'if: ' (" I frYl THE NEWS-RECORD 4 The paper that tells what the people in the country as well as those in town are doing. MADJSON COUNTY RECORD PnlnklinU A T...... OO 1 AA1 FRENCH BROAD NEWS P Established May 16, 1907. Consolidated Nor. 2, 1911 Published TWICE A WEEK Tuesdays and Fridays MS THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY VOL. XXIX MARSHALL, N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1930 4 Pages This Issue fruit mmm broad ill opem at early date 1 i ' ? ' ' i SHELTON LAUREL BOY i KILLED BY COUSIN SANFORD HENSLEY VICTIM OF1 RIFLE BULLET MONDAY 4 S Sanford Hensley, age 16, son of and Mrs. Bob Hensley, of the DEWEESE BOYS in jail Nowirrrs. Plnns for rpnnpnino" flip "Rnnlr nf l?WmVi Broad which closed on December 15 are going forward without a hitch, according to reports. The Auditors employed by the State Banking Department have comnleted their audit and rp- jport that they find the bank in excellent condi- u iv vuui M.X l vi n.a.91 f r tvtiVll ON RIVER ROAD MONDAY DR. SAMS GOES ONE BETTE1 bert was living. Herbert Franklin, ' Countv iail in reference to'ino- nrPQPnPrl tn nthpr Hpnnsltnra n fast J1S nns- age 20, is now m jail, having given .ot- wh- h occurrcd in the r SAYS BABY WAS BORN MADISON WEIGHING OVER POUNDS 17 mi. . i. i. i J . 1 ' 1 i Shelton Laurel section, was shot and WOUNDED IN CUM BATTLE IN , a CUIlirUCUJ OI QepWS, WniCn BtlPU- aimost instantly killed by a .22 rifle , little ivy section late that depositors will not make withdrawals in the hands of Herbert Franki Christmas afternoon until a certain date and provides for an orderly ?helLo;te atVhoL; John Dewee and his liquidation, have been signed by practically all 01 Tlison rranKim, wiui wau... hrnt, rwppn ho-p 20 nro in the ' Ul UltJ laiJiti UCUUNWIS fcUlU U1C CUIlUfclCtS ell C UC- It seems that the Ashpvillo V., sicians were having a great deal to I say as reported by the papers, about ' a 1 d11A11WI hnhn k v ' 4 T !lt the shooting was accidental. The nftpmnnn. Th,. account flv. Jnfmct Vor. Un VrxxTTv V,-v v , recently. In discussing the matter. . ,,frt!,-,H it was i uicai inicicoi; iiao uccn siivvii m uic upur' - story j we understand it, was n Lhe nflr ftf Hpnoitor TTld ' S K and sa!' was something like this: ! Asheville Citizen is as follows , ing 01 tne CanK On me part 01 aepOSUOrS ailQ nothing to brag about, as he offlcia- The Hensley Doy, wno is a cous.n , , npw(1P!i 2, . hi. broth. fviprids Ot the bank and On 6VerV hand eXrireS- ted a few years ago when tn be afraid of Franklin. . -. i i 1 ,.; Ul CUllllUCllCC 111 WctllA. CIIC llCtti u. shot bv their nephew, Gomer Saw-; BROUGHT TO MARSHALL FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT Two men and nna e-irl were ininr- j ed Monday morning in a car wreck I , l j 1 l it : i ... , . a snou himself up to omcers, ciainnK Liue Jyy gection of Ma(Hson County was over where the Franklin boy lived and the two were sitting side by side. Franklin loaded the rifle and immediately it went off, the ball passing through Hensley's che-st, possibly striking his heart. The boy was brought to Marshall, accompa nied by Joe Baxter and Banner Chandley, a mail carrier. Deputies C. H. Ramsey and Jerry Rice went Monday afternoon to the scene of the shooting and made an investigation. Mr. Ramsey reports that there was an eye witness to the shooting, an older brother of the de ceased, who was summoned to be at it hearing Wednesday, December 31, rtBT&i o'clocfc JsWore W R. Saws, P. The officers also brought in ie clothes of the deceased and the gun with which he was shot. 'Ms Am on the river road, about three miles IN eniltVl Moi.eVir,11 ,lr..l U-.r l.Anl on collision of the two cars when rounding a curve on slippery pave ment. Mr. G. W. Thompson of Al : bemarle, N. C, suffered an ugly cut on the left cheek and a slight cut o- ver the right eye when he was forc , ed through the windshield of the car. Mr. Lewis Gray of near New I port, Tenn., was also cut about the face and leg. His sister, Miss Vergie Gray, was also slightly cut about the leg and face. Five of the Gray family, children ' of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gray, of near 1 Newport, were in a Ford touring car traveling in the direction of Asheville when they were met by a Ford tudor sedan, driven by Mr. Ci. W. Thompson, of Albemarle, accom panied by a gentleman friend. Due , to the