hmmwinwmmmnmmM - :.V; ':. a MAOisoncotrMrrc xecoitn TV. W ttaf Ull what the pMpU M ifce'MMtnr m wall m thoM la Iowa 'are doing. r Established, Way, 16, , 1907. ruDiunea i wiue- wcejv -mesaays ana rnaays. JrVi."V K 4.V.- THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY VOL. XXIX MARSHALL, N.C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1930 4 Pages This Issue ' 1 EDUCATION BOARD MEETS NOV. 10 NOTICE! On account of conflicting1 date with Civic Meeting: at Mars Hill, speaking scheduled for Thursday night .will be postponed. - We as kthose from Mars mil m- We are requested by Supt. Btank- enship to announce that tne Mamson teregted tQ(Wend meetings"at Beech County Board of Education will Glen Thursday night and California REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COM- meet Monday. November 10, for the transaction of its regular busi ness. MASSEY REUNION OCTOBER 19, 1930 On October 19th, many descend ants of the Massey family found their way from various parts of the country to near the old homestead at Henderson Springs, where the foi'rth Massey reunion was held. It was a most beautiful October day and the color cffeeis of the foliar added much beaufv and decoration for the occasion. The falling leaves and the young evergreens were typical of the older and younger generations pres ent. Of the older generations there were repre Tentative of the late J. R. Massey cf Waynesville, th; late Dr. Z. D. Massey of Sevierville, Tenn.; of the late Mrs. S. E. Brown, Hot Springs, N. C. ; and J L. Mas sey end D. W. Kin? of Knoxville, Tennessee; Dr. J. F. Massey of At lantic City, N. J.; and Mrs. Martha Atchley of Maryville, Tennessee. Other relatives and friends of the family brought the number of those present up to more than 40. After partaking of a most bounteous din ner, Drovided by several members of the family, which included the de licious products of the mountainous country, such as wild game, honey, nuts, and the products of-: deT!eious vines, they spent an hour in most happy fellowship. Th following iff a list of those present;. Dr. J. ,F. Mfcssey Atlantic Ciity, ,.N, J., Mrs. Zt , D. Massey, SeirriUb, Tmh.i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Payne , Sevierville, . Tenn., Mrs.. Chas. Pack,. Sevierville, Tenn., Mr. Chas. Pack, Jr., Sevierville : Tenn., Miss Eleanor Pack, .Sevierville,. Tenn., David Pack, Sevierville, Tenn., Miss Margaret Marshall, Adah. Mullen dore, Mrs. D. R. Mullendore, Mr. I. M- Mullendore, Miss Adah Mullen dore., Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Hounsbell, Howard Hamshell, Billie Hounsbell. all of Sevierville, Tenn.. ;.-Mrv and Mrs. J. L. Massey, Mr. Robert D. JUasjey, ; Mrsr D- ,Wi (Kjng,vMriand Mrs . John ,R. JKing, ,riTamea ,King, Richard King, Mildred King, Juanita Montgomery, Mrs iHattie iGray, jMrs. Susaji A. Pack, Miss . Lillian Pack, Mr; WW L. Pack, iall ! of iKnolxville, Tnit; vMrsif Mart jAtctlayiancl Miss Merrill Atehley, of Maryville, Nan. ; Mrvand- 'Mrs '- Z.'i I Massey, Juanita Massey, of Waynesville; Mr. Glenn D. Brown, Mr. Claud C. WUrni Jfr-i .2k-; H., Brown, ; W gar Brown, all of Clyde, N. C; Mrs. Eulal Gillespie, Mr. Dewey Brown, Mr. Hubert. GiUesplew iall of ASprrng Creek. N. C,MrABrdy, Bownof Detroit, MfcH. i 1 Mrt. Annie . M. White, Marshall, N. C. "The jiarlty wished Mr. and Mrs. Z.' Iw M wae of, Wayatsvifle, N.. -C, many, returns of. the day, this being their -17th- wedding anniversary. t JQffore departing . fr their .several hemes a permanent organization was mtreA to tiernetuate further inter est of the family . n. .puier r- OLD-TIME, C A N D X. ' BREAKING ENJOYED such gatherings: j Dr. XFF. .Massey pre- si4edv,and the following, officers were elected:'. ;' ;' ' ; ' ; litPj.' C'lhiv, President; Mrs. Martha Atehley, ,Secret"urer miyu Annul M. w mte. neooixer. All A party, : given' by Misses' &nnie Davis and Lassa 'PlemniQnjSt .it the of Mr. and Mrs. Vdn Wilson, of the Bailey Branch ..section last Thursdav night, was enjoyed by a larire. crowd of the, ; younger set bf that comunity and Marfthdjl- After the social hours, and after sev?rat games had been played, an old-time