'4 V THE NEWS-RECORD The paper that tells what the people in the country as well as those in town are doing. MADISON COUNTY RECORD Established June 28, 1901. FRENCH BROAD NEWS Established May 16, 1907. Consolidated Not. 2, 1911 Published TWICE A WEEK Tuesdays and Fridays THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY MARSHALL, N.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1930 8 Pages This Issut ypL. Xxix MARSHALL SCHOOL NEWS - CONTRIBUTED BY STUDENTS 6th B News Teacher, MiBS Silver CHRISTMAS IN THE HEART What is the though of Christmas? GIVING. What is the hope of Christmas? LIVING. What is the joy of Christmas? LOVE. No silver or gold is needed for giv ing, If the heart is filled with Christ mas love; For the hope of the world is kindly living, Learned from the joy of God a bove. ' LAURA HOOKER. THE CHILDREN'S SURPRISE Twas the night before Christmas, All the children were in bed; While dreams of old Santa Danced in their heads. They were all sound asleep, When a sudden noise Awakened them. It sounded Like the rumbling of toys. No wonder they heard it, For to their great surprise Down the chimney came Santa Looking very wise. He was dressed all in fur From his head to his toe; '''And as jolly and plump As always, you know. He filled all the stockings With candy and toys; yZfflT&se, up the chimney Hf Without making a noise. He sprang to his sleigh In the moonlight, so clear; And shouted, "A Merry Christmas, And a Happy New Year." LOLA BALL 6th B. CHRISTMAS WITH THE MOUSE It was the night before Christmas, When all through the house, Crept a sharp-eyed little mouse. He ran across the room To the tall Chrismas tree To see what he could see. He saw a piece of chocolate candy He though that it would be very dandy. For he liked everything that was Or most Everything that was good to eat. He went to the Jack-in-the-box and began' to scratch, When suddenly, he lifted the latch; And out jumped the little old wee man, And scared him so he never came back again. GEORGE ROBINSON 6th B. JIMMIE'S CHRISTMAS It was the day before Christmas tfn Chicago. The rich people were hurrying along the street, but none paid any attention to Jimmie, a lit tle orphan boy. Two years ago, his father had died, and only a month ago his mother had died. Since then he had wandered abnut the city half frozen and almost starved. He was wandering about the streets, looking in the shop windows at the toys and good things to eat. TTo wished he could have some for Christmas. He would have liked j some clothes and something to eat j more than the toys, for he was very n1d and hungry. He was looking in a shop window, when a kind lady came by. She liked children and spoke to him. He looked up and she said, "My boy, where do you live, and who is your father T" Jimmie said, "I have no home and no father or mother." The lady said, "Will you go and live mith me? You shall have good clothes, food and many toys. W will have a good time together." "Yes, I will go and live with you," Jimmie said. "Who are youT" "I am Mrs. Jones," she said. iCome, let's go, for we must get 'Tady for Christmas. Jimmie went along and she bought Governor General Sir Isaac Alfred Isaacs, former Chief Justice of Australia, just ap pointed by King George to be Gov ernor General of that Dominion. some clothes for him. They went to her home, and he had a good sup per and a good bed to sleep in. It was the first time he had felt com fortable in a long time, and he was soon asleep. The next morning, he had a good breakfast. After breakfast, Mrs. Jones led him into a beautiful room and in it there was a pretty Christ mas tree. There were many toys, candy and nuts for Jimmie. He was happy and very glad ho had come to live with Mrs. Jones. By LOLA BALL, Marshall School Sixth Grade. The following chapel program was given by the Sixth G;wJe "B" of Marshall school, Thursday morn- COMMUNITY CHEST IN MARSHALL A meeting of some of the church people of Marshall was held Thurs day afternoon and arrangements partially made to get together lots of articles for needy families of the community. Old clothing, food, fruit, fuel, toys, and anything of this na ture that can be spared to help the families whose needs have been made known to some of them, may be sent to the Shelton Tweed Corn pay, where Mr. J. Herschel Sprinkle will be glad to see that the article are properly delivered. 1 Thp. Introduction c- KlhSdntiClauS.-tKisismy j , L 111 new brother. You M'Matsl-l ing, December 11, 1930. Song "O Little Town of Beth lehem." Scripture Reading: Memory verses St. Luke, Chapter 2, verses 8-14. ,Prayer: Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me. Play : "Farmer Brown's Christ mas." Songs: "We, Three Kings of Ori ent, Are." "Away in Judea." "Christmas Bells." Shooting Bears In The Kitchen Women all over the country probably applauded the re-i cent statement of t h e First Lady of the land when she told the annual convention of the Girl Scouts of America that it takes as much courage to wash dishes three times a day as to shoot a bear. "Girl Scout work teaches young girls the importance of house work," she added. "There is a thrill even about the prospect of meeting a bear that is absent from most housework. If the blood runs fast among the perils of the kitchen, it may be over the dropping of Grandmother's r D D'ANET-Tn HPITM r. U. UHM IU UI LIU EARLY iN JANUARY Commodore Emmett Gudger, one of the large stockholders in the Bank of French Broad, came down Friday from New York with reference to the opening of this bank. Com. Gudger is our au thority for the statement that the bank will, without doubt, open early in January, 1931. As' the bank is in the hands of the State, it must wait for the machinery of the State to open it, and we are glad to announce to our readers that the o pening will be very soon. china cup, the burning of the roast, or the discovery of a mouse. The ordinary routine of three meals a day, clean clothing, a clean house, is quite enough. Many women consider housework mere drudgery, and