THE NEWS-RECORD The paper that tells what the people in the country as well as those in town are doing. MADISON COUNTY RECORD j Established June 28, 1901. 1 K rKcNCH BROAD NEWS Established May 16, 1907. Concolidated Not. 2, 1911 Published TWICE A WEEK Tuesdays and Fridays THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY yoL. xxix MARSHALL, N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1930 4 Pages This Issue 131 J''"-V MADISON COUNTY FUNDS ABSOLUTELY SAFE New York Bonding Company Guaran tees Safety of Peo ple's Money Walnut Seniors To Stage Entertainment Under the auspices of the Walnut Senior Class, an old-time fiddlers' convention will be given next Fri day, Decembtr 19, at 7:30. All bands and individual players are in vited to enter. Prizes will be given for first and second bands, banjo, guitar ad fiddle. car was a suitcase, in which was a brief case, pocketbooks, combs, key ring holders, and so forth, which had world. Then there are hip! pockets, vest pockets, top coat young men were lodged in the Mad ison County jail, while Greensboro officers were expected Tuesday af ternoon to take charge of them. ANOTHER STILL CAPTURED It gives us a great deal of pleas ure to be able to announce to our readers that the funds of the Coun- ;ty of Madison are absolutely safe. ?Due to the fact that the funds of VliA ountv are insured against loss reliable bonding company oi it was intended to maice mis con- . 1 ...ill ' toof t.I frif Wait few York, the county s iuhub ... ........ officers immediately raided it, cap . ji r ,Uof mow han. una. hut from those entenncr it has e saie regaruieaa ui v..v r . , --- r turinpr the complete 65 eaMon cop len in Madison County. we are a promise or uems oa.-w.u, " VloH fn make this annoucemem, special ieature win ue uie piaying the appearance of stolen goods. The ! and OYercoat pockets but it's a mystery just the same. Do' j i tney Keep hankies in eh these caches? On the other hand, we un derstand perfectly the falling off in( feminline handkerchief consumption. This brings us straight to a pet hate. Really there should be more pockets in female attire. Any man THE CHRISTMAS SEAL AND THE UNDERNOURISHED CHILD Tuesday morning about 11 o'clock J. S. Shclton and Doward Gentry, deputies under Sheriff Burnett, dis- pftvprpd n st.ill nn Rear RrnncU nf t Big Laurel going full blast. The j who s perpetually called up- vhich comes to us directly from Mr. of the Carolina Whoopee Boys, for " L McKinney, chairman of the merly the Carolina Trio, of Lenoir board of County Commissioners. . T TV ICS MADISON cuunn BANKS CLOSED MONDAY w m.T IS C Perfectly solvent CLOSE TO PROTECT DEPOSITORS per still and one man. Tha other man escaped. 150 gallons of mash and two and one-half gallons of whiskey were destroyed on the spot. The still and the captured man are both in the county jail. and members from everywhere, 1 Walnut, from the number of bands participating, has become the center for the best fiddlers' conven tion in this section of the State. Many bands have promised to enter j this contest. Those entering the last one were: Carolina Ramblers,; r'n.-ln Tvir. PnrTiarI Hnt Sni'nipS. I Tt,. nk "ars Hill closed Big Laurel, Mars Hiil, Alexander , the ladies are doing with few- Iriv Monday morning, and due to and local bands. er handkerchiefs year by year J - V- ; T'Urt tii-nAo ff fhic nrnrrrom will hf excitement Jp" . "iT used bv the Senior exclusively, to So, ay way, is Bank ot rrencn " j i j I dosed just before noon the same pay for their diplomas, and to Je-the Bureau of Census. day. This causea sua mu.u --j - - . 'til. nd quite a number of people promise you a good entertainment Sded the Citizens Bank through- and time and shall be grateful to you Z the remainder of the day. How- for whatever support you may give. L as we eo to press on Tuesday, Begin the holidays right by enjoying ?' believed that a sufficient nurrt- this occasion with us. One and all l of the depositors wm be loyal are invited to attend toflhe institution to enable it w fnd the storm wnicn WHERE DO THEY HIDE THEM? Strange as it may appear, the report of on to stow away upon his ownj person' "vanities,"' indecently lush powder puffs, lipsticks, and all manner of feminine minutiae will surely endorse this heartfelt proposal. Yes, there certainly should be more ladies with pockets. 1 aJL2lff rfr.iry P. Fletcher, of Pennsylvania, iiplomst and economist, named by I'rciiiicni ITnover tr new Tariff '.ommii i. -rair by 5st Coafresr. Warin But Not Stuffy itl In almost every mai-a..