PLAN FOURTH OF JULY FESTIVAL FOR MARSHALL WOMANLESS WADDING TO BE STAGED AND FINE BALAAM uin laiAnu f P-T.A.Makes Plas For All-Year Work a Mrs. Dedrick Bowman Acti A President Of Loral ,' ;' Organization The choice of Mrs. De'ric ALL GRADES will be posted and Prof. Dillard urges chil dren to come and Secure hooks any Saturday between 2 and 4 MRS. GUY ROBERTS Sunday School Conference At North Fork Big Pine A Sunday school conference Bowman for President of th PT. A. for the ensuing eai1 seems to have been a most h-ip- tm. Mrs T?nwm a n is tfc k- ing the work in hand and was held at North Fork Big . j i-A r,iV tViafiiirni Rantiaf oroi Inst Snn- plans be laid for next yearVdiV (2 to 4 P.M.) preparatory iwork and that the association jto beginning of Sunday scnooi work in summer as well as win- revj val work in the cnurcnes oi ter. She has announced the New Found Baptist Associa names of those1 on her princi- jtion. Vi:Ham Worley, of Mar pal committees and states that; shan, NT. C., and 51:.- Knmce the chairmen of these commit-Davis, of p,?ie- c- verc' -tees, with herseii, tne vice-japp0inte iri(' f president and treasurer of the peri.itenient und secretary re- .Association, constitute me gpectiver-x. .nmmiffM. which, Thi. Tieeting was well at- 2meeU each month and carries tendei' a,nd the fellowship all on work during the summer. that ctiUi(i have been desired. Plans for the meetings next Good sinng was rendered Dy year are also being made. The the ioc ai . cIiot. William C. ittPA has metiRinnnt. nstor of Marshall uVftciii v.m...-- - - . T i j .j . i Mighty Max Baer damp. Primo Camera J . V....V,,.... I NI5W TOint . . . "This battle Is t! Wg shot of my life and I 'm in canditiou to measure the champ, 111 win." said California Max IJacr, ending training for the Camera bout, June 14. t v. ft r.d 1 11 will ft-i'i ind "iho iiu(iiriTk. " toi Lftrr.r sa tie eod" J I foi .Mma ci , Jm Ui , "I haven't tfe cl9nvnjr id ted said train- lug 2tte MARSHALL ANDrilSON COUNTY ON THE Altt Will Codes Develop Into Monopolies? COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION WAS HELD IN MARSHALL MONDAY 'II a4 Pc FAVORJ RETAINING N. C. PROHIBITION LAWS and ordered literature for its wnrV Hurincr the school year. i; Executive Committee- ( Composed of Vice President, Baptist church. devotional part the service, after which Frd JrviH made a vprv finp evnoit!n of the ten L VWil.p""-- - 11 vH, Treasurer, and heads o a1 1 points, knovn hs the Standard tlso spoke 1 work in mmiHfPs1 Mrs. Wllllnf TYrpllfinf H I li.n nkoirmnn: Mr. Her-lnf tho RiinHsv st r; luvitvn, viic ... i - ' schel Sprinkle, mr. j. o. "-iirencn uroau tsap.1 . Y lard. Mrs. O. S. Dillard, Mrs. Won, pointing out gfpat gams finv V. Roberts, Mrs. a. 'ithat had been accoji'"a': ... Pro ;-a. j. Carl I McLe; I. M Hnrinor t.Vip nast. ffiw vr8, and attributable largely to -th? reg ular and continuous tfforls of a few of the leaders i.i tnat As sociation. Another meeting t.t North Fork 'Big PiSe BaptUt church was tmnBunced for tli,fee'o,l Sunday in July, . atrtt'o- f.Mi This will be the first Sunday school, rally to be held in the New Found Baptist Associa tion). Tlh'e churches ct mpri?- Ramsfiv. Mrs. J. C. Sprinkle. Ways & Means Committee-; Mr. Herschel Sprinkle, chair man; Mrs. J. H. Dava Mrs, D. O. Turkey, Mr. O. S. DiHard, Mr. Craig Rudisill. - Publicity Committee .Mr. (y-'l?atTeTttcJrMn I Irs. "Lefe Bryan, Mrs. Sally Mc Hone, Wrs. D. S. Tweed, secre tary of toe P.-T. A. Program Gommiuee mio. Ramsey, chairman; iwrs. Blankenship, Mrs. W. K. :injr that Association art invit 'McLean, Mrs. S. B. Roberts, ed t0 attend and to mate re- Mrs. E. N. Holcombe. I ports of the work done in their Work for the summer jSundav school. A fine pro- months is carried on by mem-(gram will be arranged ano car- berg of the Executive Commit-,ried out of course you will tee, which meets once each Want to be there at that timo. month At this juncture the congre ss At the home of Mrs. Bow-!gatjon joined in prayer, being man, on last Friday night, the ! ie(j by W.C.Blount. More Executive Council met and de-Singjng was rendered by the Cided to sponsor a 4th of Julychoir. Following this, a short festival on the Island at Mar- jtalk on "The Church" was Shall. A ball game wil! be the I made by Clay Barnes. Then feature of the afternoon twjprayer wa? made by Robert local men, names of whom will , Tweed. After another song1, be disclosed later, will act as (the congregation adjourned, captains of the team, and anjwith benediction by Jesse . ; interesting ball game H prunus- yvatts. . 