) Improved Unlfonn International i SimdayMool T Lesson T By REV. P. B. FITZWATBR, D. D., Mem ber of Faculty, Moody ulul Institute of Chicago.) ((E). 1930. Western Newspaper Union.) Lesson for November 2 SIMON PETER, FROM WEAKNESS TO STRENGTH LESSON TEXT Mark 8:27-29; Luke 21:31-34; John 18:25-27; 21:15-17. GOLDEN TEXT Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and Ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that i Saturday night in honor of her son, iney naa ueen wim jesus. FROjtt GRAPE VINE Saturday and Sunday were our regular meeting days. Our pastor, Rev. A. J. Sprinkle, began a revival meeting Monday nite. He had to be away Monday morning to preach the funeral of Rev. J. M. Pickens?. We were glad to have Prof, and Mrs. R. L. Moore and others of Mars Hill with us Sunday. Prof Moore spoke to us on the history of the Baptists in North Carolina, and Tithing. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Quillen Fish er, a baby girl. Mrs. Easter Gosnell gave a supper and a reception party at her home THE. NEWS-RECORD ' ' w 1 PRIMARY TOPIC A Weak Man Be comes Strong. JUNIOR TOPIC A Weak Man Be comes Strong. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC How a Weak Man Became Strong. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP IC How Christ Gives strength. 1. Peter Confessing Christ (Mark 8:27-29). The time was near at hand when Christ should make the supreme offer ing of himself for sins on the cross. Knowing the tragic experience through which the disciples would pass be cause of it, he sought to prepare them for It by leading them Into the appre hension of the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith such as : . the In tegrity of his person, atoning death, resurrection, and second coming. Peter's confession was provoked by two questions of Jesus. 3. "Whom do men say that I am?" Opinions differed, but all recognized him to be a teacher or a prophet with more than human authority anil power. 2. "Whom say ye that I am?" i Jesus persistently claimed to be the very Son of God. lie would have his disciples to possess a personal and experiential knowledge of himself as ! to being God manifest In the flesh. II. Christ Warning Peter (Luke i 22:31-04). 1. He told him of Satan's desire concerning him (v. 31). Satan Is con stantly striving to destroy men. 2. Christ's prayer for Peter (v 32). He prayed that Peter's faith fail not. not that he should escape the 8if tings. E 3. Peter's confidence (v. 33). I His fall began when he refused to ' listen to Christ's words about the ; tfirrtca ftAlfavora hafrlti rn tvpnfrmi wnen iney uo longer uesire to near j about Christ crucified. 4. Denial announced (v. 34). Tills was to take place three times before the crowing of the cock. IM. " Peter Denying His Lord (John 18:2,r), 27). 1. Before the servant maid (vv. 15-18). Peter blundered In attempting to Devious, and his wife, formerly Miss Edna Bali, who were married Thurs day of last week. Those jpresent were Mrs. Gosnell's children and their families and a few friends. All present seemed to enjoy the occasion. Mr. Arville Hudgins, who has been in the West for nearly two years, returned to Grape Vine Monday, Mrs. Judson Bailey and family of Petersburg were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gosnell Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. G. W. Bruce, Jr., is on the sick list- at this writing. Mrs. Vera Sprinkle, who recently underwent an operation for appen dicitis in an Asheville hospital, is now at the home of her parents and is recuperating nicely. Mrs.' T.BtJrButyt, . ..y; Mrs. C. G. ' Brown spent a few hours in Marshall, N. C. . , Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Reece and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fowler and chil dren all spent Sunday with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Conner. .The children all being home and all their grandchildren except one, they j gave their mother a surprise birth day dinner, it being served by the ciuiuren as a picnic luncn in tnc yard. Everyone enjoyed the day and left for their homes Sunday af ternoon. Mr. Roy Plemmons of Franklin is spending the week here with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Buquo and baby of Black Mountain spent Sun day here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Buquo. Mr. Buquo, who has been on the sick list, is some what better this week. Mr. W. R. Ellerson of Hayesviile, N. C.f spent the week-end here with Mrs. Ellerson. Mrs. EJllersofn will remain here about a week. Mr. Kenneth Burgin and four boys attended the races in Newport, BRAND ' Mr. r' iifif' i i. . 0J0. Dj D INI COFFEE g CHICORY SOLD on a MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE MiMrfihsinHP sate? Tenn, and Mrs. Robert Galbreath ?Id.. John Keni-inu nf Pv;,ln also attended the races in Newport, ! Ii. I., Ashley Sewel!, Jr., of Sanford, cnn' N. C, Paul Cooper of Wilmington, Mr. and Mrs. Kimberly and Miss N. C, and Bill Lashley. Tom and Dorthy of Asheville, N. C, fient the his friends made the trip to Knox-week-end here with Dr. and Mrs. ville to see the Carolina-Tennessee Kimberly. game. Tom Davis of the University of Prof, and Mrs. Wayne Farmer had North Carolina spent the week-end as their week-end guests her uncle with his parents and had as his and aunt, from Charlotte, N. C. guests Duncan Brown of Baltimore. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Caudill and 'Ir. and Mrs. Fred Lefler motored to Asheville, N. C, Monday afternoon. 666 Relieves k Headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checks Malaria in three days. 666 also in Tablets. I Afi iffiSfcv !l szSrVrXv A VjSV SUITS Called For, Clean ed, Pressed and Delivered Just Phone 50 Let us restore its fresh, clean look. We can make your suit look as good as the day you bought it. EDWARDS and Pressing Shop j FROM HOT SPRINGS follow Jesus at this time (John 13:36). , Presumptuous boldness frequently ! leads Into embarrassing positions'. Un der the taunt of the Jewish maid he openly denied the Lord. 2. Before the servants and offi cers (v. 25). Peter was now warming himself ut . the enemy's fire. When questioned, he ' denied his relation to the Lord. SeD-1 aratlon from everything that Is op posed to the Lord Is necessary In order to have a clear testimony (II Cor. 6:14-18). 3 P.pfnra tho kinsman nf Hfnlnhna v 20). I Miss Lura Brown of Inman, S. C, This man had seen Peter with Jesus stopped awhile Wednesday with rel- ln Oethsemane (v. 10) when Peter ' atives before going to visit her par- rashly cut off the ear of Malchus. He ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brown of put the question straight to Peter. Bluff N. C. . ? J, . : X ' ' BT"!" I Miss Annie Smith and Mrs. Bales wiiii iiiiii; ai me uueruuee or me" third denial, the cock crew, reminding Peter of Christ's warning (Mark 14 :72). IV. Peter's Restoration (John 21:15-17). Peter had thrice denied his Lord. Therefore, before his reinstatement In the Lord's service he must thrice confess his love for Jesus. In this reinstatement and commission of Peter Is set forth the motive and nature of the service which has Christ's ap proval In all times. Love for Christ, not primarily love for the sheep, proves the genuine shepherd. 1. "Feed my lamhs." The word "feed" as well as "lamhs" signifies that the worlc here enjoined is that of nurturing babes in Christ 2. "Feed my sheep." The word here means to feed, guidp. correct, and lend the maturer classes of Christians. It carries with It not alone responsibility of feeding, hut cor rective discipline. Failure will In evitably follow If this be attempted wltlimit IrivA 3. "Feed my sheep." I Tills doubtless relates to the care of aged Christians. The word "feed" re turns somewhat to the meaning as in the first Instance where he says. "Feed my lambs," so that the min ister's responsibility to care for the aged Is equivalent to that of the young. Peter was to express devoilon to Christ by a martyr's death. spent Friday in Asheville Mr. and Mrs. George Heilman and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, motored to Greeneville, Tenn., Friday. Mr. Heilman attended the game at Knox ville Saturday. Misses Schaffer and Miller of Dor land Bell spent the week-end in Asheville, N. C. Mrs. J. W. Morris spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman of near Marshall. Mr. W. T. Davis and son, John, Mr. Phil Brown and Mr. Sidney Izlar attended the 'game Saturday in Knoxyjlle, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Duckett and Miss Beulah motored to Lake Juna luska Saturday. Mr. Jim Council of near Robins ville stopped a while with friends Saturday before gong to Knoxville, Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rhyne and lit tle son of Newport, Tenn., and Mrs. Rumbough of Asheville, N. C, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and In Cod's Husbandry Heart troubles in God's husbandry are not wounds, hut the putting In of the spade before planting the seeds. H. W. Beecher. When Testimony Has Weight When a man lives uy to what he preaches, then his testimony has weight. Dwight L. Moody. Line of Least Resistance Taking the line of least ntatance Lis. what makes rivers and soma men crooked, Churchman. HIT Ho We fit any eye that responds to light You are invited to call. -We delight in- showing our methods and equipment. DR. RICE OVER CITIZENS BANK SATURDAY AND MONDAY Why are Camels welcomed with cheers in any company- a twosome or a crowd? Because they're mild not flat or tasteless but naturally mild. They have the marvelous aroma that only choice tobaccos, mel lowed by golden sunshine, then expertly cured and superbly blended, can give a cigarette. There's nothing artificial about this delightful fragrance. No doctoring, no over-processing can produce it. Camel's refreshing mildness is there from the start. Swing with the crowd to Camels. Learn the happy difference between true mildness and insipid flatness. Smoke without fear of throat-discomfort or after-taste just for pleasure! Camels "EASY TO LISTEN TO" CAMEL PLEASURE HOUR Wednesday veala.s ea N. B. C network, WJZ and ataaeaatM stations. Consult your local radio V - ' OW.J.ToM v Toomss Co, Wiastea-Selsa, N. C