- --- bank closes its doors, the people canse it and not the officers of the fcattk. If the patrons of a bank woild go about their usual duties an4 instead of withdrawing, would . 2 ii iv, fnHa thev can ob- aeposit an STOLEN CAR TAKEN IN MARSHALL This source of information vouchsafes the fact that while men used eight per cent more handkerchiefs o r at least bought that many more in 1928 and in 1929 than in pre vious years women used 5.9 per cent fewer than they had during similar census-taking periods. From England comes the report, moreover, that sofe mercerized cotton of 1. u x-t- hunks would not oniy Bale', but would prosper and be able TWO YOUNG DRIVERS IN JAIL that goft mercerized cotton of to4 accommodate its customer "- awaitinu liKttnsuuKo loans when they need help. How i OFFICERS can people who have sought and ob-1 tained aid at the hands of a bank, , Monday night two young fellows .k in and demand an mcj "- drivine a line i-nrysier L,anaau Americans are always in terested in the fact that high in the lAlps, snowshoes on, a sistent to bitter winds dampness. Accordingly . rics known as worsted-and-du- rene will be much seen The Main objective for this Christmas time is relief for the hungry, relief for the needy. The United States is going to spend more money in improvements so that more people will have em ployment. States, counties, cities and individuals are asked to do likewise. Then the community chest comes a- long to help those remaining, and they have all reached their quota. THE UNDERNOURISHED CHIL DREN OF OUR STATE There are many undernourished children in the homes of the well-to do, not because of lack of food, but for lack of knowledge in using that food. There are many others under nourished and indeed hunger is gnawing at their vitals, because there is not sufficient food in tha house. To those the Christmas Seal comes with hope and healing. The Christmas seal in North Carolina di rected by the North Carolina Tuber- j culosis Association and local asso I ciations and committees has for sev- ana 1 erai vears hppn naturally adds these features in "supporting" worsteds. STUDENTS' CONTEST AT MARS HILL CHURCH PEOPLE'S OPINIONS SOUGHT BORLAND BELL the bank ; OB deposit. Wlicii ."w - rauyc omyiicu ... In distress? j ed to sell parts from the car they were driving at such a low price tnat they were suspected by Glen Ramsey to whom they tried to sell the parts. Chief of Police, Grover C. Redmon, was notified, and the young fellows detained until he arrived. Investigation disclosed that the car ; Well, they must Dec. 15. The girls belonged to Dr. C. I. Carlston, of j , , shnro. the city license being i 0C the uorianu 0f0H tqq ikJ M C. license 112-865. The I of COUrse, the classic PRESENTS PLAY Hot Springs, the fine quality known here as linen in handkerchiefs. But tut! What can the gentlemen be doing with their increasing handkerchief con sumption? Let every woman look to her escorts these days. They may be keeping hand kerchiefs up their sleeves. be keeping somewhere. There is, breast years been working on this fab- problem and the people are becom ing more and more interested, until this school year there will be more this than 200,000 undernourished chil- glacierj at your side, you can wjner -pjje atter being al d" cared for and the Cnristmas still ofen go hatless.and even mMt impervious to' objection-' u removyour sweater, so warm ablfi stretching or shrinkjng, and stimulating is the sun. Basing their theory on the increasing international inter est in year-round sports and winter playgrounds as well as those of summer, sweater, coat and dress manufacturers are giving particular thought to sturdy but not too ferociously warm winter apparel. The often overly heated houses and apartments of this country al- i REPRESENTATIVE McDEVITT CALLS MEETING OF CHURCH LEADERS TO DISCUSS EVILS AND REMEDIES WAYNESVILLE AND PLEASANT GARDENS STUDENTS WIN PRIZES Invitations have been sent out by Representative-elect N. B. McDevitt to the ministers and Sunday School superintendents of Madison County to meet at the Marshall High School i . , n ("i r r Tiff T 1 1 . . Th fifth annnol RHo Flo. auuuonum at :uu r. m., muisuay, SO play a part in this reason-1 claimers Contest, held at Mars Hill ' December 18. The invitation reads : College last Friday and Saturday, resulted in the prize for tho boys' ing. A 1J. 1 11. J- AS a result wool mat an- goin? to a student at Waynesville Cient symbol of winter warmth high school, and the one for the girls ... - , going to a student at Pleasant Gar- is being increasingly mixed dens high schoo