MARSHALL NEWS mSS' H-PP.nlng. 1 .nd Near M.r AM " Robert ..Cu8h Chand. Publisher H. L. Story left Tues day for Edenton, North Carolina, where he will attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Dr. E. J. Griffin. Sauire E. S. Mortzan of Asheville lcr. was auite sick Monday. I Mr. Clyde Teague, who has been in New York for some time, is spending some time with his pavents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Teague. ! Mr. Earle Brown, student at Mars Hill College, and son of Mr. and was in Marshall Tuesday on business. Mrg E T Brown 0f Hendersonville Mr. and Mrs. W. A. West and two hnH aliriri(ir Mondav nierht at the sons, Bill and Hal, and daughter, h of Mr- an(j Mrs. H Hazel, and Miss Helen rritcnara, an of Asheville, formerly of Marshall, were here Sunday. Among those from Marshall at tending the Wake Forest- Presbyterian College football game in Asheville Saturday were Mer.srs. Bob Hinkle, Arthur Ramsey, James Story and Coleman Caldwell. The game was won by P. C, 13-0. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramsey of New Bridge, formerly of Marshall, were visiting friends in Marshall Sunday. Mr. S. T. Gosnell of Allenstand, was in MaYshall Monday morning. Mr. Gosnell is a cousin of Mr. Till man Gosnell, who died at his home of double pneumonia. The two cousins acted as deputies under the administration of Sheriff J. J. Bailey and often made their raids together. Kenneth Silver was an Ashe- t r j me of Mr. ana Mrs. n. l.. siory. Mr. J. A. Ensley of, Alexander was a News-Record visitor Tuesday. I Mrs. J. Edwin Boone left today (Tuesday) for Chicago after spend in,? a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Plemmons. 400 HEAD OF CATTLE Mr D. C. Hendrix of Asheville, Broadway, and Charlie Ramsey, of Marshall, have bought around four (400) hundred head of cattle, plac ing them in the South. They have been a great help to Madison Coun ty this year. They have taken out several culls. RILEY BUCKNER. Nobody Want j (toubtexists in . ? 'ipost: every f ' ' v. I , .,: ..',!!,'?. ...., Thi r M I 1 i o n"! bink -' In--thi-'country that haa I been operating over a period There ia over a million dol-Jof several years, lars in the banks of New York Rtao wVuVVi tinhndv nlaims TH Regardless of whether we heed consists of bank balances car ried to the credit of former customers who have become lost, strayed, or djed. The New York State banking de partment says that a good deal of this money has been un claimed for many years. The same condition no advice to reach for this or that, the people of the United States spend j more money for sweets than ihey do for electricity in their homes, ac cording to figures of the Department! of Commerce. The candy bill is ;i little i ore than two cents a day for) each person, while the elecliic bill for those in elect rifted homes is a j little b ss than two cents ,i day for ; each ;i r-on, on an average. j Rural Pres Servic TO THE VOTERS OF MADRON COUNTY i I want to thank the voters of ladison Coun ty for your hearty support, and for the confi dence you have placed in me. My entire time, abilities, and attention will be devoted to performing the duties of the Sher iff's office, and in performing these duties I sh.-'ll treat all alike. Expecting to cooperate with you, I am Sincrely yom s, C. M. BURNETTE IftWCrDAMD V riTTURII? THANKS TO MARSHALL PEOPLE Mr ville visitor Saturday. I Mrs. Lester Price wishes us Mr. Covert Fortner and family through the columns of this paper to have moved back to Marshall. For thank the people of Marshall for the the last few years Mr. and Mrs. j donations for the benefit of Rev. Fortner have been living at Ports- jonn Coats in his recent illness, mouth and Ocean View, Va. Mr. J. N. White was quite ill Sat urday night, so much so that he called his physician about one o' clock, but was better Sunday