f xronvflva! to seven( tha contention, belngthat the of the'etropolitan newspaper is at hand. ';This is true, but it is equally as true that the - day of the local newspaper is herer too... ' " ' '-'v-'(A , The metropolitan 'daily With its world-wid news,1 its comic sheets and its magazine supple ments, While, of course, essen tial in our modern civilisation, cannot take the place of the homo newspaper. The; very fact X that the big city daily must cov- er a broad field forbids its be- coming local in any sense, -and it is in thelocat field' where, the . home newspaper dominates and where it. finds its true useful- ? iriess. k - ;;' For, after all, it is the home news which is most important to most of us. We have the igreat- est interest in the ' conimuhity in which we live, and in the peo- j ple . who, are bur neighbors: and triAe And it is ..the. lOOSU , ' awspaperf ! which' ' records the happenings' of the folks at home, aadjns'addition' fosters the civic pride ;and . progresive :spirit of jthe community. ' . , ' jfefrequenlty hear it', said "that Jthe olinic 11 independent spirit of the newspaper is gone, thajt' its editorlar policy is .now "subservient to the' business of- fk4 tet this is nOt' true. Thers ;is more unselfish idealism in the local newspaper than m anv ' oiner ' Following action by the Board of Conservation a n d Development Chas. H. England, State game ward en, has announced that the season for trapping fur-bearing animals has been closed for two years in fifteen Western North Carolina counties. The counties in which the new regulation takes effect include : the following: Buncombe, Clay, Chero kee, Graham, Swain, Jackson, Hay Wood, , MADISON, Yancey, Hender son, Transylvania, Folk, Macon, Mc Dowell and Mitchell. ' Closing of the season for these animals was asked in petitions from the fifteen counties, and the action ' of the Conservation Board followed a public hearing conducted by State Warden England in Asheville on October 1 at which the opinions ex pressed were overwhelmingly in fa- ' . ... . - vor oi tne proposed cnange. The petititioners asked that the ; trapping be prohibited as a feature of a movement to increase the num-' ber of fur-bearers in that section to an extent so that the fur. industry may be- reestablished ,on a large scale. Considerable interest,! it was contended, Is being , developed , in this endeavor in the western part. - . f ,f i I ,1 , I ' t of .thft State. (it JIAJORJULWINKLE -"wt .mm i ririff 1 W lH nIAlwllUA. f Jf 5,f ,vlli- J Major A. L. Bulwinkle, of Gas-' tonfs, candidate ;to resume ' his seat : X in Congresswas in' Marshall Thurs-; day r imd" Friday of last week,' and . a visit HajM . ndimcJMUWfaM?4yl rather" confident- M it8hon TOnnnunlty, . .4 -Jt miss -to th eoraingp electioB,., , - t H.nnjr ub Mia u J DUl WO nave no UOUUl jus jipwnr,4iKn: Honorable Chas. A, Jonas, vxeeisn , same waybout It. ,Thether they actually feel that way about it or- not, wiey appear uaf .vjj? v- dom sees a candidate tor omce wno, ,, will; admit that he expecto defeat If one could depend upon what they u say befofeV election, they would all be' elected. However, two. weeks , ; from today, (wity decide the matter. ' '. REUGIOUS CENSUS - MADBONCOUNTY ; According to the latest statements issued by the government on church-t,. ! .;i,: es and church membership there are 7,419 chutch members in Madison 4 County. These members are divide- 1 ed as follows: Missionary Baptist Freewill Baptist Methodist Episcopal Presbyterian Negrb' Baptist .14.4 Methodist Protestant .'- .. Episcopal All Others ..6,285 vi.' j. ,799 a, - 428 i ea 45 ' U"-iV-'':-i,-':.-:'- .'"'V is.-.3' . ; - .. ' -1 J I 4 . Tha Board of County Commiisidnert,;- will havo Ihtir rcsul&r monthly meetings . cn tha cccond Monday tnd Tuesday,-10th . ; and 11th' of November, instead bf.vt?iq Firtt Monday and Tuesday. , ; ; J - v1 4 . C J. VILD, Chsirman.- business 'enter- Thus one-third of the .people, Irt the county i are " members of some,. 'church. Therft ' are tharefore . as,. J many more of mature years who are ,. non-church members, and many hua-r, ' dreds of younger' ones-who , , morally and spiritually responsible.,' . Some eotfntioe in , North ? Caro-. K lina have - a percentage or,cnurcn .,; ms .supreme viout xrow nva- wsmif- ua waHmuuii inam.vii.uij, . , j jonro EnauireT Justices are 'overworked. To increase -the jrambec, wiUot assea he i-j9Ve'-4taiC'- .r.--fvi i- i-vw una nave - a STI ''a members twice as large as Madison; ?n-5 2L SrauSces th church membership, her. woul , : &4 JUSSS f? iad of 7,000. What i. . -ta 0re Pvery financUd depre la' for - .verageFbusinesa!inan,-w?do .r .fL wore w uie tiron, ' au ut -juhkh ; nuij(ww wc . , whether the aumber; of justices is five, 'seven y. a dosen,It,U only in. writingopinions that the' work is divided, and, there. is no need nor n'e-J ctsdty for long-written opinions in every casC.ar any considerable" num ber. v Perhaps ' thf eF-f ourthr of the eases carried .up ; to the, Suprem- .Court'is done simply to' gain time, without. much, hopa of reyersaV'jv (' ;-'Thei daim that the number should be increased , as population in- . creases' is' Bofwell' founded. According to that argument the Supreme " ; Court of the United States should consist of 250 members tr more, in- !.' The' proposed amendment : that would increase' th number pf Bu- i . .. 11 . 1 1. . .tMilt.il ' COraing XO uiobc wnv imi ? j condition. And everywhere a, weak, inefficient Indiffereat church - life i Stfe4as,,ooner or jaw a Teiga oi vice. ? Only-ChVist seal in the hearts. Uf : men ean save i'our 1 civilisation. What f the future? ; What will be Hon-Robert K. wiuiams.1 sne-f.ptf preachers;-teachers. viDe, N; C will address theoteTS of r hnwh Sunday achooUoff era, to tot Springs and vicinity, on T0"- ha challenge these facts .bring? ' day, October 28, 1930, at 1:80 P. M.j ,. .-v. i B. 11 MOORE. perior Court proven. ine proposed amendment that would inereasB' th" number pt Bu- , to the Hign School; Auditorium in .x;,; T tmui . . tourt judges should be killed heeause Ao nei fof more hseen behalf of the Demoeratie Npmineesi . wjiil lespedesa ia the lo . V v ; v V v; ..'.':-.v I Mr, Williams is one of the le'adini'1 of Forsytij fCount .'will prod i iaie" thing tt do- is' to Vpte i'inst all thjree 'amendntents,'- Re- ispeakers of Western North ;Carolina totf f nay an ,acre that, in tt lowlands uce a the up- trenchraenf instead of more spending should W. lh watchword fpr'the andall aro cordially invited, to, hear 'lands )i practically a-failure becau a h - . ; - . -... . kim. i .eiiaa im Aan.opiai t" mviLHU.j t - writ ioi A ' ,