, , - ill , 1., ' r yf i THE NEWS-RECORD The paper that tells what the people in the country as well as those in town are doing. Published TWICE A WEEK Tuesdays and Fridays AOISON county record Established June 28, 1901. FRENCH BROAD NEWS Established May 16, 1907. Consolidated Not. 2, 1911 THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY vol. xxix MARSHALL, N.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1930 4 Pages This Issue III I Mm M In AIL tt EX EK THE PUBLISHER'S COLUMN ABOUT VARIOUS MATTERS WHERE WILL YOU SELL YOUR TOBACCO? The News-Record has no strings on it with reference to supporting any particular market for the tobacco growers in Madison County. Our 0ne desire, first of all, is that the farmers receive the highest net price possible for their crop. If we knew where such price cou'ld be obtained, we would gladly advise the farmers of our section to go to that mar ket. But it is impossible for us to know beforehand. We can only pass on to our readers what the various warehouse men have to say about their particular markets and leave the farmers to be the judges. In this way we' assume no responsibility in the event any farmer or group of farmers should be dissatisfied with their sales. As a citizen of North Carolina we are naturally interest ed in our own state, and everything being equal, we would prefer to see the tobacco sold in North Carolina and the money spent in North Carolina. As a citizen of Western North Carolina, a country greatly blessed by Nature, we would not be loyal to our section of the State if we did not prefer to see it prosper. And in order for it to flourish, its citizens should trade at home whenever such trading can be done without harm to the one who spends the money. As a citizen of Madison County, and, Marshall in particular, we should have been much pleased if our own people could have seen their way to build a warehouse in Marshall where their products could have been marketed and their money spent for the benefit of Madison County people. Inasmuch as that project failed, we predict that our farmers will be o-pen-minded as to where they will take their tobacco and market it to their best advantage. It would be poor policy for the Asheville market not to offer every possible induce ment for this their first year. When our fanners have obtain ed the best price possible for their crops, the four banks in Madison County will furnish a safe depository for the cash and by banking their money in Madison County they will be helping Madison County people, and in that way helping to support Madison County institutions, such as churches, schools, charity organizations, homes, roads, etc. These banks will gladly supply their customers with blank checks with which to make their purchases, and the safest and most business-like transactions are settled by check rather than by cash. In fact it is unwise to carry much currency on one's person -especially in this day of almost daily hold-ups and robberies. We would suggest that instead of cashing your tobacco checks in order to pay bills that you deposit them with the banks and draw your own checks in settling accounts. In this way you take no risk of losing your mon ey and your check is a receipt for the payment whether you have any othfir receipt or not. In other instances Madison County people should make Madison County first in their interests, Western North Carolina second, the State of North Carolina third, and our sister states fourth. But we do not wish to be misunderstood in this. First settle the point as to whether all of the things are equal, as the law of self-preservation is of paramount importance. REGULATIONS OF TRAFFIC transportation is most strik ingly demonstrated. Choke these facilities by congestion or unwise regulation, and the EVERY COMMUNITY PAYS . effects are just as far reaching ITS COST although less obvious. Losses to the city through j traffic congestion and high ac- NO JUDGE AVAILABLE AS JUDGE MOORE IS SERIOUSLY ILL In a recent address deliver ed before a group of graduate cident rates are much greater Yale Traffic Engineers, Robert than would appear on the sur- B. Dodds, nationally known face. These losss are subtle traffic authority, said: jand difficult to trace. In the "The traffic problem in any first place traffic confusion is city is a community problem., bad advertising for a citv. In One of the difficulties in its so lution has been that each in dividual has approached it from the standpoint of his own interest- The individual motorist thinks of traffic con gestion as something that re stricts the speed at which he this present day when cities are bidding against each other for industries and citizens, and when it is so easy for a large proportion of the general pub lic to choose its place of resi dence in a way that was not possible twenty-five years ago, can drive his car through the the question of traffic confu city streets, and prevents him;si0n and inconvenience to from parking where he wishes. 'travel m a citv exerts an influ The merchant thinks of traffic J REFLATIONS OF TRAFFIC, congestion as something which ' ence which is more powerful increases his delivery costs j than is evident at first thought, and causes restrictions to .be Iojjle sometimes move from placed on parking, but he ob- one location to a!nother be jects strenuously to parking cause natural resources have regulations which are design-; caused industries to locate in ed to relieve congestion, as he , that particular section of the thinks they are likely to in jure hi8 business. The trans portation companies know traffic in terms of its cost, in increasing man-hours and cap ital investment per pasbenger mile or per ton-mile. The general public attitude dountry. In same cases cli mate has been the cause of migration. In most cases how ever, the migration has been prompted by better general living conditions in the new location. Traffic