1 ' ed. Come to the Island and i i bring the children.L Spend the I ' - S ht'p "a. ,Dri : F R E N C H. B R Q A D and light refreshments will be served and amusement fori V n Aljlil . vonncr and old U offered. O. O. UiLuUl rV "The Womanless Wedding' ' y At a f pw. vears ago with Dr. Sams ag bride, Bewley Tweed ar gjoom, Mr, lienaricjisiacu in& a rinor-bearer, was such" a huge success that we have de cided to repeat it, and a Wo manless Wedding will be stag ed iti the evening of July 4th in the school house. You can t afford to miss this laugh-provoking performance. P10): nent local business men will take the various parts and a M tima i. 9ufpd. - uonvenuon. : xnis win ba a 1 . Help the P.-T. A. by coming peciai session oi cne preacner to the Island and spending the school which will be in session afternoon and evening of July ; at Mars Hill College during 4th. Jun, : and lots of fun, is that week. Some of .the out ' I. . a.- l. i.L . .f ta atnTifUno- Rnnfiaf loAdfr mf fVin .. going w ue wis w v v - - - y- '-: Aav ' South will be. present -Now, if 'The r.-T. A. desires to oe ot .wui- m w uui pew- iervice to all patrons of the pie to this meetingt Are they k llarshall school. To help the going to attend this afternoon children et as much as pos- 'gathering? We can hardly af- gible from the school is the fir3t ford to miss this. It may be 50 kin Of this association. TO tms years ueiwre an uviortunjr d. the HDrary win oe openeu swwss wus A. Zeb Whitt was re-elected chairman of the Democrat ex ecutive committee of Madison County at the county convention held in the court house Monday morning. Mrs. Fred E. Freeman was chosen vice-chairman and Douglas M. Robinson, re-elected secretary. Announcement of the vote of the executive committee, taken while retired Crom the main auditorium room, was announc ed by Dr. W. A. Sams of Mar shall. W. K. McLean, Marshall at torney who has announced as Democrat candidate for the chairman, Porter Ray, Gaither Ray. Arthur Duck. John Eng lish, an(fMrs. Julia M Youngs rownsmp 5, Jeter Kobmson; ch airmail, Harry Murray, H. W. McLean, Jake Halcombe, EdwinTkfarvis and Mrs. Edwin Jarvisjf township 6, G. H. Rob erts, J t-Bryan Teague, chair man, Ci If. Reeves, L. B. Reeves Plummer Buckner, W. M. War lick and Mrs. Nora Dockery; township 7, Jack Payne, chair man, .Willis Payne, Hugh Payne, Woodrow Roberts, Wi ley -M. Rdberts and Mrs. Wiley M; Roberts; township 8, ward 1, HS. Davis, chairman, Mrs. J. M. Plemmons, P. Corn, W. G. Priced tJ6hn Gardner, and G. C. Frisbyr ward 2, R. H, Phoe nix; chairrr"!, J).- R. Ledford, onfc C' T Fow- state senate from this district pledged his support ttf jthe peoDJL. Cr' Pfe ann to the Democratic or-.ierisoyc ganization of Madison' Oountv.lAln.a P. Introdtsction-of ,icandidtfteWTGChtti.M-1.1, . -, the various county offices were'Hensley C. L.,N Stamey, ,C. C, made. They included: Fred 13. Brown, and Mrs.W. T. Park Freeman' for Representative; I er. a Mr. McLean, State Semite ; Township 10, ward 1, W. H. Mrs. Pearl Rector, Register ofiWallvn, chairman; J. E. Bish- i Deeds; Board of Education, J. op, E. S. Bishop, Mrs. Wr H. wauin, Anarew jsisnop; wara 2, J. C. Wallin, chairm ln, Rob ert Norton, Jack Stines, Champ Will the NRA through the development of codes create monopolies in restraint of trade and thu8 destroy the small in dustrialist and business man? In anticipation of this danger the President appointed the Advisory Review Board with Clarence S. Darrow asN chairman. it would appear trom a re Some Beauties Of This Section Advertised view of some of the codes by. the Advisory Board that they "are developing a mononolistic trend and are doing injury to dendron Festival the small industrialists and business men." Observations of Senators Nye and Borah point to the same conclusions Sponsored by the Marshall Ciyitan Club and with funds raised by local business firms, Marshall and Madison County are being given some valuable publicity this week. Wednes day, Thursday and Friday, the attention of the people in the range of Asheville's broadcast ing station is being directed to the scenic attractions in Madi