what man who has ever tried it will blame them? But in the simple task of dishwashing women may hold one of the keys to the family's health, physicians tell us. If this task is performed so thor oughly that micro-organisms are removed from forks, spoons, cups, glasses, and oth er articles that are conveyed directly to the mouth, there can be no passing of commu nicable disease germs around the table by this method. These are the frontiers of modern life, these are the "bears" that stalk the family j forest. A woman who sees clearly their place in the de velopment of a safe environ ment flies the gallant flag of courage over the humdrum wash tub and bath tub and kitChen Sink. By Albert T. Hrid . Christmas Goes Modern More than 1,000 of these futuristic Christmas trees have been set out on Hollywood Boulevard in the film capital. "RADIO" SURGICAL OIFE Dr. Cuti.m won't hr.ve to sharpen his dull knife before making an inci sion now. The Westinghouse X-ray-Co. has developed a new "radio" surgical knife that sears as it cuts. By this remarkable invention the or- umary sieei sewing needle is con- verted into an ultra-sharp "blade" j-sharper than any knife. This is accomplished by shooting a neculiar electric current through the needle. CHRISTMAS CHEER FOR NEEDY The Marshall school, at the sug gestion of the principal, Mr. D. M. Robinson, is providing some Christ mas cheer for some needy families this season instead of having a num ber of Christmas trees, as has been the case heretofore. A list of quite a number of families has been se cured from the pupils and others in terested in the school, and each school room is taking care of cer tain families. Food, Clothing, Christ mas tovs. and so forth, will be taken about Christmas Day to brighten the day for the unfortunates. SIX PRISONERS ! BREAK JAIL THIRD JAIL DELIVERY IN LAST FEW WEEKS Six white prisoners escaped from j the Marshall jail Wednesday night, i Those who escaped were Joe Case, Verno Gosnell, J B. Gosnell, Tony j Claxton, Ben Naughty and Lloyd who was not in the cell, remained in hopes; what a wealth of lost oppor the jail. The three colored prison- , tunities; what a world of despair ers also remained in the jail. All and tragedy are comprehended in ! the prisoners were in cells except the trusty. Parts of the bedstead i 0q1 ,'r, krooVmir lrx-L-o onH os- i caping. NO PAPER NEXTFRIDAY ONLY ONE NEWS-RECORD NEXT WEEK Due to the fact that Christmas falls this year on our regular press day Thursday our inten tion is to issue only one paper next week, and that will be our Tuesday edition. Let our readers and advertisers take notice so that all copy for next week's paper may be in the office if possible by Monday. Any articles of whatev er nature received after early Tuesday morning may be held till the following week. The office f orce will wish a little time off for Christmas. - -.-" THE PUBLISHER. SEAL SALE CHAIRMEN Following is a list of the chair men for the sale of Christmas seals of the various communities in Mad ison County: Dr. W. E. Finley, White Rock, N. C. Miss Mary E. Carter, Faust, N. C. Miss Ethel. E. English, Ivy, N. C. Mr. Wayne Farmer, Hot Springs, N. C. Mrs. Fred Sams and Mrs. O. M. Jar vis, Mars Hill, N. C. Mrs. E. R. Elmore, County Chair man, writes us that the sale is pro gressing very nicely. The current, of about 1,000,000 volts, passes thiouch th- bodv ith- lout being felt. And as it cut-; ic sears over the adjoining cells, cau terizing, sterilizing and preventing j bleeding. The result is a clean in icision. According to the makers i the new needle can be used for mak ! ing deep incisions for major opera- ions or for delicate surface onera- ions. MAN MAY STRUT "If we could only fall into the la dies' arms wi-.hout falling into .hdr hand!" a wit once moaned. But now and then it seems the ladies do a bit of fairly obvious falling into masculine hands. For example, the i new sports clothes for winter re- , sorts now being: shown in the fashion marts of the world have a way a bout them which surely shows a man's hand. There are the new du rene beach pajamas that spring S without doubt from the Latin "ho j mo." . The,' little lustrous cotton po lo shirts so popular with tweed suits and for active sports are un deniably masculine in origin. In short, if man wants to strut he can about the influence in the clothes that women wear. And this in the face of an international movement for "romantic" clothes! Well now, come to think of it, man may have suggested them, too Applicant (position of office boy) : "I may say I'm pretty smart. I've won several prizes in cross-word and word-picture competitions late- ly." Employer : "Yes, but I want some one who can be smart during office hours. Applicast: "This was during office hours." Ex. MODERN EVE Mother "Why did you strike your little sister?" Young Bobby "Well, we were nlavinc Adam and Eve. and instead j of tempting me with the apple, she late it herself." Ex. IF WE ONLY HAD "If we only had the money!" 'What a multitude of unfulfilled that phrase! Every day the doctor, th" nurse, the tuberculosis executive savs. "If we only had the money, we could do this, that or the other thing We could build a preventorium, we could employ those extra nurses, we could examine and X-Ray the school chil dren and provide treatment for such as need it; we could find and provide for the undernourished child, we could carry on these much needed studies of our problem w hat couldn't we do, if we only had the money." This is not, however, the wail of a despairing soul, nor the last gasp of a lost cause. It is rather a chal- leger to newer and greater opportu nities, to carry on more vigorously than ever before. The Christmas seal sale gives you at t his holiday season a chance to meet this challenge. Buy Christmas seals and bring hope to those who are looking for your sup port of the tuberculosis campaign. Answer , the calL "If we only .had" by buying more seals this year of need than ever before. ; ?.

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