M- IN COUNTY RECORD ;i,,j T,.n ob torn THE NEWS-RECORD The paper that tells what the people in the country as well as those in town are doing. IV.TTl" ru RDOAn NCW established May 16, 1907. - Consolidated Not. 2, 1911 Published TWICE A WEEK Tuesdays and Fridays THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY MARSHALL, N.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1930 4 Pages This Issue lvol. xxrx 1 OFFICIAL RETURNS CONFIRMED ELECTION RESULTS AS GIVEN BY THE NEWSCORD TUESDAY As can be seen by the accompanying table, the officers which seemed to be elected by the in complete returns which we gave Tuesday, were all elected. We repeat them as given, naming the three County Commissioners: REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN FUND $9,559 Raleigh. A statement filed by i James S. Duncan, state chairman seriously injured Saturday in a head- ' on automobile collision on the south- i ern outskirts of the city, one of them ; being- a seven year old boy who is not expected to live. His name is t,e 0ru o of secretary of state James Jasper Durham. Others injured were Carl Hill, Mrs. Carl Hill, Carl Crotts, and Julian Durham, brother of Jas per. For U. S. Senator: Josiah W. Bailey For Congress: A. L. Bulwinkle For Solicitor of 19th District: Zeb V. Nettles For Representative: N. B. McDevitt For Register of Deeds: Jeter P. Ramsey For Clerk Superior CAROLINA CHAT : Br GUY SWARINGEN TWO HURT IN PLANE CRASH Kinston. Pilot W. J. Mulqueeny and his passenger, A. V. Deaver, were injured Saturday afternoon when their plane crashed into a tele phone pole at the edge of the central highway in the Kinston city limits. Tair-injurie wer f ound. to be su perficial. Mulqueeny's address was given as East Detroit, Mich., and Deaver's as Deep Run, N. C. Court: J. Hubert Davis For Auditor: J. N. White For Sheriff: C.M.Burnett For Tax Collector: B. E. Guthrie For County Commissioners: G. L. McKinney Guy English Claude J. Wild YOUNG WIFE KILLS HERSELF Goldsboro. Young Mrs. Theodore Potts shot and killed herself last week, after her husband had taken her back to her parents' home, ac cusing her of being untrue to him, and had taken out a warrant against Daniel Mozingo, whom he accused of prostitution. TO A. Hartness, gives the total of con tributions to the Republican state campaign fund as $9,551), with the same amount spent on the campaign. GET-TOGETHE1 THE ISLAND ON Madison' Vota on Amendments For Amendment No. 1 412 Against Amendment No. 1 . .1107 For Amendment No. 2 871 Against Amendment No. 2 673 For Amendment No. 3 500 Against Amendment No. 3 801 For Amendment No. 4 1200 Aigainst Amendment No. 1 . - 834 POSTAL CLERK BOUND FEDERAL COURT Durham. H. M. Beams, special delivery clerk, has been placed under $750 bond for his appearance in fed eral court next spring in answer to a charge of embezzlement. Postal authorities say that Beams has con fessed to taking money from special deliverv letters over a period of months. ROMEO IS DEAD Asheville. Romeo, lion, one-time lord of the Sudan, later lord of the Asheville zoo, died last Thursday of double pneumonia. Now he is being made into a lowly rug for men to walk upon. His widowed mate, Ju liet, mourns his going, as do thou sands of children and adults in west ern North Carslina who knew Ro meo. HUNTER KILLED BY TREE Cooleemee. Willis Atkinson, 29, was killed almost instantly Saturday morning when caught under a fall ing tree while 'possum hunting near r nairia nnntv. He leaves a L , 1 n d , iM.n. wife and small child. THE PUBLISHER'S COLUMN !. X SOME RESULTS OF THE ELECTION NOVEMBER 4, 1930 As might be expected, some of the citizens of the United States are disappointed and some a"e elated over th- results of the election iust closed. When it comes to a battle ef