son County. In substance, the following announcement is to be repeated twice each day for three days during the Rhodo- between 12 and 2 o'clock and six and eight o'clock P.M. One of the most fascinating drives' in Western North Caro- Those who favor the NRA 'ma is down the "Million Dot. plan as a reform or remedial, lar Highway" from Asheville measure in business relations through Marshall, along the admit that code practices in French Broad River. Just any given line of business tend , twenty miles to Marshall, to force every unit in that line county seat of Madison; a u to the same wage schedule and nique and picturesque town commodity price schedule, thus overlooking the French Broad doing away with competition. When codes actually develop into monopolies, the anti-trust act may be invoked, or should this be found inconsistent with the apparent plan to stop de structive competition, as some think it would be, v the codes may be brought ultimately un der regulatory legislation sim ilar to the regulatory powers exercised over our public util Under the competitive sys- lem, ii is pointed oui, monopo lies developed rapidly, but with no sense of order or of the rights of the public . They-i Clyde Brown, Chan W. Bald ing, Wayne Peek", Lee Ramsey, and Joe Worlev: arid Sanky Brigman, county commissioner, i Ray, Jack S. Chandler, and The names of several other Miss Dorothy Roberts; 'town candidates were called but ship 11, J. J. Whitt, chairman, Mrs. (Jilus Mitchell, Edgar Bry an, George Marshbanks, Cilus Mitchell, Jeter Shook and Hu- 7" DON'T MISS READING THIS The next S S. Rally for the French Broad Association will be held with the Mars Hill Baptist church July 1st at 2:30 P.M. The meeting will convene at 2:30. Reports -will be receiv ed. Announcements made. After this the meeting will be conducted by M. A. Huggins, Secretary of the N. C. State . 1 . . .. AS ' '. . convention, inis win oe each Saturday from 2 to 4 in tier that school children may I 1 .Mil hAivttt tin.i rniW If III KH JLUU ISCILUI MICU i i -"iCing ior nexr yen'.. . mui.v g.m. . - ci supplementary books FOR . . z&V JtMist upu Let every church send not less than' SO delegates. Let's remember the meeting July 1st they did not answer. Dean I. N. Carr of Mars Hill Crjllega introduced the follow ing1 resolut'on for the county bert Rice; township 12, Joe platform: "We favor the Worley, chairman, Mrs. Geter maintenance of North Caro-1 Worley, A. E. Worley, Isaac lina prohibition laws andiWorley, M. W. Roberts, Joe urge that instruction in temper- Roberts, and Fred Worley. ance nd sobriety be given our Township 13 Roten Ebbs children in the homes, schools chairman, Sanford. Blanken and hurches." Motion of ac-ship, Allen Gates, Mrs. Morris rertince was made by W. K. King, and Walter Reece ; town- M.I.Oan and seconded by red snip ia, u. m. nouiiisuii. cnan E Freeman". It was unani- man, Mrs. Obie Jarvis, I. N. adopted. Carr, Yates Ammons, Fred , Prf (''nct committees certified Holcombe; township 14, Kelse arthi convention Monday are Wilson, chairman, Mrs. Clyde . i ,, . . T-k. T tTT A a.. loliows: township 1, ward Amrauns, r. corn, j. w. Ara 1. W. A. Sams. Chairman. L. H. mons, J. T. Dill, Glen Cargile, Gzeiitanner. W, W. Duck- A. C Ball, and J. D. Thomas Wortft. .W. m Norris. Wavne on: and township: 16 Rothie Brigman, ancOlfs. LliHO Giez- Brackens,- chairman,. Mrs. Hen entanner; ward 27 Lacjr Reedry.iingitwn; a, to. Honeycutt :W. chairm&n, R. H." McClure, San- F.' Brackens, Charlie Capps, ky Brigman, A. B. McDaniel, Mrs. Everett Ingle-and Glenn J. O. Wells, and Mrs. R. H. Jarvis. McClure; ward 3, E. Y. Pon-. DELEGATES der, chairman, J. W. Burnett, 1 Delegates f r o m Madison R; W. Ponder, Roy Cook,"Jim County to the Democratic state Rpftvfs. and Mls Kathleen convention were named aslol- Riimfitt: and ward 4. Imp, Rami lows: Henry Roberts. Guv V. sey, chairman, Mrs: Carrie Rice Roberts, Opie Wells, W. ,K. Eugene Wallin, G e o r g e McLean, Dr. , W, A. Sams, Bridges, Crawford Bryan, John Clyde' Brown, Mrs. Minnie Flynn and W. J. "West - Parker, D.- G. Church, Fred Township 2' ward 1, Corry-'reeman, u. m. KODinson, . a. Wallin chairman, Olive Ray; Whitt, Elymas Ponder, I. N. Mrs. Esta Wallin, T. M. Wal- Carr, Fred Halcombe, Herbert lin. Talmadeft : Franklin. Dew Hawkins, C. C. Brown, Arthur ev Wallin : ward 2. H. E. Wal- Phoenix, Levi McLean, Edgar lin, chairman Mrs. T. E. Trim- Bryan, . Jack Payne, and Red ble, W. M. Roberts, T. E. Trim- McLean. . ... ble, Stanley Norton; township 1 ' River.