candy breaking wasenjoyeu Dy an present. Among those present were Mr .inH Mrs. Van Wilson, Misses Zenna Tweed, Frances Roberson, Al ma Rector, Mabel Rector, Eloise Price, Mary Wilson, Lora Rector, Lassa Plemmons, Annie Davis; Messis. Wade Shelton, Auyer Rob erts. Caney Smith, Honiara Rector, Wade Rector, Charles Parris, Cole man Caldwell, Major Freeman, Earl Burnett. Robert Wilson, Hugh Brad burn, Weldcn Stines, Wade Wilson. REV. J. M. PICKENS PASSES MUCH LOVED MINISTER LAID TO REST MONDAY Rev. James Marion Pickens, age 74, of Jupiter, (Postoffice address Alexander, N. C), died at his home af 8:16 o'clock Saturday morning, .O'efaaW- 251930. the :eane-"Of-'n1s tenth heinir heart trouble. He had fnr nhout 11 months. Fu An Explahation TAX LEVY MADISON COUNTY 1930, LOW EST AMOUNT POSSIBLE-DIFFERNT purjposes for mniCH vpxesSre LEVIED THE AMOUNTOFMONEY PRQpycEP how the Money is spent how taxes? may BE reduced-conditions IN UNITED nSTAtES :6ET ITER THAN ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD People are more or less agitated over the question of tax es, and what the money is spent for. The Commissioners of Madison County, after trimming everything they could, and cutting down the demand of the school board for school pur poses, $17,000, they were forced to levy a tax rate for 1930, of ?2.05 on the $100.00 taxable property. The tax levy is made up as follows: 15c General County, produces $ 15,549.31 1 90c Six Months' School Term, produces 97,333.84 5c Outside poor, produces 5,183.10 67c Bonds, interest and sinking fund, produces 69,453.57 6c Bridges 20c Roads Roads and Bridges, produces 26,952.13 2c Jury Tax, produces 2,073.24 Dog Tax 1,976.00 $2.05 Total Levy. Total .:$218,521.19 COURT IN MARSHALL Superior court for the cleaning up' of the civil docket convened in Mar shall Monday, Judge Moore presid ing. The docket had been? clustered with quite a numbex of cases that had either to be non-suited or otherwise disposed of. The court adjourned early Monday, but resum ed its work again Tuesday morning, a large part of Monday being?- given" to the work of the clerk and liwyers to clear up the docket of uniriir portant cases. ... ANOTHER COUNTY GET-TOGETHER NOVEMBER 8 HOME ECONOMICS CLUB. "The best time we ever had." This was the universal comment of the people, from all parts of the county as they left the County Get-Together which was held in the, then, new warehouse of the Madison Farmers, Inc. jf in Marshall, lasi December. " , .The .meeting last December tmui planned and held by the citizens of Marshall and the citizens of Madison County cooperating under the direc- tion of the farmers' organization. n-i.ic f Madison Farmers, and the Chamber gins- 01 i, rv, f m v.n u i !, Marshall High School met Tuesday, of both th town anli the! The Home Economics i rtK 01 nr,A n.;.o 1 j: : 1...U1. wtwkci anu uiftouwtu a xiuihc . lciiuiiig iiivaiua.uie assistance. Ec. club. The officers are as follows: On Tuesday night, October President . Ruth Vice President Add to the above amount $5,384.00, the poll taxes, $4, 038.00 of which goes to the scaoTfandT and $1346.00 of $he doII taxes jro to the poor fund. Adding the poll taxes, the oeen sick iui uyuw i 000 r o 1 in ori BArvices were from the church Unecial road taxes, and the special 9chool taxes to $218,521.19 At 11 O'clock MOnaay mornims, tober 27th, conducted by Kev. A. . Sprinkle. Bv reauest the entire congregation sang the hymns, led by Rev. W. R-.Tiltery. The active pall bearer? were: Messrs, A..J. Hunter, Estor ' Roberts, Bob , Barrette, CTar- nce !rowder, Frank Hayes and John Chandler. Honorary panpear efs included Rev.' L. C. Roberts, i A ' vRradlev. Dr. WVF. Rob- iHflAII AT Mara, Hill. Dr. Frank Rob-i ,aiwi -.rT :r i ?i k. arts, of Marsnau, uewia .hiii W. W. Crowdfer.Hev. W. K Tiller Rev. W..R (Owens, of. Mars sHll,i Rev. J. Ben Eller and Rev. Sheridan Briggs. interment followed at the ifo'nnt? 9fio Methodist church cem etery, where his relatives wre bur- led.;. . ;,'V j : Surviving are two brothers, G. V. Pickens and S. B. Pickens, of Jupi- t. iKm H. R..MLeanj three, sons, J. X. KpkW, of Canton;, S. W. fickens, oi