ballots it is impossible to please everybody, but as true and loyal citizens of a free country, we have to accept the results, whether we like them or not. And if we as individuals have done nothing dishonest, morally or legally, in our zeal to carry out side, we have nothing to regret. It is the man or woman who has iaken advantage and done crooked things who .should be condemned. In our form of governntent, with all the machinery of laws, moral codes, and every other possible safeguard, occasionally crookedness may creep in, and violations of both moral and legal codes be made; but it is generally conceded that all the crookedness is not on one side, and all the righteousness is not on the other side. There are honest and honor able men and women in all parties, and the human race is, to say the least, imperfect, and until mankind has obtained a higher sense of the Golden Rule and the Bible injunction, "in honor preferring one another," there will be dissatisfaction. The Publisher of the News- Record has done his dead-level best to steer clear of partisan politics, to maintain its non-partisan attitude as stated in our first issue in October, 1924. In protecting our customers and trying to be honest to friend and "foe alike, we have possibly been misunderstood at times. But if we have failed to maintain a non-partisan attitude in The News-Record, it has been an error of the judgment and not of intention. Now that the election is over, our political differences should be for gotten and harsh words of one against another should be guarded a gainst. If any individual or group of individuals has violated the laws of our country, either in the election or in other matters, that person or group of persons should be prosecuted by the courts, as the upholding of the law should be the duty of all loyaj citiaens. . 11 A. M. TO 2 P.M. SATURDAY, NOV. 8, 1930 MADISON'S VOTE ON STATE DEMOCRATIC n'fiomi Nathan Vnr Stnto Troaa 1743 Pell, Geo. P. For Corp. Com 1694 TIT". 1 ci 1 TT' VY ill uoi lie, oiaiuey, rur vjuijj. vjumi. Small, W. L., Judge S. C, 1st Dis. Barnhill, M. V., Judge S. C, 2 Dis. Frizelle, J. P., Judge S. C. 5th Dis. Grady, H. A., Judge S. C. 6th Dis. Cranmer, H. A., Jud'ge S. C, 6 Dis. Sinclair, N. A., Judge S. C. 9th Dis. Devin, W. A., Judge S. C. 10 Dis. Humphreys, J. Judge S. C. 12 Dis. Harding, W. F., Judge S. C. 14 Dis. Warlick, W., Judge S. C. 16 Dis. REPUBLICAN Greer. T. G.. State Treasurer Prevette, J. T., Cor. Com'r ig29 1 1. T1 l f I uampoeu, a. k., or om r. Paul, John D., Judge S. C. 1st Dis. Tnrnpr. Oscar R.. Judere S. C. 6 Dis. Prlt,r0 H R Jndirp S C. 8th Dis. Downing, W. C, Judge S. C. 9 Dis. OFFICERS 1602 1594 1754 1699 1736 1733 1696 .1687 1700 1699 Let's get together again. Let's talk with our neighbor from the other side of the county and become acquainted. Let's learn of what he or she is thinking; of what he is doing on his farm, she in her home. Let's get his view point of coun ty affairs. Briefly, that is the purpose of the Get-Together PiVmV to hp held on the Island in Marshall on next Saturday. Also every one attending is go ing to have a good time. The committees ap pointed to arrange the program and to plan lor the occasion in general are working. They hope that many families (for this is for the whole fam ily, ladies and men) will fill up a large basket with good things to eat and come to tnis picnic. Last year every one attending the Get-Together Picnic, held in the new Madison Farmers' ware house, certainly enjoyed the occasion. The talks by the different ones from the different sections of the county, the songs by the male quartet from Upper Laurel, the selections by the string band from California, and our own magician, BenFrisby, made a program that was not at once forgotten. Let's do it again. If the day is one not suited to an out-of-doors pic nic, arrangements will be made to hold it in doors. The committees will do their part; you do yours you come! (Signed) Committee on Arrangements. hran.kon. W .TnHtro S C. 10 Dis. FIVE HURT IN HEAD-ON Brinl) K M Judge S. C. 12 Dis. . COLLISION Hoyle, J. M., Judge S. C. 14 Dis. . High Point. Five persons were j Klutz, G. W., Judge S. C, 16 Dis. . 