- See its school buildinz oir an- uninhabited" island no other such location jp North Carolina. Stop in Marshall at the News-Record office for fur ther directions. Drive over Lonesome Mountain and Shd ton Laurel in Madison Counrr. Then visit Hot Springs, really warm, health-giving wafer flowing up from the earth. Drive over the DreciDitc Spririg Creek road, visit Ma Patch a day's drive of unex celled ' mountain scenery - orma of eversrreen laurel knd rhododendron. Ahadv, r drhnsm . r - ir cc U sparkling - springs, ' i. M&dison Coun-' uted $1.00 to cover the cost of the broadcast'ng: J N. Martin $1.00 Rallph Fisher - $1.00 F. A. Dodson $1.00 ering of wages and incomes of the massesr while the heads of these monopolies or near mo nopolies drew salaries ranging up to $250,000 per annum. Many observers believe that the only hope to be found in Guy English - $1.0 the creation of the codes is to Roberts Pharmacy Madison Telephone Co. W. A. Sams Q. C. Rector Model Grocery E. IK. Tweed A. W. Whitehurst J. H. Hutchins make easier the bridling of predatory interests, mainte nance of reasonable wages and i incomes, payment of reason able dividends on actual capi tal invested and the stabiliza-l tion of business otherwise. ! It is important at this period :A. J. Ramsey . of our history that every citi-N. B. McDevitt zen coniriuuie oi nis ininKing wm. money and action to this problem. J. C. Henderson Education is essential to thisiShelton Tweed Co. contribution and the tragedy Marshall Builders Supply Co. of it all is that our schools areService Motor Sales being allowed to go to pieces! Madison Farmens, Inc. in face of the need of the most i Roberts & Davis - sober thinking the nation has iTeague's Filling Station ever been called upon to give to The News-Record its problems in a great nation-'Moore's Pharmacy al situation. The Scottish Rite Icraig L. Rudisill . $1.00 . $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 . $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1,001 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 News. C. L. Brittain $t.00 ENTERTAINMENT: JUNE 25", A concert clas3 from the Odd Fellows orphan home at Golds- boro will give an entertainment at Marshall at 8 o'clock on the N. W. Carolina Utfe ... $1.00 Madison Scui&Group Met.May.iZr The Madison County singing convention met at Laurel Val-- ley May 27 and had one of it? most successful meetings. Ten classes and quartets attended. 3, J. R. Merrell, chairman, J. C. MISSIONARY SOCIETY Robinson, Jl. M. Whitt, B; E.K MEETS, THURSDAY Ammons. a. f. KODens, ana. ' Woman's Missionary of -the - Presbyterian Misg Ola Hunter: townshiD 4.1 Th ward 1, J. Clyde Brown, chair- Society man, Levi McLean, Doc Led- church will meet with-Mrs. C ford, Floyd, Holcombe, Nat C. Pulley at three o'clock Blankenship and Mrs. Kelly Thursday afternoon, June. 14, way; wara z, , a. urown, 1934. night of June 25. A chorus, The ones from out of Madison quartettes, and musical num-. County were a class and nuar- bers are on the program. tet from Ivy Gap in Yancey. The entertainment will prob- county and a class -and quartet: ably be held in the high school ; from Pleasant Hill - in Sun auditorium. It is being BPon-Vftmh Mimtv. Ths others sored by the local chapter of were from Madison.' Odd Fellows. The next resrular meetinK- This same group will give an Viii ho holH t th Rpwh Glen- entertainment at ..White Rock high school at 2 o'clock on the on June 26. afternoon of June 24. C. Pon- der is head of the group. It is" the intention of the singinft' rTllMQTDI IPTIOV .convention to promote religious ; yuna lkul i V voCfil mU3ic m Madison coun- xy. - -, ; STREET UNDER, No.little excitement and con- fusion ' i$ - being caused this surface and souring cement. week bv the orenarations to- ; The work is a federal nroj-- ward laying a top surface to ect, working through the State : the street of Marshall. Sev-.Highway department and the" era! persons living in or near. NRM. . What this NRM is mar Marshall have secured -jobs be a matter. of conjecture, buf digging up the present hard-jit is the NRM; nevertheless. - n -

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