raooiie, " Pickens, of Jupiter; and one daugh ter, MW. C. P. Chandler. , . The deceased ;;was beloved min ister, who for the past 85 years or more' h a d preached at: various churches all oyer North Carolina. A metober .of the Jupiter Baptist Church and pastor of the Long Rranoii Church of the same denom- of the familr living ,wer4Uraent but nation, - Mr. Pickens continued ctr Mrs. S. M. Conataer, of CJantqn, w m any , vears alter defilining Alabama, who was kept away on aj health .and .his enfeebled condition made his work all the more atrenu- During ius long ministerial count, of illnesB, alks were: made by Dr. J. F. Massey and Mr. J. u. r ",...' juiBeejr. i " --- , t i i 1 cercer. he had vi ntcd thousands ot a. hatHnir unent several pleas-1 f-... . . w thoun T together he friends' and . homes, administered to many , relatives departed to meet for the baptized hundreds of people young fifth reunion at Hot Springs, N. C, ani 0id, and spoken the last rites for Jnlv 12. 1931. ! m.nv ntharo wherever duty called MRS. ANNIE M. WHITE 0U8. many him. 7".fT" , r - . T- : - The Board of .County Commissioners will have their regular monthly meetings on the second Monday and Tuesday, 10th and 1 1th bf .November, ! instead of the First Monday and.iTuesday.,; ! , fJ . 7 e . v.( ) i ,n jj vILi; Chairman. makes a grand total of all taxes levied and to be collected in Madison County in 1930, $246,104.56. 21, Doniii's at a meeting or the Marshall fiStOy lOnn t.;voa f tha MofI;r,n fnnr,n EA.mU , Sec'y-Treas. ... Anna Conner and receiVed the help of the Cham- The aims of our club will be to ber of Commerce in holding another 'promote healthy, happy, democratic t County Get-Togetjier. At t h i i girlhood; develop leadership; bring (meeting a committee, composed of , , , , , . ., ;both ladies and men, selected from home and school together; further , j - r different sections ot the county, was -Home Economics in general; make ; appointed to complete plans for this the community a oetter place in occasion. which to live. I Saturday this committee met and Our first program toward carry- Panned. The Get-Together is going ing out our aims will be given tri-'on Island'in Marshali. The pro- day, Oct. 31v 1930. It will be cen- 'gram for the occasion will be itered around health. Our slogan planned after that of Ihe verysuc- for that day will be: A Healthful cessful occasion of the preceding Town Means a Healthful Girlhood., ,veaJ- . . x m, v . , ,,. . Everyone is requested to meet on The chairman of this program is ' . . . . . . . the mo Blanche Tweed. Ij-,, V.anh familv is reauested to bring a basket of good things to eat." Tables and benches will be provided fey a committee consisting of Lee Tweed, Chairman, Craig Kuaisill, Oakley Rector, Floyd Cassada, Clar ence Ramsey, ! and R. ' R. Ramsey. TViA AAfTaa fni f Via Anv Will VlA nm Song Jolly Jack O' , ,A committee of ladies,, Miss Craf- Lantern 6th A grade ton, Home Agent, in charge, will ar- DriH- Night With the - ..-Ajf..vU .jiBiicell ifee8MA'jAiwm Witches 6 A girls wiake the coffee,, etc. Carl Stuart, A Hallowe'en Acrostic 5A boys Herschel Sprinkl.e and Elarle Brint- Reading- nail were named as a committee to Gohlins Terra TatheHiiP DaVis arrantre for music and talks. It is PROGRAM .$10,366,204.00 3,368,568.00 6,997,630.00 2.05 10,409,525.00 2.23 The Tax Assessed value of all property Madison County far the year, J.930, is The taxable value of Corporation property in Madison CW.SCf'-'- - Lahd' atid pe&bnal property Tax teVy 1930 .. - Tbtal ; assessed taxable value all property in Madison County for the year' 1928 -- T4i'"lii' '1 l9ft ' ' ' : X a A JL4 V. J A VI aviv : foi-al Assessed Value of all property in Madison Couhly for the' 'year 1929 - 10,402,236.00 tax Levy 1929 -- 130 t kA'..An tr,nt for the vear 1930 the Corporations in Madison County pay one third of air the taxes, not including polls. Tne taxable property in Madison County for 1930 is $36,032.00 less than it was in 1929, and $43,S21.00 less than it was in 1928. WW fstrie 'tax rate higher in 1930 than it was m 1SW9.' In 1929 the County received about $25,000 from the gasoline tax, and