and was able to be in his office Monday. Mrs. D. W. Duckworth ana son, I wish to thank the voters ofMadison County for the splendid majority of votes that I received for Tax Collector in the e lection, and I hope our friendship will grow stronger during the next two years. . Respectfully, B. E. GUTHRIE Prof, 0, S. Dilla.d's ivo her lias returned to her lioni at SyKa. .:rte" an extended visit to Mr. D'llaid and family. Prof, and Mrs. C. R. Bohanan drove to Will --Ms, Jacksan Comity, lasl Sunday. They returned the same day. Mrs. C. B. Hayes, who has been quite ill at her home recently, is convalescent. Mr. Leonard Sluder has opened a new stock of merchandise in the T lav. Ovfcr -. ot e- w '(. ast . The held in the auditorium ' er 1 ! igh eoo! huild- of the patrons of the achi'i-s .e,-ra'iie(i toe op- m.'ke some money for li e :t.r hi r one thotisan' eh -ction was of !he I -( in ing. A few ,-ehool and t rortunitv to the school. Th y sold hriches and cold d'inks to ihe amount of ?:)0.()0. This will be used to pur. -base more hooks for the school library. CORRESPONDENT'S FOOTNOTE: (Just a word to Leicester readers of MARSHALL ALL-STARS DEFEAT RED OAK ALL-STARS FROM LEICESTER Rev. G. C. Teague left Monday for Raleigh to attend the 100th ses sion of the Baptist State Convention. He was accompanied by Rev. Mr. Sprinkle and Rev. Mr. Hi;.i s. Sheriff and Mrs. J. J. Bailey of Asheville attended the funeral of Mr. Tillman Gosnell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Flowe and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ferguson of Charlotte wee recent guests of Mrs. Flowe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Tweed. Misses S:.ndy, Mary and Margaret Anz of Walnut, were in Mai-shall Monday. Miss Mary has quite re covered since her recent operation for appendicitis. Among those who attended the Presbyterian-Wake Forest game in Asheville Saturday were Mr. Dave Harris, Mr. Jack Ramsey, and Mr. and Mrs. John McElroy. Miss Ethel English of Beech Glen was in town Monday. Mrs C R. Tweed supplied Mon day for her father, Rev. B. E. Guth- i-! tho Tax Collector s ointe. . tr:., Mavtnn and Mr. and Mrs In a hectic and hard-fought battle lnot FriHav niiht. the Marshall All- Mrs JJ. W. JJUCKWUIUl mm - . . Bil7y, spent last week with her moth- Stars defeated the Red Oa k All- tars nM.vH to the tune oi er in Brevard. trt.Pd Mrs. Annie May Wh.te and Mr "Y f 7hT,t the half Red Oak I Greater Than The .Grace." and Mrs. H. L. Story went to Hot fairly last ouwu w sp. thp neonle limrere Springs Sunday afternoon to visit was six po.nts .n tne .eau, Mrs Warren Davis and Miss Ethel account of two or three m.sunder- Mrs. vvart standings with the referee. The Flemmmg. , . , , 4:ut,i thiv de- Mafsnau iia.eir, uRm-"-- fense and organized their offense, and it was mostly Marshall the rest of the game. The Red Oak Center an.l Ramsey of Marshall were high scorers. fter the game the Marshall boys ,,t together and elected Ernest Teue. captain, and Ken Silv; r, manager. This team is one of the best in the County, and plans to give .he p-orle of Marshall and vicinity .v, elvce to see some real teams .;n h" .sno i:e Weaver, Mars Hill, Hender nn,l Black Mountain will ! h nlnved here and on their own respective courts. You can do your part by seeing these games. Give these boys a glad hand!!! 4-H Club Girls Achievement Day Next Friday, November 14, will be Achievement Day for the 4-H ru,h ,oirls of the county, wit,, the Miss '1 , j k hpld in t'e High Flmer Ramsey spem me vvV" progiai" .i.OTni- with Mr. and Mrs. John R. Scbool building on the Island. 