high With that sturdily attractive , schools of Western North Carolina textile known as durene cot- entered the contest' and tho Prel5m" ' inaries in four divisions Friday, e ton. This is being done not limiated all but twelve speakers to economize on the wool but six bovs and six irls- From these . , , . twelve the winners were selected actually to keep modern win- Saturday. The contest was held in ter garments from being suf- the Society Hall and three judzes for , I desire to recognize the wishes of all the churches through their rep resentatives, and to do this, it's nec essary that I hear a free discussion of what you term the existing evils of the County, and your remedies with reference to the State and County legislation for passage at the session of the 1931 General Assembly." el,,.,, verv successfully presented 799 and N. C license ii-ooo. n. ui tuiSC, mC v.c.v ulc.ofc-, 6. - ----- - XngWhrChristmas,''yby O'Hare, young fellows with the car g.? ! pocket with its touch of mus- focatingly hot while allowing t' their names as Jack Nolan, age 18, . . . . o., rlthe Presbyterian cnurcn on ou..- uic , -o- .. ;7L venine. Services at other and Jimmy Douglas, age 20. On the , n churches were postponed and girls iffayed before a large audience. Miss , Catherine Griswold, Bible teacher, iVcted the play. The music was in Mrge of, Miss Neva Bailey and -t staging Miss Mary Waite. The cast . of characters are as follows: Mary, Lola Brazil; Josepn, r.isie i , ( Deborah, Innkeeper s wiie, Sparks; Shepherds, Elsie Rice . and i Piuline Spratt; wise men, Mary j ijnc, Luna Worley, Esther Higgms; pologue, Zelphia Hensley, Annie, ii,v0nr. Flossie King; panto-; ,Jme seventh grade; choir, tenth grade. f peeping out upon When a Feller Needs a Friend iWO ESCAPED PRISONERS ARE CAUGHT tWO OF T H E GOSNELL BUis BROUGHT BACK I " MARSHALL JAIL j Sheriff Burnett went over xo Creeneville, Tennessee Sunday, ana brought back to the Marshall jail iwo of the Gosnell boys, who were among th number breaking jail in VhaU recently These two boys Wre in jail fon larceny. They were taken up by the sheriff of Greene County, Tenn., who notified the of- m ii im L " n 1 u c for the bovs awarded Lhe urize'?, sil- the ! them to remain stalwartly re- ver loving cups, to Mr. Robert Lowe, j of the Waynesville .High School, and . Miss Iris Rabb, of Pleasant Gardens I High School. The title of Miss i Rabb's reading was "A Willing , j Worker," and Mr. Lowe's declama tion was "Mark Anthony, Before the Mob." Prof. R. M. Lee was chair i man of the body, and befor the ' contest began a piano selection was redered by Miss Lois Adams. While the judges were out making up their decisions, a vocal selection was l on ; dered by Rcy O'Brien, i This contest was the best yet held HALF-ACRE TOBACCO BRINGS OVER $250.00 MR. W. D. PLEMMONS OF SPRING CREEK SELLS CROP FROM HALF ACRE FOR $251.52 Mr. W. D. Plemmons of the Spring Creek section was in Marsh all Monday and showed us his Ware house sales for the tobacco which he jrrew on what he savs is less than one-half acre of land. The prices obtained for his crop range from The speaking was of such high order 1 10 dUC Per pouna, vm-b,. and showed such good training, that -2fi.11. The sales ran as follows: the judges had no easy job ,n mak- 350 lbs. at 30c-$105; 314 lbs. at ing up their decisions. They all de- 28c-$87.92; 184 lbs. at 24c served a prize, but of course there $45.08; 104 lbs. at 13c-$13.52; to were only two to be given out, and tal, 952 lbs. $251.52. A sample of the decision would not have been far Mr. Plemmons tobacco has been on wrong had it gone to any one of display at the Hot Springs bank for th nnntestants. Thos- taking Dart some weeks. As can be seen, this is in the finals Saturday were as fol lows: READERS ! Harris High School Lois Dea- ! ton - "The Lily of France" Weaverville H. S. Margaret Whit ton "Her First Appearance" Mooresboro H. S. Evelyn Blan ton -"The Day f Judgment" Grace H. S. Faye .- . Poole "The Faceless Man" FVnitlanH Institute Ames Stack "Tht Last Word" , Barnardaville H. ' S. Bntton Kid Pleasant Gardens H. S.- Iria j die ."The Unknown Speaker" BM "A Willinr Worker" Burnsville H. S Edwin Pow- an exceptionally fine crop, and was i produced by special fertilizing. j Lowe "Mark Anthony Before the Mob" Pleasant Gardens H. S. Pless Hennessee "Immortality" Sylva Collegiate Inst. Fred Parker "Lafayette, We Have Come" Fairview H. S. Edward Guf fey : ."The Conquerors" v DECLAIMERS ,.pv;" H. S. Toort ell . ."The National Flag"

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