slippery condition of the road, H. the Albemarle car 4 TTo.4- -P rnsA -irris-c Tirovo CAn Ki r Miss Lisrnbrd had rharcrp nf p ' nnt hp lcpnt. from skiddinfir in- was still in the hospital yesterday lAmnuj. u.. WQe V,io Wcta ult play, while Miss West was in ' to the other car. So far as we were with wounds about his face, lis and were torced to close because 01 tnis nyste- . f th rhi1f,rptl,s ,. , , , th wrpck was una. , -i - " rj w , 1'ia. BankS are Controlled by tne btate UOIPO-I Music was given by Miss Agnes voidable, and was not due to negli- TJonlrci o-vq iv hnoinocc VA- ! Lisenbee. Due to bad weather there srence on the part of the drivers. raiKJIl UIinill&SlUll. aiix aiu ' was onlv one practice for the sonef. ! The wounded were brought to Left Hcpuai f , poiic-p thev can maKe a pronironi luaning niuit child weighing 17 pounds and 2 ounces i vva.i uuin iu mi . ana ivirs. derer n- It is extremely unlortunate that a hnancial son, of near Marshall. vor wlipn Ihpv pnllpd at the home of win sawyer, their brother-in-iaw, in institution which has been of so srreat interest to the Little Ivy section of Madison rmlnfv r pitizPTIS. shoillff be filosed be- : CHRISTMAS PROGRAM county Christmas aiternoon, and nr- v,, - AT CHURCH county L.nristmas aiiernoon, aim nr-, " . ,-. ENON BAPTIST ed a shotgun several time, into the cause of unf ounded reports and hysteria on the , Sawyer home, according to Madison Q Q pe0ple The Confidence Of the PCO" A Christmas program, directed by county authorities. i1 " i j i l i in t j.-j.j.: ,. M!ss Evelyn West and Miss Mary Both the wounded men were pie Seemed tO be Shaken ill aIl SUCh mStltUtlOIlfc Lisenbee, was given at Enon Ba brought to Aston Park hospital for beCaUSe of bank f ailUrCS in every part OI the , tist church Christmas Eve medical attention. John Deweese Mnt,f fho nlnco honlo woro cminH I Miss Lisenbee had cha neck, his chest condition was and his legs, not consider d His seri-, Tlia hrn7C anil nrivle aa trt i rrvi Tlff.ml.nll Ut r'anri1a na 11 P" ' b V. J .m 1 AniTri -f h - mrinaT WTITh thp Amended for their interest nnd :i!.ilitv Q n Vovo-nsnn also went to the FORD CAPTURED SATURDAY NIGHT SI GALLONS LIQUOR CAPTURED 1 11C Olici in a ucjjai i, ii ic lit, i v ' vi , the capture of a Ford car Saturday fr. night carrying 51 gallons of liquor. Officers Rice and Ramsey were said to have chased the car all the way from Marshall to Buncombe Coun ty. The men driving the car car rying the liquor, made their get-away. Wio KrMhpr lpft the hospital after . . flpnOSlIOr leaVtJS Hie IllUIiey WIUI UlC : ' aim ...,n .uy o. D. reiSuu., - treatment but was arrested yest. r- t .V . " i -fl, j shown, especially since there were scene of the wreck and brought in day at the home of his sister on banks and they .in turn reloan tne money 10 oinei , ve few tice riods j f the ties The cars were Spooks branch by Madison and Bun-, Jjzeng 0f the COUnty. The State requires I The program could have been ' said to be badly torn up. The in combe county officers. A warrant' i,nj nry-.T a cmcill nPWPTlt. nf 1 much better if cold weather, etc., ' iuries of the people in the wreck was served upon John as he lay at DariKS IU Keep w i nauu viiij c " had not prevented practice periods, j were treated by Dr. Sams the hospital. Uomer sawyer was ar- 4-ne deposits; OtnerWlSe Uiey CUU1U nui icciv under $5oo . deposits and pay interest tnereon. u iney nau charged with assault with deadly i to keep all deposits at hand in cash, they could weapons. I not afford to pay to the depositors the rate of in JT. " LL, ! terest they expect. S6 when everything is sim- came to Asheviiie with the warrants mprecl down and condensedwe nnd that tne en- . . -m 1 tire banking world and the entire banking sys Mr. Radford said au thorities have .learned by investiga tion that there has been some trou ble previously between principals in the affair. He said the Deweese brothers went to the Sawyer home early Thursday afternoon and creat ed a disturbance. John is alleged to have fired several times at Will Sawyer standing in front of a win dow. Sawver was not struck. Mean- last time, Gomer Sawyer secured his fa ther's shotgun and fired upon his un cles from the vantage of another window, according to the story tolfi The Sawyers claimed to Miles: "Well, old Gene MacDon ough remained Scotch to the breath." Pyles; "What do you mean?" Miles: "When he felt a henrt at tack enminir On he managed to fall officers. in front of a passing auto, so the have warned the invading kinsmen Insurance company would have to several times not to advance upon pay his widow double indemnity." the house, but that the warning was New England Printfr. disregarded. t Champion Junior Steer feeder J J- til uaiiiviiife A tern is conducted upon a basis of trust and confi dence. As long as this trust and confidence ex ists, everything moves smoothly. But when people fail to extend to their own home banks the TRUST and CONFIDENCE they so evi dently deserve, they kill and destroy the very thing they should fight to preserve, namely PROSPERITY in their county. Most of the hysteria of the people has abat ed; most of the shaken confidence has returned; tw wpII rilared TRUST the people had in their banks has come back. Let's all be boosters for our.banks and get behind them squarely. bticK to and fight for the banks that are open and lend every effort to the reopening of the ones that were closed because of the loss of your confi-Hpnr.e. "You all know the officers of the banks per sonallyknow them to be good citizens, honest Christian gentlemen. There was nothing to fear in our banks which was in their hands; there is nothing now to fear. Speak a good word, be a booster and not a knocker. ANNOUNCEMENT I am planning to begin a meeting Sunday night, January 4, 1931, at Lower Big Pine Baptist church. We ask for the prayers of all Christians that we may have great success, as we have many precious young men who need Christ. We now send the Macedonian call to our neighbor churches to come o ver and help us. It is expected that Rev. W. B. Sprinkle of East Morganton Baptist church will do the preaching. These services will be held at at 11:00 A. M. and 7:00 P. M. Mr. Gray was sent to the Mission hospital at Asheville on account of a fractured knee cap. CRIMINAL COURT NEXT WEEK ALL WITNESSES AND DEPEND ANTS TO BE HERE MARSHALL CHURCHES TO HOLD UNION REVIVAL Th F o a r Marshall Charche To Alternate Serricet For On Wks t pm nfh. chllrci, t0 Breach the Niahtl. . m... : win S r t i c Entj 1 the Presbyterian church, the pastor church to preach the first sermon. The next service will s. AanTolaa, i4, of Sangimoa County, iii., with her Aberdeen rV.J :cr -ith which hc wen the 4-H championship at the Chicago 1, ' Tr; csition. , - k. no it evonincr at another one It has been announced that the 0f the four churches, with another four Marshall churches, the Presby- pastor to preach. Our understand- terian, whose pastor is Dr. J. T. M. jmg i8 that the services will thus be Knox, tha Methodist, whose pastor iassed around from one church to is Rev. S. C -Weatherly, the Mission-. another, the congregations of all the ary Baptist, whose pastor is Rev. G. churches being expected to attend fi. Tnme. and the Free Will Bap- n T)nrinr the revival, furth- l tut, whose pastor u man, will begin a series of servicei er plans and announcements Irill be , . r frv- f made, ine cnoira Oi nu mo - .. 'next MOnaay, rfmunry v. !of this series of services will be at es are asked to participate and ev- erybody is cordially invited to at tend. The first service will be at 7:30 o'clock. We are asked by the Clerk of the Court to say that all State witnesses and defendants, which were sum moned to be here at the regular No vember Term, are expected to be in Marshall next Monday, January 5. Judge McElroy will preside over the term of Criminal Court, which will begin on that date. Quite a number of cases will claim the attention of the court. CRIME TO SPREAD RUMORS ABOUT BANKS $500.00 REWARD OFFERED FOR CONVICTION OF ANY PERSON WHISPERING O R TALKING TO DAMAGE BANKS , The News-Record would like to call the attention of its readers to a law which makes it an offense to spread rumors det rimental to a bank. Judges throughout the State are calling this matter to the at tention of the Grand Juries, and people who say anything in regard to any bank that may be damaging to the bank whether they intend to damage the bank or not, are likely to b arrested under this law. Any person found guilty of such an - -offense would find very little mercy in any court The banking association -is . offering a reward of $500.00 for the con- viction of the first person for this off ense. , .

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