1 . f JfeADISON COXitfJY mzdoKb E?tablishd June 28, 1001.--FRENCH BROAD NEWS i Established May 16, 1907. Coasolidktad Not. 2, 1011 . Published TWICE A WEEIC Tuesdays and Fridays THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY MARSHALL, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1930 8 Pages This Issue VOL; XXIX ; &$aSS i: :'U;:;C;Ci ' Wildly three years, until he is cured1 j, ii j? xtUI:ao.' . ASA oi me aiaease. iejiiiiei um President Hoover attempt to keep it a secret. On the oth er hand he gave it out to the press that everyone? v might know that his boy had tuber- 'Y ' culosis. While President Hoover may have been in error in ve toing the bill passed by Con gress putting Muscle Shoals into operation; while he may have erred in his various and sundry attempts to stem the tide of depression, and while he may have erred in other things, he was everlastingly right in handling the case of tuberculosis when it appeared in Herbert, Jr., and this ought to be an example to every man, woman and child throughout the United States. Again Herbert Hoover, Jr., the people of North Carolina welcome you and your family and wish for you a speedy re covery. THE NORTH CAROLINA TU- BERCtJtOSIS ASSOCIATION HERBERT HOOVER, JR. IN ASHEVULE Every citizen of North Caro lina extends a cordial welcome to the President's son who, is making his home in Asheville during a course of treatment for tuberculosis. President Hoover has al ways been interested in the fight against tuberculosis. He has always bought Christmas Seals during the Annual Seal Sale from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Mrs. Hoover has done likewise and they have been gracious enough to lend their influence to the Seal Saie and to the work of the Nation al and State Tuberculosis Ass'ns. While we all regret that Herbert Hoover.Jr., should become ill with tuberculosis, it brings a number of lessons to us: (1) That tuberculosis is no respector of persons. The high and the low, the rich and the poor, the learned ancl thjj jn- learned are all subject tojts ravages undeJ given circum stances; , J . . i. tomary and9 exists tsome ex tent even to this day, that peo ple who have tuberculosis de sire that it be kept secret, in Published by request) - . olmit that "Real estate in Western North fact, many refuse to admit that Carolii wi gtake a comelrack when tlipv have tuberculosis even the unendurable burden of taxation uiejr v, is lightened by giving the state a when diagnosed by a pnysi- moderrt, flexible tax system one t -ii-j Viot Utip and that means real equality in taxa Cian skilled in that line anation( jed w. Morrison, executive thpv sometimes go from one secretary of the North Carolina tax "tcJ commission, said here yesterday, nhvsician to another until they , Tne ay to do this is to free the i i. folia hands of the legislature to make rea- can find a physician who tens sonMe - cla8sincations of taxable them they do not have it arid property; sceond, to disallow the tnein mcj- w offset of debt jn t&xlng ,ntangibles; much valuable time IS lost m and third, to require every owner oi ., . , . A intangibles to pay taxes on them in beginning the treatment ana e- proportion to the amount; he owns.". ventuallv life itself is lost on Mr Morrison, under whose direc ventuany i tion the mogt gweepin8r tax survey account of this unwise proce- and research ever conducted in the state nas oeen Mcompusneu, u- dure. Not so with rresiaent vocatinff the passage of the consti- uM,a A a nnn a hp found tutional amendment which comes lie Hoover. As soon as ne iouna fore people on November 4 aa that his son had tuberculosis the biggest single step the state can . take to lighten the present burden I ill he immediately oegan treat- of taxe, on reai pr0perty. 1 u l.,5t At "UNIFORM RULE" ment, nor is he planning t0 de- Mr Morrison expiained that the skt takinir treatment as soon records show that out of a total of 1 SISt xaKing ireauucni. o $100,000,000 paid in state and local as he feels a little better, but taxes each year, property pay sixty 5 . . av,,,5U, percent. Therefore, the basis on 3 he is coming to Asheville wich propertjr tax is levied becomes j with the intention of staying of tr-endo tflg M as long as it is necessary, may- paid by so many pepole. The preset ent constitution, he nointed out, says i be a year or two years or even t , 8hall be passed taxing, MCKINLEY SHELTON INSTANTLY SHOT TO DEATH Jack Rice Admits Killing and Claims Self-Defense; Is Lodged In Jail RICE, A MAN OF MEANS, WILL PROBABLY GIVE BOND A quarrel on Shelton Laurel, be tween Jack Rice of that section and McKinley Shelton of the same sec tion, Wednesday night, about 8 or -9 o'clock, resulted in the shooting to death of McKinley Shelton by Jack Rice. In the Marshall jail Rice ad mitted shooting Shelton to death and elajn Claimed self-defense for the act, The two men were at the home of Delbert Shelton, on Mill Creek. Rice claims that he had been to Millard Shelton's to take some things and on the way back was invited into the home of Delbert Shelton, where sev eral people were present, and some driiking was going on, games being plafed, etc. A quarrel ensued be tween the two men, the result of an FOOTBALL NOV. 1 ; IN ASHEVILLE Record Crowd Expected For N. C. State Versus P. C. Game At Asheville November First Asheville, N. C. Western North Carolina's first oppor- Wednesday night, but that it was tunity to view a football trame daylight before he reached the scene . ,v,:v. o n. of the shooting. ,n whlch a Southern Confer- Shelton was a man some thirty ence team will take part, will or thirty-five years of aSo, and 5e offerd fang in thig section ( bee 5th page, 4th Column ) . XT e . ; in the N. C. State versus Pres old grudge, and