'ii .; teams. sonvill On Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 3:00 P. M., the Fourth Quartely Confer ence of Leicester Charge M. E. Church South, convened with Dr D. M. Litaker in the chair. Rev. M. E. Leftwich is closin? a two-year pastorate on this charge. He preached his last sermon at Lei cester Sunday evening at 7:30, using the 12th chapter of Romans for the Scripture lesson. The Misses Sluder sanir the duet, "The Cross Is Not After the service the people lingered to tell him and his family "good-bye". He will leave for Greensboro Tuesday morning where the Southern Metho dist Conference convenes this week. Lr.f'.v.-ich is held in hi'di esteem here and is said to be one ot th rengv ; i; readier-- that has ever1 In-!-! the -:-stor:te here. He has been . a responsible factor in the building of tho new M E. Church (South) I here. Kcv. R. K M:-.h::i;Vy iillc.l his ap pointment at New Found Baptist Church .Sunday morning at eleven o' clock. He announced that the re- the church next r :.?0. Home Demonstration A pent, mp- with her three groups of 4-H Club members in the demonstration room of the school building. The cook ing project was carried out. Fina interest and cooperation . is being shown by the girls. The Leicester club will attend the achievement program which will be held at Ashe ville November 22. The club will have representatives in the games, races and pageant. The Girl Reserves held their Rec ognition Service for new members in the auditorium last Thursday at 1 1 :00 P. M. Twelve girls joined and I there were 20 of last year's mem- bers present. Miss Carrie Lee i Weaver, District Leader, was present ! and e;ave an interesting talk. Her ; subject was, "The Guest." The candle service was beautiful. ! Miss Ellen Jervis, who was carried to an Asheville hospital for a major ; opera, ion recently, is improving rap idly. I Mi- Mml Mrs F. I.. AW.-imlnv nnd Mrs. .Moody Roberts d'ove to Union, i,..:i,i; f,-,,,.i nl.nn',aA hvitVip Npws-Rpcord vou miov read- If E. Kuvkendall, and known as 1 ing a paper that gives you the news "Kirk's Place." The new store is J of your own community. The gaining customers every day and Mr. t News-Record gives you Leicester Sluder is ontimistic over the future news each week. Why not suggest ! business outlook. I to your neighbor that ho subscribe Great interest was shown in the for it?) THANKS TO THE PEOPLE OF MADISON COUNTY: I take this method to thank the peo ple of Madison County for the support they gave me in the election held Novem ber 4, 1930. Very truly yours, C. J. WILD. From ALEXANDER We are glad to report that good! tobacco crops have beeu made and 'luite a few are ;eiting ready to ship, j W met for prayer service W d- S. C, to visit Mr. last Sunday. Alexander' sister re- ;la that t' bad ev ad rie-h! and the best had tilt ever had. Singing i. c'nir'ch worship. V report was h ing tin y -. the lil know ot ouldn't do an thing towaid church work or worship without singing. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Herman Wil liams met in Mrs. Nancy Johnson's home and had singing Friday night. Miss Zdma Bennett from Candler and Mi.-s Bertie Hipns from Spring C-etk visited Mi-s Ethel Johnson's home last Friday. Mr. Coleman Johnson carried Mr. King to the doct-ir Thursday morning. 1. ague vtval will Derm at me cnuicn n"i iitv,I iv nvpn;nf ;ll j Mrs. F. L. Alexander was hostess Jj tr. tu ,m)ioia nf Ibe Ladies Aid jo- ! .U Lliv.: uiimu-.i illllliiililililiiillllliriiUiM .iil!l..,,ll,li:l.l 1 m: ;;!!!'M!;h.,!,i:i!!I iiiii ne Miss r J I rtYVl Ck Frances Crafton, oum: Demonstrator, will be in charge, of .. . o,i Miss Elizabeth SrnS'edalist in Cluo Wo,k, year's work is , begu. of Raleigh, will be there to speaK. mi. f hnn busses will oe Avera, who gave a bridge par.y ... honor of their birthday. Mrs. Rellie Allman returned to her home at Hickory Sunday after spendir,! some time with relatives, ' - i - 1 - fofVior Mr. WhTr White! She was accompanied made to transport the children from Vw her sister. Mrs. Kd t'agan anu the dltterent seciio... Mr Fagan Mr. and Mrs. Fagan Foilowing is the program of