2364 2353 2343 2337 2293 2332 2335 CARD OF THANKS Allow me through the co'Iumns of this paper to thank the voters of Madison County for their support in the election November 4. I shall in the future as in the past serve to the best of my ability. Respectfully yours, J. N. WHITE. OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS November 4. 1 930 o u a i j CO rt N co "2 " "S -o 7 -o d g tf g Z -fc d - 0 ,- o" - dJ oJ dJ 3 3 22 y. Z Z3 q, c Q. o-o BO BO lc EC 2B Icffi j h x H jh M KM iW M ij 5J ;j c Eos g fw fa pa t o l Ik x x oj HS hS Hw hm 'hw HC o Ed B & o HO 0 X a2 o Has o s. p. in t-i o E 13 00 W c W 00 K IS o (- O Srt IT. Eh X Eh C is w rr. c O 1-1 Hffl .O 0 C V s HO 5 iJ A a BX tr. it. HS - a .a o W .'ps o O 1- DEMOCRATIC Bulwinkle, A. L. For Congress Bailey, Josiah W. For U.S.Senate. Nettles, Zeb V. For Solicitor McDevitt, N. B. For Representative -Rector, Mrs.Howard L For R of D Woody, J. R. For C. S. C. - McDaniel, A. B. (Buck) Auditor- Burnett, C. M., For Sheriff Peek, Wayne, For Tax Collector Woody, Andy, For Co. Com. Edwards, Marion, For Co. Com. REPUBLICAN Stanton, Oscar, Solicitor 19 Dis. Harmon, Roy A., State Sen. 30 Dis. Jonas, C. A., Cong. 9th Con. Pis. -rBard, G. M U. S. Senator Hutchins, J. H., Representativa Raniey, Jeter P., Reg. of Deeds -Davis, J. Hubert, Clerk Sup-. Court White, J. N., Auditor- Ramsey, R. Rn Sheyi --rr Guthrie, B. E. Guthrie. Tax CoL McKinney, G. I. Co. Comr. English, Guy,-Co. Comr. -TWiu rianda J.. Co. Com r. 152 61 28 39 118 53 19 24 145 52 25 44 275 84 81 79 209 62 33 35 172 51 45 35 150 47 21 39 270 85 53 63 136 47 18 33 208 79 81 54 193 76 67 49 395 2,24 75 105 342 239 73 95 427 246 95 130 288 224 38 89 337 251 71 117 362 246 52 110 381 225 69 109 294 229 59 96 380 253 78 113 840 214 32 101 337 214 43 105 332 216 35 97 1 2 44 29 14 2 3 41 1 8 8 105 126 118 91 108 7i 18 4 . 64 139 57 123 89 43 123 113 198 23 30 29 57 7 5 57 147 56 125 79 38 108 113 180 17 16 25 51 18 16 85 147 72 127 92 66 137 121 207 16 9 35 71 59 39 95 134 79 131 90 107 136 137 233 35 64 58 82 24 29 64 144 1 65 112 95 51 128 120 233 18 16 27 65 21 14 60 135 55 113 93 87 146 145 215 19 14 255 61 24 20 58 137 59 113 88 47 114 117 220 21 9 22 64 52 77 14" 82 135 107 103 153 130 229 24 37 61 74 6 14 64 132 73 110 85 48 118 112 195 21 12 60 65 62 22 71 138 60 121 105 114 135 154 255 29 26 23 69 64 22 70 137 73 116 101 96 141 141 254 29 24 35 61 107 ro 174 24 99 89 43 118 41 41 143 58 101 162 113 , , 110 S 109 97 47 166 61 43 186 60 87 195 125 131 100 51 88 65 46 187 67 99 194 144 95 96 42 121 60 36 128 46 71 47 107 97 105 39 155 44 37 136 62 120 174 119 101 98 39 115 41 35 143 60 102 156 124 86 91 44 131 42 37 132 65 97 154 114 u 95 92 31 124 43 50 139 52 87 145 111 1 86 110 47 130 49 "51 152 62 95 136 119 99 95 36 99 41 30 116 44 91 153 111 108 133 38 100 46 29 140 61 95 229 109 ; 88 87 39 117 45 35 126 47 89 161 133 153 169 188 191 169 183 184 197 176 199 191 83 88 67 81 68 59 66 74 55 56 66 46 249 44 241 93 261 108 201 78 221 69 206 66 199 87 249 80 203 90 202 77 196 42 116 96 155 99 167 38 178 59 147 70 149 66 150 67 139 64 156 49 169 77 197 48 153 5 1844 6 1692 5 2055 16 2543 10 2009 6 1970 5 1826 11 2501 12 1841 6 2311 8 2230 76 2523 2219 86 2844 87 8127 67 2316 78 2705 79 2605 75 2673 69 2377 74 2669 81 2371 86 2598 77 2362 uu, - ' I

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