applied" it Wthe debt service. In 1930 the County re- reived the same amount from gasoline tax, and applied it to debt service, which reduced the tax rate from what it was in The taxable property in Madison County is less in 1930 i nr l ' than it was in 1929. That makes one part oi tne amerence. , The balance of the difference is caused by the fact that Public Local Laws, 1925, Chapter 17, Section 2, provides that the Commissioners "are hereby authorized, required, and shall set apart 5 of all the taxes collected in Maaison oumy. v . . . . supplement to the General County vFund. It was found to be impossible to pay the expenses of the Count' with out this aid. ' Public Local Laws, 1929, Chapter 292, Section 2, pTovides 5iat the 5 heretofore mentioned Should be refunded to special tax districts to the extent where it applied to the stxecial taxes. . Under: this act, the Commissioners were re quired to put in the 1930 County Budget,' enough to return this money to certain special tax districts.' This with' some other discrepancies of accounting, makes the difference" afcrti shows why; it was' necessary? to- make the tax levy 4qr 1930 $2.05 in- tead -df $1.95V The total amount to fee the .Spring Play The Haunted House- Presented ' by students from 9B room. Costume Parade (open to everyone attending). A prize will be given to best costume. Following the plays' everyone will be invited to attend the many booths that offer a real night oT fun. The booths will be -as follows: 1. .fishing Pond. 2. Fortune Telling. 3. Mystery House. 4. Bobbing .for . Apples. 6. Future Mate.:- 6. Blue Beard's Wives. 7. Freak House. General Admission 10c and 5c. Admission to booths 6c. DR. W. N. JOHNSON S PEAK'S AT Dr. Walt N. Johnson of Mars Hill spoke at the Marshal Baptist church Sunday morning. From the scripture "The World is the Field", he deliv ered one of the most forceful mes sages ever delivered in Marshall. Dr Johnson is a deep student of world movements and conditions and his sermon was not only highly enter taining and instructive but it was comprehensive and effective in its appeal to thoughtful peopls. planned to have all music and all talks by local talent. It is hoped to have string bands from California Creek, from Laurel, from Big Pine and others that may be .secured. Vocal quartets from Spring Creek, from Upper Laurel, from Mars "Hi, are expected to be present. Bight here this committee requests that anyone knowing of a string band or a quartet in the .coun ty that can be secured will let them know of it. ; '' ' i A number of local parties will be tevited to give short talks on the oc casion. . ; . ' ' ' " Every family in Madison County is especially invited- to be present at this meeting. It is theend of anoth er, yean . Let's all join, together and make merry. It is expected that the question of a County Fair- .for 1931 will 'be brought up at this meeting. . Think about it between now and (then. There is plenty of material in Mad ison County for an A 1 county fair. THE BUSINESS MEN OF MAR SHALL ARE ASKED BY THE COMMITTEE TO CLOSE THEIR PLACES OF BUSINESS FROM 11:30. TILL 1:00 and join the coun try folks in a feed. (Signed) THE COMMITTEE IN CHARGE. If You Are Not Now Getting TJie NEWSRECORD TWICfi-A-WEEK SUBSCRIBE NOW SPECIAL! Forn Now OCC Until January 1, 1931 LO 1 FOR TAX COLLECTOR TO THE VOTERS OF MADISON COUNTY: I have served you for the past two years, in the most unpleasant office in the County, and during one : of the worft financial strains we have gone through in -many years. Notwithstanding this, I feel we have ' gotten along very pleasantly together, and that I have several hundred new, friends, that I did pot :haye;tw years ago.. . . , ; ... 'rtas rcAi"'! r After 'having learned the' work of the office and ' having become better acquainted with the, people, X feel that I am in a position to serve you better the next two years. ? -jTw ;'--M,-1"'- . - .If you feef that I deserve. , anhquy .iiaye, the office for the next two .yeaw, I fenall greatly appreciate , your vote, and anlfof d" yon-tny'fh fflyTyelialf . f .,iof-; Reactfullv. . 1 i BEGUTHRIL (Carried to Foartk Page)