this rt to the funeral of a cousin BeM V,Mrn,aGuy English, newly elected YJ Beech Glen couy Imissione, was in Ma, ?L Retries Burgin, her daugh 'l ter Miss Alene, and Miss Elizabeth pjano Solo Hot bpnng. Lawson, spent Sunday afternoon 4.H Encampment alnut ti Mrs Jim Redmon. Cub Song -- 2 " Tei McKinney spent last Talk . Miss Cornelius week-end in Marshall. Exhibit Mrs a. J. RMey naa a umca for the week-end her sisters, Mrs. Miss H. E. LOST & WANT ADS. TBc for four week. Additional word 1 cent a word a week CASH Flr.t t.i MVMTven. and Black, of Charlotte. Miss Sarah Lou Sartin, who is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. J. Hubert Davis, is reported to be in bed with the flu. Terra Katherine Davis is also suf- - . . A Mrl 7 Mood8; Chandler and two STRAIGHT SALARY J8..00 chSn 'of Walnut, spent the day -ek and -S5r recently with Mrs. Lankford Story. MIXTURE, Eureka Mfg. Co., East Mr. Rex Cohn is quite ill at the gt. Louis, 111. 14- Pd- CAROLINA INDUSTRIAL BANK FlfcST FLOOR JACKSON BUILDING ASHEVILLE. N. C. Money Loaned to Worthy People PAY BACK WF4KLY. SEMI-MONTHLY OR MONTHLY LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES NOTES DISCOUNTED v ciety of Leicester Methodist church at her home last Thursday after noon. Rev. M. E Leftwich, pastor, conducted the devotional, which was followed by four short talks on the Missionary work which is being car ried on by Southern Methodists in China. All present expressed hap piness over the news that the Presi dent of China had recently professed faith in Christ Jesus and was bap tized. His wife has been a Chris tian for some time. It was voted u nanimously to have considerable re pairs made on the parsonage before the new pastor arrives and another The hostess served a acucious Miss Adna Edwards, County Some of the ladies of the town have been good enough to offer to serve a Cafeteria Suppen at the Courthouse on Friday Night, NOVEMBER 14. 1930 "WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW t By John Godfrey Saxe I know a girl with teeth of pearl, And shoulders white as snow; She lives ah, well, I must not tell Wouldn't you like to know? Her sunny hair is wondrous fair And wavy in its flow; Who made it less, One little tress? Wouldn't yon like t knw? Her eyes are blue celestial huel And dazzling in their glow; On whom do fhey beam With melting gleam? Wouldn't you like to know? Her lips are red and finely wed, Like roses ere they blow; What lover sips Those dewy Tips? Wouldn't you like to know? Her fingers are like lilies fair When lilies fairest grow; Whose hands do they press With fond caress? Wouldn't you like to know? Her foot is small and has a fall Like snowflakes on the snow; And where it goes Beneath the rose Wouldn't you like to know? She has a name, the sweetest name That language can bestow. T would break the spell If I should tell, but Wouldn't you like to know? at 6:00 O'clock P. M. This supper is to help the Chamber of Commerce raise funds to keep our town "In The United States 25-1 Associaticn." hi as sociation is advertising and serving travel over United States Highway 25-1 from Michigan through Marshall to Mumi. I ia, This association has done more to bring travel thniip;h :T::r- a!l than all other agencies combined. During the coming year it will send out hundreds of thousands f maps advertising this road we want Marshall on this map, and the association will expect us to donate a small amount, The Chamber of Commerce asks everyone igi town that possibly can to leave off their supper at home and come to the courthouse at 6:00 P. M. to 8:00 P. M., to get their sup per. Marshall High School Band will furnish music, and will be a good time for our people to get together and boost Marshall. Don't fail to get your supper here Friday evening. CHER OF COMMERCE GUY V. ROBERTS, President A. W. WHITEHURST, Secretary