confusion and congestion which make it te- toward the traffic problem is dious and unpleasant to travel Repairs About The H,o use The building and loan asso ciation of Illinois have shown a friendly , disposition to aid the unemployment situation by helping to finance the re pairing of homes. Job had boils, but he escaped ath lete's foot, B. 0., halitosis and that future shadow. one of irritation and criticism. Each citizen has his own ideas about methods for relieving congestion, and is prone to crit icize the city officials if these ideas are not immediately ac cepted. These ideas, however, are based on personal experi ence with the automobile, and are usually impractical be cause they do not take into account the many factors which must be considered in effecting an equitable solution to the problem. An increasing number of people are gaining a new con ception of the traffic problem as a whole. They are begin- back and forth through the city add their full share to ward making the community Jess attractive than another where such conditions do not J prevail. What loss a city sus tains from this cause can nev er be exactly estimated except through a comparison of the growth of that city with the growth of other cities having similar natural resources and locations, but having better living conditions. Traffic congestion chokes the growth of a city. This can be substantiated in numerous instances by pointing to local ities where development has COURT POSTPONED UNTIL FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1931 Due to the serious illness of Judge W. E. Moore, who was scheduled to hold court in Mar shall beginning next Monday, November 24th. the regular term of court has been postponed until the first Monday in January. Every effort has been made by the Solicitor and attorneys concerned through the Governor of North Caro lina to secure a judge for this term, but without success. The only judge in the State who was not engaged for next week, was Judge Shaw ''retired) and his health was not such as to per mit him to hold court. All Witnesses and Jurymen Take Notice Solicitor R. M. Wells authorizes us to give notice to all Jurymen, Witnesses and any others summoned for the November term of court, that they are hereby excused for next week, but will be expected to appear at the term set for the first Monday in January. The following letter from Solicitor Wells io Mr. John H. McElroy was received Thursday morning: v November 19, 1930 Dear John: I have for three days been in almost constant touch with Governor Gardner's office at Raleigh asking for a Judge for next week, but they have given up all hope. S0 you may tell the Sheriff and Clerk that there will be no court there next week. I am sorry but it cannot be helped. With best wishes, I am Yours truly, R. M. WELLS. creased loss of life and time due to avoidable traffic acci dents, and loss of business ditions.1 method of control. In some comunities there exists the fallacious idea that the government of the commu- which is diverted from the city nity is a separate and distinct! Because 01 m your id entity from the community it self, and the citizens of such a community are very likely to be apathetic to the affairs of government. The people feel that acts of the govern mental departments affect them only indirectly. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every community pays SCHOOL DATES FOR HOLIDAYS BOARD OF EDUCATION FIXES DATES FOR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS ning to realize that traffic ' been held back by traffic con- We' have no connections . whatever, with the Central Bank and Trust Company of. Asheville, N. C., which closed its doors oh Thursday, November 20th.' - v ; . AVe are wide open .for business and are amply prepared for tiny contingency.. . t . . v THE BANK OF FRENCH BROAD i congestion and its attendant danger must be paid for, not only in personal inconvenience but also in actual dollars, through the increase in price of commodities due to the high cost of transportation delays, and through increases in in surance rates due to accident losses. The growth of transporta tion facilities is a limiting fac tor in the development of the modern city, for transport traf fic is the life blood of the com-' .v. .. . munity. Suspend transit facil ities and our dependence on gestion, but where a tremen dous new development has been stimulated by the open ing of a new boulevard or ar tery through the area, bring ing new homes and new citi zens to that section of the city. The use of arbitrarily timed, mechanisms as a means of reg ulating traffic has cost munici palities untold sums of money due to the congestion created by this type of control. With the advent of vehicle-actuated signal systems this congestion has been removed and most cities are now adopting this All eight-months' schools are to dismiss December 19th and to re- for the most efficient possible1 open December 29th. If short system o f traffic control, whether they have it or not. If they have it, they pay for it ; rangements for a shorter period in actual cash. If they do not ! After terrific struggles, the fresh- have it, they pay for part of it man finany finished his examination paper, and thes, at the end wrote: "Dear Professor: If you sell any of term schools do not want 10 days for Christmas vacation, see the County Superintendent and make ar- by paying for the more inef-, ficient system that they do! have, and the balance is paid for by the community in in- i i. -c cicoseu cusL ui cummuuiuea, SUBSCRIBE TO increased insurance rates, in-, THE NEWS-RECORD my answers to the funny pansrs, I expect you to split fifty-fifty with me." Life. 8!Wnvj"lB We are in no way connected with the Cen itrajl Bank and Trust Company of Ashe ville, N. C, which closed its doors Thurs day morning, November 20th. ' We are open for business and ready to take care of our customers. CITIZENS BANK