eye-witnessa claim that both Rice and Shelton had pistols and that each stood up, Rice shooting first, the bullet taking ef-! feet just under the nose and pos-1 sibly entering the brain, as death I was instantaneous. Sheriff Ramsey, ' who gave us this information, says he was called about 1 or 2 o'clock ll'l'lll!! UqHIENiWJIUpj FRED .MORRISON POINTS OUT ADVANTAGES OF PROPOSED CHANGE This shows! the complete form of the OFFICIAL COUNTY BALLOT INSTRUCTIONS 1. To vote a straight ticket make a cross (X) mark in the circle of the i-;:r!y you desire to vote for. 2. To vote for some but not all the candidates of one party, make cross (X i mark in the square at the left of the name of every candidate printed on tin; ballot for whom you wish to vote. If you mark any one candidate yon ;n;nt mark all for whom you wish to vote. A mark in the circle will not be eountoj if any one candidate s marked. 3. Mark only with, a pen sil or pen and ink. 4. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it and get another. FOB A DEMOCRAT RAlGHTTICKjET MARK WITHIN 1 THIS CIRCLE For Solicitor: 1 NINETEENTH DISTRICT ZEBV. NETTLES -: For, State Senator, 30th Senatorial Otstrlot: - B. For Representative: McDEVTTT For Reglstar of Deeds: Q MRS. HOWARD L. RECTOR Q - For Clerk of 8uprlor Court: R. WOODY For Auditor: A, B. (Buck) McDANTEL - For Sheriff: M. BURNETT For Tax Callector: WAYNE PEEK TO THE VOTERS OF MADISON COUNTY: As my campaign is nearly over, and e lection only a few days off, I wish to say to you that I nave enjoyed meeting you, and greatly appreciate your kindness and, courtesy to me, and to those I haven't yet seen, I hope to be able to see you in the next few days. I am again, through this paper asking you to vote for me and thanking you in ad- vance for anything you may do for my support. . V - v - , , MRS. HOWARD L. RECTOR. For Board of County Commissioners: (Vote for Thre) ANDY K. WOODY MARION EDWARDS - " REPUBLICAN FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET MARK WITHIN THIS CIRCLE For Solicitor: NINETEENTH DISTRICT OSCAR STANTON n - - - For State Senator, 30th Senatorial District: ROY A. HARMON - For Representative: HUTCHUfS For Register ef Deeds: JETER P. RAMSEY Q - For Clerk of Superior Court: HUBERT DAVIS n - Fer Auditor: WHITE v For Sheriff: Q R. R. RAMSEY For Tax Collector: B. E. GUTHRIE ..... For Board of County Sorronissioriers: (Vote for Three) L. McKINNEY G GUY ENGLISH CLAUDE J. WILD i;;!Tj byterian College game which Z will be played at Asheville No 11 vmber 1. The largest crowd if ever to attend a game in the Asheville Memorial Stadium ia expected for this event and the gjj' two team:, said to be by sports w iters evenly matched, will El stage a closely fought game. , Alumni of N. C. State and g Presbyterian College are or- Iganizting to receive and en f?? tertain the two football squads sn when they arrive in Asheville IE and the color and pageantry S xf the game itself will be en H hanced by the presence of Ip team sponsors selected from a "rn6ng beautiful girls, the se s lections being made by popu Hl lar vote of student bodies of ,he Senior High Scjhjool and rumor Collge at Asheville. State Alumni also hope to lj 1 have the famous N. C. State j j band present at the game and HI I taking part in a number of I colorful parades both on the ' 1 j night before the game and on Hjjthe morning before the game H is played. M The State-P. C. game this mil: lis year rias attracted to Ashe- ville as the result of the Ashe- ville American Business Club H Football Committee. It is the HI first of a number of games H which will be played here in l the future featuring teams of H Southern Conference calibre. Hi I A number of games have been j offered already by Southern HI Conference teams who wish 3 to play in Asheville in 1931. N! Football fans who wish to Hlj reserve tickets to the N. C. Ei ; State - Presbyterian contest "H ! may do so by addressing Hen 11 ry I. Gaines, chairman of the g3 American Business Club Foot- ball Committee, Public Service ! Building, Asheville, N. C. The H j tickets Will go on general sale Eg in Asheville, October 22, but reservations can be made pri 3 r to that date by addressing !Mr. Gaines. - ' ; il'iilllililllillln! property ownerr producinr a return verv twentv-five Tears, has to pay J5 uniform annual tax - "Sine. 1921, under the uniform property by a uniform rule. tax" system the rate have rapidly "The proposed constitutional a- mounted in this state while at the mendment which provides for the same time the intangible property classification of property so as to had been shrinking on the tax books, make profitable and income produc-. "For many, years North Carolin ing property and non-producing ians have kidded themselves that property be taxed in a manner more ,they have equal taxation all prop neprly in accordance with its ability !erty paying equal rates and while to pay taxes," he said. "This clas- it is true that in a given county the sification," he continued, "is particu- ,rate is equal on all kinds of proper larly desirable because it would per- ty that is all. The taxes are far mit hte legislature to deal more from equal, equitably with wood and timber "Real property, such as your farm lands, .fajrm lands and intangible and your home, is taxed at the same t a ..t th.lrate as other Dronerty and because wooHi kind, of the averaee small U can b seen and appraised, it it al i ways on the tax books and is always taxed," " Mrr Morrison ?- continued. "You pay either directly in taxes , (Carried to sixth, page) The Board of County Commissioners will have their regular monthly meetings on the second Monday and Tuesday, 10th , . and , 1 1th of November, instead r of . the First Monday and Tuesday. C. J. WILD, Chairman.